WANDA By Chelgi Part 5 "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK, I'M HAVING A BALL. EVERYBODY LOVES ME, AND THE CHIEF WANTS ME TO BE ONE OF HIS FIREFIGHTERS, THE BIGGEST FIREFIGHTER." and her laugh was rolling thunder. "HE'S GOT OFFERS FROM SEVERAL CLOTHING MANUFACTURES FOR ME TO MODEL THEIR CLOTHING. NOT ONLY WILL THEY MAKE ME FREE CLOTHING, BUT THEY'LL PAY ME REAL GOOD FOR MODELING IT. EVEN A BOOT COMPANY WANTS TO MAKE BOOTS FOR ME TO FIGHT FIRES IN." "Well, I don't usually give the giantesses a chance to ask to stay giant, I just bring them back to their normal size and then get them out of the spotlight. But then that's usually because they have caused nothing but problems as a giantess, and I simply make the giantess disappear, as quickly as she showed up. That way, no body ever knows what happened. But you, you're a new problem. You haven't stomped anyone, or anything, If we don't count Charlie's car, and he says not to worry about that. "OH, CHARLIE, I SAID I'D BUY YOU A NEW ONE, YOU NEEDED A NEW ONE ANYWAY." "Well, I sure do now." and I laughed at Wanda, and turned to Granny, "You know after she stepped on it my car was flat as a pancake, totally flattened out, no more than a couple of inches thick. She threw it like a Frisbee, sailed it more than a mile or so. Granny looked at Wanda for a few moments, then said, "Well, Wanda, if you want to stay big, and the fire chief really wants you to stay big and help fight forest fires, I guess we can let you. As long as you stay out of trouble. Now what is this about a police chief?" "WELL, THERE'S THIS POLICE CHIEF UP IN WESTPOINT THAT RAPED ME A FEW YEARS BACK, AND THEN REFUSED TO LET ANY OF HIS MEN TAKE A REPORT, OR DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, JUST LAUGHED. HIM, I'M GOING TO STOMP WHEN I GET THE CHANCE." Granny looked at her for a few moments, "Tell you what Wanda, you're a real good example for giantesses, let's not ruin your image. I know how you feel about this jerk, but how about letting me take care of him for you. I have another product that's just the opposite of what you took. Suppose I give him a little shot, and that's what it is, little, and he just disappears for a while. Then I suppose if you really want to get him yourself, I could let you have him. Of course if you're still the size you are now, you could hardly find him. Maybe a little locket for you, or something like that? Would you settle for that?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN A LITTLE LOCKET FOR ME?" "Since you're going to have fire fighter's clothes, and things like that, we could put the police chief in question, in a little cage or locket that you could wear and let you have him. You'd have to feed him and take care of him and all that stuff, but he'd be yours to do with as you want to. The only thing is, you have to make sure the media doesn't ever find out about him. If you stepped on him, out here on the pavement at your present size, no one would ever find enough of him to determine what it had been. But we'll leave it up to you, if you'll do it our way." Wanda smiled, then giggled, "I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT TO WITH HIM?" . You can't show him to the papers or TV or anything like that. But just let him disappear, OK, or flatten him into a tiny grease spot? OK. But if the papers or TV finds out, you're back to 'little Wanda' and out of sight yourself. Do you agree?" Wanda Grinned, "SOUNDS OK TO ME, I'VE ALREADY GOT SOME GOOD IDEAS FOR HIM. HOW ABOUT IF I.... NEVER MIND, JUST SO NOTHING ABOUT HIM GETS INTO THE MEDIA, RIGHT?" and she dropped her eyes suggestively toward her waist. Granny laughed, "I guess that would be sort of appropriate.... As long as no one but us ever knows about it. You know what I mean. He's yours, if you keep everything right, and you can be the biggest fire fighter, too. And this looks like the Chief coming now. Lets see what he wants, and don't tell him who I am, just an old friend. OK." "IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT." "It is, thanks." The big woman said and put an arm around my shoulders. "and you keep quiet too, right." I smiled up at her, only inches from having one of her big boobs in my mouth, "As long as I can get hugs like this from you, from time to time." She shook me in her arm. "You better be good, one way and I'll give you nice big hugs like you like and the other way, you'll just be a little charm for my ankle bracelet." "OK, OK, I'll be good. But being on your ankle does sound kind of good to a guy that likes women's feet like I do.." and I grinned at her. "She giggled, and said, "Maybe we can work something out." and smiled down at me. "We'll see, we'll see... But I thought you were Wanda's." "I'd sure like to be, but you saw how quickly I lost out to those firemen didn't you." She grinned, "I'll have to talk to Wanda about that, too." Chief Brown's car pulled up and stopped just a few yards from Wanda's giant feet and the Chief got out and walked over to where Granny and I were standing. "Hi, Charlie, how's everything going?" "Great, once your guys explained to the guard, or what ever he is that we were supposed to be here. He was all pissed off that Wanda didn't come in through the front gate. We tried to explain that she'd have crushed big craters in the roads when she stepped on them, but that didn't seem to bother him, she had to come in the 'right' way. Until your firemen straightened him out." "Yeah, he'd be a real pain in the ass if we let him. We found out a long time ago that he's just a watchman and has no clout and very little authority. The best thing for us is to just ignore him. It really pisses him off and we love it. How's my new firefighter doing?" "She just had a ball letting your guys give her a 'shower' with their aerial hose truck." "Did it go all right?" "Well, that depends on how you define all right. She had a ball with her exotic 'shower' and the firemen had a ball giving it to her, and I do mean giving it to her..." "I'm not even going to ask, a naked woman as big as she is, and the aerial hose guns, manned by my firemen. Did they wash anything besides her tits?" and he laughed. Then he realized that the huge 'man, next to me was a woman!' He turned red, and stuttered, "I-- I- I'm sorry, Mam, I didn't realize that you were standing there. I mean... I..." and he stuttered off into silence and Granny saved him. "Chief, I think that you mean that you didn't realize that someone as big as I am was a woman.. It's perfectly all right, It happens quite often, and I'm used to it by now. I'm Helen, an old friend of Wanda's and came up to see her when I saw all the news about her. I guess between Charlie and I, we're sort of Wanda's agents, or what ever it is you want to call us, when the main thing we do is to try and keep her from getting into trouble." "I guess you could call that her agent, I've got some papers for her to sign to become a forestry fire fighter." Granny spoke up, "Well, that's what we are here for, we want to see what she's signing before she signs it and make sure that you don't tie her up where she looses too much or can't get out of the contract, should a better contract, or opportunity come along." The chief laughed, "Well actually that's what I want too. I've been watching her all day when she was working and I think that she's really a wonderful person and I'd personally hate to see her get all mixed up with some bureaucratic nonsense that would tie her all up, when there are a lot more profitable ways or things she could do. We, or I, or Wanda, already has several offers from various manufacturers for her to advertise products. Some of which I don't think it would be good for my firefighters to advertise, but its up to you and her. Some of them of course would be great for both of us, the department and Wanda. Those I don't think we'll have any problems with. Like Levi's and Red Wing Boots. If she does what they want, in the contract I have, we'll both