Anna Kournikova brutally punishes Enrique. By Crohnsman When Anna discovers Enrique hasn't obeyed her orders she painfully reminds him who's in charge. This was requested by a fan who asked me to write one more story for the beautiful Anna Kournikova. I want to thank him for the request and for taking the time to write. I hope you and he enjoy the story. Anna Kournikova was driving home from a photo shoot that was an absolute joy to do. All the photos were taken outside on a bright sun shiny day. The photographer was an expert at his professional trade and everything went smoothly. She didn't feel the least bit fatigued because she had so much fun modeling the fabulous clothing for this particular shoot. In fact, she loved the last outfit so much she purchased it right on the spot and was wearing it. The sheer thin white top had spaghetti straps and just reached her navel. The bottom was a piece of white leather that tightly wrapped around and hugged her shapely hips. It was a European design that buttoned crooked so one side was slightly higher then the other. It barely covered her perfectly shape d ass. And the knee length white platform boots were soft leather and very comfortable to wear. So Anna was in a very good mood. It was a beautiful day for a drive, so she put the top down on her convertible and let the wind blow through her silky blond hair. Everything seemed right with the world. Her modeling career was doing so well she was in great demand and highly sought after by many clients. She was working with no nonsense professional people that efficiently did their job to the best of their ability. They treated her with respect and were grateful to have the chance to work with her. She was making enough money she never had to worry about her financial situation. And her boyfriend slash slave Enrique was very obedient after she beat him to a pulp and showed him who was the boss in their relationship. Nothing could ruin this perfect day. Anna pulled into the driveway and stepped out of the car. She was so happy with the way things were going in her life she skipped to the door like a young girl. She couldn't get over how comfortable the knee length boots were. They were so light it felt as if she were bare foot. The thought crossed her mind to check and see what other colors were available in the boots. She had many outfits that would go perfectly with them. Anna opened the door and entered her home with a large smile on her beautiful face. A hot bubble bath and a bite to eat before settling down for the evening was at the top of her agenda. She may even allow Enrique to have sex with her tonight because of her mood and his obedient behavior lately. Anna dropped her s mall purse and car keys on the small entrance table. Then she strolled toward the bathroom to start running her bath. While the water was running she planned to strip off her new outfit and throw it in the washer to get the stiff newness out of it. Then it would be as comfortable to wear as the boots. Her good mood soured when she opened the bathroom door. The wash cloth she used that morning was still lying on the edge of the tub. And her wet towel was on the floor where she left it. The tub and sink had not been cleaned out either. Her hair brush had strands of hair in the bristles, the cap was not put back on the tooth paste, and her facial cream and body spray were not put up in the bathroom cabinet where they belonged. Enrique had not obeyed her orders and cleaned everything up. Seething with fury, she stomped out of the bathroom and began to search for the negligent asshole. He needed to be reminded who was boss in this house. And she was now in the mood to straighten the little bastard out and painfully show him his place. He knew better then to challenge her authority. He needed another attitude adjustment and she was more then willing to give it to him. The fucking moron better become a competent slave soon or I'll beat him to death. She angrily said to herself. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. If he has any God damn brains he never seems to use them. I will not tolerate his stupidity any longer. He'll either shape up or I'll throw him out on his ass. "ENRIQUE! