Missy and the professor By The Collector An unwitting professor meets Missy’s muscles Copyright 1998 The Collector This story is adult in nature and should not be read by anyone under 21. Send comments to Chuckst35@aol.com It was the last day of classes and I was handing out the final exam taken the previous week, and the final grades with it. The class was here only long enough to get their grades, say their good-byes, and bless me with any comments they might have. As seniors, some would go to graduate school, some to work in good jobs, and some, well, to work somewhere. The class was talkative as I handed out grades. This had been my favorite class. They were intelligent, interested…and the girls, about 15 of a class of 25, were stunningly beautiful, easily outclassing any other class I’d had. And since it was June, they dressed appropriately…short shorts, halters, blouses tied at the waist, sandals, low cut blouses, T-shirts…a couple had said they were models, a couple cheerleaders…they rest were just gorgeous. As class ended, a few filed by me, one by one, saying good bye and the usual end of term well wishes. I made a mental note of all those who said good bye, hoping she would be one of them, but she wasn’t. I gave her a ‘D’, so it was too much to expect a cordial good bye. Missy had been the life of the class, never quiet, always talking but never about class work. She never studied, and her grades, in my class anyway, showed it. Yet she was a straight A student in her entire college career. I didn’t understand it, and after trying hard to get her to study in the short semester, I had given up and concentrated on the students who wanted to learn. Missy was easily the most beautiful girl in class. Where the other girls would stand out anywhere, Missy outclassed them all, and she, and they, knew it. While the men in class were entertaining the other girls, as soon as Missy walked in, they were as second class citizens. I began gathering my things to leave for my office when Missy walked in. She held her exam rolled up in her hand and stood in the doorway, giving me a dirty look. Not ten feet from her, I just stared at her. I had rarely seen her alone for more than a moment, and the sight of her was captivating. I couldn’t even move, didn’t want to move, from my chair. Her right leg was cocked slightly to the right; her beige hi heeled sandals accentuating her lightly tanned legs. Her thighs were wrapped tightly in a denim skirt, easily ten inches above her knees, inviting me to look. Her thin waist was bare, with her beautiful curves rising up to a light pink low cut, blouse that held her large breasts, looking as though they were trying to escape, her nipples outlined themselves on her blouse. I looked at her face, her blonde hair enveloping it, her pink lips betraying a smirk, and her icy blue eyes. “This isn’t acceptable”, she said, waving her exam at me. “You didn’t even answer the questions, Missy. I didn’t have a choice.” She started walking towards me, the slow, deliberate, clicking of her heels against the floor an enchanting sound, as though each step was designed, calculated. “I only took this class because I had to. I want you to change this grade or it’ll spoil my average. I don’t take D’s from you or anyone else.” At her arrogance, I replied, “Missy, I don’t care what you think, I’m not changing your grade, and that’s it.” I watched her as she walked to me, the slowly sat on my desk. She swung her legs next to me, crossing her right with her left. She sensed it, as I immediately became aroused, as my temperature rose, and I became nervous. “Jerry, this is really going to hurt my average. Are you sure you won’t reconsider? I’d be very grateful. And I mean VERY grateful.” As she said that, she brushed her left leg against my arm, sending sensuous flashes of Missy up and down me. She took my hand, placed it on her breast, and I began to massage it. She looked down at me, smiling, knowing she had me. I took my hand away, stood up, and walked to the door. Standing in the doorway, I called to her. “Missy, I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but I’m not changing it, and that’s final.” She pouted, got off the desk and walked towards me. She got to the door, and looked at me, her eyes steely cold. “I’m sorry it has to be this way, I really am Jerry.” She held out her hand to me. I took it, and then she grabbed mine and began squeezing it, then harder. I felt an unbearable pain shoot through me. I grimaced as my knees buckled and found myself moving towards the floor. I tried to free myself, but her grip was too strong. Finally on my knees, she let go. She swung the door closed, then flipped the lock. Then with a snap of her wrist, the lock broke off in her fingers! She looked down at me, giving me a menacing smile. “M-Missy, how’d you do that?” “How’d I do what?” “Th-the door lock. You broke it, like it was nothing.” “Oh, that? That wasn’t that hard.” “B-but, you’re strong. Nobody can be that strong, especially a girl. Especially a beautiful girl.” I was scared. I’d never seen anyone with Missy’s strength, her power. She’d seen that I was overcome with her, helpless to fight my urges, or my admiration, and desire for her. “Does my strength bother you? I really can’t help it if I’m strong Jerry. Girls can be strong too, you know.” She reached down, placed her fingertip under my chin and began lifting me to the floor. As my feet settled, she removed her finger, then ran it lightly down my shirt. “Now, will you change my grade?” Her innocent sounding voice was inviting. I moved my right hand to her breast, grabbing it fully. As I did, I felt a sharp pain across my face as Missy slapped me. My feet left the ground and I flew all the way to my desk and found myself lying on the floor, on the other side! I peered under the desk and watched, seeing only her feet and those beautiful toes walking towards me. She reached across the desk, grabbed me by the hair, and pulled me up. “Maybe you don’t understand Jerry. I can do anything I want with your little body. And you can’t do anything to stop me. Do you understand that?” “Y-y-yes, Missy, I understand.” “Then you’ll change my grade?” “M-maybe, it’s not that easy.” I rose to my feet. Instinctively I reached for her arm, hoping to touch her feminine strength. She pulled away, then reached down under the desk. With one arm, she lifted the desk off the floor. She raised it above her head, then seemingly not knowing what to do with it, held it above me. “Oh, no, god no, Missy, please don’t” I was genuinely afraid she was going to drop it on me. “I’ll do anything, just please don’t hurt me.” She spun the desk on her hand, then, like a feather, tossed it across the room. It crashed in a corner and splintered. I just looked at her, my eyes wide with amazement, not knowing what to do. I looked at her body, she was slightly more muscular than average, yet her strength was incredible. “M-Missy, you’re s-so strong. But I don’t see any muscles.” I was stuttering uncontrollably, totally intimidated by her. She looked at me, then stroked her finger across my face. I wanted her badly and knew she sensed it, but I didn’t care. “Do you want to see my muscles, Jerry?” “Oh, please Missy, please. I’ll do anything for you.” I could see her make a fist with her little hand, and watched as her forearms tensed, and got bigger. A bicep began to rise from her arm, first a small bump, and then…it began to grow. Her seemingly 12-inch arm was expanding rapidly with the slightest movement of her arm. 13 inches, and not yet halfway; a peak had already developed…14 inches…I placed my hand on her arm and felt it growing under me, unable to stop it…15 inches, and only half way…as hard as steel, yet as soft as silk…I felt her peak getting bigger…16 inches, she smiled at me, so proud of her strength, and a final flex and it reached 17 inches! I massaged around and across every inch of her beautiful strength, wanting her more and more the longer I touched it. “Oh, Missy, I can’t believe this. You’re so strong, I can’t help it, I’ll do anything you want…anything.” “Then you’ll change my grade won’t you?” “Of…of course…I’ll do anything Missy…anything at all.” Then she said, to my surprise, “But it wouldn’t be fair if I just made you would it? I should give you something in return, shouldn’t I? I wonder what that might be Jerry?” She walked towards the door; again the only sound in the room was the sound of her heels. She stopped at the door, turned around and looked at me. “Come here, Jerry,” she said, very softly. I walked over to her as she took my hand. She moved closer to me…I could smell her perfume, the scent in her hair…and watch as her lips approached mine. Within inches of my face she said, “I think I know what you want Jerry.” She pressed her lips hard against mine, and then the room went black as she turned out the lights. I soon found out she was as passionate as she was strong.