Anna Kournikova gives her boyfriend Enrique Iglesias a very bad beating.
By Crohnsman2 Tired from a photo shoot, Anna has to give Enrique a bad beating when he won't accept NO for an answer when he wants sex. This story was requested by a fan. I hope he and you enjoy it. Thanks to my readers for their suggestions.Anna Kournikova is on her way home from a gruelling photo shoot. It has been a very exhausting day and all she wants to do is get home. She is thinking about how modelling is so much different from playing tennis. A strenuous tennis match always left her tired and worn out. But the added incentive of winning, made it all worth while. In modelling, there is no incentive. Just the monotonous posing in one spot, while the cameraman snaps his pictures.
Still, it isn't a bad way to make a living. If you have a good cameraman. But the one today nearly drove her crazy. She couldn't seem to get the pose right to suit him. Then, the outfit or back ground just wasn't right for the mood he was in. She was constantly running to change outfits, hoping what she was putting on would please him enough to finish taking his pictures. It took six hours to complete a shoot, that should have been done in three.
Anna is bone tired. The only thing on her mind is a hot bath, getting a bite to eat, and putting her feet up to relax for the rest of the night. Her boyfriend Enrique Iglesias is waiting for her at home. Maybe she can get him to make her a sandwich while she takes her long hot bath. Then she can sit down, prop up her feet, eat her sandwich and not move until it's time to go to bed. That sounds wonderful.
Enrique is lying on the sofa. He has done nothing but lie around all day, waiting for Anna to get home. His next tour doesn't start for another month, and he just finished recording his latest single in the studio. He is lonely and bored out of his mind. He is also very horny. He can't wait for Anna to get home so he can ravage her gorgeous body. They have both been pretty busy for the last week and haven't had sex for ten days. And he has a raging hard on.
He smiles as he thinks about how lucky he was to have met and fallen in love with Anna. Her gorgeous 5 foot, 8 inch, 123 pound young body has curves in all the right places. And that beautiful Russian face under that long mane of silky blond hair, melts your heart every time you look at it. He can't wait to have those tanned legs of hers wrapped around his waist, while he pleasures himself in her golden nectar. Just thinking of her standing in front of him naked, makes his hard on beat with it's own pulse.
Anna pulls up and slowly gets out of the car. She is so tired, it's hard to put one foot in front of the other and walk to the door. And her knee length black leather boots seem to weigh a ton. But the thought of the hot bath and relaxation drives her forward. She has two days before her next shoot, and is going to take advantage of them to rest her perfectly formed young body. Getting her strength back is her only priority. Rest and relaxation will work wonders.
As soon as she opens the door, Enrique rises from the sofa. Seeing her in the black mini skirt and white crop top enlarges his hard on. Her flat tummy and visible creamy shoulders drives his sexual urges over the top. And her legs sticking out from under the mini skirt, greatly heightens his desire for her firm body. He strides towards her with a large grin on his handsome face. "God I'm glad you're home babe. I need you bad." "Hi honey. I'm glad to be home. I'm exhausted. Would you be a sweetheart and make me a sandwich while I take a nice long refreshing bath?"
"I'll make you a sandwich later babe. Right now I need you in the bedroom for a little loving." "Not tonight Enrique. I'm just to tired. Wait until tomorrow and I'll be rested up enough to enjoy it with you." "No babe, I can't wait. I've been thinking about you all day. You can rest up afterwards. I've got to have sex now." "I'm really not in the mood honey. I've had a very trying day and all I want to do is soak in a tub for a while and then sit down and rest my weary body. We'll do it tomorrow I promise."
"Tomorrow is to far away Anna. I need you now. I can't wait. Just lie down on the bed and I'll handle the rest." "I said no Enrique. I'm just not in the mood and much to tired. Now would you please make me a sandwich while I take my bath?" "Why are you being such a bitch about this Anna?" She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around.
"What did you just say to me?" "I asked you why you were being such a bitch. I've waited all day for you to get home and I'm met at the door with rejection. I have to have sex Anna. In fact I NEED to have sex. So quit being a bitch and come to the bedroom with me." Her green eyes blazed with fire as she looked at him. She strolled over to stand in front of him and looked straight into his eyes. "Don't you ever call me a bitch again Enrique. Your other girl friends might have put up with it, but I won't."
"Well, if you quit acting like a bitch, I won't call you one." "WHAP!"..Anna slapped him hard across the face. "I meant what I said Enrique. Don't call me that filthy name. I will not be treated like that." He rubbed his cheek where she had slapped him and looked at her. "What the hell is wrong with you Anna? That's exactly why I called you a bitch because of behavior like that. Now knock it off."
