I apologise to UHP for stealing his idea for a story. But the theme was so intriguing I couldn't help myself. So I apologise again and ask that he forgive me.
My wife Krissy and I usually made decisions together. But if it was an important matter that would effect our lives I always exerted my privilege as head of the household and made the final decision myself. I knew Krissy wasn't happy about it but she never complained. Until our car broke down and we had to buy a new one. Now Krissy being a typical female wanted us to get another mini van. But I was sick and tired of driving sissy cars with no get up and go. I wanted something that was sharp and classy. With a roaring engine that screamed LOOK OUT, here comes a mans man. We squabbled back and forth for days but were unable to come to an agreement. I finally put my foot down and played the head of the household card. "Oh no you don't Richard. You're not getting away with it this time. Why do you think you have the right to over rule me. You're not the boss in this house." She defiantly told me. "I didn't exactly say I was the boss Krissy that's just how it is. Men have more common sense then women when it comes to deciding important matters." I tried to explain.
"Is that so. Well I say men have no common sense at all. You think with your dicks instead of your brain." "That's nothing but female propaganda and you know it." I said defending my gender. "Oh really. Then let me give you an example. All a female has to do is touch your little penis and you pathetic males get weak in the knees and turn to jelly. While women can control their urges because they're much more level headed." She said with a know it all smile. "That's bullshit Krissy. Everyone of you females take one look at a mans hard dick and completely fall apart. You lose control of your senses and beg for it on your knees like a bitch in heat. So don't give me that control crap." I fired back. Krissy stood there for a moment and thought it over before speaking her mind. The solution she finally came up with was a complete surprise to me.
"I thought you would say something like that. Since you think a mans will power is stronger then a woman's I'm going to give you a chance to prove it. You and I will wrestle each other with no time limit. The objective is to make your opponent cum as many times as you can until he or she is unable to continue. When that happens the loser accepts defeat and the winner becomes the boss in this house and gets to make all of the final decisions. Do you accept my challenge?" I was in shock. "You can't be serious Krissy. I out weigh you by at least eighty pounds and my arms look like tree trunks compared to yours." "Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. So put your money where your mouth is or go out and buy a mini van. It's your choice." She said while impatiently tapping her foot. "In that case I accept your terms." I quickly replied. "Good. We'll settle this on Saturday." She said while walking off. I merely stood there shaking my head in disbelief.
Friday evening I went out and bought a huge roll of plastic to cover the bedroom floor. We didn't want our body fluids to saturate the carpet and ruin it. Actually I should say Krissy's orgasmic juices because there's no way in hell she had the strength over power me and force me to have a climax. She has a firm athletic body but my solid muscular frame would be impossible for her to handle. She's simply to weak. Plus I wrestled in high school and College so I had experience on my side as well. While Krissy had never wrestled in her life. So there was no doubt in my mind who would prevail in this battle of the sexes and gain the title of boss. Then things would return to normal and I could begin looking for the car I've always wanted. So Saturday morning we were standing in our respective corners to do battle. Krissy stripped down to her panties while I wore a thong. Her slender female body looked soft and fragile next to my muscular male frame. It was all I could do to keep from laughing in her face. She really can't believe she has a prayer of winning this battle. I thought to myself. This is going to be so quick and easy.
"You're going down girl." I said trying to intimidate her." "Keep dreaming honey. You'll soon be laying in my arms and begging me to let you give up. But I'll keep you weak and under my control until you admit I'm the boss." She answered with extreme confidence. We warmed up to limber our muscles before giving the signal. "Are you ready to be reduced to a whimpering pile of male flesh?" She asked. "Bring it on girl so I can show you why I'm the boss." I replied with a cocky grin. We met in the middle of the floor and went to lock arms. All of a sudden Krissy grabbed my wrist and twisted my right arm out from my body. I squealed like a pig and bent over to ease the pain. She began to systematically bend and twist my arm until it was behind my back in a hammer lock. While she held it there with her left hand she wrapped her right arm around my throat and took me to the floor. Krissy was in complete control while she forced me up on my right side and braced her left knee against my back to keep my arm in place. After putting her right leg against my chest to keep me from rolling over, she dragged my left arm over her upraised knee and firmly held it there with her left hand. I was thoroughly pinned down and unable to stop her when she moved my thong aside and took my dick in her soft right hand to fondle me.
