The Heroines capture the Super Heros. (Illustrated)

By Crohnsman

Part 2-- The Super powered ladies round up the Super Heros and bring them to Cheyenne Mountain.


Part two of the story requested by a fan. I hope you and he enjoy the story.

Now that Supergirl and her female army had a base of operation, it was time to think about the Super Heros. The Ladies were positive the males would try to stop their take over. Because they were all patriotic assholes. Breaking any law would totally go against their grain. While they thought stopping others from breaking the law was their calling. So the Super Heros would definitely be against the females rebellion. They had to be defeated if the Super Heroines were going to succeed in taking over the Governments of the world. So Supergirl called a meeting to discuss a course of action. She was aware that some of the Super Heroines were romantically involved with some of the males. She had to make them understand that what they were doing was much more important then a love affair.

"OK ladies, here's the dilemma. We will never accomplish our goals with the Super Heros o pposing us every step of the way. They must be taken out of the equation. I'm not saying I want them killed. That would make us just as evil as the Super Villains that each and every one of us has battled and brought to justice. I'm saying they have to be captured and brought here. The best way to keep them out of our hair is to imprison the Super Heros and watch over them ourselves. I've given this a lot of thought, and I've come to the conclusion there's no other way to handle this. Now I realise some of you are on very intimate terms with some of the Heros. So I need to know right now if you're going to be squeamish over the idea of capturing and putting the men you care about in prison. It's time to make your decision ladies. Think it over." Supergirl stated.

There was a lot of murmuring going on in the crowd while they talked it over among themselves. Supergirl waited patiently while they decided. She knew what she was asking of them would be a difficult decision to make. So she didn't want to pressure any of the ladies for an answer. They needed time to think it over rationally and be sure the decision they made would be the correct one. Wonder Woman finally spoke up for the group. "We all agree capturing the men and bringing them here is a splendid idea. It not only gets them out of our way, it gives us the opportunity to practice using the secret technique we've learned. We can't wait to turn a strong male into a pathetic little weakling. Having a man obey your every whim while he's eating out of your hand must be an intoxicating thrill. So we're behind you one hundred percent Supergirl." "YEAH! They all shouted.

"I do have a qu estion though." Catwoman said after the noise died down. "Superman is their strongest ally. And he's a very formidable adversary. Are you confident you can handle him Supergirl?" "She has a point." Batgirl added. Supergirl smiled and turned towards the door. "FRONT AND CENTER SUPERSISSY!" She yelled. All of the Super Heroines braced themselves for battle when they saw Superman walk through the door. Supergirl snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor in front of her. "KNEES!" She command. The women were amazed to see Superman instantly drop to his knees at her feet. "My boots are dusty my pet. Clean them for me." She ordered the man of steel. Every mouth in the room fell open when Superman leaned over and began licking her boots. Supergirl proudly stood there with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Well I'll be damned. I guess that answers that question." The Black Widow said with a grin. The entire room broke out with laughter. "As you can see ladies, Superman won't be a problem. Are there any other questions?" Supergirl asked. "Yeah. How long did it take you to train him to do that?" Electra wanted to know. "He was pretty much under my control after I gave him three severe beatings. But a touch of defiance still lingered deep inside of him. Then I showed the wimp how pleasurable it was to have a females hand fondle his penis. When I finished masturbating the weakling, he dropped to the floor and gently covered my bare feet with kisses. Now he obeys every command I give him without hesitating and calls me his Goddess." Supergirl replied.

"Make no mistake ladies . You will have to prove to the wimps that you are superior to them. They've been taught for years that they are the dominate sex. That ridiculous notion will have to be beaten out of them before they realise it is false. And it doesn't happen over night. Once you get the upper hand, you must never relinquish it. Make them understand if they make a mistake they will be severely punished. A harsh spanking is one of the best ways to keep them in line. It thoroughly humiliates the sissy's to be treated like a spoiled little boy. And knowing they can't stop you breaks their spirit and bends their will to yours. I promise you ladies. Your men will be wrapped around your little finger and be totally obedient once you show them who's boss. And you will feel so powerful."

