Reanna By The Collector Should I Play the Back Nine or Play with Reanna’s Muscles? Copyright 2000 The Collector This story is adult in nature and should not be read by anyone under 21. Send comments to “C’mon man ... don’t be such a wuss,” Tom said as we sat in the club house snack bar. “No ... I really gotta go. I told Reanna I’d be at her place by 6 ... I’m already late. She wanted to go out tonight.” “So what? You can still go out ... just call her. We’ll finish the back nine ... you’ll be there by 8:30. What’s the big deal?” “You don’t understand Tom ... when she wants me to do something, I ... really need to do it. You don’t know her.” I said. He laughed at me. “You’re so whipped Tim ... what’s she gonna do ... yell a little? So what? Just call her.” He said coercing me. “OK ... I’ll try. But I don’t think it’ll do much good.” I said. I went to the pay phone, dialed her number, and waited for her to answer. On the third ring she did. “Where are you?” she demanded, guessing it was me. “Hi honey ... I’m still at the course, I was wondering ... ” I started, but was interrupted. “No Tim!” she said emphatically. “But honey, it’s only ... ” I pleaded. “Tim ... you’re already late. Now what did I just say?” she asked sternly. “I know honey, and I miss you, but I just wanted to ... ” “Tim ... I went to the hairdresser today getting ready for tonight ... I did my nails ... and I even bought a new dress ... a very sexy dress. I thought you’d want me to look nice.” She said. “Oh ... OK honey ... I won’t be long ... I promise. Just nine more ... ” “Tim!” she yelled over the phone. “What did I just say?” “Oh um ... OK honey ... ” “Tim ... you get over here right now! And don’t ‘honey’ me. You know what happens when you don’t do as I tell you ... don’t you?” “Honey ... no, come one ... that’s not fair. You said ... you said you’d never use your strength against me honey ... you promised.” “And you promised to do what I told you ... didn’t you?” “Yes honey ... but not your strength ... please?” I begged. “Tim ... meet me at your place. And remember ... the longer it takes you ... the stronger I’m going to be. You know that ... don’t you?” “Y ... yes honey ... I’m coming” I said. I dropped the phone, left my clubs on the cart and headed back home. She scared the hell out of me when she got like this. Reanna’s strength was just something I couldn’t deal with ... she ‘s so strong, and so powerful, I don’t think any man could. Reanna and I met on a blind date. She knew my sister through work, and Kim thought we might make a good couple. Kim and Reanna were two years younger than I was and Kim and I usually ran in different crowds, so I was surprised at how well it worked out. At first I didn’t want to go out with Reanna, but after Kim described her, there was no way I was going to pass up the chance. I often wondered if Kim knew about my affection for strong girls and whether or not she knew about Reanna’s strength. I suspected she did, but I wasn’t going to ask her. I knew Kim was stronger than most girls were as I had seen her beat a couple of fairly big guys her age arm wrestling. She had even challenged me a couple times, but after seeing what she did to those guys, there was no way I was going to give my kid sister the joy of showing me she could beat me. And the more I think about Reanna, the more it makes me wonder how strong Kim really is. I got to my house in about 25 minutes. I suspect she wanted to meet there because it would have been closer than me driving home, changing, and than driving another 15 minutes to hers. Anyway, I pulled into the drive behind her car. I expected to see her waiting for me, but I didn’t’ see her anywhere. I walked up to the porch, opened the screen door, and noticed the door slightly open. The doorknob ... had been broken off! I immediately tensed as I felt butterflies dancing inside me. Apparently, she hadn’t gotten over my casual excuse for being late. Dammit! I hated this ... there have been a few guys who could scare the crap out of me just by their size. But none of them could do what Reanna did to me. While I was afraid Kim was stronger than I was, Reanna was the only woman I’d ever been genuinely afraid of, knowing how strong she is and what she’s capable of. I pushed open the door ... and it crashed to the floor! I looked and saw it had been ripped from its hinges. “Honey?” I called tentatively ... worried. She’d done things before, but I hadn’t expected this. I walked through the house quietly calling her name, expecting to see her. I went to the kitchen ... the stove had been pulled out from the wall and sat on top of the kitchen table! What the hell was she doing? “Honey? Where are you?” I called. No answer. I went to my bedroom, hoping she’d be there. The closet door was open. The closet where I kept my smaller toys. Then I looked to the bed, and noticed ... oh crap! The sheets were turned down. In the middle of the bed were two of my baseballs from the closet ... both crushed! The meaning wasn’t lost on me. I became frantic looking for her, not sure if I really wanted to find her ... or what she was going to do. “Reanna?” I called as I walked through the house towards the den. I