Carmen Electra kicks ass. By Crohnsman Carmen Electra beats up the Producer and her competition to get the leading role in a movie. This story was requested by a fan. I want to thank him for the request and for taking the time to write. I hope you and he enjoys the story. Carmen Electra was at home exercising when the phone rang. She hated to interrupt her routine so she allowed the machine to take a message and continued her workout. When she was through about a half an hour later, she strolled to the bathroom to take a nice long shower. Then it was off to run some errands and pick up something for dinner. Later on that evening while she was relaxing, she remembered the message on her machine. When she pushed the button, she was delighted to hear her Agents voice. "Carmen, I have some great news. A Producer called this morning about a possible leading role for you in his new film. The casting Director would like to see you tomorrow morning at ten to audition for the part. Give me a call when you get this message. Love ya sweetheart." Carmen was thrilled. A leading role was exacting what she had been praying for. She was tired of doing short stints on things like MTV and Baywatch. She also had several cameo bits o n various television shows. Then there was a few commercials to her credit, including the one for Taco Bell she was doing right now. When she landed the bit parts in Scary Movie and Scary Movie 4, she was hoping it would lead to an extensive movie contract. But so far it hadn't happened. Maybe this was her chance to make it to the big time. She was thoroughly excited when she called her Agent back and got the details. After a short fifteen minute conversation, she felt she was born for the part. She was as giddy as a young girl when she hung up the phone. The movie was called "I Want Candy." It was about two young College boys trying to get Producers interested in their movie script about a porn queen becoming a huge star on the big screen. But none of them wanted any part of it. While the two young men were mulling over what to do, they happened to see a large poster of a real porn star named Candy Fiveways. The two College boys managed to get one more meeting with another Producer. He was desperate because he hadn't had a hit in quite a long time. After some small talk, he happened to mention Candy Fiveways. The boys tell him they just saw her poster and they thought she was very beautiful. He agrees to put up a chunk of money for their picture, but only if they can get Candy Fiveways for the lead. They set out on an adventure to sign her up. The next morning Carmen met with the Casting Director and read for the part. He was very satisfied with her reading and gave her a script to study so she would be ready if they decided to choose her. Carmen was elated about her chances when she left his office. She studied the script every day and waited for the call that would jump start her movie career. When a week went by without her getting the call, she was agonizing over what was going on. Just as she thought she might go out of her mind, her Agent called. The Casting Director and Producer had narrowed their choices down to her and Pamela Anderson. James Spring one of the Producers, wanted to see her at eleven o'clock the next day in his office. Carmen breathed a sigh of relief and ran to her bedroom to pick out the perfect outfit. She wanted to look her best. The next day she was a nervous wreck. The hands on the clock seemed to be crawling by. She finally couldn't take it any longer. She got dressed in a short, red plaid skirt and black crop top, then headed for the Producer's office at nine thirty. The thought crossed her mind that she might look desperate by showing up so early. But she just couldn't wait any longer. At ten o'clock she entered the waiting room outside his office and sat down. She picked up a magazine to browse through, hoping it would help to calm her nerves. But twenty seconds later she threw it back on the table. She happened to glance up at the large window to the Producer's office, and noticed the blinds were open. She could see Pamela Anderson in there, but she wasn't reading a script. She was sitting on his lap rubbing his cheek with her finger and nuzzling his neck. Carmen got very interested in what was happening behind his closed door. She was in total shock when the next thing she saw was Pamela nibbling on his ear while she whispered into it. It didn't take a brain surgeon to know what she was attempting to do. The more she watched, the angrier she got. Then she saw Pamela rub her breasts against his chest while pulling his face down to her cleavage. Carmen couldn't believe the lengths some people would go to to land a roll. Pamela Anderson was pulling out all of