have good publicity, the fire department, and Wanda, and they're written so she can get out anytime she wants, with some small restrictions. Like she can't advertise another similar line for so many years, or something like that." "That's one of the things that I want to watch for, I don't want her tied up in such a way that she can't pick up another line for advertising for too long a period, or too broad a selection of clothing that she can't advertise, so even though she thought she signed up just with Levi's, she still can't advertise for dresses, or something like that. Now, I also understand that you might want some more girls like her for fire fighters. Is that right?" The chief looked at Granny for a few moments, "Well, yeah, but where could we ever get another woman like her, I mean I don't think that there are any other hundred fifty foot giantesses around, that I could sign up to fight fires for the forestry division." "What I want to know is what are you willing to pay these girls?" "What girls?" the chief said, with a startled look on his face. "Well, earlier today you said on TV that she was easily worth a couple battalions of firemen, and a dozen bulldozers too. How much is that in money?" "What do you mean, how much is that in money?" "Just what I said, how much is that in money? How many men are there in a battalion of firemen, and are you willing to pay Wanda, the equivalent of that many salaries, plus the maintenance and running cost, or is that the purchase price of a dozen bulldozers, or both?" "Well, now that I've shot my mouth off, lets see what we're really talking about. Let's see a squad is a Lieutenant and eight men, there are three squads in a company and four companies in a battalion, and a captain for each company, and a chief for the battalion. So... that's ninety six men, twelve lieutenants, four captains, and a chief. Total personnel in a battalion. We have to play a little guessing game here, new men don't make as much as older men, so taking a rough average on the salaries, guessing.. the men would average about thirty thousand a year, the lieutenants close to fifty thousand, a captain around sixty thousand and a chief, sixty five thousand, so we add it all up and get," The chief pulled out a little pocket calculator and started multiplying and adding, his face dropping as he calculated.. "That's uhuu.... two million eight hundred eighty thousand for the men, uhuu.... six hundred thousand for the lieutenants, two hundred forty thousand for the captains, and sixty five thousand for the chief.. that comes to three million, seven hundred eighty five thousand dollars a year... And I said, two battalions?" Granny laughed, "Yeah, that's what you said... plus the dozen bulldozers, cost of purchasing and maintaining them, on a fire line." and she laughed. "We might be able to consider that, when you throw in all her meals and the hangar for her barracks." and she ended up laughing. The chief joined Granny in laughing, "Well, can she play quarterback for the New York giants? They might be able to pay her that much, but I'll guarantee, the forestry department would go into apoplexy if I even suggested something like that. And that's not even thinking about the bulldozers, a dozen bulldozers? Add another million dollars for that, and we'd have an epidemic of heart attacks at headquarters if I even suggested it. Just for fun let's see, two battalions, seven and a half million, a million for the bulldozers, and another million for the maintenance, almost nine million dollars, and her food, she eats a lot, housing.... Lets say the whole package around ten million dollars a year.. Probably a little high for the department.. How about settling for one million a year?" "I don't know, you said she can do the work of two battalions, why not pay her for them, or at least one? How about three million a year?" "The department would never stand still for it. One person getting paid three million a year? Even the president of the United States doesn't make that much." "And he's not a hundred fifty feet tall and can't do the work of a hundred people either." Granny said. If I used the films we took today of her putting out that big out of control fire, maybe I could get a million and a half out of them. By representing her as a complete battalion herself." Granny stepped up beside the chief and looked down on him from very close. "I'll tell you what, suppose I could get you three more girls like Wanda, and put them to work for you as a giantess team, think you could get ten million for all four of them? If we had a team of four, they could do more toward quelling fires than a dozen battalions, they have little trouble getting to even the most remote fire, require little equipment, and can really douse a fire, like Wanda did today. Maybe something like a Government grant for a new fire program, with you as head, getting some pretty good pay too. If we put a time limit on how long it was going to run, say five years for a study, think maybe we could get it by." "Ten million for four, hundred fifty foot gals? Hmm... A government grant, for a five year study? You know, that just might fly, but where are you going to get me four hundred fifty foot woman?" Granny laughed, "Well, you never would have believed that I could have gotten you one. Now you doubt that I can come up with three more.. No problem.." "Honey, there aren't four giantesses like her in the whole world, much less here in California." Granny chuckled, "Last week you would have bet your whole years pay that I couldn't come with 'any' hundred fifty foot women, Right? Now, you doubt me when I say I can get you four. You just aren't a good believer, in magic, are you? They have to come from around here?" and Granny laughed. "I may have to do a little scouting to get the right temperaments and the right girls, but I think I can get it done." "I'm beginning to believe that you know more about this giantess showing up, than you're telling. Right?" "We all have our little secrets." and she giggled. The chief laughed, "Wanda, isn't exactly a 'little' secret. Where'd she come from?" Granny chuckled and said, "There are more things in Heaven and Earth....." and smiled an 'I've got a secret' smile at the Chief. "I'll tell you what, I can't make any promises, right here and now, but I'll work on the department, with today's films, I know I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do anyway, but maybe this may make the whole thing a little easier, by explaining to them that this is a secret trial project. What about giant men? Could we get some giant men? They might buy that a little easier." "Sorry, don't I don't work with men." and under her breath so no one could hear it, "and neither does my formula." "OK, its Saturday, let me have a week, and I'll meet you and your four girls right here next Saturday morning, for a little demonstration, to the brass, if I have to. All right?" Granny looked down on the man and hesitated, "Well, that's a little quick, but just for a demonstration, right?" "Right, no guarantees, money, the project or anything. Except that I'll be here next Saturday at ten am to meet four, hundred fifty foot giant women. All right?": "We'll be here, four one hundred fifty feet tall girls and their escort radio men, and me for the money." and she laughed.. The chief turned around and looked at all the firemen standing around watching him and Wanda. "All Right! Lets get out of here, you guys all get into the other hangar, this one's Wanda's. MOVE IT!" and the firemen started to scatter, moving slowly toward the other hangar. "And don't let me hear of any of you here tonight! And that's an order!" There was a rumbling thunder, as Wanda laughed, "CHIEF, WHAT ABOUT MY SEXUAL HARASSMENT TEAM?" "If you're going to work for me, you can forget about that. Most of these guys are married, and the others will only cause problems if they get into anything like that. Leave 'em alone, Wanda." "SPOIL SPORT. I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE THAT WAY." "Just looking out for my firemen." "I'LL BE GLAD TO LOOK OUT FOR THEM, CHIEF." "I'll bet you would." Granny chimed in, "Wanda, there's something I need to talk to you about, let the firemen go tonight. You can play with them later. OK?" "OH, GOD, ANOTHER SPOIL SPORT. BAH HUMBUG. AND I SUPPOSE YOU'RE AGAINST ME TOO, CHARLIE?" "Yeah, I don't want you with any firemen, I'm jealous.. You were supposed to spend this weekend with me." Another thunderous laugh, "I WOULD HAVE, IF, YOU HADN'T FUCKED UP. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT, SO DON'T COMPLAIN TO ME, JEALOUS. HA!" Look at this the hundred fifty foot woman, that's going to become world famous and make more than a million dollars a year, and she's telling me 'I fucked up' Honey, I talked you out of stomping a town and loosing all your property and now made you famous and rich, and I screwed up? Go ahead Granny, tell her, you were going to make her back into 'little Wanda' and send her back to the clerk's job before I helped you change your mind. Right?" "Well, you did help. But her fire fighting and the chief did most of the influence toward letting her remain as a giantess." "And Wanda, who suggested a certain giantess I know help with the fire?" "OK, YOU'RE RIGHT, YOU DID. I'M GLAD I DID WHAT YOU SUGGESTED INSTEAD OF WHAT I HAD INTENDED TO DO." "Just one thing, Wanda, I love you! I came up here this weekend not to just take advantage of 'little Wanda,' but to ask you to marry me." and he reached into his pocket, "Here's the ring, still in the box. A little small for you now, but here it is. I know you don't want a three inch husband, so I won't insult you by asking you to marry me, and even though I still love you, I don't know how I could marry a hundred fifty foot woman." and he laughed, "It might be a little hard to carry you over the threshold on our wedding night." Granny was laughing, "You came up to the mountains to ask her to marry you?" "I sure did, I've been wanting to get her to marry me for a couple of years now. I was hoping that this weekend was the chance where I could get her in a romantic mood and get her to marry me. See, here's the ring." and he held a little ring box out for Granny to see. She took the box and opening it, looked for a minute and said to Wanda. "Wanda, I know you would have trouble seeing this little ring, but it's really not so little, a really nice ring, and Charlie's a pretty good guy, you really could do a lot worse, and he says he still loves you. Why don't you agree to marry him? I could help with some of your problems. OK?" "YEAH, THAT'S JUST WHAT I NEED, A THREE INCH TALL HUSBAND. WHAT SHOULD I DO, CARRY HIM AROUND IN MY POCKET? JUST IN CASE I GET LONESOME? AND SINCE I'M NAKED AND DON'T HAVE A POCKET, GUESS WHERE I'D HAVE TO CARRY YOU, CHARLIE? LOOK HE'S NOT MUCH BIGGER THAN MY LITTLE FINGER, I JUST HAD FIVE MEN ALL BIGGER THAN HIM, AT THE SAME TIME COMPLETELY INSIDE ME, HE'S SO SMALL I ALMOST LOST HIM WHEN HE DID GET INTO ME. WHEN I CAME, I CRUSHED HIM SO BADLY, HE PASSED OUT. I DON'T THINK WE'D HAVE A VERY SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE THAT WAY. HUH, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO CARRY ME ACROSS THE THRESHOLD, I COULD BE YOUR HOUSE. JUST COME ON IN TO YOUR NEW HOME, CHARLIE... " and she laughed thunderously as she spread her legs opening herself toward him. Charlie looked up at her titanic body, and the canyon like walls of her thighs, and the gaping cave of her pussy. "I think she's right, Granny, I don't think it would work out too well. I love her, but it just wouldn't be practical. Damn.. Damn.... Damn.." and he rammed the ring box back into his pocket. Granny reached out and put her hand on his arm. "What if she was this way only one week out of three? Would you marry her then? Or some other arrangement, where she was a giantess only every other week, or something like that? How about that?" Charlie looked up at the big woman, then up at the giantess, then back at Granny, "You could do something like that?" "I never tried it, but I don't know any reason it shouldn't work. I've got potions to grow her and to shrink her back to normal. We could work something like that out. and let other girls be the firefighters when she's small. What do you say, Charlie?" "Well would Wanda go along with it? She'd have to be happy with the arrangement, to do something like that. Let's ask her." Granny smiled, "Fair enough, and if you feel that way, I think everything will work out just right with the two of you. Let's tell her about it and get her opinion on it, then work out the details." Granny and Charlie walked out to Wanda's shoulder, and started telling her about the one week as a giantess and one week off as a normal person. She looked down at Charlie and Granny for a minute, then said, "Granny, how long does it take to become a giantess with your formula, if I were to take a pre-measured portion to make me this big?" Granny looked up at the titanic woman, "Well, if you just chugged a dose it would normally take about twenty minutes to half an hour, why?" "Well, we'd have to talk with the chief, but what if I and the other girls lived in normal barracks at normal size until we were needed for a fire, and then chugged a bottle of your potion and became giantesses on need? That way we could live normal lives, I could marry Charlie, and it wouldn't cost the fire department, or forestry department so much to maintain four giantesses. They could put us up like any other firefighters, until we were needed and then they could have three or four giantesses to fight the fire if they needed us. Then if you left us the shrinking formula too, we could take it after the fire and go back to normal size." Granny looked at Charlie, then up at Wanda's huge smiling face. "Charlie, how come we aren't as smart as her? That's the best solution ever, just become a giantess when they are needed. Why wouldn't that work?" "I don't know Granny, it's your formula, would that work? and could they take it just for pictures, or interviews or measurements for clothes for the giantesses?" "We'd have to make sure that the bottles were kept locked in a safe so that only the girls could get at them, when they wanted them. What about that chief?" "What's that Granny?" "Instead of having a half dozen giantesses to support, you would have a half dozen normal, or at least almost normal girls, I'd have to properly screen them of course, then when you need them they could take their medication and become giantesses and get to work for you. How would that work? Sure be a lot cheaper than building special headquarters and feeding half a dozen giantesses. I mean half a dozen sides of beef for one meal? I think that's what Wanda ate this afternoon. Right?" Wanda laughed, "That's because that's all there was, I could have eaten another half a dozen without any problem. They were good little snacks." and she grinned. The chief looked at Granny, then at me, and then up at Wanda, "Well, we could save a little money that way, and it might even be easier on the girls, wouldn't it Granny?" "Well, yeah, they could be normal women, go shopping and everything like normal woman. Then when you need them, become giantesses and fight the fires." "Well, let me ask you one more money saving question. Would we have to pay them as much? Working it that way?" Granny grinned at the chief, "Save you some money, heh? Trying to save even more? Tell you what, how about if we give you six girls, and you could have a standby schedule so they would always have at least three on duty at any one time, and the other three could come to your aid in case of emergency? Would that work, let's say for ten million dollars a year? That'd make a million and a half dollars for each of the girls, and another million for the system. How would that work out?" "I don't know if the forestry department could go that high, for the girls?" "Well, you present