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? SPEAK UP WIMP BEFORE I REALLY GET PISSED!" Enrique Iglesias was in the kitchen cleaning the oven when he heard Anna's angry voice. His 6 foot 1 inch 198 pound muscular body instantly began to tremble be cause of her tone. When she spoke like that it meant he was shortly going to be in a great deal of pain. His bewildered mind was spinning while he tried to think of what he might have done to make her angry. She gave him a list of chores to do when she left that morning and he worked his fingers to the bone to complete them and make her happy. He wasn't quite through yet, but she normally didn't get upset because of that. Besides, she told him she would be gone for about six hours and it had only been a little over four. So he couldn't for the life of him think of any reason she would be so angry. The only answer was to face her and find out. And that scared him out of his mind. But he knew it would go worse for him if she was forced to find him on her own. That he definitely feared with all his heart. "I'M IN THE KITCHEN ANNA. WHAT'S WRONG? WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY?" Anna stormed into the kitchen and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. Then she dragged him to the bathroom while he stumbled along beside her scared to death. She shoved open the bathroom door and jerked him in with her. "WHY IS THIS BATHROOM STILL A MESS?" She scornfully asked. "I haven't had time to get to it yet." He pitifully whimpered. "WHY NOT? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ALL DAY?" She asked as she stared into his frightened eyes. "I made your bed and vacuumed the bedroom carpet. Then I picked up the living room and vacuumed in there. And finally I did the dishes, swept and mopped the kitchen floor, and was cleaning the oven when you came home. The bathroom was next on my list Anna." He explained trembling. Anna grabbed him by the throat with her left hand and slammed him against the bathroom wall. "SLAM!" Then she got right in his face. "What's the first thing I do when I come home Enrique?" He was so afraid he couldn't think straight. "SLAP!..SLAP!" Anna slapped him hard across the face and then back handed him. "ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" "What's the first thing I do when I come home?" "You.. t.take.. a.. b.b.bath." He stammered. "I take a bath. If you know that. Then why are you dumb enough to leave the bathroom as the last one on your list to clean?" "I.. d.don't.. know." He whined. "SLAP!..SLAP!" Anna slapped him again. "YOU DON'T KNOW! ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID?" Her 5 foot 8 inch 123 pound perfectly shaped female body was shaking with rage. Enrique cringed in her grip as he stood against the wall trembling. Looking at his frightened red face only made Anna more angry. All she felt was utter contempt for the little weasel. And she could see he was close to tears. "I'm.. s.s.sorry.. Anna. Pl.please.. don't.. hurt.. I'll.. clean.. it.. r.r.right.. away.. so.. you.. can.. t.take.. a.. b.b.bath." He whined. All of a sudden her anger exploded. She jerked him away from the wall and began to slap the shit out of him. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" He stumbled back and would have fallen if she wasn't holding him up by his shirt. "I'm tired of your ridiculous stupidity Enrique. You will smarten up or else." "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" The palm and back of her hand sounded like gun shots when they struck his face. Enrique was scared shit less. He knew fighting back was useless. She proved he wasn't man enough to stand up to her on many occasions. So attempting to fight back would only get him a more severe beating. He prayed her anger would quickly be satisfied before sh e hurt him to badly. But the hateful look on her beautiful face told him there wasn't much chance of that happening. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" Anna beat him out the bathroom door and down the hall towards the living room. Enrique was crying like a baby and pleading with her to stop hurting him. But Anna wasn't listening. "SLAP..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" Just as they neared the end of the hallway, Anna lifted her shapely right leg and drove her white boot into his chest as hard as she could. "WHAM!" Enrique left his feet and sailed through the air like he had been struck by a speeding car. "SLAM!" He hit the floor hard and lie there moaning. Anna grabbed his right wrist and flipped him over on his stomach. Then she pinned his head to the floor with her right boot. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Enrique screamed like a banshee when she savagely twisted his arm to the breaking point. "I'm sick and tired of your idiotic behavior you stupid piece of shit. If you can't follow simple orders then you're completely useless to me. So I might as well break this pitiful arm of yours." She said as she sternly chastised him. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Please Anna don't break my arm." He whimpered. "I promise I'll do better Anna. Please don't break my arm." "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He screamed again when she bent his wrist back causing him excruciating pain. "Shut your fucking mouth you pathetic little wimp. I don't want to hear your worthless promises. I want to see results." Anna threw his limp arm down and stood over him with her hands spread out on her curved hips. Enrique crawled to her and began kissing and licking her white boots. "I promise Anna." (kiss) (kiss) (slurp) (slurp) "I'll learn to do things exactly the way you want them." (slurp) (slurp) (kiss) "I love you Anna and I want to make you happy." (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) (slurp) "Please give me another chance to prove it to you." (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (kiss) (kiss) Anna reached down and lifted him up on his knees in front of her. "I swear Enrique. I don't know what I'm going to do with you. You're as brainless as a small child sometimes. You never take the time to think things over. You're the most irresponsible man I know. And your ignorance is really beginning to irritate me." "I'm sorry Anna. Really I am. I swear on my life I'll do my best to please you and make you proud of me. Just don't hurt me anymore. Please." Anna looked at his fearful face and tear filled eyes. He believed in what he was saying. But she knew from experience he wasn't smart enough to keep that promise. He would fuck up again and not even realise it until he saw she was angry. And she was positive he would say anything at this point to keep from being punished any further. She took his hands and laced their fingers together to help him up on his feet. "I want to believe you Enrique. But judging by your poor performance in the past that's utterly impossible. I must make sure you thoroughly understand the severe consequences for fucking up. So I'm afraid your torture is going to last a while longer." Anna began to bend his fingers back. Enrique braced himself and tried his best to stop her. But he was simply no match for her feminine strength. She physically overpowered him in just a few seconds. His red face scrunched up in agony when his knees gave out and buckled. Then his muscular arms began to tremble while she slowly drove him down. When his knees hit the floor Anna felt the resistance in his wrists dissipate. One final burst of power from her strong female fingers had Enrique screaming in terror. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "PLEASE ANNA YOU'RE BREAKING MY WRISTS!" "Shut up you pathetic little weakling or I will break them. Now bury your face in my crotch and show me you're good for something. If I'm not pleased you better start praying." Enrique quickly shoved his face against her crotch as hard as he could. He breathed deeply while he rubbed his nose and mouth over her sweet feminine sex. Anna spread her legs farther apart to give him better access. Enrique sniffed and ground his face in her pussy like it was his mission in life. Satisfying moans escaped her soft, pouted lips while he worked like a mad man to please her. Anna released his hands and roughly grabbed him by the hair. Then she threw her head back and closed her sparkling green eyes. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her exquisite female body. Enrique knelt at the feet of his beautiful Goddess and serviced her like an obedient slave. Anna suddenly pulled his head back and spun around. Still clutching his hair, she forced his face into her sexy ass and slowly rotated her shapely hips. Enrique shoved his nose as deep as he could into her leather covered crack. Anna gripped his head tight and used his nose as a human dildo. Pure animal lust filled her body and mind. The guidance and patience she used to teach Enrique how to do this properly had been time well spent. He learned his lessons very well. After the third orgasm filled her white silk panties with her sweet nectar, Anna jerked his head away from her ass. She turned around and saw the large smile on Enrique's handsome face. He's pl eased with himself for giving me pleasure. She thought to herself. If he thinks that's going to end his suffering he's sadly mistaken. Anna smiled sweetly as she took his arm and helped him up. Enrique relaxed when he saw her lovely smile. He secretly congratulated himself for pleasing her enough to make her lose her anger. When Anna saw him smile she almost laughed right in his face. Boy is he in for a painful surprise. She thought to herself. Enrique was totally unprepared when Anna jerked his arm down and flipped him to the floor. "SLAM!" He landed hard and lie there in a daze. "What are you smiling at pansy ass? I'm not through with you yet." She told him grinning. Anna hauled him back to his feet and slipped her right arm under his left while she turned her hip into him. Enrique went flying over her shapely hip and slammed into the floor on his back. "SLAM!" Throwing him around like a rag doll was one of Anna's favorite pastimes. The weak little sissy was helpless in her powerful grip and unable to stop her. Anna dragged his groggy male frame off of the floor and wrapped her right arm around his head while she turned her back on him. Enrique sailed over her creamy shoulder and bounced when he hit the floor. "SLAM!" "Isn't this fun wimp?" She asked as she jerked him back to his feet. He was wobbling on unsteady legs and completely out of it. Anna held him up by his right arm and