Lisa administers discipline. (Illustrated)

By Crohnsman

Poser art by the lovely Tasha Morales.

Lisa returns from traveling to set my dominate girlfriend straight.

This story is number 200 on my list. So I decided to write it starring the beautiful Lisa who started it all. And I would like to take this monumental occasion to express my gratitude to those who read my stories. Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help.

I had just finished paying the bills and going over my financial statements. Now I was staring at the walls in my study. I do that a lot since my daughter Lisa left to travel around the globe. She briefly thought about attending College with several of her girlfriends when she graduated from high school. But she eventually decided it would be a waste of her time. She didn't need a career to make a living because I am extremely wealthy. Actually I should rephrase that. Lisa is the one who is wealthy, because she controls my life. She gave me a terrible beating when she was sixteen and took over as head of the household. I became a slave to Lisa while she rules my very existence with an iron hand. And she has never relinquished her power. She has painfully proved on numerous occasions that I am not man enough to change that fact. So my fate is sealed.

Lisa moped around the house for about six months when she made up her mind not to attend College. Nearly all of her girlfriends was not as well off as she was. So they left town to earn a degree and make a life for themselves. Linda was the only one to remain behind. Her parents passed away in an automobile accident and left Linda financially stable through life insurance policies. The two of them were hanging out one day listening to music, when they suddenly decided to travel around the world and see the wonderful sights. They left a week later. I haven't seen Lisa since that day, and they've been gone for almost a year. I periodically get post cards in the mail from exotic places like Paris France and London England. But that's it. So I sit around like a lonely old man and stare at the walls.

With Lisa away I could actually do anything I wanted to. But I haven't had much contact with the outside world since she took control. She forced me to quit my job because we didn't need the money. Then she turned me into her personal slave and I became maid of her domain. For over two years I lived by her rules and only left the house to buy groceries. So I had no friends to chat with or a favorite place to hang out and enjoy myself. But the loneliness was about to drive me crazy. So I took a chance and drove uptown to a coffee shop I used to frequent before Lisa changed my life. I didn't plan on talking to anyone because I had been absence from society for far to long. I wouldn't know how to strike up or carry on a conversation. I simply wanted to be around a crowd where it wouldn't be so God damn quiet.

But to my sur prise, a woman started talking to me while we were waiting in line to order. I didn't want to appear rude so I chatted with her and thought that was the end of it. But she continued talking and I was forced to reply. She was very friendly and easy to talk to. Eventually I felt at ease with her and got over being nervous. When we finally got our coffee, we sat down at a table together and carried on with our conversation. The lady's name was Vanessa and she was extremely attractive. She had shoulder length dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes you could lose yourself in if you stared into them very long. She was thirty three years old and had a gorgeous body that looked exceptionally fit. By the time we finished our coffee, we made a date to meet there again the next day. My spirit was soaring high during my drive home.

After two weeks of meeting for coffee and discussing our lives, I asked Vanessa out on a date. She accepted and we had a wonderful time together. I told her about my divorce and my daughter Lisa. Although I left out the part about Lisa ruling my life. She said she had never been married because she hadn't met Mr. right yet. Her older brother Ben was an Architect who was also single and lived in her home with her. Their parents lived somewhere in the Midwest and they rarely got together because of some silly family dispute. I didn't pry because it was none of my business. Vanessa and I dated for three months and I fell madly in love with her. I was extremely anxious about asking her to marry me because of Lisa. But those three months were the happiest of my life. I felt I deserved to be happy, so I threw caution to the wind and proposed. I was overjoyed when Vanessa said yes.

