Tanya – part 2 By the Collector Muscles by Tanya, Strength by Julie Copyright 2000 The Collector This story is adult in nature and should not be read by anyone under 21. Send comments to ChuckSt35@aol.com I awoke Saturday morning still unclear about what I was going to do. But I had no time to waste. I had to do something. After my morning ritual, I reached for the phone book, found Tanya’s number and called her. “Hello?” she answered. “Tanya ... this is Tim. I ... I thought about what you said” I said. “I hope that’s all you’ve thought about Tim. You know what I told you,” she said emphatically. “I know ... I’d like to talk to you ... and see if we can work something out. I’d like to come over ... if you don’t mind ... and try to work through it,” I said calmly. “We can‘t just do it over the phone?” she asked. “I’d just rather do it in person Tanya ... please?” I asked. “I guess we can. My parent won’t be home tonight ... come by around 8” she said. Then she hung up the phone. I hoped what Julie wrote on the card was right. * * * I left for Tanya’s house at 7:40, still ruminating over what I was going to say and do. I had no idea how she’d react, but anything was worth a try. I pulled into her driveway, got out of the car, and went up to the door. I rang the bell ... she answered moments later. I even had a dozen roses. She was wearing jean cutoffs, a white T-shirt, the bottom half cut off to reveal her thin, beautifully curved waist, and tennis shoes. And those legs ... oh man. She was as beautiful as I’d ever seen her with her blonde hair in slight disarray, and those piercing blue eyes. She was the kind of woman that made other women jealous. And that she had tremendous strength was an even more overpowering allure. ”Hi Tanya” I said meekly handing the roses to her. “Hi Tim” she said with a questioning tone. “These are nice ... but nothing’s changed” she said smelling the roses. “I ... I know Tanya. I still find it so hard to believe a girl ... like you ... can be so strong” I said. “Come out to the garage ... I want to make you understand just how strong I am” she said. I followed her through the kitchen, out a door, then into the garage. It was big enough for two cars and fairly ordered. Close to one wall, were two large objects with short chains coming from them and a handle on the end of the chain. “Bring those over here Tim” she said. I went to one of them, grabbed the handle and tried to lift it. It wouldn’t budge. Then I grabbed it with both hands ... and I still couldn’t lift it. I pulled harder on the chain and tried to drag it. Finally it tipped over and I was able to drag it across the floor with both hands, though it took all the strength I could muster. “Tim ... they’re not that heavy. My little sister can move them easier than that” she said. I pulled it next to her, winded, then went back after the other one and managed it with the same difficulty, pulling it to the other side of her. As I rested my hands on my knees, she looked at me with disdain. “Tim ... why are men so weak?” she asked. I stood up and looked down at her. “We’re not ... we’re just not ... as strong s you Tanya. I don’t think any guy is,” I said. She looked at me and seemed to soften more than a little. “Maybe ... maybe you need to know just how strong I really am Tim,” she said. She stood between the two objects and her pretty grabbed the chained handles. “Tanya ... I could barely move them ... you’re not ... ” I started. She looked at me as though wanting to impress me. She held the chains up and her arms tensed. Then she smiled at me and the weights left the floor easily. “Tanya ... you can’t ... ” I started. But she could. She lifted them easily until her powerful arms were straight out, parallel to the floor. She smiled at me as though proud of herself. “Wow Tanya ... you’re ... so powerful” I said in genuine admiration. If I’d lifted weights the rest of my life, I’d never be able to do what she was doing. “I know,” she said, though somewhat shyly. Her demeanor was changing. Then she slowly let the weights down to the floor, and let the chains drop from her hands. “That was amazing ... I didn’t even think even you could be that strong,” I said deferentially. “Pretty strong for a girl, huh? I’m even stronger ... and I can prove it” she said. She went to a tool chest, fumbled through it and came back to me with two rings in her hand. They looked like piston rings, only slightly larger. She handed them to me, then held her arms out to me. “Put them on my arms” she said softly, now even smiling at me. “With pleasure” I said as I slid each one up her arms to her biceps, then pulled her hands away. “Wait a second” I sad taking each of her hands in mine. With a puzzled look on her face, she let me take them. Then I kissed each on of her hands softly and let them go. “Thank you” she said. Then with her small fists clenched she raised her arms with the rings tight against her as yet unspoken biceps. As she curled her arms, a determined look on her face told me she I knew what she was doing and that not even the steel rings could contain her strength. Her biceps started to rise ... and the rings started to expand! “Tanya ... your muscles!” I whispered. A broad smile came across her face as her biceps rose even further, forcing the steel rings to expand even further. And I realized then I had no idea of how strong she really was ... of how strong a girl could really be. She kept curling and her biceps continued to rise to bigger than I ‘d seen on anyone before. I realized the strength she had within them as the steel rings rose further. Her biceps peaked into wonderful mounds of feminine muscle as she looked up at me. “Tell me my muscles are pretty Tim” she said. “Tanya ... they are ... they’re gorgeous ... and so strong ... so beautiful” I said my voice shaking. Then she lowered her arms, and held out her hands to me. I slid my hands up her arms and retrieved the rings. “You can keep them ... souvenirs of my strength,” she said. “I never dreamed Tanya ... a girl could be so strong” “Strong girls ... you