"I've got you now big boy. Get ready to have your first orgasm." She proudly stated. I tried to squirm out of her holds but she had me firmly pinned down. Her gentle strokes made my strength disappear in seconds and left me weak as a kitten. My eyes slowly closed and I fell into a deep trance while my head flopped on the floor. "You're just putty in my hands honey bunch. Now be a good boy and shoot your load on the floor for me." She taunted. I was floating on clouds and didn't hear a word she said. Her silky soft hand had me under control and I was to weak to resist. A few minutes later I was pitifully whimpering and begging for release. "That's a good boy." She said with a cocky grin when my hot cum splattered on the floor in front of me. "You'll be wrapped around my little finger in no time." Krissy brought me back to reality and skipped back to her corner with a smile. I begrudgingly grabbed the bucket of water by the door and cleaned up the mess on the floor. Then I washed my hands in the second bucket we brought and skulked back to my corner with a befuddled mind.
I was thoroughly surprised Krissy was able to handle me so quickly and easily. But I let it slip from my mind and vowed to not let it happen again. When we met in the middle of the floor for the next match I was determined to take her down and wipe that confident smile off of her face. Unfortunately Krissy had other plans and she got the upper hand right away. When I reached for her she ducked under my grasp and grabbed my right leg while wrapping her left arm around the back of my neck. Then she lifted my muscular frame up on her shoulders and flipped me over her body. "SLAM!" I was completely stunned and unable to defend myself when my back hit the bench seat at the foot of the bed. Krissy stuffed my head between her creamy thighs and firmly tightened her legs to keep my from getting up. Then her talented fingers gripped my limp dick and made it spring to attention. "This is so easy Richard. I should have taken over years ago. But I'll make up for it when you're crawling at my feet and begging me to stop." She teased. I tried to pry her legs apart but they were to strong. So I raised my legs to kick her off of me before I was to weak to fight back. But Krissy grabbed my ankles and crossed them before I could stop her. She held on to the outside ankle with her left hand and bent my legs until they were folded under me. With my legs out of her way and my useless arms unable to reach her hand, she jacked me off with a smile. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I wailed in despair as I feebly struggled to escape. But Krissy was in the dominate position and totally in charge. "Settle down and stop fighting it Richard. You can't get out of this hold and you know it. So just relax and accept defeat." She said while her smooth palm slid up and down my shaft.
Krissy pinning me down on the bench to fondle me.
It didn't take Krissy long to put me back under her spell. Just before I lost control of my senses I heard her giggle when she looked back and saw my sleepy face. "That's a good boy. You're going to be eating out of my hand and doing what ever I say by the time I'm through with you." I was in erotic Heaven with my sleepy eyes closed and my slobbering mouth wide open. Her magical hand took me soaring to great heights while I was helplessly pinned down under her female body. "That's my boy. Man you were really excited that time. You shot about three feet in the air." She said while she milked my throbbing dick until it fell limp in her hand. Krissy released me from her hold and happily strolled to her corner. My weakened body was so drained I could barely stand. I trudged over for the bucket to clean up before crawling back to my corner like a whipped dog. My strength returned but the shame I felt was overwhelming. It was impossible for Krissy to handle me so easily but she was doing it. And it really upset me. "Enough of this bullshit. Your ass is mine." I said a little hatefully. "WHOA! Getting a little testy aren't we Richard? Are you afraid you're going to lose?" "SHUT UP GOD DAMMIT!" I screamed while I turned my back on her.
