Ball busting Belle the gang leader. (Illustrated)

By Crohnsman

If you valued your family jewels you didn't piss Belle off.

Belle Adams joined the Black Widows when she was thirteen years old. She was a poor girl on the south side of Chicago, who was desperately searching for a place to fit in. When she found and joined the Black Widows, they became her family. She was willing to do anything to escape the one she had. Her father was a small time crook and a drunk. And her mother was a whore. Although you never used that term around Belle when speaking about her mother. She preferred to call her a lady of the evening. She could stomach the word prostitute on days she was in a good mood. But calling her a whore would get you a terrible beating. The fact that Belle had nothing to do with either one of her parents didn't matter. The woman gave Belle life, and for that she was grateful. So you respected her wishes or paid for your foolish mistake with blood and pain.

Belle worked her way up through the ranks and became a second Lieutenant by the time she was sixteen. She stood at the left hand side of the gang leader with a feeling of pride in her accomplishment. Belle earned a reputation as being a very tough and fearless fighter. Especially if her family was in danger. If someone had a beef with one of the girls, you had to face them all. They watched each others back and took care of their own. The message the girls presented to the world was simple. Be prepared to go to war if you fuck with any Black Widow. They demanded respect and wouldn't settle for anything less. And they got it too. Even the male gangs went out of their way to avoid trouble with the Black Widows. It was much safer to stay on friendly terms with the ruthless females.

Although Belle was satisfied with her position as second Lieutenant, she wasn't happy with the way Lola ran things. It irritated her that Lola pimped the girls out to make money for the gang. She also wasn't crazy about her selling drugs to children. If adults wanted to buy drugs for their personal use, then that was their business. But selling drugs to young kids was wrong in Belle's eyes. Lola didn't see it that way. To her, a buck was a buck. What difference did it make if it came from a ten year old boy or a thirty year old man. If the snot nosed little brats wanted to spend their money, then Lola was willing to take it. Getting the youngsters hooked on drugs before they realised the lasting effects it would have on them, didn't bother Lola at all.

Belle voiced her opinion several times but Lola simply ignored her. It was her job to take care of the gang. So she was willing to do what ever it took to insure they survived. Belle wasn't happy with her decisions, but she accepted them. This was her family. And family came first above everything else. So Belle kept her feelings to herself and went about her business. Then one fatal day, everything changed for Belle and the Black Widows. She and six other girls were o ut patrolling their territory when they were approached by four boys from the Devil gang. The one leading the group was fighting mad and demanded to know where Lola was. "You don't come into Black Widow territory and demand anything punk. Now get your ass back where you belong while you can still walk." Belle threatened. He didn't listen.

"Lola is dead when I get my hands on the bitch. If I have to beat you to death to find her, then that's fine with me. Now get the fuck out of my way or die." He said as he attempted to push her aside. "THUNK!" Belle punched him right in the balls. When he bent over and grabbed his aching testicles, Belle drove her knee into his chin. "WHAM!" He flopped to the street in a daze. The three remaining boys were tackled by two girls apiece and taken down. They didn't stand a chance. They beat them like misbehaving dogs while Belle stood over her opponent with her hands on her shapely hips. "You should have ran with your tail between your legs when I told you to mother fucker. Now I'm going to beat you to a pulp for putting your hands on me." "NOW GET UP!" She ordered. The boy had been in numerous street fights and was a grizzled veteran. He leaped to his feet and attacked with fury.

Thundering rights and lefts came at Belle from all directions. But Belle was a warrior of the streets as well. She knew how to handle herself. She avoided or parried his onslaught of punches until she saw an opening. When it came, she attacked like a female lion protecting her cubs. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..SMACK!" The boy was taken totally by surprise when she opened her offense. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..THUNK!" She ripped up his face and stomach before drilling him in the ball s again. When he howled in pain and doubled over, she snapped his head back and dropped him to the street again with a vicious uppercut. "CRACK!" Then she ruined the young mans balls while he lie at her feet. "STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!" Her foot repeatedly kicked and stomped him in the balls until he passed out from the terrible pain.

