One Armed Bandit By Connor McCloud Tina seemed hesitant to come with me to the casino, and I understood why. We had only met recently and she explained that not knowing me well, she was a little nervous about staying over night with me. I played it cool, and told her no pressure, if you don't feel like going no big deal, and I left it at that. A few days before my trip was planned, she said that she had decided to go, and was looking forward to it. We talked about how much fun we would have, and I told her that I wasn't looking for an easy lay, I just thought we could have a great time. I sincerely felt that way, although the thought of being with her was extremely arousing to me. I had met her at a bar in town, and we hit it off really well. We had only been on a few dates, but they were both so much fun that we really both pushed seeing each other more. Tina was a really attractive, sexy woman. She was about 5'6" and she weighed around 140 or so, with a great head of curly brown hair. She was fun, and easy to talk to, and people just liked hanging with her, she had that kind of personality. We made a great looking couple, and even after a very short time knowing each other, I think we both felt like this relationship had a chance to succeed. I picked up Tina and we drove to the casino and brought our bags to the room. I had a meeting to attend, and then we would have the rest of the evening to ourselves. Tina said she was going to relax at the pool and that I could meet her there when I was done. I told her that the meeting should be quick and I was looking forward to our night together and getting to know each other more. When my meeting was over, I walked down to the pool, and saw Tina lying on a lounge chair reading a magazine. I had never seen her without clothes on and her body was phenomenal. You couldn't tell how fit she was with her clothes on, but now in her bikini, her body was in plain sight. She was tight, all over. Firm, flat stomach, so hard that you could almost make out the muscles. Her arms and legs were lean, and it was obvious that she did weight work, because she had nice definition in both. She gave me a big smile and I walked over to her. "You look great Tina! I didn't know you were so fit. Ok, maybe that came out wrong," I laughed, "but I had no idea that your body was so, umm, awesome!" "Thanks Steve, that's nice of you. I don't work out as much as I once did, but I've always been in decent shape. I have great genetics and my muscles grow pretty quick with weight work," she smiled. "Well, you look great, you ready to get dressed and go have some fun?" I asked. "Let's do it!" she exclaimed happily, and with that a great night began. We went out to eat, we gambled, danced, had drinks, it was perfect. It was almost 1 am when we got back to our room. We each got changed, and because our room had a living room area, we both met there to watch TV and end the evening. We were both a little nervous because we were alone in the hotel together, but our nerves were clamed by a fun night, and several drinks. We started talking about nothing really, just small talk, but it helped because we were still getting to know each other. We talked about everything from growing up to politics, then we decided it was time for bed. Tina was wearing a red silk one piece, with straps that showed off her body, and I had on just boxer shorts. We awkwardly moved into each other, and then we began to kiss softly, which slowly became more passionate. I rolled on top of her, and continued kissing her, at the same time our hands met over her head, and we squeezed hands tightly. I felt her begin to push up with her hands, and I countered with pressure of my own while we kissed. Tina increased her pressure, and then she quickly and forcefully rolled me over and she assumed the position on top, pinning my hands over my head. She looked down at me and smiled. "Who says you get to be on top? Maybe I like being in control," she said smiling. "Maybe you do, but who says I'll let you?" I asked, and I began pushing up hard against her. Tina smiled at me, and dug herself in tighter against me, and squeezed my hands hard. I pushed hard, but to my dismay, I couldn't move her, and my hands remained pinned over my head. I fought harder now, embarrassed that I couldn't move her, but she held me tight, and now used her legs to hold me in place even more. "What's the matter Steve? Can't get me off you? Feeling embarrassed? Vulnerable?" she laughed, "I won't hurt you hun, just playing around." I thought about this, and for some reason her statement angered me. Hurt me? What the hell did that mean I thought. Before I could stop myself, I made a tragic error, and spoke to soon. "Hurt me? I'm not really worried about that Tina, why the hell would you say something like that?" I said with anger in my voice. "Well, well Steve, looks like I hit a nerve. I didn't mean anything by that, I was only kidding around. You don't need to be a baby about it," she answered, as she continued to hold me down. I found myself in a very bad position, being pinned by her, but at the same time trying to be a tough guy, but I made the mistake of trying to do it. She realized my situation, and apparently decided to have fun with it. "I simply mean, look at your situation. I have you pinned down, and you can't get me off you. Is that a true statement, yes it is. So, while I was only kidding, there a little truth in every thing people say. As far as I'm concerned, you're mine, I could hold you like this all night, you can't get me off you. So basically, if I can overpower you and pin you, just think of what else I could do to you. You see my point Steve?" she asked smiling, but very serious. I took a look at her body, and