I was so confused over what was happening I was at a loss for words. Krissy had been in control from the very beginning and was making a fool out of me. I had to take charge in a hurry and put an end to this one sided massacre before she completely took over my will. But fate was against me. When we came together I wrapped my right arm around the back of her neck and tried to put her in a head lock. Krissy squirmed out of it and turned me until my back was to her. Then she put me in a full nelson and raised her elbows while she bent my chin down to my chest. I gritted my teeth and tried to power out of her hold with my muscular arms but Krissy just laughed and lifted them a little higher. My arms were uselessly dangling in the air and my face was beet red. I softly whimpered while she held me in her arms and taunted me. "You're not very strong are you Richard? I'm hardly using any of my strength to keep you in this hold and you can't get loose. I don't need to play with your dick to weaken you because I'm stronger then you are. But I'll be fair and play by the rules." "I'm not beaten yet you mouthy little bitch." I said getting angry. "That was uncalled for Richard." She scolded while she increased the pressure on my painful arms and made me scream like a pussy. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Let me go God dammit." I screamed in panic. "Make me you little wimp." She replied with an evil smirk.
While I feebly struggled in her grip she forced me down on my knees. Krissy released my right arm and took hold of my wrist. My arm was so numb I couldn't stop her from bending it behind my neck so she grab my wrist with her left hand. Now both of my muscular arms were being controlled by her left hand and arm while her right hand was free to handle my dick. Krissy whispered in my ear while she expertly stroked my growing limp dick until It was vein popping red and rock hard. "What's the matter honey? Why don't you use your big strong muscles and get out of my hold? You're supposed to be stronger so over power me and get up." I tried to stop her from making me cum but it was useless. Both of my arms were firmly pinned down and I couldn't use my legs because I was on my knees. The strength was quickly sapped from my body while her silky soft palm and magical fingers had me moaning with pleasure in seconds. I was unable to resist the power she had over me while her rhythmic strokes kept me in a trance. When she drained the last drop of cum from my throbbing dick she released me from her hold. My sleepy face landed in the thick puddle of sperm when my weakened body dropped to the floor. Krissy laughed and went back to her corner.
When I woke up with cum all over my face I wanted to kill her. "Why did you let me fall in it Krissy?" I asked while glaring at her. "Because you called me a bitch and pissed me off. So you deserved what you got." She answered. At first I really felt bad for screaming at her. But her taunting mouth and over confident attitude was getting on my nerves. "You're lucky streak is over Krissy. I wear the pants in this family and I'm keeping them. Get ready to scream like a bitch because I'm going to fuck you until you beg." I said with conviction. "Pretty big talk for a loser." She replied. "You'll see bitch. I'm through fucking around." I responded with hate. "You agreed to do this Richard so don't get angry because you're losing. I told you females were better at controlling their urges but you didn't believe me. So I set out to prove it and so far I've made it look easy. Now stop making idle threats and keep your mouth shut or I'll kick your ass." She said with her hands on her hips. I laughed right in her face. "Are you out of your fucking mind? You make me cum a few times and you suddenly think you're Mike Tyson? That smart ass mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble if you open it again." I warned. "That's enough. I've had it with you Richard." She said while giving me an icy glare as she removed her panties. "I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget. Now get your whiny ass out here so I can show you who's boss." She defiantly told me.
The dumb bitch crouched down in the middle of the room like we were still wrestling. I had a huge smile on my face when I stepped up and smacked her on the jaw. "SMACK!" "Now keep your mouth shut or you'll get some more." I said glaring at her. Krissy rubbed her sore jaw and gave me a hateful look. "You just made a big mistake asshole. I wasn't going to embarrass you when I found out I was stronger then you are. Now I'm going to wipe up the floor with your sissy ass until you're begging me to stop." I was laughing so hard I was crying when I threw a punch at her runny fucking mouth to end her ludicrous dreams. That's the last thing I remember. Krissy slipped to the side to evade my heavy punch and fattened my bottom lip with a stinging left jab that snapped my head back. "SMACK!" I stood there in shock for a second and then got madder then hell. "Why you crazy little bitch. I'll beat you to death for that." She simply smiled and wiggled her finger at me to come and get her. I didn't need an invitation. I cut loose with five bell ringing punches that would have knocked her head clean off of her fucking shoulders. Somehow she was able to dance around them and hurt both of my eyes with a quick combination. "SMACK!..SMACK!" I winced and closed my eyes against the throbbing pain. "It looks like you can't fight any better then you can wrestle. It won't be long before you'll be crawling at my feet and begging for mercy." "Mercy this bitch." I snarled while I chucked a multitude of punches at her smiling face. She eluded my bone breaking punches like it was child's play and laughed right in my face.
