Emily and Derek, the teacher tames a student. By Crohnsman Crohnsman67216@yahoo.com Derek is a hard case that needs discipline, so Emily straightens him out. This story was requested by a female fan. I want to thank her for the request and for taking the time to write. I hope you and she enjoys the story. Emily Graves was an English teacher at Hawthorne high school. She loved her job with a passion that couldn't be equaled. Moulding young minds so they would be able to face their future with confidence was her mission in life. And it was very important to her that she succeed in her duty. Emily also loved her students. She did her level best to make sure each and every one got the attention they needed and the education they deserved. Which was the reason she was deep in thought at this very moment. One of her male students was on the verge of failing her class and ruining his future. And she hadn't yet formed a plan to help the young man. Everything she tried so far had failed miserably. And failure was one thing Emily absolutely refused to accept. It was simply not an option in her book. The main problem she faced was the fact that Derek Wilson didn't seem to care. School was a joke t o him. He cut up in class, interrupted her lessons, and constantly harassed other students. She spent as much time as she possibly could with him each class. But the extra attention she was giving him was getting dangerously close to the point where she was neglecting the other students who required her help. She decided to speak with his other teachers and find out how they fared with him. Maybe the solution they used to deal with Derek could help her find an answer to her problem. She certainly didn't claim to know everything. Hopefully seeking help from her colleagues would answer her prayers. Something had to be done. And it had to be done quickly. They were already one third of the way through the school year. Emily returned from having lunch in the teachers lounge with a frustrated look on her beautiful face. Speaking with her colleagues had not solved her dilemma at all. In fact, the situation with Derek was now considerably worse then before. No wonder Derek didn't care if he learned anything. His teachers were allowing him to behave in an unruly manner because of his outstanding athletic ability. And they encouraged her to do the same. How could they call themselves educators if they let a student slide through the system because he was an exceptionally good football player. Their uncaring attitude infuriated Emily to no end. If they wanted to handle Derek with kid gloves, then that was their business. She flatly refused to go along with them. Giving up was NOT in her job description. All of a sudden a light bulb snapped on in her mind. OF COURSE! That was the answer. Why didn't I think of this before? She chastised herself. Emily rushed to her class room and grabbed the rules and regulations book for school curriculum. She found what she was searching for on page thirteen, paragraph three. "A student failing any subject will be exempt from participating in school athletics until such a time he is deemed to have earned a passing grade in said subject." There it was in bold type. The dangling carrot she could use to force Derek into behaving himself. And she knew exactly how to accomplish it while teaching him a lesson in the process. With her spirits lifted, Emily readied herself for the next class. Tomorrow, Derek Wilson was in for a big surprise. A much needed and well deserved surprise. "Derek, would you stay after class for a few minutes please. I would like to speak with you." She asked the young man when the bell rang. "Take a seat please." She said when the students had all filled out. Derek plopped down in a chair. "What are your goals in life Derek? Tell me what you have planned for your future." She asked. "Well Miss Graves. When our football team wins the state championship this year, I expect to be awarded a Scholarship to a major University. Then after playing there a couple of years to build up my stats and reputation, I'm sure the NFL will draft me. That will make my life long dream come true." He replied with a smile. "I see. So you have your entire future planned out based on your athletic ability. Is that correct?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." He answered. "Then you're facing an enormous problem that is about to upset your apple cart. You're not passing my English course Derek. Do you realise if you have a failing grade at the end of this quarter, you won't be allowed to play football? Then your dreams go down the drain." She told him. "That's n ot a problem Miss Graves. Just give me a C. The other teachers do it for me." He responded. "Yes Derek, I know they do. But that's not the way I operate. You're a troubled young man Derek. You've been placed in detention for smoking in the bathroom and bullying the other students. And if I'm not mistaken, you were charged with vandalism for tearing down the Flag pole last week and are currently on probation. Any other student would have received harsh punishments for those acts. But they take it easy on you because you're a star player on the varsity football team. I refuse to coddle you that way Derek. If you flunk English, you'll be expelled from the team. It's that simple." She stated. