Kimberly fights the Champion. By Crohnsman Kimberly gets a shot at the Champion, and turns him into a frightened little bitch. Kimberly was in a very good mood. Her fight with the Champion was coming up this Friday, and she felt totally confident about the outcome. Tony the Tiger Thompson had proved to be a wonderful lover, and was completely devoted to her and her wishes. And she had a string of slaves to obey her commands and satisfy her oral sex desires. Life just couldn't get any better. She thought to herself. She was even pleased with Cole and his improved attitude and obedience. Of course, that attitude and obedience had been beaten into him by her, but that was beside the point. All in all, everything was coming up roses. She was on her way to the warehouse to pick up her fan mail. It was a beautiful day, so she was driving with the top down on her red Mustang convertible. The cool breeze was blowing through the white mesh, see through top she was wearing, and it was making the short black, flair out skirt around her slender hips, flap against the seat. Her beautiful shoulder length blond hair, was flowing behind her like strands of golden silk. Nothing could go wrong on a day like this, she was thinking. Everything just seemed perfect with the world. She opened the door and smiled at the guards posted inside the warehouse. The click clack of her 4 inch black heels against the concrete floor, sounded awful loud in the deserted room. She reached Mr. Falcone's office and pulled open the door. The quiet was interrupted by the noisy arguing going on in the room. Four of the fighters were screaming about not getting enough fights, and the boss man was trying to scream over the top of their voices to be heard. When they noticed Kimberly enter the room, everything got quiet. All five men became instantly nervous. "Hey there Mr. boss man. I came to pick up my fan mail." The beautiful blond informed him. He breathed a sigh of relief, when he saw the smile on her lovely face. The other four men breathed a little easier themselves. "It's in Bruno's room in the back Miss Kimberly. Would you mind getting it yourself, I have some problems I have to deal with." He held out his hand to give her the key, and it was slightly shaking. Kimberly smiled at his nervous demeanor. She did have him trained well. "Sure thing boss man. Carry on." She took the key and walked off smiling. Kimberly used the key and opened the door to the small room. The two mail bags were sitting in the middle of the floor. She picked them up and started to leave, when something caught her eye. She smiled as she looked around the room. "Well I'll be damned." She said aloud. "Big man Bruno has a soft feminine side to him." The wall paper covering the room was a lavender color. She also noticed the bed spread was purple and white, and the frilly white curtains on the window had purple daisy's on them. "Who would have guessed?" She said grinning. She decided to look around a little more. Kimberly laughed when she rifled through his chest of drawers. One drawer was filled with his boxer shorts. There was some manly colors in there, but a pink pair and a yellow pair was mixed in among them. The same could be said about his T shirt drawer. It was filled with white and dark colored T shirts. But a cream colored T shirt and a lavender colored T shirt was on top. Like they were his favorites. A large, oak wardrobe cabinet sat against the wall. She decided to check on his choice of dress shirts. She pulled open the double doors, and got the shock of her life. The cabinet wasn't filled with shirts. It was a shrine. A shrine of her. A large poster size picture of her wearing a red silk, mesh teddy and red silk panties, was hanging on the back wall. That was the outfit she wore when she destroyed Uri the Mad Russian in the cage. She thought to herself. There were dozens of smaller pictures of her, in other outfits she had fought in. And some of her, that had been taken in the warehouse while she was wearing street clothes. On closer inspection, she found the pink panties she had discarded when she beat Brun o to a pulp in her audition fight. They were hanging on the inside of the left door, and covered with her dried sexual juices from the orgasms she had received while beating him. And the black panties she had removed in the cage while taking Tony the Tiger apart, were hanging on the inside of the right door. They too, were covered with her dried sexual juices from her orgasms. Kimberly decided she had been to Hasty with her assumption. Something could go wrong on a beautiful day like today. And she was staring right at it. "Why that perverted son of a bitch. Wait until I get my hands on him. That big lug will wish he had never been born after I get through beating him senseless." Kimberly left the doors open and stormed back into Mr. Falcone's office. The four fighters were still there arguing their case. Kimberly slammed the door and they all turned to look at her. "ALL OF YOU GET OUT!" They stared at her with surprise