Belle straddled his unconscious body and completely rearranged his face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The poor young man was never going to be the same after the brutal beating Belle gave him. But it didn't faze her one bit. The dumb son of a bitch invaded Black Widow territory and threatened her family's leader. That was an inexcusable mistake that deserved severe punishment. When Belle finally stopped his massacre, the poor young man was a thoroughly broken and bloody mess. She grabbed one of his friends who was being held in the tight grip of two of her soldiers and jerked him up to her face. "Carry that stupid mother fucker back to your own turf and stay there. If I catch any of you in our territory again, you'll get the same treatment. Understand?" He shook his head yes while the three of them grabbed their buddy and hauled ass. The girls all laughed at their fearful retreat.

When the Widows returned to their headquarters, Belle reported to Lola and explained what happened. "Watch your back Lola and don't go anywhere alone. The Devils are out to get you for some reason." She told their leader. "Ah hell. The fucking Devils don't worry me. They're all a bunch of pussy's. I'm surprised they found the guts to invade our territory on a revenge hunt. I didn't think that punk had the balls to come after me." She replied with a smile. "Reven ge hunt? Revenge for what?" Belle asked. "That wimp you beat down had a little brother who died from a crack overdose. He blames me because we sold it to him. Hell, I didn't force the little fucker to snort the shit. It's his fucking fault if he didn't know when to quit." She replied. Belle's body went ridged. "How old was he Lola?" She asked through clenched teeth. "Hell I don't know. About twelve I guess." She replied.

It didn't take Belle long to think about it. Lola had to be stopped. She stood up and spoke as she began to remove her clothing. "By gang law, I have the right to challenge you for leadership. I claim that right Lola. Take your clothes off and choose your weapon." Lola looked at her like she was out of her mind. "You can't be serious. What the fuck is wrong with you?" She asked in shock. The gang members all gathered around in anticipation. "I've asked you to stop pedaling drugs to children but you wouldn't listen. No more innocent kids are going to die by your hands Lola. Now take your fucking clothes off and choose your weapon. Or I'll kill you with my bare hands." She adamantly responded. "Bare hands suit me just fine you stupid bitch. I can't wait to get mine around your fucking throat." Lola sneered as she began undressing.

Jan stood between the two nearly naked females and explained the rules of combat to the gang. She was Lola's first Lieutenant and right hand girl. "You all know the rules. A fight for leadership of the gang is to the death. Or if the winner chooses, she can let the loser live and banish her from the gang for life. Lola and Belle have chosen to fight it out with their bare hands. No weapons will be used. If one of you grabs a weapon of any kind, the remaining gang members will take it away from you by force. The battle starts as soon as I step out of your way. Are you two ready?" Belle nodded yes, while Lola told Jan to get the fuck out of the way and shut up. "I'll take that as a yes. Good luck to both of you." She said. The entire gang was chattering up a storm as Jan stepped back. Side bets were going on all over the room. A loud roar erupted when the two combatants came together.

"CRACK!" Belle landed a devastating left uppercut right away. Lola stumbled back and spit out the blood seeping from her bitten tongue. "You'll pay for that bitch." Lola said as she glared at her. Belle knew Lola was a very dangerous adversary. She took over leadership of the gang when she was fifteen. And held the exulted position for three years now. The bodies of several girls who had challenged her for leadership were still lying at the bottom of the river. So being cautious was the name of the game. A stupid mistake would definitely be the last one she ever made. The lives of innocent children was hanging in the balance. So she had to keep her head on straight and fight a tactical battle. Lola came at her with both fists blazing. Belle met her toe to toe and fired back.

Golden haired Belle landing a solid uppercut to Lola's chin.

Both girls were receiving as much as they were landing. They seemed to be evenly matched and both were determined to emerge victorious. The flow of the battle was going back and forth with no one having a clear cut advantage. "WHAM!" Lola suddenly slammed her knee into Belle's crotch and doubled her over in pain. "CRACK!" A jaw numbing left uppercut followed that dropped Belle to the floor. Lola began stomping on her prone body. "STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!" Belle regained her senses and rolled to her left to escape Lola's painful feet. Lola charged after her to hold her advantage and keep Belle down. Without warning, Belle changed directions and rolled into Lola's legs. The unexpected maneuver worked like a charm. Lola tripped over her body and hit the floor face first. Belle climbed to her feet and shook off the pain while Lola jumped up from the floor as well.

Lola connecting with her own devastating uppercut.

