The excellent poser art used in the story was donated by a beautiful lady named Veronica. She offered her amazing talents after reading my latest Veronica story and I'm eternally grateful she did. The lady is a true genius. So enjoy the story and her incredible art.
Before any of you send me an email telling me how stupid I am, I realise her top doesn't have UCLA or Bruins written across the front of it. So please, just use your imagination and enjoy the story.
UTILMATE FIGHTING! It was the latest craze which was quickly gaining support and fans around the world. Watching two extremely tough males doing their best to destroy each other was not only good entertainment, it was erotically satisfying. As much as we sometimes hate to admit it, people have an unquenchable thirst for blood and pain. And Ultimate Fighting fills that lustful craving like nothing else. It's popularity had grown so much, that the promoters decided to enlist some fresh young talent to the sport. So they traveled to numerous Colleges across the country and set up fighting events. Any male between the ages of 18 to 25 who was interested, signed up to fight elimination bouts. With the eventual winner given a contract and taken under their wing to be trained. Thousands of young men with dreams of being champion signed on the dotted line. UCLA was one of those Colleges.
Los Angeles California was overjoyed to have the Ultimate Fighting group visit their city. One hundred and eighty men from UCLA and the surrounding area signed up to participate in the elimination bouts. And the people who lived in the city was excited over the opportunity to attend the fights. Tickets to the first event were sold out in less then one hour. So the Coliseum was going to be jam packed with screaming fans when the elimination bouts got under way. Things were going just as the promoters had hoped they would. Los Angeles was the sixth city to quickly agree to host the event. And they were barely one quarter of the way through their tour. Their goal was to find at least two dozen new recruits to join the Ultimate Fighting ranks. So it appeared their goal was easily within reach. They were deliriously satisfied.
One of the young men who signed up was 21 year old Roger Garret. He was a Junior at UCLA and quite an athlete. Roger was a track and field man who also dabbled in cross country marathons. He was a huge fan of Ultimate Fighting and relished the idea of competing against other males to earn a spot on the roster. But Roger had one fault that really worried his girlfriend Marla. He didn't have a killer instinct. He was competitive in any sport he participated in. But he only put forth enough effort to win. Completely humiliating and destroying his opponent to gain his objective just wasn't in his nature. Roger was basically a nice guy. Ultimate Fighting was a brutal and dangerous sport. Nice guys who didn't possess the killer instinct could seriously get injured during the competition. Which is why Marla was concerned. Very concerned in fact.
But Marla wasn't the type of female who stepped on her mans dreams and tried to change him. She supported him one hundred percent and did anything she could to help him reach his goal. She encouraged Roger and prayed he would come out of it unscathed. And Roger was eternally grateful for her unwavering support and encouragement. Marla Woods was the best thing to ever come into his life. Every girlfriend he had before Marla paled in comparison. Marla was not only beautiful and intelligent, she had an understanding attitude and easy going way about her. Unless you made the mistake of making her angry. Then Marla turned into a whirling tornado who painfully swept you aside if you remained in her path. Roger saw her like that only once. But once was enough to convince him to always stay on her good side. It was much safer and one hell of a lot less painful.
Marla Woods grew up in a very tough Los Angeles neighborhood. She watched her mother and father work themselves half to death to barely make enough money for their family to survive. Her older brother was shot and killed when he attempted to rob a grocery store so he could feed his own family. That day Marla vowed to make a better life for herself. Fortunately she was smart and very athletic. Especially in the water. Marla was just as much at home in the water as any fish. So she joined the local boys and girls club and began competing in s wimming events. It wasn't long before she gained a reputation as a tough competitor who hated to lose. Trophy's began to pile up in her room from all of the events she won. When Marla graduated from high school she was highly recruited by many Colleges. But she decided to stay close to home and attend UCLA.
Marla was very popular around the UCLA campus. She was on the year book committee, wrote a column for the school newspaper, and was offered and accepted a spot on the cheerleading squad. Every sorority on campus was after her to pledge, and every male on campus was asking for a date. She was respected for her swimming ability and the honors she brought to the school. When she decided to choose Roger as her boyfriend, the male students were very unhappy. But they got over it and moved on. All but one that is. Drake Ramsey was the star athlete and BMOC. He thought Marla should have chosen him. And Drake was used to getting anything he wanted. But Marla didn't care for Drake because he was conceited and a bully. Because of his popularity, he took quite a few liberties with the female population. No one dared to report him because of who he was. And his father donated quite a bit of money to the school because it was his alma mater. So Drake more or less got away with murder.
