California Dreamin' By Connor McCloud, This story is totally fictional; any names used are coincidence only. The plane landed in Los Angeles around noon and I was excited for my first trip to LA. I had never been to the west coast before, being a native New Englander, and I wanted to see all that I possibly could in the few days that I had here. I was not only anxious to see the city, but also because I was planning on meeting someone in LA that I had never seen in person before. I met Michelle in a fitness and sports chatroom and we had been sending e-mails to each other for several weeks. We seemed to really get along well, at least online, and I was dying to see the person I had been writing to for weeks. She seemed to good to be true. California girl, early twenties, blond hair, blue eyes, a great athlete, and incredibly sexy and fun to communicate with. In the back of my mind I was praying that she wasn't 300 pounds with a face only a mom could love. We planned to meet together and she had challenged me to some sporting events as we e-mailed and flirted with each other. Michelle said that she would beat my ass in anything I would dare challenge her at and she couldn't wait to see the look on my face when this happened. Michelle described herself as very athletic, playing all kinds of sports growing up and continuing to work out and stay active even after college. Having never seen each other, we always teased about what the other looked like and joked about how funny it would be when we were both completely over weight and out of shape. At the same time, our flirting had grown into all kinds of sexual talk, and we knew what to say to excite the other. I couldn't wait to meet Michelle. Michelle told me to meet her at a beach outside the city, and said that we would know it when we found each other. This was first time on a California beach, and this beach was no Cape Cod. Everything about screamed California to me. The beaches were fantastic and stretched for as far as I could see. The people all seemed to be in perfect shape, and everyone was rollering blading, skateboarding, and running around. I was in awe of how beautiful it really was; I had never seen anything like it. I was happy enough to be walking around and people watching, when I saw Michelle. She was wearing a light pink tank top and shorts and was flying towards me on some in-line skates, I knew it was she. Her blond hair was pulled in a ponytail, which was blowing around as she skated towards me. As she skated closer, she slowed down and looked me over, she knew how I had described myself and was making sure it was me. I was in excellent shape myself, and although not tanned from the CA sun, I looked lean and strong in my tank top and shorts. We exchanged smiles and she skated fast right at me, finally running right into me and jumping into my arms. We hugged each other tightly and Michelle kissed me on the cheek. She felt incredibly strong and hard, yet feminine and sexy as I held her. "You are Jeff, right?" she said smiling. "No, but thanks for the hug," I replied turning to walk away. She smiled at me and hugged me again. We were both extremely happy to finally meet, and surprisingly there were no awkward feelings or nervousness. We sat down on a bench and started talking together about everything for a long time. Michelle was even prettier than I had imagined, she even had a smile like Charlize Theron just like she had said. She was so much fun to be with, and I couldn't have been happier. Michelle was even more muscular and athletic than she had said; it felt like I was with a world-class athlete. Michelle had great muscle definition and thickness to her, without looking bulky, a great combination. She had said once that she weighed around 140, and not knowing what she really looked like, I didn't take her word for it. She was almost as tall as me with her skates on, so I guessed she was around 5'6 or so without skates. Michelle was an absolute goddess to me, she was perfect. After talking for a long time, Michelle said that she had made plans for us to play racquetball together that afternoon. We walked to her car, and drove a short distance to an athletic club she belonged to. We were both having a great time, complimenting each other on how great with both looked and how great it was to finally meet face to face. It was truly one of the best days of my life. We started playing racquetball and I noticed that Michelle was not only athletic, but also extremely competitive. Michelle was going hard for every shot, diving to the floor, banging into walls, and knocking me over several times. Our match, which started relatively fun, turned dead serious by the end, and I was exhausted when we finished. Michelle had won a close contest and she hugged me when we were through, asking me what I wanted to lose at next. As tired as I was, I told her I would beat her in basketball, and we walked to where the outdoor courts were. I honestly thought that we were going to have a friendly shoot around, maybe a little pig or something, but that was not the