spread the fingers of her right hand over his face in a claw hold. She quickly lifted up on his chin while she spun her body one quarter of a turn and dropped to one knee. "SLAM!" She body slammed Enrique on the floor like he was a small child. He was so delirious he didn't know where he was at. He offered no resistance when she lifted him up to a sitting position and sat down behind him. She wrapped her gorgeous legs around his waist trapping his arms in the process. Then she snaked her right arm under his neck and put him in a choke hold. When she applied pressure to the scissors and choke hold his face turned fire engine red and he began to cough and sputter. Anna whispered in his ear while she tortured the poor man. "You'll learn to do the chores I leave for you in the right order you ignorant pussy. I'm fed up with your ridiculous bull shit. This is your last warning. So smarten up or so help me God I'll beat your fucking brains out if you have any." Enrique was close to passing out and she didn't want him to go to sleep yet. She turned him loose and climbed to her feet while he lie there clutching his throat and coughing his head off. "Get up weakling." She ordered. Enrique started bawling. "Please.. Anna. Don't.. make.. me.. get.. up. I'll.. do.. things.. the.. way.. you.. want.. me.. to.. from.. now.. on. Just.. stop.. hurting.. me. Please.. Anna." "You just don't learn do you you stupid fucking moron? How many times do I have to tell you never to argue with me or hesitate when I give you an order? All it does is piss me off and make me want to hurt you a hell of a lot more." "NOW GET YOUR FUCKING ASS UP!" She screamed with rage. Enrique scrambled to his feet trembling. He stretched his arms out in front of him to ward her off. But that was a useless defense. Anna swatted his arms aside like they were nothing and punched him in the mouth. "SMACK!" Enrique whimpered and staggered back. "I'm going to teach you to obey me instantly if I have to beat you for the rest of your miserable life." "SMACK!" Tears ran down his cheeks when he felt his nose break. "You really don't have a choice wimp. Because I'm to much woman for you to handle." "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes began to swell up. "You're weak Enrique." "SMACK!" It felt like she dislocated his jaw. "Your arms may be more muscular and three times the size of mine. But I'm stronger then you'll ever be." "SMACK!" She busted both of his lips. "And you can't fight for shit you pathetic little pussy." "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both cheeks began to swell. Enrique was staggering around the room crying like a baby. Anna was systematically taking him apart and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. Her hard female fists struck with the power of a pissed off rhino. His facial features changed with every punch. He was completely defenseless and at her mercy. But mercy was something Anna never gave. "SMACK!" His useless arms dropped lifeless to his sides. "SMACK!" Both legs buckled and folded up like card board boxes. "SMACK!" The room was spinning out of control. "SMACK!..SMACK!" He was unable to focus his swelling eyes. "SMACK!" Three teeth were loosened. "SMACK!" The cartilage in his nose shattered to pieces. "SMACK!" He collapsed to his knees and slumped to the floor at her feet. Anna could see the small indentations in the palm of her hands where her nails dug in when she made a fist. Leaving Enrique lying in the floor barely conscious, she strolled over to the small entrance table. She opened the drawer and took out her manicure kit. After laying it on the Dinning room table, she pulled one of the chairs out a little. Then she dragged Enrique over to the chair and propped him up a gainst the side of it with his head lying in the seat. When she had him situated the way she wanted, she sat down and pinned his head under her gorgeous ass. Anna removed the nail file from the kit and crossed her right leg over her left. She casually swung it up and down while she filed her nails. Poor Enrique's head was covered in soft female flesh and mashed into the fibers of the chair seat. Enrique awakened from his stupor and was sobbing pitifully. He loved Anna more then anything in the world. In his opinion she was absolutely beautiful. Her perfectly shaped female body was fantastic to look at. Her silky blond hair, bright green eyes, flawless skin, and long graceful legs were exactly what every man dreamed of. They were the perfect couple in his eyes until that fatal day he made the mistake of slapping her. Her sweet disposition and loving attitude completely changed in that one moment. And his life become a living hell. He still didn't understand how she beat him up so easily. Like she stated earlier, his arms were much more muscular and three times the size of hers. But she beat him down like he was a two year old and humiliated him beyond his wildest nightmare. Now he