All the women shook their heads in understanding. The proof she was telling the truth was crawling at her feet licking her boots like an obedient lap dog. So their was no denying her statements were accurate. It would take some doing, but they were all confident they could pull it off. While the ladies were settling down, Supergirl kicked her boot licking pet away from her feet. "Kneel behind me and shove your face deep in my ass. Is that clear sissy?" She asked the shaking male. "Yes my Goddess." Superman answered as he crawled behind her. He put his nose in the crack of her gorgeous ass and buried it as far as it would go. "Good boy." She said. The women were all giggling as they watched the most feared man on the planet humiliate himself. Supergirl called them to order and got down to business.

"Here are your assignments ladies. The ones that have counter par ts, I've given the responsibility of bringing those men in. Batgirl, you get the privilege of bringing in Batman. She Hulk, your job is to capture the incredible Hulk. Phantom Lady, your responsibility is the Phantom. Next is Captain America. He's yours Miss America. Ms. Marvell, you're matched up with Captain Marvell. And the Mighty Thor is yours to bring in Thor Girl. I figured those of you that have had love affairs with some of the Super Heros would feel better if I let you be the one to capture them. So Electra, Daredevil is yours to bring in. And if you can handle it Buffy, Angel and Spike are your responsibilities. Storm, I know you have a working relationship with The Wolverine. So your job is to capture him."

"Wonder Woman, I've given you the privilege of capturing The Flash. Spiderman is yours Catwoman. And Robin belongs to you Black Widow. Sheena, you know the jungle better then anyone here. So Tarzan is your responsibility. Valkyrie, I think you're capable of handling the Green Lantern. And Powergirl, Aquaman is yours. Indiana Jones is a good match for you Lara. So bring him in. As for the rest of you. I've matched you up as close as I can with someone whose powers are equal or less then your own. So these men are your assignments." The Heroines stepped up and received their targets with a smile. They couldn't wait to beat the Heros senseless and turn them into pussy's. Then they planned on using their weakness against them to acquire slaves of their own. "Good luck and good hunting ladies." Supergirl said as they all filed out.

After the Heroines left to capture their males the others went back to work. Several had some time off so they joined a combat instructor to continue their lessons. She rounded up a few of the soldiers in the brig for the girls to use for practice. "Listen up ladies. When facing a male in a fight, he is going to be stronger then you at the beginning. You have to wear him down and weaken him to the point that you eventually become the strong one. Now that's not as hard as it sounds. A females stamina, will, and determination is far better then any males. He will be very confident at the start, because in his mind he is facing an opponent he can handle with ease. As the fight progresses, he will get angry at himself for not taking you out as quickly as he thought he would."

"As the fight goes on, that anger will turn to frustration. He'll begin to feel totally inept and start to doubt his abilities. Then his mind will become bewildered because you're still in the battle and he'll have no idea how to defeat you. Finally, his confidence will evaporate completely and fear will take over his body. He will switch to a defensive strategy trying not to lose the battle, instead of going all out to win. That's when you stop toying with him and become aggressive. By then he will be weaker then you and at your mercy. He won't be able to stop you from doing what ever you wish. It will soon dawn on him that he is going to lose the fight against a much smaller and less muscular female. He'll revert back to his childhood and shamefully cry like a baby."

The instructor dragged one of the soldiers over to give the ladies a demonstration. "One of the best ways to begin the fight and his eventual demise, is to ram your knee into his dangling balls. This will begin the weakening process and slow do wn his agility. It is done like this." "WHAM!" She drove her knee into the soldiers balls and he dropped to his knees at her feet. "As you can see, it's very painful for the male and incapacitates him for a short time. While he's down and vulnerable, a few well placed kicks will soften him up further. Your legs are your strongest asset ladies. So use them as often as posible to break him. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAP!..WHAP!" She landed a hard kick to his stomach and ribs and then two to his unprotected face. "Don't try using your fists or wrestling holds yet. That will come later. He may be down and hurt, but he's still a dangerous adversary." She explained.