A month later I realised I had been played for a fool and made a terrible mistake. Vanessa suggested we move in together. My house was larger then hers of course, so she and Ben moved their things into mine. Vanessa and I had never had sex. I didn't want to chance ruining our relationship, for fear of being turned down if I asked. But it was her idea to live together and we were going to be sleeping in the same bed. So I felt it would be safe to bring up the subject when we turned in that night. I was one horny son of a bitch because I hadn't had sex with a woman since Lisa made me her slave. Three years without sexual release can drive a man totally insane. I slobbered all over myself, every time I looked at Vanessa's fabulous body. So I was deliriously excited over the prospect of having sex with her. That night is when I found out what a complete fool I had been.

I was as nervous as a cat in a dog kennel while I waited for Vanessa to exit the bathroom. I already had a steel rod hard on just thinking about what was about to happen. I prayed I wouldn't lose my load to quickly and thoroughly disappoint her. Although I was positive I wouldn't have a problem getting it hard again if I did. She knew I suffered through a three year drought without sex. So hopefully she would be understanding and forgive me if I prematurely ejaculated. I was pacing the floor and wringing my sweaty hands while I continuously stared at the bathroom door. I stopped dead in my tracks and was breathing heavily when it suddenly opened up. Vanessa was a vision of loveliness when she stepped into the room. I swear, my heart quit beating for a few seconds while my eyes roamed over her perfectly shaped, flawless skinned body.

"We need to set some ground rules Richard. So put your eyes back in your head." She flatly stated. Her tone of voice scared me a little and shook me out of my hypnotic trance. "Uhh sure Vanessa. What ever you say." I replied. "Good boy. Now sit down and keep your mouth shut." She ordered. As soon as I heard her say good boy, my body began to tremble. Lisa used that phrase quite often. I slowly sat down on the bed with a puzzled look on my face. Vanessa strolled over and stood in front of me with her hands spread out on her hips. "Rule number one. I NEVER have sex with men. I merely use them as sex objects for my own personal pleasure. I explain what I desire and they obediently carry out my instructions. They willingly do this, or I give them a severe beating and force them to obey my wishes. Is that understood?" She nonchalantly asked.

I was completely at a loss for words. This simply couldn't be happening. I mentally pictured all of my hopes and dreams swirling down the drain to be washed away forever. I could only stare at her with a blank expression. "SLAP!" Vanessa gave me a vicious slap across the face. "Answer me you stupid moron." She impatiently requested. I rubbed my reddened cheek and finally opened my mouth to speak. "No Vanessa. I don't understand. What the hell is going on?" I asked. "It's really very simple." She said with a smile. "I knew the minute I saw you you had money. A man wearing six hundred dollar shoes and expensive clothes is hard to ignore. So I put you in my sights and turned on the charm. And I must say, you're one of the easiest marks I've ever found. Hell, I hardly had to guide you at all. You walked right into my trap and didn't suspect a thing. And now that you're mine, I'm taking over."

I was pissed. Mainly at myself for being dumb enough to fall for her scheme. But I was angry. And I wasn't taking this lying down. As far as I could see, it was a simple matter of throwing her and Ben out on their ass. Regardless of her boastful threat to give me a beating, I was positive I could take her. I'm 6 foot 2 inches tall and weigh 210 pounds. While I estimated Vanessa to be 5 foot 8 and roughly 130 pounds. I've been beaten to a pulp countless times by Lisa and the girls in her fighting club. But surely not every female was capable of defeating me in a fist fight. At least that's what I was thinking. So I leaped off of the bed and fired a powerful right that would put Vanessa down for the count. But she easily dodged my murderous swing and smiled. "I did warn you wimp. You should have listened. Now we'll do this the hard way." She said while putting her fists up.

I drew back my arm to deliver another punch which I hoped would land. But before I got a chance to throw it, my jaw was suddenly in excruciating pain. "SMACK!" I whimpered and stumbled back. Vanessa was grinning at the shocked look on my face. My jaw was throbbing like a tooth ache and I never even saw her hand move. "I'm going to use you as a punching bag you pathetic little wimp. So get used to the pain." She confidently told me. "One punch doesn't win a fight bitch." I said while I began chucking a bevy of thunderous punches. Vanessa laughed and moved her well developed body like a professional boxer to avoid my attack. "I could have easily knocked you out with one punch. But I want to prolong your suffering while I beat you senseless to prove how pitiful you are." She replied with a smile.

