Dani Devlin accidentally discovered that males have a weakness they can't overcome when she was sixteen years old. Unfortunately for her nineteen year old brother David and his best friend Mike, they found out about their vulnerability at the same time and it proved to be very demoralizing and painful for them. The unbelievable event was so unexpected their confused male brains weren't able to cypher through the reality staring them right in the face. After all, they had immensely enjoyed themselves for years while teasing and taunting David's younger sister Dani without any repercussions. So they saw no reason to change their bullying tactics when it was so much fun. Dani was completely helpless to stop them and their parents chalked it up as harmless boyhood pranks. Dani had to learn to stand up for herself or suffer through life as a hopeless victim. But the tables quickly changed when the secret of the young man's demise fell in her lap. And Dani exploited it to the fullest.
It was a hot summer day and the central air unit wasn't quite working properly. So Dani took a cold shower and decided to lounge around the house in her black bra and panties. Modesty be damned when it was to hot to be comfortable in any type of clothing. She thought to herself. So she grabbed the remote and flopped down on the couch to see what was on. After settling on a romantic comedy she curled up in a ball and relaxed. But her peaceful afternoon was abruptly interrupted by her annoying brother and his best friend Mike. They had just returned from taking a cool dip in the YMCA pool and were anxious to catch the weekend ballgame. "Hand over the remote Dani there's a good ballgame on we want to see." He said holding out his hand. "Back off David. I was here first and I'm watching a movie." She definitely replied. "Now you know we can take it away from you Dani. So just give it up and save yourself from getting hurt." David said grinning. Something snapped in Dani. She was tired of being bullied and wasn't going to take it anymore. If they wanted the remote they were in for a fight.
"Not this time David. If you want the remote you'll have to take it from me." David just laughed and reached for her. Dani jumped to her feet and tried to slap him. But David easily avoided her swing and grabbed her arm. Dani held on to the remote with both hands and clutched it to her stomach while bending over to protect it. David wrapped his muscular arm around her waist to keep her from escaping and reached in with his right hand to wrestle the remote away from her. Dani was twisting and squirming and wriggling to stop him from getting a grip on it. All of a sudden David felt dizzy and seem to lose his strength. He staggered back a few steps and collapsed on the couch with glassy eyes. Dani instinctively knew what caused her brother to become weak and helpless. It was the only logical explanation. Her wiggling butt constantly rubbing against his crotch had sapped his strength in seconds. An evil smile appeared on her luscious lips when she realised what enormous power this amazing discovery gave her. Mike was rushing forward so here was a good chance to test her theory out.
Mike had no idea what really happened to David. He assumed Dani had bumped him in the balls with her butt. So he fearlessly charged over without a care in the world to extract the remote from Dani's tightly clenched hands. With his muscular physique it wouldn't be a problem for him. As he reached out and grabbed the remote, Dani took hold of his trunk covered dick. Mike pulled as hard as he could and grinned when the remote and her left hand moved towards him. But it suddenly stopped moving half way between them and then he started losing ground. Unfortunately he didn't have time to clear his confused mind and figure out what was going on. Because his manly muscles had turned to water and his legs became weak and buckled on him. He slumped to his knees and couldn't seem to focus his blurry eyes. The triumphant Dani placed her finger on his forehead and gently pushed. Mike keeled over like he had been pole axed. "YES! I KNEW I WAS RIGHT!" Dani screamed with delight.
She casually strolled over to her delirious brother who was still sitting on the couch in a stupor. David was fighting to regain his senses but wasn't having much luck. Dani sat down next to him and caressed his bulging dick. "Just calm down and accept your weakness Davey boy. You're putty in my hands and there's not a damn thing you can do about it." She gleefully told the dazed young man. David's dreary eyes slowly closed while his head rolled around on his broad shoulders and finally flopped back on the couch. "Remember all the crap you've put me through over the years because you're older and bigger then I am? Well I've got the upper hand now you useless prick and it's pay back time. So just sit back and relax." Dani gave him a few more strokes to keep him under her spell. Then she released the groggy male and kicked him right in the face. "WHAP!" David merely groaned and accepted it without moving a muscle. "We're going to have so much fun Davey boy. Well, at least I am. I don't think you'll enjoy being bullied anymore then I did. But who the hell cares."
Dani kicking her dazed brother in the face with her foot.