"WHAP!".."I warned you Enrique. "DO NOT" call me that name." This time he slapped her back. "WHAP!" "There, how does it feel you bitch?" Her anger got the adrenalin flowing and her weariness disappeared. She clenched her right fist and popped him in the mouth..SMACK..he staggered back toward the middle of the living room. He was so surprised, that he hadn't collected himself before her left landed on his jaw..SMACK..he staggered again.
"There is one thing you need to learn Enrique, and I'm going to teach it to you right now. Russian women will not accept being hit. I thought you knew and understood that, but I guess I was wrong. But don't worry, you will know it by the time I'm through with you. It's going to be a very painful lesson Enrique, so I hope you can take it. The thought of raising your hand to me will never enter your mind again. Because after I beat you like a dog, you'll be to afraid of me to attempt it. Now come here."
Who the hell does she think she's talking to. The fucking bitch is crazy. Teach me a painful lesson my ass. "Anna, if you try to hit me again, I won't be responsible for my actions. Now knock off this foolishness before you make me mad enough to hurt you." SMACK.."you talk to much asshole. You can't learn if your mouth is running, so keep it shut until I say you can open it." "OK Anna, you asked for it."
He began throwing half hearted punches to knock her around a little and get her under control. He didn't want to hurt her to bad, just enough for her to realise that he could really hurt her if he chose to. Anna laughed at his feeble attempts. "If that's all you've got, then you're in deep shit you little pussy"..SMACK..her right broke his nose and shattered the cartilage inside. "That's how you punch boy."
"OOOWWWWWWWW!" "OK Anna, just remember you brought this on yourself." Enrique started throwing bell ringing punches at her beautiful blond head. But her firm young body was used to moving quickly. Charging back and forth across the base line for shots, and up to the net for lobs, had conditioned her body for fast movement. Dodging his awkward punches was easy and effortless. She smiled when she seen the confused look on his surprised face.
When she seen her chance, Anna struck. She blocked his next right and drilled him in the stomach with three hard rights..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..the air escaped his lungs and his face turned green trying to catch his breath. She grabbed his left arm and began swinging him in a circle. Enrique was back pedalling as fast as he could to keep up, but she was gaining momentum. When his balance was slightly off, she turned lose of him, aiming for the wall.
His off balanced body impacted the wall with his back.."SLAM!" he had been shot out of a cannon. He was a little dazed and not prepared for her next attack. Anna had followed him and was near when his body had struck the wall. Her right leg came up and she buried her leather boot clad foot deep in his mid section.."WHAM!"..He still hadn't quite caught his breath from her hard feminine punches. Now he couldn't breathe at all. He was close to passing out when he collapsed to his knees in front of her.
"What's the matter wimp, having a little trouble breathing? Well that's good. Now you can concentrate on learning your lesson without running your mouth. You still have a lot to learn, so lets continue." She pulled his head between her thighs and crossed her ankles. The strong muscles in her legs, built up from years of playing tennis, tightened on his head like a vice, and he found his breath long enough to waste it screaming. "AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
"Ohhh, I guess that really hurts huh? Well get used to the pain little man, because I'm going to give you plenty of it before I'm through. Now let me see those pitiful arms of yours." She reached down and grabbed both of his wrists. Bending his arms around behind him, Anna wrenched them up his back in a double hammerlock. "Time to scream for me again Enrique. So make it nice and loud." She jerked his arms up his back hard, and got what she asked for. "AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
"That's my boy. You're learning real fast pansy ass. Maybe you're not as dumb as I thought. OK, once more for Anna, and make me proud of you." She yanked his arms up again. "AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH1" "Very good Enrique, very good. I think you deserve a special treat for obeying me so well." She released his arms, but they were so painful and numb, he couldn't move them from his back.
She shoved his head down to the floor and placed her right boot on the side of his head, pinning it there. Leaning over, she began to spank his ass with her right hand..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK. She knew it wouldn't hurt him to much through his jeans, but it would be very humiliating to the man to be spanked like a bad little boy. Especially since she was laughing at him while she beat his ass.
Anna finally stopped spanking him and removed her boot from his head. When she stepped back, she could see his red embarrassed face and laughed. "You know that bad little boys get their ass spanked when they misbehave. And you have been a very naughty little boy Enrique. Fortunately for you, I'm here to administer your discipline. And I'm not finished yet. So get on your feet so we can continue your lesson."
The man climbed to his feet with pure hate in his eyes. No one treated him like this and got away with it. Especially a female. "I really didn't want to hurt you very bad when we started bitch. But now I'm going to show you why you shouldn't have fucked with me. You can kiss that beautiful face of yours good bye. Because you won't be able to recognize yourself in a mirror after I fuck you up. Then I'm going to fuck every hole in your body while you beg me to stop and leave you alone. That's when I'll laugh at you."