flicked on the light ... shit! My favorite cue was lying on the table in two pieces. The threads were no longer there. She had pulled it apart ... not unscrewed it ... she had pulled the pieces straight apart from each other! Dammit! I didn’t know whether to be afraid ... or be mad. But I was both. She had left obvious signs of her strength that I couldn’t ignore. I left the den, calling her name ... there was only one place left. I went back to the hallway and opened the door leading to the basement. “Reanna? I called down. A moment later, I heard the sound of her heels against the cement floor as she walked to the bottom of the stairs. She stopped at the foot of the stairs. My, she looked beautiful. The white dress clung to her as though painted on. The top was cut just low enough to see the tops of her full breasts. Reanna was tremendously well built and had a body I craved ... the body every man longs for in a woman ... the body a man can get lost in. At 5’5”, her 35D-22-34 body was the envy of every woman that saw her. Her hem was high on her beautiful, slightly muscular legs only enhanced by her sandals. She looked up at me, a deadpan look on her face. “What have I told you Tim?” she asked quietly. “But honey, I just ... ” I started. “You’re late,” she said. Then she raised her right arm to waist height. Her hand held the eight ball. She looked me in the eyes ... and I heard a cracking sound as she squeezed the 8-ball. She opened her hand and the ball fell to the floor in pieces. She dusted her hands together, turned and walked away. “I ... I’m sorry honey” I said as I descended the stairs quietly, the sound of her heels the only sound in the basement. “Sorry’s not enough Tim. You obviously don’t think too much of me to ignore me like you do” she said. “But I do honey ... I really do” I said reaching the bottom of the stairs. She was standing by a mirror in front of a basin, fixing her hair. “You think I’m pretty don’t you?” she asked. She knew the answer, but she had to hear it. “Honey ... you’re gorgeous ... you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever known” I said. She smiled at herself in the mirror. I knew it; she knew it all too well. So many times, I’d been walking with her and she’d see the looks from other women, looks of jealousy from other women. A look that said ‘It’s not fair’. And it wasn’t ... no woman should be as privileged as Reanna. Then she turned around and looked at me. “And what else Tim?” she asked walking to my weight bench. “Your ... your strength honey” I whispered. For all else, she knew how much I adored her strength, her immense physical power. I had seen her do enough things in the past, as if today wasn’t conclusive, to know how exceptionally strong Reanna was. And how it was so erotically sensuous. She smiled back at me. “This is new ... isn’t it?” she asked of the bench. And it was. I’d only had it a few weeks, along with the weights. “Yea ... I wanted to start working out,” I said. She smiled, holding back a laugh. “And is it working Tim?” she asked. “It’s going OK” I said. “Why don’t you show me Tim?” she asked, though I’m not sure why. “Uh ... OK” I said walking to the bench, yet wary of her motives. I lied down and looked up at the bar. It had 140 pounds on it from the last time I had used it. “Go ahead Tim ... show me how strong you are honey” she said. She was mocking my inferior strength, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t get over it. I was 5’9” ... outweighed her by almost 50 pounds ... yet she’s so superior to me physically, so much stronger than I could ever hope to be. And it made her all the more desirable. I put my hands to the bar, pushed upwards, let the bar down to my chest, and pushed up again, struggling as I had only done this weight once. The bar stopped mid way up as I couldn’t push it anymore. “C’mon baby ... push harder.” She said coaching me as she stood behind the bench looking down at me. I grunted still unable to push it higher. “I ... I can’t ... ” I said between grunts. “Honey ... just imagine you’re as strong as I am,” she said, her voice inspiring me. “Do it Tim ... do it for me honey” she said. And a reservoir of strength came from someplace as I hoisted the bar up and set it on its perch. The inspiration I got from her was intoxicating. “See? That wasn’t so hard,” she said. As I looked up at her, she placed one hand under the bar and then lifted the bar off with one hand! She walked from behind the bench to the other end and sat down between my legs, facing away from me, and set the bar on the floor in front of her. I sat up and moved close to her and placed my hands on her shoulders, then nuzzled close to her neck. The smell of her hair and her perfume were aromas that excited me, made her all the more desirable, if that was possible. I moved my hands down her shoulders and she turned her head sideways and looked into my eyes. Her blonde hair wrapped around her innocent, beautiful face with her pretty green eyes, and lips that were full and so inviting. The face of a woman so beautiful I can imagine other women crying for lack of it ... the face of a woman who had strength no other woman, and surely no man, could