People Meet By Connor McCloud, Chapter One: So Happy to meet you!! This story is very roughly based on two people that I have come in contact with, but the story itself is completely fictional, just my imagination going wild again. Enjoy, comments are welcome. It happens everyday. People meet. Random meetings, appointments, car crashes, joggers, shoppers, the list goes on and on. Technology has given us new ways, and the Internet is THE granddaddy of them all. Now strangers from around the world can meet intimately and share ideas, laugh, cry, have cyber sex, leave their spouses for an internet lover, again, endless. It's whacky and fun, and just damn insane, but people meet, and that's a good thing. Two people that met this way are Kathie and Joanne. The beauty of chat rooms are you can meet people with common interests and pick the ones you like to chat with while other s are added to the dreaded ignore list. Kathie and Jo both enjoyed wrestling. Not just college or professional wrestling, but they both found wrestling with men, and other woman fun and, well, rather sexual. They met in a chat room specifically about just that, and through a chance instant message, they met. It's funny how you can never actually "meet" someone and feel like you're great friends, but these two met, and felt close. They started out by chatting about wrestling holds and techniques, and they both shared many qualities, including they were both extremely competitive and hated to lose. Then Jo introduced Kathie to the fine art of cyber wrestling, and things became more interesting. Kathie had never tried it, so Jo taught her, and according to Jo, there are very good cyber wrestlers, and also very bad ones. As Kathie and Jo began cyber wrestling, a few things became very clear to both of them. They were incredibly competitive, and would cyber battle for hours until one finally had to give up, and they were very attracted to each other. Their matches ended in sexual domination, with one forcing the other to please her by licking her pussy until she had a volcanic orgasm. The winner would always be gentle with the loser, and even after hurting her with vicious holds, she would hug her and hold her, telling her it was okay. These cyber matches went on for weeks, even months. They would meet, talk, then wrestle, and their matches were always filled with erotic acts and incredible physical struggles. There was never a set winner, so the matches were based on techniques and various holds, and they were both very honest about the matches. One would always congratulate the other on a good hold or a win, and they always left happy and looking forward to their next meeting. One day, they connected online and started chatting about wrestling and Jo was telling Kathie that she felt that irl (which in chat language means "in real life") she felt Kathie would win in a wrestling match. Kathie gave her a LOL (laugh out loud) and said no, Jo was definitely the tougher woman, and that she would certainly win. They both agreed it would be a good match and quite honestly it might never be settled. They knew generally where each other lived, but asking specifically was intrusive, and an internet no-no to even ask. Jo knew Kathie lived in New England, but that's 5 states and she could live anywhere, and Kathie know Jo lived in upstate NY or something like that. "Really" meeting was never discussed, it was to "real", the net was there home. Then it happened. Kathie, one day in passing said she was going to NYC for a few days for work. Jo gave her an LOL and said, that's funny I have a conference there as well. Hmmmm they both said and thought together. Kathie, being a little bolder, threw it right out there. Should we? I mean what do you think? Joanne, smiling IRL and through keyboard magic said, sure, I mean, do you think? The opportunity was there, and they both decided they simply could not pass up the chance to REALLY meet the opponent that had beaten them so badly, choked them, squeezed them, taunted, punched, and them loved them. They were both incredibly excited. Kathie and Jo had traded pictures, but that was like a crapshoot in internet land where men are woman and vice versa. She thought she knew Jo, a pretty, 30 something year old with a firm, strong body, that loved to get physical and compete. Jo thought she knew Kathie, a blonde from Beantown who was both sexy and down right nasty. They had wrestled and made love countless times, but this was different, this was REAL. They both hoped beyond all hope that they would see the person in the pictures that were swapped, and not a 54 male plumber with an ass crack the size of the Hudson River. The time had been set. Joanne's hotel 6pm at the bar. They both knew exactly what the other looked liked, or so they hoped. Joanne decided to wear a black sundress with heels, revealing, yet very professional. She sipped a vodka and tonic and watched the doors for her lover of several months to enter. Jo was a little nervous, but God did the vodka help, she became at ease and smiled and joked with the bartender. Jo was a pretty woman, maybe not model beautiful, but attractive and physically fit, a very good catch for any man. People meet everday, and this was like any other. In walked Kathie, smiling, excited, and just the way Jo had imagined. Her blonde hair back in a ponytail, she came strolling in. A white top and shorts, revealing her great legs, which was the