"Pretty big talk for a naughty little boy that just received a spanking. And you're running that mouth again without my permission. So step up here and take your punishment wimp." Pissed off and embarrassed by what she had done to him, he fired a multitude of hard male punches designed to shut her mouth and beat her to the floor. He might as well have saved his energy. Anna swayed her fit body away from them all and laughed in his face. "OK punk, my turn. Pay attention and watch how it's done."
She snapped a jab to his mouth..SMACK.."See how easy it is?"..SMACK..another jab landed over his eye.."But I know what I'm doing."..SMACK..a right cross connected below his other eye.."And it doesn't look like you do."..SMACK..SMACK..a right and left bruised his chin and snapped his head back.."Because you're pathetic"..SMACK..SMACK..both cheeks were in pain and swelling.."You fight like a sissy."..SMACK..her right landed between his eyes and he stumbled back.
"Stand still little man, so I can teach you your lesson quicker."..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she rearranged his face with her hard feminine fists and he was helpless to stop her. Enrique was lost for a solution. He couldn't land any punches because she was to agile. He couldn't dodge any punches because she was to quick. Maybe if I can get her in the floor, he thought. My weight and superior strength can swing the advantage to me and change the outcome.
He lunged for her, but Anna had been expecting him to try something like this. She quickly grabbed his right wrist with her left hand and threw her right under his left arm and took hold of his shoulder. Turning her shapely hip into his body, she flipped him over her to slam into the floor hard. Still hold his right wrist, she planted her left foot on his neck to hold him in place and viciously twisted his arm.."AARRGGGHHHHHHHH!" "Ohhh, did I hurt you wimp?"
Anna released him and stood back laughing. "You have to do better then that little man, because I'm making a fool out of you. Now get your ass up and try again." He slowly climbed to his feet. He hadn't given up on getting her in the floor, he just had to be more cautious. He circled her, looking for his opportunity to strike. Anna stood with her hands on her hips and a large smile on her beautiful face.
Thinking his chance had come, he leaped toward her to get her in a bear hug. Stepping to her left, she snaked her right arm under his right and turned him by his shoulder, while she quickly moved behind him. Putting her left arm under his left and bringing it up behind his neck, she clasped her hands and applied pressure to the full nelson. His chin was driven down to his chest, and his arms were flopping uselessly in the air. "I Got you again pansy ass."
Exerting a great deal of pressure to the full nelson, brought a moan from his lips. With him concentrating on trying to break her nelson hold, he wasn't prepared for her next move. Shoving her knee up against his butt, and suddenly lifting his lower body in the air with her leg, she pushed downward as she released the full nelson. Enrique slammed to the floor on his back and shoulders. It also made him bang his head on the floor hard, making him dizzy.
While he lie on his back disoriented, she began stomping on his stomach, thighs, and head..STOMP..STOMP..STOMP..STOMP..STOMP..STOMP..when she stomped on his face, his head cracked the floor again.."WHAM!"..Now he was dizzier then ever and lying helpless at her feet. She kicked his arms with her feet, bending his elbows and bringing his hands up near his head. Anna stepped on his wrists to hold his arms down and leaned over, placing her left hand on his chest. She clenched her right fist and smiled.
"Time to turn your tummy to mush, you weak little pussy. Take a deep breath, because you'll need it before I'm through." She raised her fist and started pounding his stomach repeatedly..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..Enrique tried to scream from the pain, but like she had told him, he couldn't catch his breath.
When she finally stopped and stepped off of his wrists, he clutched his stomach and rolled into a fetal ball. "You don't look very good honey. Your face is cherry red, and you're coughing and breathing like an old man." Enrique was defenseless against what ever she wanted to do. Anna reached down and pulled his arms around to his back. She tilted him up on his right side, and sat down with her well shaped butt flush against his back, trapping his arms there.
Curling her right arm around his left leg, and her left arm around his throat, she began pulling her arms toward each other and bending him like a bow. "OH...GOD...YOU'RE...BREAKING...MY...BACK ...ANNA...PLEASE...STOP...IT...HURTS...ANNA...IT...HURTS." She smiled at his whimpering. "Well of course it hurts you big sissy. That's why I'm doing it. I'm going to hurt you a lot Enrique, until you learn your lesson. And you're to weak and pathetic to stop me."
She turned him lose and rose to her feet. Enrique lie there in tears, nursing his stomach and back. "Get up boy. There are still some places on your face that need the attention of my fists." "No Anna, please (sob) leave me alone." (sob) "GET ON YOUR FEET RIGHT NOW, YOU LITTLE PUSSY. OR I'LL BEAT YOU WHERE YOU LAY!" Crying like a baby, he slowly climbed to his feet. "No more Anna (sob) please no more." "Shut up and fight wimp." "NOW!"