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" He screamed as he jumped to his feet. "Yes Derek I can. And I will if you don't earn a passing grade and behave yourself in my class." "Come on Miss Graves. A football player doesn't have to know how to write essays. And what difference does it make if he doesn't know a noun from a pro noun or a verb from an adverb. All he has to do is keep his body in shape and run down the field for long gains. The team can't win the state championship without me. And I won't earn a Scholarship if I don't play. So you have to reconsider and give me a C." He pleaded. "I'm sorry Derek, that's not possible. I will however, give you special tutoring so you can pass my course. That is if you are willing to help me out with a problem I'm having." She told the young man. Derek's shoulders slumped down in defeat. He knew he had no other option. Without football his life and his future was over. He would agree to anything to keep that from happening. "OK Miss Graves. You've got a deal. What do you need me to do to save my future?" He asked dejectedly. "Excellent. You won't regret your decision Derek. I promise you. We will begin your tutoring sessions tomorrow evening when school is out. Tonight I need your assistance in another matter. I teach a self defense course to several young ladies in this school. It is easier for them to understand how the throws and the holds work, if I use an opponent to demonstrate the techniques. Which is where you come in. I would like to use you as a practice dummy. The girls will be able to learn much quicker and you would be doing me a great service. Is that acceptable?" She asked. "Sure Miss Graves." He answered smiling. Derek left the class room as quickly as he could. It took every ounce of self control he possessed to stop himself from laughing right in her face. He was a foot taller then her five foot three and nearly a hundred pounds heavier. His huge muscular frame overwhelmingly dwarfed her slender female body by a wide margin. How the hell did she plan on using him to demonstrate throws and holds when she wouldn't be able to budge him. In contrast to their size, it would be like a piss ant trying to throw an elephant. But if she wanted to make a complete fool out of herself, then that was her business. Just as long as she kept her end of the bargain and tutored him so he could pass English. Football was his future. Nothing in the world would prevent him from fulfilling his life long dream. Especially a crazy English teacher half his size. Derek entered the gym that night at seven o'clock. He noticed Miss Graves and several girls standing on some mats so he strolled in their direction. "Ah class. I have a special treat for you tonight. Derek he re has graciously offered to be our practice dummy. It will be easier to teach you the Judo techniques with his help. You will quickly be able to learn the correct way to throw your opponent. And exactly how to keep him immobilized and at your mercy with the locking techniques I will show you." While Miss Graves was talking to her students, Derek looked over the group. This is turning out to be a pretty nice gig. He said to himself. I see Jenny Tambor is in the class. I always thought she was hot. But for some reason she won't give me the time of day. And Megan White is here too. She's pretty cute, even for a Freshman. Although she doesn't care for me much because I pick on her wimpy brother Jason. At least I'll get to grope their fine looking bodies while we're rolling around on the floor. Some of the others aren't bad either. "Alright class. Gather around in a circle and watch carefully." She told the girls. When they were situated she turned to Derek. "Grab me Derek if you would please. Anyway you like." "OK Miss Graves. If you say so." He replied grinning. He leaped over and grabbed her petite body in a bear hug. A few seconds later, his smile was gone. Emily took hold of his fingers and bent them back, forcing him to release her. Then his muscular frame was sailing over her shapely hip to hit the floor. "SLAM!" Before Derek could move, she had him immobilized with a leg lock. He struggled with everything he had but he couldn't break free. And the pain in his leg was getting unbearable. "Submit Derek and I'll let you up." She said smiling sweetly. He felt totally ashamed of himself when he did. While he was climbing to his feet, she was discussing with the class the maneuver she u sed to break his bear hug and the technique she applied to put him in a hold of her own. Derek vowed to himself that she wouldn't catch him off guard again. Being forced to give up to a woman half his size was just to embarrassing. "Again please Derek." She asked. Derek slowly took a couple of steps toward Emily to bait her. Then he got low and charged to tackle her smaller body and take her down. She slid to her right and slipped her right arm around his stomach while grasping the back of his neck with her left. Using his momentum against him, she