Krissy snapping my head back with a stinging left jab.
I had to stop before I wore myself out and stood there panting like I'd just run a marathon "My turn loser. Let me show you how easy it is to hit what you're aiming at." "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both sides of my jaw was numb. I fired a right cross at her eye and she slapped it down like it was nothing. "SMACK!" Now my nose hurt like hell. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed in frustration while I went at her swinging for the fences. Krissy moved her well toned body like a professional boxer and easily avoided my massive missiles of destruction. When I stopped to regroup she took over with authority and beat me around the room like I was a pathetic little pussy. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" I was standing on rubbery legs when she stopped punching to admire her work. "You look like you're ready for a nap honey. Why don't you lay down and sleep it off." I was to far gone to realise it when she lifted my chin with her fingers and crushed my jaw with a powerful right cross. "SMMMACK!" I was sound asleep when my body hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.
Krissy smiling while she stands over my unconscious body.
I hurt all over when I came to and tried to focus my swollen eyes. I shook my head to clear the cobwebs and noticed I was naked. When I struggled up on my hands and knees to get on my feet, Krissy shoved my head between her legs and wrenched my arms up my back in a double hammer lock. She spread her fingers around both of my wrists so she could keep my arms pinned down with only her left hand and bent over to wrap her smooth palm around my limp hanging dick. "This will soften you up a little more and make you easier to handle. HA! Like I need the help." She sarcastically said while she played with me. I was already weak from the brutal beating she gave me so there was nothing I could do to stop her. A few minutes later I shot my fourth load of cum on the floor. When Krissy turned my limp body loose, my battered face thumped on the floor and I collapsed in a heap. She went for a cold drink while I laid there beaten and helpless.
Krissy was relaxing on the bed when I came to. "It's about time you woke up. I thought I was going to have to throw water in you face to revive you." She said as she walked over to stand above me. I crawled up on my hands and knees and vigorously shook my muddled head. When my vision cleared I saw her bare feet below my face. "Take a good look honey. You'll be groveling at those feet when I'm done with you. Now get up." I staggered to my feet and doubled up my fists. "In your dreams bitch. Now shut up and fight." I said with as much bravado as I could muster. "What ever you say wimp." She said as her sharp jab busted my top lip and snapped my head back. "SMACK!" I stumbled backwards on noodle like legs and whimpered. When I regained my balance I threw a sweeping roundhouse at her taunting smile. Krissy leaned her upper body back and made me miss by a mile. "SMACK!" Then she broke my nose with a sledge hammer right and I was back peddling out of control again. She smiled and came after me.
Just as I was about to take another swing she put me in the floor with a solid left hook. "SMACK!" "Get up you big pussy." She ordered while nudging me with her foot. I slapped her disgusting foot away and staggered to my feet. "You'll pay for that." She scolded while a savage right cross loosened a tooth and knocked me back down. "SMACK!" I laid there moaning while I tried to collect myself. But Krissy was pissed and wanted me on my feet. "Get your ass up Richard." When I didn't move she dragged me up by my hair. "Do what I tell you you little wimp." "SMACK!" Back in the floor I went. "Come on sissy get up here." I managed to get up but my muscular body was wavering on unsteady legs. "SMACK!" My knees buckled and dumped me in the floor again. "You're legs are so weak they're shaking you big pussy. Now get up." She sternly told me while wiggling her toes in my slobbering mouth. I rolled away from her nasty foot and slowly climbed to my feet. "That's a good boy. Now come to mama." She pulled me to her by squeezing my broken nose between her fingers and landed a jaw breaking right on the chin. "SMACK!" I folded up like a card board box and hit the floor on my severely swollen face.