Vanessa cracking my jaw with a solid right that staggers me.

I missed her evasive body with every punch I threw. Vanessa finally got tired of fighting defensively and opened her potent arsenal. I never stood a chance in hell. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" The first two ripped into my eyes and made me wince. Then the next three softened up my mid section, before her straight right busted my mouth open and sent me reeling back out of control. I grabbed the bed post to stop my momentum and shook my head to clear it. "This won't take long at all. You'll be crawling at my feet and begging for mercy in no time. Now get your ass back over here you big pussy." She ordered with a smile. Her confident attitude was really grating on my nerves. I charged the bitch like a stampeding elephant to drive her into the floor and shut her fucking loud mouth. That was a big mistake. "WHAP!" She snapped her leg up and smashed her toes into my chin like a battering ram. My charge immediately came to a halt.

Vanessa stopping my charge by crushing my chin with her toes.

That devastating kick was the beginning of the end for me. When her ridged toes met my chin, I completely lost my senses. From that point on, Vanessa beat me at will. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" Both cheeks began to swell and my nose was shattered. Then she buried her fists so deep into my stomach, it folded around them like putty. But the explosive uppercut was the clincher. I saw a million tiny stars flashing in front of my eyes, before they rolled up in their sockets and I hit the floor at her feet. I was barely conscious and no longer a threat. Vanessa dragged me to my feet and roughly shook me awake. My muscular male arms remained at my sides and my wobbly knees were severely buckled. But she was easily able to support my dead weight body while she held me steady in front of her. "Now listen carefully weakling." She commanded after shaking me again. "I'll give you another painful beating if I have to repeat myself. So pay strict attention."

"Rule number two. I absolutely will not tolerate insubordination." "SMACK!" My right eye began to swell and turn black. "Rule number three. Every infraction of the rules will be extremely dealt with quickly and painfully." "SMACK!" A large bruise appeared on my forehead. "Rule number four. All of my orders will be carried out efficiently." "SMACK!" Now I had a matched set of swollen black eyes. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "Wake up and pay attention sleepy head." She ordered while shaking the hell out of me. "Rule number five. My pleasure is your number one priority." "SMACK!" My cheek ballooned up and changed colors. "Rule number six. Everything you own is now mine." "SMACK!" It felt like she cracked my jaw. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "I sa id wake up you little sissy. You're falling asleep again."

"Rule number seven. Keep your mouth shut until I give you permission to speak." "SMACK!" Now my other cheek was puffy and purple. "Rule number eight. Anticipate my needs so I don't have to constantly tell you what to do." "SMACK!" She chipped a tooth and loosened a few others. "Rule number nine. Remain docile and obedient at all times." "SMACK!" A large red mark appeared on my swollen chin. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "OPEN YOUR GOD DAMN EYES WIMP!" She hatefully screamed while brutally shaking me again. "Rule number ten. Now pay close attention weakling. Because this is why you have to obey rules one through nine. I AM THE BOSS! Always remember that." Vanessa jerked my limp body into position and smiled. "Now you have my permission to go to sleep. So say good night pussy." "CRRRACK!" Her destructive fist slammed into my chin like a wrecking ball. I was out cold before I landed on the bed in a spreadeagled position. "What a pathetic little wimp." Vanessa said as she walked away.

Me unconscious on the bed while the beautiful Vanessa walks off.

