WANDA 4 By Chelgi An hour later, Wanda walked up from the lake with the huge off-road truck body still dangling carelessly from one hand like a toy. "WELL, CHIEF, I THINK THAT PRETTY WELL TAKES CARE OF IT. YOUR FIRE'S PRETTY WELL KNOCKED DOWN AND YOUR CREWS ARE FINISHING UP THE LITTLE HOT SPOTS THAT I MISSED. I DID GO BACK AND TAKE CARE OF ANY "HOT SPOTS" THAT I COULD FIND. YOU'D BE SURPRISED HOW QUICKLY DUMPING AN ENTIRE TRUCK FULL OF WATER WILL PUT OUT A HOT SPOT." and she grinned down at the chief as she lowered her immense naked body to the ground to sit cross legged before him. She saw all the TV camera's all shooting pictures of her as she talked to the chief, and some of the reporters were trying to get mikes into position in front of the Chief to get their conversation. "Wanda, that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. You're fantastic. Earlier I was just kidding about making a fire fighter out of you, but now I'm serious. How would you like a job as a forestry fire fighter? I mean after all the coverage you got on this fire, I don't think there's anybody in the world that would object to having you as a forestry fire fighter. Well..... we might have to get a uniform, and some clothes for you. But in actuality I've already received a couple of messages for you. Who's your manager? Wanda laughed, "CHARLIE SAID SOMETHING LIKE THIS MIGHT HAPPEN, SO I GUESS THAT'D MAKE HIM MY MANAGER. RIGHT CHARLIE? AND SHE LEANED HER CHIN TOWARD HER SHOULDER WHERE CHARLIE WAS SITTING." "I hadn't really thought about being 'your manager' but you know that I'll always do whatever I can for you. If you need a manager, I'll do it for you." and I grinned down at the chief, "How much boys?" and I laughed, "I think that's what a manager's supposed to say isn't it?" "Hi, Charlie," the chief said, "You're 'Wanda one' I guess? I've been talking to you all afternoon, but hadn't really met you. Unless when I threw you the radio counts as meeting you. I'm Chief Emmit, of the California forestry fire service." "Hi, Chief, its good to meet you formerly. I'm Charlie Wells, former cop, now retired. Just a friend of Wanda's that happened to be with her when the accident happened this morning." A dozen reporters leaped at him with mikes extended, all talking at once, but the gist of the questions was "What accident?" Charlie just looked up at Wanda, like asking permission to tell them. "You want to tell them what happened this morning, or should I, Wanda?" Wanda laughed a thunderous laugh that had nearly everyone stepping back and covering their ears. "GO AHEAD, CHARLIE, TELL THEM HOW YOU FUCKED UP THIS MORNING. I WANT TO HEAR YOU MAKING EXCUSES FOR THAT." "As long as I can tell them what you did to my car." I laughed. "What happened," said a reporter shoving a mike right up into my face. I started telling them everything that had happened since I spiked her drink this morning. Leaving out the part about Wanda wanting to stomp the entire town of West Point into the ground, but mentioning how the chief had raped Wanda and refused to let any of his men take a report on it. Threatening her with jail if she told anyone. Another reporter shoved another mike in my face and said, "The Chief said she was from the North Star, and that she eats people, what about that?" Wanda's voice probably broke half the microphones in the area as she yelled, "WHAT...?" Sending people for cover as she yelled as loud as a clap of thunder. The chief dropped his head laughing and shaking his head. For several moments he was laughing too hard to even speak, then he looked up at Wanda and said, "Wanda, please forgive me. I was trying to tell these idiots, otherwise known as reporters that I knew absolutely nothing about you, where you were from, or anything. What I said was, That as far as I knew, that you could be from a planet that revolves around the North Star, really meaning, that I knew nothing about you. As for eating people, what I said was, 'that as big as she is', meaning you of course, Wanda, 'there may be other drawbacks too, we don't know how many people she eats for dinner, or anything else about her'. I was just making a joke about your size, and my lack of knowledge about you. I'm sorry if I insulted you, Wanda. Then