The first day of competition Marla was sitting in the audience with clenched fists. Anxiety and worry spread across her beautiful face when Roger's name was announced. But she began to calm down about three minutes into the bout. Roger was handling his opponent with ease and looked comfortable in the ring. Ten minutes later the man submitted and Roger raised his arms in victory. Marla watched several other bouts whi le she patiently waited for Roger to shower and join her. When he arrived, she congratulated him and the two started to leave the arena. At that moment the announcer called for Drake Ramsey to enter the ring. Shivers ran up her spine at the mention of his name. She knew all about Drake and his bad reputation. Marla watched as Drake strutted down the isle like he was king of the world.
There was a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that wouldn't go away. Roger may eventually have to face Drake and that really scared her. So she talked Roger into staying for Drake's bout. She prayed Drake's opponent would win the fight and free her worried mind. But Drake completely destroyed the man with a smile on his face. When the massacre was over, Drake walked to the corner nearest Roger and pointed his finger at him. "I WANT YOU PUSSY! SO KEEP WINNING UNTIL I GET YOU IN THIS RING! THEN I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL MAN IS CAPABLE OF DOING TO A WIMP LIKE YOU!" The crowd ate it up and Roger laughed it off. But Marla was totally shaken by his actions. She knew Drake was still upset she chose Roger over him. So his outburst wasn't just idle threats. He meant business. Which meant Roger was in real danger.
Marla continuously expressed her feelings over what had just taken place. But Roger shrugged it off and told her to stop worrying. "Don't fret Marla. I can handle myself. Besides, Drake's bullshit was only hype to help promote the fights. He wasn't really serious." He told her with a smile. "I know Drake much better then you do honey. He meant every word he said. He's been looking for an excuse to tangle with you since the day I accepted your class pin. In his eyes, I should belong to him. So he too k it as a personal insult when I agreed to be your girlfriend. Drake is used to getting what ever he wants. And he wanted me. Losing something he desired to another man is not something he forgets. He not only meant those threats, he plans to carry them out. So please take him seriously and watch your back." She pleaded. "OK Marla. But I think you're worrying over nothing." He said shaking his head. Marla knew better.
Just as Marla feared, Roger kept winning and so did Drake. It was now down to the semi finals with only four contestants left. Roger was to face his opponent Saturday morning, while Drake's fight was later on that day. The two winners were to meet for the championship and the Ultimate Fighting contract the following Saturday. By now Marla was a nervous wreck. She began to pray Roger would lose his bout and end her suffering. She felt a little guilty, but it was in Roger's best interest. She definitely did not want to see him face off against Drake. The palms of her hands were heavily perspiring when Roger's bout began. The waiting and praying was over. The moment of truth was here. Roger's fight lasted nearly forty five minutes. Marla sat on the edge of her seat and agonized through the whole thing. But her prayers were not answered. Roger's hand was raised in the air when it was over.
While she was waiting for him to emerge from the dressing room, she was informed by one of his handlers that he had been taken to the hospital for x rays. Marla ran out of the arena and rushed to be by his side. She sat in the waiting room with tears in her beautiful brown eyes while she waited for the verdict. Two hours later, Roger stumbled through the door. His battered face was a complet e mess and his ribs were tightly wrapped up. The Doctor said he sustained two cracked ribs and his left ear drum had been ruptured. He also explained the swelling in his face would eventually go down, but several blood vessels behind his right eye had burst. He handed him over to Marla's care with a handful of prescriptions to be filled. Marla helped him to the car and quickly drove to the Pharmacy. Then she took him home and ordered him to lie down. Roger didn't argue. He knew he was in bad shape.