Dani rubbed his raging hard on a half dozen times to keep David under her control. Then she stood and faced him with a smile on her beautiful face. "This is for pestering me for as long as I can remember you fucking asshole." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The young mans head was bopping up and down like a bobble head doll while her fists viciously speared into his unprotected face. But his limp arms remained at his side while he sat there like a corpse. Dani noticed Mike was struggling to his feet so she grabbed a handful of David's hair and threw him in the floor at her feet. Then she turned her attention towards Mike to extract her revenge on him. A few gentle rubs on his pulsating dick and the muscular young man was wobbling around on rubbery legs again. "You always thought it was funny when David bullied me didn't you butt head? You constantly taunted me over it and even helped him out sometimes by holding me so I couldn't get away. Well now it's my turn boy." "THUD!" She drilled him in his six pack abs to force his head down and then drove her elbow into his chin with all of her strength. "WHACK!" Mike dropped over backwards and ended up sitting on the bench seat in the corner.
Dani cracking Mike on the chin with an elbow smash.
Dani played with his bulging dick to ensure Mike would remain helpless. Then she let him have it. "I think you need a little color in that ugly face of yours. And I would be more then happy to arrange that for you." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Poor Mike never stood a chance. "Oh yes, this is coming along nicely. It'll be a masterpiece when I'm finished with you." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" The sledge hammer uppercut knocked the muscular young man out cold. "Well if that isn't a man for you. Just when the female is beginning to enjoy the pleasure you pathetic wimps fall asleep." Dani laughed at her little joke and dumped Mike's unconscious body next to her dazed brother. "Let's work on you again Davey my boy. I wouldn't want you to feel neglected." She softly stroked his throbbing dick to keep the young man under her spell. Then she pinned his arms to the floor with her knees and sat her perfectly shaped ass right in his face. "I'm going to enjoy this wimp. Welcome to your nightmare." "THUD!" She slammed her fist into his hard stomach and giggled when his nose buried itself deep in her ass. "That tickles you little sissy. But I love it." "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" David eventually passed out from lack of oxygen.
Dani fondling Mike to keep him under her control.
Dani removed David's swimming trunks so she would have easy access to his rock hard meat. Then she dragged Mike over and draped his sleeping body on her brothers legs where she could reach him in case he woke up. When she was satisfied she laid down on David's chest and wrapped her left arm around his dick until it was firmly trapped in her arm pit. "Since playing with this ugly looking thing makes you weak and easy to handle, then I imagine milking it will completely drain your strength. So why don't we find out weakling." Dani got comfortable and slid her arm up and down his impressive shaft. The continuous motion made his cock turn blood red and vein popping hard. David was fast asleep and had no idea his sister was humiliating him. Mike murmured once and tried to open his drowsy eyes. But a solid back fist to his mouth put him back to sleep. "SMACK!" "Stay down until it's your turn little boy." She scolded. Then she returned her attention back to David. A few minutes later he spilled his seed all over her melon sized breast. "Good boy. Now lie still and behave yourself while I finish off your buddy here." Dani crawled around and rubbed David's semen all over his sleeping face. When she could finally stop laughing, she moved Mike's trunks aside and took hold of his bulging package. With an evil grin on her lovely face, she aimed his dick upward and started pumping. Five minutes later his milky sperm splashed on his eyes, nose and into his wide open mouth. Dani left the two conquered and humiliated males lying in the floor and laughed as she went to take a shower.
Dani milking David while the two defeated males are unconscious.
As Dani grew up she used her new found discovery with extreme confidence. When ever she wanted to teach a worthless male a lesson it never failed her. They were helplessly reduced to a blubbering pile of weak flesh and then beaten to a pulp. A little humiliation in one form or another followed their destruction which left the poor male a mere shell of the man he used to be. None of them tempted fate and tangled with her again. They gave her a wide berth or simply ran like a scared rabbit when they saw her coming. This method worked exceptionally well for her when she was in College. A group of muscle bound males continuously harassed her every time she went to the gym to work out. She warned them repeatedly but they refused to listen. One day she was in a particularly foul mood because she happen to drop her iPod and broke it. When they foolishly messed with her she quickly set them straight. Their bulging muscles didn't stand a chance against her magic fingers.