I went on to say that, watching you, put out this fire today, I sure as hell wish I could get you on my department." "YOU'RE RIGHT, CHIEF, I AM HUNGRY. DO YOU FEED YOUR FIRE FIGHTERS OR DO I JUST PICK UP MY OWN MEAL?" and she laughed thunderously, and said. "FE-FI-FO-FUMB, I SMELL THE BLOOD OF AN ENGLISHMAN." then she reached down toward the reporters, "I WONDER HOW MANY OF THESE LITTLE SNACKS, IT WOULD TAKE FOR A GOOD MEAL?" and she laughed again, 'THINK THERE'S ENOUGH HERE FOR A HUNGRY GIANTESS THAT'S BEEN FIGHTING A FOREST FIRE ALL DAY?" She reached out and picked up one of the fire fighters that had been watching the interview. Holding him between her thumb and forefinger and opening her mouth into a gaping cavern, she dropped him onto her immense tongue, flicked him back into her giant mouth and closed it over him. I screamed, "Waaandaaa..... what are you doing?" The entire group of reporters were in total panic, running over one another, dropping all their equipment and fleeing in pure panic. Only a couple of really dedicated cameramen got the scene on film, before they realized they were alone, and dropping their cameras fled too. The chief had stared in horror as she picked up one of his men and plopped the screaming man into her mouth like she was eating him. She was grinning as she brought her hand back to her mouth and opening her mouth stuck her tongue out with the fireman lying on his stomach on her giant tongue. She dropped his shaking body into her hand. and she was laughing so hard she could hardly talk. "YOU ARE, THE LITTLE GUY THAT WAS TEASING ME EARLIER ABOUT DRINKING THAT ENTIRE TRUCK FULL OF WATER, AREN'T YOU?" The fireman looked up at Wanda from the palm of her hand twenty feet in the air, and acknowledged that he was the right guy. "YOU'RE ALL RIGHT, LITTLE GUY, JUST A LITTLE LESSON ABOUT TEASING A GIANTESS, SHE MIGHT TEASE BACK. ACTUALLY, I WOULDN'T HURT ANY OF YOU GREAT LITTLE GUYS. I THINK YOU'RE WONDERFUL. AND SO BRAVE TO COME UP HERE AND FIGHT THIS FIRE. I WAS JUST HAVING A LITTLE FUN WITH THOSE REPORTERS. SORRY IF I SCARED YOU. CAN I MAKE IT UP TO YOU?" and she brought him up to her lips and kissed him, engulfing half his body in her gargantuan lips. "YOU KNOW SOMETHING THOUGH, CHIEF, I AM HUNGRY. YOU GOT ANYTHING HERE, BESIDES THOSE SCRAWNY LITTLE REPORTERS, I COULD EAT?" I leaned up to her ear and said quietly, "Wanda, quit ragging on the reporters, you can have a little fun with them, but back off, they're the ones that are going to make you famous, and earn your living for you." She just mumbled a grunted "UM..." that I hoped I was the only one that could understand. The chief looked up, "God, Wanda, I'm sorry, we always have food for our fire fighters, but we hadn't counted on feeding a two hundred foot giantess today. We do have sides of beef in the freezer, but it would take a while to thaw 'em and out and cook them for you. We would of course, but we do have a lot of stew made up, want some of that?" "I'D SURE LIKE SOME, BUT NOT IF ANY OF YOUR MEN ARE GOING TO MISS OUT ON IT. THOSE GUYS ARE GREAT, THEY DESERVE ALL THEY GET." Well, we got enough to feed an army of volunteers if they show up, so there's probably enough for you too." and laughed, "And you wouldn't even have to eat any of those 'scrawny little reporters'." A man came up and talked quietly to the chief for a few moments, looking up at Wanda every few seconds. The chief smiled and pulled the man around to face Wanda. "Wanda, you aren't going to believe this, at least I didn't. This is our chief cook, Willie Hand, and guess what. He's been feeding these men on the fire lines for years; and when he saw you working so hard, he figured you'd be hungry at dinner time, just like every other fire fighter. He's got half a dozen full sides of beef all thawed out and barbecued for you. Think you can eat half a dozen full sides of beef?" "DAMN, WILLIE, YOU'RE ALL RIGHT, AT LEAST SOMEONE WAS THINKING OF ME. THANK YOU." and she picked him up between her fingers and kissed him like she had the fire fighter. "I HAVEN'T BEEN THIS BIG LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW HOW MUCH I CAN EAT, BUT HALF A DOZEN SIDES OF BEEF SOUNDS LIKE A LOT OF BEEF. BARBECUED? WONDERFUL.... LET'S EAT! AND TO