Nikki By The Collector Nikki finds a much-needed admirer Copyright 1998 The Collector This story is adult in nature and should not be read by anyone under 21. This is part 1 of a two part story about Nikki and Heather, two sisters who are…well, don’t wanna spoil it for you. Send comments to Visiting home for the weekend, I sat watching a college football game, when my 16-year-old brother, Tom came in and sat down. “Jerry, I don’t understand something.” Inattentively I responded, “Must be girls. What is it this time?” “There’s something I’m really having trouble understanding. Just a funny feeling that won’t go away” “So what don’t you understand?” “Well, you know those new girls that just moved in next door?” A family had just moved in next door a few days ago. Though I hadn’t seem them yet, they had two daughters that were supposedly lookers. With any luck, I’d get a chance to meet the older one. “Yeah, so what?” “Well, one of ‘em’s in a couple of my classes…and I’ve got a bad crush on her. Her name’s Nikki.” “So what’s the problem? Why don’t you ask her to a movie or something?” “Well, first, she’s only 14, but almost 15…but she’s a little different than other girls…a lot different.” “So is she pretty? Or maybe she’s too smart for you? Don’t worry about it, just ask her out.” “Oh, she’s really pretty. As soon as she came to her first class, all the other girls were jealous of her. And smart too. She’s already a junior, but she’s younger than the rest of us.” “So you still haven’t said what her problem is.” “You remember how you said girls like guys to be tough, and strong and all that macho stuff?” “Yeah, so?” “Well, I think she’s stronger than all the guys in school.” I immediately took notice, regretting that she wasn’t older. But I new I couldn’t reveal my own passion, especially to my little brother. “Right…so how do you figure?” “This morning in homeroom, all the guys were arm wrestling…and she wanted to get in on it. Most of the guys thought it’d be fun, but when she started beating them, they felt a little embarrassed, especially in front of the other girls.” “So she’s a big girl and she beat a couple of wimpy guys…so what?” “No, you don’t understand…she’s not big, she petite, and really feminine…but she beat everybody! And it wasn’t even close…Jerry, she’s really strong. I didn’t think a girl could be as pretty as she is and be so strong. And she’s younger than all of us.” “OK…so she’s stronger than some of you guys…you’ll grow up.” “But she’s already younger than most of us! And she said her sister’s strong too, except she’s stronger than her big sister. But that’s not all.” “OK…what else?” “You won’t believe it Jerry, but…she has muscles…big muscles…even bigger than yours. I’ll bet she could even beat you arm wrestling.” I slightly blushed, not enough for Tom to notice, but inside I was in chaos. “Yeah, right” I laughed, trying to hide my desire to meet her. “Bring her over and I’ll beat her.” “Well, there’s something else though…and it’s really bugging me.” Geez Tom…now what?” “Whenever I see her, and think how strong she is…I start feeling kinda funny. But the other guys aren’t like that; at least I don’t think they are. They just want to stay away from her, like they’re afraid of her.” “Hey…if she’s pretty…and you like her…nothing wrong with that.” “I know…but…you know how you feel when you see a girl that’s really gorgeous? Well, she makes me feel that way too, but it’s worse. Whenever I see her I want to touch her muscles…and I mean really bad…and it really sets me off, especially knowing how strong she is. And the way she beat everybody, how easy it was for her…and I think I’m even a little afraid of her too.” Just thinking about his newfound love had me in orbit. The thought of some 15 year old girl, with strength that Tom had described, hadn’t been something I’d ever encountered before, hadn’t even thought possible. I offered some last tidbits of advise, then excused myself to go clear my head, try to put her out of my mind. * * * I thought no more of our conversation for the next couple of days. Nor did I ask Tom about Nikki, knowing full well what the thought of her must be doing to him. Later the next week, however, the end result of our conversation became a ring at the doorbell. I opened the door and there stood two of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. Both blondes, the shorter one was about 5’0”, 100 pounds. It had to be his strong little heartthrob. She was wearing cutoffs, a pink blouse that clung too tightly for her age, and tennis shoes, with the blossoming of a young woman