Linda beats up her bully brother. By Crohnsman2 ..... Sixteen year old Linda severly beats, humiliates, and spanks her twenty one year old brother. Sixteen year old Linda had been bullied by her twenty one year old brother Robert, all of her young life. Lisa, a friend of hers, had shown her and some friends, that she could beat up her dad who was much bigger then she was. Lisa told Linda and her friends, Lana and Dana, that they could learn to fight like her, so they could beat up who ever was bothering them. Linda had been taking lessons from Lisa for about three months now, and according to Lisa was getting pretty good . She didn't know that today she was about to find out just how good, and change her life forever. Linda and Robert's parents were well off, and were always on romantic getaways. This month they were in the Virgin Islands, leaving the kids to fend for themselves. They always left plenty of money to handle what ever the kids needed. But Robert who was home from College on spring break, never went to the store regularly so they always seemed to be short on supplies. He didn't know it but it was going to cost him dearly this time for screwing up. Linda reached into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of soda. Heading to her room, she didn't notice her brother Robert coming up behind her. Grabbing the soda out of her hand he said, thats the last soda you little twerp so i'm taking it. You will just have to wait until i can find time to get to the store. Going into the living room he dropped down on the sofa to watch the game. Linda was tired of this and knew something had to be done. Robert was a junior in college and played on all the sport teams. He was captain of the wrestling team and the football team and co-captain of all of the rest. He was the best player no matter what the sport, and very popular around campus. He was the apple of his parents eye and they thought he never did anything wrong. Thats why he had gotten away with bullying her all of her life, because no one ever believed she was telling the truth. Lisa said she was ready and she trusted her, so she went into the living room to confront him. For years she had been at the mercy of her brother and decided it was time to change that. she realised this was the perfect opportunity to fight back, and thanks to Lisa she felt prepared. Strolling over in front of the TV Linda blocked his view. Move it twerp he said, i can't see. If you don't stop bullying me Robert you won't be able to see at all, was the reply Linda gave him. "WHAT!" he screamed, shut up and move or i am going to hurt you. "MAKE ME!" Said the the slender young girl. Linda, i'm going to break you in half if you don't move, the muscular young man replied. I said "MAKE ME!" Bobbie she said grinning, knowing he hated that name. THATS IT TWERP you asked for it, and you know mom and dad won't believe you if you try to tattle. The irritated young man stood, and started toward her. Linda began to wonder if she was doing the right thing. Robert was 6 feet tall and weighed 190 pounds, and it was solid muscle from all the sports he played. His arms were huge and his thighs were as big as her waist. He looked very menaceing as he came at her. Linda was about 5 foot tall and weighed 85 pounds, and even though she was into gymnastics and her young body was firm, it really looked like a total mismatch. But she was commited now, so she threw caution to the wind, and waited. Robert reached out to grab her and drag her from in front of the TV, with a snarl on his face. Linda side stepped him and threw a right that connected to his eye, SMACK..he stopped dead in his tracks and reached up to feel his eye, with a grimace on his face. Linda backed up a few steps and grinned at what she had just done. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU're DOING LINDA, the young man shouted. I'm really gonna hurt you now. He charged his younger sister like a rhino. Linda waited until he was almost on her, then she shot her right foot out and caught him in the stomach. Even though his stomach was solid muscle, Between him coming forward and the force of her foot going out, the air rushed from his lungs as her foot connected, and he doubled over. Linda brought an uppercut up from the floor and snapped his chin back. SMACK..the young man dropped to the floor on his back. All the worry left Linda's mind at that moment. Lisa was right, she WAS ready and it was time to pay Robert back for all the bullying and teasing he had put her through all these years. She slipped her white cotton socks off like Lisa had taught her, to get better traction, and turned to face her mighty hulk of a brother. Standing there bare foot in her snow white short outfit, her coal black hair flowing to her shoulders, and her bright blue eyes looking alive, was a confident young female fighter. Now i'm going to kill you twerp, said the muscular young man. You're going to pay big time for what you just did. He started throwing punches with the intent of taking the young girls head off. Remembering her training, Linda