Lisa By The Collector Strong Girls Need Love Too Copyright 2000 The Collector This story is adult in nature and should not be read by anyone under 21. Send comments to Visit me at “John…will you settle an argument?” Sherry asked as she walked up to me with Lisa. “Sure…what’s the problem?” “Well…I told Lisa she can be twice as strong as any man if she wants to be…but she doesn’t believe me” “I can’t…I’m a woman. I’m really strong…but I don’t think any woman can be that strong” Lisa said. “Well?” Sherry asked me, with a gotcha look on her face. * * * Sherry and I had met at a friend’s party. Our eyes met and we were hooked; though at the time I didn’t realize just how much she had hooked me. We dated for several weeks until one evening things began to warm up. We were on the couch necking, when I grabbed her arm. Her bicep nearly exploded in my hand. “Honey…what…what was that?” I asked as I pulled back and looked into her eyes. “What was what?” she asked innocently. “Your…your arm. It got…a lot bigger,” I said. “Oh…that’s my muscle,” she said nonchalantly. “But Sherry…you’re a girl” “So what? A girl can’t have muscles? Just because she’s a girl?” “But…not like yours honey. They’re…too big. They’re bigger than mine,” I said. I seemed so odd since I was 5’9” and over 170 whereas Sherry was only 5’4” and almost 116. “Well…I’m probably stronger than you, so they should be bigger…shouldn’t they?” she asked. “Honey…you can’t be stronger than me. It’s not…right…or something…I think” “So…you don’t want to date me anymore? Just because I’m strong?” she asked. “No…I do…more than anything. I’ve just never met a girl with…with muscles as big as yours” “Do they really bother you? I mean, I can’t do anything about them. With my strength, they almost have to be this big” “You’re really strong? I mean…as strong as you muscles look?” “Well, you might be surprised at my strength. But when you found out, you’d know why my muscles are so big” “Wow…it’s hard to believe…a girl that looks like you…with that much strength” “If you don’t believe me, I can show you” “I believe you but…could you show me anyway?” “Are you going to run away like every other guy does?” she asked. “They all either think I’m a freak or they run away from me” “No…I promise I won’t run away,” I said. “OK…take off your belt,” she said. I looked at her quizzically, but removed it anyway. Then she held out her arm. “Now wrap it around my arm…my bicep…as tight as you can” she said. “You’re going to…no way,” I said as I wrapped it around, then buckled it. “I’m going to shred it John…just watch” She clenched her fist as the rings on her tiny hand glistened. Then she looked at me and curled her arm. “You’ll see how strong a girl can be,” she said. The belt tightened immediately as she curled her arm. Her face started to strain and I noticed some of the stitching in the belt starting to unravel. “Oh man…Sherry…strong girl…get stronger!” I said. It seemed to inspire her, as the look on her face became even more determined. Then the belt began to stretch what little it could, but the buckle still held fast. Her forearm swelled a bit bigger…her arm seemed to get prettier…and I could tell she was getting stronger. “Your muscles Sherry…. Show me your strong, sexy muscles!” I exclaimed. She looked at me as though I’d said something she hadn’t expected. The belt stretched further than it was intended to as the stitching was ripped out under the strength of her pretty bicep. Then her bicep started to rise as the belt became much thinner. “A muscle girl…a real muscle girl!” I said, totally beside myself. She looked at me and smiled, then looked down at her arm. And with one last exertion of her strength, the belt thinned her bicep rose even higher, the belt tore apart into several pieces that flew off her strong arm. What remained was the biggest, strongest, most beautiful bicep I’d ever seen. I’d never thought of a bicep as beautiful until I’d seen Sherry’s. “You’re so strong Sherry,” I said as I reached for her arm. I placed my hand on it…it felt as strong and pretty as I’d hoped it would. “I know…do you like it?” she asked. As the words came out of her mouth, she uncurled her arm and flexed it again…than again. I held my hand on her arm and twice I felt the strength of