really like strong girls ... don’t you Tim?” she asked hesitantly. I blushed. “Only the strongest ... and the prettiest ... like you,” I said. She softened even more to a Tanya I hadn’t seen before. Then she blushed. “Get that bar over there” she said pointing to a 4-foot piece of steel resting in a corner. I picked it up and brought it to her. Then she stepped up on the two weights, resting a foot on each one of them. And her legs caught my eyes. “Tanya ... I love your legs” I said. “See if they look even prettier now” she said as she raised up on her toes. She knew what she was doing. Each muscle revealed itself ... her thighs ... her calves. I wanted nothing more than to have them wrapped around me. I knelt down and gently kissed each foot softly, with my hands reaching for her calves. They felt as strong, and as feminine, as her pretty biceps. And I knew her entire body ... her beautiful, sensuous body, was radiating with strength ... strength that I loved. I started massaging her calves slowly. “That feels nice Tim,” she said quietly. Then she took the bar in both hands and looked down at me. I moved my hands up to her thighs and ran them across them. They were smooth, solid feminine and I kissed each one gently. Then I looked up at her. Her arms started curling upward as the bar began to bend. Every muscle in her body was tense as the bar submitted to her strength. The 3-inch piece of steel was like a big piece of licorice to her. “Kiss me Tim” she said. I did, raining kisses upon her thighs. “Not there Tim ... where every girl wants to be kissed” she said. Our eyes met ... and my lips moved to her. As my lips touched her there, her body seemed to vibrate. “I’m so strong Tim ... feel my strength ... feel my pretty strength” she said her voice quivering. I looked up at her and caught sight of her breasts under her T-shirt. I reached both hands up slowly. They were as soft and full as the rest of her body was firm, and strong. My eyes watched the bar as she bent it further, the ends now coming close together. She threw it aside, then looked down at me and curled her finger at me. Just then, we both heard a car drive up. “Shit ... my parents are home,” she said. She jumped off the weights, primped herself slightly, and then listened at the garage door as the car doors shut. They walked up the sidewalk, opened the door, and came in the house. Then Tanya opened the garage door. “Call me tomorrow” she said. Then she kissed me quickly. “But what about ... ” I started to ask. “Don’t worry ... a month off will only give me time to get stronger for you” she said. “Now go” she commanded. I went to my car and looked back, but she was gone. I backed out and started the drive home wondering what had just happened. Then I reached into my back pocket, pulled out my wallet and searched for the card Julie had given me. I read it and understood. ‘A strong girl will do anything to have her strength admired. Me too.” I didn’t believe it when I first read it, but I thought it was worth a shot. But for whatever reason, something happened to Tanya. She turned from an incredibly strong, arrogant woman to an even stronger woman, more sensuous than I think even she had known. I didn’t understand, but I didn’t care. I’d tell her anything she wanted to hear about her strength ... her muscles ... her powerful, beautiful body. And I suddenly felt better than I’d ever felt about a woman before. Tanya wasn’t going to hurt me ... quite the opposite. And I’d do everything I could to let her know what an erotic turn on her strength was to me. I drove to the carryout and grabbed a six-pack, then stopped at Gino’s and ordered a pizza, finishing off a cold one in the parking lot while I waited. Twenty minutes later, I picked up my late dinner and headed home. It was dark as I pulled into my driveway and noticed another car sitting there. Standing at the rear, dressed in a tight short black dress was Julie. I got out of my car and slowly approached her. “Julie ... um ... what’re you doing here?” I asked. “Are you complaining?” she asked smiling. “No ... not even. I just ... ” “I got a call from Tanya. Us strong girls have to stick together you know” she said. “What ... what’d she say?” I asked. “Well ... we had a very nice discussion,” she said taking my hand in hers. I wasn’t going to resist ... not Julie “About what?” I asked. “About you ... and about your ... weakness you might call it” she said as we walked up the sidewalk. “What ... what about me?” I asked not sure where this was going. “Well ... there aren’t very many of us around you know,” she said. “Whattya mean?” I asked as dense as I could be. “Dummy ... how many girls do you know as strong as Tanya and I?” she asked. “Um ... just you two ... I think,” I said not knowing where she was going with this. “And how many men do you think there are who can get excited ... really excited ... by a girl’s strength ... or her muscles?” “Lots ... I would think” I said. How could a guy not get worked up? “Well ... not according to Tanya. And that means only one thing” She said. “What ... what’s that?” I asked. “It means we’ll be sharing you ... you don’t have a choice” she said coyly smiling at me. “Um ... I don’t ... ” I started. I hadn’t a clue what to say. “That is ... if you can appreciate my strength ... and these,” she said. She raised her arms and her biceps rose under the fabric of her dress. “Oh my ... Julie ... your muscles ... your pretty muscles” I whispered. I dropped the six-pack, the pizza and reached for her arms. Then she lowered them quickly. “Come inside and show me” she said. She twisted the doorknob, not waiting for me to unlock the door and pushed it open. We stepped inside and left the lights off. Slightly more than 24 hours ago, my life was uncertain with the threat of physical bodily harm thrust upon me by a much stronger, incredibly beautiful woman. But as I felt Julie’s strong arms around me, I wasn’t going to ask what happened. I didn’t care. I’d never understand women anyway. But I knew I was about to have more fun than I could ever have dreamed of.