DRINK? I GUESS YOU WERE RIGHT, LITTLE GUY, WHERE'D I PUT MY TRUCK BED?" The chief was talking with another man as Wanda had thanked the cook. He looked up at Wanda and said, "Wanda, would you like some wine with your meal?" "SURE, WHY?" "Well, Gilbert here, is from the winery that the fire would probably have burned this afternoon or tonight, if you hadn't stopped it. See that tank truck over there?" and he pointed to a small tank truck parked behind several fire rigs. "He says his truck is full of wine for you. And you are most graciously welcome to it, according to the winery owner, for saving their winery, all we need now is a glass, and don't even think about that truck bed, it leaks too much. I think I can come up with some fifty gallon barrels. They may be a little small for you, so sip slowly, and we'll try to keep then filled for you. OK? Let's eat, chow's served! Wanda's first in line, if you have any objections, just step right in front of her. How long are your feet Wanda?" and there was laughter all over the camp area. Someone else shouted, "Hey, Chief, no body but a shoe salesman asks a lady how big her feet are." and the ringing of the chow bell signaled dinner was being served at the field mess. "OK, CHIEF, THIS IS ALL WELL AND GOOD, BUT WHERE'S MY SILVERWARE?" and Wanda was laughing again. "YOU EXPECT ME TO EAT WITH MY FINGERS?" There was a little commotion and one of the fire fighters, came running up to the field kitchen with a shovel in one hand and a pitch fork in the other. "here, you go, Wanda, don't say we don't take care of our guests properly." Wanda reached down and took the proffered utensils, they were a little small in her giant hands, but she thanked the fireman. He looked up at her, and said, "Don't I get a kiss too?" Wanda grinned, and picked him up in her fingers and pushed him against her giant lips, once more engulfing half his body in her giant lips as she planted a slurpy giant kiss on him. "ANY MORE KISSES, BEFORE I GET TO EATING, AND THEN MAKE A MISTAKE BETWEEN KISSING AND EATING? LIKE, CHOMP.... OOPS, SORRY ABOUT THAT GUY, WRONG ONE, I WAS SUPPOSED TO KISS THAT ONE, SORRY." and she laughed. "YOU LITTLE GUYS LOOK GREAT, BUT I DON'T THINK I WANT TO EAT ANY OF YOU.... WELL..... MAYBE...." and she laughed a naughty little giggle, so that every man there knew what she meant. Every man in the compound raised his hand and yelled eagerly at Wanda. She looked at all the fire fighters with their hands raised for a kiss, "GET OUT OF HERE, I WANT TO EAT DINNER, ANY VOLUNTEERS FOR THAT?" and the hands dropped immediately. "THAT'S BETTER, WE'LL GET TO THE KISSING AND STUFF LATER." A cheer went up from all the men.. "Yea... for the kissing and stuff...!" Wanda dropped to her knees by the tent and the cook pointed to a stack of sides of beef covered with gallons of barbecue sauce, stacked up on a platform made of four tables pushed together. "Sorry, Wanda, we don't have any plates for you either. Maybe you can let us know next time you're coming and we'll be more ready for you. Besides, barbecue is finger food anyway. Hey, look at the good side, you don't have any clothes to get all messy with my barbecue sauce." Wanda laughed, "YEAH, I WAS WONDERING WHY THE TV CAMERAS WERE FOLLOWING ME SO CLOSELY. THINK THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT?" She looked around and everywhere she looked, there were half a dozen cameras pointing at her. "HEY, YOU GUYS GOT ANY PICTURES OF ME STEPPING ON SOMETHING? I'M KINDA HEAVY AND IT TURNS KINDA FLAT WHEN I STEP ON SOMETHING. I USED CHARLIE'S CAR FOR A FRISBEE AFTER I STEPPED ON IT THIS MORNING. COULDN'T HAVE BEEN MUCH MORE THAN A COUPLE OF INCHES HIGH AFTER I STEPPED ON IT. IT SAILED REAL GOOD. I DON'T THINK A CAMERAMAN WOULD SAIL THAT GOOD THOUGH, PROBABLY WOULDN'T BE AS TALL EITHER. MORE LIKE JUST A WET SPOT IN MY FOOTPRINT..... IN OTHER WORDS, LEAVE ME ALONE FOR A WHILE. YOU CAN'T SHOW PICTURES OF A NAKED WOMAN EATING, GO AWAY...." Unfortunately the camera men just barely backed up a couple of steps, but kept on pointing the cameras at her. She turned her head toward her shoulder, and muttered as quietly as she could. "CHARLIE, I'M GONNA DO SOMETHING IF THEY DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME EAT." "Tell you what, Wanda," I spoke quietly into her ear. "why don't you just reach down and pick up one of the camera men in your fingers, be careful not to hurt him, but just use your other hand and take his camera away from him and squish it between your fingers, then let him go and give him back his flattened camera." "UH.. GOOD IDEA," she muttered quietly, and she looked down at the half a dozen cameras pointed at her. "OK, GUYS, I'M GOING TO LET YOU GET SOME GOOD SHOTS OF ME EATING A SIDE OF BEEF, THEN WILL YOU GO AWAY AND EAT, OR SOMETHING AND LEAVE ME HAVE MY DINNER IN PEACE?" Wanda picked up an entire side of beef between her thumb and finger and slowly brought it up to her mouth. She opened her mouth, turning her head slightly to make sure they all had good shots of her mouth open as she put the side of beef into her mouth. She closed her lips over the side of beef and bit down. There was a crunch, and she pulled less than half of the side of beef away from her lips as she chewed. She had taken more than half of the side of beef in one giant bite and was slowly chewing it up, bones and all. "HEY, WILLIE, THAT'S GOOD. IF WE ALWAYS GET FOOD THIS GOOD, MAYBE I'LL CONSIDER THE CHIEF'S OFFER TO JOIN UP WITH YOU FIRE FIGHTERS." and she plopped the remaining chunk of the side of beef into her mouth and closing her mouth over it began chewing it. Several people were heard to mutter, "Oh, God, two bites and a whole side of beef is gone. Oh, God! You know, those things weigh more than two hundred pounds." The cameras were still shooting as she swallowed and then picked up the open fifty gallon drum of wine the chief had put by the platform for her. One gulp and she set the empty barrel down close to the cameramen. I leaned in against her ear again, "Easy Wanda, don't gulp too much wine, they got the point, and the shots. Let them get another shot of you biting a side of beef in half, then shoo them away. OK?" "UH HUH!" and she picked up another whole side of beef in her fingers. "OK, GUYS, ONE MORE SHOT AND THEN GO WAY, AND LET ME EAT. OK?" She very carefully brought the side of beef up to her mouth and lowering her mouth, so the cameras would have a good view, she opened it and lay the side of beef on her lips for a few moments, then deliberately holding her lips open, slowly bit down, crunching the whole side of beef in half dramatically between her enormous teeth, as the cameramen eagerly recorded every bit of her 'little bite'. She chewed it up slowly then swallowed it very deliberately and then, opening her mouth wide, put the rest of the side of beef in her huge mouth, letting it rest on her tongue for a moment before she just pulled her tongue in with the side of beef lying on it. Closing her lips she chewed slowly and then swallowed deliberately so that they could all get good shots of her swallowing the half of the side of beef. "OK, GUYS SHOW'S OVER, GO AWAY, AND LET ME EAT IN PEACE." CHIEF, GET 'EM OUT OF HERE BEFORE I DO. AND THEY PROBABLY WON'T LIKE THE WAY I DO IT." The chief said something to some men near him and suddenly there were a whole bunch of fire fighters escorting the cameramen away from Wanda. She smiled down at the chief and said, "THANKS, CHIEF, I APPRECIATE THAT." "Hey, we take care of our own. And I hope you'll consider joining the department and becoming one of us. Apparently a lot of the men heard the chief and another cheer went up from the group of fire fighters. "Yea... Wanda, one of us! Here's to Wanda, the biggest of the fire fighters. Yea!!!" "By the way, Wanda, Charlie said your house got smashed when you grew, and I don't know of any place near here that's big enough for a 'cute little girl', like you. Where do you plan to stay?" "HADN'T REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT. I GUESS I'D JUST LIE DOWN OUT IN THE OPEN SOMEWHERE AND SLEEP THERE. HERE IN NORTH CAL IT DON'T RAIN IN THE SUMMER, SO I GUESS I'D BE ALL RIGHT. MIGHT GET A LITTLE COOL, BUT I CAN STAND THAT." "Do you know where the old Navy air base is out by Placerville?" "YES, I'VE BEEN IN THE AREA. WHY?" "Well, we've got a couple of the old hangers we're using for storage, I could get some of the men to clear one of them out and give it a good sweeping and you could