point. She looked left and smiled, then looked to the right and her eyes finally saw her friend Jo. Kathie had considered Jo one of her better friends, even though they had never talked on the phone or met. Kathie immediately waved, and almost ran over to Jo, who stood up and they gave each other a BIG hug. They were very happy. No letdowns here, it was just as they had imagined. It was the girl in the picture, the girl they had looked at for months, and they couldn't be any happier. It was like meeting an old friend that you grew up with. They were gushing over how good the other looked. The comments were flying all over the place, legs look great, arms looked toned, nice flat stomach, it was almost sickening. They sat for a long time, the smiles absolutely stuck to their faces, laughing together and being merry like people in that bar had not seen in some time. They shared stories, had a bite to eat, had a few more drinks and generally had what seemed to be the best time either had ever had. The entire time, something was there under all the fun and hoopla. They knew the real reason they were meeting, and quite honestly, it was fairly serious. The meeting was great, but the REAL reason they met was to settle something they had thought about for months. They were there to fight. They were going to go up to Joanne's room and wrestle each other until exhaustion and until one woman was completely defeated by the other. No whining, no crying, no mercy by either party, they would wrestle each other until one had proved the winner and the other would leave in utter defeat. The time had come. People meet for all kinds of reasons. These two had met to prove a point to themselves and to their adversary, they were better, stronger, faster, tougher, and most importantly, they were the dominant woman. They knew they had one night to do this, just one meeting. Months of talking were going to come down to an hour or so of wrestling, and they wanted it that way. They walked into Jo's room and the door shutting behind them meant there was no going back. Jo was staying in a suite, which had a large living area, just enough room for their battle. Jo kicked off her shoes and moved to one side of the room, and Kathie did about the same. The mood had changed now, from pure happiness, to tension and nervousness, this was serious shit and they both felt it. Jo smiled at Kathie," I'm a little nervous hun." "I am too," Kathie replied, "but excited, I can't believe we're both here." "I know," Jo said," I never thought this would happen, but I'm so glad it did." "Listen Jo, this is weird, I know that, but let me just say something," Kathie said looking at her kindly," for months we've chatted and done the cyber stuff, but I always wanted to really test myself against you. Now that we've met in person, you're more wonderful than I even imagined, but I still want to wrestle you. I want to test myself and see if I can really beat you." "I know," Jo smiled, "I feel the same. I think about you all the time. When we're done wrestling, I always wish we had done it for real. I think you're perfect sweety, and I adore you, but I really would love to compete with you and settle a debate we know is out there." Kathie smiled and walked over to her," then we feel the same way. I'm glad to hear that. I can't tell you how nervous I am, but how excited at the same time." "Me too hun," Jo answered," we might as well start or we'll be here all night." Kathie laughed and pulled off her shirt revealing her tanned and toned upper body, and then took off her bra and threw it on the bed. She slid her shorts off and tossed them on the floor and stood before Joanne. Jo looked at her up and down, and smiled. Just like her pictures Jo thought, but even prettier in person. Kathie stood 5'4 and weighed 125 pounds. She worked out often and her body showed it, toned, strong looking arms, a flat stomach, and her best feature, muscular, strong looking legs. Jo had dreamed of those legs and the damage they could cause, and there they were, just 10 feet from her. Joanne followed Kathie by removing her dress and letting it fall to the floor. Joanne's firm body was a beautiful sight for Kathie's eyes. Jo was around the same size as Kathie, but her figure was more rugged. Her upper body was a little thicker, not in a fat way, but in an athletic way, and her legs were developed and powerful looking. She stood 5'4 and weighed just a few pounds more than Kathie, but the sizes were nearly identical. The only difference in the two was Kathie had the more developed legs and Jo had the stronger upper body. Jo took off her bra as well, and then they were dressed the same. The looked at each other carefully now, not just as friends, maybe even lovers, but also as opponents. They circled slowly, not knowing how to really start something that was so incredibly important to them. "Now what?" Kathie smiled. Jo smiled back, "I guess this is it hun. We have both wanted it for so long, and here we are. I say we use rules like in cyber, submission only, and we wrestle until one of us gives up." "Gives up completely," Kathie said," one of us has to give up completely. I agree hun, no falls here, no 3 out of 5, one of us gives up and declares the other the winner." "Agreed," Jo said firmly," good luck hun, I adore you." "I adore you too Jo," Kathie replied. The two circled each other, and then Kathie held out her hands for Jo to take like they had done 100 