on their frightened faces. "YOU HEARD ME! I SAID GET OUT! NOW MOVE!" The four men and the three guards fell all over each other trying to get to the door as fast as possible. Kimberly turned to the boss man with a scowl on her beautiful face. "WHERE'S BRUNO?" "I.. I.. I.. s.s.sent.. h.him.. on.. an.. er.erand. He.. sh.should.. be.. b.b.back.. any.. t.t.time." She grabbed him by the back of his collar, and dragged his stumbling, trembling body into the other room. "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?" He shook his frightened head no. "Don't lie to me little man. You know I won't tolerate that. Now are you sure you didn't know about this?" He was close to tears when he answered her. "R.Really.. M.M.Miss.. K.Kimberly.. I.. didn't.. kn.know." "Alright wimp I believe you. We're going to go back to your office and wait on Bruno. Don't open your mouth when he walks through that door, or I'll close it with my fist." "IS THAT CLEAR LITTLE MAN?" He shook his head yes. "Good boy. Now lets go." She dragged him back to his office, and threw him in the floor beneath his chair. She sat down and looked at him. "Lick my heels clean while I wait on that asshole. "Y.Yes.. M.Miss.. K.K.Kimberly." The frightened man dropped to the floor and began licking. "Good boy." She said. "Good boy." About ten minutes later, Bruno strolled through the door. Kimberly kicked Mr. Falcone aside and leaped to her feet. She stomped over to Bruno and grabbed his right shoulder with her right hand. Then she took hold of the back of his right wrist with her left hand, and raised his arm high in the air behind him. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Bruno screamed out in pain, and bent over trying to relieve the pressure on his arm. "Come with me little man. You have some explaining to do." She marched Bruno into the other room, while he whimpered from the awful pain shooting through his tortured arm. "Explain this you perverted bastard. And the explanation better be good, if you don't want your ugly face beaten to a pulp." Tears were running down the big mans red cheeks. His large body was trembling in fear, because the dominate young blond scared him to death. "STOP THAT DAMN CRYING AND EXPLAIN WHY I'M HANGING IN YOUR WARDROBE CABINET LIKE SOME SEX OBJECT!" Bruno stuttered out his explanation, through his blubbering mouth. " M.Miss.. K.K.Kimberly .. it's.. n.not.. th.that. It's.. t.t.the.. only.. w.way.. I.. c.could.. wor.worship.." "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU PATHETIC LITTLE BASTARD?" "When.. I.. w.woke.. up.. in.. th.that.. c.cage.. after.. b.b.beat.. me.. sen.senseless. I.. h.had.. the.. big.biggest.... h.hard.. on.. I've.. ever.. h.had.. in.. I.. could.. t.t.taste.. your.. on.. my.. l.l.lips.. and.. sm.smell.. it.. in.. my.. n.nose. I'm.. n.not.. an.. important.. the.. b.b.boss. So.. I.. kn.knew.. I.. would.. n.never.. be.. cl.close.. to.. again. Th.this.. is.. w.w.way.. of.. honoring.. as.. a.. G.G.Goddess. I.. m.meant.. no.. M.M.Miss.. K.K.Kimberly.. d.don't.. g.give.. me.. an.another.. b.bad.. beat.beating." Kimberly smiled. "So you think I'm a Goddess huh? That's very sweet Bruno. Would you like to have your face mashed against my wet pussy while you're awake little man?" "Oh.. G.G.God.. y.yes.. y.yes.. M.Miss.. K.K.Kimberly. pl.please.. y.y.yes." Kimberly released his arm and stood back. "Take off my black heels Bruno." The large man dropped to his knees and gently removed her heels like they were delicate flowers. "Good boy. Now unhook my skirt and lay it on the bed. Do not wrinkle it Bruno." "UNDERSTAND?" He shook his eager head yes and carefully removed her skirt. "Good boy Bruno. You obey quite well." "Pull down my white panties and lay them with my skirt. Be careful you don't stretch the materia l, or you'll make me very angry." "Yes.. Miss.. Kimberly.. I'll.. be.. very.. careful." Kimberly smiled at his eagerness to please her. He gently removed her white panties and placed them on her skirt. "Good boy Bruno." She turned her head toward the door and screamed out orders to Mr. Falcone. "GET YOUR WORTHLESS TONGUE IN HERE WIMP! I NEED SOMEONE TO LICK MY ASS!" The boss man scurried into the room and dropped to his knees behind her. "Good boy wimp." "Now listen carefully so you'll know what I want. Keep in mind, the beating I will give you if my orders are not carried out perfectly. I want that tongue buried in my ass as far as you can get it. Press that face against me hard, and leave it there. Have you got that little man?" "Yes Kimberly. I understand completely." "Good. Lets hope that you do." "As for you Bruno. I want that tongue in deep, and I want your lips and teeth nipping at my clit. Do you understand what I mean?" "Yes my Goddess. I know exactly what to do." "Good boy." "OK wimps, you have your orders. Make me a happy young lady." The two men eagerly dove into their assigned places of worship. In less then a minute, Kimberly was close to her first orgasm. The boss man had pressed his face against her gorgeous ass so hard, that