Babies and Binkies Part 2 By Connor McCloud The alarm went off like everyday around 6:00 am, and like usual I hit the snooze button at least a half dozen times. I really wasn't upset when I woke up, in fact I wasn't even thinking about my loss to Kathie just hours ago and until Kathie walked out from the bathroom. She stretched in front of the mirror, admiring her increasingly muscular and hard body and then she looked back at me. She perched herself up on her toes, flexing her very impressive calf muscles and legs at me just to give me a little show. "How do they look honey?" Kathie asked. "They look great I answered, better than I have ever seen them," I answered in all honesty, her legs did look awesome. "Good enough to knock you off the bed!" she laughed looking back at me. "That was last night, just a one time thing," I replied," I think the next time will be different." "You really think so?" she asked," I think you male ego is geting the best of you. Regardless of what you may think, I'm stronger now than I have ever been. Personally, I think I'm stronger than you, but I know you don't want to believe that. Any time you want a rematch you let me know, I'm ready anytime." "I do want a rematch, soon. What do you say we try a couple of other strength tests as well, seeing your so confident now. Arm wrestling for example would be fun," I said. "You're on sweety. We'll armwrestle tonight, and the loser gets the baby, who incidently is crying right now. We'll talk more later, don't worry I'll get my little girl, you just think about tonight and how you will feel when you lose!" she said happily and walked out of the room. We each got ready and went to work as usual, Kathie only called me once during the day to taunt me about her victory and to predict victory in this evenings encounter. We were both having fun with this, but there was definitely an underlying seriousness to this that neither one of us talked about. Kathie certainly was on a mission that I had never witnessed before to show off her new found muscle, and I was trying not to let my wife beat me in these physical contests. I had a hard time thinking that my wife was stronger than I was, but she had certainly sent my flying off the bed last night. I ended up thinking that she must have gotten lucky, and that tonight would be an entirely different story, there was no way she was going to beat me at arm wrestling. I arrived home from work around 6 pm and we spent the night doing mundane chores and doing general clean up. I went on the computer for a little while and played some everquest, which Kathie thinks is totally juvenile, but I like it. We ended up not talking about tonights scheduled event until around 10 pm, when we sat down together to watch some TV. "I'm ready when you are for our arm wrestling match sweets," she said nicely,"I think you're in for an unpleasant surprise. I hope you won't get all weird about losing? Can your ego handle it?" "I think you're nutty to think you will win, but I'm ready right now. Loser gets the baby if she cries tonight, that's the deal right?" I asked. "You got it lover, let's do this," she answered excitedly. We lied down on the floor facing each other in the living room. There was a definite nervous and anxious feeling in the air, that from my perspective, should not have been there. Kathie rolled up her sleeve, smiling as she did it, revealing a well developed upper arm, which was certainly more defined than ever. I in turn rolled up my sleeve and flexed my arm for her, which although not as defined was clearly larger than my wife's arm. Kathie held up her right hand and motioned for me to do the same. As our right hands clasped together, our left hands also met, which caught me by surprise. How did Kathie know to hold our left hands together, she had apparently done this before. We felt each other out for a few minutes and then with no more than a nod to each other we started. For a few moments we didn't move at all, I was certainly surprised by her strength, but still felt I could win. I tried to apply a little more pressure, but was disappointed to see her counteract with pressure of her own, keeping us pperfectly even. We both started to push harder now, Kathie wasn't looking at me, but looking at our hands in deep concentration. I felt my arm growing tired as I maintained my pressure and was trying to decide when to give at one last push for the win. The match was at least 5 minutes old now, and we were both grunting and trying our best to win, it meant so much to each of us. Slowly, I began to move Kathie's arm down towards the ground, and seeing victory, I gave it everything I had. A few moments later, her hand hit the ground. Although I had technically won, she had won the all important mental edge. Her performance showed that her arms were equal to mine in strength, which didn't need to be mentioned, she knew. Kathie didn't say anything about the match, but held up her left arm to go again. "You want to do it again?" I asked. "Of course, that last match was no landslide honey, either one of could have won. Are you telling you don't want to try with our left arms? What kind of a competitor are you?" she asked looking hard into my eyes. "OK, I'll just beat you again," I said, not really believing what I was saying. We