times before in cyber matches. Jo, knowing it was the only way they should start, complied and hands and fingers locked together. The two women pushed into each other, feeling each other’s strength, both knowing they had their hands full. They grunted now as neither could gain the advantage, looking at each other as the battled. Kathie pushed hard with her legs and Jo moved back a little, impressed by Kathie's leg strength. Jo poured on more pressure and could feel Kathie's wrists bending backwards. They suddenly pushed harder, there hands locked together shooting out and their bodies slapping together. Jo could feel Kathie's arms and hands growing tired and pushed harder, sensing she could defeat her in this test of strength. At the same time, their legs locked, and off balance they toppled over, crashing hard on the floor. The both scrambled to grab the other. Nerves gone now, the match was truly on, and they were fired up. Jo was able to secure a head lock and Kathie flipped over on her back. Jo squeezed her hard, this was wrestling, and she wanted to beat Kathie badly. Kathie grunted in pain, and rocked back and forth trying to get her off and looking for an opening to breathe. Kathie clawed at Jo's hands, but simply could not separate them, and she finally realized just how strong Jo really was. In desperation she lifted her legs up and pushed Jo's head backwards. The result was perfect, her legs wrapped around Jo's head, breaking her hold and pulling her backwards. Kathie pulled Jo's head tightly into her thighs, ankles now locked she used her strong legs to crush Jo. Joanne struggled and bucked her body, but she was trapped, and Kathie's legs were like steel coils. Her head started spinning, and she knew she had no choice but to tap Kathie's leg and submit. Kathie let her go and immediately rolled away. She knew the match was far from over, and was very serious about winning as quickly as possible. Joanne rolled up, shaking off the cobwebs and tried not to let Kathie see that her head scissor had hurt her. She immediately stood up and faced Kathie, who was ready for her, and neither woman smiled as they locked up. This time there was no test of strength, but the two met in the middle pushing each other and trying to throw the other off balance. Jo grabbed Kathie's arm and pulled it into her, forcing Kathie to stumble and lose her balance. Jo immediately used Kathie's arm as a lever to wrench it and drive Kathie down. Jo pushed her on her stomach and bent her arm viciously behind her back and then yanked it up. Kathie squealed in pain, and her body rocked back and forth. Jo sat on her back and forcefully pushed her arm higher forcing moans and grunts from Kathie who struggled under her. Eventually, Kathie's arm was bent and pulled so hard she slammed her free hand on the floor and screamed for Joanne to let her go. Jo immediately released her and moved off Kathie. Kathie rolled over, favoring her left arm and quickly stood up. They circled, now with even more mutual respect and even fear of their opponent. The met again, fighting hard for position, their bodies slamming together. Joanne let Kathie move into her and then again pulled her forward, this time securing a front headlock, almost a chokehold and forcing Kathie to the floor. Joanne, who was proving herself as the more polished wrestler, let her weight lean on Kathie. Their bodies facing opposite directions, Jo used her arms to grind Kathie's head and neck and used her legs now spread wide as leverage. Kathie struggled under her, her legs kicking but doing nothing to help her, and her hands unable to break Jo's hold. Jo could feel the will to fight leaving Kathie and she squeezed even harder, knowing she was hurting her, but knowing she had to. Kathie quickly slapped the floor again, and Jo could only hear a muffled "I give, I give" from under her. Jo moved off her and allowed Kathie to breathe. Kathie rolled away, hurt and now a little intimidated by Joanne and her skill and strength. Kathie thought for sure she was going to win, but her confidence was dwindling now, and Jo could sense it. They circled. Kathie a little cautious now, Jo more confident. Jo faked a few advances, causing Kathie to back up, and that made it clear that Joanne was clearly in control. Kathie, moving slowly, suddenly lunged forward, and grabbed one of Jo's legs, knocking her off balance. Joanne fell to the floor and Kathie scrambled over her, and pinned her on her back. Their legs tangled together, each with a scissor hold on the other, and they both wrapped arms around the other neck. They struggled like this, squeezing each other, but neither was able to cause much damage. Kathie tried to scramble higher and attempted to use her chest to cut of Joanne's air supply, but it didn't work right. Fighting hard now, they rolled together on the floor, bodies tangled and sliding up and down, until Joanne was able to get on top. Jo tried for a grapevine, but was not able to trap Kathie's strong legs, so she planted her legs outside of Kathie's body for support and leverage. Joanne then taught Kathie how the breast smother was designed to work and she tightly wrapped herself around Kathie's upper body. Kathie struggled under Joanne, who calmly and efficiently allowed Kathie to exhaust herself under her. Their bodies glistening with sweat, perfectly placed together, trembled and moved as Joanne held Kathie captive. Joanne, again sensing