remained calm and began to duck and dodge to evade the murderous punches her big brother was firing at her. Robert had chucked at least ten hard punches before he stopped to figure out why he had not hit her yet. She should be on the floor crying by now. Missed me big brother Linda taunted, as she smiled. She realised, even though Robert was much bigger then her, he was slow and cumbersome with his punches. She knew now that she was quicker then him, and since he was a dumb jock she was smarter then him. The stronger and tougher part would come later when he tired out. She smiled to herself knowing she was going to win, it was just a matter of time. What are you smiling at you little twerp, don't you know i'm gonna wipe that smile off your face, the muscular young man said confidently? Come ahead big brother and get your beating, replied the confident girl fighter. Again the bulky muscular young man fired punches at his little sister, but this time he got the surprise of his life. She started punching back. He missed a right..SMACK..Linda punched him in the mouth..he missed a left..SMACK..she hit him in the nose. As he kept missing, she didn't..SMACK..she connected with a right to his eye..she ducked his lumbering left..SMACK..she punched him in the other eye..he missed her again as she dodged..SMACK..a hard right to his lip. Robert was getting pissed while his punches kept missing..SMACK..a left hook to his eye again..she dodged two more hard punches..SMACK.. SMACK..she fired two of her own to his stomach..totally upset with himself he threw another hard right and missed again..SMACK..a right to his mouth split his lip. She smiled as her brother stopped his attack, and stood there with a confused look on his bewildered face. Whats the matter Bobbie can't you hit me, she taunted. You've just been lucky so far runt, i'll have you crying in no time, the young man bragged. Somebodys going to be crying wimp but it won't be me, she replied. His massive frame rose to its full height, now you're going to get it good twerp. The powerfully built, muscular young man attacked again with thunderous punches aimed at Linda's firm young body and cute round face. He should have listened to his little sister, because a massacre was about to happen and he was going to be on the receiving end. He was just to stupid to realise it. A roundhouse right sailed over Linda's head..SMACK..a right to his he missed her again..SMACK..a left to his nose..she dodged another punch and..SMACK..a right to his mouth. Robert was reall getting annoyed. He should have hit her by now. Another right cross missed her..SMACK.. SMACK..she popped him twice to his cheeks..she ducked under a hard right and..SMACK.. she threw a left to his mouth. As she danced around him he kept missing..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she fired two to his flat hard stomach and one to his lip..he tried another roundhouse that she ducked..SMACK..SMACK.. a right and left to his eyes. Robert stopped punching and Linda stood back to look at him, laughing. Having a little trouble there aren't you Bobbie. He just stared at her wondering what the hell was going on. Not waiting for him this time, the young confident fighter went on the offensive..SMACK.. to his lip..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..three to his his jaw and his mouth. Robert was trying to defend himself, and couldn't figure out why he was still getting hit. Linda started to taunt the muscular young man as she peppered're getting easier to hit Bobbie..SMACK..can't figure this out can you're not so tough now are you..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she stepped back to admire her handy work. This is fun isn't it Bobbie, the young dark haired fighter teased? Shut your mouth you little bitch he said, or you're dead. He threw a haymaker of a punch at her head. Drawing her head back slighly, the punch missed and he was off balance. SMACK..Linda punched him to the side of the head and the bulky young man crashed to the floor. Get a good look at the floor Bobbie because your going to see alot of it, she taunted. Robert rose and charged at her, trying to tackle the defiant young girl. Linda stepped aside and as he passed her, she kicked him in the butt with her right bare foot. He crashed to the floor again. Told you you were going to see a lot of that floor boy.. He got to his feet and realised he was beginning to breathe a little hard. He had to stop this now. The large muscular young athlete put up his fists, and came at his grinning perky young sister, determined to smash her to bits. Linda put up her fists and met him in the middle of the room, grinning from ear to ear. She should have done this years ago, she thought to herself. She felt fantastic. They stood toe to toe each giving no quarter, and slugged it out. But only one was doing any slugging while the other kept missing repeatedly. SMACK..i think your eye is swelling Bobbie.. SMACK..that lip doesn't look good either..SMACK..SMACK..those cheeks look a little purple sissy..SMACK..its a good color for you wimp. SMACK..SMACK..your nose is feeling a little soft pansy..SMACK..the other eye is swelling now..SMACK..SMACK..that stomach isn't so hard now either..