Elly By The Collector A day in the country or “Well, I ain’t never had me no city boy.” Copyright 1998 The Collector This story is adult in nature and should not be read by anyone under 21. Dear reader: The southern dialect and sometimes broken English used in this story is in no way intended to offend or convey any inappropriate ideas or attitudes towards those of you from the south. It is only intended to aid in the setting and defining the characters, especially the lovely Elly. It is an unusual part of the country, where for some odd reason, all the girls are…well, don’t want to spoil it. A little long, but lotsa fun stuff. Read on. Hope y’all enjoy it. Send comments so I know someone’s reading these to ChuckSt35@aol.com I was driving home to visit family for the weekend. Hungry and running short of gas, I stopped at a small restaurant, a single gas pump outside, in a small town, a proverbial hole in the wall. I walked past two elderly men napping on the stoop and step inside. A small group of men is gathered around a table, the center of attention being a gorgeous blonde. As I walked past, I heard; “Dang, Elly, you shore are strong…let me try.” I nearly tripped over myself, stopping and catching myself in mid-step. Then I watched as Elly arm-wrestled the much larger man, easily pinning him, a determined, but sweet, inviting look on her face. It was apparent she didn’t’ have to struggle to beat him. It looked almost too easy. “I ain’t shore I can beat ya either” another man even larger than the previous one says. And sure enough, Elly easily pins him, and her eye caught me. In my slacks and tie, I’m clearly out of place. Yet, as another man takes his place in front of her, her eyes stayed fixed on me as she again effortlessly pushes his arm to the table. It happens again…and again…and our eyes were locked on each other’s. And more than my eyes were affected by this beautiful girl making easy work of this group of men, some nearly twice her size. As soon as she’s polished off the other four men around the table her attention turns to conversation with them. I didn’t want to turn from those beautiful eyes, but the strength this beauty had just shown was starting to show on me. I moved to the counter as both the waitress and the cook looked my way. The waitress, Myrna, seeing the last few moments says, “You best stay away from that one, sugar. She ain’t right. Last time she left here with a fella, he came back a’walkin’ funny an’ sayin’ somethin’ stupid ‘bout that girl’s muscles…he weren’t right for days.” “Who was that boy Harlan? I ain’t seen him around since the one time.” she asks the cook. “That was Ned and Erma’s boy, I reckon. Went away to live with his uncle as I recall. Cain’t recall his name though, Myrna.” “I remember now…poor Erma…it broke her heart to have to send him away. You know what he used to do?” she asked me. I was listening, but stealing glances at Elly. “Uh, no” I replied, disinterested. “He’d hang ‘round here all the time, waiting for girls to come in. An’ a pretty one’d come in, and he’d go over to her and ask her, real polite like, if’n he could see her muscles. Can you imagine!” “Funny thing is” Harlan added, “Most them girls liked it, seein’ how most the girls ‘round here’s perty strong anyway. Stronger’n most folks.” “Wh-what do you mean?” I asked, my interest suddenly rising. Where was I and what was this place? “See that table over there, with them old coots?” Myrna said. “Well, goin’ on 25 years now, I been watchin’ the local girls come in here lookin’ sassy an’ pretty, arm wrasslin’ an’ showin’ off their muscles, an’ braggin’ ‘bout how strong they is. I ain’t never seen anythin’ like it. Young ladies ought know better.” I was starting to like it here. ‘Where are they?’ I asked myself. “Well, now, Myrna, they was right though. I ain’t never seen a man strong enough could take any of ‘em…not even the young’ns. I remember the first time, young fella, we had a girl come in here…” “Let me tell it Harlan…I remember. It was Ed and Molly’s little girl, Connie, pretty little thing. She wasn’t but 14 at the time. But she came in here and there was a bunch a fellas from out of town and she wanted to arm wrestle ‘em all. Well, she was gonna fight ‘em all if they didn’t, an’ she’d a done it too.” I kept stealing glances at Elly, but wanted to know if there were really more of them…and where were they? She continued, “Anyway, that little girl was stronger ‘n all them big fellas. She done ‘em in right thar at that table and then she told them fellas that her muscles were bigger ‘n theirs. Now I don’t take to showin’ up the men, ‘cept Harlan, but she didn’t care nuthin’ ‘bout that. I watched them fellas and that little girl all a’makin’ muscles an’ it was a pitiful sight. Those fellas looked awful strong, but when Connie raised her arm, I thought it was plum gonna burst! That little girl’s muscles kept getting’ bigger ‘n bigger, like a big round ball, big as a peach. Ain’t no wonder that girl’s strong, them muscles like that, bigger an’ any man’s I ever saw…and her only 14!” “What do you mean…what happened