the stops. For nearly an hour, she rubbed every part of her body on the man to secure the role for herself. She did everything she could think of, short of fucking him right in his chair. By the time she was ready to leave, Carmen was fuming. Pamela left his office and strolled out with a large smile on her face. She didn't even acknowledge Carmen was there. "Mr. Spring. Carmen Electra is here to see you." She heard his secretary say. "Send her in." The man responded. Carmen got up and walked to his door with a purpose. "Ah Miss Electra. It's nice to see you." He said. He didn't notice her locking the door when she closed it. "Thank you Mr. Spring. It's nice to be here." She replied. "Look Miss Electra....may I call you Carmen?" He asked. "By all means Mr. Spring." She said as she rolled the blinds closed. He gave her a questionable look but didn't mention it. "Good. Thank you Carmen." He turned his back on her and strolled to his desk. On the way, he came right out with what was on his mind. "I know we asked you to come down today Carmen. But I'm afraid we've decided to go with Miss Anderson." When he reached his desk and turned around, he was surprised to see her standing there in her pink bra and panties. Carmen slipped off her red heels and smiled. "Uhhh, maybe we were a little hasty in our judgement. I suppose we could discuss it a little further." He said as he ogled her fantastic looking body. "That's just what I had in mind Mr. Spring. A little friendly discussion." Seductively swinging her hips, she walked towards him with a large smile on her beautiful face. He dropped in his chair and stared at her like he was in a trance. When she reached him, she placed her hands on his knees and bent over to look him right in the eye. She couldn't help but notice the enormous hard on growing in his suit pants. She moved her left hand to his chest and began to rub it. "You know Mr. Spring, I happened to notice how Pamela convinced you to give her the part. I think I can entice you to change your mind." She said with a sweet smile. MY GOD! He said to himself. She's going to fuck me to get the roll. I understand now why she closed the blinds. He reached out and rubbed his hand up and down her gorgeous leg. "I think we might be able to come to an understanding Carmen. After all, business is business." He replied with a large grin. "That's exactly what I was thinking. So here's the deal. You call Pamela Anderson and tell her you've changed your mind. Because if you don't, I'm going to beat you like a dog until you agree with my demands." She said with absolute confidence. He thought she was joking at first. But the cold hard look in her hazel eyes, told him she meant every word she said. "You can't be serious?" He shockingly asked. "Try me little man." She replied with an angry glare. "Now see here Miss Electra. You can't threaten me. Do you know who I am?" He asked with an aire of importance. "Yes I do. You're a man who uses his exulted position to exploit women looking to achieve their dreams. You're also the no good bastard who has had several sexual harassment complaints filed against him in the past year. You're conceited, self centered, and you have delusions of grandeur. I know your kind well asshole. So skip the threats. They won't d o you any good." She replied. "Now shut your mouth and get on that phone. Or you and I will have ourselves a little one on one. And that Mr. asshole, will be very painful for you." "MISS MADDOX! CALL SECURITY!" He screamed. "I'm afraid your secretary was leaving for lunch when I came in. So she nor anyone else will be able to help you." Carmen told him. "This is your last warning asshole. Pick up the phone and start dialing. Or the next call made from this office will be for an Ambulance to pick you up. Understand?" She threatened. The man looked at her to size her up. She stood around 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed between 110 and 115. He was a 5 foot 10 inch male who weighed 190 pounds. He knew his body wasn't exactly one you would call fit, but it certainly wasn't completely out of shape either. Besides, he was a male and she was a female. I shouldn't have any trouble handling her in any kind of fight. He said to himself. With that thought in mind, he grabbed for her arms to take her down. It was the biggest mistake he ever made in his life. Carmen quickly stood up. She raised her gorgeous right leg and snapped it forward. "WHAM!" Her bare foot slammed him in the chest and sent his body and the chair rolling backwards. "SLAM!" The chair hit the bookcase and toppled over. He crashed into the floor and tumbled a few feet before coming to a stop. Carmen grabbed him by his suit lapels and hauled him to his feet. "SMACK!" The right cross numbed his