The two warriors faced each other with pure hatred covering their pretty faces. Lola let out a fierce scream and charged Belle like a stampeding elephant. This time Belle was ready for her. When she got into range, Belle snapped her left leg up like it was fired from a sling shot and drove her heel into Lola's jaw. "WHAM!" She crumpled to the floor like she had been hit by a wrecking ball "PLOP!" Belle was on her in a split second. She leaped on top of her dazed spreadeagled body and delivered punch after punch to her unprotected face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Lola was severely stunned by the kick and was totally defenseless. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Belle's hard fists repeatedly plowed into Lola's face until she was barely conscious. Then her hands went around her throat and squeezed like a python.

Belle landing a vicious kick that put Lola down for the count.

Lola struggled with everything she had in an attempt to free herself. But eventually her struggles became weaker and weaker. She finally ceased to move when her face turned blue. Belle released her beaten victim without killing her and placed her foot on her pelvis as she stood over Lola in victory. Lola was having a coughing fit trying to catch her breath. She finally calmed down when the blood rushed back to her head and her face regained it's color. Belle snatched a hand full of her hair and jerked her upper body up to look her in the eyes. "I'll let you keep your miserable life Lola. Even though I should kill you for what you did to that little boy. Now get your ass out and don't come back. And if I catch you dealing drugs in Widow territory, I'll change my mind and dump your lifeless body in the river where you belong. Is that clear bitch?" Lola nodded yes with tears streaming down her cheeks. Belle turned to two of her soldiers. "Get her ass out of my sight. Make sure she leaves Black Widow territory." They hustled over and picked Lola up.

Belle standing victorious over the battered Lola.

"Do you have a problem with me being leader?" Belle asked Jan. "If I wanted to be leader, I would have challenged Lola myself. I'm perfectly satisfied being first Lieutenant. It doesn't matter to me if it's under you or Lola." She replied. "Fair enough. You're a good right hand Jan. I'm glad you'll be there if I need you." While the two were talking, Lola grabbed a knife from one of the girls helping her and shoved them aside. She charged at Belle with the intention of plunging it in her heart. "LOOK OUT BELLE!" One of them screamed. Belle spun around in time to see Lola rushing her. Her right leg sprang up like it was shot from a cannon and buried her bare foot between Lola's legs. "WHAM!" "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She shrieked in pain and dropped the knife while she collapsed to her knees. Belle didn't hesitate. She placed her hands on the top and bottom of Lola's head and violently twisted it around. "SNAP!" Lola flopped at her feet with a broken neck. The gang nodded their approval.

Belle gave orders to stop selling drugs to young kids. If they were under the age of eighteen, they were to be turned away. Anyone breaking that rule would be harshly dealt with. She also said there would be no more turning tricks to make money for the gang to survive. "If you want to sell your body to make money for yourself, then that's your business. We'll find other ways to support the gang. I'm open for suggestions if anyone has any. Bring them to me and we'll discuss them in detail." When it was pitch dark, they disposed of Lola's body in the river. Then they had a rip roaring party to celebrate their new gang leader. Belle picked a black girl named Shayla to be her second Lieutenant. She had been a gang member for two years and was tough as nails. The next day they made plans to talk with the Devils and tr y their best soothe things over and avoid all out war

At nine o'clock the next morning, the Black Widows entered Devil territory with their arms out and palms up. That was a universal sign used by all the gangs that said we come in peace without weapons and want to talk. They were picked up shortly after entering their territory and escorted to Devil headquarters. Their leader stood with his arms crossed over his massive chest while the girls were ushered in to see him. Zach Raider was the leader of the Devils and a legend of the city. Abandoned by his parents when he was twelve, he survived the best way he could until he was taken in by a lonely woman who lost her only son in a drive by shooting. She raised him with love and kindness like only a mother could give.

Zach joined the Devils when he was fourteen and worked his way up in the ranks. He became their leader at seventeen when the boss man was sent to jail for murder. Shortly after he became top dog, his adopted mother died from a heart attack. Her dying wish was for Zach to finish high school and make something of himself. Even though he was leader of one of the most feared gangs in the city, he honored her dying wish and received his diploma. It hangs on the wall in their headquarters to remind Zach of the loving woman who took a stranger into her home and raised him. Now at twenty, he takes flowers to her grave every year and thanks her for being a decent and caring parent. But you couldn't describe Zach as being soft because he had a loving parent and held a high school diploma. He was more ruthless and vindictive then any gang leader in the city. If you crossed Zach Raider, your life would quickly come to an end.