to her?” “She married some fella a few years back. They got three girls now, all of ‘em heartbreakers, even prettier than their Mama. An’ all three girls is even stronger too. Supposedly, there ain’t no girls around stronger than them. An’ the youngest is strongest of all…she’s 19 now, I believe, and the prettiest. I hear tell that some fellas travelin’ through see how pretty them girls are an’ just go to raisin’ a fuss when they start showin’ off their perty muscles.” “That young’ns got bigger muscles then all the other girls too, is what I hear” said Harlan. “Ain’t that the durndest thing, Myrna? Seems like the prettiest ones is always the strongest ones.” “You mean all the girls around here are like that? So where are they? What happened to them?” I asked. Myrna said, “Myself, I think it’s in the water, but nobody knows for sure. But ya know somethin’ else? All the girls ‘round here…they’s all pretty, they’s all strong, and they’s all got muscles to put any man to shame…even the young’ns. Like them two over there.” She motioned to a corner where two teenage girls were sitting. One was a blonde, appeared to be about 15, the other a brunette about the same age. She was right. They were both stunningly pretty. Both looked to be about 5’2”, maybe 100 pounds. “Sure” I said, noticing a smile from both, as I looked their way. “Well, ‘bout a month ago, some o’ them long-haired motorcycle fellas came in here, tryin’ to start trouble. Well, those gomers thought they was gonna have fun with them girls.” Harlan invoked, “You shoulda seen…” “Harlan, let me finish!” Myrna said. Anyway, that one on the left there, the blonde, that’s Emily and the other one is Jessica. Anyway, those fellas tried to get friendly with ‘em, if’n ya know what I mean. Well, I ain’t never seen two little girls scare the daylights outta a bunch a growed men like those two did. Those fellas came over ta their table and started talkin’ right nasty to ‘em, ‘bout what they wanted to do with ‘em. Well, Jessica, she warned ‘em they didn’t take ta that kinda talk and jus’ let ‘em be. One a them fellas reached fer Jessica and Emily jumped up on that table and put one hand on that fellas jacket and lifted ‘im clean off the floor like it weren’t nothin’. Another fella tried to grab Emily, and it was all over after that. Those two girls took ta fightin’ and whooped up on the whole bunch. They plum beat the tar outta all six of ‘em like they was little boys. I almost felt sorry for those fellas. As strong as those two is, the beatin’ they gave those fellas just weren’t right. But them girls warned ‘em though.” “Yep” Harlan added, “Them two young’ns ‘bout the strongest girls ‘round here, and o’ course they’s stronger than all the fellas, by a whole bunch, but all the girls in these parts is anyway. An’ they got powerful big muscles too. Ain’t right, all them perty girls bein’ stronger than the fellas, but ain’t nothin’ the fellas can do ‘bout it.” “Cept Elly, she’s ‘bout the strongest.” added Myrna. Added Harlan. “Funny thing ‘bout all them girls. They don’t like most the fellas ‘round here. Ever once in a while, some fella’ll come through here and take a likin’ to them muscles o’ theirs, and those girls go to fightin’ over him. Strongest one usually wins out, an’ she’s usually the prettiest too. Yessir, them girls go plum nuts over any fella takin’ a likin’ to their muscles. Seems to get ‘em a bit riled, if ya know what I mean.” Harlan raised his eyebrows and winked at me. “Harlan!” Myrna snapped, “That’s enough o’ that no good talk! Just you watch yourself, young fella, ‘round these girls, they ain’t like city girls.” Myrna returned to chastising Harlan as both moved away to tend to the kitchen. I quickly glanced back over to the table as Elly and the men spoke in lower, hushed tones. Elly casually looked at me, then back to the conversation. I turned away, not wanting to appear nosy, but hung on to every word. “Stop that kinda talk Elly…them city folks ain’t like us…he prob’ly ain’t never seen anyone strong as you. An’ you being a perty girl an’ all…not likely he’ll take to that. An’ you jes’ keep them muscles o’ yours put away too, young’n.” “I saw him lookin’ at me…I think he likes me…an’ he’s cute too.” she said. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her rise from the table. She was headed towards me. She was barefoot, dressed in what we now call daisy dukes, and they were obviously made for her. Her body was sensuous, feminine with generous curves, her large breasts prominent, her hair somewhat disheveled, but only adding to her attractiveness. As she approached me, her 5’4” frame became even more beautiful; her lines were sleek and slightly muscular. I looked at this beauty, finding it hard to believe she was as strong, as powerful as I’d seen and heard. She came directly in front of me, smiling, looking me over. “You a city boy, ain’t ya, sugar?” She raised her right arm, grabbing her hair, gently twirling it in her fingers. Her red lips moved up and down as I heard gum popping, and an intermittent bubble passed through them. I watched lustfully