case. We played a game to 15, and it was rough. There were times competing against her that I totally forgot that I was playing a woman, in fact most of the time. Michelle was so strong and hardnosed that playing her was rough and for me, painful. In another hard fought game, I came out on top15 to 12, but it was not easy. Michelle was throwing some serious elbows while we played, and when it ended, I felt bruised and battered. On the other hand, Michelle looked as fresh as ever, and was pissed that I had won, demanding a rematch. She was mad when I told her that I was done, and called me all kinds of names for not taking her challenge. It was around 4 o'clock when we got done, and we decided to shower and get ready to get something to eat. Michelle firmly said that we couldn't stop each winning one event and we had to settle this at some point. We decided to meet near my hotel at a place she recommended around 6 o'clock. Michelle showed up wearing a gorgeous one-piece outfit that showed off her buff body, and practically every head turned as she walked in. We had a nice dinner together talking about anything and everything, but it never was boring and we both were having a good time. The conversation turned to our athletic competitions that day, and things began to get more interesting. "You play some good ball Jeff. You're more finesse than me that's for sure, I had you beat on the inside," she said. "Well, that's not real fair," I said smiling," I think it was pretty even. You play some great defense; I'll give you that. I had no idea you were this strong, I didn't expect to kind do muscle mass that you have." "Like I told you, I work out all the time. I guess I am a little competitive at times, but I really hate to lose, especially when I know I'm better than the other person. I should have never lost to you, but I felt like I was hurting you, and felt a little bad to be honest. Most people have a hard time competing with me because I am so strong and aggressive, but I don't mean to hurt people, I'm just trying to win," she said sipping her water. "What do you mean by that young lady? You didn't want to hurt me? Why did you think that? I wouldn't worry about that, I can take care of myself," I said a little defensively. "Now don't get all mad my Jeff. I just realized that I was knocking you around pretty good playing hoop, so I backed off a little. That's all. You won, I can accept that. You just don't seem like the kind of guy that is real aggressive that's all. I mean do you ever really go at it with someone? Really trying to knock someone's block off?" she said excitedly. "You are really something," I laughed," what are you talking about now? Most sports are physical in some way, but most games have rules. Knocking someone's block off, as you put it, is usually against certain rules. I mean football, and hockey are pretty violent, but that's the game. You want to play some football with me?" "Are you kidding I would crush you playing football! I would love that, but one on one football? Can't really do that. The thought of smashing you against the boards also excites me, but that also would be hard to setup. I was thinking more one on one stuff, like maybe kickboxing. You ever kickbox Jeff?" she said, more excited now than she had been all day. "No, I haven't. You want to kickbox with me? Are you serious?" I said laughing. "Dead serious, why? You afraid to kickbox with me? Afraid to lose to a woman? Come on, it will be fun. We have all the equipment at the club, you'll love it," she said suddenly getting up from the table. "Not quite what I had in mind, but if you really want to. You sure you want to do this? What if I rough you up?" I said getting up and facing her. "I would just worry about yourself lover, I'll be fine," she said grabbing my hand and leading me away from the table. We drove to her club again which was only a few miles away, and she hurried us inside. The club had all the necessary equipment and clothing to wear so we each changed and met outside the locker rooms. I was hoping for more of a romantic night, and this seemed a little strange, but whatever, I was still with Michelle. Michelle had on a sports bra top and shorts, and I had on just a pair of shorts. It seemed like every time I saw her she seemed more muscular than before. As we walked, I watched how the muscles in her legs moved and danced around. She had some powerful looking legs, and I began to realize, that if those things hit you, it would really hurt! As we walked towards the training room, I thought of how competitive Michelle had been all day and wondered if she would continue that for this contest. If she did, this would not be a fun little sparring session, but instead, a serious brawl. "Listen Michelle, you sure this is a good idea? I mean, how about going out for a few drinks and then having some good sex?" I said, trying to stay on her good side. "The good sex may still happen, but only after this hot stuff. What are you so afraid of? Look let's be serious here," Michelle said, turning towards me and changing her tone a