I don't know what time it was when I woke up. But it was late. I was lying in the floor on the large throw rug next to my bed. It hurt like hell to move, but I managed to struggle to my feet. Because of the pale moonlight shining through the window, I could see Vanessa sleeping peacefully on my bed. Every step I took caused me considerable pain. But I had to get the hell out of there. I made it about six steps before something tripped me and dumped my battered frame in the floor on my swollen face. My pain racked body hurt so much, that I hadn't noticed the thin rope tied around my leg. Unfortunately, the other end of the rope was tied to Vanessa's slender ankle. The sudden jerk had awakened her and she was extremely angry. I was already crying by the time she untied the rope and leaped out of bed.

Vanessa gave me a minor beating for disturbing her beauty sleep. Then she threw my limp body on the bed and used me as a sex toy to relieve her sexual desires. After riding my badly swollen face to receive multiple orgasms, Vanessa hauled me to my feet and gave me a lecture for my stupidity. "SMMMACK!" Then she knocked me out with a single punch and dropped me back on the throw rug. "Now stay there you little bastard and don't disturb me again. I don't want to see your ugly face until you bring me breakfast in bed tomorrow morning." She told my unconscious body as she climbed back in bed. I didn't have a problem following that command. The tremendous punch she landed on my jaw had really scrambled my brain. I slept clean through the night without twitching a muscle.

For the next seven months I was once again a slave in my own home. I quickly realised Ben was in the same predicament I was. Vanessa ran rough shod over us both and never gave us a moments peace. I should have noticed the typical behavior of a frightened slave when Vanessa and I was dating. It was the life I've had to endure for nearly three years. But somehow it eluded me. I now recall Ben carrying out her every whim while she controlled his movements like a puppet on a string. But at the time, I simply assumed he was being a helpful older brother. I've mentally chastised myself numerous times for missing the tell tale warning signs concerning Ben. But it was to late to cry over spilt milk, so I quit beating myself up over it. It certainly wasn't helping my situation.

Vanessa finally made a fatal mistake that was going to put an end to her fearful reign of terror. She had a Lawyer friend/slave of hers, check into my financial situation in an attempt to stop Lisa from spending so much money. He regretfully informed Vanessa there was no legal way she could put a stop to it. Lisa's name was legally attached to all of my holdings. So she had a right to do as she pleased with the money or any piece of property I owned. The man received a terrible beating for being incompetent and was sent packing. Vanessa was exceptionally cruel towards me after being disappointed. Several times she stripped me naked and whipped my bare ass with a razor strap while I was draped over her lap. She hated losing with a passion and I painfully paid the price for her anger.

A few weeks later, we returned home from a shopping spree. Ben and I was ordered to carry Vanessa's new things to her bedroom. She followed along behind to strip down and get comfortable. After Ben and I put her things away, we were told to remove our clothes and start dinner. Vanessa liked to keep us nearly naked so she could quickly punish us if we fucked up. Vanessa bought some steaks to grill for dinner while we were out. So I went to fire up the gas grill while Ben remained in the kitchen to prepare the steaks. Vanessa was taking a sponge bath to cool off while we worked. Unknown to us all, Lisa had returned home while we were away. She was contacted by the bank when they noticed someone besides myself was checking into her account. Vanessa didn't know it, but she was about to be put in her place.

Lisa had just stepped out of her personal shower when we entered the house. She was about to scream at me to come to her room when she heard a female voice. So she kept quiet and dried herself off. Then she put on a pair of panties and a light top before slipping out of her room to investigate. She heard a noise in the kitchen so she descended the stairs to check it out. Ben was marinating the steaks when she charged through the swinging doors and entered the kitchen. Her sudden appearance scared him half to death. He jumped and splattered marinate sauce on her top. Lisa didn't waste time asking questions. "CRACK!" She drilled him on the chin with a sledge hammer uppercut that knocked him out the sliding glass doors onto the patio. She ripped the stained top off and angrily went after him with blood in her eyes.

Lisa clubbing Ben on the chin with a tremendous uppercut.