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..that mouth is really puffy too..SMACK..this is fun Bobbie. Something was wrong, he was really breathing hard now, and his face was beginning to hurt. He couldn't loose to his twit little sister, but he couldn't seem to punch her at all. He had never had a problem like this before. Everyone at school looked up to him, and his sister was afraid of him. Wasn't she? So, why wasn't she running from him screaming like she used to. Something was really really wrong. Well don't worry, his mind told him, you're captain and co-captain of every sport at college. You'll figure it out. He faced his young tormenter and she was giggling uncontrolablly. Whats the matter Bobbie, confused? Linda felt great. She was really enjoying herself . Her young hard fists were taking her bulky muscular big brother apart, and he had a look of bewilderment on his face. His face was also beginning to show the marks of her precise punches. She could just kiss Lisa right now, for showing her she was somebody important in this world, and not just a weak female victim. She would go over and tell her all about it when she was done. Meanwhile she had a big strapping bully of a brother to finish teaching a lesson. Come here Bobbie and get the beating your sweet young sister has waiting for you. Linda stepped up to him smiling. SMACK..i think your nose just broke boy..SMACK..your eye is turning black too..SMACK..oops, i mean both of them are turning black, she giggled. SMACK..SMACK..your lips are swelling pansy..SMACK..SMACK..and those cheeks are definately turning purple..SMACK..was that a tooth i seen fly out of your mouth sissy..SMACK..SMACK..i was right, Bobbie, your stomach is getting soft..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..ohhhhh i bet that hurt wimpy. Robert was lost, he just couldn't hit her at all. The little bitch never seemed to be where he was punching. His confidence was fading and he didn't know what to do. Linda looked in his face and was sure she had seen fear. Time to find out for sure. The young dark haired tomboy went at him again, her blue eyes flashing with pride. Here i come Bobbie stop me if you can, she said. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he was backing up for the first time and she seen the fear for sure this getting scared don't fight very well wimp..SMACK..can't stop me can you sissy? Linda realised her big bully brother was running out of steam, so she poured it on feeling like an avengeing angel..SMACK..SMACK..your face is swelling pansy..SMACK..your mouth is getting much bigger too..SMACK..yes, that nose is broken. SMACK..SMACK..your eyes are really black now wimp..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..three to the chin and he dropped to the floor. "SHE PUT YOU DOWN" his mind screamed at him,"GET UP MAN GET UP" Robert climbed to his feet. Linda went at him again..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he was totally confused and hurting all over. Why the hell can't i hit her. One punch is all i need, his confused mind told him.SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he dropped to the floor again, as she smiled. YES! She shouted, reveling in her sucess. Having trouble staying on your feet weakling, Linda taunted. The large male fighter rose to his feet again. Is that a tear i see in your eye sissy she asked giggling? NO, you little bitch, something just got in my eye. Laughing she replied, yeah, my fist did. She went on the attack again, giving him no respite. SMACK SMACK..SMACK..he was backing up again, and didn't know how to stop her. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..the tough young girl peppered him, and she could see his stamina was waining quickly. She was having a ball. He tried to mount an offense, but nothing seemed to work..he missed a right..SMACK..his eye swelled more..he missed again with a left hook..SMACK..his mouth busted wide open..another large male fist missed her again..SMACK..SMACK..his cheeks were on fire. Linda laughed at him as his clumsey efforts couldn't find their mark..SMACK..the other eye hurt like hell..she dodged another ham like fist..SMACK..his nose flatted to his face..she danced away from another hard right..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his head snapped up and down. He tried a roundhouse right, and as she ducked, he lost his balance and flopped to the floor. HEY, the little tomboy taunted, i want to knock you down wimp, quit falling on your own. Robert struggled to his feet. His arms were becoming heavy and hard to hold up, he had to get in just one punch, and end this nightmare, NOW! he swung, but she wasn't there anymore. SMACK..i don't know what they see in you at that college..SMACK..your just a pitiful little can't even beat me..SMACK..i'm only sixteen, remember Bobbie..SMACK..some big jock you are weakling. SMACK..SMACK..i'm just a girl used to bully me..SMACK..REMEMBER WIMP..SMACK..i'm the new bully in town now Bobbie..SMACK..and you are my little sissy boy..