Krissy knocking a tooth loose with a powerful right cross.
"You just can't stay on your feet can you?" She said as she smiled and hauled my battered body off of the floor. "SMACK!" I was wallowing in self pity when she dropped me back at her feet. "Oh man I'll bet that one hurt. Have you had enough?" She asked while tears poured out of my swollen eyes. I got up and raised my fists without answering her. "It's your funeral." She said while casually stepping up to put me in my place. I swung at her with mean intentions but she dodged my murderous punch with ease. "That was pathetic you little wimp. See if you can do better this time. Now try to hit me again." She teased while looking me in the eyes. "SHUT UP BITCH!" I screamed while I cut loose with bevy of bone shattering punches. Krissy avoided them like it was the easiest thing to do and laughed at me. When I finally stopped throwing punches I was so exhausted I couldn't raise my muscular arms. Krissy smiled and completely destroyed me with crisp clean shots. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" I was out on my feet and unable to defend myself. So I didn't see the powerful punch coming that exploded on my jaw like dynamite going off. "SMMMACK!" My eyes rolled back in my head and my weak knees buckled. I stood there for a few seconds like a marble statue with my bruised chin resting on my chest. Krissy's twinkling blue eyes followed me all the way down to the floor when I finally slumped over and landed at her feet out cold.
Krissy proudly staring down at my battered sleeping body.
When I opened my swollen eyes I felt like I had been in a terrible car wreck. I looked around for Krissy and saw her lying on the sofa waiting for me to get up. The determined look on her beautiful face sent cold chills down my spine. When she slipped off of the sofa and came towards me swinging her slender female hips, I literally felt the terrorizing fear spread over my muscular frame like a smothering blanket. Krissy's flawless skin didn't have a scratch on it while mine was badly bruised and battered. My legs threatened to collapse when I climbed to my feet and raised my fists. "You want some more huh? The pleasure is all mine." "SMACK!" I never even saw her hand move. One minute I was standing and the next I was flat on my back. "Let's see if you have any sperm left in you since you're down on your back and helpless." She said as she squatted down on my face and grabbed my flaccid dick. I tried to drag her off with my legs but she easily pinned them against her left shoulder with her left arm and continued to slide her silky palm up and down my shaft. In a few seconds my pitiful struggles ceased and I was in dreamland. About a minute later I was meekly lying there with my fifth orgasm dripping from my stomach and balls. Krissy strolled back to her corner like she was a fucking Prom Queen and waited for me to clean up the mess.
Krissy forcing me to have a climax while humiliating me.
Krissy decided to toy with me to completely shatter my confidence and break my spirit when I regained consciousness and foolishly climbed to my feet. She calmly stood there with her hands on her hips and a smile on her face while she waited for me to attack. I shook my head at her stupidity and aimed a punch at her grinning mouth. Her left arm quickly darted up to knock my pathetic punch down like it was nothing but a pesky nuisance. Then her hands moved at blinding speed and she slapped me silly. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" She brutally slapped my face and back handed me with one hand and then the other. Then she placed her hands back on her hips. I tried to cave her smiling face in with a series of wrecking ball punches but Krissy blocked everyone of them without blinking an eye and slapped me around again. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" Her hands went back on her hips so she would appear to be defenseless while she taunted me with a smile. "You're such a wimp."
I was totally confused and embarrassed while I stood there with a painful red face. She was making me look like an incompetent fool while handling me like I was a little boy. Well I wasn't about to let her get away with that. "Come on honey give me your best shot." She said with an evil grin. "You got it bitch!" I mumbled while I opened my arsenal and fired everything I had at her. "block.slap.swat.slap.block.block.swat" She batted my pathetic punches down with no trouble at all and let me have it. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" When her hands fell back on her hips I was so humiliated I felt like crying. "Don't give up Richard this is fun. Show me what kind a man you are." She said trying to goad me. I fell for it like a mental retarded idiot and let Krissy put me to shame again. "slap.slap.block.swat.slap.swat.block.block" I closed my eyes tight and fearfully waited for her stinging slaps. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" This time I was crying when she put her hands back on her hips.