was nothing but her slave to degrade and punish. Anna took her time filing her nails down while she kept his head pinned to the chair under her sexy ass. She smiled as she listened to his painful whimpering and blubbering sobs. It's funny how your life can change in one split second. She thought to herself. Eight months ago she loved this man with all her heart and was seriously thinking of marrying him. Now he was her plaything that crawled at her feet and feared her wrath. It surprised her a little to realise she w asn't sad about the way things turned out. She certainly didn't feel sorry for him. He screwed up the beautiful life they could have had together when he laid a hand on her. So instead of having a loving husband she had a whimpering slave. "You know crying isn't going to get you anywhere Enrique. So you might as well turn off the water works. As soon as I finish my nails we'll pick up where we left off with your punishment." "OH GOD! PLEASE DON'T BEAT ME ANYMORE ANNA! I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEASE ANNA PLEASE!" "Begging doesn't work either. You need to be taught a lesson and it's my job to make sure you learn it. So shut your whining mouth and keep it shut." Enrique broke down. Heavy sobs escaped his wide open mouth as his trembling body was enveloped in a cocoon of fear. He knew without a doubt he couldn't stop her from doing as she pleased. He silently prayed he would still be in one piece when she was finished with him. Satisfied her nails wouldn't dig into her palms now, Anna put the nail file back in the manicure kit. She made a mental note to call her Salon tomorrow and book an appointment for a manicure and pedicure. She stood and walked to the entrance table to place the manicure kit back in the drawer. When she turned back to Enrique she couldn't help but laugh. He was crawling towards his bedroom in the hopes of reaching it and locking the door before she could catch him. In his battered condition he was doomed to fail. But she had to give him an A+ for his effort. He only made it half way across the floor when Anna placed her booted foot on his ass and shoved him over on his face. "Nice try sissy. But there is no escape for you. You're mine until I say otherwise." Enrique screamed in terror when she hauled him to his feet by his shoulders. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Anna wrenched his right arm up his back in a hammerlock and bent him over while grasping a handful of his hair. Then she took off at a dead run aiming for the wall. "BOOM!" His head cracked the wall so hard it sounded like dynamite going off. He slumped to his knees in a daze. Using his arm and hair for leverage as she pulled him back and rammed his head into the wall three more times. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" He was barely conscious when she dragged him to his feet and nailed him between the eyes with a solid right. "SMACK!" He staggered back and dropped to the floor near the Dinning room table. Anna picked him back up. Enrique was to delirious to even try to prevent her from harming him further. She bent him over the table and repeatedly banged his head on it while she explained things to him. "BAM!" "You must learn to clean your rooms in the correct order." "BAM!" "I use the bathroom first you moron. So that should be the room you start with." "BAM!" "Then I usually have a little dinner. So the kitchen should be next on your list." "BAM!" "After that I like to relax and unwind. So the living room comes next." "BAM!" "At the end of a long day I need my rest. That's where the bedroom comes in." "BAM!" "After you have sufficiently cleaned those rooms. You check the others to see if they need your attention." "BAM!" "You were cleaning them in reverse order you idiot." "BAM!" "Because you don't have a brain that functions properly." "BAM!" Enrique was out cold. S he wasn't sure when he passed out so she didn't know if he heard her entire speech or not. She turned him over and pinned him to the table with her left hand. Then she roughly slapped him awake. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" He began to stir. "Wake up you worthless piece of shit. Did you hear the things I just explained to you or do I have to repeat them?" She could see he wasn't quite coherent because of the far away look in his eyes. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" "I SAID WAKE YOUR ASS UP YOU IRESPONSIBLE ASSHOLE! NOW OBEY ME BEFORE I REALLY GET ANGRY!" Enrique snapped out of it and began to bawl and beg. "Please.. Anna. I'll.. be.. good. Don't.. hurt.. me.. anymore. Please.. Anna. Please.. please.. please." Anna gripped the front of his shirt with both hands and jerked him up from the table. She held his trembling body up and continuously drove her knee into his stomach with tremendous force. "WHAM!" Enrique began gasping for breath. "YOU DIDN'T HEAR A WORD I SAID DID YOU?" "WHAM!" "I'M TIRED OF WASTING MY BREATH ON AN IDIOT!" "WHAM!" "YOU'RE USELESS AS A MAN AND INCOMPITENT AS A SLAVE!" "WHAM!" "I MIGHT AS WELL KILL YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE NO GOOD TO ME!" "WHAM!" Enrique dropped to the floor clutching his destroyed stomach. Anna paced back and forth in front of him while he lie there trying his best to suck air into his lungs. But he wasn't having much success. Anna stopped pacing and towered over him with her hands on her shapely hips. She raised her right leg and pinned his head to the floor with her boot. He whimpered from the pain. "Listen carefully you little bastard. I will not repeat this again so you better pay attention. You clean the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, and the n the bedroom. You do them in that order and that order only. Then you check and see if any other rooms need cleaning. If I find you have not followed my instructions to the letter, you'll wish you were dead by the time I get through with you. Am I making myself clear you moron?" "Yes.. Anna. I.. understand.. perfectly. Bathroom.. kitchen.. living room.. bedroom. Then.. check.. the.. others. Please.. stop.. hurting.. me.. Anna." She removed her foot from his head. "This is the last time we'll have this discussion Enrique. One more mistake and it's over between us. I won't put up with it any longer. You'll obey my orders correctly or I'll give you a terrible beating and throw you out the door on your ass. So if you want to remain healthy and continue to live here with me you better straighten your act up. No more chances. Obey or else. That's final." Enrique was crying like he never cried before. The thought of losing his beautiful Anna broke his heart. The painful beatings and degrading humiliation he suffered at her hands was suddenly a small price to pay. Without his beautiful blond haired Goddess and her perfect Venus body he would be completely lost. Life wouldn't be worth living. He must remain with her at all cost. Enrique crawled to her booted feet and tenderly kissed them all over while he begged her to let him stay. "Please.. Anna.. don't.. throw.. me.. out." (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) "I'll die without you." (kiss) (kiss) "I'll.. become.. the.. best.. slave.. you've.. ever.. seen." (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) "I.. love.. you.. Anna.. with.. all.. my.. heart.. and.. soul." (kiss) (kiss) "I.. swear.. I'll.. be.. good.. from.. now.. on." (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) "I.. won't.. cause.. you.. an y.. more.. trouble." (kiss) (kiss) "You'll.. be.. so.. proud.. of.. me." (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) "Just.. let.. me.. stay.. and.. take.. care.. of.. you." (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) "Please.. Anna.. have.. mercy.. on.. me." (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) Anna kicked him over on his back and placed her right foot across his throat. Enrique whimpered but he didn't try and struggle. "Kissing my feet and begging for mercy will not save you. I've explained what I expect from you and what will happen if my wishes are not carried out. So the final choice is up to you. Obey my commands as I've described them to you and you'll remain here with me. Fuck up and make me angry and you'll receive a severe beating. Then I'll throw you out like yesterday's garbage and you'll never see me again. Those are your only two options. It's in your hands now." "I still need to take my bath and I'm starving. So be a good little boy and go to sleep for me so I won't be disturbed." She increased the pressure on his throat and Enrique began to panic. He grabbed the toe and heel of her boot in his hands and tried to pry it away from his throat. But her shapely female leg was much stronger then his weak male arms. He struggled with everything he had but it was completely useless. She ground her foot on his throat and laughed at his feeble attempt to free himself. In a little over a minute his eyes fluttered shut and his lifeless arms flopped to the floor. Anna looked down and spoke to his unconscious body. "Sweet dreams little man. I'll see you when you wake up. You still have chores to do so don't sleep to long." Anna laughed at her little joke as she stripped off her clothes on the way to the bathroom. He should sleep long enough for me to take my bubble bath and have a bite to eat. She thought to herself. Then I'll be able to supervise him while he completes his chores. And punish him if he makes me angry. Which I can pretty well guarantee will happen. It's a good thing I love to dominate his wimpy ass. Making him my bitch slave has considerately enriched the way I live. I don't know how I survived before I discovered my true nature. Fortunately I'm still young. So I have the rest of my life to straighten out weak makes and put them in their place. And I plan to enjoy every minute of it. Life is grand.