Gayle and the diaper wrestling match. By Crohnsman Gayle out wrestles and diapers the muscular male champion. This story was requested by a fan. I want to thank him for taking the time to write. I hope you and he enjoy the story. Sixteen year old Gayle Evans was one of those kids who could never sit still. She had to be constantly on the move or she would go crazy. If she had to sit still for any length of time, she would get nervous and jittery as hell. It just wasn't in her nature to be calm. Her boundless energy never seemed to run out. So when her father got transferred to take over as district manager of Kraft foods, her mother Betty frantically searched for a way to let her daughter release that pent up energy. What she found was the Junior League Athletic Association. The town was to small to erect and maintain a YMCA and a YWCA. But they wanted a place for their children to go so they wouldn't be roaming the streets and get into trouble. They solved their problem by forming the JLAA and making it coed. It offered various athletic activities for boys and girls of all ages. Betty rushed Gayle down there to sign her up. When they looked over the long list of activities the JLAA had to offer, Gayle's eyes were automatically drawn to the wrestling tourna ment. It was the perfect sport for her limitless energy. Her mother had been teaching her how to wrestle since she was six years old. Betty was continuously picked on by a larger girl while she was growing up. For some unknown reason, Maya Peterson made it her mission to make Betty's life a living hell. She repeatedly embarrassed Betty in front of a large crowd and made her cry. Betty had an Uncle who was a semi pro wrestler. So she begged the man to teach her how to wrestle so she could put an end to Maya's bullying. He finally relented and taught Betty everything he knew. But before Betty could exact her revenge, Maya and her family moved out of town. Betty didn't want Gayle to suffer through an experience like that. So she taught her daughter the tricks she learned so she could handle herself. One stipulation required to join the JLAA, was the child had to get one of the businesses around town to sponsor him or her. The Chamber of Commerce set it up like that for the good of the community. The child would be furnished with a uniform and accessories, while the business would receive free advertisement. The rule benefited both parties. So Betty talked to her husband and asked him to check with Kraft foods to see if they would sponsor Gayle. They informed him they were already sponsoring several children in numerous sports events. But they were looking to sponsor one more child in either boxing or wrestling. So they gave Gayle an appointment to talk with them. Although they told the Evans they would probably be turned down. They had also scheduled an appointment with twenty year old Alan Doyle. He was the reigning wrestling champion who lost his sponsor and was looking for another one. Betty decided to keep the appointment just in case. So she and Gayle attended the meeting on Friday at the appropriate time. They approached the secretary when they entered the office. She informed them the men were speaking to Alan Doyle and his mother at the present time. So she asked them to please take a seat. Betty and Gayle were chatting when the door to the meeting room suddenly opened up. The woman and her son stepped out and started across the room. Betty froze in her seat when she looked up and saw the woman staring at her. "Well I'll be damned. If it isn't little Betty boo hoo." The woman said with a evil smile. "Do you still cry like a baby when someone pushes you around?" "Hello Maya. I see you haven't changed a bit." Betty replied. "That's right boo hoo. I knew what I wanted and I took it. While you sat around and whined because you were a coward. And I'm raising my son the same way." "You must be very proud of him." Betty sarcastically responded. "You damn right I am. He's following in my footsteps. Alan's the reigning JLAA wrestling champion and has gone undefeated for the past three years. And he's going to remain the champion because no one can beat him." Maya turned to her son and smiled. "Come on Alan. I need some fresh air. It smells like chicken shit in here." Alan laughed and walked off beside his mother. The meeting with the Kraft people was short and sweet. They informed Betty they were the largest employer in town and therefore should associate themselves with the best. So the decision to sponsor Alan Doyle had already been made. They wished her luck and rushed the two females out the door. Later on that day when Betty was buying groceries, the cashier told her the store was looking for a new child to sponsor. They pulled their sponsorship from the previous boy because he was cruel and mean. The owners didn't want their n ame linked to a boy who had a bad reputation. When Betty talked to the manager he was delighted to sponsor Gayle. During the discussion, she found out Alan Doyle was the boy they let go. His malicious