A sense of relief washed over Marla when she realised he wouldn't be able to compete next Saturday. She over heard several people talking while she was in the waiting room, and knew Drake had easily defeated his opponent. She also heard them discussing how Drake used dirty tactics to win his bout and got away with them. Rules in Ultimate Fighting are more or less non existent. But there are a few things that are deemed illegal. Head butting, eye gouging, and biting are strictly forbidden. But according to the people she heard talking, Drake used them all to defeat his opponent and wasn't disqualified for using them. But Marla didn't mind. Drake could take the Ultimate Fighting contract and stick it up his ass for all she cared. Roger was saved from meeting him in that ring next Saturday, so all was right with the world. His wounds would heal and things would get back to normal.
The Bruins had a basketball game Saturday with USC. The two schools were Pac Ten rivals and purely hated each other with a passion. Marla slipped into her cheerleader outfit and walked out the door. Just as she was about to climb into her car her cell phone rang. A friend informed her he had just spoken with Roger and had some unsettling news. Roger was planning on fighting Drake in the championship final. He refused to let this opportunity slip by without giving it his best effort. He wasn't about to let his piss poor condition stop him from trying to fulfil his dream. He apologised for failing to talk Roger out of his insanity, but he thought she should know what he was up to. Marla gratefully thanked him and sped towards Roger's home to put a stop to his nonsense one way or another. Males are to hardheaded for their own good. She said to herself. This time I'm putting my foot down. Roger will listen or else.
She leaped out of the car and charged through his front door. There stood Roger filling his gym bag with his things. "Where in the hell do you think you're going?" She asked a little angry. Roger was surprised to see Marla. But her showing up wasn't going to make a difference. He made his decision and it was final. Marla or no one else was talking him out of fighting. If he lost, then he lost. At least he had given it his best shot. Simply forfeiting the bout to Drake didn't set well with him. "Don't try to talk me out of it Marla. It won't do you any good. My mind is made up." He answered while he kept packing. "Come to your senses Roger. You're not in any shape to be fighting. Now stop packing that bag and listen to reason." she replied, hoping he would listen. But Roger completely ignored her. Marla decided another course of action was necessary. She had to save Roger from himself before he was permanently injured.
Marla closed the door and locked it. Then she turned and strolled towards Roger with a purpose. "Forgive me Roger. Your stubborn male attitude brought this on yourself. I can't allow you to leave this house in your condition. In fact, I forbid you to leave." Roger was about to tell her to back off when she roughly grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. Before he knew what was happening, Marla slipped her right arm around his neck and put him in a sleeper hold. Roger was totally taken by surprise. But he quickly got over it and reached up to free himself. Shock registered on his face when his muscular arms failed to ease the pressure on his throat. WHAT THE HELL? His mind screamed. He panicked and frantically clawed at Marla's arm to loosen her grip. But it was useless. She had a firm hold on him and he couldn't break it.
Roger valiantly struggled with everything he had to escape from his girlfriend. But Marla was simply to strong and wouldn't be denied. His feeble efforts got weaker and weaker, until his arms finally dropped to his sides and he sagged in her grip. Marla gently laid her unconscious boyfriend on the bed and tenderly kissed him on the fore head. "I really am sorry Roger. But your ridiculous behavior forced me to take drastic action. I absolutely refuse to let you ruin your life over some silly male conquest." Marla kissed him on the lips and lightly patted his cheek. "Sweet dreams baby. I'll come back and check on you later." She quietly slipped out of the house and closed the door. I guess I better go inform the Ultimate Fighting group that Roger won't be participating in their final today. That should make that bastard Drake happy. He can have the contract and good riddance. She said to herself as she climbed behind the wheel.
While Marla was driving to the Coliseum, her mind was filled with the bullshit Drake had pulled. Roger wouldn 't have been so determined to fight if Drake hadn't issued a challenge to him that first day. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Then there was the other incident Drake pulled that really had her pissed off. Tim Roberts was a sweet guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. She and Tim had worked on several projects together for the school paper. So he was a close friend of hers. When Tim refused to write a term paper for Drake when he ask him to, Drake beat him to a pulp. Someone should take care of that self centered bully once and for all. She spitefully said to herself. By the time Marla reached the Coliseum, she was mad enough to chew nails. On her way to the door, she decided that someone was going to be her.