stay there. It'd be big enough for you to get in out of the weather. Maybe not high enough for you to stand up and walk around, but plenty big enough for you to sit up in, or sleep full length in the hanger bay without having to lie out in the open. We don't have any mattresses or bedding, but if you can give us a little time we may be able to remedy that." "CHIEF, YOU'D DO THAT FOR ME?" "Little honey, after what you did for us today, I'll do anything for you. Especially if I could get you to consider joining us as one of our fire fighters. What a terrific fire fighter you'd make for us. By the way, here are some messages from the Levi company, wanting to make some Levi's for you to wear when you're fighting fires. There's even a blurb about paying you a modeling fee if you'll wear their pants. And here's another one from "Red Wing" shoes, about coming out and measuring you for some work boots. They'll pay you too. Hell, if you join us, I'll be running a modeling agency instead of a fire fighting group." "WOAH.... CHIEF, AREN'T THESE THE GUYS THAT POSED FOR THAT FIRE-FIGHTERS CALENDAR?" "Well, yeah... but..." "BUT, WHAT? I SAW THOSE PICTURES, AND I REALLY LIKED THOSE GUYS, WHAT A GREAT BUNCH OF HUNKS. DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT MODELING CLOTHES. OF COURSE, THEY DIDN'T HAVE A LOT OF CLOTHES ON FOR THAT SHOOT EITHER. NICE BOD'S. ANY OF THEM HERE?" "Does that mean you'll consider joining the forestry section?" "WELL. I DON'T THINK I CAN GO BACK TO BEING A COURT CLERK. I MIGHT HAVE A LITTLE PROBLEM FITTING INTO THE COURTROOM AND HANDLING THE FILES, AND I'M SURE THE JUDGE WOULD WANT A LITTLE BETTER DRESS CODE THAN I CAN MANAGE ON A CLERKS SALARY FOR A BODY THIS SIZE. SO I GUESS THAT MEANS THAT THE LEAST I COULD DO WOULD BE TO CONSIDER JOINING YOU. WHAT ABOUT THE PHYSICALS AND EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS AND STUFF. "I guess you'll have to have a physical, and as for the employment standards, we can waive a lot of the requirements for you, after your performance today." "AND WHAT ABOUT THE PAY AND FOOD?" "I don't know, we'd have to figure that out, I mean, a fireman's pay would hardly be adequate to cover you. I think you'd be worth at least as much as a battalion and a dozen or so bulldozers, we'll work something out. As for food, just don't eat any of my firemen, and we'll feed you. Everyone gets fed on a fire call, and we'd make arrangements to feed you the rest of the time too, since it looks like you may eat even more than Harry." and the guys within hearing all laughed. "OK, WHO'S HARRY?" "He's one of our firemen that eats a lot. Kinda overweight." Wanda wiggled her gigantic bare breasts, making them bounce massively, "NOW, YOU DON'T CONSIDER ME OVER WEIGHT DO YOU?" The chief laughed, "Well, now according to our regulations, any fire fighter that weighs more than three hundred pounds, has to go on a special diet to loose enough weight to get under three hundred pounds. But then I think each one of those lovely things, weighs more than three hundred pounds, another special exception I guess. Maybe we'll just weigh your little finger." and he laughed. "CHIEF, HAVING LOOKED AT YOUR CALENDAR, I WANT SPECIAL SEXUAL HARASSMENT EXCEPTIONS TOO." "Wanda, you've got to be kidding, no one would dare sexually harass you." "WHY NOT? I WANT TO BE HARASSED BY THOSE SEXY LITTLE GUYS. I'M SURE GONNA HARASS THEM, LIKE THEY'VE NEVER BEEN HARASSED BEFORE. IN FACT I'M ALL HORNY NOW; WORKING NAKED WITH THEM HAS GOT ME ALL EXCITED, AND I WANT SOME SEXUAL HARASSMENT NOW." I was watching the Chief's confused face, and laughing at his bewilderment at what Wanda was saying to him. Not at all what he was expecting. He was at a complete loss for something to say. I leaned up to her ear. "What, you're gonna two time me?" Wanda laughed too. "MORE LIKE A COUPLE DOZEN TIME YOU. YOU LITTLE SHRIMP." she said quietly to me. Of course quietly for her meant she couldn't be heard for more than a mile or two. "What?" the chief asked. "NOTHING, I WAS JUST TALKING TO CHARLIE. WHAT ABOUT HIM, MY PERSONAL RADIO MAN?" "Yeah, I think I can work that out. He'll need a physical too, and he'll have to go through training, at least some special training we'll have to work out. Will he