locked up and started right away. This match started the same as the last, no real movement at all, but there was a difference. I was physically drained from our right arm encounter, and I was having a hard time getting the inner strength to continue. Several minutes into our second match, Kathie began to take control. Her left arm, now flexed and straining, was impressive to see. Her bicep was even bigger than I thought, and glancing at my arm, it looked bigger than mine. Slowly Kathie began to force my arm towards the floor, and as hard as I pushed, I could not stop her advance. Moments later, she slowly lowered my hand to the floor. Her victory smile stretched ear to ear. "Did you ever think you would see the day when I beat you in arm wrestling? I've always wanted to do that with you," Kathie exclaimed happily. "I can't believe you beat me Kat. I never thought you could win, you are certainly stronger than I thought," I replied heartbroken and feeling terribly humiliated. "Let me ask you honey, seriously, who do you think is stronger me or you?" she asked suddenly. "What do you mean by that?" I asked with a confused look. "Well, overall, who do you think is stronger. I don't mean anything more or less. Take our legs for example, who's legs are stronger?" she asked. "I guess yours might be a little stronger, but I'm not sure," I said quietly, knwoing the real truth but not wanting to admit it. "Why don't we make a little checklist, it might be fun," she said jumping up and grabbing paper and a pencil. Fun for who I thought to myself. Kathie started to write down all kinds of different aspects of strength while I sat there and stated at her in disbelief. She was talking as she wrote down all kinds of stuff, but I was zoned out looking at her muscles and wondering when this mutiny took place. It took her about ten minutes of thinking this out until she stopped writing and looked up at me. "OK honey listen to this. I figure that I have to give you your props so to speak. You can more than likely still lift more weight than me. I could hold my own with your legs, but upper body you could probably still lift more. I'm giving you that. So why can I beat you at arm wrestling? I think the answer is while you are stronger in a one aspect, I'm stronger in another way. Follow close now. I was thinking about what kind of different tests of strength, you know arm wrestling, leg wrestling, and then I decided that there is no better test than just wrestling. That tests every aspect of strength, fitness, and even mental and physical toughness. What better way for us to compete and test or physical dominance. You following along so far?" she asked. "Yup, keep going you lunatic," I answered. "Whatever. So I figure that there are certain aspects to wrestling and if we decide who is better at each we can decide who the physically dominant one here is. Then, if you are up for it, we will wrestle to decide who our marriage champ is. How's that sound?" she asked, with more excitement in her voice than I have ever heard. "So you want to discuss this list of yours and then wrestle to see if your little science expiriment is accurate?" I asked smiling. "Yeah, that's a good way of putting it. OK, ready I've broke it down in a whole bunch of areas. You have to be honest now, or this won't work, so even if you hate to admit things you have to. Can you do that?" she asked very seriously. "Sure honey," I answered. I had to see where she was going and then decide on how truthful I was really willing to be. We talked for a long time about our list, and not without arguing about at least half. I was surprsingly honest about everything, and it actually felt good to discuss these things, it made us feel closer and opened up conversation that had never been there before. There were no ties, so we fought over the winner of certain categories, but the final outcome went like this. I had won overall strength, upper body strength, and the weight advantage. Kathie had won flexibility, lower body strength, hand and wrist strength (which she won by beating me in mercy several times when I wouldn't give her the nod), endurance, quickness, mental toughness, and physical toughness. The mental toughness and physical toughness were hard to acknowledge, but I knew they were true, Kathie had a tough life and was very mentally tough because of that. I gave her physical toughness because of her amazing tolerance for pain, which many woman have, and because she grew up a scrapper and had won many fights growing up by all accurate accounts. So Kathie had come out on top 7-3, which she was happy about not because she had won, but because she knew I had been honest. It was decided that night that the following night we would wrestle to see who the stronger, tougher, more dominant person was. We both talked openly about how much we wanted to win and knew it would be a very physical and tough match. Kathie said plainly that she didn't care if she hurt me, at least not while we wrestled, and told me to take it seriously or I would get hurt. We both knew that the other would be trying as hard as they could to win and there could be only one winner. With this on our minds we went to bed without saying more about it, each of us lost in thought about tomorrow's clash. To be continued........