Day in a Life Part Three By Connor McCloud 1:30pm Saturday, July 1 I was lying on the floor, staring straight up at the ceiling. I don't know how long I was out cold for, but Kathy was nowhere to be seen. My body hurt all over, and I tried to get a handle on how badly I was hurt. My lower back felt out of place, but I could move well enough. My right leg was really sore and standing up I stumbled and almost fell down. My shoulders felt like they had been popped out of their sockets and it hurt to move my arms even a little. The pain in my chest was enough to make me think Kathy had broken a rib with her scissor holds, but I wasn't sure. I walked into the kitchen and saw that Kathie had written me a note. "Gone to the mall be home a little later! Hope you're ok hun, didn't mean to hurt you, Love, ME" Yeah right, I thought. Kathy knew exactly what she was doing, and she knew how badly she was hurting me. She did it for a reason, and to make a point. It worked, I was put in my place. If there was any doubt before, there was definitely none now. Kathy was now in charge, not that she wasn't in charge from the start, we both knew she was. It was different now though. She had put on a demonstration of her strength and how easily she could beat the shit out of me. I was afraid of her. I had no idea what these changes might mean, but I was about to find out. Kathie walked in the door I was reading her note. She smiled as she walked in and came over and kissed me. "You ok lover?" she asked," you slept for a long time. Almost thought I had killed you!. Glad to see you're still breathing. Come sit down with me, I want to talk to you." Kathie grabbed my hand and pulled me with her to the couch. "Are you upset with me?" she asked. "I'm not sure Kathy," I replied," mad isn't the word. More confused and hurt I guess, emotionally and physically hurt." "I understand that," Kathy said sympathetically," that was not easy what you went through. I had to do it, I hope you understand that. Even if you admitted that I could dominate you like that, you still wouldn't understand how badly I could hurt you. Now you see, and we can move forward. Do you have any questions or concerns?" "Well, yeah I do. What the fuck hun? Why the sudden need to do this? You think I like getting beat up?" I said with a tone of anger. Kathie reached over and placed her hand on my knee forcefully. "Easy hun, I will explain everything to you. I guess it started a long time ago when I wrestled with boys as a kid. As I got older, maybe 14 or 15, we had basically stopped wrestling, we were to old for that. There was one kid named Jay that I was close with and one day as a goof we wrestled. The match turned from goofy to serious as we both struggled to win. It became more serious for Jay when two of his friends showed up and started watching. To make a long story short, we wrestled hard, but eventually I made him give up in front of his friends, and I made him kiss my naked ass when we were done. I realized after the match that sexually I was completely aroused, soaking wet from beating him! I went home and masturbated for hours just thinking of defeating and humiliating Jay. My desire to humiliate and defeat men started there and has only grown. Jay and I wrestled again after that day, in a private setting. I beat him over and over, and made him touch me and please sexually, until he got tired of losing and stopped accepting my challenges," Kathy said, smiling at me and continuing," from there my desire to wrestle began to weaken. I didn't wrestle with anyone again until my senior year in high school, when my prom date got a little to frisky. I sent him home with a bloody nose and no action on his prom night. I met another guy in college that was very physical and we started wrestling together. Eventually he grew tired of losing to me, he couldn't handle the humiliation. It ended with him when I challenged him at a keg party and I beat him in front of 100 of his closes friends. I made him cry uncle and a bunch of silly things before I let him go, he was very embarrassed. I masturbated that night as well, I really beat him badly." Kathy shifted in the coach and now faced me directly. "Which comes to 4 years later and you. You see hun I had to choose the perfect mate. Someone that I knew liked being dominated, and could handle the humiliation of being beaten by his wife. You might not want to admit that but I know you like being dominated, deep down you prefer that. So I moved slowly, learning more about you, and watching how you react to certain situations. You might not like the fact that I can beat you up, but you don't seem to mind it, that's a good thing. Even when I physically force you to please me, or when I rape you, you still don't seem to get upset. So you see, you're nearly perfect for me hun. I quite honestly would have preferred it if you were a little stronger and tougher, I like a challenge, but we can work on that. So now you see where I'm coming from. I'm going to dominate you when I choose to, even hurt you from time to time, but I'll still love you and make love to you, it will just be on my terms. Listen I know this is confusing and hard for you, but you know I'm speaking the truth," Kathy stated and got up and walked into the kitchen. 