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his legs buckled and down he went again. As he climbed to his feet, the shapely young fighter advanced on him. It was time she showed him she was superior to him in every way. She backed him to the wall with a barrage of hard quick punches..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..hishead snapped back and forth like it wasn't attached to his neck. As his back hit the wall, he had nowhere to go to get away from those hard female fists that were drilling him.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..two rights and a left to his face and he slid down the wall to sit on his butt. He looked up at the young girl he had bullied all of his life, and she was smiling. He could see, that she was as fresh as she was when they started, and his courage began to fail him. "GET UP BOBBIE, I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET WEAKLING!" She was laughing at him, and he felt something he had never felt before. SHAME! He began to cry, and Linda was ecstatic.Oh, Did Linda make the big bully cry, she said smiling. "GET UP BOY AND I'LL MAKE YOU CRY SOME MORE! She told her large male adversary. Or do you admit that i am your superior, wimp. Linda walked back to the center of the room. She turned back to the hulk of a male that was lying against the wall crying. Come on Bobbie, come get your lesson that your sweet young sister is going to teach you. Robert struggled up on his feet. He couldn't let that little twerp talk to him that way. He raised his mighty muscular arms, and walked toward his twit of sister, with determination on his face. If he knew what was going to happen to him, he would have tried to run. But he wasn't very smart. Linda began dancing on her pretty bare feet, toying with him. Try as he might, Robert just couldn't seem to find her. But she had no trouble at all finding him. SMACK..his eye was black now..SMACK.. he couldn't breathe out of his broken nose..SMACK..SMACK..his lips were grotesque. SMACK..his other eye blackened..SMACK..SMACK..his cheeks were very swollen..SMACK..his stomach was becoming soft..SMACK..SMACK..his jaw felt broken..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his face was completely discolored now..SMACK..his legs folded up and he slumped to the floor again. Linda giggled, boy you just can't stay on your feet little Bobbie, "CAN YOU WEAKLING!" "GET UP WIMP!" I'm not through getting my revenge for sixteen years of suffering at your bully hands, so now you are going to suffer from mine. Robert crawled to his hands and knees, and finally made it to his feet. He threw a right, and Linda just blocked it, there was no power behind those mighty fists any longer..SMACK..your weak you sissy..she blocked his left..SMACK..i'm going to take you apart, piece by piece pansy..she batted away his next try..SMACK..and i'm going to enjoy every minute of it weakling..SMACK..he colapsed at her feet. PL.PL.PLease.. L.L.Linda.. st.stop.. i've h.had en.n.nough.. pl.please. "YES, HE WAS BEGGING!" No can do Bobbie, your lesson is not near over yet, she said gleefully. "GET UP BOY!" Nooooo s.s.sis.. pl.please, he begged. Linda reached down and grabbed him by the hair and shirt, and dragged him to his feet. I'm sure you wouldn't listen to me, if the shoe was on the other foot weakling, "SO FIGHT". He threw a punch, but she caught it in her feminine hand, and twisted his arm savagely to the left, AARRRGGGHHH he screamed. She laughed, and punched him in the swollen mouth..SMACK..he dropped to her pretty bare feet again. I tell you what wimpy, crawl to me and kiss my feet, and i'll think about letting you off the hook. What, he said, t.thats.. d.d.disgusting. You're going to do it when i'm finished with you, so you might as well get an early start, and save yourself some pain Bobbie, she replied. Go h.h.hell.. b.b.bitch, he whined. He slowly climbed to his feet, and turned to her. Linda picked her targets, and systematically broke down his battered body, and his bewildered mind, as she proved to him he had no chance of winning. Firm female fists were spearing into his body and head..SMACK..SMACK..his huge thighs were beginning to tremble..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his mighty muscular arms were totally useless..SMACK..SMACK.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his hard flat stomach was turned to mush. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his once handsome face was being rearanged..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his sport cyphering mind seemed to be blank..SMACK..SMACK.. his mighty frame sagged..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his fighting spirit was being broken. SMACK..SMACK..his will was being destroyed..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his heart was disappearing.