Lisa By The Collector Mental Torture or My Baby’s Muscles Copyright 2001 The Collector This story is adult in nature and should not be read by anyone under 21. Send comments to "Honey...I said no" she said emphatically. "But Lisa...why not?" I asked in perhaps a too-childish voice. "You know why...I’ve told you that before" "But it won’t make any difference. Nobody’ll care...and I’ll love it...I promise" "But I might not like it. I don’t want to be a freak or something" "You won’t’ll still be sexy as hell...even sexier" I said appealing to her vanity. "You think so? Really?" she asked. "Honest Lisa..." "Oh just want to play with them" she said. " what? You like it don’t you?" "Yes...but you want me to do it just for you. And it’s a lot of don’t have to do anything" "I know but..." "But nothing. If I’m going to do that, you have to do something too" she said. "Whaddya mean?" I asked. "I know...while I’m doing that, you can get another buy me a bigger ring," she said. Oh oh. "Huh? But I already work 60 hours a week!" "Then I guess I’ll find out how bad you want them...and how much you care about me...won’t I?" "OK...OK...I’ll do it if you want me to" she said. "Well I start looking for another job" "’re really gonna do it?" I asked. "Yes...I said I would...didn’t I?" "I strong...are you gonna get?" I asked. How strong do you want me to be? Once I start lifting weights know what happens" she said. And I did very well...Lisa could gain strength almost by just looking at weights. And muscle just as fast. I wanted her muscles bigger...she was worried about getting too big and she was on steroids or something. But as strong as she is, she’s never looked that way, even when she flexes her pretty biceps. "You’re already strong enough...I just want your muscles bigger" I said. "Honey...I’m only 5’4"...and they’re already big for my size. Get the tape out" she said. I ran to the kitchen and got it. It had the mark on it from the last time I measured her at 15 ½ inches. For a girl of only 110 pounds, she had muscles enough for a guy twice her size. But Lisa was easily stronger than any guy I knew...any two guys actually. She was strong enough to bend my tire iron in half without breaking a sweat. "Can I?" I asked. "You’re such a kid sometimes," she said. As far as I was concerned, Lisa’s strength...and her muscles...were serious stuff. Nuthin’ child-like about it. "Do it me your muscles" she said. She raised her arm...the anticipation always killed me. She did it slowly as she stared into my eyes, knowing full well what her strength and her muscles did to me. I’d do anything for her and she knew it. And she loved that about me too. Her muscle was defined as it rose slowly off her pretty arm. It presented itself slowly as though making a subtle entrance into my libido...teasing me with thoughts of her feminine power as it glistened in the dim light of our bedroom. "See honey? See how pretty it is?" she asked as it rose further into a perfectly round ball that kept growing. She stared at it, then back to me. "Do you wanna touch it baby? You wanna feel how strong I am?" she asked. "Oh Lisa..." I stuttered as I placed my hand on her arm. I threw the tape around it and held it at 15 ½ and watched it grow towards it. "I’m so strong baby...look how big my muscles are" she said. She kept her arm rising until her bicep hit the mark. "Tie it" she said. "Huh?" "Tie it around my arm...right there" she said. "OK" I said. Which I did, into a knot with a own sense of poetry about her. Then she looked a t me. "Happy anniversary baby" she said. Then a determined look came across her face. She moved her arm from the 90-degree angle it was at...and her muscle jumped! The tape snapped off her arm as her bicep ripped through it...and her beautiful muscle got bigger! And not just a little bigger. Her arm filled out and I knew right away she’d gotten stronger, which I honestly thought wasn’t possible. "Oh strong girl!" I exclaimed. I grabbed her bicep and held it in my hands as I would a precious was as hard as one, and even more beautiful. Then I placed a gentle kiss on it. She lowered her arm and I put my arms around her. I felt hers embrace me as she looked up into my eyes. Then she squeezed me enough so that I grimaced slightly. I t was her way of subtly letting me know she was in total control of me and she also wanted to get a more subtle reaction to her strength. "I love you honey" I said. "I love you too baby...and I have something else for you too" she said walking to the dresser. She opened a drawer and pulled out a red garment. She held up a red I’d seen in a catalog and begged her to