Jill By The Collector Unlikely Strength or My Baby’s Muscles Copyright 2001 The Collector This story is adult in nature and should not be read by anyone under 21. Send comments to ChuckSt35@aol.com I had heard of this happening before in the crowd I traveled, but it wasn’t until I actually saw it, almost experienced it that I was made a believer. "That’s them," Joey said as they walked in. I was sitting with Jill, my girlfriend, Joey, her brother, and Anne, his girlfriend. The ‘them’ was a blonde and a brunette that had walked through the front door of the bar. Joey had heard stories about how these two women would walk into a bar like women on the prowl...literally. They had reportedly stole girlfriends away from their guys by appealing to other girls the way most girls wouldn’t dream of. And the poor guys never had a chance. I took one look at them and could see what another girl...anybody...would see in them. The brunette was 5’7" and wore a tight blue, low-cut dress that revealed more of her than most women even had. Her hair was a rich black that swayed slightly as she walked confidently with the blonde into the bar. It was as though he owned it. Her 37D-24-36 body drew more than just quiet sighs as she walked through the bar. The blonde was no different. Also at about 5’7", she had on a tight white skirt, a pink blouse that she filled out more than amply with a 37D-22-35 hourglass body that was sumptuous and more inviting than any woman’s I’d ever seen, save Jill. I could tell every guy in the room was getting a little more than bothered at the sight of them. The looked around the bar, then their eyes fixed on our table. The brunette was first to approach. She came to our table and stood between Joey and Anne. She looked down at Anne then to Joey and smiled to herself. "You’re coming with me tonight," she said to Anne. "No she’s not" Joey retorted. "Yes she is...and you can’t stop me from taking her away from you" she said. Joey stood up. "I wouldn’t..." the brunette said quietly. "Joey...it’s OK" Anne said. But I could tell from the look in her eyes she was as intrigued by the brunette as Joey was with Anne. "Joey...that’s a cute name...but I’d listen to her Joey," she said looking into Joey’s eyes. "No...she’s my..." he started. As soon as the words left his mouth, the brunette grabbed the front of his shirt. Joey put both hands to his shirt, trying to remove hers. Strangely, with all his strength, he couldn’t budge her hand. "You should listen more often Joey," she said. Then she raised him off the floor using only her right arm. "Look at that chick’s strength" I heard someone say. I had never seen a woman so beautiful command such immense strength as easily as she did. I had known girls before that were exceptionally strong, but nothing like her. My eyes quickly gazed at her arm and inside the sleeve of her dress I saw the source of her strength as her bicep swelled s she held Joey. And it wasn’t wasted on Anne either. Anne stood up, and placed her hand on the girl’s arm and squeezed it. "You’re so strong," Anne said quietly. "I know...I can give you something he never will. What do you want me to do with him?" she asked. "I don’t care...I just want you" Anne said. "Anne!" Joey cried. "I’m sorry Joey...look at her. She’s beautiful...and her strength...excites me" she said. "Guess you lose Joey" she said as she dropped him into his chair. Joey started to rise again, but she placed her hand on his shoulder and held him there as he struggled. "Watch this Joey" she said. The brunette took Anne in her powerful arms, brought her lips to hers, and kissed Anne long and passionately. As she pulled back, I could tell Anne was dazed. I had to admit I would’ve been too. Anne moved close to her as the brunette put her arm around her. Anne just curled up next to her as her hand found the brunette’s bicep. She wasn’t going to let go for anything. "Sorry Joey" Anne said. Joey looked totally dejected. I knew he loved Anne and had in fact already bought a ring. During this little scene, the blonde had stood at the bar, just watching. She came to our table, as confidently as the brunette had. "You’re not going to be a problem are you?" she asked me. I started to rise, not having any idea what I was doing. As I did, she rolled up the sleeves of her blouse to just above her biceps. I looked at each one and knew that, even though they were unflexed, they looked too powerful for me to contend with. I’d never been afraid to fight before, but I knew this gorgeous woman was far stronger than I was. Her muscles were waiting for a reason to explode. "They’re as strong as they look...you