little," we both know the deal here. You flew out here and figured we would hook up and fuck for a few nights. I understand that, but it's really not like that. You see, I like to compete, especially against a guy, most girls are pushovers. Although, most girls seem tougher than you do. You're actually kind of disappointing Jeff, you sounded pretty tough, but you seem like a real pussy now that I've met you." "What! Listen Michelle, this is getting silly. I love competing with you, I do, but let's not get carried away here. You're in great shape, better than I am, I'll give you that, and you're solid muscle. I'm sure you could kick the ass of many a guy, just not mine. I'll go along with this, but if you get hurt, that's your fault, agreed?" I said with a hint of anger. "That's much better Jeff! I was waiting for you to get some fire in your belly going. So here's the deal, we do a little kickboxing and decide about fucking after that. If you impress me, I just might go for it. How does that sound killer?" she asked poking me in the belly. "Fine, let's do it," I said confidently backing up and getting ready. We were in a large room, which was mostly padded on the walls and floor. There were two doors, one on each side, but it looked like Michelle locked one when we came in. It looked like many people did sparring here because of the setup. Michelle went to one side, and stretched and moved around a little. Her muscles were so impressive as she tightened and flexed them as she danced around. Michelle looked over and nodded her head asking me if I was ready and I nodded yes. We had put on some headgear and had on padded gloves so I felt pretty protected and sure we couldn't hurt each other, at least not to badly. We also had these foam pads on our feet, although I really had no idea how to throw a proper kick. We circled each other and then came together. Michelle was the aggressor from the very start. She threw a series of lightning quick jabs, and I couldn't block all of them. Michelle had such impressive upper body strength that even a jab hit like a sledgehammer. We continued to circle each other, and Michelle continued to rifle punches into me, leaving me with no choice but to cover up. It took Michelle about a half dozen more punches before I collapsed to the floor, and told her to stop. Michelle reached down and helped me up smiling at me and patting me warmly on the head and back. I walked over to the side of the room and sat down against the wall, and started taking off my equipment. "Well, that was so much fun," I said sarcastically," how long have you been boxing and kickboxing for?" "About 4 years I guess, I'm basically the gym champ, although there's one guy who's a tough bastard and very tough to knock down. We had a real good battle last week, we were both pretty beaten up when it was over, but eventually he couldn't take the pain and he gave up. Sorry if I hurt you, I was just playing with you a little," she said sitting down next to me. "I should have realized that you were fucking with me. I had no chance against you, you're a trained fighter for God's sake! That's not a fair fight and you know it," I said a little upset after getting my ass kicked. "Don't be a sore loser, I never expected you to win, and you’re not trained in this kind of match. Not that you would beat me at anything else, because we both know I'm stronger and tougher than you," she said with complete confidence. "That's not fair Michelle, you're a trained boxer, that's why you won. You had the advantage because of your training, if we were on equal terms things would be different," I said, looking away. "Really? You really believe that you could take me? You're not really a tough guy Jeff, nothing to be ashamed of. If we fight I win, we both know that. Let's go upstairs, you need to clean up and then we can go from there. Sound alright?" Michelle asked standing up. I agreed to go the hotel room and take a quick shower, and hopefully have some fun with Michelle. Michelle turned on the TV and relaxed as I took a quick shower to help clear my head and get a second wind. I walked out of the shower with a pair of shorts on and found Michelle lying on the bed watching basketball. I sat down beside her and she smiled and moved closer to me, before getting up to clean up herself. Moments later she was out and took a position next to me on the bed. I was flipping through stations during a commercial and stopped for a moment to watch WWF wrestling, just for laughs. "Here's something we could try," I said jokingly," or are you a trained wrestler also?" "I'll wrestle you anytime," she said excitedly sitting up on the bed," or are you afraid to wrestle a little girl?" I almost told her the truth that actually I was a little afraid to wrestle her. This woman was super competitive, hard and strong as hell, and really tough. Her beauty hid the fact that she could kick your ass without even trying, and that was a very scary combination. "Tell me the truth, are you highly trained in this also? I'll do it, but it's got to be a fair fight," I replied