More excellent Tasha Morales drawings to liven the story. Visit her blog.
Sixteen year old Kelly was lying in her bedroom worrying about her two cousins that were coming to stay for a week. It has been three years since she's seen her cousins Don and Duncan. They used to live down the block before their father got a better job and moved them to a different city. Back then they were really pushy and very bossy. And Kelly used to be their favorite target. She could certainly understand why they had to come and stay with her family for a week. With their mother going in for major surgery and their father gone on a long business trip, someone had to keep an eye on them. She knew their father was right about not wanting to leave them alone in their house. He was afraid the eighteen and nineteen year old boys would throw a huge party and trash his home. And Kelly couldn't blame him. It sounded exactly like something they would do.
Kelly sighed and decided she may be worrying about nothing. Hopefully the two bossy idiots had grown up in the last three years. But she really wasn't counting on it. They always were head strong and malicious. At least she wouldn't be an easy target for them now. The self defense classes she and her friends took had given her total confidence in herself. If they tried to push her around this time, she would just have to set them straight. She sat down at her vanity table to give her lustrous light brown hair her usual one hundred strokes before going to bed. It was a ritual of hers she never failed to carry out. She liked the feel of her silky hair and wanted to keep it healthy and shinny. When she was through, she pulled back the covers and slipped into bed. Tomorrow, she would find out if her cousins had changed.
Early Saturday morning the taxi dropped the two young men off. Their father wouldn't allow either one to drive their cars because he didn't want them running around and possibly get into mischief. So he made them take the bus. "My Lord you two have really grown." Kelly's mother said to the boys. "Yes you certainly have. And you've filled out quite a bit too." Her father replied. "Yeah. Me and Don really got hooked on lifting weights. I hope you don't mind, we brought a few things with us to keep in shape." Duncan said with a smile. "Yep. There's nothing like pumping iron." Don added. "Well it seems to have worked. Just look at those muscles." Her father said. "Yeah. Ain't they great. I'm 6 foot tall and weigh 263 pounds. And most of it is solid muscle." Duncan informed them. "And I'm nearly 6 foot tall and weigh 249. And mine is all pure muscle too." Don said grinning. "Well it's nice to have you boys here. Lets go on in the house." Her mother said.
When they entered the house, the boys spoke to Kelly for the first time. "You filled out yourself Kelly. You're not the skinny little girl I remember." Duncan told her. "Yeah Kelly, you look great. How much do you weigh now?" Don asked. "I'm 5 foot 5 and weigh 110. But mines not all muscle like you two." Kelly answered. "Hey that's good. Muscles on a girl make her look like a freak." Duncan replied. "Yeah Kelly. What you do have is in all the right places. So I wouldn't complain if I was you." Don told her. "Oh I'm not complaining. I like the way I look." She explained. Her mother interrupted and told Kelly to show the boys to their room. "You boys can put your weights down in the basement. We use the basemen t as our family computer room, but there's a spot near the far wall that would work perfectly." Her father told them. Kelly led the way to show them their room. Don followed her carrying their bags upstairs, while Duncan took their equipment down to the basement.
Through the whole weekend her cousins treated her pretty well. They weren't bossy or nasty to her one time. But her parents were always close by, so she didn't see that as a possibilty they may have changed. The true test would come sometime Monday. Her father would be at work, and her mother belonged to a bridge club that played every Monday afternoon. The three of them would be alone for at least four hours. If the two of them were still complete assholes, that would be the time they would strike. If they did, they were in for a very big surprise. The skinny little girl they loved to pick on three years ago, was not the one they would be facing now. This Kelly would stand up to them without hesitating. She was strong and confident in her capabilities. If they reverted to their old ways and needed to be taught a lesson, She was perfectly willing to be their teacher.
When her mother left for her bridge club, Duncan and Don were relaxing on the sofa watching a movie. Kelly decided to call her friends and see if they had any plans. After talking to Pam, Candy, and Shirley, the four girls planned a shopping trip together. Kelly went to her room and took a nice refreshing shower. After fully drying herself, she stood by her bed to get dressed. She had just put her thong panties on when Don came bursting through her bedroom door. Kelly covered her firm breasts with her arms and chastised the young man for entering her room without k nocking. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING BARGING IN HERE! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY ROOM RIGHT NOW!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Don just stood there grinning. He had only came in to find out where they kept their baby powder. He and Duncan had forgotten their chalk dust, and they wanted to go down stairs and lift some weights. But this opportunity to tease his cousin was to rich to pass up.