The soldier reacted just as she said he would. The knee to his balls and the kicks made him angry as hell. He jumped up and attacked with fury. The instructor eluded his clumsy swings and struck when she got the chance. "WHAM!..WHAM!" She landed a side kick to his mid section and face when he was off balance from a hard missed punch. About five minutes later he screamed out his frustration and charged her like an angry bull. "WHAM!" His chin was met by a snapping front kick that dumped him in the floor on his back. "As I explained. He became frustrated because he hasn't landed any blows and completely lost his focus. Soon he'll be hesitant to try anything because nothing he's tried has worked so far. His mind will be confused and bewildered." She said as the ladies shook their head in understanding.

The instructor hit the nail right on the head. After missing with at least a dozen punches, the soldier backed off and looked completely lost. She smiled when sh e advanced on him and saw the fear in his eyes. He frantically threw a right cross, hoping to connect and redeem himself. But the instructor easily dodged it and went to work on him with her fists. He was totally helpless. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" Four solid shots mangled his face and left him open for the jaw breaking uppercut. He left his feet and landed spread eagled on the floor out cold. The female students cheered her performance . Unknown to the instructor, the remaining soldiers she brought to be practice dummies were about to attack to avenge their friend. One of the ladies saw them at the last second and shouted a warning. "LOOK OUT!"

She reacted instinctively and whirled around to land a spinning back kick on the side of the head of the first man. "WHAM!" Then her battle tested female body became a flashing blur. Large muscular men were flying in every direction. Her fists and feet were in constant movement. The ladies stepped back out of her way. "WHAM!..WHAM!..SMACK!..WHAM!..SMACK!..CRACK!" One after another the men fell like bowling pins. Her onslaught of punches and kicks precisely found their mark with extreme regularity. "SMACK!" One dropped with a broken nose and didn't move. "WHAM!" Another one hit the floor unconscious. "THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" The third landed on the pile sleeping like a baby.

The fourth and final man was staggering around on unsteady legs. She faced him and smiled as she taunted the muscular soldier. "Feeling a little sleepy are you wimp? Why don't you just lie down and take a nap." She swung her shapely leg in a sweeping arc kick that caught him flush in the face. He flop ped back on top of the pile like a giant oak tree that had been chopped down. She stood there with her hands on her hips and smiled at the pile of unconscious muscular males next to her. The female students stared at her in disbelief. "That was the most awesome thing I've even seen in my life." One finally said. "You can learn to fight like that if you apply yourself. It just takes some effort. Now lets take these wimps back to their cell and grab some others for you to practice on." "HELL YES!" They all agreed with a smile.

Meanwhile back in his cell, Superman was deep in thought. A couple of the females were talking about their take over plans when they walked by, so he now knew what Supergirl and the Heroines were up to. He could easily bend the bars and escape. But he might hurt some of the women getting out and that was against his code. Besides, Supergirl would eventually find him and drag his ass back. And she was certain to give him a terrible beating for his escape attempt. He also realised that part of him didn't want to flee his Goddess and her magical hands. But he couldn't let them succeed in carrying out their evil plan and take over the world. So he was in a quandary with no apparent solution to his problem. He felt angry and frustrated for being put in this situation.

While he was thinking, one of the women slid a plate of food through the bars for him. "Here's your breakfast Superman. I'll drop by later for the plate and utensils." She said. "Take it away. I don't want it." He replied angrily. "You have to eat Superman. Now quit throwing a temper tantrum and eat your breakfast like a goo d little boy." That really pissed him off. Who the hell did she think she was talking to him like that. He jumped up and kicked the plate back through the bars. "THAT'S WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR BREAKFAST!" He screamed at her. She simply walked off and let him stew. He did feel better when he sat back down. He had been so docile and obedient lately he forgot how good it felt to let off some steam.

He was deep in thought again when he heard his cell door open. Fear instantly rushed through his body like a virus when he saw the scowl on Supergirls face. He leaped to his feet to plead his case but it was to late. "THUD!" Her fist drilled him in the mid section so hard he dropped to his knees and couldn't catch his breath. Supergirl stepped behind him and grabbed both of his wrists while planting her right foot in the middle of his back. Then she nearly pulled his shoulders out of their sockets when she yanked his arms back and pushed hard with her foot. The pain was unbearable. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "LISTEN TO ME YOU LITTLE PANSY ASS! IF YOU EVER FRIGHTEN ONE OF MY GIRLS AGAIN I'LL RIP YOU APART! YOU WILL FOLLOW THEIR ORDERS LIKE THEY WERE MINE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME BOY?" She screamed. "YES! YES! YES! OH GOD! PLEASE KARA! IT HURTS! I'M SORRY! PLEASE I'M SORRY!" He begged as tears filled his eyes.