as her bicep danced with each movement of her hand, rising and falling in cadence, a bicep much bigger than I’d ever expect on a girl, and bigger than any I’d seen on anyone before. Her eyes caught me, noticing what I was drawn to, and her smile broadened. I’d have crossed my legs if she weren’t right in front of me. “You’re lookin’ at my muscles, ain’t ya city boy?” She asked. I blushed, clearly caught, and embarrassed, not sure how to take her. “I bet you ain’t never touched a girl’s muscles before. I’m powerful strong…’specially for a girl, but I’m stronger’n the fellas too…I saw you watchin’ me whoop those fellas.” “I-I didn’t think a girl…so pretty…could be that strong…” “Them fellas weren’t that hard ta beat…they’s only fellas…not like they’s other girls or anything. But I can whoop all the other girls ‘round here too.” She was shifting from foot to foot, an almost shy, demure look on her pretty face. “I bet you ain’t never seen this before.” Before I could answer, she reached her hand under my stool, grabbed the single leg, and easily lifted me off the floor, balancing me as I shifted, nearly falling off. I looked down at her as I rose up, captivated by her, her smile drawing one from me. “Elly! Put that boy down!” Myrna yells. “Ah think he likes it…don’t ya city boy?” Her eyes pierced mine as I rose up yet further. I didn’t have a clue where this was headed. Was she just teasing me for her own entertainment? Was she, dare I dream, interested? She was so beautiful, yet I still found it hard to believe she was so incredibly strong. “I told you she ain’t right young fella,” Myrna said. She walked off muttering to herself, “That girl thinks o’ nuthin but them muscles o’hers. Why the good lord made a sweet young’n like her stronger’n any five men I’ll never know.” “Elly…you’re really…strong…for a girl…” I uttered, lamely. My hand reached for her powerful arm, wanting to touch the source of her incredible strength, but found it just beyond my reach. She noticed my exasperation and smiled at me. She was teasing me, not that I didn’t enjoy it. And then yet another bubble passed through her pretty lips. “I bet I’m a whole lot stronger ‘n you too.” she says coyly. It was a bet she knew she’d win, but she enjoyed the game nonetheless. I blushed, not sure what to say, then I hear murmurs from the table looking on. She set me down, then moved closer to me. “You don’t say much fer a city fella. Cat got your tongue sugar?” “N-no…I’ve just never seen…anyone like you…Elly…” I was smitten, shaken, she had me and there was nothing I could do. Me! Educated, somewhat sophisticated, levelheaded, being overwhelmed, my libido rearranged, by a sweet back-woods muscle princess! “I bet you wanna see what’s under here, don’t ya?” she asked. She was slowly pushing up the sleeve of her top to her shoulder, resting her right hand on my thigh. My face flushed as I grinned broadly, placing my hand on hers, gripping it tightly, too tightly. It sent a message and from that moment she knew I wanted her badly. She slid her hand out from under mine and raised her powerful arm in front of me. As she tensed her arm, curling it slowly, her bicep appeared. Her eyes caught mine and I heard another bubble pop as she smiled at me. “You sure you wanna see my muscles city boy? They’s powerful strong.” Her eyes stayed fixed on mine, as I didn’t need to answer. She was enjoying toying with me as much as I was enjoying her. She curled further, slightly faster as her eyes turned to her arm, then back to me, and her lightly tanned bicep seemed to explode from her thin arm, rising easily, higher, perfectly round, it glistened as the light reflected off it. I moved my hand up to touch her and she backed away! She was still toying with me, taking advantage of my vulnerability. She looked me dead in the eyes, somewhat more serious, and passed another bubble through her pretty lips. She moved closer, then whispered, only loud enough for me to hear, “You ain’t never been with a girl whole lot stronger ‘n you, have ya?” I shifted uneasily in my chair, my body sending her an answer louder than I could have spoke. She smiled, giggled lightly, and I heard quiet laughter from the rest of the room. I thought I was being embarrassed, but really didn’t care. I reached for her arm, but she gently pushed my hand away. “Ohhh, I know what you want sugar.” She taunted, lowering her arm. She backed away from me, then turned and headed towards the door, her perfect legs and supple rear swaying sensually, her hand again twirling her hair and I heard a familiar bubble pop again. She stopped at the door and turned sideways, then motioned me to her with her finger. “Elly!” calls the waitress. “You watch it or I’ll be callin’ your Mama.” A man at the table quietly says, “Oh-oh, I think she’s got ‘im.” “Well…I ain’t never had me no city boy!” She replies defensively. Her eyes turned back to me, a slight pout on her sweet lips, her toes sweeping gently across the floor. She curled the arm at her side and her strength again jumped off her arm. Myrna whispered to me, “Remember I told you ‘bout