The place was filled to capacity when Marla entered the arena. With her little cheerleading skirt whipping around her shapely hips, she walked down the isle and grabbed a mic from the table before she climbed into the ring. "DRAKE! DRAKE RAMSEY! SHOW YOURSELF YOU NO GOOD BASTARD!" She bellowed over the mic. The crowd was murmuring to each other wondering what was going on. Drake heard her call and left his dressing room to step into the entrance way. "AH, THERE YOU ARE YOU LOUD MOUTH ASSHOLE! ROGER IS IN NO CONDITION TO FIGHT YOU TODAY! SO I'M OFFERING TO TAKE HIS PLACE! GET YOUR WORTHLESS ASS IN THIS RING SO I CAN STOMP A MUDHOLE IN YOUR ASS! UNLESS YOU'RE AFRAID TO FIGHT A GIRL! ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO FACE ME YOU LITTLE WIMP? OR ARE YOU JUST A PUSSY WHO PRETENDS TO BE A BULLY? GET UP HERE AND PROVE YOU'RE A MAN IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS!" Drake was beside himself with anger. The mouthy bitch needed to be taught a painful lesson. And he was just the man to do it. He started towards the ring.
"I accept your challenge you fucking bitch. It will be my pleasure to shut that loud mouth of yours. What I had planned for your prissy boyfriend I will gladly do to you. You just made the biggest mistake of your life cunt." He bragged as he climbed between the ropes. "Bring it on you lousy son of a bitch. I can't wait to break you in half. You'll soon find out that females aren't as helpless as you think they are. And it's going to be a very painful lesson for you to learn. I guarantee it." Marla replied as she removed her tennis shoes and took a fighting stance. Drake smiled and stepped up to meet her. The promoters were on their way to the ring to stop this fiasco. But they decided against it when the audience threatened to riot if they didn't allow the fight to continue.
Marla and Drake preparing to meet head on.
Marla didn't waste any time. This bastard deserved a senseless beating and she couldn't wait to put the hurt on him. "SMACK!" She fired a hard left cross that nailed Drake right on the chin. He staggered back in surprise and rubbed his sore jaw. "Nice punch slut. But it's the last one you're going to land." He leaped forward and threw a murderous hay maker that would have put her down for good. But Marla surprised him again by ducking under it and landing a left hook over his eye when she popped up. "SMACK!" She moved away with a smile on her beautiful face and taunted his clumsy effort. "You have to do better then that if you want to shut me up. And I don't believe you can do it punk. I'm going to take you apart piece by piece. And smile while I listen to your painful screams and pathetic begging. Then I'll put you out of your misery. She confidently told the angry male fighter.
Marla landing a solid left cross that knocks Drake back.
Drake charged at her and threw a deluge of thunderous punches. Every one of them was designed to crush her skull and knock her ass out. Marla calmly avoided his vicious onslaught and patiently waited for her chance to strike. Drake was slightly thrown off balance when she dodged a particularly hard roundhouse he attempted. Marla quickly grabbed the back of his neck and his shoulder and repeatedly drove her knee into his vulnerable mid section with extremely incredible power. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" Drake's face turned bright red and he was gasping for breath like an asthmatic. "CRACK!" Marla blasted his chin with a devastating uppercut that dumped him on his ass. She stood over him with her fist tightly clenched while he sat there trying to clear his head.
Marla standing over Drake while he tries to collect himself.
"Get up you worthless piece of shit. I'm not even close to being finished with you. I'll let you know when it's time for you to lie at my feet and stay there. But that's a long way off yet. I need to beat you down like a dog and wipe up this ring with your battered body first. Then you can peacefully sleep under my foot while I raise my arms in victory. Now move your sorry ass." She sternly ordered. Drake shook the cob webs off and climbed to his feet. "I'm going to kill you whore. No one makes a fool out of me and gets away with it. So say your fucking prayers." He threatened. "Oh shut up you loud mouth pussy." Marla said as she leaped in the air and kicked him in the stomach with the strength of a wrecking ball behind her gorgeous leg. "WHAM!".....BOING!.....PLOP!" Drake shot backwards and bounced off of the ropes. He ended up splattered on his face at her feet
Marla landing a crunching kick that sent Drake flying.