it to them, complete with the video you had today for her ability to fight your forest fires, remembering that she was untrained, and we would train the next girls to be more efficient, and make them even better fire fighters. Like, how much money would you have spent for the rest of the week to put the fire out like Wanda did in one afternoon? You had already spent more than ten million fighting it during last week, and with half a dozen giantesses like Wanda, available to you on demand, you could put it out in an afternoon, before it got out of hand and caused as much damage as this one did, before our giantess put your fire out. Right?" "OK, let me present it to the department and lets meet next Saturday. You'll have the giantesses and I'll have the contract, right?" "If I show up here with half a dozen giantesses, you damn well better have a pretty damn good contract for them. How many fire trucks do you think six cute little hundred fifty foot giantesses would stomp if you don't have a good contract for them?" The chief grinned, "Well, since you explained it so clearly, I'll tell you what Granny, I'll try for fifteen million, and settle for ten. Actually with the video and the news reporter's comments, today alone, I should be able to get the whole fifteen million, for a half dozen giantesses, without much squabble. I mean we were going to ask ten million for Wanda alone." "For fifteen million you got a deal, and a happy bunch of giantesses." and Granny put one big arm around my shoulders and not only hugged me in a fantastic hug, but gave me a big sloppy kiss with her huge sensuously plush lips too, that set my blood boiling. Damn, she was good looking, and so lusciously big too. Maybe Wanda was entranced with the firemen, but maybe I could have a chance with Granny, I really needed to find out her real name, I couldn't go around in love with a 'Granny!' The Chief said, "OK, fifteen million a year for six, hundred fifty foot giantesses. I'll meet you here next Saturday at ten in the morning. I'll have the contracts for six giantesses, and you'll have six giantesses here for me to inspect. Right?" "I'll have six giantesses here, if you want to take a chance and inspect them, that's up to you. How brave are you?" and she laughed.. The Chief said, "Sounds good to me, I wouldn't mind inspecting half a dozen women as big and beautiful as Wanda, especially if they were as cooperative as she seems to be with the firemen." and he walked out to his car laughing and grinning. Leaving Granny and me all alone, if you don't count Wanda, and she was busy looking at the firemen. Granny put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me around to her, "Well, little man, that leaves us all alone, are you sure you're up to it?" "Up to wh..... Mmmphhh...." and her lips engulfed mine and her huge body began squirming and rubbing against mine as she squeezed me tightly in her arms crushing me against the tremendous breasts nearly level with my head. Her hips ground against me and my prick rose quickly to the challenge. One huge hand engulfed my ass and I was lifted from the floor as she rubbed hard against me thrusting her hips erotically against me again and again. "Want to go up to one of the offices upstairs, Wanda might get upset if we were right here doing it in the open." Granny giggled, it sounded funny coming from such a large woman, "I think Wanda's got about the same thing in mind, there's four of those firemen who were told to stay in the other hangar, sneaking up between her legs." and Granny squeezed me again rubbing against me as she kissed me with a passionate open mouthed kiss, and held me with my feet dangling a foot off the floor as she held me in her huge arms and rubbed my body against hers. We went up the stairs and it took us only a few moments to find a furnished room with a couch and chairs. "OK, 'Granny' I can't make love to 'Granny,' what's your name?" "Helen, and you want to bet whether 'your girlfriend', Wanda, takes 'em all four at once or not?" I laughed, "No bet, you know she will. If the Chief comes back, he won't find any of his men with Wanda, unless he gets a tour too." and my laughter was smothered by Helen's big sensuous kiss, her tongue writhing erotically in my mouth, as she pulled my shirt off. I was pushed back onto the couch and was grinning and laughing to myself as I quickly found myself beneath Helen's huge body with her astride me as she pulled her skirt up and wriggled against me. I was being raped by this gargantuan woman, and thought it was absolutely wonderful as I rose to meet her erotic thrusting hips. I rubbed my hands along the huge smooth muscular thighs and felt her fingers guide me into the delicious gateway to heaven as the hot fleshy lips of her huge pussy engulfed the tip of my prick in the hot wetness of her huge cunt. I shivered and writhed beneath her huge body as she came down and I felt my hard throbbing cock, slide into the warm exotic wetness of her huge delightful cunt. She sat astride of me with her big muscular thighs spanning my hips as she removed her blouse and bra, looking down on my trapped body while I felt my prick being squeezed by her lusty love muscles as she simply sat astride me and wriggled slowly. With her blouse and bra off the most enormous set of tits I had ever seen, other than Wanda's gigantic balloons, were thrusting out over me like a pair of tremendous fleshy watermelons. I reached up with both hands and slowly stroked and caressed her huge delightfully soft, smooth breasts. I encircled one huge nipple with my fingers and pulled it down toward me. She cooperated completely falling forward, and in moments I found that giant nipple filling my mouth and the erotic mass of Helen's huge soft warm flesh squeezing down on my face. I loved it! I had never had my prick inside a girl while she pressed a huge nipple into my mouth for me to suck before. What a terrific sensation. She slowly raised her hips letting my prick slide sensationally through the hot soft flesh inside her huge cunt until the tip of my throbbing prick was barely held by the soft fleshy lips of her pussy, then she lowered her huge body on me again. The feeling of the hot soft flesh of her cunt sliding down swallowing my hard throbbing prick was fantastic. I immediately shuddered and exploded in ecstasy, blowing loads of hot cum into her tremendous vagina. She wriggled and squeezed the strong love muscles inside her huge cunt on my prick, crushing it sensuously in the tremendously erotic grip of her huge powerful inner muscles. For more than an hour, Helen held me beneath her tremendous delightful body and had her way with me, and all I could do was to cooperate as completely as I could. I had never had such fantastically erotic sensations as she gave me, again and again as she used her gargantuan body to bring both of us to the most lusciously delightful fulfillment I had ever experienced. She teased me with her huge massive tits, while doing things I would have believed impossible with her huge cunt as she played erotically with my engulfed prick, sending me into raptures of ecstasy again and again for hours on end. We spent the entire night on the couch with one another, and by morning I was completely exhausted and absolutely ecstatic as we slept in one another's arms, in raptured exhaustion. The next morning when Helen and I came out of the room, we realized how enraptured with one another we had been when we found Wanda lying inside the hangar. We had been so engrossed with one another we had not even heard a hundred fifty foot giantess move into the hangar with us. I stood on the balcony in the hangar bay, and stared in awe at Wanda's beautiful, gigantic, naked body below me. She lay on her side with one leg drawn up and the other extending nearly to the far door of the hangar. Her legs were fantastically curvaceous and the exotic curves of her huge ass was erotic beyond belief as I stared in lust at her gorgeous giant body. She was