her muscles that were more evident than before. As she held my there, taking away my masculinity and pride, I became enraged. I now tried to buck her off me, bouncing myself off the bed, but she only tightened her grip on me. She now wrapped her legs through mine, in a wrestling grapevine hold, and held me firmly. My efforts were futile, and when I realized that I was trapped, I stopped, and looked up at her. She only smiled, and then squeezed my hands. "You done? That was one hell of an effort Steve, but, sorry to let you in on a little secret, I'm stronger than you. You didn't know that, so I don't blame you for trying, and you might not believe it now, but it's true. You want me to let you go now? I was only playing, no need to ruin our evening," she said, releasing my hands, and letting me up. I sat up and stretched out my hands and arms. Tina lied down and snuggled into the bed, looking over at me and playfully rubbing my leg. Inside I was really upset, I had just been pinned by her, and I felt more humiliated than I had ever felt before. I was taking a moment to collect my thoughts, trying not to be so angry that our night would be ruined, but I was confused. My confusion, lead to my demise. "Sorry Steve, I was only playing, don't be mad, I'm having a lot of fun with you," Tina said nicely. "I'm not mad Tina, I just don't think you were playing fairly. I also think you're nuts if you think you're stronger than me. Just because you pinned me doesn't mean you're stronger," I said defiantly. "Really? What does it mean?" she asked. "It, uhh, doesn't mean anything. I could hold you down like that if you let me get in the same position you had me in," I responded. "Oh yeah? Let's see," she demanded, and lied on her back with her hands over her head. I had been challenged, and knew that it was important that I not only accept her challenge, but also pin her solidly. I quickly moved into position, and as hard as possible, pressed down with my arms, while pinning her body with my superior weight advantage. Once she knew I was ready, Tina began squirming on the bed. Her body began pushing up, and I couldn't hold her in place. Then while I was concentrating on her body, she began pushing with her arms and was slowly making progress upwards. The pressure she was exerting began to be to much for me, and slowly her hands were off the bed, and she was pushing me back. We hands our hands locked like we were playing mercy, and she began to force my hands backwards slowly, until I began to move back. Using her powerful abdominals she sat up without releasing her pressure. Our position had changed so we were sitting, then using my hands as a lever, she pushed me slowly onto my back, and when it was over, she had me pinned to the bed again. She held me there tightly, then just smiled and got off me. I didn't move, I just lay there, not knowing what to think. "Hmm, that didn't go well for you," she laughed," can we stop this now? I was having such a good time. Does it really matter than I'm stronger than you?" Tina got off the bed, and walked into the bathroom, leaving me there to think about this strange turn of events. I had a choice now, I could not think about this and see what happens, or I could push the issue further in an attempt to get back my pride. I knew I was a strong guy, but Tina had moved me around easily, and had twice pinned me convincingly. I knew that I had to pin her down to fell better about myself, but I didn't know if I could. It was worth a shot. "You doing ok hun?" she asked walking back into the room," I was just playing around." "Yeah, I'm fine. It's fun to wrestle around with you, maybe you will give me another shot?" I asked, sitting up and moving closer to her. Tina looked at me funny and smiled. "Steve, can't we just forget it? I was hoping that you wouldn't act like this. What about just we just forget about it and we go gamble a little more, I'm not that tired and the casino is open all night. Let's get dressed and head down," Tina requested. "Just one more chance Tina, come on you afraid that I'll pin you?" I asked smiling. "No Steve, you can't pin me. I'm afraid that after you lose again you will pout even worse than you are now, and the entire night will be ruined. It's bad enough you're sitting there with a scowl on your face now, I hate to see you when you lose again," Tina said calmly. Her words enraged me, and without any further negotiations, I lunged at her, crashing into her and knocking her on her side. I rolled on top of her, and she moved quickly to throw me off, but I trapped her in a headlock instead. I squeezed her head as hard as I could and she let out a moan, and tried breaking my grip. I wasn't trying to pin her now, just hurt her, and I continued to grind her head. Tina began to slowly use her strength to sit up, and although I continued with my headlock, she was now upright, and it wasn't as effective. I could feel her strength, and as the moments passed, I could feel that she would break free, she was so strong. Instead of trying to pry my hands apart, Tina wrapped her legs around my midsection, and then with incredible force she began squeezing the life out of me. I couldn't keep my headlock because of the pain, and I quickly released the hold. She leaned back; using her hands as support, and began squeezing even harder. I tried to break her legs free, but I couldn't. The pain caused me to fall onto my back, and Tina just moved with me, only tightening her grip. Tina was lying on her side now, looking rather comfortable, and crushing me with amazing strength. Her legs were wrapped so tightly, that the pressure never relented, I only found the pain ease when she decided to let me catch my breathe. I asked her several times