jaw and sent him stumbling to his right. Just as he was able to gain his balance, her left hook and another right cross found his unprotected face. "SMACK!..SMACK!" He dropped to the floor in a daze. "Get up punk. So we can continue our frie ndly discussion." She ordered. The man was over the shock of being taken by surprise. He quickly climbed to his feet and raised his fists. "If you want a beating that bad, I'll be happy to give you one bitch. You fucked with the wrong person this time." He said confidently. "Then bring it on asshole. You'll soon find out I'm a lot tougher then you think." She answered. The male fighter stepped up and fired a hard right at her beautiful face. Carmen ducked under it and drilled him in the mid section with a left and right. "THUD!..THUD!" The solid punches bent him over for the bone jarring uppercut that followed. "CRACK!" He was dumped on his ass. "Having a little trouble staying on your feet aren't you pansy ass? Now get up." She commanded. He bolted from the floor and tried to tackle her. But Carmen was much quicker then he expected. She took a slide step to her right and kicked him in the ass when he missed her and passed by. "WHAM!" He was crazily wind milling his arms trying to stay on his feet. It didn't work. "SLAM!" His head cracked the wall and sent him sprawling to the floor again. His impact with the wall left him disoriented and dizzy. Carmen leaped on his prone body. The two of them were rolling around struggling for the dominate position. Spring ended up on top, kneeling between her legs. He tried to smash her face with a right and put her at his mercy. But Carmen foiled his plans by deflecting it with her left arm. She managed to get her foot between them and shoved Spring off of her. He somersaulted backwards and ended up on his face and stomach. She quickly scrambled over and threw herself on top of him before he could rise. Lying on his back facing his feet, she reache d back and grabbed a hand full of his hair. Then she yanked his head up and wrapped her strong legs around his neck. After locking her slim ankles, she squeezed his head in her vice like grip. The pain was excruciating. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed out loud while he pawed at her feet and slender ankles trying to free himself. But the python crush she had on his neck was to tight for him to loosen. "I'll see you go to jail for this bitch. Your career is over." He hatefully threatened. "Shut up and scream for me wimp." She replied. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He unwillingly obeyed her command. "That's my good boy. Now do it again." She applied an enormous amount of pressure and got her wish. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Very good asshole. You'll be doing everything I tell you by the time I'm through." Leaving her legs around his neck, Carmen sat up on his upper back. Then she grabbed both of his arms and dragged them up on his back in a double hammerlock. His attempt to stop her was fruitless. "Double the pain, double the fun." She said as she smiled and roughly pulled his arms toward her. Another loud scream escaped his throat. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He was wriggling and squirming as hard as he could to buck her off, but her seat was to secure. "Nice scream wimp. Let's see what you sound like when I apply pressure to both holds." Carmen tightened her legs around his neck while wrenching his arms further up his back. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He was nearly in tears from the awful pain. "I believe you sounded like a girl that time. What do you think sissy?" She asked grinning. "FUCK YOU BITCH! YOUR ASS IS MINE WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS!" He said through clenched teeth. She just laughed at hi s idle threats. "You mean when I let you out don't you? Because you're not man enough to get free on your own." She replied. Carmen uncoiled her python legs and stood up. Then she released his arms and backed off. "OK you sissy screaming wimp. I'll give you the chance to prove your threats are nothing more then the ramblings of a frightened little boy. Get on your feet and show me what you've got." She challenged. Spring climbed to his feet shaking his tortured arms and rubbing his sore neck. "Big mistake bitch. Now I'm going to break you in half." He raised his muscular arms and took a fighting stance. Carmen smiled and put her fists up as well. "Let's rumble punk." She said as she advanced on him. Spring cocked his right arm and fired a right cross with all the strength he could generate. Carmen swayed her upper body back and made him miss by a mile. It didn't detour him from his objective. This time he threw four hard shots with mean intentions