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he was completely lost for an answer to this terrible ordeal. He slammed into the floor face first, and whimpered like a baby. Last chance Bobbie, she said, crawl to me and kiss my feet, NOW! Go to h.h.hell.. b.b.b.bitch. he wimpered pitifully. Linda just smiled, I'm glad you said that wimp, i'm having to much fun to stop now. So prepare to get your ass kicked some more. She helped the large male fighter to his feet, and stepping back, she said, are you ready Bobbie boy, because here i come for your lesson. Linda battered his mighty frame across the room, smiling really should have listened, pansy boy..SMACK..but you will learn..SMACK..we have plenty of time..SMACK.. and i am having fun weakling..SMACK..SMACK..but i bet you're not sissy. SMACK..but who cares ..SMACK..SMACK..just start begging Bobbie boy and i might leave you alone..SMACK..oh well, probably not..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..Robert slumped to the floor again, at her pretty feet. His once strong, hard body was flopping around on the floor, trying to get up. Linda was glowing with pride, as she watched him struggle. This was better then Birthdays, Easter, Holloween, and Christmas, all rolled into one. She had never felt like this before. She was a conqueror, an avenging angel, for young girls everywhere, thanks to Lisa. She was going to really love her new life. But poor little Bobbie, sure as hell wasn't. She felt great. "GET UP BOBBIE BOY" your little sister has more surprises waiting for you, she giggled. Go to h.h.hell and l.leave.. b.b.b.bitch, the crying man replied. You know you shouldn't talk like that little Bobbie, Linda's gonna have to spank you for being naughty, now "GET UP PUSSY BOY, OR ELSE!" Robert struggled to his hands and knees. His female tormenter, stretched out her leg, and rubbed her bare foot in his face. As the young man went to bat it away, she flexed her knee, causing him to miss, then she snapped her foot forward..SMACK..kicking him in the face and knocking him to the floor again. I told you, you were going to see a lot of that floor wimp, she said laughing. He used all the strength he could muster, to get to his feet. Good boy Bobbie, now come to Linda, the spirited young fighter said grinning. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his head was flopping up and down like a bobble head doll, as she drove him back. Fist after fist, battered the beaten young man, while he stumbled back. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his back met the wall, and he slumped down to the floor, crying and pleading. PL.PL.please.. L.L.Linda.. st.stop.. pl.please.. en.n.nough. Sorry wimp, but i've got sixteen years of pain to catch up with, "SO GET UP!" "NOW!" I c.can't, pl.please i c.c.can't, he wimpered. Get up sissy, because if i have to help you up, the beating will get more severe. "NOW MOVE IT!" The bulky young man cried like a baby, as he slowly rose to his feet. "FIGHT BOY!" Somehow he managed to raise his right fist, and swung it at her cute smiling face. It connected to her cheek, but it was like a babys punch. There was no power behind it at all. Linda stood there laughing in his face, as he raised his left and hit her on the other cheek. Three times, he hit her with each fist, and through all six blows, Linda smiled at his feeble attempts to hurt her. That felt like Grandma, when she pats my cheeks, you little weakling sissy. Let me show you how to punch. Grabbing him by the shirt, she spun him away from the wall, back toward the center of the room. As she raised her firm feminine fist, she seen the fear, in the young mans face. Smilling, she snapped her young, hard fist forward..SMACK..his head flopped back, and he colapsed to the floor, on his back, out cold. Elated, Linda put up her fist, punching the air, and said, "YES, I KNOCKED HIM OUT!" She picked up the warm soda sitting on the end table, and went to get some ice to fix her a cold drink. When she returned to the living room, Robert was still sleeping like a baby. Quenching her thirst, she sat the soda down, and smiling, she strolled to the sleeping young man, to wake him up. She definitely still had plans for her ex bully brother, that he was not going to like. Kneeling down, she slapped her brother awake. Now listen carefully little Bobbie, she explained. I'm going to walk over to the center of the room. When i get there, i'm going to order you to crawl to me and kiss my feet. You have one minute to comply with my wishes. If you don't, i will come back and you will receive a severe fifteen minute beating. Then we will repeat the process until you obey. Standing, she strolled to the center of the room. As she reached the spot, she turned, and placing her feminine hands on slender hips, she spread her pretty feet slightly, and said. Alright little Bobbie, "CRAWL TO ME, NOW BOY!" He raised his black and blue, battered face and stared at her. Several seconds later Linda said, your minute is going fast wimp you had better hurry. Go to h.hell.. b.b.bitch, the young man replied. When your minute is up she said, we will see who's going to be in hell. Seconds later, Linda walked back to the defient young man. OK, times up wimp. She helped him to his feet, and grabbing his shoulders, slammed him against the wall. Placing a shaply firm leg between his, to help hold him in place, she looked into his nearly closed black and blue eyes. You really are a stupid little boy Bobbie, she said shaking her pretty head, now you will learn to mind me. Short, straight, rights and lefts, smashed the boy's head against the wall. SMACK..SMACK.