behavior in the ring warranted his dismissal. He was extremely vicious when disposing with his opponents. There was two age divisions in the JLAA wrestling tournament. The fifteen through seventeen age group and the eighteen through twenty. Every boy older then that was more interested in boxing. Gayle was the only girl to sign up for the event. The center was based on coed activities, so they had no choice but to let her compete. Two weeks later the wrestling matches began. Gayle wrestled a seventeen year old boy and defeated him with no problem. The lessons she learned from her mother were really paying off. Alan wrestled another twenty year old boy and completely destroyed him. The young man had to be taken to the hospital because his shoulder was damaged in the match. His parents protested, but there was nothing the committee could do. Alan beat him within the rules so he wasn't penalized. Even though he hurt the boy on purpose after he was clearly beaten. Maya rushed into the ring and congratulated her son while she proudly held his arm in the air. The wrestling tournament continued for the next month. When it was over, Gayle was declared the winner of her age group. Quite a few of the boys were larger then her but she finished undefeated. Alan was also undefeated and won the championship in his age group. Three more boys were sent to the hospital with various injuries after losing to him. While several others were crying when they crawled out of the ring. Alan maliciously hurt them on purpose with a smile on his face. But he somehow kept himself from being disqualified. Many of the boys parents were up in arms because of his vicious behavior. But his victory was upheld because he legally won without breaking the rules. Maya of course was ecstatic. While his father was embarrassed over his cruelty. But he kept his mouth shut because Maya ruled the roost. He certainly didn't want to tangle with her again. He found out early in their marriage that it was very painful to disagree with Maya. Betty and Gayle were gathering their things to leave when Maya and Alan walked up. "Wipe that smile off of your face boo hoo. Your brat may have won in her age group, but we both know who's the real champion of the JLAA. Alan would have cleaned her clock in no time if she was a few years older." "Wouldn't you son?" She said as she proudly looked at her boy. "You bet mom. She would have been crying and begging just like all of those punks I beat." He said with his chest puffed out. Gayle responded before Betty could say a word. "I'm not afraid of you hot shot. I could beat you easily." She confidently told him. "Why that's a wonderful idea." Maya said with an evil grin. "Alan and your brat should have a match to crown the overall champion of the JLAA. Wouldn't you agree boo hoo? Or is she a coward like you?" Betty started to protest. But the confident look on Gayle's face changed her mind. "Are you sure honey? You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Betty assured her daughter. "Yes mother. Some of those boys he hurt have sisters who are friends of mine. He's nothing but a bully and he needs to be taught a lesson. Don't worry mother, I can beat him." She replied. "Alrigh t Maya. We accept your challenge. Set it up." "Excellent. I'll talk to the committee and arrange it for next weekend. Make sure your medical insurance is paid up boo hoo. You're going to need it when my boy gets his hands on your brat." Maya said while getting in Betty's face. "And you better make her wear a diaper. Because I'm going to hurt her so bad she'll piss her pants." Alan bragged. "You're the one who's going to need a diaper big mouth. And a box of tissues. Because you'll be crying like a baby when I'm through with you." Gayle confidently answered. "HEY!" "How about the loser has to wear a diaper? That would make it much more interesting. What do you say boo hoo? Are you game? Or are you still the cry baby chicken shit who was afraid of her own shadow?" Maya asked with a smile. Betty decided this was her opportunity to pay Maya back for all the suffering she put her through years ago. "We'll agree to the diaper match on one condition Maya. The mother of the loser must also wear a diaper and be paraded around the ring. Do you accept my condition? Or have you suddenly lost your nerve?" She defiantly asked. "It would be my pleasure to humiliate you again. You put your foot in your mouth this time bitch. And I'm going to make sure you choke on it." Maya angrily replied. "Let's go son. We have to stop and buy some diapers before we go home." Maya and Alan walked off in a huff. The whole town heard about the diaper match by the time Saturday rolled around. Everyone thought Betty and Gayle had completely lost their mind. Pitting a sixteen year old girl against the muscular twenty year old bully was committing suicide. They would like nothing better then to see someone destroy Alan in the ring. But their sons couldn't do it and Gayle was smaller then they were. Plus she was a female. Gayle was in way over