written all over them. The nimble female warrior danced around them with ease. "Nice try wimp. But you missed. You do know you have to actually hit me to carry out your loud mouth threats don't you?" That remark drove him insane with hate. He let loose with a multitude of punches to shut her taunting mouth for good. But his accuracy hadn't improved a bit. Carmen avoided them all like the plague. "That was pathetic." She taunted when he stopped punching to catch his breath. "I don't believe I would make any more threats if that's the best you can do." Angry out of his mind, he rared back to throw a hay maker. But Carmen beat him to the punch. "SMACK!" The straight right landed between his eyes and sent him staggering back out of control. While he was off balance and vulnerable, her female fists repeatedly struck his open body and unprotected face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His eyes began to swell, his stomach was starting to ache, and his mouth was busted open. Carmen stepped up the pressure and kept him on the defensive. He was helpless to stop her from rat tat tatting him like a machine gun. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" The jaw breaking uppercut knocked him clean off of his feet. He hit the floor hard and lie there moaning. The beautiful female fighter stepped on his left ankle with her right foot and picked up his right leg. With a lovely smile on her face, she pushed his leg outward like he was a wishbone. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! YOU'RE RIPPING ME APART!" "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Make a wish sissy." She said grinning. "NO! NO! PLEASE! LET ME GO! LET ME GO! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!" He said while tears filled his eyes. "Of course it does cry baby. And I've only begun to make you feel pain. Just think how badly your face and body will look when I'm through. I'm sure you won't want to be seen in public for quite a while. But that's the price you must pay for being the asshole you are." Carmen dropped his tortured leg and took hold of his right arm. She flipped him over on his stomach and snatched up his left arm as well. Then she planted her right foot on the side of his head and pinned it to the floor. Getting a good grip on both of his wrists, she lifted his arms in the air and pushed them towards each other. She could feel the ligiments in his shoulders straining against the pressure. Another firm push in an effort to force the backs of his hands to touch, brought another ear piercing scream from her victim. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "YOU'RE BREAKING MY ARMS! STOP! OH GOD! PLEASE STOP!" He begged. "Hang in there asshole. I think I can make your hands touch with one more push." She replied sounding serious. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "LET ME GO! PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU! LET ME GO!" He loudly pleaded while his tears soaked the carpet. "Since you're so good at begging, I'll give you your way. Besides, I feel like swelling your face up some more with my fists." She released his arms and watched as they lifelessly fell to the floor. "Get up you pathetic weakling. I'm going to use you as a punching bag." She commanded the sobbibg wreck of a man. Spring lie there pitifully crying. His arms and legs were in a great deal of pain. "Please.. I.. can't.. get.. up. Leave.. me.. alone. For.. God.. sakes. Please.. leave.. me.. alone." He blubbered. "I said get up pansy ass. Now move. If I have to drag you up, the punishment I'm about to give you will be a lot worse." "IS THAT CLEAR WIMP? NOW GET UP!" She ordered. He struggled to his hands and knees and finally made it to his feet. He was gingerly standing on his painful legs and his sprained arms were hanging limp at his sides. His face turned white with fear when Carmen curled the fingers of her left hand in his lapel to hold him steady. "You better be afraid asshole. Because I'm going to beat you like I own you until you change your mind and make that call." She told him while she drew back her hard right fist. "SMACK!" She broke his nose. "That ones for being an asshole. "SMACK!" His left eye swelled a little more and began to change colors. "That ones for trying to take advantage of women looking to fulfill their dreams. "SMACK!" His left cheek swelled up like a balloon. "That ones for being a sexually perverted creep." "SMACK!" His right eye changed colors and swelled up more. "That ones for harassing those poor women and trying to force them to accept your filthy advances. "SMACK!" His lips were fattened to three times their size. "That ones for allowing Pamela Anderson to flirt and coerse you into giving her the part." "SMACK!" His right