Drake clutched his ruined stomach and moaned. His face was all scrunched up from the terrible pain he felt. "What's the matter pansy ass? Did I hurt your little tummy?" She asked with a smile. "Fuck you bitch." Drake managed to gasp between moans. He struggled to his hands and knees and nearly screamed when the excruciating pain shot through his body. Damn. It feels like she ripped or punctured something inside of me with that kick. It hurts like hell. He said to himself. "Maybe this will help take your mind off of your sore tummy you little sissy." Marla said as she snatched his hair and jerked him up to his knees. "WHAM!" She slammed her knee in his face and knocked Drake over in the corner on his back. "I'll bet you're not thinking about your stomach now." She told the dazed male fighter while she laughed in his face. Drake was to groggy to answer.
Marla delivering a crushing blow to his face with her knee.
"It's not polite to ignore a lady when she's speaking to you asshole. I guess I'll have to teach you some manners as well." Marla leaped on the delirious Drake and began to pound him at will. Rights and lefts were plowing into his swelling face with unbelievable strength. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Drake came out of his stupor and tried to defend himself. But Marla's feminine arms were driving her hard female fists into his face at an alarming rate. He would block one punch, and receive three more bone shattering blows before he could stop another one. Her slender arms were pumping like a jack hammer and he couldn't keep up with them. He tried to mount his own attack but it was useless. Each time he drew back his fist, he temporarily lost his senses when one of hers connected. Things didn't look good.
Marla straddling his prone body to begin his destruction.
"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Marla continuously rained solid punches down on his rapidly swelling face. His feeble efforts to stop or slow her down were completely ineffective. She poured it on with a smile on her beautiful face while the helpless male beneath her was screaming in painful agony. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "That's it wimp. Scream for me." "SMACK..SMACK!" "You've had this coming for a long time." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "So don't expect any sympathy from me." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "What you did to poor Tim was inexcusable you lousy bullying bastard." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "He didn't do a damn thing to you." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Except tell you to go to hell." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Which is where you belong you son of a bitch." "SMACK!..SMACK!"
Marla beating Drake to a pulp with both fists.
"How do you like being on the receiving end of a beating Drake?" "SMACK!..SMACK!" "It's not as much fun as giving one is it?" "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Well that's your problem punk, not mine." "SMACK!..SMACK!" Drake tried to throw her off but his strength had been severely sapped by the terrible beating Marla was inflicting on him. She calmly grabbed his weakened arms and pinned them under her knees. "Now we can resume our little discussion without being interrupted wimp." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Oh yes, that's much better. I have a clear path to your ugly face with your pathetic male arms out of my way." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Isn't this fun asshole?" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Marla beat the poor man senseless while she kept him pinned down. Drake was crying like a baby and quickly losing consciousness.
Drake helplessly pinned down while Marla beats him senseless.
A friend of Drake's was sitting in the audience with his girlfriend. Watching Marla massacre Drake was really pissing him off. When he noticed his girlfriend was enjoying the show, he totally blew up. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you see that bitch is making a fool out of Drake?" He hatefully asked. "I know she is. Isn't it great?" She replied with a cute smile. "No it's not great you stupid bimbo. And I'm going to put a stop to it." He said as he leaped out of his chair. "Oh no you don't buster." She said as she reached up and snatched him by the back of his collar. A quick jerk was all it took to drag him down in her lap. "You stay out of it and mind your own business. If Drake isn't man enough to handle her, then that's his problem." She emphatically told her struggling boyfriend. "LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING CRAZY BITCH!" He screamed as he fought to free himself from her clutches. She squinted her eyes and glared at him. "You asked for it buster. I will not put up with being talked to like that."
She roughly flipped him over on his stomach and wrapped her legs around his neck in a scissor hold. His right arm was wrenched up his back in a hammerlock by her right hand, and his left arm was shoved between her legs and trapped under her petite ass. Then she used her left hand to smother his mouth so he couldn't talk or scream. The poor young man was lying in her lap and tied up in knots. "Now keep your big mouth shut wimp. I can't hear Drake scream over your loud wailing." She told her pinned down boyfriend with a smile on her lovely face. He tried to use his legs to kick himself loose, but all he managed to do was kick the seat behind him. The girl who was sitting there trapped his legs between hers and clamped down tight. "Thanks ." His girlfriend said with a grin. "No problem. Sometimes you have to show them who's boss." She replied with a grin of her own. The two girls settled back to watch Marla while her boyfriend laid in her lap and whimpered.