She was on him in a hurry. Before Ben had a chance to say a word, her right leg shot up like it was spring loaded and she crushed his surprised face with the sole of her foot. "WHAP!" Ben back pedalled out of control before he finally lost his footing and tumbled to the ground. I heard the commotion and ran to see what the hell was going on. I figured Vanessa was brutally punishing Ben for breaking one or more of her outlandish rules. So I have no idea why I charged toward danger like a knight in shinning armour. I sure as hell wasn't going to jump in and try to save him. I was to frightened of the domineering Vanessa to even attempt a crazy stunt like that. It was just one of those idiotic things people sometimes do which they can't explain. I couldn't believe my eyes when I rushed around the corner and saw Lisa standing there.

Lisa landing a vicious kick that knocks Ben off of his feet.

Ben had reached his feet but he was stumbling around on shaky legs like an inebriated drunk. I was struck speechless when I saw Lisa and was unable to intervene on his behalf. She leaped in the air like a Prima Ballerina and rammed the sole of her foot against the side of his head. "WHAP!" Ben toppled over like he had been hit by a speeding car and laid there moaning in a stupor. I still hadn't found my voice when Lisa gracefully landed on her feet. She angrily turned in my direction to interrogate me about why there was strangers living here. But before she could utter a sound, we heard Vanessa's loud voice bellowing from the kitchen. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OUT THERE?" Lisa squinted her cold green eyes and stormed off to painfully take care of the female intruder who had no business in her house.

Lisa dropping Ben with a bell ringing kick to the side of his head.

Lisa made it to the doorway just as Vanessa stepped out on the patio. Vanessa stopped in mid stride with a surprised look on her face. "Who the fuck are you?" She asked after gaining control of herself. "That's funny. I was just about to ask you the same question bitch. Because I know for a fact you have no business being in my house. So speak up before I rip your fucking head off and kick it down the driveway." Lisa hatefully replied with a snarl. "Ohhh. You must be sissy boy daughter. There's been some changes around here little girl. And I'm afraid you'll have to accept them whether you like it or not. So be a good little bitch and keep your mouth shut." Vanessa answered as she started to walk around her. Lisa struck without warning. "THUD!..SMACK!" A solid right to the mid section bent Vanessa over. Then a stinging left hook knocked her off balance.

Lisa plowing into Vanessa's stomach with a solid right.

"I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT YOU FUCKING SLUT!" Vanessa screamed as she went in swinging. But she wasn't fucking with a novice fighter or a pitifully weak male now. Lisa had honed her fighting skills to perfection. After dodging the first three punches she blocked the next two. Then she put her offense into high gear and turned the key on. Vanessa was quickly reduced to a pile of sobbing human flesh. And I enjoyed every second of it. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" She drove Vanessa around the patio like she was behind the wheel of a car. Vanessa was whimpering and whining the whole time. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" She hit the ground sobbing. "It doesn't look like anything around here has changed to me." Lisa said as she dragged Vanessa to her feet. "I'm still the one in charge." She held Vanessa steady and smiled.

"Cat got your tongue bitch?" "SMACK!" "I don't hear your mouth running anymore." "SMACK!" "Maybe it's because you're chewing on my fist." "SMACK!" "And if you don't like the taste of that." "SMACK!" "Then let's see if you like the taste of my foot." "WHAP!" Lisa snapped her leg up and slammed her foot into Vanessa's face. She hit the ground like a sopping wet dish rag and laid there wailing like a banshee. "How about it bitch. Did my foot taste any better?" Lisa asked while standing over Vanessa with her arms crossed over her breasts. The high and mighty Vanessa didn't look so tough while she lay at Lisa's feet crying her eyes out. I was smiling like a young boy in a candy store while I watched Vanessa get her just rewards. If anyone deserved to be beaten and humiliated it was that bitch. I was having a ball.

Lisa putting Vanessa down with a punishing kick to the face.