as beautiful as I had remembered her over the past years if not more gorgeous than ever. Helen, came up behind me and putting one huge powerful hand on my shoulder leaned against me and said, "You're right, she's absolutely gorgeous. No wonder all the guys think she's so terrific. I'm going to have some trouble getting any more women as beautiful as she is. And as for last night, as far as I'm concerned, and I can see from your look, you're still Wanda's. We just won't mention last night to anyone. That all right with you?" Talk about torn between a rock and a hard place. There were two of the most beautiful women I had ever seen and I loved both of them. "Oh, Helen, I don't, or didn't mean.... I mean.... " She giggled, "It's all right, nice fuck. I enjoyed myself as much as you did. Maybe again some other night.... when we find ourselves together.... again." I turned and hugged Helen, and found my lips once again engulfed by her huge, soft, warm, plush lips and my tongue dueling with hers as my prick once more rose to pound stiffly in my pants. Suddenly her hand engulfed my throbbing prick and squeezed, "I see you still like me though, in spite of how beautiful she is. Let's not let anything stop us from having fun. In fact you know what I'll bet would be absolutely fantastic, and I'll bet Wanda would even go along with it?" We were still standing with our arms around one another. She squeezed me tightly in her huge arm and said, "How about if we let Wanda put both of us up inside herself while we fucked? Wouldn't that be fun?" "Oh, God! Oh.... God.... Helen.... Oh..." and I creamed my pants just thinking of such a fantastic scene. A fireman came in the partially open main door and yelled, "Chow's on, anyone for breakfast?" and rang a bell.. Wanda roused slowly and sat up in the hangar, she could barely sit in the hangar it took her several minutes to slowly climb out of the hangar. She reached out with one hand and easily pushed the huge steel doors open with a mere sweep of her giant hand. Helen and I turned and walked down the stairs hand in hand watching Wanda's giant figure in awe as she climbed out of the hangar on her hands and knees. Outside she stood up and stretched towering massively in the early morning sun.. She turned and looked down at a number of firemen scurrying about putting food on a group of tables set up in front of the hangar with four tables pushed together as the ones in the camp had yesterday. Wanda walked over to the where the tables had been pushed together and slowly lowered her massive body to sit cross legged in front of the table.. "Hi, Chief, I'm glad to see that Manny's looking out for me again, and has some food for me. I hope you take good care of him, I'm going to recommend him for a raise, maybe we'll take him as our permanent chef when we set up the giantess section." The tables were piled high with food including huge piles of pancakes and huge sides of beef piled on the table. There were even the fifty gallon barrels of wine, only they were filled with water instead of the wine of yesterday.. Wanda reached down next to the table and picked up the shovel and pitchfork that the fireman had given her yesterday to use as eating utensils. They looked tiny in her huge tree-trunk sized fingers but she lifted them and reaching down with the pitchfork shoved it into the huge pile of pancakes and lifted a mass of pancakes to her broad smiling lips. Her mouth opened cavernously and fifty pounds or so of pancakes disappeared into the great cave of her giant mouth. She chewed for a moment, swallowed the enormous mass and then rumbled, "Tell your chef that the food is excellent, I really appreciate it." and he huge writhing tongue came out and licked over her huge plush lips. "Sorry I didn't have any bacon for you, but I hope you can do with some more sides of beef like yesterday." one of the attending firemen yelled. "LOVE IT! she answered stabbing a side of beef with the pitchfork and lifting it to her huge lips. She opened her cavernous mouth and the whole side of beef disappeared in one gigantic bite. "I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND IF I'M A LITTLE HUNGRY AND DON'T BOTHER WITH CUTTING MY FOOD UP INTO LADY-LIKE BITES THIS MORNING." and she giggled, "I DON'T SEE ALL THOSE REPORTERS AND CAMERAS WATCHING EVERYTHING I DO, SO I CAN GO AHEAD AND EAT." and another full side of beef followed the first one into her cavernous mouth with a crunch of bone as she engulfed the whole side of beef and bit down on it. The two sides of beef were chewed for only a moment and another fifty or a hundred pound pitchfork full of pancakes followed the beef into her giant mouth. It was easy to watch her giant throat work as she chewed for a couple of moments and then swallowed the enormous masses of food as it slid swiftly down her immense throat. It was getting me excited just watching her take a pitchfork full of pancakes and stuff fifty to a hundred pounds of them into her mouth for a bite Helen and I watched Wanda eat more food in a few minutes than a company of men could eat in a day. Helen leaned over to me and said in a quiet voice, "You realize that's an entire two hundred pound side of beef she chewed up and swallowed in one bite?" Then as Wanda plopped another whole side of beef into her mouth with one bite, she said, "Do you realize that little bite she's taking weighs more than you do? Watch how she chews it up and think about being caught in that cavern she calls a mouth, with those neat little teeth of hers coming down mercilessly on your trapped body." I laughed, then watched as Wanda closed her lips over the whole side of beef, and brought her teeth down crunching the entire thing in one bite. For a moment it didn't affect me, then as I thought of what her giant teeth were doing to that huge slab of meat, and bone I thought of what could happen to me, it sent chills down my spine. I thought of her giant teeth closing on my body, slicing me in half and then her huge grinding teeth closing on various parts of my body, grinding my flesh and bones into crushed masses of bloody pulp each time her gigantic teeth closed on my flesh. The macabre thought sent shivers down my spine and caused me to shudder as I watched her great jaws slowly chewing and her immense throat contracting as she swallowed a couple hundred pounds of meat, as though it was nothing. I turned to Helen, and said, "What are you doing, trying to frighten me. That's really macabre, thinking how easily she could crush a man in those giant teeth, like he was nothing more than just a little scrap of meat, and swallow his crushed body whole." but with that thought in my mind, I couldn't take my eyes off Wanda's beautiful face as she picked up another whole side of beef, larger than a man's whole body, and simply opening her cavernous mouth, indifferently plopped the entire side of beef on the immense muscle of her giant tongue and casually flicked two hundred pounds of meat into the enormous cavern of her giant mouth. I watched in awe as her giant teeth came down slicing easily through a two hundred pound side of beef, bones and all, as easily as though it were nothing more than a little link of breakfast sausage. Carelessly crunching the entire side of beef between her gargantuan teeth, easily crushing meat, bones, and all to jelly between her giant teeth. I shivered at the thought of how easily a man would disappear, in a single bite, in her gargantuan mouth. A man wouldn't be any more than a tiny morsel for her, a little tid-bit of meat; merely another little inconsequential bite of breakfast for this titanic giantess. Still thinking of that huge side of beef, as though it were a man that was being crushed into mush in her massive jaws as she chewed, I watched in awe as her throat contracted, and she swallowed. The whole two hundred pound chunk of meat had disappeared like it was nothing, and she casually reached down for another two hundred pound side of beef. Helen laughed, "I