"Settle down Kelly. You don't have to be so modest. I've seen breasts before." He said with a smile. "Well you're not going to see mine. What the hell are you doing running around in your skimmpy thong underwear anyway?" She asked. "Oh that's not important. Now drop your arms and let me see your tits." He teased. "Get your ass out of my room before I throw you out." She threatened. "Are you kidding? Look at these muscles. There ain't know way a little girl like you could throw me out. So quit talking crazy and put your arms down. Let me see how well my little cousin has developed." He said with a leer. "This is your last warning moron. Move your ass, before I really get angry and make you sorry you were ever born." She replied confidently. "You know I can't allow you to challenge me like that and not do something about it. So if you're not going to show me your tits. I guess I'll have to take a look for myself." He said as he started to reach up and pull her arms away.
Kelly quickly went into action. Her right arm shot out like a lunging cobra. She drove her fore finger into his neck, striking a sensitive nerve that paralysed him for a few seconds. While he stood there frozen and incapacitated, her hard female fists went to work. "THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" A one two combination to his mid section doubled him up. Then the bone jarring uppercut sruck his chin like a sledge hammer. Don fell back against the wall hard. "SLAM!" With his motor functions still not completely under his control, she attacked her prey like a female mountain lion bringing down food for her cubs. He was totally helpless. "SMACK!..SMACK!" A right and left cross damaged both of his eyes. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Her left hook busted his bottom lip, and her straight right mangled his nose. Don finally gained control of his body and fired back with convicition.
His sweeping right roundhouse missed her ducking body by a mile. When his murderous punch sailed over her head and missed, his momentum caused his large body to lose it's balance. He stumbled past Kelly towards the center of the room. When he was able to stop himself and turn around to face her, he was met by a solid front kick from her strong right leg. "WHAM!" Her bare foot sunk deep into his stomach and caused him to slightly bend over. "WHAP!..WHAP!" The sole of her foot smacked the right side of his face one way, then her toes caught the left on the way back. As soon as her toes struck, she turned sideways and bent her knee as far as she could. Then her great looking leg shot up in a side kick that nearly took his head off when it landed. "WHAM!" Don left his feet and flew through the air. "BAM!" He was out like a light when he landed on her bed.
"What the hell is going on in there?" She heard Duncan yell. Forgetting all about being topless because she was now totally pissed, Kelly went out to meet him head on. She marched down the hallway and rounded the corner to enter the living room. Duncan had just gotten up to go and investigate the loud noises he heard coming from her bedroom. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his beautiful cousin coming towards him with no bra on. "My God Kelly. You filled out a lot better then I thought you did. Nice tits babe." He said as he hungrily stared at her breasts. She angrily shook her head. "I just whipped your stupid brothers ass for making remarks like that. Do you want to be next asshole?" She asked with her hands perched on her shapely hips. "That's impossible. You couldn't whip Don's ass on your best day." He's way to big for you." He said in shock.
"Then why is he sleeping like a baby on my bed with his face all busted up." She asked with a pretty smile. "You must have kneed him in the nuts you little bitch. Because there's no way you could win a fair fight with him or me." He replied. "You're about to find out just how wrong you are for calling me a bitch you big pussy. Because I'm going to knock your worthless ass out too. And it will probably be as easy as it was to put your wimp of a brother to sleep." She said as she confidently walked toward him. Duncan drew back his right fist to put her in the floor and show the stupid little bitch her place. Her right arm swiftly moved before he could throw the punch. Her fore finger jabbed a sensitive nerve in the chest, just under his heart. He reacted like a poisioness snake had just sank it 's fangs into him. His arm stopped in mid air and he stood there like he was in a trance. Kelly went to work on him with her fists.
"SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" His nose and mouth were crushed, his abs softened a bit, and his jaw felt unbelievable pain when the wrecking ball uppercut landed. Duncan staggered back and nearly went down. The solid punches brought him out of his stupor. When Kelly went after him, he prepared himself for battle. Two heavily muscled arms fired mountain shattering punches at the beautiful female warrior with all the strength he could muster. But those same huge muscles were a big hinderence when it came to speed. Kelly avoided his furious attack like it was child's play. When he stopped to rethink his strategy, she took over and showed the muscle bound idiot how to punch. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Two hard left jabs slammed into his face, followed by a devistating right cross to his left eye, and a pile driving left hook to his jaw. He was backpedaling again.
Kelly smiled as she walked him down. Duncan gained his balance and was thoroughly pissed. His face was really sore, and that fucking little bitch was wearing a cocky grin. It didn't take much imtelligence to see that grin meant she was enjoying herself while showing him she could take him easily. He completely lost it and charged at her. Kelly waited until he was in perfect range. Then she threw her upper body back in a hand spring. When her strong right leg came up with the follow through, her toes slugged him right under the chin. "W HACK!" Duncam fell back against the wall in a daze. Kelly completed her back hand spring and gracefully landed on her feet. Then she stepped up to take care of her incapacitated cousin. Her hard fists began pounding him in the bread basket.
"THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" When his knees buckled from the destruction his stomach was taking, Kelly switched to his unprotected face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes were beginning to swell, his nose was shattered to pieces, and his mouth puffed up as big as his thumbs. She finished her victim off with a dynamite uppercut. "CRRRACKK!" Duncan dropped at her feet out cold. Kelly placed her bare foot on his ass and taunted the battered young man. "I told you I could whip your ass you big sissy. You and that wimp brother of yours are simply pathetic. The great big muscles you two have all over your bodies didn't help either one of you at all. You two fight worse then two little boys. Maybe you should refrain from calling any females a bitch. Because you pathetic losers will get beaten up by every female you piss off."
Unknown to Kelly, Don had awakened and was sneaking up behind her. Before she knew what happened, he threw his muscular arms around her in a bear hug. Her arms were trapped at her sides, and he was squeezing her tight to keep her pinned in hi s hold. "DUNCAN! GET UP MAN! I'VE GOT HER!" He screamed. Duncan finally came to his senses after Don nudged him a few times with his foot. "Come on man. Get up and show this little bitch she shouldn't have fucked with us. I've got her pinned and she cn't get away. So beat the fuck out of her man." He told his brother. "Lets take her down to the basement where no one can hear her screaming." Duncan advised. "Good idea man. Let's go." He said as he picked her up and followed his brother. Duncan led the way to open the door for his brother.
Kelly didn't panic. Her self defense training held her in check. While Don was carrying her down to the basement, her mind was forming possible ways of escaping. She finally decided on one if Duncan would cooperate with her plan. Judging by the intelligence he had shown so far, it was probable he would fall right into it. She bidded her time and waited for her opportunity. She was squirming as much as she could to divert Don's attention. That part of her plan worked. Without his knowledge, she had managed to wedge her right hand between the two of them. Now, if Duncan did as she suspected he would, she was home free. "Bring her over here in the corner Don. We want her as far away from the door as we can get when she starts screaming. Don obeyed his older brother.
Duncan faced her with a triumphant smile on his face. "We've got you now you little bitch. All those fancy moves can't help you while you're trapped in his bear hug. So you're fucking dead meat. You should have known better then to fuck with two guys as big as we are. I guess you're not very smart. But you'll be a whole lot wiser when we get through with you. Won't she Don?" "You got that righ t. Nobody fucks with us like that and gets away with it. Especially a scrawny female who thinks she's fucking tough. Let her have it Duncan. I want to hear her crying like a baby while she pleads with us to leave her alone. She's really got it coming after the dirty trick she pulled on me. So puund her fucking face in." Don said with hatred in his voice. "You got it brother." Duncan said as he stepped up to swing. Which is exactly what Kelly was waiting for.