flipped him head over heels to the floor. "SLAM!" Then she quickly dropped to one knee and slapped Derek in an arm bar hold. She had him pinned and helpless again in about five seconds. This time she explained to the class exactly how she overcame him while keeping Derek pinned down and under her control. His muscular frame was frantically thrashing around trying to dislodge her, but it was useless. When she politely asked for his submission, he dropped his head and gave up. Emily released him and rose to her feet. Derek slowly got up while listening to the girls snicker. Humiliation was spreading through his male body like a virus. And his mind was totally bewildered over what was happening. How could such a small woman handle him so easily. The only advantage she had over him was age. She was probably in her mid to upper twenty's. While he was taller, larger, more muscular, more solid, and a MALE! It just wasn't possible. Somehow he had to stop her from humiliating him in front of the girls. "Once again please Derek." He heard Miss Graves say. This time he decided to face her and drag her down. With his heavier weight, it shouldn't be a problem for him. Extremely determined to gain back his pride, Derek stepped up to engage her. The two combatants each grabbed the other by the shoulders and struggled to impose their will on their opponent. Derek thinking he could out muscle her, got a good grip on her Gi and turned to his left to throw her down. Emily swept his legs out from under him with her left foot and slammed him into the floor. "SLAM!" Then she quickly pulled his right arm out straight while sitting down at his side, and threw her legs over his chest and neck. Derek was pinned and immobilized again. "Do you see how easy it is to control a much larger opponent if you learn the judo throws and locking techniques properly?" Emily asked the giggling girls. Derek died of embarrassment when he heard the girls answer yes. Emily smiled as she looked at the humiliated young man she had pinned down. "Tell me you give up Derek and I'll release you. If you don't, I'll be forced to twist your arm and cause you a great deal of pain. It's your decision." She said like he really had a choice. "I give up Miss Graves." He replied with his face fire engine red. "Thank you Derek. And you may call me Emily while we're in class." When Emily released him, she purposely rubbed the sole of her bare foot across his face when she drew her legs back. The girls laughed out loud at that. Derek climbed to his feet feeling completely degraded. Emily could see he was on the brink of being mentally defeated. He had no idea how to stop her from degrading him in front of the girls. His mind was lost and his male ego was suffering because of the humiliation he felt. "Attack me again Derek if you would please." She said once again. Derek was hesit ant to follow her request. She was making a complete fool out of him and he didn't know how he was going stop her. "Why are you hesitating Derek? Surely you're not afraid of a female much smaller then yourself. Now be a man and attack me." She goaded. Derek fell right into her trap. His anger rose to the top when she questioned his courage. Teacher or not, the little bitch needed to be put in her place. He stomped toward her like a man on a mission. Emily smiled inside when he stepped up to meet her. She knew his male pride wouldn't allow his courage to be questioned. Males were so easy to manipulate if you know what buttons to push. This time when they grabbed each others shoulders to grapple, Emily didn't toy with him. She immediately put her right foot in his mid section and pulled him towards her as she fell back to the floor. Derek flew over her body and landed hard behind her. "SLAM!" She quickly did a back somersault and ended up straddling his chest. Derek was so stunned he could offer little resistance when she pinned his muscular arms down and put him in a school girl pin. "It looks like I have you pinned and at my mercy again Derek." She said with a large grin. When the girls began clapping over her performance and crowded around them, Derek shut his eyes tight. He was to ashamed to look up and see their smiling faces. Emily smiled, knowing he was hers. "You know the rules Derek. Tell me you submit and I'll release you." He was nearly in tears when he said he gave up. But Emily wasn't through degrading the young man just yet. "Say please Derek." She said smiling. "Come on Miss Grav...uhh I mean Emily. Let me up." He whimpered. "We must display good manners at all times Dere k. Now say please young man." She sternly told him. Derek got angry and frantically bucked as hard as he could to unseat her. But his efforts were in vain. Emily had him securely pinned and under her control. "It's useless for you to struggle Derek. I have you completely at my mercy. You really have no other choice. Now be a good boy and say please. Or I'll put you in so many painful judo holds you'll feel like a pretzel when I'm through torturing you." She commanded. Derek shamefully obeyed her. "OK girls. Let's give Derek a little break so he can rest up. Then I'll let each of you practice your throws and