Supergirl released his arms and shoved the sobbing man in the floor. Then she grabbed a hand full of his hair and slightly lifted his head up. "Come over here Beth." She asked the girl who had served him his food. The red headed female stepped up by his head. "Kiss her feet and apologise. Or so help me God I' ll beat you within an inch of your life." Supergirl commanded the frightened man of steel. He quickly placed his lips on her soft skin and kissed them repeatedly. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." He pleaded with the young woman. Beth thought it was so cool to have the most feared man on the planet kiss her feet. So she let him continue for a bit before she answered. "Will you obey me the next time I give you an order?" She asked with a grin. "Yes. Yes. What ever you want. Just please forgive me." He begged. "Alright you're forgiven." She answered. "Thank you Beth. You may return to your duties now." Supergirl told her. Beth left with her head held high. She felt rather special.

Supergirl jerked Superman up from the floor and put him in a sleeper hold. "I have more important things to do then discipline you Supersissy. So behave yourself before you really make me angry. If I have to come back I'll make you wish you were dead." She sternly told him. When she released her victim, he fell on his face out cold. Supergirl strolled out and locked the door behind her. It was about time for the Super Heroines to start showing up with their captors. So she headed to the main entrance to greet the conquering females and praise their victory. So far everything was going as planned. She was proud of the working personnel she brought on board. The females had quickly adjusted to living underground in close quarters. And they were adequately carrying out their duties without complaint. This rebellion was bound to but be successful with the loyal following she had.

Supergirl was there about ten minutes talking to the guard when Black Widow came strolling through the door with Robin slung over her shoulder. "Good job Black Widow. How did it go?" She asked. "He wasn't a problem Supergirl. The little wimp was putty in my hands." She replied with a smile. "Great. Put him in a cell and enjoy yourself. You've earned it." She told the beautiful female. She had just turned back to the door when Wonder Woman waltzed in dragging The Flash behind her. He was all trussed up with her golden lasso. "I see you didn't have any trouble capturing your quarry either." She said with a smile. "It was as easy as roping a steer. Except it was a lot more fun." The beautiful Heroine replied. "I'll bet it was girl. Throw him in with Robin and relax. I'll see you later." "Will do." She said as she jerked on the rope.

About five minutes later the door opened. Then Supergirl heard a loud "SMACK!" Batman came backpedalling through the door and dropped on his back before somersaulting over on his face sound asleep. Batgirl stepped through with her hands on her shapely hips. "I warned the little wimp what I would do to him if he didn't come along peacefully. He should have listened." She said stamping her foot. "I think he'll mind you now Batgirl. Nice job." She praised the lovely lady in black. "He better. Because if he still wants to argue over which one of us is the boss, I'll blister his bare ass good for him." She stated as she lifted Batman up by the back of his collar and dragged his sleeping body off. Supergirl couldn't suppress her grin. That's one hell of an army I've got. She said too herself. I'm glad their on my side.

It wasn't long before they began to show up in droves. Catwoman walked in with Spiderman tied up like a Christmas turkey, while Electra came in behind her with Daredevil's unconscious body over her shoulder. Then She Hulk strutted through carrying the Hulk above her head, and the Valkyrie walked in dragging the Green Lantern by his ankle. The side of his battered head thumped against the door frame. Next came Buffy the vampire slayer pushing a wheelbarrow. Angel and Spike's unconscious bodies were in it laid out in the 69 position. Supergirl had to laugh at that. Then the Phantom Lady came through with the Phantom, Storm came in with the Wolverine, and Lara Croft brought in Indiana Jones at gun point.