his nose was working as well as his tongue to bring her to orgasmic heaven. And Bruno was certainly correct when he said he knew exactly what to do. His tongue, teeth, lips, and hot breath, was quickly soaring her to great heights. The two men worked like crazy to please the Goddess they worshiped, and Kimberly was very pleased with the results. A few seconds later, she shot her load all over Bruno's face. The big man swallowed as much as he could, and began lapping like a madman to bring her another one. Kimberly threw her head back and moaned with pleasure. She placed a hand on the back of each mans head, and stroked them like they were loving little puppies. Before another minute passed, they had her sitting on top of a mountainous orgasm. She held her breath, and waited for the plunge back to earth. When it came, she screamed from the ecstasy it was bringing her. Wave after wave of her sweet nectar splashed against Bruno's face, until she thought he was going to drown trying to suck it all down. But he managed it, like he was simply drinking a beer. When Kimberly pulled their heads away from her perfectly formed body, the two men collapsed back on their hands, gasping for breath. But their eyes were closed savoring the moment, and their red faces were covered with satisfying looks. "Good boys. I am very pleased." "Bruno, this is your lucky day. That talented tongue and mouth of yours, has earned you a spot in my stable of oral slaves. You will be available when I need you, and you will carry out my orders explicitly. Is that understood little man." Tears formed in the big mans eyes. He quickly wiped his face and fell at her feet. "Yes my Goddess, I understand completely. And thank you so much. You have made me the happiest man in the entire world." He gently kissed her bare feet all over, while he sighed with pleasure. "That's very sweet Bruno. Now I want this shrine of yours torn down. It makes me look cheap, and that would make me angry. You don't want me to get angry with you, do you Bruno?" "No my Goddess. I'll tear it down right away. And thank you for not giving me a terrible beating." Kimberly smiled at his gratitude. "I know you meant it as a compliment Bruno, so I'm not angry with you. But I never want to see anything like that again. Is that clear?" "Yes Miss Kimberly. I'll do as you say." "Good boy Bruno. Good boy." Mr. Falcone brought her a warm cloth and fluffy towel to clean herself up. While she washed herself and dressed, Bruno was busy tearing down his shrine. When she was finished dressing, Bruno stopped long enough to kneel in front of her, and slip her black heels on her feet. She smiled down at him and patted his cheek. The big man closed his eyes and sighed, like her touch was the most wonderful thing he would ever receive. The boss man picked up her mail pouches and followed her out of the room. "Thank you Miss Kimberly. Bruno's not the only one that idolizes you, and worships the ground you walk on. You have made me a very happy man too." "That's a nice thing to say little man. I am pleased with you also. Now I'm going to get out of here. I'll see you Friday night, when I become Champion." "Good luck Miss Kimberly, I'm pulling for you. And please, watch out for Cannibal Carson. He's one mean mother fucker." "Don't worry little man. I haven't come this far to lose. You better worry about him." She took the mail bags from him and threw then in the back of her Mustang. "Good bye little man. I'll see you Friday." "Good bye Miss Kimberly." Cannibal Carson was not only a mean mother fucker, he was a BIG mot her fucker. 7 foot 1 inch tall, and 396 pounds of hard male muscle. He had been Champion for three years now, and didn't want to relinquish it to anyone else. Everyone that had challenged him for his crown, was completely annihilated. And then they paid the ultimate price for losing. He had a special set of stainless steel caps made, that fit over his teeth perfectly. These caps were filed down, until they were razor sharp. When his opponent was beaten and helpless, Cannibal Carson bit off their ear lobe. He used to take a chunk out of their arm, but that changed one night while he was watching a professional prize fight. He saw Mike Tyson bite off Evander Holyfield's ear, and decided that should be his finishing touch. So now, anyone dumb enough to challenge him, not only lost the fight, they lost their ear lobe. And Cannibal Carson would paraded around the cage, holding the piece of ear high in the air for everyone to see. It was a scary sight to see the big man walk around with blood dripping from his mouth, and holding up a part of someones flesh. Especially listening to him laugh like a madman. Kimberly was as excited as a young girl at Christmas time. Tonight was her big night, and she was going to enjoy it to the fullest. She had made up her mind to quit fighting after she became Champion. There was no one left to challenge her, and she had her stable of slaves to give her the oral satisfaction she needed. And she had Tony the Tiger Thompson, for