2:15pm Saturday July 1 I sat there more confused than ever about what she had just said. Did I like being dominated? Did I care that she was stronger than me? I didn't know what to think. Kathy strolled in a few moments later with a brown bag. "So, that's where we are hun. Let me ask you this, do you admit that I can take you in a fight? Any kind of fight I mean, you know boxing, wrestling, whatever," she asked. Without any hesitation I answered yes. The thought of another beating was to much for me to handle. "Good, I'm glad you can admit that. There's no shame in admitting someone is better than you, male or female, I'm proud of you," she said moving into and kissing me on the lips," another question I wanted to ask you while we are here. You ever had anal sex?" "Anal sex? Umm, yeah once I did, but it was kind of weird, we were both drunk and stuff. In fact I can't say I really remember it that well," I answered. "I was hoping we could try it, I have never done it before and would love to try it," Kathy replied, pulling some KY jelly out of the brown bag, "would you bend me over the couch and try it here?" "Umm, sure, ok hun," I said startled by this weird turn of events. Kathie stripped down naked and undressed me as well. We quickly started into it, and she wasted no time bending over the couch and inviting me to fuck her. I used the KY on my cock and inserted myself into her ass. I rocked my hips and drove into her, and she groaned in pleasure. It didn't take long for me to orgasm and I sat back on the coach in sexual bliss. "That felt great hun," she said,"I could feel your hips driving into me, it was really sexy. The jelly makes it slide in smooth. Did that feel nice taking me like that?" "Yeah it did hun, I liked it. Makes you feel powerful to have anal sex, it's a very dominating position," I said. "It's nice to dominate sometimes hun, don't worry we can take turns doing that, it's healthy for us. Don't move I forget something, be right back," she said. Kathy walked in a few minutes later with another bag. She sat it down beside me and she pulled me up from the couch. We were standing face to face now and we hugged and kissed passionately. "Close your eyes hun, I have a surprise for you. In fact close your eyes and turn around I don't want you to peek," she said smiling. I heard here reach into the bag, and I heard her moving around behind me. "Ok hun turn around," she exclaimed. I turned around and didn't notice anything until I looked down. To my dismay Kathy was wearing strap on dildo, which was fitted snuggly around her waist. "I bought this in the sex shop," she said calmly,"there's a section that fits up into my snatch and tickles me inside as I thrust my hips and cause it to touch me in there. I have always wanted to try this, and now we can take turns dominating each other." The look on my face told her I was not into this, and I even took a step back. "Listen hun, we're doing this. Either the easy way or the hard way. So bend over the couch like I did and take it," she ordered, moving towards me. I turned around to get away from her, but she tripped me up and we fell to the ground. She quickly moved ontop of me, and I could feel her dildo pushing into my back and near my ass. She quickly wrapped her legs around mine in a reverse grapevine and started to spead my legs apart. I started squirmimg around, but Kathy wrapped me up in a full nelson and pressed my face into the floor. Now that I was immobilized, she began to search for my ass with there dildo, and when she found the opening, she pushed in softly. I struggled to break free, but she was to strong, and my attempts only made the dildo more uncomfortable. I relaxed, and feeling this, Kathy began to push harder. She began to pump with a rhythm, and started groaning. "Oh this feels so good hun, it's really rubbing me perfectly inside me. I love this feeling! I'm going to bend you over this coach and really fuck you good. Don't even think about trying to get away, not that you could," she said. Without missing a beat, Kathie pulled me up by forcing my arms behind my back and pulling me towards her. She drove me into the coach in a kneeling position, then picked me up and forced me over the side. With my body in the perfect position she began to pump feverishly, bucking her hips and driving her dildo deeper into me. I could hear her groaning and breathing, obviously in complete ecstacy, and without a care how it was for me. Kathie continued to pump until she was bored and then pulled herself out of me. I slumped to the coach, a tear in my eye, and said nothing. Her anal sex hurt, in a lot of ways, and I was speechless. Kathy walked away and was gone for a while. I didn't move, but lied there unable to think straight at all. Just then I heard the doorbell, and heard Kathy run to get the door. I scrambled to my feet and put on my clothes as quickly as possible, wondering who Kathy was expecting and if this day hours could get much worse.