All of a sudden, her strong right leg flew up right into Duncan's dangling balls. "WHAP!" At that same instant, she grabbed Don's balls with her right hand and squeezed with all her strength. Duncan grunted in pain when her foot struck his balls and collapsed to the floor on his knees. "UUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Don also screamed in pain from having his balls crushed in her hand. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Without missing a beat, Kelly threw her head back into Don's face, while snapping her leg up again to kick Duncan right in the face. "BAM!..WHAP!" Duncan dropped to the floor on his face, while Don released her and grabbed his broken nose. She was free and angry as hell. Duncan was down, so Don posed the most serious threat. She attacked with pure venom in her heart.
"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four solid punches sent him staggering back. Don's large hands were waving out in front of him trying to fend her off. His eyes were watering so bad from his broken nose, that he couldn't see where she was going to strike next. She kept u p her relentless attack without giving him a seconds respite. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..CRACK!" She doubled him over with two hard punches to his gut. Then the left hook busted his mouth, and the eye popping uppercut nearly took his head off. Don folded up like a card table and bounced when he hit the floor. "SLAM!" He was barely conscious. She wasted no time. Duncan was struggling to get up, so she threw his left arm around her shoulder and helped him to his feet. "Here you go cousin. Let me help your weakling ass up." As soon as she had him on his feet, she turned her hip into him and flipped him back to the floor. "SLAM!" Duncan lie there moaning.
"Well you fell again you clumsy oaf. Can't you stay on your feet." She asked with a smile. She grabbed him by his right arm with her left hand and his hair with her right. All in one motion, she jerked him back to his feet and sharply yanked his head down while lifting up on his arm. Duncan went ass over tea kettle and hit the floor again. "SLAM!" "Well for goodness sakes. What's wrong with you wimp. You stand about as well as a one year old baby. I'm getting tired of helping you up. Now see if you can't stay on your feet this time." She grabbed him under both of his arms and pulled his wobbly body up. Then she placed her foot in his stomach and fell backwards while pushing up hard with her leg. Duncan went flying over her and landed hard on top a small end table in the middle of the floor. "SLAM!" Luckily it didn't break.
Kelly dragged his lifeless body over to where his brother lie a nd placed him right beside Don. Then she strolled up and stood with her feet on the outside of their their heads facing their feet. Easily sliding her legs out, the flexable female warrior did the splits. She lowered herself down until her firm butt was between them and her thighs were jammed against the bottom of their chins and across their throats. She had both males helplessly pinned to the floor. "It's time to work on your tummy's weaklings. They look a little flabby to me. Maybe I can beat the fat out and tighten them up for you. It's worth a try." She said as she raised her dainty fists. "Here we go." "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" Both of their stomachs were pounded to mush. "I think that did the trick." She said grinning.
When she was satisfied with the destruction she put their stomach through, Kelly pushed on their chests to raise her well developed body up. She knelt over Duncan's head and lifted Don to a sitting position. Then she planted her sweet ass in Duncan's face and put Don in a sleeper hold. Her two cousins were feebling struggling to try and free themselves. But the terrible beating she had given them was entirely to much for the battered young men to overcome. Their pitiful struggles were useless against the powerful females secure holds. She smothered Duncan to sleep in less then a minute, with Don falling unconscious a few seconds after that. She dropped Don's lifeless body on the floor and stood on her feet.
"If you two gentlemen will excuse me I have to go take another shower. My friends and I are going shopping so I won't see you until dinner time. I'm sure you will come up with a feasible excuse for your badly swollen faces. I doubt very much if you two will tell my parents the truth. It would be completely humiliating for you weaklings to admit I beat you senseless. But we'll know won't we boys? Now you two little sissy's be good while I'm gone or I may have to spank your asses for you when I get back. Sweet dreams cousins. I hope you enjoy your naps." She said as she strolled off smiling.
She was correct. They did come up with a lame excuse to explain their severely battered faces. Although she didn't think her parents believed it. But they never pressured the two boys for a different explaination. Her two cousins never bothered her the rest of the week. In fact, they stayed as far away from her as they could get. She visibily saw the fear in their eyes when ever she was near them. And once in a while when she was sure her parents weren't looking, she would have fun with her cousins. She would double up her fist and show it to them while squinting her eyes in a hateful look. When their faces turned snow white and their muscular bodies started trembling, she had to cover her mouth before she burst out laughing. They looked like they were going to piss their pants when they scurried out of her sight. It was the most enjoyable week she ever spent in her life.