"That's enough rest big mouth. Let's continue our conversation." Lisa told her as she hauled the sobbing woman to her feet. "No..please. Let's.. talk.. this.. over." Vanessa pleaded. "We are talking big mouth. I'd say we're having a very lively discussion. I'm just letting my fists and feet do my talking for me. Now hold still." Lisa said with a smile. Vanessa turned snow white. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "CRRRACK!" A mind numbing uppercut exploded on Vanessa's chin and sent her flying through the sliding glass doors. She was sprawled in the floor out cold when Lisa walked in after her. "I guess that proves who's boss in this house you fucking whore." Lisa said as she placed her foot on the side of Vanessa's head and looked down on her with contempt.

I was just about to enter the kitchen when Ben shoved me aside and charged at Lisa. "SMMMACK!" A powerful back fist struck him flush in the face and stopped his charge like he had run into a steel wall. Ben's muscular frame stood there for a few seconds like he was posing for a canvas painting. Then he slowly keeled over backwards and hit the floor like a ton of bricks. "SLAM!" "God I'm glad to see you Lisa." I said as I rushed over to her. "You have no idea what I've been throu" "WHAM!" That's as far as I got before she rammed her knee into my balls. I clutched my aching testicles and whimpered while I collapsed at her feet. "I can't leave you alone for one second. As soon as I'm gone, you move people into my house like it's a fucking Motel." She sternly scolded.

Lisa kneeing me in the balls to punish me for fucking up.

"I'm sorry Lisa. I was so lonely while you was gone. Vanessa was friendly and seemed like a very nice person when I met her. She duped me into falling in love with her and I was suddenly happy again. But she changed the minute I let her move in and I wasn't man enough to throw her out." Ben stumbled to his feet while I was explaining and was unfortunate enough to be in range of Lisa's fist. "SMMMACK!" She blasted his jaw with a vicious right cross and dumped him on top of Vanessa's sleeping body. "Stay down wimp. Or I'll beat you to a fucking pulp." He definitely wasn't going to disobey that order for a very long time. Ben's interruption seemed to make Lisa's anger boil over. I was frightened out of my mind when she yanked me up from the floor.

"I don't want to hear your pitiful excuses. So keep your fucking mouth shut. You brought people into my home without my permission. So I'm left with no choice but to severely discipline you for breaking a cardinal rule. You really should have known better weakling. But I guess you have no fucking brains at all. Your bare ass is going to be red and raw by the time I'm finished with you dad. Now take a short nap while I round up my hair brush." I knew there was no sense in trying to talk her out of it. So I raised my chin to give her a better angle while heavy tears poured out of my eyes. "Good boy. Now hold real still and don't move." "CRRRACK!" I was unconscious before my muscular body landed on the stairs. Lisa planted her foot on the piled up bodies below her. "You two are going to get a harsh spanking as well when you wake up. Then I'll explain the duties you'll be expected to perform as my new slaves. So enjoy your freedom while you can." She said w ith a beautiful smile.

Lisa talking to her two new slaves while they sleep under her foot.

Two more times in the next few months, Vanessa tried to unseat the supreme ruler of the house and take over. But she miserably failed on both occasions. Lisa gave her such a terrible beating the last time, that I'm not sure she's right in the head anymore. Ben was slightly upset because of that, but what could do. So we settled into a routine with the three of us serving our female master. Ben and I wait on Lisa hand and foot, while Vanessa is forced to do the unfavorable jobs. Like cleaning the stools, the tubs, and the oven. Me and Ben are used to being slaves so to us we're living a normal life. But for the domineering Vanessa it's a different story. She hates every second of it with a passion. She beats us up when Lisa is away so she can enjoy being the one with the power again. But she painfully pays for it when Lisa comes home. Which makes me happy. It's really Vanessa's fault for being trapped in a hopeless situation. She never dreamed there was another female in the world who was tougher then she was. But I knew. A beautiful blond haired beauty turned me into a fearful coward when she was sixteen. And I've faithfully served her ever since.