locking techniques on him." She told the class. Derek flopped over on his stomach and covered his face. He never felt so embarrassed and ashamed in his life. Emily was not only able to defeat him, he was totally humiliated by the petite female in the process. He knew he would never be able to face her again without feeling like a pussy. That thought didn't sit to well in his stomach. Especially since he not only had to face her during class, he was forced to be in her company during the tutoring sessions. The thought crossed his mind that agreeing to her terms may have been a bad idea. "Alright Derek, that's enough rest. Get up and see if you can do a better job defending yourself against Megan." Emily told him. That statement really pissed him off. The little bitch was rubbing his incompetence in his face. Well if that's how she wanted to be it was fine with him. Megan was only a sixteen year old Freshman while he was an eighteen year old Senior. Her height and weight was roughly the same as Emily's, but her knowledge of judo was at the novice level. This was his chance to pull himself out of the depths of despair and regain his conf idence. It was also the perfect opportunity to grope her female body while he had her pinned down and helpless. With a sly grin on his handsome face, Derek faced off against Megan with a purpose. He wondered why she was grinning like a hyena. Didn't the stupid little bitch realise the trouble she was in? The two fighters grabbed each other by the shoulders. Before Derek had a chance to try anything, Megan turned her back to him and jerked his arm down over her right shoulder. Derek went sailing over her feminine body and hit the floor. "SLAM!" Still controlling his arm, Megan twisted it around and placed her bare foot across his throat. Derek panicked and tried to struggle to his feet. But a hard twist on his arm solved that problem for Megan. Derek was in excruciating pain. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. "Ohhh, I'll bet that hurts. Maybe you better give up before I hurt you again." Megan said smiling. Derek's stubborn nature wouldn't allow him to do that. He began kicking his legs while he grabbed her foot across his throat. He received more pain for his feeble effort to free himself. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Naughty, naughty. Now give up before I break your arm you little wimp." Megan said gleefully. "OK! OK! I GIVE UP!" He screamed. When Megan removed her foot from his throat, she rubbed it in his face before strolling off to be congratulated by her class mates. Derek slowly climbed to his feet with his head hanging down. As they stepped up to engage each other again, Megan whispered to him in a low voice. "That was for my older brother Jason. No one beats him up and makes him cry but me. Have you got that pansy ass?" "Go to hell you little bitch. You'll pay for that." He answered hatefully. "Bring it on wimp. I'm going to enjoy taking you down a notch." The two squared off again with extreme determination on their faces. Megan stood in front of him running her fingers through her dark brown hair like she didn't have a care in the world. Derek set out to prove how wrong the little bitch was. When they locked arms, Derek attempted to throw her the same way she threw him. He didn't realise there was a counter move for that attack. When he turned his back, Megan drove her foot into his left heel while pulling him backwards. "SLAM!" Derek hit the floor hard again. Megan pounced on him like a cat on a mouse and flipped his dazed body over on his stomach. She dropped her left knee across his shoulders and wrenched his right arm up his back in a hammerlock. He was immobilized in seconds by the beautiful young warrior. "Looks like I've got you again sissy. Now be a good little boy and tell me you give." She asked. He tried to hold out until he could figure a way to free himself. But the pain was to unbearable. "Alright Goddammit. I give up. Now get the fuck off of me." He replied in a venomous voice. "You are such a wimp." She said as she released him and stood up. I'm going to kill that fucking whore. Derek said to himself as he climbed to his feet. No more playing games little girl, your ass is mine. Derek faced her growling like a bear. When Emily gave the signal to attack, he fiercely grabbed her with intent to do bodily harm. But Megan spoiled his party before it even started. "WHAM!".."SLAM!" Megan drove her knee into his mid section and yanked him to the floor on his face. Then she quickly bent his legs up and crossed one ankle over th e other while wrapping her right leg around the two to hold them in place. Next, she pulled his left arm out and pinned it to the floor with her let knee. The finishing touch was using her right arm to put his right in a painful chicken wing. Derek couldn't move any part of his muscular body. Megan had him trussed up like a calf at the County Fair. She snatched a hand full of his hair and pulled his head back so she could look into his pain filled eyes. "I own you boy. You're weak and pathetic. In fact, I think I'll make you my bitch. Every time I see you on school grounds I'm going to whip