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..tears were falling from his swollen battered eyes, as he pleaded for her to stop. L.L.L.Linda.. pl.please..,stop. SMACK..SMACK..i can't do that boy, you didn't mind me. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he started to slide to the right, so she had to stop his punishment long enough to straighten him back up. SMACK.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..could be heard, as she resumed his terrible beating. At the end of the fifteen minutes, Linda stepped back, and the young man slammed to the floor at her feet, sound asleep. Grinning, she went to the kitchen to make her a ham sandwich. Returning, she sat on the sofa, placing her pretty bare feet on the ottoman and ate her sandwich while she finished the soda. Taking the glass to the kitchen, she returned and walked to the beaten, stubbern young man. She again slapped him awake. OK wimp, another chance to show me you can be a good little boy and mind your sister. Or she will have to punish you again. Linda went to the center of the room. Again spreading her feet and placing her hands on her hips, commanded, "CRAWL TO ME BOBBIE, AND KISS MY FEET!" His battered swollen face just stared at the floor not answering. I'm enjoying this much more then you are i'm sure you weakling, and i've got as long as it takes to make you obedient. So its your choice. But i really think you are making the wrong one, she stated. When the minute was up, swaying her young feminine hips to show him it was a girl coming to beat him, she went to the bulky young man lying on the floor. Smiling, she help him to his feet and held him steady by his shirt. She looked at his beaten, battered face and spoke. You really are not very bright wimpy Bobbie, but i'm sure you will smarten up by the time i'm through with you. So get ready for lesson number two, on obedience. She drew back her right female fist, and started his lesson.SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK.. he started wailing like a child, as she beat him..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he slumped to his knees as she continued..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK.. his distorted face was mushy everywhere, as her firm feminine fists pounded him. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his eyes were nearly closed, and his mouth looked grotesque, as she beat him to unconciousness. Turning loose of him after the fifteen minute massacre, he again dropped at her feet. Linda decided to give him some respite, and herself a brief rest. Picking up a magazine, she reclined on the sofa and read for a half an hour. Finishing the magazine, Robert was still fast asleep, so she went to him and woke him up. Third try little Bobbie, to see if you have learned anything. She strolled to the middle of the room, and said, you know what i want you to do sissy, "SO CRAWL, NOW!" Again he just lay there not speaking. At the end of the minute, Linda went back to him shaking her head. You will learn little Bobbie, that your foolish decisions are very painful for you. But i don't mind because i haven't had so much fun in all my young life. Even though you may not be able to see me out of those swollen discolored eyes, i know you can hear me. So you better start listening. Hefting him to his knees, she continued his lesson, as he sobbingly pleaded with her, to leave him alone. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..l.l.leave.. al.l.lone.. L.L.Linda.. st. st.stop. I can't do that Bobbie my boy, until you obey me. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK.. switching hands, she punched him with her left for awhile..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she didn't recognize him herself, at the end of the fifteen minute period. He again slumped to the floor unconcious. Kneeling, she slapped him awake. Fourth time pansy boy, lets see if you have learned anything. She turned and went to the middle of the room again. As she turned to face him, she felt like screaming at the top of her lungs, "I DID IT, HE'S BEATEN!" Robert had already started crawling toward her. Smiling, hands on slender female hips, she waited for the bully brother she had just broken, to reach her. Life was grand. Good boy Bobbie, i think you might be getting a little smarter. Now place those swollen lips of yours on my right bare foot and firmly kiss it until i order you to switch. And do a good job wimp, or you will make me angry. You don't want me to get angry do you Bobbie boy? No L.L.Linda.. i d.d.don't.. w.w.ant to ..m.m.make.. Good boy little sissy. "NOW START KISSING!" Robert