Sheena stepped through with Tarzan's beaten body slung under her arm, and Ms. Marvel marched Captain Marvel in while holding him in a choke hold and hammerlock. Then Thor Girl showed up carrying Thor's hammer in her left hand and dragging the Mighty Thor beside her in a painful headlock. Miss America was next with Captain America's sagging body clutched in her left hand by the front of his costume. She was explaining the rules while she was slapping the shit out of him. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" "You better learn to obey my commands little man, if you don't want me to beat you senseless again." She sternly told the beaten Super Hero. After her came Powergirl with a ragged looking Aquaman. He had been out of the water for quite a long time and was in bad shape. "We have a cell set up especially for him Powergirl. Dump him in the water and he should be fine." Supergirl told her.

By the time the rest of them filed through the door, it was going on evening. All total the ladies had fifty one Super Heros behind bars, plus the two hundred and eighteen soldiers and crew that originally maned the base. Everyone of the Heroines brought in the man assigned to her. Supergirl called a meeting later that night and congratulated the females on a job well done. She said it would take about a week to set up a smooth running schedule to feed and take care of all the prisoners. So she told them to relax and enjoy themselves for now. "We will begin our assault on the Governments of the world in one week ladies. It shouldn't take long to over throw them with the Super Heros locked up and out of our hair. Soon, this world will be in ruled by strong and capable females like it should be. Thanks to all of you." She said with a smile. Loud cheering and clapping followed her speech.

The next day the females were all in a good mood. The Super Heroines had a week to enjoy themselves and they knew exactly how they were going to spend their time. They couldn't wait to fondle their men and turn them into submissive weaklings. The Super Heros were about to begin their training as slaves to the beautiful women. Right after breakfast, they split up headed for their men's cages giggling like school girls. Each one was wearing nothing but her panties. Their perfectly shaped female bodies gracefully strolled down the hallways like cats on the prowl. Those that were on duty wished them good luck and told them to have a good time. They knew their turn would come, so they weren't jealous about having to wait.

Powergirl opened the cell and strolled in. Aquaman saw her approachin g and was furious. He wanted answers and he wanted them now. "What the hell is going on? Where is my costume? Why am I cooped up in this cell? What's wrong with you crazy females? You better let me out of here right now. Before I do something I may regret." "Oh pipe down motor mouth. You can't be stupid enough to not know what's going on. That's why you're in this cell and you're staying here whether you like it or not. And you won't need your costume for what I have in mind. So shut your big mouth and come here." She said with an evil grin. Aquaman didn't have to be told twice. If she got in, then he could get out. She was only wearing panties, so the key must be down there. He said to himself. He leaped to over power her and escape. Freedom was within his grasp.

Powergirl was ready for him. Her straight right nailed him between the eyes. "SMACK!" Aquaman was stunned for a second and vulnerable. She turned her back while reaching over her shoulder to wrap her arm around the back of his neck. Aquaman went sailing over her shoulder to hit the water hard. Powergirl pounced on him and reached under his boxer shorts to grab his soft dick. Aquaman was struggling as hard as he could with the strong female when his mighty strength seemed to disappear. "I've got you now big boy. There's no since in fighting it. Just relax and enjoy the fun." She told him while sliding her silky hand up and down his lengthy shaft. It quickly grew to it's full length and became rock hard in mere seconds.

Aquaman was as weak as a new born kitten and didn't know why. His impressive strength had never failed him before. But his massive arms wouldn't obe y any commands coming from his brain. They simply floated limp in the water like dead logs. His mind soon wandered from his problems when he began to feel the overwhelming pleasure the female was giving him. All of a sudden her smooth stroking hand was the only thing in the universe that mattered. He closed his eyes and moaned while his entire muscular body went limp. Powergirl smiled and turned him loose. "Now that you've finally stopped talking, lets use that big mouth of yours for something useful." She said as she scooted back and sat her beautiful ass right in his face. "Ahhhh, that's much better."

Powergirl moved her finely shaped hips while she used his nose as a dildo. When she was hot and ready, she adjusted her position. She pinned his massive arms with her knees and settled her golden mound down on his mouth. "OK wimp. Get that tongue in there and please your superior." She commanded. Aquaman had regained some of his strength after she turned loose of his dick. He wasn't about to let some fucking female humiliate him like this. He put everything he had into freeing himself so he could kick her ass. Powergirl reached down and pulled both of his legs up to her. She bent him in half and wrapped her left arm around his left and then stretched it across her back to grab his right leg by the ankle. Now that she had him helplessly pinned, she grabbed his dick again.