don’t want to learn the hard way...do you?" she said looking into my eyes. "N...no" I said quietly as I stood up. As quickly as I rose, I felt Jill’s hand grab me and she pulled me back into my chair quickly with a show of force I’d never experienced from her. Then she rose. "I will," she said. "You will what?" the blonde asked. "Learn the hard way...if you think you’re woman enough" Jill said. "Honey...don’t...look at her!" I started. "You better listen to your boyfriend...or your ex-boyfriend," she said. Jill was only 5’2"...but I had never known her to back down from an argument. But I thought she was taking on more than she could handle looking up at the powerful blonde. "You’ll want me more than anything you’ve ever wanted...and all I have to do is kiss you" the blonde said. "Prove it" Jill said. "Jill!" I shouted. "Shut up honey" she said quietly. The blonde moved close to Jill and put her lips to hers. Surprisingly, Jill kissed her back and placed her hands on the blonde’s shoulders. With their lips together, I saw the blonde’s eyes open in a look of stark surprise. I also saw her knees bend as I noticed Jill was pushing her to the floor! Then Jill pulled back. "You bitch!" the blonde evoked as her hands came up. She started to rise from the floor when Jill grabbed both her hands. "You shouldn’t call me names," Jill said. She grabbed the blonde’s hands as the blonde rose. She struggled, trying to wrest them from Jill’s, but found Jill unwilling to let go. Jill’s hands were much smaller, yet she seemed to enjoy having control over the voluptuous blonde. As she struggled against Jill, I watched, as the sleeves of her blouse seemed to jump up and down, as her strong arms seemed unable to overcome Jill’s. It was a side of Jill I hadn’t seen before...and I found it more than erotically stimulating. She was much stronger than her 105-pound body had ever let on. I knew she was strong, but nothing like this. Then with seeming little effort, Jill turned her hands downward and the blonde’s knees bent again. Her eyes opened wide as Jill pushed her downward, forcing her slowly to the floor. I saw the smirk on Jill’s face...she was enjoying herself. I didn’t know if it was her control over the blonde, or the show of strength she was giving she had never displayed before. "You’re...you’re hurting me!" the blonde cried. "I know...can’t handle my strength?" Jill asked. "Let her go!" the brunette cried. She let go of Anne and placed her right hand on Jill’s to wrest it from the blonde. Jill let go of the blonde, then took the brunette’s had in hers. The same strong arm that had lifted Joey off the floor Jill now held in her hand. She twisted it easily and the brunette turned around as Jill put her arm behind her back. She raised it slightly and I saw a twinge come across the girl’s face. "D...don’t...you’ll break it!" she cried. As Jill held the brunette, she still held the blonde with one hand. But she was still unable to rise from the floor, even using both hands. "Have you two had enough?" Jill asked. "Y...yes" the brunette said quietly. Jill let her arm go. The brunette turned around, reared her hand back, and swung at Jill. Jill let go of the blonde, raised her left hand to stop the coming blow, then reared her right hand back and slapped the girl across the face. The brunette moved back a few feet and fell to the floor. She stayed down as the force of Jill’s hand brought the girl to tears immediately. "What’d you do to her?" the blonde asked. "If you don’t behave, nothing compared to what I’ll do to you" she said. "You haven’t seen these yet," the blonde said as she raised her arms parallel to the floor. She curled both arms and her biceps started to rise. She looked up at Jill, ready to attack her as her strength swelled in her arms. As her biceps rose, Jill placed a hand on each of them and stared into the blonde’s eyes. Jill squeezed the girl’s muscles with her small hands and I saw a look of anguish on the blonde’s face. As she curled her arms further, her muscles refused to rise as Jill held them back. "No...no...not my muscles!" she cried. Jill squeezed her arms harder as the girl’s muscles receded in Jill’s small hands. "You...you can’t" she cried. "I just did" Jill said. "Do you want to try anything else?" she asked. She squeezed her arms harder. "Ow...no...no, I don’t" the blonde said. "Then leave...and don’t ever come back. And don’t ever do this again. If I hear about it, I’ll find both of you...I swear it" Jill said. The blonde rose and went to her friend. They looked back at Jill, then thought better of whatever it was they were thinking. As they walked