be sleeping with you?" "MAYBE NOT 'WITH ME', BUT AT LEAST CLOSE TO ME." I leaned up again, "Darn, not with you?" A giggle, "CAREFUL CHARLIE, YOU MAY BE GETTING IN OVER YOUR HEAD, AGAIN." This time she was nearly whispering to keep everyone from hearing. "Can you get the Chief to continue this down at the hanger, where we can talk without the whole world hearing everything we say?" I ask. "CHIEF, I'M TIRED, CAN WE FINISH THIS LITTLE DISCUSSION DOWN AT THE HANGER WHERE YOU SO GRACIOUSLY SAID I COULD SLEEP?" "Sure, Wanda, what ever you want. I'll get some papers to sign you up, and meet you there in an hour or two. That be all right?" "SURE, CHIEF, HOW WILL I KNOW WHAT HANGER IT IS?" "I'll radio ahead, and it'll be all cleaned out by the time you get there, and there'll be some eager guys to lead you to it. Don't hurt 'em, but you all have fun." "CHIEF, YOU'RE ALL RIGHT! SEXUAL HARASSMENT PARTY FRONT AND CENTER!" and she ended laughing as she stood to her full towering height and started walking off toward the old Navy air base, with all the cameras shooting up at her gigantic naked body as she walked sexily away, deliberately wriggling her hips for the cameras. ********************* I leaned up and reminded Wanda about staying off the roads so as not to crush them with her feet, and she stopped abruptly, and turned her head toward the shoulder I was sitting on.. "HEY, WHO'S DRIVING THIS BUS, YOU OR ME?" "What?" "CHARLIE, I KNOW NOT TO STEP ON THE ROADS, I'VE BEEN A GOOD GIRL ALL AFTERNOON, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME EVERY LITTLE THING TO DO." She seemed a little irritated, but I guess it was just tired from all the heavy work she had been doing all day. "Oh, I'm sorry, Wanda, I was just thinking out loud, and reminding you of how easily stepping on a road would make it impassable." "SORRY, I WAS A LITTLE SHORT, I GUESS I'M JUST A LITTLE TIRED, BUT I SURE DO FEEL GOOD, THANKS FOR TALKING ME OUT OF STOMPING THE TOWN AND INTO HELPING UP HERE AT THE FIRE. IT LOOKS LIKE THIS GIANTESS THING MAY TURN OUT TO BE ALL RIGHT AFTER ALL. I MEAN, I DID A GOOD JOB WITH THAT FIRE AND THE CHIEF AND ALL THE FIREMEN SEEM TO LIKE ME, AND THE WORK I DID." "Honey, you did fantastic, I can hardly believe how wonderfully you did. Hell they had been fighting that fire for almost a week and couldn't even get it under control, and you put the whole thing out almost by yourself in an afternoon. I agree with the chief that you would be a fantastic asset to the fire department. They not only fed you, all you could eat, but now they've got a place for you to stay, out of the weather, and if you decide to go with the department, and I can't think of any reason why you shouldn't, they'll fix it up as a home for you. At least that seems to be what the chief was saying." Wanda was strolling along at her usual break neck speed, carefully avoiding stepping on any of the roads, and the wind was whipping over me again, nearly blowing me off her shoulder as she walked. I was glad to have four of her giant strands of long hair tied around my waist as I held to another three strands and leaned back against the pull of the wind. "YEAH, IS sounds PRETTY GOOD, ACTUALLY, HE OFFERED ME A PRETTY GOOD SALARY, ALL MY FOOD AND A PLACE TO STAY. YEAH, I'VE GOT A PRETTY GOOD BIT OF MONEY, BUT AT WHAT I'D HAVE TO PAY FOR FOOD AND CLOTHING, AT THIS SIZE, I DON'T THINK IT WOULD LAST ME VERY LONG. THAT'S FUNNY, YOU WERE RIGHT ABOUT THE CLOTHING MANUFACTURES OFFERING ME FREE CLOTHING, JUST FOR WEARING THEM TO FIGHT FIRES IN. AND 'RED WIND' BOOTS IS GOING TO SEND SOMEONE UP TO MEASURE MY FEET SO THEY CAN MAKE ME SPECIAL BOOTS, FREE!" "Honey, that's not for free. They have to pay you to wear their boots, it's called modeling fees. Either that or another boot company will be right here to make you a better offer." "YOU REALLY THINK SO?" "Wanda, its done all the time for celebrities, and as of now you're a celebrity. You know, its sort of like the Gibson guitar company did with Elvis Presley, they made a deal with him to supply him with their guitars, and that's all he ever used. He wanted a guitar and they'd send it to him. All his guitars were Gibson Music company guitars. A lot of companies do that so that the celebrities are