uneasily. "I am not trained at wrestling Jeff. Come on, you weigh more than me, and have some strength to you, it will be fun," she said smiling. "Alright, if you really want to. What does the winner get?" I said moving towards her. "Whatever the winner wants I would think," she said smiling. Michelle then slowly took her clothes off, leaving nothing on but her panties. Her body was simply awesome, and I just stared at her, unable to say anything. "Let's go Jeff, strip down to your boxers or whatever you wear under there. I want to feel your body against mine," Michelle purred as she rolled around the bed. I took off my clothes and moved onto the bed beside her. There was no comparison in whose body was better. I was lean and had some muscle, but Michelle was just as lean, but heavily muscled compared to my runner’s physique. I noticed that her arms were more developed that I had realized, and looked to be bigger in size than mine or at least more muscular and defined. We talked for a moment about our match and she said she wouldn't use any of her boxing skills to win; we would wrestle until the other submitted. I had said that a pin was enough, but Michelle said firmly that she wanted to hear me give up, which made me feel a little uneasy. The bed was our arena we decided, and falling off meant stopping and starting again. We were now facing each other on our knees, and inside I just wanted to have wild sex with this woman, and stop this fighting. I also knew that winning might mean that sex would happen, and that was enough to make me want to win. Michelle nodded to say she was ready, and we started. It was awkward at first as we felt each other out. Wrestling was a unique competition because of being hands on all the time. A test of strength, leverage, quickness, flexibility, and toughness all rolled into one match. It became obvious from the start that we were fairly equal in strength, and we were both able to move the other around a little. The match, which was fairly friendly, became more serious as we rolled around the bed, our bodies almost gelling into one. We both began grunting and exerting more force to attack the other, exchanging positions and holds as we rolled. The sweat began to form all over our bodies as we struggled together, seemingly using every muscle we had to gain the advantage. Around ten minutes into the match, things began to change. My strength was beginning to fade and Michelle was starting to take control. I never realized how exhausting it was to wrestle, and I didn't have the energy to keep up the amazing pace of the match. I found myself on the defensive, simply trying to keep Michelle off me, but I couldn't. Our bodies were pressed very tightly together now, and Michelle had wrapped her legs around from the side, and had both arms around my chest. My squirming and struggling only pressed our tangled bodies closer together, and her face was only inches from mine. Michelle, now began to slowly, but methodically grind my stomach with her powerful legs. For several minutes she squeezed tighter and tighter while I tried to break her hold with my hands, but realized that I could not. Her powerful arms now slithered around my upper chest and neck, and before I could stop her, she wrapped her right arm tightly around my neck. Michelle now slid right behind me, and completed her hold by securing my head and neck tightly with her right arm. I tried to pry her arm from around my neck, but she had it locked in tightly, and while she had the opportunity, she grabbed my left arm with hers, and then tucked her left arm behind my back, pinning my left arm to my side. We stayed in this position for a long time, and it seemed like Michelle was testing her hold and her ability to cause me pain. She had ground herself so tightly against me, that her hold was a constant, painful squeeze. Her legs were tightly wrapped so that the slightest contraction crushed my stomach and midsection, which were already beaten and sore. Michelle also had her right arm so snug against my neck that the slightest flex caused me to become light headed and almost pass out. This hold and position were not friendly and teasing in a fun way, but torturous and cruel. Michelle knew that I was in great pain but she only continued her game, and I simply began to sob and beg her to let me go. "Poor little boy, crying, how sad," she said sarcastically," can’t beat a little girl huh? Well, you wanted to have sex, so go ahead, jerk off for me Jeff." I hesitated and she squeezed me so hard I thought my ribs would break, and I was seconds from passing out before she relieved the pressure and told me again to masturbate. I had no choice but to do it, and she laughed at me and taunted me while I did it, until I came all over my stomach. "Welcome to LA Jeff," she said laughing, and then squeezed me until I passed out. When I woke up, she was gone, and so was all my cash I brought for my trip. I walked over to the table and Michelle had left a note for me. "Thanks for dinner, your fee for the service $500! Chat with you soon....Love, Michelle"