cheek swelled out of porportion. "That ones for trying to dismiss me without giving me a chance to earn the leading roll." The last punch buckled his knees and turned his legs to rubber. He would have collapsed if she had not been holding him up. Spring was barely conscious when she drew back her arm for the finishing uppercut. He never saw it coming. "CRRRACKK!" His muscular body teetered a few seconds before he fell straight down on his severely swollen face at her feet. "SLAM!" He was out cold and sleeping peacefully. Carmen nudged him with her foot until his droopy eyes popped open. She grabbed him by the back of the collar and dragged him over to his desk. When they reached it, she dropped him in the floor and retrieved his chair. After putting it in position, she half lifted and he half crawled up in the seat. He was whimpering like a frightened child and scared to death. Carmen snatched a hand full of his hair and jerked his head back. Then she got right in his face. "Are you ready to make that call? Or would you like me to continue beating you senseless?" She sternly asked. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "I 'LL CALL. I'LL C.CALL! PL.PLEASE DON'T HIT M.M.ME ANYM.MORE!" He pleaded through his heavy tears. "Good boy. I knew you would eventually see it my way. Now get Pam on the phone and tell her she no longer has the part. You've decided to go with the lovely Carmen Electra. And it better be convincing little man. Or you'll be experiencing more pain then you ever dreamed existed." "UNDERSTAND?" He nodded yes while his tears flowed freely. Three minutes later, he placed the phone back on it's cradle. "Good job wimp. I'm proud of you. Would you like me to call you an ambulance, or can you handle it yourself?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Please. Just go." He whimpered. He handed her the sheet containing the information concerning the studio number and time of arrival to begin shooting the movie. She politely thanked him while she was putting her clothes back on. When she was dressed, she spun his chair around so she could look into his swollen, tear filled eyes. "If I hear any rumor that you have harassed another female I'll be back. I don't think you want a repeat preformance do you asshole?" She asked in a very threatening voice. His swollen face turned ashen and he quickly shook his head no. "Good. It was nice doing business with you Mr. Spring. Maybe I'll see you on the set." Carmen turned and walked out laughing. The next day Carmen was standing in Armani's on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. She needed to purchase her favorite perfume because she was nearly out of it. While she was waiting for a sales lady to give her their attention, someone grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. There stood Pamela Anderson with an angry look on her face. "This is for stealing my roll you bitch." She said before she slapped her. "SLAP!" Carmen rubbed her cheek and laid her purse on the counter. "This is for acting like a slut to get the part you bitch." "SMACK!" The straight right landed on the bridge of Pamela's nose. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets and she slumped to the floor unconscious. Carmen smiled and picked up her purse. A sales lady frantically came running. "OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED MISS ELECTRA?" She asked Carmen. "I don't know. I think she fainted." Carmen said with a straight face. "I'm here to pick up my perfume order. Is it ready?" She calmly asked the lady. "I'll get someone to wait on you right away Miss Electra. I need to call EMS for poor Miss Anderson." She nervously stated. "By all means. I understand perfectly." Carmen told her with a sweet smile. While the sales lady ran off to use the phone, Pamela came around. "Ohhhh, what happened." She groggily asked while trying to stand up. "This." Carmen said as she punched her on the jaw. "SMACK!" Pamela dropped to the floor out cold again. "Now stay asleep until I finish conducting my business. Understand bitch?" She said to her fully unconscious body. While two Armani employees were rubbing Pamela's face with a cold cloth trying to revive her, another sales lady waited on Carmen. Pamela was just coming around again when Carmen turned to walk out with her perfume. "I certainly hope you're feeling better soon Pamela. Maybe I'll come by later to check on you." She said as she headed for the door. She almost laughed out loud when she heard what one of the sales ladies said to Pamela. "Isn't that sweet. It's awfully nice of her to be so concerned about your well being. Now that's a true friend." Carmen couldn't c ontain herself any longer after stepping outside. She broke down and laughed until her stomach hurt.