While one guy distracted her another one came up from behind and groped her breast. "SMACK!" Dani took the one in front of her out with a solid punch to the jaw. Then she threw her head back into the face of the man behind her. "BAM!" "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He screamed and grabbed his shattered nose with both hands. The other two couldn't believe what they had just seen and went into shock. "WHAP!"......"WHAP!" A sweeping roundhouse kick caught the first man on the temple and continued on to club the next guy on the jaw. They dropped to the floor like children's building blocks falling apart. She turned just in time to duck under the first guys hay maker punch and took hold of his dick. In seconds he was wobbling around on noodle like legs with his muscular arms dangling at his sides. Dani gave him a few more strokes before she nailed him with a jaw breaking uppercut. "CRACK!" He collapsed to the floor like a freshly cut tree and didn't move.
Dani landing a brutal punch to get the first guy out of the way.
The man with the shattered nose was growling like a bear when he attacked. Dani easily dodged his wild swinging fist and snatched his wrist out of the air with both hands. Then she whipped his surprised body around and slammed him into the lockers. "SLAM!" While he groggily stood there she fondled his manhood until his shaky legs gave out and dumped him on his knees. "WHAP!" The sole of her foot crushed his face and put him down in a daze. The two she kicked were up and stumbling towards her shaking their heads. Dani unloaded a straight left and right to the middle of their faces. "SMACK!..SMACK!" When their heads snapped back her magic fingers went to work on their unprotected packages. Both men instantly went ridged and stood there like zombies while she milked them dry. A few minutes later their sticky loads shot upward and dripped down their chests. While they were in a euphoric trance, Dani grabbed them by the ears and slammed their heads together. "BAM!..BAM!" The two muscle bound idiots dropped to the floor out cold.
Dani bringing the two weakened zombies to a humiliating climax.
The other two had made it to their feet and were staring at her with pure hatred in their eyes. "Don't just stand there boys. If you want a piece of me then come and get it." She said with a confident smile. She didn't have to tell them twice. They charged her like rampaging buffalo's with destruction on their minds. Dani calmly waited for them to get in range. "SMACK!" A sharp left jab stopped the one on her left in his tracks. Then she avoided the second guys roundhouse punch and blasted his exposed jaw with a powerful left cross. "SMMMACK!" He folded up like a card board box and collapsed in a heap. As soon as her hard hitting fist landed she squatted down and drove her fist into the first mans balls with exceptional power. "WHOP!" "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He squealed like a little girl and dropped to his knees with heavy tears running down his cheeks. "WHAP!" Dani punted his face like a football and put him down for the count. Some gentle rubbing with her warm palm had his male spunk splattering on his leg in a very short time. With only one man left she took her time to humiliate him.
Dani crunching the poor mans balls after dropping his buddy.
The man was pretty much out of it when she bent over and slid his throbbing dick out the side of his thong. As soon as she started massaging it he began to moan out loud. "You like that don't you bone head? It's a shame you won't be awake to savor the exotic thrill I'm going to give you. This is meant to be punishment after all and not pleasure. So I'm afraid I'll have to knock you out when you're ready to spill your seed." The man partially opened his eyes and tried his best to sit up. But a teeth shattering back fist put him back in the floor. "SMACK!" "Not yet you little wimp, I'm only getting started. Now relax and enjoy it while you can." He didn't have a problem following that order. Her rhythmic pumping quickly had him floating on a bed of soft white clouds. "That's a good boy. You useless males are so easy to control. You pump up your arms until they're rippling with muscle and then you walk around like you're a God. But two female fingers can make you as weak as a new born kitten and turn you into slobbering little boys. How pathetic is that?" Dani smiled when his moaning increased. "Ahhh, I see you're about ready. Nightie nite sissy it's time for you to take a nap. Pleasant dreams." She released his pulsating dick and unleashed a pulverizing punch to his jaw. "SMMMACK!" After finishing his climax she gathered up her things and left their degraded and badly beaten bodies strung out on the floor while she strolled out laughing.
Dani bending over to bring the last defeated male to a climax.
After graduating from College Dani was hired by a very prestigious Law Firm. She worked hard to secure herself a position in the firm and brought in several wealthy clients who upped their net worth by forty million dollars. Her notable work ethic and the way she handled her clients quickly earned the respect of the partners. In the office that is. But after working hours they treated her like she had leprosy. Two male Interns who were hired after she was seemed to fit right in. And their clients didn't bolster the firms income by half as much as hers did. There was three other women working there who didn't fare any better then she was. So she brought the subject up to them one evening. "Why is it we get treated like equals during the day and then get snubbed like we have rabies after working hours?" She asked. One of the ladies smiled and answered the question.