"You're pathetic. A grown man crying like a little baby because he can't stop his wife from beating him to a pulp. Are you ready to give up or do you want some more?" She asked while lifting my chin with her fingers. I defiantly moved my head away and pissed her off. "SMACK!" I crumbled like a demolished building and hit the floor like a sopping wet dish rag. "Don't you ever pull away from me again." She scolded while dragging me to my feet. I tried to escape and paid for it with excruciating pain. "CRACK!" A devastating uppercut struck my chin like a speeding car. I ended up spreadeagled on the floor and cried my heart out. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Get up God dammit. I've had enough of your ridiculous behavior. You'll mind me if I have to beat you black and blue. Now get your ass up here." I was scared out of my mind and about to piss on myself when Krissy picked me up. "I'll give you a severe attitude adjustment if you don't behave yourself little man." "SMACK!" I hit the floor and squalled like a new born baby. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" Sniff, sniff sniff. "SHUT UP!" She sternly ordered. "OR I'LL SPANK YOUR ASS AND REALY GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!"
Krissy dropping my sobbing battered body at her feet.
I was a broken man when Krissy dragged me off of the floor. My muscular body was trembling so bad I wasn't sure I could stand on my own. I was so afraid of my beautiful wife I only wanted to surrender and end my painful suffering. "Please.. Krissy.. don't.. hit.. me.. again. I.. give.. up. You.. win. I pleaded like a pathetic little bitch. "Of course I win. I told you women were superior to men but you wouldn't listen. Judging from the fear I see in your eyes I'd say you believe me now. Don't you weakling?" I was so ashamed I shut my teary eyes so I wouldn't have to look at her arrogant face. But Krissy quickly cured me of that by closing my left eye shut. "SMACK!" "Open your eyes and answer me you little wimp or I'll wipe up the floor with you again." She ordered while roughly squeezing my red cheeks. Huge tears poured down battered face when I opened my frightened eyes. "Yes.. K.Krissy.. I.. believe.. you." I blubbered in shame. "That's better. Don't piss me off or I'll blister your ass until you can't sit down. Is that clear?" "Yes.. Krissy." I submissively answered while fearfully trembling in her grip. "Good boy. I'd say we've clearly established who's boss in this house. Wouldn't you?" She asked while daring me to call her a liar. "Yes." I meekly answered. "Then say it." "You're.. the.. b.boss.. Krissy." I obediently mumbled through fat, quivering lips.
"Good boy. Now it's time for you to grovel and worship the bosses feet." She said as she threw me in the floor and raised her slender arms in victory. Krissy forced my head up straight and mashed my swollen face with her sole. I laid there whimpering while she rubbed her creamy sole all over my face like I was a door mat. "Smell my foot You pathetic loser or I'll pick you up and rearrange your ugly face some more." I whined like a pussy and shamefully obeyed her while she completely humiliated me. I didn't have the courage to stand up to her anymore. Krissy had beaten the fight out of me and turned me into a coward. My spirit was broken and my will belonged to her. "Now kiss it." She ordered while pressing her sole against my swollen lips. I willingly followed her degrading command without a struggle and repeatedly kissed her silky smooth skin. She owned me and we both knew it.
Krissy proudly standing over my prone body in a victory pose.