her head and they greatly feared for her safety. Alan was exceptionally brutal when dispatching with his opponent. So it was pretty much a guarantee Gayle would be seriously injured in the match. But they showed up on the slim chance they were wrong. If the impossible did happen, they certainly wanted to be there to see Alan put in his place. And they didn't want to miss seeing the loud mouth Maya be humiliated. All of them secretly hated the obnoxious bitch with a passion. It would be a night to remember if Gayle and Betty could pull it off. But they didn't hold out much hope. The crowd was silent as they studied the combatants standing in their corners. The 5 foot 2 inch 107 pound Gayle looked profoundly small compared to the 6 foot 4 inch 219 pound Alan. Her slender female body against his muscular male frame was a total mismatch. The brave young girl didn't stand a chance in hell of winning this bout. The odds were thoroughly stacked in Alan's favor. Some thought about leaving so they wouldn't have to watch the massacre that was about to take place. But for some reason they remained glued to their seats. There was a slight murmur in the crowd when Gayle picked up the pink diaper and smiled as she showed it to Alan. She was absolutely beautiful in her white one piece wrestling outfit with her light brown hair in a ponytail. It really was a shame her slender body would be mangled and broken when it was all over. The referee called them to the middle of the ring so he could explain the rules. The audience gasped when they noticed how much the grinning boy towere d over the small girl. But her lovely face was filled with confidence instead of fear. And her mother standing next to her wasn't showing any signs of worry. Alan of course had his hands on his hips and his head held high. While his arrogant mother was standing behind him rubbing his shoulders. The red headed bitch was smiling like she had cornered her prey and was moving in for the kill. The referee concluded his speech and sent them back to their corners to wait for the bell. "You can take him honey. I have complete confidence in you. Remember everything I taught you and keep your mind on the match. What ever happens, I want you to know I'm very proud of you." Betty said hugging her daughter. "Thanks mother. Don't worry. I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget." She answered with a smile. The bell rang for the battle of the sexes wrestling match to begin. The cocky Alan strutted out to the middle of the ring like he was a King. He looked very menacing in his black shorts with a black tank top and black wrestling boots. While Gayle looked more like a beauty pageant contestant in her one piece white suit and bare footed. The referee waved them together and they grappled for position. Alan expected his weight and height would give him a clear cut advantage. So he immediately tried to bull dog the lighter female back to the ropes. But Gayle didn't cooperate with his plans. She went with the flow before suddenly jerking him off balance while stepping aside. "SPLAT!" Alan was unceremoniously dumped on his surprised face while Gayle skipped away laughing. The crowd let out a roar and clapped for the crafty female. Betty was smiling while Maya was steaming in the corner. Alan jumped to his feet and charged the bitch to repair his damaged pride. No one made a fool out of him and escaped in one piece. He was going to tear the fucking bitch apart. But Gayle was cool and calm. She waited until the last second before shooting out her right leg like it was spring loaded. "WHAM!" Her bare foot slammed into Alan's stomach and stopped him cold. While he stood there clutching his sore stomach, Gayle turned her back to him and reached over her shoulder to wrap her right arm around the back of his head. Alan was flying over her shoulder before he knew what happened. "SLAM!..FLOP!" It sounded like an atom bomb going off when his back hit the canvas. Then he bounced once before coming to a stop. Gayle didn't take advantage of her downed foe. She backed up and smiled. "Come on wimp. Get up. I have a lot of tricks to use on you." Alan slowly climbed to his feet and angrily moved towards her. Enough of her shit was enough. "You're mine now bitch. Say your prayers." He boasted as he approached. "Oh my. I am sooooooooooooo scared." Gayle taunted with a cute smile. Alan growled and reached out to grab her. The nimble female easily avoided his grasp and snatched his left wrist. She began to swing him in circles until he was ready to lose his balance. Gayle released him and he went stumbling towards the ropes at a brisk pace. Alan was wildly wind milling his arms in an attempt to slow down his momentum. But it didn't help. His chest hit the ropes to fast for him to grab them. He caromed off and shot back to Gayle out of control. His back was to her so he had no idea where she was at. But he quickly found out. Just as he got there, Gayle squatted down and spun in a circle with her leg extended . She cut his legs out from under him and Alan was suddenly floating in the air. Then he came crashing down on his back and the whiplash thumped his head on the floor. "SLAM!..BAM!" The hard landing knocked the air out of him and left Alan disoriented and vulnerable. Maya was screaming in his corner like a mad woman. But Alan was to stunned to hear a word she was saying. Gayle picked up one of his legs and flipped the groggy male over on his stomach. Then she wrapped him up in a Boston crab and sat down on his lower back. "It's time to scream and cry wimp." She got a good grip and cranked his legs back. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Alan screamed just like she predicted. Then he began to pound on the canvas with both fists while tears dripped from the corner of his eyes. Maya had to be restrained by several security guards when she tried to climb through the ropes. Gayle tortured his legs until she was sure they were useless to him. She finally released them and turned around. Alan's face was scrunched up because of the pain she inflicted on him. He tried to fight Gayle off when she grabbed his right arm and wrenched it up his back in a hammerlock. But his legs hurt so bad his struggles were feeble at best. "Let's work on your arms next cry baby. Remember how you nearly broke Billy's arm and put him in the hospital? I want you to know exactly how that feels. I hope you still have some screams left in you. Because this is going to hurt." She pinned his left arm down with her knee and roughly shoved up on his right arm. His mouth instantly came open. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "I told you it was going to hurt you little sissy. Didn't you believe me?" She asked with a smile. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH!" He screamed. "Shut up wimp and scream for me again." She said while pushing his arm further up. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He obeyed her. By the time she turned loose of his arm there was no feeling left in it. It was pinned on his back so long it turned completely numb. Gayle didn't work on his left arm for the moment. He wasn't going to offer much resistance with one arm anyway. So she could pretty much do as she pleased. She grabbed him under the arms and lifted him up off of the floor. His useless right arm dangled at his side and his damaged legs wouldn't support his weight. Alan sagged in the strong females grip like a boneless rag doll. You couldn't have heard a gun shot go off in the enclosed building because the excited crowd was cheering so loud. Gayle decided to toy with the helpless bully while he was at her mercy. She wrapped her right arm around his chest and turned her slender hip into his back. A split second later, Alan was sailing over her firm female body. "SLAM!" He landed on his face and stomach like a flattened pancake. He was groggy as hell while he laid there moaning. Gayle pulled his head up and trapped it between her smooth thighs. Then she bent over and wrapped her arms around his waist. In an amazing show of strength, the female gladiator lifted his muscular body up until he was vertical with the floor. His toes were pointed towards the ceiling and his arms were flailing around like a one year old child. Gayle suddenly dropped to her knees and drove his head into the canvas. "WHAM!" His stunned body reacted like he had been electrocuted. Then it suddenly stopped twitching and lifelessly flopped to the floor. Maya had to be restrained by the security guards again. She was screaming profanities at the young girl while trying to claw her way through the ropes. The crowd was going crazy over the unbelievable scene they were witnessing. The beautiful female was incredible. Gayle yanked the semi conscious bully up on his knees and slapped him awake. He instantly began to cry when he opened his eyes. She grabbed Alan by both of his limp wrists and sat down in front of him. After placing her right foot on his chest and her left on his stomach, she leaned back while pulling him towards her and lifting with her legs. When she finished with the maneuver, his entire body was resting on the soles of her bare feet and hanging in the air. "You ever go on the rides at the Fair wimp? Some of them can really make you dizzy. Let's see how well you can handle it." She said with an evil grin. Gayle twisted his body to the left, then right, then back left again to get him started in motion. Then she whipped her legs to the right while pushing up and releasing his wrists. Alan shot in the air and spun in a circle. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He screamed like a frightened little girl. Just as he completed the circle, his muscular body dropped back down like a lead weight. Gayle caught him on her feet and quickly repeated the acrobatic move with a smile on her lovely face.. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Alan went soaring back up and spun around again. The crowd was wildly cheering the female warrior while they watched her make a complete fool out of the cruel wrestling bully. Gayle spun him like a top for a third time and smiled at his high pitched scream. The fourth time she caught him with her feet and immediately flexed her knees. Then she pushed up and out as hard as she could. Alan took off like he was shot out of a cannon. He flew out of control until his back met the ropes. His weight and the force of his rapidly moving body caused the ropes to stretch out as far as they would go. Then they sprang back and slingshot the frightened male bully like an out of control sky diver. "SPLAT!" He landed face first in the middle of the ring and slid about three feet before coming to a stop. Alan was barely conscious when Gayle reached him. But she was having to much fun to end his suffering. She hauled him up on his knees from behind and crossed his arms over his throat. Then she sat down behind him and crossed her ankles behind his neck until his head was resting in the crease. After securing a tight grip on his wrists, she began to choke him with his own arms. Alan was to far gone to put up a struggle. He meekly knelt there while the young wildcat put him to sleep. Gayle turned him loose and watched as he flopped down on his face. The audience gave her a standing ovation. Screaming cheers and shrill whistles filled the building. Gayle smiled and waved to them while she strolled over to her corner and collected the pink diaper. As she was on her way back to the sleeping Alan, Maya suddenly shoved the security guards away from her and climbed through the ropes. Betty saw what was happening and vaulted over the top rope like a high jump specialist. She snatched a hand full of Maya's red hair just as the irate woman was reaching for her daughter. "Oh no you don't bitch." She said as she yanked Maya off of her feet and slammed her on the canvas. "SLAM!" The attack took Maya completely by surprise. She was dazed by the hard landing and was shaking her head to clear the cob webs. Betty didn't give her a chance to recuperate. She jerked her hated enemy up from the floor and grabbed her by the throat. Then she lifted her body in the air while performing a quarter turn and brutally choked slammed Maya. "SLAM!" Maya was really delirious now and unable to defend herself. Betty pulled her limp body up to a sitting position and sat down behind her. She slapped Maya in a full nelson and wrapped her strong legs around her waist in a scissor hold. "It's pay back time bitch. Let's see how you like being picked on." Betty asked with a smile. Gayle folded the large pink diaper in a three point triangle and removed Alan's wrestling shorts. She lifted his legs and carefully placed the diaper under his butt. Then she flipped the three corners up and firmly held them together above his crotch. The large safety pin her mother bought at a novelty shop was attached to the band around her ponytail. She removed it and fastened the diaper on Alan's ass until it was good and snug. Then she sat on his chest to keep him pinned down and watched her mother deal with Maya. The angry red head was squirming like a trapped animal to free herself. But Betty had her securely wrapped up. She let Maya struggle without applying pressure to her holds. Betty wanted to prove to the woman she could easily keep her under control. When Maya realised she couldn't escape, she got frustrated and called Betty every name in the book. "You have a very dirty mouth on you bitch. Why don't you use it to scream for me." Betty roughly bent her head down in the full nelson and squeezed her waist like a python with her strong legs. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Maya unwillingly obeyed her order. "Ohhhh, I'll bet that hurts." "FUCK YOU!" Maya screamed while increasing her efforts to break free. "I warned you about that potty mouth. You always were a hard headed bitch. Fortunately I 'm available to train you how to mind." Betty clamped down like a vice with her legs and nearly dislocated her shoulders in the full nelson. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Maya screamed like a siren and began crying. "Now shut that foul mouth of yours before I put you in the hospital." She warned. Maya sat there blubbering and didn't say a word. "That's better. I don't allow that kind of talk around my daughter. So keep your mouth shut or else." Maya had no choice but to obey her wishes. "UUGGGHHHHHHH!" Alan moaned and slightly raised his head. "Where am I?" He asked while trying to focus his eyes. "Go back to sleep sissy." Gayle replied while she back fisted him in the mouth. "SMACK!" Alan was out cold before his head hit the floor. Gayle returned her attention to Maya and her mother. "I've waited for years to get revenge for the way you treated me Maya. And I'm really enjoying myself. But it's time to end this and put your diaper on. So say good night to the nice people." Betty released the full nelson and put Maya in a sleeper hold. She weakly attempted to stop Betty from knocking her out. But her arms were numb and useless from hanging in the air so long. In less then a minute she was