a lover and a slave. With Tony, Cole, Damien, the boss man, the Black Bear, Uri the Mad Russian, and the newly acquired Bruno, she had enough slaves to meet her needs. She could always order two or three of them to attack her at once, so she could fulfill her thrills of beating someone to a pulp. Kimberly saw herself as the Heroine in this fight, and Cannibal Carson as the bad guy. Hero's and Heroine's always wore white. So she had a special white silk, baby doll teddy made, to wear for his execution. It was a mesh type fabric, to allow cool air to pass through and keep her from getting to warm. Her white panties were made out of the same white silk mesh, so her juices could flow faster and not back up. She planned on having quite a few mind blowing orgasms, while she beat Cannibal Carson senseless. And she was going to enjoy them all. But he sure as hell wasn't going to enjoy anything. The announcer called her to the cage, and Kimberly strolled down the ramp waving to the cheering and whistling crowd. Damien was sitting in his normal seat, with a wager ticket clutched in his sweaty hand. Kimberly had informed him this would be her last fight, so he went all out. The ticket was for a half a million dollars. With Cannibal Carson's reputation of damn near killing his opponents, he was able to get 4 to 1 odds. If Kimberly came out victorious, he stood to make two million. Needless to say, he was very, very nervous. Cannibal Carson was announced, and he walked down the ramp toward the cage. He was met by a loud chorus of boos, and he smiled as he stepped through the door. He knew no one liked him as Champion, and that suited him just fine. He wasn't here for a popularity contest, he was here to destroy another fighter that dared to challenge him for his crown. And this one, should be the easiest defense of his title so far. Why in the world they would put a female in the cage for him to devour, was beyond him. But that didn't matter. Her flesh would taste just as sweet. The whistle blew to start the match, and the two fighters advanced toward each other. Cannibal Carson looked at her fine female body, and decided he would fuck her to death after he beat her fucking brains out. I might as well have some fun with this stupid bitch, after she's lying in the floor bleeding. He thought to himself. Kimberly saw the leering look on his face and smiled. Another foolish male that is thinking with his dick instead of his brain. It's going to be a pleasure to put this asshole in his place. Crawling at my feet with his ugly face covered with my sweet nectar, is where this bastard belongs. The Champion went at her with a flurry of bone breaking punches, and a large, evil grin on his face. Kimberly began to dance to avoid them, and study his movements. He stopped after missing ten punches, and backed up to ready himself for his next attack. She noticed his huge grin, and the steel caps sparkling off of the warehouse lights. That grin was going to be his first mistake. He attacked again, and Kimberly ducked and dodged until an opening occurred. When his straight right whistled past her head, she opened up her own offense. "SMACK!" Her uppercut landed flush on his chin, and snapped his head back. The punch was so hard, that it mashed his steel caps into his top lip. It began to bleed from the sharp points. She smile d and went after him. SMACK..THUD..THUD..SMACK.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. Kimberly broke his nose, marked up his jaw, hurt both eyes, and softened up his mid section. The Champion screamed with rage and charged her with intent to do bodily harm. But his madness didn't help his accuracy. Another dozen punches were evaded by the blond female tigress, before she let him have it again. SMACK..SMACK..THUD..THUD..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. Her juices were boiling and ready to spew. The confused look on the Champion's face, added to the strength of her orgasm. It built up and was ready to explode anytime. Kimberly couldn't wait, so she went after it with everything she had. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..The last punch busted his mouth wide open, and blood spurted everywhere. That's also how her orgasm reacted. It flew out of her like it had been blasted out of a cannon. Wave after wave of her thick creamy juices, ran down her inner thighs like a waterfall. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Kimberly screamed. The crowd had watched her fight so many times, that they knew exactly what had happened. A loud roar of cheers and whistles erupted in the warehouse. She smiled to the crowd, to acknowledge their understanding of the pleasure she was getting. Cannibal Carson jumped back at her with venom in his heart. So far the bitch had made a fool out of him, but that was about to stop. The bitch would soon be bleeding all over the floor. Rights and lefts with pile driving force came flying at Kimberly, and she easily eluded them all. To the crowd, she looked like she was only taking a stroll in the park. The Champion stopped to regroup, after missing about twenty punches. Kimberly walked toward him smiling. "It's time to give me another delicious orgasm pansy ass, so come to mama." She ducked under his roundhouse right, and drilled his stomach with solid female punches. THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD. When his face turned green and he bent over from the pain, she went to work on his face. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. He was staggering, and her juices were churning. "SMACK!" Her straight right landed between his eyes and dumped him on his ass. When he landed, her volcanic pussy erupted with hot, steamy, feminine juice. It hit her so hard, that the mesh fabric of her panties ripped apart. "YES!".."YES!".."YES!" She screamed, as it flowed down her beautiful legs. The Champion gained his feet and shook his groggy head. He couldn't figure out what the hell was going on. His face was becoming a mess, and hers was completely unmarked. That just wasn't possible. He attacked with murderous intentions. The blond headed bitch was trying to take his title, and he couldn't let that happen. Even if he had to kill her. Powerful male fists, filled with enough strength to pulverize her female body, was chucked at the blond gladiator. But the only thing they pulverized was air molecules. Kimberly avoided his clumsy efforts easily. When he began to tire, she showed him how it was done. SMACK..THUD..THUD..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. The big man was stumbling around like a drunk. Kimberly's modern dance classes came to mind, so she decided to use one of the exercises they had taught her. To keep your legs limber and stop them from cramping up on you, they taught her to stand in one spot, and kick in the air as high as you could reach. You alternated legs with each kick, to keep them both in peak condition. With Cannibal Carson staggering around defenseless, she used that exercise to kick the shit out of him. "WHAM!" The toe of her white heeled right foot exploded on his chin, knocking him back three feet. The steel caps bit into his bottom lip this time, and it bled heavily. "WHAM!" The toe of her left foot caught him this time, and nearly put him down. "WHAM!" Another right legged kick, and he bounced off of the steel wire cage wall, and dropped to his hands and knees. Kimberly stepped on the back of his hands and pinned them to the floor. She grabbed his hair and stuffed his head between her strong feminine thighs. With him pinned down and held firmly in her standing head scissors, she went to work on his ribs and kidney with both fists. His screams could be heard over the crowd. THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..He screamed from the pain she was inflicting on his pinned down body. "AARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "What's the matter wimp, does that hurt?" The minute he screamed, her sweet nectar began to swirl inside of her. This was going to be another good one. She said to herself. THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD. It hit like a tidal wave. "WHOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH!" "OH GOD!" "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Thick feminine cream, covered her gorgeous legs and the back of his head in seconds. Kimberly stepped off of his hands, and removed what was left of her ripped up silk mesh panties. They landed in the corner of the cage with an audible sound of soaked cloth. "SPLAT!" The crowd cheered her on. "Come on little man, get on your feet. You still have places on your ugly face that aren't swelled up yet, and I have many more orgasms to beat out of you." "SO GET ON YOUR FEET!" RIGHT NOW WIMP!" "MOVE!" The Champion struggled to his feet. His ribs were on fire, and the back of his right hand hurt like hell, where her four inch heel had dug into it. "That's my good little boy. Now put up those pitiful male arms of yours and fight. Or maybe I should say, pretend to fight. Because so far, your effort has been pathetic." Cannibal Carson was sick and tired of listening to her runny fucking mouth. He had to do something to shut the fucking bitch up. He charged her like stampeding bull elephant, in the hopes of knocking her off of her feet. It didn't work. "SMACK!" Her straight right landed between his black and blue eyes, and stopped him dead. He wobbled on his legs a few seconds, before his eyes rolled back in his head, and he slumped to his knees in front of her. "WHAP!" Her right foot slammed into his face, and knocked him over to his back. He lie there, not knowing where he was at. Kimberly strolled over and smiled as she looked down at him. She stepped on his right wrist with her left foot, pinning his arm to the floor. His mouth was open, so she placed her right foot over his nose and fore head, and shoved the heel of her shoe in his mouth and down his throat. His eyes flew open, and his senses quickly returned to him. Her leg was so strong, that he couldn't move his head to