order. Lisa had a better body than the model who wore it in the catalog...and I knew what it’d look like on her. " you think you can handle a strong, sexy girl like me?" she asked innocently. I loved it when she got this way. I walked to her needing her...wanting her...worse than I can remember. When I got to her, she stuck out her hand, grabbed my shirt, and pulled me to her quickly, almost violently. She looked at me seriously, and then she showed me something else she hadn’t done before. She gripped my shirt even tighter, and then she moved her arm upwards. My feet left the floor slowly. "’re can’t be..." I muttered. "And why can’t I? I’m a girl aren’t I?" "But...your strength Lisa...nobody’s this..." I started. She kept pushing me upward with nothing more than the strength in her pretty arm. "Well I am should know that...shouldn’t you? Don’t you have any appreciation for my strength?" "I do...honey...I do..." I said. She still looked at me with a serious look in her I’d rarely seen, and that I never wanted to be around. "You’re afraid of me...aren’t you?" Afraid of what I can do to you...aren’t you?" "Y...yes...Lisa" I said in genuine fear. "You should be John. You can’t...can you?" she asked. "C...can’t what?" "You can’t handle me...can you? My strength...or my beauty? I’m too much for you aren’t I?" "Y...yes" I said. Then she slowly let me down. "We better re-think our relationship John. I need to be alone now," she said. She walked to the door and opened it as I stood there. She looked at me, waiting for me to move. "!" she exclaimed. I jumped and moved towards the door. "But Lisa..." "Go John...wait for me in the living room. I’ll bring your things out," she said. Oh man...she was dumping me...just like that. I went into the living room and looked around. I’d spent the better part of two years here...and it was gone...just like that. And I felt myself falling apart inside...I was gonna crash and burn...I knew it. Twenty minutes seemed like twenty hours...waiting for her. For one last look at her before she cast me out. It was depressing. I’d never meet another girl like least not one as strong as she was. "John...turn around...I don’t’ want to see your face" she called from the bedroom. "But Lisa..." "Do it John...or else" she called. The ‘or else’ was a no option statement, and we both knew it. So I complied. I heard the bedroom door open, and I sensed her walking towards me. "Don’t move John...I’m only warning you once...and you know what I mean...don’t you?" she asked. "Yes...Lisa" I said meekly. "Close your eyes...I don’t want you to see me...ever again John...ever. But...I’ll give you one last thrill remember me by" I sensed her walking in front of me. "Give mine your hand...your strong one" she said. I held up my right hand. She took it in her left. She pushed down and I found myself being forced to the floor. I could imagine the look on her face. The look of conquest...the look of power...of strength she could summon at will. Enough strength that Lisa knew she could do whatever she wanted to whomever she wanted. The pain in my hand lasted only as long as I fought her and I found my knees touching the floor in seconds. "Did you like that John? And don’t tell me no...I know you did" she asked. "Yes Lisa...couldn’t we at least..." "No John...didn’t you hear me?" she asked. "But Lisa..." I said. I was on the verge of a collapse. I didn’t want her to see it, but I’m not sure I was that good. "Open your eyes John" she said. My eyes were oriented towards the floor. I saw her wearing red heels; her toes painted a bright red. Her legs were parted. I looked up and saw her with her hands on her hips, the red teddy being graced by her wonderful body, and her face wrapped in her luxuriant hair. And she was smiling. "Hi baby" she said quietly. "Lisa..." "Did I scare you honey?" she asked. "Um...yea...a little" I said shyly. "Well...I guess I better make it up to you" she said. She held her hand out for me. I took it then held back. "I need to kiss those first," I said, looking down at her toes. "Later...and if you don’t...I’ll make you," she said. I rose and took her hand and we walked back towards the bedroom. "You’re so weak John," she said. "I know...but you love that about me don’t you?" I asked. " much as you love my strength...and my pretty muscles," she said. We went into the bedroom and closed the door behind us. I loved it when she got like that. It was an outlet she needed that made her feel so guilty afterward for scaring the hell out of me. And her sense of guilt made Lisa the most erotic, beautiful woman I could ever dream of. All that...and muscles too.