"You've got a set of balls on you for waltzing into Devil territory Belle. The guys want to string you up for what you did to Rod and watch you slowly choke to death. Because you destroyed his balls, he'll never be able to have kids. And he's laid up in the hospital trying to recover from the bad beating you gave him." He stated. "I'm sorry to hear that Zach. I came here to explain my actions. If he had told me why he was there, we might have worked something out. But he marched into Black Widow territory without giving me a reason, and demanded to see Lola so he could kill her. And he threatened me with death if I stood in his way. So he got what he deserved as far as I'm concerned. However, I do feel bad about his little brother. So that's why I'm here. Tell him he doesn't have to bother with killing Lola. I did it for him. The life for a life vendetta has been paid. So we came seeking peace."

"Let me get this straight. You killed a Black Widow leader as payment for the life of a child in Devil territory that you didn't even know? And you expect me to believe that." He asked in astonishment. "Believe what you want. It's the truth. And I ordered a new law that forbids selling drugs to anyone under the age of eighteen. To avoid anymore unfortunate deaths like that young boys. Now do we have peace? Or do you want a war with the Black Widows?" She fearlessly asked. Zach studied her face and came to the conclusion she was telling the truth. "I believe you Belle. The Widows and Devils are at peace. Why don't we throw ourselves a grand party tonight to celebrate. You ladies bring the food and we'll supply the beer. What do you say Belle? It would be one hell of a way to start our peace agreement." "After everything that's went down the last few days, the girls could use some fun. So we accept your invitation. We'll be back around six with a shit load of food." She told the smiling Devil leader. "Great. We'll see you then." He replied. The Widow's started for home.

"Do you think we can trust them Belle?" Jan asked concerned. "Hell no. I expect it's a trap. They're probably going to spike the beer and wipe us out while we're drugged and helpless. But I have a plan in mind. So all of you stay alert and watch for my signal. If it is a trap, then this is our chance to rid ourselves of the Devils once and for all. Are you with me girls?" "HELL YES! DEATH TO THE DEVILS!" The young ladies screamed in unison. "Good. If it turns out they're legit, then have fun and enjoy yourselves. But wait until I give the OK before you party down." They all agreed to follow her lead. At six o'clock, the Widows entered Devil headquarters with several buckets of chicken from KFC, and a large stack of pizzas from Pizza Hut. Following the girls was a mangy mixed breed mutt named Jasper.

Zach had cases of beer on ice in numerous coolers situated around the room. All the girls were handed a beer while Zach put one in Belle's hand. Then Zach quieted the crowd and held his beer in the air to propose a toast. "Let's toast our new peace agreement with the Black Widows." He said as he started to raise the can to his mouth. "Hold on there big boy." Belle said with a sweet smile. "We haven't had any food since breakfast. It wouldn't be smart to drink on an empty stomach. So let's chow down first. Besides, we Widow's like to be relaxed and comfortable when we party." All the girls began to take off their clothes with inviting smiles on their pretty faces. The Devil's follo wed suit while loudly whistling and screaming their approval. Belle thought Zach looked a little uneasy, but he finally relented and began to strip. They all gathered around the food in their underwear and started eating.

"What's with the mutt?" Zach asked as Belle gave the dog a chicken leg bone. "This is Jasper. He was scrounging around for food in the alley behind our place one day. So we adopted him and made him our mascot. Which reminds me." She turned to one of the girls and asked for the plastic bowl they brought with them. Then she turned back to Zach while she poured beer into the bowl. "Jasper just loves to wash down his food with beer. But you have to be careful. After a couple of cans, he's drunk on his ass and begins to waddle around like a duck." Zach really looked uneasy when she sat the bowl down and the dog began lapping it up. She was sure now that she was correct in suspecting this party was a trap. She decided not to wait until Jasper fell asleep to give the signal. "OK girls. Let's show these Devils how the Black Widows party." They all nodded their heads in understanding.