kissed her soft smooth foot and toes, like he had done it all of his life. Ordering him to switch, after about ten minutes, he repeated his homage to her left bare foot, for another ten minutes, feeling humiliated and ashamed. Now turn over weakling, so you can pay respect to my feminine soles. Come on L.L.Linda, no m.more, th.thats enough. "BIG MISTAKE BOBBIE BOY!" "YOU JUST MADE ME ANGRY WEAKLING!" You just don't learn. Linda went over and picked up one of her white cotton socks, she had disgarded when she had started his beating. Turning back, she laughed at her big brother, who was trying to crawl toward the door to get away from her. Kicking him to his back, she sat on his large athletic chest. Placing the sock on the floor for a second, she grabbed his arms and pinned them to the floor. He had tried to stop her, but his weak muscular arms, were no match for her young strong feminine ones. Linda laughed as she realized she had reached her other two final goals. She was now tougher, and stronger then her mighty ex bully brother. Bending his arms at the elbows ang bringing his hands near his head, she placed her knees over his arms and wrists and easily pinned his massive bulky frame to the floor. Taking the sock and stuffing it in his swollen mouth, she looked into his blackened, nearly closed eyes and smiled. I told you when we started you wouldn't be seeing anything when i finished with you. And you're almost there Bobbie boy. Now, about not minding me. I have beaten you senseless wimp, and you are mine. When i give you an order, you will learn to obey without question. I decide when it is enough weakling, not you. "GOT IT!" As she raised her fists, she seen the fear flood his beaten battered face, and almost became giddy with excitement. She had never felt better in her life. Begging, pleading and whimpering will not help you pansy, and i probably won't understand you anyway with my sock in your mouth. So just try and lie there and take your punishment like a good little boy. Tears were streaming down his battered bruised face as she grinned and started his punishment. will mind will not will not word is law will obey the law. SMACK..if you attempt to stand up to me, i will beat you senseless..SMACK..your only thought will be to keep me happy..SMACK..if i'm not happy you will be belong to that clear..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. Robert was sound asleep again, so she decided to stop his punishment for the moment. She was smiling as she looked at his pulverized face. His eyes were swollen shut, his mouth was missing three teeth, his lips were as big as his thumbs, his cheeks were rainbow colored, his nose was broken and mashed to his face, his jaw was puffy and seemed off its hinge, and his entire swollen face was tear stained all over. She loved her art work immensely. Slapping him awake, she removed the sock and asked, have you learned to mind me little Bobbie. L.L.Linda let up. I guess not, she said. Putting the sock back in his mouth, she explained, "YOU MUST LEARN YOUR LESSON BOY, I CAN'T ALLOW YOU TO DISOBEY ME!" She resumed the beating. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he was asleep again. You really are stupid Bobbie, she said to her unconcious brother. But i can out last you so you will learn. She slapped him awake, and as she put her fists up, his muffled screams sounded like he was saying, OK OK OK. she removed the sock and asked. What was that sissy. I s.said, OK L.Linda.. i g.give up.. i g.g.give up.. i will m.mind you.. stop b.b.eating me.. i can't.. t.take.. anym.more. Good boy weakling, i knew you would come around to my way of thinking. Now, you must mind what i tell you, or the beatings will resume. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND BOBBIE BOY!" Yes i just.. st.stop.. L.Linda.. Kicking him back on his stomach, Linda sat on the small of his back. Slipping her firm slender arms under his much larger weak ones and clasping her hands behind his thick neck, she put him in a full nelson. Placing her pretty bare feet out to the sides for leverage, she wrenched him up off the floor. Leaning back as far as she could, she held him in the air for ten minutes, laughing at his feeble struggles to get out of the hold. He was screaming as loud as he could through the sock stuffed in his mouth. His back was near the breaking point, and his useless arms were completely numb. By the time she let him drop, he was whimpering like a child. Linda crawled off his massive frame, and sitting on her butt, scooted back about eight feet from her beaten brother. Crawl to me wimpy and show your lovely sister that you have learned you place. I want those busted lips on my toes and bare feet, gently kissing until i order you to stop. "IS THAT CLEAR WEAKLING!" Yes L.L.inda, its "IT HAD BETTER BE!" Linda bent her knees, placing her bare feet firmly on the floor, and waited for her ex bully brother to do her bidding. Smiling to herself. He had to do something before she killed him. His will to fight was gone, his spirit broken, his courage disolved. The only