just thought I'd let you think of how you were playing with dynamite when you're playing with a giantess like Wanda. One little bite and you'd be gone. Crunch.... Slurp... poor little Charlie's all gone... Sure you want to play giantess games with your sweet little lover?" Then she laughed, and reaching down grabbed my now stiff prick in her hand. "You like that, look at you, all hard and excited, just from watching Wanda take those great big bites of meat and thinking of how it would be for her to be eating you like you were a tasty little morsel for her. You really think it would be fun to be in her mouth with those giant teeth of hers closing on your leg? Just think about it, teeth, a foot in diameter, like big hard rocks, closing on your thigh and starting to squeeze. You reach down and try uselessly to lift them off your leg as she squeezes your thigh between her giant teeth. In a moment it's painfully tight, and it still gets tighter, and then even tighter, more pain than you can believe envelops your thigh, and there's nothing you can do about it. Screaming and yelling don't do any good, her giant teeth just squeeze tighter on your thigh as she bites slowly down. Your thigh muscle crushes and bulges out, and even your thigh bone hurts, sending searing pain throughout your body as she squeezes your leg tighter and tighter. How much pain can you stand as your thigh muscle simply flattens under the enormous grinding pressure of her giant rock- like teeth. Which will happen first, will your thigh bone break and be crushed, or will your skin burst and send muscle and blood spurting all over you. Both things are going to happen, the only question would be, which one will happen first? Ever hear a dog crunch a bone? That's what your thigh bone would sound like, a snapping crunching when it shatters, as her giant teeth come together on your thigh. The muscles of your thigh would squash and split, painfully, being mashed into mush, and blood would squirt out all over the inside of her cavernous mouth, and your terrified screams of pain wouldn't do any good. Then as your muscles turned to jelly, your thigh bone.... What's its proper name, femur? ...would splinter and crush sending shafts of pain throughout your entire body. You'd scream and writhe, yanking at the descending teeth with all your puny little might, and you wouldn't have the slightest effect on her closing teeth. Her jaws are so much more powerful than your entire body, she wouldn't even notice your tiny little hands uselessly trying to stop her teeth from closing as your leg muscles squash to puree' and your bone crunches into a million splinters under the prodigious grinding pressure of her gigantic teeth. In moments your muscles would be pressed into jelly and your femur would be ground into a thousand crushed pieces under the tremendous pressure of her huge teeth as she bites down mercilessly, closing her giant teeth on your leg. In just a few moments your leg would simply fall off as your muscles and bone were crushed into jelly under the colossal pressure as her giant teeth close on your leg. Maybe your leg would hang on by a thread of skin as her teeth opened again. If you were still conscious, you'd be screaming helplessly in terrible pain as the pressure eased off. But then the giant muscle of her gargantuan tongue flicks you, and your other leg is thrown up between those giant crushing teeth. You fight and squirm helplessly as she pushes your other leg up between those giant grinding teeth and you scream helplessly again, grabbing her giant teeth with your puny little hands, still trying uselessly to stop her, as her gigantic teeth start closing painfully on your other leg. The same crushing pressure starts all over again, your leg flattening beneath the hard stone-like grinding teeth. Your muscles bulge out and the skin of your thigh ruptures as her teeth close on your leg. This time when your femur breaks and crushes, there is more pain than you can stand, and you pass out gratefully, and don't even feel the horrible pain as your muscles are mashed to jelly and your femur splinters beneath her giant teeth. All is darkness and you are at last at peace with the world as she bites your legs off and grinds them up between her giant teeth. You don't even feel the massive muscle of her sinuous writhing tongue pushing your unconscious body up between her giant grinding teeth, nor do you feel the titanic pressure of her titanic teeth closing down squashing your chest. Unconscious you don't even feel your ribs breaking and shattering or your heart and lungs being mashed into mush beneath her giant teeth as they close on your body. Death would come quickly as your ribs all break and all your internal organs are mashed to jelly along with your entire body as her teeth close ponderously on your crushed body, flattening it completely, turning your entire body into gooey bloody mush, just before her giant tongue rolls your crushed body back into the giant tunnel of her gargantuan throat and she swallows you whole." And Helen laughed, caressing and pulling erotically on my hard throbbing prick. I laughed, "Nice scenario, but Wanda wouldn't do anything like that to me. We love one another and she's always so careful not to hurt me, I don't have a thing to worry about. I'd climb into her mouth in a second, knowing full well that I wasn't in any danger. In actuality it would probably be one of the safest places around. I love her, and would take my chances with her any time." Helen laughed, "You're probably right, but look at what happened to you when I described you getting all crunched up in her giant teeth." and reaching down, she rubbed the wetness of my pants, caressing and squeezing my hard throbbing cock where I had once again creamed in my pants. Damn, this was getting to be a habit with this huge woman. She really knew how to set me off. She leaned down and kissed the side of my cheek, licking my face with her huge swirling tongue. "By the way, I had a chance to talk to Wanda this morning and told her about us having sex last night." "OH, God, you didn't!" "I explained how you were still hers and we just did it because you and her couldn't do anything last night. And besides I laid it on her, about putting all those fire fighters up inside her cunt at once, and how that wasn't any more fair to you than your having sex with me was to her. Anyway, I asked her about putting both of us up into her cunt and letting us having sex while we were inside her giant cunt. At first she wasn't sure about letting me have you again, but then when I told her how much she would love having us fucking while we were completely inside her cunt, like wriggling, squirming, little dildos, and how great our moving inside her huge vagina would feel to her, she felt it might be fun to try anyway. Then when I pointed out that most of sex was in the mind and if she really thought about what we were doing up inside her, while she was using us for a dildo, it would probably set her off real good. She thought about that for a minute, and then started rubbing her pussy. She orgasmed just thinking about it. She can't wait to try it tonight. She said she's going to hold both of us in her hand and let us start fucking, right in the palm of her hand, then she says she'll hold us together with her fingers and just ram the both of us head first up into her big hot pussy, and play with us, using the two of us for a dildo while we fuck. I think you and I are going to have a lot of fun together. Ever fucked a girl while a giantess was using you 'and' your girl for a dildo?" "Of course not." "Well, then, you're in for a real thrill, and you're going to have a lot of fun tonight, you cute little prick." and she broke off laughing. "You're kidding." "You think so? Wait till Wanda picks us both up and strips our clothes off, you'll see who's kidding." "She wouldn't!" "Are we talking about the same Wanda? That cute little Wanda, that put five full grown men up inside her cunt at the same time last night, and had an orgasm with the whole world watching? And you've got some kind of an idea that she wouldn't stuff the two of us up into her cunt at the same time. Particularly when we're fucking! She already had an orgasm just talking with me about doing it with us. She thought it would be a really neat thing to do." "But she's always been so jealous. She wouldn't let me even look at another woman without blowing her top and getting mad at me. Now you tell me she wants me to fuck you, while she uses both of us like we're just little sex toys for her to play with?" "I think you've got the idea. She thinks that just knowing what we're doing, as she feels us squirming and wriggling inside her giant cunt, will really set her off like a rocket. She thinks using both of us together for a dildo is a wonderful idea. She don't think you fucking me is any problem, since she'll be fucking you, at the same time you're fucking me. Its sort of like you're fucking two women at the same time. What to they call it? 