Every boom box in the room was tuned to the same rock station and turned up full blast. Then the girls started gyrating their hips in a seductive dance. The boys seemed to forget their mission and fell into a trance. They watched the nearly naked girls as they moved their slender hips in time with the music. Zach had a confused and frustrated look on his handsome face as he watched his men fall under their spell. His fool proof plan was going down the drain. Belle slid her gorgeous body up next to his and began rubbing his chest. "What's the matter Zach? You look a little uncomfortable. Don't you like girls?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Uhhh, yeah. Sure I do. I just wasn't expecting this." He stammered. "We like to have fun when we party. So quit acting so scared and wrap your strong arms around this hot body of mine." She purred. Zach reluctantly did as she asked. When she had him in position, Belle struck without warning.

"NOW!" She screamed while she drove her knee into Zach's balls. "WHAM!" Zach doubled over in pain and was met by a sledge hammer right to the jaw. "SMACK!" He dropped to the floor like his legs had been cut out from under him. "Did you really think we would be dumb enough to fall for the drugged beer trick you moron? You must have a very low opinion of us if you thought that plan would work. But that doesn't matter. I'm sure your opinion will change after we show you what the Black Widow's are capable of. Now get your stupid scheming ass up so I can give you the beating you deserve." She threatened while standing over him with her hands on her shapely hips. Zach's testicles were aching like a bad tooth ache. But the fucking bitch standing over him needed to be put in her place. "You don't know who you're fucking with bitch. But you're about to painfully find out." He bragged while climbing to his feet.

Belle slamming her knee into Zach's balls with extreme force.

The two gang leaders faced off against each other while utter chaos was going on all around them. Male and female were locked in a battle for supremacy everywhere you looked. Since their was only twenty six females to thirty three males, some of the girls had to handle double duty. But their excellent fighting skills were up to the task. They courageously dove into the fray. "SMACK!..WHAM!..CRACK!..THUNK!..THUNK!" Female fists and feet were connecting at an alarming rate. Males were dropping like flies with severely battered faces and crushed balls. Male screams of pain and agony filled the room. The floor was littered with their muscular bodies while their female counterparts pinned them down and beat their unprotected faces to a pulp. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The Devil's were being massacred on their own turf like Custer at Little Bighorn.

The dangerous females easily handling the muscular males.

While the Widow's were chopping down the Devil's like young saplings, Belle and Zach were going at it hot and heavy. Male arms with ham like fists were pumping like crazy in an attempt to knock Belle in the floor and render her helpless. But the quick moving female wouldn't cooperate with his plans. Somehow her elusive body avoided his thunderous punches while she fired back with extremely accurate shots. Zach was beginning to worry. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" A solid uppercut dumped him in the floor at her feet. But before she could take advantage of the downed male fighter, she was grabbed from behind by one of his men. "WHACK!" She drove the back of her head into his face and heard bones crunch. "SMACK!" Then her solid back fist shattered his nose and dropped him like a wet sack. Zach had regained his feet and was in the process of attacking. "THUNK!" A left to the balls stopped him dead in his tracks. "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He squealed like a pig and dropped to his knees.

Belle busting Zach in the balls with a solid left.

"CRACK!" A jaw breaking uppercut put him back down. Belle turned and found two other males to destroy with her talented fists. "SMACK!..CRACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" Both were deposited in the floor with a strong left hook and bell ringing uppercut. Zach was back up on his knees clutching his aching balls. So Belle took the opportunity to see how her female soldiers were faring. A large smile spread across her lovely face when she saw a female had the upper hand in every battle going on in the room. The floor was cluttered with downed male fighters who were either motionless or screaming in pain while holding an aching part of their body. Only one female was down. But she quickly sprang to her feet and overwhelmed the male who put her there. He was soon lying on his back out cold. Pride in her female soldiers filled her gorgeous body as she turned back to Zach.

Belle's soldiers wiping up the floor with the outclassed males.

"It looks like your Devil's aren't as tough as you thought. My girls are kicking their ass all over the place. We wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun, so get your ass up wimp." Belle ordered their leader. Zach looked up at the beautiful female with the well proportioned body standing over him. Her lethal hitting female fists had put him in the floor twice. Yet the only thought going through his mind, was how bad he wanted to fuck that gorgeous body of hers. It thoroughly confused his boggled mind why he wasn't thinking about killing her instead. The arrogant bitch was on his turf, giving him orders like she owned him. So he should be thinking about snuffing out her life. He climbed to his feet to resume the battle, with a feeling deep inside that he must have gone loony in the last ten minutes. No other explanation made sense.