"That's because of our gender. You see, while we're in the office making money for the firm we're as important as anyone here. But after hours a female is classified as being lower then a dog to these men. They adjourn to their exclusive Men's Club across the street and females are definitely not allowed. They all strip down to their underwear so they will be comfortable and talk as raunchy as they like. They consume liquor and smoke cigars and act like rowdy little boys. In their eyes a lowly females presence would completely ruin their good time. I've been employed here for eleven years and I've never set foot inside that building across the street. It's just the way it is and the way it will always be." "Not if I have anything to say about it. That's gender prejudice and unfair to us as women." Dani said with her brown eyes blazing. "Of course it is. But I don't see any way to change their thinking. So I don't let it bother me." The lady responded. "Just leave it to me girls. We'll be joining the party anytime we feel like it when I get through with those assholes." Dani stormed off and left the three ladies wondering what she meant.
Dani smiled in anticipation as she stripped down to her white panties, stockings and high heels. Then she marched across the street to change the lives of the egotistical males harbored in their exclusive Men's Club forever. The man on the door saw Dani coming and went out to meet her. He was one of the new Interns who's turn it was to guard the sacred place. "I'm sorry Miss Devlin but I can't allow you to pass." He said while blocking her path. "In that case Freddy boy I'm not sorry at all for what I'm going to put you through." Fred reached out to grab her and got the surprise of his life. Dani snared his right arm with her left hand and fired a potent right into his mid section. "THUD!" When he bent over she turned her back to him and reached behind her to wrap her arm around his neck. Before he knew what happened he was sailing through the air like a bird and screaming his head off. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Dani went after him with a smile.
When the surprised young man climbed to his feet and turned around his face was met by a flashing white heel. "WHAP!" He backpedaled out of control until a car in the lot stopped his momentum. After gathering his wits about him he threw a whistling punch with mean intentions behind it at Dani's beautiful face. Shock registered on his when she casually slapped it aside like it was merely a pesky insect. The shock was quickly replaced by agonizing pain when Dani's mind blowing uppercut struck his chin. "CRRRACK!" Fred left his feet and was barely conscious when he landed on the hood of the car. Dani covered his mouth and nose in a smother hold and gently began to caress his dick. He reached for her slender arm with both hands to break her hold and was totally amazed to find out he wasn't nearly strong enough. But the confusion didn't last long. A few seconds later his eyelids slowly closed and he slipped off to dreamland. Dani finished his humiliating masturbation and strolled off leaving the sleeping male a complete mess.
Dani leaving after putting Fred to sleep and masturbating him.
Dani opened the door and walked in like she owned the place. The other Intern and a Lawyer friend of his were in the entranceway discussing a client when they turned and saw her standing there. "Howdy boys. How's it hanging?" She asked with a smile. "HEY!" The lawyer yelled. "How the hell did you get passed the guard Miss Devlin?" "Oh you mean little Freddy? He suddenly got sleepy and passed out after telling me I couldn't enter. So I helped him lie down and covered his body with the only thing I had available. I'm sure he will appreciate my thoughtfulness when he wakes up. Why do you ask?" She replied advancing on them. The Lawyer went to grab her arm and escort her out. "I'm sorry Miss Dev.." That's as far as he got before a crushing right connected with his jaw. "SMMMACK!" He dropped like a sack of potatoes. The Intern leaped forward and threw a punch with disaster written all over it. But Dani stepped up and trapped his arm to her side after catching it. Then her knee brutally busted him right in the balls. "WHAM!" His eyes bugged out and the loud scream got caught in his throat. Dani grabbed him under the chin and roughly body slammed him to the floor. "SLAM!"
Dani smashing his balls with her knee after deflecting his punch.
While he was delirious she womanhandled his flaccid penis until it had grown to it's full length. Her gentle stroking sapped his mighty strength in seconds so he wasn't able to fight her off. She laid on top of his still body with her crotch flush against his raging hard on and her feet by his head. She placed the soles of her feet in his face and began sliding her crotch up and down his bulging shaft. The unique mixture of absolute pleasure and degrading humiliation thoroughly confused the poor man. He tried to unseat her but he was completely powerless and under her bewitching spell. "Just relax and remain calm little man. I rarely give one of you idiot male assholes the distinct pleasure of being near my precious feminine parts. So consider yourself lucky I'm granting you this dubious honor and enjoy the privilege while you can." A few minutes later he was drenched in his own semen and sleeping like a baby. She smiled and went after the Lawyer who had made it to his feet but was stumbling around on rubbery legs like he couldn't get his bearings.