your ass. Then you'll know how Jason feels because of your constant bullying. By the time I'm done with you, you'll piss your pants every time you see me coming. Now tell me you give before you piss me off." She sternly ordered. Derek wanted to struggle and break free. The trouble was, he had nothing to struggle with. Megan was controlling every inch of his six foot three inch two hundred and nineteen pound muscular body. "I said submit you pathetic little weakling." Megan said in his ear as she applied more pressure to her chicken wing. "I GIVE! I GIVE!" Derek screamed in pain. When Megan released Derek, she pushed his head down and mashed his face into the mat to show her complete superiority over him. Her class mates crowded around her to praise her victory while Derek lie there in shame. This was becoming a total nightmare. It was bad enough to be defeated by the teacher. But being thoroughly humiliated by a female younger then him was a complete disaster. His male pride was taking a terrible beating. And he was rapidly losing his courage. Something had to be done to turn this fiasco around. B ut he was completely at a loss on how to do that. Things didn't look good for the muscular male. "Let me see? Jenny, why don't you show us your skills next." Emily said pointing to the blond. Then she turned to Derek and smiled. "Try not to be such an easy victim this time Derek. Put some effort into it." That bitch is really starting to get on my nerves. Derek thought to himself as he faced Jenny. After having his ass handed to him by the smaller Megan, Derek was beginning to worry. Jenny was slightly bigger at five foot six and roughly one hundred and thirty pounds. He decided his best bet was to be as aggressive as possible. If Jenny turned out to be easier to handle then Megan, he was certainly going to cop a few feels while he had her fine female body pinned down. I might as well have some fun and enjoy myself. He thought. The two gladiators locked arms and battled for supremacy. The look in Jenny's cold green eyes made his heart skip a beat. The next thing he knew he was lying flat on his back. Jenny sat down above him and yanked his head up by his hair. Then she coiled her legs around his neck and crossed her shapely ankles in his lap. The enormous pressure she was able to apply with her car crushing legs was mind numbing. Derek was taken by surprise and screamed his submission in mere seconds. "I GIVE! I GIVE! PLEASE JENNY I GIVE!" When she released him and jumped to her feet, he was nearly in tears. The terrible nightmare he was in was getting worse. Unfortunately he couldn't wake up and escape this one. Depression began to worm it's way into his mind. Derek really didn't want to get up when Emily shouted for them to continue. Derek didn't know what to do. Everything he tried so far had been a complete failure. But he wasn't the kind of person who quit when things weren't going well. He stepped up to met Jenny again, hoping he would fare better this time. Sadly for him it wasn't meant to be. As soon as they locked arms, Jenny jerked him off balance and began swinging him in circles. When Derek couldn't move his feet fast enough to keep up, she dumped him in the floor on his face and stomach. Jenny quickly knelt down on her left knee and draped his left arm over her up raised right leg. She turned his arm until his elbow was resting just above her knee and pushed down hard on his wrist. Derek's entire body was flopping around from the awful pain. "I GIVE! I GIVE! LET ME GO! PLEASE LET ME GO!" He begged. Jenny dropped his arm and stood up laughing. Emily gave Derek a few minutes to recover while the girls congratulated Jenny on her excellent performance. If it had been anyone else, she probably would have felt sorry for the young man. But Emily knew Derek was a bully. There was quite a few students around campus that had been treated the same way by him. Now he knew exactly how it felt to be on the receiving end. Hopefully it would wise him up to the fact it wasn't fun to be bullied by anyone. "Alright Jenny and Derek, lets resume the lessons." She told the two of them. Jenny skipped out to the mats like it was her Birthday. Derek was much slower getting there. His mind was filled with confusion. How in the hell could these girls barely half his size be handling him so easily. There's just something wrong with this picture. He kept saying to himself. < P> "I always knew you were a sissy. Now I'm getting the chance to prove it." Jenny said with a hateful look. "Why do you hate me so much?" Derek asked the beautiful young girl. "Because that Freshman you beat up last year after the football game is my cousin. I signed up to take this class for one reason only. To catch you after a game and give you the senseless beating you deserve. Luckily for me, I get to work you over while I learn the skills I need to give you that severe beating further down the road. How ironic is that?" She said with a lovely smile. Derek attacked with pure hatred filling his soul. Enough was enough. These fucking girls needed to painfully learn who they were fucking with. He earned his bad boy reputation by facing his problems