'Menage a trois' or something like that?" I looked up at the beautiful giant woman standing holding me in her arms and then down at the huge luscious legs and ass of the really gargantuan giantess lying so beautifully on the hangar floor. "You're weird... And I love it", and I tilted my face up to her and our lips met in a writhing open mouth kiss again. "I could learn to like loving two wonderful passionate giantesses..." I laughed, "at the same time?" and I laughed as I kissed her again. I felt her hand engulf my hard throbbing prick again, squeezing it as she pulled and fondled me. She pulled my prick up and toward her and said, "God, I wish you were taller. You can't reach me." and she wiggled her hips against my belly. "If you're serious, bend your legs, you great big luscious hunk of woman.." and I thrust my hips toward her. I felt her bend her knees and her legs were on either side of my hips as she lowered herself. In moments I felt the luscious wetness of her huge cunt engulfing my stiff swollen prick again as she pulled me into herself. I pushed toward her huge body and was rewarded by the magnificent feeling of my prick sliding into the delicious flesh of her hot wet pussy again. I had never before fucked a woman standing up, and in moments I exploded in ecstasy, my legs going weak as I shivered in ecstatic orgasm, if she hadn't held me up, squeezing me against her huge gorgeous body, I would have fallen. She was giggling as she wriggled her hips rubbing and thrusting against me as she said, "You're too easy little man, keep going..." and with both her huge powerful arms around me she squeezed my ass with both hands and jerked me hard against her huge writhing body again and again, driving my prick deep into herself with each thrust as she too exploded in ecstatic orgasm, smiling and moaning as she squeezed me against her huge writhing body. Lying exhausted in her huge arms, I looked up into her smiling face as she grinned down at me, "This is going to work out all right, little man. You've got a wonderful attitude toward big women." and wriggling against me I felt her huge powerful cunt squeeze my prick, pulling erotically as I slowly slipped out of her sensual embrace. I was almost completely limp as she lowered me to the floor. I rolled over and lay on my back in exhaustion with my eyes closed for several long minutes, when I opened my eyes I almost fainted... I was staring up into a face the size of a bill board, a beautiful woman's face ten feet tall... with yard wide smiling lips and platter sized blue eyes staring directly into mine. Wanda was on her knees with her head over the balcony railing looking down at us and grinning. Her thunderous voice, was a low rumbling as she said, "YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE YOU'RE HAVING FUN." I could barely whisper our a stunned, gasping, "Wanda?" She giggled like rolling rumbling thunder, her sweet breath washing over me in a hot gust. "WHO WERE YOU EXPECTING, NANCY ARCHER?" I turned half expecting to tell Helen, and saw she was looking up into Wanda's huge smiling face too. Wanda grinned down at us as we lay naked on the balcony floor directly under her gigantic gaze. "DON'T LOOK SO SURPRISED, HELEN, WITH ALL THE MOANING AND WHIMPERING YOU WERE DOING, ITS A WONDER HALF THE FIREMEN AREN'T IN HERE WATCHING YOU. I KNOW A GOOD TIME WHEN I HEAR IT..." and she giggled her rumbling thunderous giggle again. I watched in awe as fingers as long as I was tall came over the railing and slowly lowered onto my body. I was torn between fright and ecstasy as Wanda's soft warm tree sized fingertips landed softly on my body and began fondling gently as she explored my naked body with her gargantuan fingers. The immense fingertip of her index finger slid down across my belly and into my crotch. Slowly and carefully she lifted my prick on the tip of her gigantic finger and began very carefully rubbing it with the soft tip of her giant finger. "CHARLIE, THAT'S NEAT.... I'VE NEVER SEEN A PRICK THIS TINY. WHAT A PERFECT LITTLE TOY. IT ISN'T EVEN A QUARTER OF AN INCH LONG.. THAT'S SO NEAT... WHAT A PERFECT LITTLE DOLL." and she giggled thunderously as she played with my prick and watched intently as it slowly swelled up, stiffened and grew hard. "LOOK AT YOU, YOU'RE GETTING HARD, WANT TO FUCK ME, LITTLE MAN? I DON'T THINK THAT LITTLE TOY WOULD DO ME MUCH GOOD THOUGH. DID HELEN TELL YOU ABOUT USING BOTH OF YOU AS A SEX TOY? WANT TO TRY IT, MY CUTE LITTLE MAN TOY? I THINK THAT IT MIGHT BE A LOT OF FUN.." Suddenly her giant thumb pressed against my hip and slid me across the floor until my other hip came up against her giant fingers on the other side. She pinched my body between her thumb and fingers like I was a toy and lifted me effortlessly in her giant fingers. Turning me in her giant fingers she rolled me over and lay me on top of Helen's huge naked body. Helen's huge powerful arms immediately went around me and squeezed me tightly to herself as she spread her legs and wriggled herself into position. I felt Helen's big hand engulf my prick and pull it toward herself. Then I felt the hot moist crevice of Helen's big delightful pussy, and the exotic softness of her soft hot flesh engulf the tip of my prick as she adjusted me to herself. Then the ecstatic sensation as her glorious cunt swallowed my prick into the heavenly rapture of her cunt. Then as I felt the wonder of Helen's sensational cunt surrounding my hard throbbing prick a huge massive weight squeezed down on me crushing me against Helen squeezing my stiff swollen prick even deeper into Helen's huge cunt. Then I was flying atop Helen as Wanda picked both of us up in her giant fingers like toys. Up over the balcony railing and out over the hangar floor thirty feet up in the air, then a swoop and I was spinning as I lay crushed heavily against Helen's huge soft warm body. I raised my head and directly in front of my face was the hot fleshy cavern of Wanda's giant pussy with two fingers as large as I was, thrust into herself and holding the gigantic fleshy rolls of her giant vulva open. I somehow expected Wanda to play with us in the soft hot wet flesh of her giant pussy as she slowly inserted us into herself, but it wasn't to be, with her tree sized fingers pressing me against Helen, Wanda turned us head down toward her cavernous cunt and simply shoved us up into herself without any formality. One second I was lying on Helen's huge hot body staring at the enormous fleshy walls of Wanda's cavernous giant pussy and the next second there was a roaring sloshing slurp, and my entire body as well as the huge woman I was fucking, was swallowed up completely in the hot, wet, fleshy darkness inside Wanda's gargantuan cunt. It was almost like I was diving into a hot soft bowl of jello... I felt the gigantic masses of Wanda's hot, wet, sensationally soft flesh slide over my head, spread swiftly over my shoulders sliding down over my back, over my hips