Dani pinning him down with her body to give the man an orgasm.
She grabbed him to steady his out of control body and reached down to play with his dangling meat. He was instantly under her control and as helpless as a new born baby. "That's a good boy. Just put yourself in my very capable hands and I'll take you on a wondrous ride." She whispered in his ear. When his dick was candy apple red and rock hard she maneuvered him into position. In an impressive show of strength, Dani wrapped her arms around his waist and flipped his muscular body upside down while she lifted him in the air. She trapped his head between her legs with his face firmly pressed against her pussy and continued to fondle his dick. The man tried to struggle but his mighty strength was already gone. He hung there whimpering like a frightened little boy while she smothered the man unconscious and brought him to a glorious climax. "BAM!" Then she dropped him on his head and stalked off.
Dani holding him steady until he's completely under her control.
When she opened the door and entered the main room the men all stared at her in disbelief. One of the partners finally snapped out of it and ordered her out. "You have no business here Miss Devlin. This club is exclusively for men only. Now get your ass out and don't come bac.." Dani slugged him in the face and cut him off. "Oh shut up you pompous windbag." "SMACK!" He staggered back off balance until one of the other men stopped his momentum. Dani was immediately attacked by a horde of angry men. Her perfectly shaped female body was nothing more then a blur when she set it into motion. "WHAP!" "SMACK!" SMACK!" WHAP!" "CRACK!" Males were crumbling to the floor right and left. When one of the partners approached her Dani threw herself down in a handstand and wrapped her feet around his neck. Then she flipped her agile body sideways and sent him spinning head over heels. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" His fearful scream bounced off of the walls. Dani expertly landed back on her feet and took a fighting stance. "OK boys who's next?" They all reluctantly stood there like a bunch of chicken shits.
The partners muscular body being flipped by the agile blonds feet.
"What's the matter boys have you suddenly lost your courage? Surely you're not afraid of one lowly female. Now step on up and take your best shot." She taunted with a lovely smile. Her taunting smile did the trick. The pissed off males rushed her like a herd of angry rhinos. The athletic female spun like a whirling tornado and swiftly disposed with the outclassed males. "WHACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!..WHACK!..WHAP!" Her feet and hands were moving so fast they never knew what hit them. A knife like Karate chop dropped the first man at her feet before a powerful left hook and right cross took care of two more. Then a savage uppercut exploded on one mans chin and his muscular body seemed to come unhinged as he completely fell apart. Another bone cutting Karate chop to one mans neck was followed by a devastating kick that totally destroyed another mans mouth and nose. Both of them hit the floor like lifeless rag dolls.
Dani wiping out the muscular males with her complete arsenal.
"SMACK!..CRACK!..SMACK!..WHACK!..WHAP!..WHAP!" Six more hit the floor out cold. When Dani scanned the room there was only two left on their feet. But their eyes were blank and their gait was sluggish. She casually strolled over and pushed them back to the wall by their throats. She let the man on her left slide down to sit on his butt while she held the other one up. Then she jammed her pussy in his face and pinned his head to the wall. "Let me finish off sissy boy here and I'll be with you in a jiffy." She told the semi conscious man. She firmly held the dazed man against the wall and jacked him off. He was to far gone to resist so she had an easy time with him. As soon as his cum was through puddling on the floor she turned him loose. He slid down the wall and hit the floor sound asleep. "I told you I wouldn't be long." She said to the man at her feet when she took her pussy out of his face. But he never heard a word. His head drooped down and he was snoring. "OOPS! I guess I wasn't quick enough after all." She went ahead and gave him an orgasm while he sat there sleeping.
Dani circled the room and woke each man up in turn. A couple of them put up a weak struggle but she easily handled them with a solid punch or punishing kick to the face. Several others wanted to put up a fight but they couldn't lift their muscular arms off of the floor. Her magic fingers quickly sapped their mighty strength until they were putty in her wonderfully soft hands. Each man was firmly pinned to the floor in one humiliating fashion or another and fondled until he climaxed. She didn't have to knock them out after their orgasm because the weakened males passed out during or after they shot their load all over themselves. When she was finished making the trip around the room there was a dozen men lying in the floor with cum oozing from the head of their rock hard dicks. Dani was surrounded by sleeping male bodies as she proudly stood in the middle of the room with her arms raised in a muscle pose. Thick cum was dripping from several spots on her flawless body as she stood there like a Goddess surveying her domain. There was one man left to be womanhandled before she was through. She saved the Senior partner until last so she could take her time to completely humiliate him.