dislodge her foot. And he only had his left arm to help him, because his right was pinned to the floor. It wasn't enough. He lie there feebly struggling, while she nearly choked him to death with her heel. "What's the matter sissy, can't you breathe?" His face was bright red, and beginning to turn blue. She finally tired of the game, and pulled her heel out of his mouth. He was coughing and sputtering, trying to get his breath back. "Get up wimp. I haven't had an orgasm in at least ten minutes. So get your ass up and make yourself useful." The Champion climbed to his feet. His throat was raw, his body ached, and his face hurt him damn near everywhere. He had to do something quick, or he was going to lose his Championship. "TO A FEMALE!" He couldn't let that happen. He dug down deep, and threw everything he had at the blond female warrior. But everything he had, wasn't close to being enough to change the inevitable outcome. Kimberly toyed with the big man, so this orgasm would build slowly. When they grew a little at a time until they reached a stupendous high, they were much more satisfying. She avoided three hard shots and jabbed him in his broken nose. "SMACK!" Another four bone breaking attempts were evaded, before her right cross blackened his eye a little more. "SMACK!" Five were dodged by her agile body this time. "SMACK!" Her left hook ripped open his other eye. Three more were tried, and three more missed. "SMACK!" His mouth ballooned up to twice i ts size. Her plan was working. The orgasm was slowing building skyward. She could feel the juices bubbling inside of her, like a witches brew in a cauldron. THUD..THUD..SMACK. His mid section was softened up some more, and his jaw was badly bruised. Six heavy handed punches came flying at her, and she easily danced around them all. SMACK..SMACK..Both cheeks were turned a darker shade of purple. Cannibal Carson reached out to grab her, and hold her steady while he drove his fist into her shapely body. But Kimberly was much quicker then he was. She grabbed his left wrist and jerked him toward her and off balance. "THUD!".."SMACK!" Her left almost went clear to his back bone, and her right uppercut sent blood flying in the air, and him reeling back out of control. Her orgasm reached the pinnacle of it's height after the uppercut, and was ready to rush out of her. She went after him with a glowing smile on her beautiful face. "SMACK!" The hard right smashed the cartilage in his nose, and brought her juices shooting out of her like an oil gusher. "YES!" "YES!" "OH GOD YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Her scream of pleasure was heard all over the warehouse. The Champion dropped to his knees and slumped forward on his face. When her orgasm was through giving her it's sweet ecstasy, she looked down and saw him lying at her feet. "That was a good one little man. Lets see what you can do for me now." Kimberly flipped his barely conscious body over on his back and straddled his prone body. She pinned his muscular arms to the floor with her knees, and readied herself for the next o rgasm to fill her fabulous young body. With both fists pumping like a well oiled machine, she destroyed the mans facial features and built her orgasm quickly. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. She was on the verge of the next mind blowing orgasm in seconds. "Here it comes you pathetic little pussy. I know you're not going to enjoy it nearly as much as I am." "SMACK!" Blood squirted from his broken cheek bone, and female cum squirted from her golden, wet pussy. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She threw her head back and screamed with pleasure. When that one subsided, she spun around and straddled his shoulders. Pinning his arms down was easily accomplished, because the man was broken and helpless. She sat her sopping wet muff on his busted up face, and went after her next orgasm. Cannibal Carson lie there sobbing, while she rode his face like a bucking bronco. In a little over a minute, she screamed again from the erotic pleasure his mouth and broken nose brought her. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" The crowd roared their approval. Kimberly stood and removed his trunks, baring his ass. Then she picked up his lifeless legs, bent him in half, and placed his pointed toes down next to his ears. She laid down above his head, and trapped his right arm and leg in a scissors hold, between her gorgeous legs. She shoved his left arm and leg under her left side and pinned them down under her. Then she raised his head up and placed it on her right hip. The beaten man was to weak to offer any resistance. He opened his black and blue eyes, and noticed his eight inch dick was right in front of his face. He turned as white as a sheet. "OK little man. Since you like to take a chunk out of your victims, I think it's only fair you take a bite out of yourself." Kimberly took hold of his limp dick with her left hand, and it sprang up to a rock hard erection in no time. Her soft feminine hand kept it up and solid, while she placed her right hand behind his head. When he realised what she was planning to do, he screamed in fear. "OH GOD!" "NO!" "NO!" "PLEASEEEEEEEE!