"I told you it was useless to fight me you pathetic weakling. Now simmer down before I have to hurt you." She sternly admonished the muscular male beneath her. Aquaman's pitiful struggles ceased in seconds. Her soft palm stroked the fight right out of him. Leaving the heel of her hand on the under side of his hard dick, she spread her fingers around his balls and squeezed. Aquaman grunted in pain. "Get that tongue in there like I ordered or I'll pop your balls like they were grapes. Understand little boy?" She asked in a harsh tone. He didn't hesitate. Being humiliated was one thing. Being turned into a eunuch was another. He shoved his tongue in deep and licked like his life depended on it. Powergirl was satisfied enough to ease the pressure on his balls.

"That's my good boy. You're doing a wonderful job. Just keep it up and don't make me angry. Or you'll be sorry you were ever born." She closed her eyes and savored the sweet ecstasy his fast moving tongue was giving her. In less then three minutes, her creamy juices sloshed over his face like a raging river. Powergirl screamed with pleasure and rotated her hips faster. Aquaman hastened his pace to keep up with her. After receiving six delicious orgasms, she climbed off of him a satisfied woman. "That was fantastic. I think I'll keep you around for a long, long time. But first you have to be trained to obey me. So get up wimp. Your slave training is about to begin." She informed him. "SLAVE TRAINING? You are nuts lady. Now give me the key before I kick your ass and take it from you." He threatened. "Come and get it little boy. It's right here in my pink panties." She challenged.

Aquaman sprang out of the water at her. Powergirl grabbed his wrists and planted her foot in his mid section. Then she laid back and flipped him over her gorgeous body. As soon as he hit the water she was on him. She jerked him to a standin g position and slapped him in a full nelson. Then she dragged him back with her until they reached the side of the pool. She leaped up out of the water and sat her perfect ass on the concrete edge. She snaked her long shapely legs around his middle and crossed her slim ankles. "You will learn to mind me wimp. I guarantee it." She whispered in his ear. Then she clamped down with her strong feminine legs. Aquaman's ribs felt like they were caught in a vice. The pain was excruciating. And it was getting worse. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" His loud scream could be heard all over the compound.

Powergirl figured his arms were numb enough he wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight. She released her full nelson and grabbed his left wrist with her left hand. Then she wrapped her right arm around the front of his throat and bent his upper body back. She pulled his head snug against her side near her firm right breast and tightened her grip. Then she twisted his left arm all the way around. Aquaman screamed again. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Oh I bet that hurts doesn't it pansy ass. Well it's about to get even more painful." She tightened her legs until she was using half of her power. Aquaman screamed like he was dying. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "I told you it was going to get worse." She said smiling.

"OH GOD! IT HURTS! LET ME GO! PLEASE LET ME GO! I GIVE UP! I GIVE UP! PLEASE! LET ME GO!" He whimpered nearly in tears. "Ahhhh, is the big macho man going to cry? What a wuss." She said teasing her helpless victim. "Please Powergirl let me go. I'll do anything you want. Just stop hurtin g me. Please." He begged. She smiled at his pleading. "Do you admit that I'm the boss?" She sternly asked. "Yes. Yes. You're the boss." He quickly answered. "You will obey every command I give you. If you hesitate or argue with me, I'll crush you until your ribs break. Is that clear you pathetic weakling?" "Yes it's clear Powergirl. Please it hurts. Have mercy" He whined. When she turned him loose, he collapsed on his back in the water. Powergirl slid back in the pool and sat down with her back resting against the side.

While he lie there groaning, she wrapped her gorgeous legs around his neck and settled back to relax. "These are the rules you must follow. You will obey me at all times. Every order I give you will be carried out quickly and efficiently. You will service me when ever I request it. And you will do your absolute best to please me. Any attempt to stand up to me will be dealt with accordingly. Your punishments will range from a severe beating to a very harsh spanking. It will be totally at my discretion. You really have no choice in the matter because your much to weak to defeat me. So remain submissive at all times or I'll hurt you like you've never been hurt before. Do you understand and accept these rules?" She asked. "Yes ma'am. You're the boss." He pitifully whimpered. "Good boy. I'm going to love having a slave." She said smiling.