The beautiful Dani surrounded by beaten and humiliated males.
He was sitting against the wall and barely conscious when she reached him. Dani gently slapped him awake and placed her foot on his dick as well as her hands on her hips. "You and I need to have a little chat Mr. Doyle. We're going to come to an understanding before I leave here if I have to beat you senseless. Denying females entry into your exclusive club is not only unethical it's down right rude." The mans head flopped down on his chest because of her soft skinned sole rubbing on his dick. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "Wake up and pay attention wimp." She scolded. He slowly lifted his head and opened his eyes about half way. "That's my boy. Now keep em open and listen carefully. Anytime the other ladies and I care to join you Gentlemen and enjoy ourselves you will welcome us with open arms. Is that understood asshole?" She asked in an I dare you to challenge me tone. "Yes.. M.Miss.. Devlin. What.. ever.. you.. s.say." He whimpered with tears in his eyes. "Good. I thought you would see things my way. I have a certain knack for getting my point across. And you worthless males always end up agreeing with me. Now let's finish you off and retire for the night."
Dani pinning the Senior partner down and giving him an ultimatum.
Dani dragged the beaten man out to the middle of the floor and bent him in two after removing his thong. While firmly holding on to his ankles she laid down above his head and wrapped her gorgeous legs around his right leg and right arm in a scissor hold. She trapped his left leg and arm under her perfectly developed body and rested his drowsy head on her right hip. Now that she had him in position she started stroking his throbbing meat with her left hand and placed her right behind his head. "This is a reminder of what I can and will do to you if you fail to keep your word. So take my advice and do as you're told." The poor man was securely pinned down with no possible chance of escaping. Heavy tears poured out of his sad eyes when he realised what she was going to make him do. He tried begging but his sobbing words fell on deaf ears. "Hush sissy and open your mouth. Or I'll squeeze your useless balls until they pop." He wailed like a broken hearted child and opened his slobbering mouth. Dani pushed his head forward until his dick disappeared down his throat. "Good boy. Now make me proud." She said as she laughed and moved his head up and down. A few minutes later he was gagging on his thick sperm. "SMMMACK!" Dani backhanded him in the mouth and put him out of his misery.
Monday morning the three women walked through the door and settled behind their desks. Suddenly the three partners and the male Attorneys trailing along behind were crowded around them. Their mouths dropped open and their eyes popped out when they looked up and saw the men's severely battered faces. "Excuse us ladies. We would like to cordially invite you to join us this evening at our club across the street. It's up to you of course, but we would be delighted if you choose to accept our invitation." The Senior partner asked while trembling like a leaf. The three ladies were so surprised they couldn't find their voices. They merely nodded in the affirmative while they stared at the men's multi colored, extremely swollen faces. "Excellent. Then we'll see you after hours." The men turned and slowly shuffled off. The ladies smiled at each other when they noticed the males had lost their manly swagger. Their shoulders were slumped down in defeat and their drooping heads were resting on their chests. "You don't think.." One of them asked the other two with a shocked expression. They simply shrugged their shoulders with a shocked expression of their own.
A few moments later their unbelievable questions were answered. Dani walked through the door and all the males rushed to her side like a herd of stampeding elephants. "Good Morning Miss Devlin. May I take your coat and hang it up for you?" "Good morning Miss Devlin. Please accept this Lobster Bisque and caviar I brought for your lunch today." "Nice to see you Miss Devlin. Oh my, it looks like you scuffed the toe on your fashionable black heels. Let me polish them to a brilliant shine for you." "You look exceptionally beautiful this morning Miss Devlin. Why don't you let me give you a relaxing foot massage while Dennis is polishing your high heels?" "Back off Robert. I'm the one who should give her a nice foot massage. I'm much better at it then you are." Dani smiled and waded her way through the swarm of attentive males. When she looked at her female co workers and winked, they knew for sure she was responsible for the men's unusual good behavior. They laughed and dove into their work with the knowledge that things had dramatically changed for them at the firm. And they owed it all to a beautiful blond with hard hitting fists, punishing feet and magic fingers.