victory, pulled Kathie into her as tight as she could, and Kathie's struggles ceased and she relaxed herself under the dominant Joanne. "You submit hun?" Jo asked, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear Kathie say the words. "Yes," Kathie said softly. Jo unwrapped her body from Kathie and rolled off her. Kathie's face was red and the sweat was now pouring off her body. She looked tired, and beaten. Joanne, as much as she liked Kathie, refused to feel pity, at least not until their match was decided. She sat down a few feet from Kathie and watched her slowly roll to her knees and try to catch her breath. Kathie was tired, and she was a little upset about what was happening. You never really know your opponent until you have to fight them she thought. Kathie looked over at Joanne. Kathie had done cyber stuff so many times with Jo, winning some and losing some, losing more than winning, but she never expected this. Kathie had felt so confident, but now she wondered why. Joanne was clearly the better wrestler; Kathie knew that now, but just doing cyber how would she really have known? It killed Kathie to admit it, but Joanne also seemed stronger and that was something she didn't expect. Kathie was tough, and with all those thoughts dancing in her head, she would not give up. Kathie rolled up and turned to face Joanne, who was watching her intently, like she was trying to read Kathie's mind. They circled again. This time, wasting no time in charging each other and grappling for position. The fought hard in the middle of the floor, pushing and pulling each other for position, with Kathie finally moving behind Jo and holding her from behind. Kathie wrapped her arms around Jo's stomach and squeezed, actually lifting her off the floor for a moment. Jo moaned in pain and was surprised by Kathie's strength to pick her up like a rag doll and almost shake her. Kathie then spun her to the floor and Jo landed hard on her stomach, the air whooshing out of her. Kathie quickly went on the offensive with Jo a little hurt. She moved high on Joanne, snaking her arm around her neck in a vicious choke hold, and pulling her over now so they were both on their butts. Jo's hands immediately reached for Kathie's arm, and she tried desperately to pull Kathie's arm free. Joanne rolled over, taking Kathie with her, which help loosen the chokehold she was trapped in. Jo was able to fight off Kathie's attempts to body scissor her, and was now working on breaking Kathie's grip. Kathie strained to keep her hold, but again, Joanne seemed to strong, and slowly she began losing her grip. Their bodies rolled together, Kathie's arms and legs grabbing for Jo, trying to lock around her, but unable to get a grip. The match became almost more intense now as their bodies slammed together. Kathie knew that she had to win this one; losing again was not an option. Joanne could sense a complete victory, even after Kathie had won the first one, she had won every other time. They were both growing tired as the scrum continued. Several times it seemed like one had the other, but neither could get the submission. Their bodies covered in sweat the rolled and squeezed each other. Jo tried to apply a full nelson but Kathie held her arms in tight to fight it off, and then Kathie tried to apply a body scissor, but Jo would not allow her ankles to lock. Joanne was able to roll Kathie with her legs onto her stomach and quickly move on top of her. Jo snaked her arms and secured a full nelson and used to legs to hold Kathie still. Kathie's arms waved wildly and she tried to break free, but Jo was to strong and she held Kathie there and tortured her with her hold. Kathie's arms felt like they were going to pop out of her shoulder and she grunted and groaned in pain. Joanne could feel Kathie growing weak and decided to go for a finishing move. Jo moved up on Kathie and pulled Kathie up. Jo then moved into a sort of catcher’s stance and draped Kathie's arms over her knees, then completed the hold by cupping her hands under Kathie's chin and pulling her head backwards. Kathie screamed immediately in pain, her back bent awkwardly and her neck killing her. Completely trapped and exhausted, Kathie's body went limp in Joanne's arms. Joanne took some pressure off of Kathie's chin, just so she could talk. "Submit Kathie," she said forcefully. "Please Jo, I submit let me go, please," Kathie cried. "I will hun, I think this is over now," Jo said, allowing Kathie to slump to the floor. Kathie, beaten and exhausted didn't move for a few minutes. Kathie was hurting, her back was sore, he neck hurt, just about her entire body was sore. She knew Joanne had beaten her badly, but she just couldn't admit defeat. She had to keep trying. Joanne was surprised to see Kathie stand up and face her yet again. Jo knew Kathie was tired, beaten, and just about completely defeated. Jo had hoped she could beat Kathie, she knew that Kathie was strong from her pictures, but she always felt she was stronger, and more importantly, she was tougher. Kathie had that pretty, fit girl look, blonde hair, tanned, toned. Jo felt she was tougher, and more skilled, and she had proved that. Jo realized that she would need to truly beat Kathie in order for her to give up. She needed to defeat her to such an extent that Kathie would have no choice but to surrender. This last time Joanne would make sure that when Kathie gave up, it would be over. To be continued.......