While Powergirl was in the process of training her slave, Valkyrie tip toed into Green Lantern's cell to set him straight on who was boss. He was sitting on a bench sleeping with his legs up and his back resting against the wall. She stood over him w earing only her thong panties and a smile. The hard toned shape of his muscular body was magnificent. She was really going to enjoy putting him in his place. Which was on his knees at her feet. Unable to hold her enthusiasm any longer, she tapped him on the head. His eyes shot open and his mighty fists doubled up for battle. "Hey there hot shot. It's time to wake up and assume your duties as my personal slave. Do you willing accept your roll, or do I have to give you a good beating and force you to?" She asked with a smile.

He looked at her in disbelief. He knew these fucking women were crazy, but this one was really off her rocker. "You must be joking you little twit. You're going to give me a good beating? You really are out of your mind lady." He said confidently. "Have you forgotten it was I who knocked your whimpy ass out and brought you here?" She asked grinning. "You attacked me by surprise and you know it. I wasn't expecting trouble from an ally. So I wasn't prepared when you jumped me Valkyrie. If we started on even terms, you wouldn't have a prayer of defeating me. So stop this nonsense and let me out of here. Or I'll be forced to get rough with you." He stated. "Lets rumble then hot shot. I'll prove just how wrong you are by breaking you down right now." She replied.

That suited the Green Lantern just fine. He opened up his offense with a purpose. But he wasn't fighting an ordinary female. The Valkyrie's fighting skills had been battle tested many times. With or without her mighty sword, she was a very dangerous opponent. Which the Green Lantern was about to find out. Valkyrie moved her very feminine b ody like a graceful swan and avoided his monstrous punches. The smile on her beautiful face irritated the Green Lantern so much, he increased his efforts to put her down and escape. But they were still ineffective against the agile blond warrior. After he missed a seriously hard punch and lost his balance, Valkyrie decided to stop toying with him. Her attack was precise and devastating.

"SMACK!" The straight right crushed his nose and sent him reeling back. By the time he got his footing, she was there to deliver a solid combination that snapped his head from side to side. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Then her one two drilled him in the stomach. "THUD!..THUD!" The final blow was a powerful uppercut that nearly took his head off. "CRRRACKK!" Green Lantern left his feet and landed spread eagled on the floor. Valkyrie seized the opportunity and took hold of his limp dick while he was in the dazed state. Green Lantern tried to shake the groggyness off and wrestle her to the floor where his heavier weight and larger muscles would give him the advantage. But a few strokes from her silky hand had him completely under her spell. "You're not as tough as you thought you were are you wimp? All I need to control your muscular body is two fingers." She said as she slid her thumb and fore finger up and down his shaft. His dick turned hard and he went limp.

"You like that don't you little man? You can't deny it because I can clearly hear your moans of pleassure. I'll give you this wonderful feeling quite a bit in the future. But first we have to establish which one of us is the boss. And that person is going to be me. So I'm afraid th e pleassure you're experiencing is about to turn into pain." She told the weak male as she dragged him to his feet. "Feel the power of Valkyrie my little weakling." She told him as she drew back her fist. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four hard shots landed with the strength of a sledge hammer behind them. Green Lantern's eyes swelled, his mouth puffed up, and his jaw felt cracked. "You will soon be crawling at my feet." She said smiling. Then she resumed his destruction.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" The helpless Super Hero's face began swelling up like a balloon. Valkyrie gave his penis a few more strokes to keep it up and him under her spell. Then she went back to breaking him down. Her hard fists took him apart in no time. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His handsome face rapidly changed colors, and his swirling stomach felt like a butter churn. He was nearly out on his feet when she blasted his chin with the dynamite uppercut. "CRRRACKK!" His flying body landed on the bench he was sleeping on and quickly slid down it until he slammed into the wall and dropped to the floor on his butt. He was barely conscious when Valkyrie strolled over to his lifeless body with her hands on her shapely hips.