way to stop her was to obey. His mighty body that had run over line backers like they were children, and pinned Herculean warriors to the mat, was nearly destroyed. He cried like a baby, as shame and humiliation spread over him while he crawled to his sixteen year old, black haired, blue eyed, younger sister, and did as she commanded. The taste and smell of her bare feet, was disgusting and degrading, but he dare not try to disobey. He kissed each silky soft bare foot for fifteen minutes, before she ordered him to turn to his back. He was then forced to feel her soft smooth soles mash his battered face for another fifteen minutes each. Until she was satisfied. Thats enough Bobbie, i think you know your place now, so you may stop. Linda rose and went to her bedroom, as the young man lie on the floor crying pitifully, Thinking his ordeal was over. Linda returned to the living room carrying her hair brush, and picked up her other sock. As he looked into her face, fear was showing on his, and he began to cry even harder. I told you i would have to punish you for your foul language Bobbie. I can't allow you to talk to me that way. I am in charge now. He half crawled and was half dragged over to the ottoman, kicking and screaming. Sitting down, Linda told him to crawl across her lap or else. Pleading with her was useless he knew, but he had to try. NOOOO LINDA NOOOOO, DON'T DO THIS PLEASE. Placing the brush on the floor, she grabbed him by the shirt with her strong feminine hand, and pulled his face up to hers. Looking in his black swollen eyes, noses touching, she told him how things were. "YOU EITHER GET ACROSS MY LAP AND TAKE YOUR SPANKING, OR I WILL USE THIS ON YOU AGAIN!" She placed her fist in front of his face, to show him what she was talking about. "AND THIS TIME THE BEATINGS WILL BE TWENTY MINUTES LONG BETWEEN SESSIONS!" "IS THAT CLEAR WEAKLING!" Tears rolled down his battered, multi colored face, as he climbed across her lap. GOOD BOY BOBBIE, she said. You are learning sissy. He was totally humiliated, but couldn't face those terrible fists again. Stuffing her white sock in his mouth to muffle his screams, she put him in the position she wanted. She put both of his large weak arms behind his back in a double hammerlock. Putting her thumb and first finger of her left hand around the bottom wrist, and the other three fingers around the top, and grasping both of his hands with her right, she wrenched his arms high up on his back. The sock choked off his screams. She was able to hold both of his massive arms with only her left feminine hand, because there was no strength left in them. She pulled his shorts and underpants down near his knees, and bared his butt for his spanking. She pulled her right leg out from under him, and placed it over both of his legs, to help minimize his kicking. You must learn not to speak to me in that manner again little Bobbie. I will not stand for it. "I AM THE BOSS AND YOU WILL MIND ME OR ELSE!" Picking up the brush, she told the frightened young man to prepare himself for his punishment. With him solidly in position and his arms held firmly by her left hand, she raised the brush and began. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she spanked both of his bare cheeks, fifty strokes each, as he squirmed and cried like a baby. When she was satisfied, she put the brush down and released his arms. Removing her leg to untrap his and grabbing him by the hair, she pulled him back to knell at her feet. Looking him in his blackened eyes she said, do you agree i have thoroughly beaten you wimp? Yes.. L.L.Linda. Do you agree i am smarter then you pansy? Yes.. L.L.Linda..I Do you agree that i am tougher then you are sissy? Yes.. i L.L.Linda. Do you agree that i am stronger then you are weakling? Yes.. L.L.Linda.. y.yes. Do you agree i am a better fighter and wrestler then you are pussy? Yes.. L.Linda. And do you agree that "I AM THE BOSS IN THIS HOUSE NOW!" Yes.. i L.inda. Good boy. I'm proud of you for learning your place. You can tell mom and dad, or who ever else wants to know, what ever you like. Six big guys from the opposing team beat you up to keep you out of the big game. Or something to that effect. But you and i will know the truth, won't we little Bobbie? Yes L.L.Linda.. w.we.. w.w.will. OK good boy, i think you're learning wimp. You had better be for your sake. And your health. You will have to go to bed without your dinner, for using that foul language. I will not allow that anymore. IS THAT CLEAR. Yes Linda i'm ..s.s.sorry. OK thats better little Bobbie. Now go to your room and get in your bed and go to sleep. B.B.But its only s.s.six ..o'clock. "ARE YOU ARGUEING WITH ME WEAKLING!? His multi colored face turned white as he replied, NOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE LINDA NOOOOOOOO. Pointing her finger toward his room, she said, you had better move then pussy, "NOW GO TO BED!" As he scurried away crawling to his room, sobbing pitifully, laughter was ringing in his ears from the sixteen year old, black haired, blue eyed, new FEMALE bully of the house.