her pretty muscle in it. I love it…I love your strength Sherry” I said. “Finally…a guy who likes strong girls” she said. “You…you really mean that? You still want to see me…even though I like your muscles…and your strength?” I asked. “Are you kidding? I‘m not letting you go…and you don’t really have a choice…do you?” she said. She lowered her arm, and slowly brought her lips to mine. They tasted as sweet as any I’d ever tasted…and they belonged to a girl who had muscles bigger than I’d ever have…and was stronger than I could ever hope to be. * * * “I guess a girl…some girls could be that strong” I said. “I still don’t think it’s possible,” Lisa said. “It is too Lisa…do you have muscles? Roll up your sleeve” Sherry said. “I have muscles…they’re OK I guess. Stronger than all my brothers” she said. “Lemme see” Sherry demanded. Lisa curled her arm and her bicep rose, not nearly the extent of Sherry’s, but still much bigger than I had expected…slightly bigger than mine. “John…put yours next to Lisa’s” Sherry said. “But Sherry…” I pleaded, not wanting to be embarrassed. “Do it John…see if it’s as big as Lisa’s” she said. But I knew it wasn’t…and so did Sherry. I flexed anyway and watched as both of them waited to see if I could match Lisa. They waited…and waited…while my face strained under the exertion I was giving. I was trying to will my arm bigger than Lisa’s but I knew it wasn’t going to happen…not in my wildest dreams. They looked at me as my face strained. “See? I told you” Sherry said. “And I’ll bet you’re at least twice as strong as John is too” “I don’t think so…John’s pretty strong…at least he looks strong” “But Lisa…he’s a guy…and you’re a girl. Who do you think is really stronger?” “Well…I am stronger than all my brothers. And two of them have been lifting weights for years. They’re kind of jealous of my strength” “I think its time we found out. You’re going to arm wrestle John,” she said. “Sherry…come on” “Just do it John,” she said. I placed my arm up to meet Lisa’s. “Use both John…you’ll need them” Sherry said. “Sherry…I’m strong, but not that strong” Lisa said. “We’ll find out…GO!” I pushed with only one arm at first, and pushed Lisa’s arm about halfway down only because I was faster. But she recovered quickly and pushed me back much too easily for my male ego…and I knew immediately why her brothers were jealous of her. She had much more strength than I imagined a girl her size could have…but then so did Sherry. Realizing Lisa’s arm wasn’t going anywhere, I pushed harder, this time with both hands. She just looked at me as her arm held fast. I was using all my strength, yet Lisa wasn’t budging. “Wow…am I really this strong? Or are you letting me win?” she asked. “Push harder John” Sherry ordered. “I am!” I cried as I tugged and pulled at Lisa’s arm with everything I had. “What’s the matter John? Sherry asked. “She’s…she’s too strong” I said. Then Lisa looked me in the eyes…and slowly…easily…pushed both my arms to the table. Then she let my hand go. “Wow…I had no idea I was so strong. Strength feels kinda…sexy,” she said. She flexed her arm and Sherry quickly reached for her bicep. “I told you…it’s as hard as mine,” she said. And, I noticed, just as beautiful, though not quite as big. “Guys hate it though,” Lisa said. “Iv'e scared off too many who thought my muscles were too big…or that I was too strong” “I can take care of that. I’m going out of town tonight. John…you’ll take care of Lisa and her muscles…won’t you?” “Uh…yea…OK’ I stuttered, unashamedly aware of my good luck. Lisa looked down at me. “I promise I won’t hurt you,” she said taking my hand. “Be good John” Sherry said as she left. “And by the way…I’ve told her about us…she knows everything John…everything.” As Sherry walked away, Lisa looked at me, her face dead serious. “You know what you’re going to do?” she asked. “Um…I’m not sure” I said. And I wasn’t. “You’re going to make me feel the way you make her feel…very strong…and very sexy.” Then she smiled. I took my hand from her and cradled her bicep in it as we walked away. I squeezed it hard as she looked at me. As she expanded her powerful arm, I saw the look on her face of a girl proud of herself…proud of her strength. And I knew exactly how she wanted to feel…and to do it for her.