"How about a little taste of what's in store for you the rest of your life. It will be one of your required duties as my slave. So learn to do it properly and save yourself from receiving multiple beatings." She informed the badly beaten Super Hero. Valkyrie stepped over the bench and straddled it while facing away from him. Then she leaned over and placed her hands on the bench for leverage while she shoved her perfect ass right in his face and pinned his head to the wall. He feebly struggled to push her ass away from his face. But the terrible beating she gave him and her fondling of his dick had thoroughly sapped his enormous strength. Realising he was trapped and unable to stop her from humiliating him, he began to cry.

"There, there little one don't cry. I'll take real good care of you. Just obey my commands to keep me happy and things will go much smoother. I'll give you pleassures you've never even dreamed of. But you have to please me so I won't get in a foul mood. I can be a total bitch when I'm angry. And that would be very bad for your health. So learn your duties and perform them to the best of your abilities. You're to much of a weakling to change your destiny so accept it." To emphasize her point, she wiggled her nicely curved hips and rubbed her gorgeous ass in his face. Green Lantern's tears trickled down the cheeks of her ass. He knew in his heart she was right. His will was bent to hers. The fighting spirit and courage he relied on for years had been beaten out of him by the beautiful Valkyrie. She owned him body and soul. He just gave up and cried his heart out.

Valkyrie turned around and sat down on the end of the bench facing him. She cupped his chin and lifted his head so she could look ino his frightened, tear filled eyes. "Don't fret little one, it won't be all bad. I believe you will eventually be proud I picked you to be my personal slave. Now show me how well you can behave and stop that crying." She ordered. The Green Lantern shut off the water works as fast as he could. Not only out of fear of making her angry, he found himself desperately wanting to please his beautiful conquerer and make her happy. She smiled and wiped the last remaining tears from his adoring eyes. "That's my good boy. To prove I'll not always be ruthless and cruel, I'm going to reward you for instantly obeying my command. Lie back and relax." She said smiling.

Valkyrie reached down and pulled his thong aside so she could take hold of his manhood. She gently began to masturbate her slave while he closed his eyes and waited for the exsquisit feeling to build up in his loins. It wasn't long in coming. He was soon rolling his head back and forth while grunting with pleassure. Valkyrie fondled him like an expert and patiently waited for him to spill his seed. In a few short minutes, he exploded like a cannon going off. His sperm repeatedly flowed out of him and puddled under the end of the bench. When he was finally through, Valkyrie propped her feet up on the end of the bench and wrapped her arms around her knees. She smiled at the satisfying look on his handsome face.

When the Green Lantern came out of his erotic dreamland and regained his senses, he knew without a doubt he was in love with his beautiful Mistress. He leaned over and placed his lips on her soft, skinned feet and worshiped them with loving kisses. Valkyrie stroked his hair like he was a loyal puppy and closed her lovely green eyes while she accepted his worship. When he finished covering every inch of her feet with his adoring kisses, he laid his cheek down on them and wrapped his arms around her slim ankles. Valkyrie was thoroughly satisfied with her new slave. She was absolutely sure she pick ed the right one. Judging from his attitude and behavior, she was positive he wouldn't give her any trouble. He had accepted his role as her slave and wholeheartedly embraced it.

The story was the same for all of the Heroines. After beating their men senseless and taking over their lives, the Heros adjusted to their lowly position and obeyed their Mistress without question. Many of them were deeply in love with the female Goddess they now served. Even the working personel managed to find a man among the imprisoned soldiers to serve each of them. They too had to give their man a vicious beating before he complied with their wishes. But once they proved they were the stronger sex, the men fell in line like dominos. There was still over a hundred imprisoned soldiers whose only thought was escaping. So everything wasn't perfect inside the facility. They had to be constantly watched every second. But on the whole, the Heroines plan had worked beautifully. Now that the Super Heros were controlled by their lovely Mistresses, the outside world was next. And the week was nearly up. Supergirl called a meeting the final night to be sure everyone was clear about their responsibilities. When she was satisfied they were, they retired to get some rest. Tomorrow, the world was going to change forever.