already in it’s late phase. Her yes were a deep blue, her face innocent and I had trouble accepting that fact that this girl could possibly be as strong as Tom said she was. The taller girl was 5’6” or so, about 120 and had curves everywhere. She was also dressed in cutoffs and wore a white top fringed with lace, cut above her middle and with a slight ‘V’ to reveal the slightest cleavage, and sandals. Her body was so beautiful, so alluring, that I’d bet other women even stared at her. Both girls looked muscular, yet their lines were smooth and feminine. The taller one asked, “Are you Jerry?” “Um, yeah, who are you?” “I’m Heather…and this is my sister Nikki…I heard you want to beat up my sister…is that right?” Where did that come from? “What…where’d you hear that?” “That’s what your brother said…one of his friends told me” Nikki replied. “Tom!” I called upstairs. Tom came down…saw the girls…and immediately turned inwards, his shy reserved side showing itself. “Wh…what?” “What did you tell your buddies I said about Nikki?” “I…I…don’ remember…I don’t know” he replied. I looked at Heather. “I didn’t say that. We were just talking about her…and the conversation just got a little carried away I guess.” “Well, what were you talking about?” Heather asked. I looked at Tom, not wanting to betray him, carefully choosing my words. “Tom just mentioned how she beat the guys at school arm wrestling. That was about it.” I glanced quickly at Nikki…and a broad smile came across her pretty face. “Uh huh…what else?” I don’t know why, but I felt compelled to answer her. “Uh…he mentioned…how strong she was…but it was just what she did to the other guys that made him say it. And…he also mentioned…how big her muscles were.” I couldn’t believe what I had just said to this beautiful girl. I felt myself turn red with embarrassment. But the strangest thing just happened. “You’re blushing”, Heather said. “I-I…just didn’t think she could be as strong as Tom said she was.” Heather looked me in the eyes. “She may not look it, but don’t underestimate her strength. She’s very powerful…for her age…or for your age for that matter.” As if on cue, Nikki brought her arm up as though brushing through her hair, and her bicep nearly exploded off her arm! The fabric of her sleeved stretched, and then slid up her arm, and a perfectly round ball of feminine strength captured both Tom and I. And Heather knew what had just happened to both of us, as she motioned to Nikki to quit showing off. But her subtle smile said everything. I saw a smile come from Nikki directed at Tom. I looked at Tom and a Cheshire grin came across his face, and their eyes met. “Did she also say she was stronger than her big sister?” Heather asked. “Heather I’m sorry! I just want to be like you.” Heather stroked her sister’s hair, “I know Nikki...and you will, but you shouldn’t lie. I’ve told you that before.” “I’m tired of guys hitting on me because I’m so pretty…and when they find out about my strength, they just run away. Why don’t guys like strong girls anyway?” Then Tom spoke up, almost too anxiously, “I-I like strong girls Nikki.” “What about my muscles? I suppose they’re too big aren’t they?” “No…I like your muscles!” Realizing what he’d just said, Tom became quiet again, sheepish, but only because Heather and I were there. He was thoroughly taken with Nikki. Heather said, “You shouldn’t be embarrassed Tom. Just because you like strength in a pretty girl is no reason to be embarrassed. If I were stronger than your big brother, he wouldn’t be embarrassed to admit he was attracted to me…would you Jerry?” “Uh…no, no…I guess not.” I gave Tom a little nudge. Tom said to Nikki, “Wanna come in Nikki…we could play some CD’s…or something?” “Sure, I’d love to.” Nikki came in as Tom led her to the basement. As they walked down the stairs I heard her say, “I think it’s cool you like my muscles. You’re sure it’s OK that I’m a lot stronger than you?” Tom was having a good day. * * * I looked at Heather. “Would you like to come in?” “I’d love to…but I have some errands to run tonight…maybe another time.” “Oh…well…would you like to go out…I mean…” “Pick me up at 7 tomorrow night.” She said confidently. I watched her walk down the steps. Her tanned, muscular, perfectly shaped legs cried out to me. A moment later, she turned around and looked back at me. “Jerry…I’m not sure if I could date someone who’s embarrassed by the thought of a stronger girl…and I am stronger than you Jerry. See you tomorrow night.” I leeringly watched her as she walked away, my only thoughts being about tomorrow night. To be continued