He raised his fists and tried to throw a punch, but the pain in his stomach and back made it a feeble attempt at best. Anna slapped it down and laughed in his face. "That was pitiful pansy ass. You need to throw them like this"..SMACK..his mouth split wide open.."Ohhh, I know that one hurt."..SMACK..SMACK..both eyes swelled and hurt like hell. "You have matching black eyes punk."..SMACK..SMACK..both cheeks swelled and turned purple. "See how easy it is?"
"OK boy, enough playing around. It's time to teach you that lesson. So pay attention and learn."..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..the poor man didn't stand a chance against her assault. His battered face ballooned up more then twice it's size and was turned a rainbow of colors. His arms flopped to his sides and he became totally helpless, as she beat him around the room.
Punch after punch landed with the force of a battering ram, changing his appearance with each solid connection. Whimpering, begging, and bawling done him no good at all. She was completely in charge of the situation, and wouldn't stop until she was damn good and ready. With her long mane of blond hair flowing behind her like strands of fibrous sunshine, her fists took him apart a little at a time. Anna completely destroyed the man without pity.
"SMMM..ACCKKK!"..Enrique landed on the floor at her feet. His mangled face was swollen way out of proportion. Both eyes were nearly closed, his nose was broken and crooked, his mouth was very puffy and bleeding, and his cheeks, chin, and jaw were a total train wreck. He was barely conscious and bawling his heart out. Fear filled his broken body from head to toe. ""
"Lick my boots you little pussy. Clean them good with that foul mouth of yours." "UNDERSTAND?" "Yes...A.A.Anna." "Good boy. Now get to work." He crawled up to her feet and lapped her boots like a dog. She smiled as she looked down at his shaking body and heard the slurping sounds he was making. The black leather was wet and shiny when she ordered him to quit. "Very good weakling. You're learning. But I must make sure you have completely learned your lesson."
Anna hauled him to his knees and curled the fingers of her left hand in his shirt. Tilting his upper body back slightly, she slapped his face one way and back handed the other. "SLAP" "SLAP" "Have you learned your lesson?" "YES A.ANNA!" "SLAP" "SLAP" "Are you going to hit me again?" "NO A.ANNA!" "SLAP" "SLAP" "I will not put up with that." "SLAP" "SLAP" "Is that clear?" "Y.YES ANNA!" "It had better be wimp."
"SLAP" "SLAP" "Who's the bitch now?" "I AM A.ANNA!" "SLAP" "SLAP" "Let me hear you say it." "I'M A B.BITCH!" "SLAP" "SLAP" "Again." "I'M A B.B.BITCH!" "SLAP" "SLAP" "Again." "I'M A B.BITCH!" "SLAP" "SLAP" "Once more." "I'M A BITCH!" "Good boy. I think you've learned your lesson." She threw him in the floor and walked over to the sofa and sat down. "Crawl to me bitch."
Enrique crawled to her as fast as his beaten body would allow him to. "Remove my boots." He reached up with trembling hands to unzip her boots and pull them off of her feet. "Grovel at my feet bitch, and kiss them with passion." The broken man put his busted, swollen lips on her soft, smooth skinned bare feet and kissed them tenderly. When he had covered each foot completely, she ordered him to stop.
She grabbed his hair and chin and pulled his head up to stare into his frightened, swollen eyes. "I'm in charge around here from now on Enrique. You do nothing without my permission." "I AM THE BOSS!" "Is that understood?" "Yes Anna, I understand." "Good boy. Now get your ass in the kitchen and wash your hands. Then you make me that sandwich I told you to make when I came through the door. I'm going to take a nice long bath and that sandwich better be waiting for me when I get out." "GOT IT BITCH?" "Yes Anna."
Anna lie in the tub and let the hot water wash away the dirt as well as the fatigue. Feeling refreshed, she climbed out and dried off. She put on her robe and strolled to the living room smiling. Enrique was waiting on his knees, with the sandwich in his trembling hands. "Very good Enrique, very good. I think I'm going to enjoy having my own little bitch to wait on me hand and foot."
Anna lie down on the sofa and took the sandwich out of his hands. "Rub my tired feet while I relax and eat bitch. I've been on them all day and they are very sore." "Yes Anna. What ever you want." "That's the right answer little man. I think you have learned your lesson well. After all, I am a very persuasive teacher. Wouldn't you agree?" Tears flowed down his swollen, black and blue face like an overflowing river. "Yes A.Anna are. V.very g.g.good."
Anna lie back and enjoyed her food as he massaged her tired feet for her. She smiled to herself, thinking how nice it was to have a servant to obey her every command. She should have done this long ago. But she was still young. Plenty of time to enjoy her new life as Master of her own slave. Yes, plenty of time. Life in America is great.