When Krissy was satisfied I was completely docile and under her control she went back to rubbing her foot in my face. She spread her toes around my broken nose and smiled as she forced me to smell the aroma. "I don't think we'll have anymore arguments over who's boss in this house. Do you Richard?" "No.. K.Krissy." I submissively answered while she moved her foot to shove her toes in my mouth. "Good. As long as you do what I say I won't hurt you. But if you step out of line I'll beat you senseless. Understand?" "Yes.. Krissy." I fearfully whimpered in shame. "Good boy. Now get up." I struggled to my feet and passively waited for her instructions. Krissy proudly stood in front of me with a confident smile on her face and looked in my tear filled eyes. "You've had five orgasms today and I haven't had any. Of course the reason for that is because you were to much of a pussy to wrestle me down and give me one. But that's beside the point." I lowered my head in shame but she put her fingers under my chin and gently lifted it back up. "What's the matter honey does the truth hurt?" She asked with a sly grin. "Yes." I shamefully muttered.
"There's no shame in losing a fight with your wife. You can't help it because you're weak. You're were just unlucky to be born a male instead of a female. If things had worked out differently, you'd be standing in my spot giving the orders, while another weak and pathetic male would be standing in yours feeling ashamed and humiliated. And I would be slapping another wimp around instead of you. So don't feel bad because you lost. You never had a snowballs chance in hell of winning because you're a man. Just accept it. Now the boss is horny and it's your job to take care of her. So come with me." Krissy took hold of my dick and led me over to the bed like a puppy on a leash. She was completely confident I would follow her like a docile little lamb and not attack while her back was turned to me. The fear she saw in my swollen black eyes told her she had broken me and I was under her control. Sadly she was absolutely right.
Krissy face sitting me like a Queen on her Throne.
Krissy laid me down on the bed and crawled up to pin my shoulders down with her knees. Then she mashed her dripping wet pussy in my severely swollen face and got comfortable. "Use that talented tongue of yours like you've never used it before and pleasure your boss. I'll use you as a punching bag if I don't receive multiple orgasms so don't disappoint me Richard. Understand?" "MMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!" Was the only thing I could say with her female sex covering my mouth. "I'll take that as a yes. Now get your tongue in there and start licking." She ordered as she began to move her hips. I shoved my tongue deep in her canal and breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her scream with pleasure. Four orgasms splattered all over my face while I passively serviced my domineering wife. Unfortunately that wasn't enough to satisfy her. She turned around and planted her ass in my face. "You're doing great so far so keep it up. Now be a good boy and lick my ass." Humiliation spread over my battered body when Krissy forced my nose and tongue up her ass. More then anything I wanted to throw her off of me and slam her against the wall. But I knew she would give me a painful beating if I tried to so I accepted the shame I felt and submissively licked her ass out. After four more orgasms she collapsed on the bed next to me with a satisfying smile on her face.
Krissy making me lick her ass while she completely humiliates me.
"That was fantastic. I'm very pleased with you Richard." She said as she slowly opened her eyes. A smile appeared on her lips when she saw my face. "Your face is a sticky mess. Go wash it off and get back in here." I immediately obeyed so she would stay in a good mood and not get mad. When I returned to the bedroom she stretched her naked body and pointed to the foot of the bed. "I'm feeling a little sleepy so I'm going to take a nap. Lay down at the foot of the bed and put your mouth against the soles of my feet so I can rub them in your face. Stay there and gently kiss my feet until I fall asleep. Then I want you to get up and clean this house. After that you can wash the dishes and make dinner. Don't disturb me until dinner is ready or I'll paddle your ass. Is that understood?" "Yes Krissy." I meekly answered. "Good. Now press your face against my feet and lay still." I laid down without hesitating and put my swollen face on her silky smooth soles. "You're such a good boy." She said as she closed her twinkling blue eyes and slowly rubbed her feet in my face.
Krissy is the boss in our house now. She wears the pants and I wear a frilly pink apron. I do what ever she tells me without saying a word because I'm scared to death of her. She'll give me a terrible beating or a painful spanking if I disobey so I have no other choice. Krissy easily proved she's stronger then I am by mopping up the floor with me that day. So I'll never find the courage to challenge her authority and try to get back my rightful place as head of the house. For the rest of my life I'll be nothing but a slave to a domineering female. I'm simply to weak and pathetic to change that fact. That's why Krissy is the boss. And why we drive a mini van.