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Now now little man. Obey me or I'll beat you half to death." Tears were rapidly flowing from his frightened eyes, and his face was pale and ashen. "OH GOD!" "NOT THAT!" "PLEASE NOT THAT!" She smiled at his pleading. "I'm sure some of your victims asked you the same thing. And I know for a fact, you didn't listen. So I'm afraid my ears are deaf to your begging little man." She pushed his head forward until his lips were touching the head of his rock solid dick. "Open wide sissy, and take a bite for Kimberly." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Was all he said, as he clamped his mouth shut as tight as he could get it. Kimberly grabbed his balls with her left hand and squeezed as hard as she could. "OPEN YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH AND TAKE A BITE YOU LITTLE BITCH! OR I'LL NEUTER YOU!" When she squeezed his balls, his eyes bugged out and his mouth popped open to scream. "AAAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Kimberly pushed his head forward, and filled his mouth with his dick. "NOW BITE YOU PATHETIC LITTLE BASTARD, OR I'L L RIP YOUR BALLS RIGHT OFF OF YOU!" The pain was to unbearable. Sobbing uncontrollably, Cannibal Carson bit down on his rock hard dick. The blood squirted in every direction. The Champion passed out, and Kimberly had the best orgasm of the night. It rushed out like a fifty gallon drum had turned upside down inside of her. His right shoulder and upper arm was covered in seconds, and the excess puddled on the floor beneath him. Kimberly closed her emerald green eyes, and savored the pleasurable feeling as long as she could. When it finally passed, she released her sleeping captive and stood on her feet. She looked down at him and smiled. Kimberly placed the sole of her white heel on the beaten mans swollen, battered face, and raised her arms in victory. The crowd was going crazy. She walked out of the cage, and was met by Tony, Damien, Mr. Falcone, and Bruno. "You were magnificent Miss Kimberly." Tony told her. "Yes Kimberly, you're the greatest." Damien said, as he counted his two million dollars. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen." Mr. Falcone admitted. "And I've been in the fight game for a very long time." "You were wonderful my Goddess. Simply wonderful." Bruno said with a large grin. "Please, allow me my sweet Goddess." Bruno hefted her up on his broad shoulder, and carried her up and back in front of the stands. Her adoring fans were cheering and stomping on the floor when she came into view. Bruno gently sat her back on her feet, and dropped to his knees in front of her. She smiled and rubbed his head like an o bedient little puppy. After waving to her fans for a few minutes, they all went to the boss mans office. Kimberly called Cole and told him to clean up the guest house. "I'm bringing some guests and having a party Cole, and I want it immaculate. Understand?" "Yes Master. I understand." "Good boy Cole. Good boy." "Did you order the Champagne and have it delivered to the address I gave you Tony?" "Yes Miss Kimberly. I obeyed your wishes as always." "Good boy." "Alright everyone, listen up. I'm having a celebration party in honor of me becoming Champion. All of you are invited." "Boss man, I want you to find Black Bear and Uri the Russian, and tell them I said they are to attend. No exceptions. Have you got that little man?" "Yes Miss Kimberly. I'll make sure they come." "Good boy." "I've written the address on these slips of paper, so no one will get lost. I would be very angry if someone didn't show up. Have I made myself clear wimps?" They all nodded yes. "Good boys. I'm very proud of you all." "Damien. As a reward for being my fight manager, you are excluded from coming to this party. I want you to go home and spend some time with your wife and new born son. Since I won't be fighting anymore, your services as fight manager are here by canceled. I may need your services from time to time in another capacity. Stay available. Have I made myself clear little man?" "Yes Kimberly. When ever you need me." "That's correct. Now be a good boy and run along." "Yes Kimberly. And thank you so much for everything you've done for me." "You're welcome little man. Now beat it." "Alright everyone. I'll see you all in about two hours. You must give a girl time to take a nice bubble bath and make herself presentable. You come with me Tony." "Yes Miss Kimberly, I'm at your service as always." The beautiful blond placed her hand on his arm and walked out the door. Kimberly felt good about herself. She was Champion of the fight club, and had Tony to make love to when ever she was in the mood. She had a stable of large muscular men, that did their level best to please her. And she was rich. Filthy rich. Life couldn't be more grand. Bruno was right. She was a Goddess.