possibly dream of. “Go ahead Tim ... I know what you want ... don’t I?” she asked quietly smiling. I didn’t answer, but ran my hands across her powerful arms, and felt her strength in my hands. “Reanna ... your muscles honey ... your strong sexy muscles” I whispered as I felt her arms tense. She raised them as her biceps filled my hands and those two mountains of feminine steel filled me with an arousal I’d felt only from Reanna. I kissed each one as she looked into my eyes. Her strength was intoxicating ... and she adored my infatuation with her power. She had told me more than once my adoration of her strength made her feel more feminine, more beautiful ... and even stronger. She lowered her arms, cutting me off in an instant. She looked back at me. “Come here baby,” she said. I got up, went around to face her as she picked the bar up off the floor. I looked down into her eyes as she smiled up at me, then placed her hands just inside where the weights were resting. Her face winced slightly, and then the weights started to move to the ends as she pushed against them! Slowly they slid towards the ends with screeching noise, as the bar was crying for her to stop. Then the weights, one by one, fell off the ends of the bar! “Oh Reanna ... I love your strength honey” I said as I knelt down in front of her. She looked down at me, gave me a Cheshire grin, then placed the bar behind my neck. “Huh?” I asked bewildered. With both hands, she started pulling either ends of the bar towards her. I watched, much to my delight as the ends moved, her biceps exploding, as her wonderful strength forced the bar to do as she wanted. “You like this honey?” he asked. “Wow ... yes” I exclaimed as my hands rested on her thighs. Feeling them as strong and beautiful as she was. The ends move closer until they were nearly parallel to me, then she stood up, leaving one hand on the bar. She tugged on it as she turned and started walking towards the stairs, then she removed the bar. “Come here honey” she said placing her hand under my chin. She easily lifted me up and placed me up three steps. “Let’s go to your room honey,” she said. She pinched my behind, then I took her hand and we walked upstairs together. I led her to the bedroom, closed the door behind me, and went to kiss her. “Take your shirt off Tim” she said. I took the hint, and started undressing as she watched. With my shirt off, she pushed me backward to the bed. She swiped the baseballs off the bed and pushed me backwards, then straddled me, pinned my arms back and looked into my eyes. “Reanna ... I want you so much honey” I whispered. I tried to raise my arms, but I knew it wasn’t possible if she didn’t want me to. Her breasts wanted to escape from her dress ... they were there begging for my attention. I reached up to kiss them, but she moved back slightly. “Honey ... please ... I need you ... your body ... and your strength” I pleaded. “And what else baby?” she asked smiling. “Your lips ... and your muscles ... your strong pretty muscles honey” I said. I wanted her ... I needed her so badly ... I had to have her. Then she reached down and kissed me passionately. I wanted to put my arms around her, but she held me in place ... I couldn’t move. I wanted her; I wanted to feel her body next to mine. Then suddenly, she pulled away, let my hands go, got up and stood at the side of the bed, her hands on her hips. “And you passed up this ... my body ... my strength ... for golf?” she asked laughing. “Honey ... it was only ... ” I started. “I’m the strongest woman you’ll ever know ... and more beautiful than any man deserves ... and you wanted to play golf?” she asked. Then she turned and headed for the door. I jumped out of bed and ran towards her, but she turned, opened the door and walked out. I followed her. “Reanna!” I called. But she just kept walking. I reached her as she got to the front door. “Honey please ... ” I said and placed my hand on her shoulder. She took her right hand and placed it on mine. “See what you’re missing Tim?” she asked. Then I felt the pressure of her hand push me downward. I tried to resist, but I wasn’t going to stop her. My knees gave under her strength and I touched the floor within seconds. “Honey ... I love you,” I said pleading with her, my hands caressing her powerful thighs. “You haven’t shown me that,” she said. “You wanted to play golf ... remember?” “I do love you honey” I said, then I knelt down and kissed her toes. “Please don’t go Reanna ... please?” I begged. “I think you need to get your priorities straight Tim. If I’m not worth more than a silly game, I need to find someone who thinks I am” she said. “But you are honey” I said. “Then call me when you’re ready to show it” she said. She turned and walked out the door, and down the steps. I was in anguish, frustrated at her, but more at myself. She turned back for a moment. “Call me tomorrow ... I’ll let you know if I’m still mad at you” she said. I watched her walk away, get in her car and drive off. And like the moron I could be at times, I put my shirt on and drove back to the course. I kidded myself into believing she’d never find out, but I knew better. She’d find out ... she always did.