and then the huge masses of giant flesh squeezed my legs together, crushing me delightfully tight against Helen's huge soft body. I was in ecstatic rapture as I felt my hard throbbing prick slide into the delightful softness of Helen's hot writhing cunt at the same time that Helen and I were both being thrust up into the same hot, fleshy, writhing, softness inside Wanda's gigantic cunt. The exotic sensation of feeling the hot, soft, writhing masses of Wanda's gigantic cunt squeezing me delightfully against Helen's huge writhing squirming body as I fucked her was completely indescribable. I exploded again and again in sensual orgasms of ecstasy as delightful sensations shivered through my entire body over and over again. I felt Wanda's gigantic fingers squeeze on my legs squashing my legs together along with Helen's legs too. As Wanda's giant fingers pinched my legs together I felt the enormous masses of soft flesh surrounding me slide down over my shoulders, down along my back and delightfully squeeze my legs together with Helen's. I writhed in ecstasy as I thrust against Helen, feeling the delightful sensation of my prick sliding into Helen's glorious cunt. Then I felt Wanda squeeze her cunt on both of us, crushing us together wondrously. Her huge inner muscles actually crushed us tighter together even as I was thrusting into Helen, driving my prick even deeper into Helen's delightful cunt than I could have imagined. Then the soft delectable flesh around me started sliding up over our bodies as Wanda slowly pulled us out of her giant cunt, I squirmed and wriggled in delight as my entire body slid through the soft wet flesh inside Wanda's cavernous cunt. It was the most wonderful thing I had ever felt Wanda's deliciously soft flesh rubbing my entire naked body erotically, crushing me against Helen's huge body as I fucked her. I exploded again and again in ecstasy as I was used by two huge women at once. Then I felt Wanda just holding and squeezing us in the grip of her huge cunt for a few moments as her giant fingers, holding our legs, wriggled our bodies slightly inside her giant cunt as she enjoyed feeling us wriggling inside her titanic cunt as she used both of us as a colossal dildo for her cavernous cunt. Then I felt Wanda's giant fingers push against our legs and the giant masses of Wanda's hot soft flesh slide over me again as she pressed us back deeply into her cavernous cunt. I was in complete ecstasy. It was completely dark inside Wanda's gigantic cunt, but there was plenty of air for us, even though it was completely and overpoweringly permeated with Wanda's delicious aroma. The delightful aroma of Wanda's giant cunt surrounding me so completely sent the erotic aroma of her cunt directly to my prick as I thrust into Helen and urged me to even greater delight as I felt my prick being squeezed and pulled erotically by Helen's huge powerful cunt as she writhed sensuously against me. I had never been in such wondrous delight as I writhed and squirmed against Helen even as Wanda used both of us for a sex toy. I could tell from the slow heaving, squirming, writhing of Wanda's giant body that she was enjoying using the two of us as much as were enjoying her use of us. When Wanda finally exploded in orgasm Helen and I were crushed together so tightly we could hardly breathe, and then suddenly the huge floods of Wanda's hot, thick delicious cum inundated us completely. Helen and I were both drinking in the sweet nectar of Wanda's hot sweet cum, as we too exploded in spasms of orgasm along with Wanda. Slowly I felt Wanda calm down from the thrashing heaving explosion of her giant orgasm. Even after Wanda's sensuous orgasm over, or around us, Helen and I were rubbed about in the depths of Wanda's delightful vagina for nearly half an hour before she slowly pulled us out of her giant pussy, with many long slow thrusts back into the delightful depths of her wondrously sensuous cunt before we were slowly pulled out of our passionate fleshy prison. We were in such pleasure we didn't really want to leave, but with Wanda's giant fingers pulling our legs like we were nothing more than her little toys, which actually was about all we were to Wanda, there was nothing we could do about it, except to cling delightfully to one another even as we were slowly pulled out of Wanda's giant cunt. Once out in the cool night air, Wanda held both of us in the palm of her giant hand as she smiled down at us. "THAT WAS WONDERFUL, I LOVE IT. YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW WONDERFUL IT FELT HAVING BOTH OF YOU INSIDE ME, AND KNOWING WHAT YOU WERE DOING.... OH.... YESSSS.... I LOVE IT... I CAN'T WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN... WHAT DO YOU THINK?" Helen squeezed me against herself as we lay full length in the palm of Wanda's huge hand. She nuzzled against me, kissing and squeezing me delightfully as she said, "Anytime you want, Wanda, I love it.. he was so good. I think knowing where he was sent him into even greater efforts, he was wonderful... How about another enchanting, giantess spelunking trip tomorrow?" and she kissed me again, squeezing her huge body against me, as she intentionally rubbed the gloriously soft warm masses of her gargantuan tits delightfully against my chest, sending me into another gratifying, shuddering, spasm of ecstasy. Wanda giggled, a heavy thunderous rumbling as she brought us back down between her massively gigantic thighs, "Why wait till tomorrow? ...Do it again.... my cute little pets..." and without any ceremony she shoved us head first back into the cavernous fleshy tunnel of her giant cunt again. I was crushed against Helen and her huge powerful arms wrapped around me squeezed me against her huge hot soft body even as Wanda squeezed us with her enormous cunt crushing us tightly against one another filling us with erotic delight. The soft fleshy masses of Wanda's cavernous cunt squeezed us marvelously as she thrust us delightfully in and out of her gigantic cunt several times before we once more felt the glorious writhing and heaving of her giant body as she orgasmed all around us again and again while we exploded in ecstatic orgasm against one another over and over again, shuddering delightfully as we clung tightly to one another, even as Wanda used us for her dildo crushing us against one another tighter than we could have squeezed each other. Helen's delightful cunt squeezed my prick in time with Wanda's giant cunt squeezing the both of us, causing explosion after explosion of ecstatic rapture as once more Helen and I both exploded in ecstasy again and again while Wanda played with us like little toys in her giant cunt. Finally we were pulled reluctantly from Wanda's giant cunt by her tree-trunk sized fingers and she lifted her hand up to the balcony of the hangar and deposited us onto the floor. "WELL, IF I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FIREMEN TO SATISFY ME, MAYBE I'LL. USE YOU GUYS AGAIN. YOU SURE ARE A LOT OF FUN TO PLAY WITH, AS A PAIR, ESPECIALLY WHEN I KNOW WHAT ALL YOUR WRIGGLING IN THERE IS..." and she grinned down at us as we lay on our back soaking wet, covered completely with her delicious cum, gazing up at her gigantic smiling face as she looked down on us like were a set of toys for her.... We may have been completely covered with her thick sticky cum and totally exhausted from being used as her dildo, but we loved being Wanda's little sex toys. Helen and I finally struggled into the room with the bed and fell into the bed, exhausted from Wanda's crushing but wonderful use of us. I had never spent a more glorious night, than I did with these two wonderful giantesses, since I found that it was far from over when Helen and I crawled into the bed. I snuggled against Helen's huge body, and spent the rest of the night satisfying a huge, really horny amazon. In the morning, I was so exhausted I could hardly move, but Helen was smiling as she slept, still hugging me tightly to her huge naked body.