to let me go, but she never even responded, she just squeezed tighter. Tina then sat up and moved directly over me. She dug in her knees into my sides, holding my steady, and then went for the pin. I struggled to keep her off me, and tried desperately to keep her from pinning me, but moments later she had both hands pinned above my head. I struggled for a few minutes, realized my efforts were futile, so I stopped. Tina was no longer smiling, but looking down at me with disdain. I had a hard time looking at her, I was to humiliated by her dominance to keep eye contact. "Only thing worse than a sore loser, is someone that throws a sucker punch. If you pride can't accept being beaten by a woman, that's fine, I should have known you were not man enough. To attack me without warning is bullshit, you're lucky I don't kick your ass for that. I want you to pack your stuff and get your own room, I'm down with you. I'll find my own way home in the morning. Now get out," Tina ordered. Tina got off me and walked away from the bed. I got up slowly, upset by being beaten by her, but even more pissed off that she had ordered me to leave my own room. I got up slowly, and walked into the living room where she was. "I'm not leaving, you are. I'm not letting you kick me out of my own room, that's bullshit. You go get your own room. All the wrestling bullshit aside, I'll toss you out of here Tina," I yelled. "Don't be a prick Steve. I don't need to beat you up again, so just leave, or I will. You and I obviously are over, so let's end this peacefully, or more accurately without you getting hurt even worse, ok?" she asked. Her words were hard to take, and she only pissed me off more. I moved over to where she was and stood over her. Tina got up and we stood face to face. I was only 2 inches taller than her, and her muscular body actually made her more imposing than I remembered. Our faces were only inches apart. "Alright you fuck, make me leave," Tina said calmly, "I gave you the option. Let's see how tough you are." Without saying a thing, I grabbed her and tried throwing her to the side. Tina grabbed onto my shoulders and overpowered me, sending me crashing into the couch. I got up quickly, but Tina was on me fast, crashing into me and sending me hard to the floor. I was dazed and got up slowly. I saw Tina moving towards me out of the corner of my eye, and threw a hard right hand into her stomach. I caught her perfectly, and knocked the wind out of her. Tina doubled over in pain, and took this opportunity to pull her towards me, and drive me right knee into her midsection again, this time knocking her to the floor. I moved back and took a second to regroup before going in for the kill. Tina looked vulnerable on the floor, wearing nothing but her silk pajamas, and the thought of making love to her became strong. I decided that I have have sex with her, whether she wanted to or not. "Feel like making love now hun, because we're going to," I said moving towards her. As I moved in, Tina, with lightning speed, swept her right leg and took my feet out from under me. I crashed onto the floor, landing hard on my right arm, and hurting it in the process. Tina was up on her feet quickly, she moved towards me, and while I was down almost on all fours, she kicked me hard in the stomach. I felt the air whoosh from my body, and couldn't move. She moved in closer, grabbed me by the hair and lifted my head up. Tina aimed, and fired a right hand perfectly into my jaw, snapping my head to the side, and knocking me over. Tina was in control now, and knowing this, I tried to talk my way out of this mess. "Ok, you win, I'll go. Let's stop this." I pleaded, but more words were stopped by another kick to my stomach. Tina, seeing that I was favoring my right arm, grabbed it, and pulled it hard, almost pulling it from the socket. I was lying on my stomach now, and Tina had my right arm, pulled behind, and twisted horribly. I cried out in pain, but she only twisted it and pulled it harder. I felt the muscles tearing, and the pain was immense. Tina then pulled my arm straight out, and smashed it with her other hand, almost snapping my elbow. With my right arm dangling by my side, she rolled me over and stood over me. My arm hurt so much; I knew that damage was done, at least enough damage to leave my arm useless. "You were talking about raping me? What the hell is wrong with you? You didn't seem this stupid before. Even after you saw I was stronger than you, you still thought you could rape me? Men, you're such idiots. If anyone rapes someone here, you're getting raped, not me. I'm going to gamble now, I disgusted by your sight. Don't be in here when I get back," Tina said kneeling down over me," and while I have you here, why don't I use your face to masturbate, just for kicks." Tina dropped down and began rubbing her vagina all over my face. She pinned down my left arm, and used her right hand to touch herself until she climaxed. She rubbed her vagina against my face for a few more minutes, rubbing it more in disgust and a display of dominance than anything else. "See you later Steve, don't be in here when I get back. I'm going to go play the slot machines, that's something you can do with your one arm right? One arm bandit, one arm shithead, same thing. Be gone when I get back, or you won't even be able to play the slot machines, understand Steve?" she asked. I nodded that I did and she got up and left the room quickly. I got myself up and got my things together. They had no more rooms, so I would sleep in the car on this night. As I walked past the casino I saw her in there playing the slot machines. One arm bandit, I thought to myself, I should at least be happy to be that right now. One was better than none.