using their products. Its a part of their advertising. You see that all the time with products, 'official product of , whatever'?" "I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT." "Yeah, the only thing we have to do is make sure that you don't sign a long term, or exclusive contract with a company that ties you up for too much for too long a time. That's a mistake that Elvis made too, he signed up with the Colonel and then RCA bought his contract, he was tied up with them long after he was dead, even his estate was tied up by the contract he signed. We want a good contract, but we don't want to get all tied up like that forever. "I GUESS, THAT'S WHY YOU'RE MY MANAGER." "Yeah, I can be your manager, but I'll tell you right now, we're gonna have to hire an attorney to make sure we, or at least you, don't get all tied up like that." "WHAT ABOUT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT?" "We'll have to see what they're really going to offer you, and I may even get an attorney that's familiar with these type of dealings to make sure, you get a good deal, and don't get stuck. You'll have to work with the fire department for a while, at least to get your publicity started in the right track. I think they'll be good for you, and you'll be good for them. I think it'll be a good arrangement. You're not going to sign anything tonight, I don't care what the Chief brings for you. 'You're just too tired to sign anything tonight'. and make sure you keep that attitude. I don't care what anyone says, they're not going to throw you out after what you did today, it would be too much bad publicity. They need good publicity as well as the next fellow does, and believe me, throwing you out of their hanger tonight, or even in the next few days would be real bad publicity, and they don't want any bad press. Especially after you just put out a fire that they had been fighting unsuccessfully all week. It just wouldn't look good." "I HOPE YOU'RE RIGHT." By this time Wanda was approaching the old Navy base, they could see people and cars moving all over the base. Wanda, carefully staying off the roads, was approaching from one side of the base and not by the main gate area. She came to a fence that wasn't even ankle high to her, and without even thinking about it, she just merely stepped over the fence and walked over toward the row of hangers. Suddenly I could hear a siren, and Wanda stopped, and turned. We watched as several cars and a couple of trucks raced, from what we could see was the main gate area, toward us, siren's wailing, red lights flashing and horns blaring. Wanda just stood and looked down at the approaching vehicles. Laughing she said quietly to me. "CHARLIE, HERE COMES SOME MORE PESTS, SHOULD I JUST STOMP ON THEM AND BE DONE WITH IT?" "I dunno', I think that might ruin the good reputation as a friendly giantess you've worked so hard all day to establish. How about if we just see what these noisy little guys want." It was funny, sitting on her shoulder all day, I was almost thinking of myself as a giant, looking down on the tiny little people at her feet. We stood and watched the vehicles race up to Wanda and stop. Several people jumped out of the cars and trucks. One of the guys that jumped out of the lead car was yelling up at us, but we couldn't make out what he was saying. Wanda responded by saying loudly, "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" She dropped to her knees and leaned forward. The little guy was handed a bull horn and he turned it up toward us. "What are you doing? Why didn't you come in the main gate like you're supposed to?" He sounded like an officious and mad little bureaucrat, someone had stepped on his authority. "Wanda laughed at the little man, "YOU WANT ME TO COME IN THE MAIN GATE? NOBODY TOLD ME ANYTHING ABOUT THAT." He was on the bull horn as he yelled up at Wanda, "Well, everybody knows that you're supposed to come in the main gate of a government facility." "YOU LIKE REPAIRING ROADS?" "I didn't say anything about repairing roads, you're supposed to come in and check in through the main gate. Who are you? What are you doing here anyway? This is a closed facility, no one's allowed in here." The little bureaucrat was lucky, he was so