head on and kicking their ass. It was time he introduced this little bitch to pain. But the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go awry. His anger and muscular body wasn't nearly enough to overcome her determination and somewhat limited skills. "WHAM!" Jenny slammed her knee in his stomach with all the power she could muster. Derek dropped to his knees like his legs had been cut out from under him. Jenny stepped behind him while she grabbed both of his wrist and raised his arms in the air. Then she stepped over his shoulders and bent his arms further up to force his upper body down until his face was about a foot from the mat. She clamped her upper calves tightly around his neck in a standing head scissors. Now that she had him completely under her control, she viciously twisted both of his wrist counter clock wise and squeezed his neck with her strong legs. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Derek screamed like a frightened little girl. < P> "That scream is sweet music to my ears you pathetic weakling. It tells me I'm doing the holds correctly and they're very painful. Now submit to me sissy pants before I make you scream again." Jenny commanded. Derek stared at her pretty pink toe nails and literally felt his humiliation smother him like a blanket. It drove the point home that it was a FEMALE who had him helplessly pinned on his knees in two inescapable holds. A FEMALE that was threatening to hurt him again if he didn't obey her wishes. A FEMALE he was beginning to fear with every fiber of his being. He began to understand how his victims felt when he bullied them into doing what he asked. It left a sick feeling in his stomach that made him want to vomit. "This is your last warning wimp. Give up or I'm going to break your pitiful male arms like they were twigs and squeeze your head until it pops." Jenny sternly warned. "OK! You win Jenny. I give up. Please let me go." Derek pleaded. Jenny dropped his muscular arms and pushed his face down to her feet. "Kiss em you big pussy." Derek closed his eyes against the shame he felt and gently kissed each pink nailed foot. It was the most humiliating thing he ever did in his life. But he was simply to afraid to disobey the blond female warrior. He stayed on his knees with his head touching the floor while he listened to Jenny giggle when she turned him loose. While Jenny was being congratulated by her class mates, Derek slowly climbed to his feet. He stood with his chin resting on his barrel like chest and felt like crying. The deal he made with Emily had turned into the worst nightmare the young man had ever faced. Sadly for Derek, it didn't get any better. The remaining ten girls in the class forced him to submit countless times with numerous painful holds. The poor young man was constantly in the floor begging to be released. By the time class was over, all twelve girls had wiped up the floor with him. Derek was never going to be the same again. "Thank you Derek for helping me out with my class. These young ladies will greatly benefit from your generosity. They will be able to learn the course much quicker because of your help. I really am very grateful to you. So much in fact, that I guarantee you will pass my English course this year. All you have to do to make that a reality is show up here so these girls can practice their throws and pinning techniques on you." Emily told him. "OK Miss Gr...I mean Emily. What ever you say." Derek mumbled. "EXELLENT!" "We meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for judo class. Tuesday and Thursday you and I will have our tutoring sessions. So I'll see you tomorrow night for your first session." Emily advised him. "Wait a minute Emily. This class meets three times a week? I thought it was only on Monday nights." Derek stated in surprise. "Oh heavens no Derek. We meet three times a week for the next three months. And again let me say, I really appreciate your help." She said as she walked off. "THREE TIMES A WEEK!" Derek screamed in his mind. Son of a bitch. I thought it was only one. What the fuck have I got myself into? He asked himself. Derek stood there in shock while Emily and the girls began packing up to go home. Jenny walked over where he stood and cupped his drooping chin with her hand. Then she squeezed his cheeks and raised his head to look him squarely in th e eyes. "I'm going to love throwing you around and causing you excruciating pain while I learn this course. Then after the last home game of the season, I'm going to give you the beating you deserve in front of the whole crowd. THAT, I'm really going to enjoy. I'll see you Wednesday practice dummy. Take care of your self." She said as she released him and strolled off laughing. A few seconds later he was confronted by Megan. She placed her forefinger under his chin and raised his drooping head. "Don't forget to keep looking over your shoulder wimp. Every time I catch you on school grounds I'm going to give you a senseless beating. I'm going to make your life as miserable as you've made my brothers. Ta ta weakling. I'll see you soon." She said with an evil grin. Derek wanted to die. Life as he knew it was over.