"That's a good boy. Now try to make this a more competitive fight. I'm beginning to feel guilty for beating you senseless. It's like I'm fighting with a small child." She told him with a sneering smile. That was enough to trigger his rage and cancel any other thoughts he was having. Zach charged in with renewed determination. "Now you die bitch." He said as he began to swing towards the fences. But he was still unable to connect with a single punch. The damage Belle had inflicted on his muscular body had considerably slowed his reflexes. The hay maker punches he was throwing were pitifully weak and easy to evade. She nearly laughed in his face as she danced around them like a graceful swan. She finally tired of playing with him and turned up the heat. Zach was totally defenseless. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!"

The mind numbing uppercut almost took his head off. Zach stumbled back like a drunk with her in hot pursuit. Just as he righted himself, he was met by another barrage of stinging punches that left him helpless. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUNK!" Belle buried her fist in his balls and watched as he flopped over on his face while screaming like an injured banshee. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" A few well placed kicks came next. "WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHOP!..WHOP!" Three smashed into his face, before the last two landed squarely on his balls again. Zach was close to passing out when he balled up in the fetal position and cried like a baby. Belle checked on her soldiers again while standing over his sobbing broken body. She proudly smiled when she saw the females were cleaning up the last few males who were able to stand on their feet. In a couple of minutes it would be all over.

The female soldiers finishing off the remaining stragglers.

Zach's infernal wailing was getting on her nerves. Belle knelt down and snatched a hand full of his hair to hold him steady. Then she beat the poor boy unconscious. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The brutal beating put an abrupt end to his painful screams. She dropped his sleeping body in the floor, and scanned the room for any potential targets that needed her attention. She spotted his first Lieutenant sitting over by the wall trying to collect himself. She confidently strolled in that direction to finish him off. "Get on your feet pussy. It's time to go to sleep. She said when she reached him. He slowly raised his head and squinted his drooping eyes. "I can see it won't take long to put you down for your nap. You're half asleep already." "SMMACKK!" A crunching right cross knocked him off of the stool and dropped his sleeping body at her feet. "Nightie night." She said with a lovely smile.

Belle approaching the delirious male to knock him out.

The Widow's found the safe beers and celebrated their overwhelming victory over the Devil's. Belle checked on Jasper and found him awake and ravishingly hungry as usual. She laughed as she petted their mascot and fed him. His tail was going a mile a minute as he chowed down on the chicken bones. Belle and the girls rounded up the Devil's and stacked their sleeping bodies in a pile. Three of the men were dead, and two more was going to have one hell of a time pulling through. If they survived at all. The other twenty eight were merely battered beyond recognition. The girls found some rope and tied the severely beaten males up. Then they arranged them in a line, and ran a rope from the first man in line to the last. That way they could march them off to their headquarters in a single file line like the slave traders used to do years ago. The males were awakened and dragged to their feet.

"Listen up you big bunch of pussies. We're taking you back to our headquarters to be used as slaves. If you give us any trouble along the way, we'll kill you right on the spot. Then your buddies will have to drag your lifeless body the rest of the way. So I would advise you to accept your defeat like the sissy's you are and obey our commands. Now move out." Belle ordered. The conquered males stumbled forward with heavy tears flowing from their swollen, black and blue eyes. The proud Black Widow's marched along beside them like victorious Roman soldiers. The defeated Devil's listened to the chattering females describe the duties they would be forced to preform. They're heads dropped down to their chest, and their massive shoulders slumped down in defeat. They really began to bawl when they realised the humiliation the females were going to put them through. It wasn't pretty.

With the mighty Devil's destroyed and under the control of Belle and her female army, the Black Widows became the most feared gang in the city. Belle sat on the throne like a Queen and ran a huge territory that was about a square mile in diameter. The other gangs feared and respected them so much, that they asked for Belle's permission before they attempted to run any scam or pull any job. It was much safer then taking the chance of accruing their wrath. The poor Devil's who once commanded respect and was greatly feared, were reduced to pathetic slaves who were afraid of their own shadow. They waited on the girls hand and foot like they were their personal maids. And they were regularly disciplined by the girls for misbehaving or failing to obey a command. They were also forced to eat out of bowls placed on the floor like dogs. Jasper was treated better then they were. So if you ever venture to Chicago, you might want to stay away from Black Widow territory. Belle and the girls are always on the look out for more slaves.