Connie’s girls? Well, Elly’s the youngest. But don’t worry, she’s a nice girl, if’n you treat ‘er right. If’n ya don’t, her sisters’ll be lookin’ fer ya too…after she’s finished.” I hurriedly stepped off the stool, stumbling, abandoning all humility, as though she wouldn’t be there if I didn’t. Emily called, “Watch it city fella, she’ll break your heart.” Then one of the men calls out, “If’n she don’t break his arm first.” The room erupted in laughter as I felt the crushing strength of her hand taking mine, leading me out the door. * * * As I got up the next morning, my body ached with sensations I’d never thought possible. We hadn’t slept. Her stamina and the incredible power in her body were more than I could handle. But each time my hands crossed her body, I was exhilarated by her strength; each embrace of her powerful arms, each touch of her sweet lips recharged me as I found new territories on her sensuous body to explore and excite her. And I was ‘a’walkin’ funny’ as Harlan would later note on a comment from Myrna. We showered and dressed, then headed for the restaurant. We got out of the car, hand in hand, and walked in. I went to call home as she stepped to the counter and Myrna quickly walked to her, giving me a slow smile. “Myrna…I had so much fun last night. Know what…I think he loves me.” “Elly…now I warned you ‘bout that.” “It’s true Myrna…I think he does. He said he ain’t never met no one like me, me bein’ so powerful and all. He ‘bout lost control when I showed him my muscles.” “You don’t have to tell me everything, Elly.” “Know what else he said…he said loves it that I’m so strong…and so pretty…an’ he told me how much me bein’ so strong and powerful turns him on. Ah ain’t never had a man say things like that to me.” “Elly…I do tell…I think you’re fallin’ in love young’n…but you be careful…most fella’s likely to say anything.” “Well, maybe I am…but ya know what else? He likes to kiss my muscles…and I like it!” “Glory be girl…such talk… what would your Mama say?” “I can’t help it Myrna…lots of fellas like me cause I’m pretty…he likes me cause I’m powerful strong too. An’ know what else? He said ‘cause I’m so strong and perty, he don’t ever wanna leave here. Ima gonna marry him Myrna. I know he loves me, I shorely do.” “Well, don’t you go off doin’ somethin’ stupid now young’n.” “But, Myrna, he’s the first fella that likes to see me show off…and you know I like to show off. An’ he don’t mind me bein’ stronger than him…and he loves my muscles…he said they’s the hardest thing he ever touched…an’ he likes ‘em bein’ as big as they are…he said he ain’t never seen no girl strong as me. An’ know what else he did?” “Now what Elly?” “He kissed my toes…he really did. An’ I liked it too. I thought it was so sweet. He done things ain’t no fella ever done with me. He made me feel like he really wanted me Myrna.” “Here he comes, Elly” I sat down next to Elly, totally captivated by her. She placed her arm on my back, gently rubbing it affectionately. She looked at me, asking if I’d reached my family or not. I replied, “I told them I’d be there next weekend…I had something more important to do this weekend.” A smile as bright as sunshine came to her face as she reached across, grabbed me with both arms, and kissed me. Harlan came up, got our order from Myrna, and placed it on the grill. He came back a few minutes later with our breakfast and joined the conversation. “Now” he asked, “What’d you young’ns do last night?” No sooner were the words out of his mouth when Myrna slapped him on the back of the head. “Harlan, mind your manners!” Myrna chided. “Ow, dang it Myrna, ah didn’t mean nothin’.” We made conversation with Myrna and Harlan, and quickly devoured breakfast, neither of us having eaten since we’d met the day before. I’d have been content to spend the rest of the day there. I needed to physically rest, but it wasn’t meant to be. “C’mon sugar,” she said. I liked it when she called me that, but she called everyone that. But I still liked it. She took both my hands and dragged me off the stool, and then we put our arms around each other and walked towards the door. As she looked up at me, her sweet face told me I knew the rest of the day and night would be as pleasurable as yesterday, but painful. I found her irresistible, insatiable, and I wanted more of her. In spite of our differences, we were good for each other. She was warm, tender, loving, funny, feminine, and she loved to tease me. And she loved to be held, adored, complimented, and stroked like a kitten. Her sweet vulnerabilities made her strength all the more sensuous. As I looked at her, the thought that this beautiful, powerful woman needed, and wanted, my attention was exotically appealing. The hour we’d spent sitting hadn’t been good for me. It was as though rigor had set in as I got up. I struggled to keep up with her as she teasingly walked faster, taunting me playfully. Then I heard Harlan burst out laughing. “Boy, you shore you’s up to it?” He bellowed. As we walked to the door, I smiled beyond the pain as I heard; “Ow, dang it Myrna! Now what’d I say?”