towards the bar exit, a small round of applause arose. It was as though the entire crowd knew they had Jill’s strength behind them. "Honey...how’d you do that?" I asked her. "You don’t know everything about me honey" she replied. And it was true...I didn’t. "Jill...that was so cool...I never knew you had strength like that," Anne said. "How dare you treat Joey like that?" Jill said. "I couldn’t help it...she’s so beautiful. She kissed me...and when I saw her gorgeous muscles...I wanted her so much Jill. And now I’ll never have her" she said remorsefully. It was a bizarre conversation. "Why would you want her?" "Because...of her strength...she’s so powerful, so beautiful. I just need her muscles so much Jill. She’s so sexy" "We’ll be right back," Jill said to me. "Come with me...now" she said to Anne. She and Anne grabbed their purses left for the ladies room. * * * "Anne...you better learn to control yourself...and take care of Joey" Jill said. "I can’t help it Jill...I want a strong girl. I want to feel her muscles around me...I want to feel her strength...and her lips next to mine." "And what about Joey? He loves you...you know that" Jill said. "I know...and I think he’d marry me too. But it’s not the same thing" Anne said. "Of course it’s not. And I know what you’re thinking of right Anne" "What...what do you mean Jill?" "You’re thinking of me...and my strength...and how much you want me to kiss you" "How...how did you know?" Jill moved slightly closer to Anne. She raised her right hand and stroked Anne’s hair, then ran her hand across Anne’s face. Anne took Jill’s hand in hers. "Jill...please kiss me," she said. Jill moved close to her and slightly touched her lips, then pulled away quickly. Anne had moved her hands to Jill’s arms. "What are you doing?" Jill asked. "I wanna feel these Jill...you’re so strong...there must be muscles in here" she said. Jill tightened her arms and started raising them slowly from her sides. "Oh no...oh my" Anne replied. "Jill...you really have muscles Jill" "With my strength, why wouldn’t I?" she said. Then she pulled back and watched the looked on Anne’s face. "That wasn’t fair...you’re teasing me," Anne cried defensively. "It’s not fair the way you treat Joey either" "What’s that mean?" Anne asked. "I don’t know why he wants you, but he does. If you want me Anne...and my muscles...and my strength...you better take care of Joey. And I’ll know...he tells me everything Anne...everything" "You’ll really do that for me?" "Not for you...for Joey. And if you ever say anything Anne...ever...you’ll find out how strong I am...and you won’t like it. Do you understand?" "Yes...I promise Jill...I swear it," she said. * * * The girls came from the restroom. Jill came over and sat next to me, and Anne next to Joey. They looked at each other a bit funny, like something was going on. "Come on" Anne said after a few minutes. She rose and took Joey’s hand and as quick as that they headed for the door. "What are you thinking about?" Jill asked me. "Well...what do you think?" I replied. She smiled and laughed quietly. "I guess I should have told you a little more about me," she said. "I think I’m even more in love with you Jill...than I thought I could be" "And what are you going to do about that?" she asked. "Anything you’ll let me" I said. "That’s right...you don’t have much choice do you?" she asked, us both knowing full well what she meant. But she smiled as she said it. "No...but I have the strongest, most beautiful girl in the world. And I want to kiss every inch of her strong, beautiful body tonight...and watch her flex her sweet muscles...and feel her strong arms around me" I said. I was trying to be cool, but my anticipation was showing. "Think you can handle a strong girl?" she asked. "I’ll prove it," I said as I stood up. I reached down and took her hand as she stood up. I put my arm around her and walked through the bar amidst the jealous stares of every guy in there. As she looked up at me, I put my hand on her bicep. She raised her arm just enough for her beautiful muscle to explode in my hand. Then she looked up at me and smiled. "Is that what you want?" she asked. As I looked down into her pretty eyes, my thoughts went back to how she handled those two powerful women. And I suddenly realized every time I made love to her, I was in the arms of a woman whose incredible beauty and femininity made me feel more fortunate than I deserved. I knew every night now would be different. I’d have the pleasure of being in the arms of perhaps the strongest, sexiest woman I’d ever know. And I’d worship her strength...her beauty...and her muscles...forever.