unconscious. Betty ripped her shorts off and diapered Maya using another large safety pin. The crowd was in a frenzy. They didn't care for the red headed woman anymore then they did her bullying son. Gayle woke Alan up and dragged him to his feet. He was submissive and obedient while he stood there crying. The beautiful tigress had completely broken his spirit and tamed the cocky male bully. Maya wasn't quite as docile when Betty slapped her awake. So she wrenched her right arm up her back in a hammerl ock and grabbed a hand full of her red hair. "Behave yourself or I'll break your arm. Do you understand me bitch?" Betty sternly asked. "YESSSSSSSSS! PLEASE BETTY! IT HURTS! I'LL BE GOOD!" She screamed. "Good girl. Now settle down and come with me. These nice people want to see how pretty you look in your lovely pink diaper. Now move your ass." She said as she marched her around the ring. "Come on wimp. I want to show you off too. You look so cute wearing a diaper." Gayle grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and paraded him around. Alan meekly accepted the humiliation without a struggle. Fear is an excellent motivator. Maya and Alan were sobbing like new born babies when the two strong females were through showing them off. The degrading experience had totally destroyed their pride. Being humiliated in front of the whole town was extremely demoralizing to the strong willed woman and her cocky son. Especially since everyone in the crowd loved it. The entire audience had tears in their eyes from laughing so hard. Seeing the brutal young bully and his obnoxious mother wearing a pink diaper was absolutely hilarious. The spectacular event would never be forgotten by any of them. The story of their demise at the hands of Gayle and Betty would be the main topic of conversation for years. Gayle snatched Alan by the hair and got right in his face. "Your wrestling career is over sissy. Is that clear? There's no place in this center for a bully who hurts someone on purpose. These boys and girls come here to have fun and enjoy the activities. They shouldn't have to worry about being injured by a punk like you. So don't show your face around here again. Because the next time I'll break a few of y our bones before I throw you out. Understand?" She asked in a no nonsense tone. "Yes. I underst.stand." He whimpered with trembling lips. "Good boy. Now pick up your shorts and leave the building. And don't take that diaper off until you're out of my sight. Or I'll beat you up again. Now get out." Gayle said as she shoved him away. Alan grabbed his shorts and stumbled towards the door. His shoulders were slumped down in defeat because of the overwhelming shame he felt. While heavy tears were pouring out of his sorrowful eyes. "My daughter has an excellent idea Maya. No one should have to put up with a person like you. So don't return to the JLAA. If you ignore my warning you'll have to deal with me. And as you can see, I'm not the scared little girl you used to pick on. So stay away from here or I'll make your life as miserable as you made mine." "You can't tell me what to do." Maya protested. Betty cranked up her fist and blasted her between the eyes with a powerful right. "SMMMACK!" Maya collapsed to the canvas like she had been pole axed. Betty dragged the stunned woman to her feet and curled her fingers in her top to hold her sagging body steady. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "I meant every word I said bitch." "SLAP!..SLAP!" "Don't come back or you'll be very sorry." "SLAP!..SLAP!" "I would love to work you over again." "SLAP!..SLAP!" "So take my advice and do as you're told." "SLAP!..SLAP!" "Or you'll painfully regret it." "SLAP!..SLAP!" Maya was cowering in her grip. You could clearly see the fear in her face, even through her stinging red cheeks. When Betty released her she ran for the door crying her eyes out. The two victorious females were mobbed by grateful parents and their kids when th ey stepped down from the ring. Especially Gayle. She was the town Heroine for ending Alan's reign of terror. Everyone was happy. Except of course for Maya and her son. The next day the Doyle family piled in the car and quickly left town. They decided their welcome had worn out. Shortly afterwards a semi truck filled with their furniture and personal items pulled away from their house. And there was a for sale sign standing in the yard. Their immediate departure upset no one. A few days later, Betty received a phone call from Kraft foods. They offered Gayle a full sponsorship and promised to build a facility filled with equipment so she would have a place to train. Betty politely declined their offer. "No thank you gentlemen. We prefer to stay with the sponsor we have. As the champion, Gayle deserves to be associated with the best. And quite frankly, you people have a reputation for sponsoring losers." She hung up before they could respond. The Evans family became pillars of the community and was well liked by one and all. The arrogant Doyle's were never seen again.