Marla continued to pepper his unprotected face with machine gun like punches. Drake was pleading for his life while heavy tears ran down his swollen cheeks. But Marla ignored his pitiful begging and kept drilling him. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Marla finally stopped and climbed off of his badly beaten body. Tears were pouring out of his red, swollen eyes by the bucket full. Drake could offer no resistance when she grabbed him by the legs and dragged his battered body to the middle of the ring. Pitiful whimpers escaped his busted up mouth because he feared what she was going to do to him next. He wasn't long in finding out. Marla lifted his legs in the air and stepped between them to jam her right foot over his throat. His pitiful attempt to remove her foot with his useless arms was pathetic.
Marla choking him with her foot while spreading his legs apart.
"Did you ever play make a wish when you was a kid pansy ass? Two people pinch both sides of a wish bone between their fingers and silently make a wish while they pull on their side of the bone until it snaps. The person holding the short bone is supposed to have his or her wish come true. Hmmmmmmm. It doesn't look like you understood my explanation. So why don't I just show you. Make a wish weakling." Marla's face lit up with a huge smile while she pressed down on his throat and spread his legs apart. "UUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Drake tried to scream, but it was choked off by her foot. "Do you see how it works? No? Then let me show you again." She pulled his legs further apart and laughed at his gurgling scream. "UUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "I think you're getting the hang of it now. It was a fun game while I was a child. Although I don't remember ever having one of my wishes come true. So I guess it was nothing more then a silly kids game."
Drake's upper body was flopping around like he was having an epileptic fit. The overwhelming pain in his crotch was unbearable. But there was nothing he could do to stop Marla from torturing him. His male strength had evaporated and his fighting spirit had been crushed by the beautiful blond warrior. He was putty in her hands and totally at her mercy. When the realization of his situation sunk in, he completely broke down. He had been thoroughly demolished in this battle of the sexes by a female. A beautiful female who often invaded his dreams at night. A female who rightfully should belong to him. A female who's ripe body he yearned to feel under his manly hands since the first day he met her. But sadly, the first time he got near that perfect body of hers, she used it to destroy him. It just wasn't fair.
Marla sensed she had broken him. He was meekly lying there sobbing without attempting to free himself at all. Drake had given up and accepted defeat. His docile behavior was positive proof of that. She released his badly sprained legs and straddled his limp body with her hands on her shapely hips. "Have you had enough weakling?" She asked the pitifully crying bully. "Yes Marla. I can't take anymore. Please stop hurting me. I'm begging you." He pleaded with a whining voice. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm a girl of my word, so I'll end your suffering and put you out of your misery. Don't ever bother me or my friends again if you don't want me to repeat this little discussion of ours. Because the next time, I may beat you to death. Am I making myself clear asshole?" She sternly asked. "Yes Marla. You've painfully made your point. I swear I'll leave you all alone." He whimpered. "Good boy. Then it's time for you to go to sleep. Sweet dreams wimp."
Marla grabbed a hand full of his hair and pulled his upper body off of the canvas. Then she drew back her fist and sent it flying towards his chin with all the power she could generate. "CRRACKK!" The hay maker uppercut exploded on his chin like a stack of dynamite going off. Drake was out cold before his limp body slammed into the canvas and bounced. Marla placed her foot on his heaving chest and raised her right arm in a muscle pose. The crowd was screaming her name while they gave her a standing ovation. The Ultimate Fighting promoters dropped their heads to their chest and slowly walked out the door. Maybe they would find a worthy fighter at the next stop on their tour. Because UCLA had been a complete bust. They would be laughed out of town if they returned with a female on their roster. But like it or not, they had to admit the truth to themselves. The beautiful, athletic female in that ring, showed more promise then any male they had collected so far. And they seriously doubted if they would find a male who could equal her.
Marla standing over Drake's unconscious body in victory.