silly and officious, Wanda was just laughing at him and teasing him, instead of getting mad at him. "I'LL COME IN ANY WAY YOU WANT ME TO, BUT IF YOU MAKE ME COME IN THROUGH THE MAIN GATE, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL THE DAMAGE I DO TO THE ROADS." "What damage to the roads? There isn't any damage to any roads." Wanda laughed, "THERE WILL BE IF I COME IN THAT WAY. LITTLE MAN, I WEIGH SOMETHING BETWEEN FIFTEEN HUNDRED AND TWO THOUSAND 'TONS'. MY BARE FEET WILL CRUSH HUGE CRATERS IN YOUR ROADS EVERYTIME I STEP ON THEM. YOU'RE SURE YOU WANT ME TO COME IN THROUGH YOUR MAIN GATE?" "You can't do that!" He was very indignant. Then we saw the forestry fire truck coming toward us. It was just in time, I could see Wanda was loosing her sense of humor toward this officious little bureaucrat, and starting to get irritated with his stupidity, she said very curtly, "I THINK THESE PEOPLE CAN EXPLAIN EVERYTHING." and she pointed toward the approaching forestry truck. The truck pulled around the other vehicles on the roadway and pulled up to Wanda's feet as they stopped, making the little bureaucrat jump to one side to keep from getting hit. He turned and started yelling at the driver of the truck. The driver completely ignored him and flipped on the truck's loud speaker system. "HI, WANDA, SORRY I'M LATE. YOUR HANGER IS THE END ONE ON THE LINE OVER THERE, WE'VE PRETTY MUCH GOT IT READY FOR YOU, BUT WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING IN THERE, FOR YOU YET. ITS ALL CLEANED OUT AND SWEPT, BUT WE DON'T HAVE ANY BEDDING. THE CHIEF SAYS WE MAY NOT GET THAT TILL TOMORROW, WILL THAT BE OK WITH YOU?" Wanda was back to laughing again, as she watched the antics of the little bureaucrat, yelling at the driver and stalking around in anger, when the driver ignored him and talked to Wanda instead of him. Wanda added to the little guys anger as she answered the fire truck driver, ignoring the little bureaucrat too. "SURE, I DON'T MIND. I THINK ITS GREAT OF YOU GUYS TO GO TO ALL THE TROUBLE OF CLEANING IT UP FOR ME. ITS SO MUCH BETTER THAN JUST SLEEPING OUT IN THE OPEN, LIKE I WAS GOING TO DO. I'VE GOTTA REALLY DO SOMETHING FOR THE CHIEF TO THANK HIM FOR THIS." Three or four firemen had surrounded the little bureaucrat and were escorting him back to his car. It was obvious that he didn't really want to go back without an apology from the truck driver or Wanda, but the firemen were making it obvious too, that he wasn't going to get any satisfaction from either of them, all but picking him up and throwing him into his car. Wanda was being really good, and not laughing aloud or making any comments to the little bureaucrat. The fire truck driver used the loud speaker system again and asked Wanda if he could join me up on her shoulder so he could talk to her privately, since he had some more to tell her of a more personal nature and didn't want to use the loud speaker system to tell the whole world. Wanda said, sure and put her hand down next to the fireman. Without hesitation, he hopped up on Wanda's hand and leaned against her huge thumb, as she lifted him to her shoulder where I was sitting, like it was something he did every day. He introduced himself to me, and turned to Wanda's ear. "You can hear me all right here if I speak in a normal voice?" "SURE" Wanda responded as quietly as she could. "WHO WAS THAT LITTLE GUY, THAT WAS DOING ALL THE YELLING?" The fireman laughed, "He's the guy the government left in charge here when they closed the base down. He drinks coffee and gets in our way. No one pays any attention to him, and it really pisses him off. OOPS, I mean, makes him mad." Wanda giggled, "I UNDERSTAND PISSES HIM OFF," she giggled, talking as quietly as she could. "Well, I didn't mean to use that kind of language with a lady, but with what we have to talk about, I guess its not too far out of line, and besides, we get a kick out of doing it to him, just to piss him off. And as much as you pissed him off tonight, all the guys would love you just for that." and he laughed. "AND WHAT'S SO SECRETIVE THAT YOU HAVE TO TALK TO ME PRIVATELY ABOUT? "Its not so secretive, just personal. We don't have any toilet facilities for you." Wanda gave a short sharp chuckle, "I GUESS THAT'S TO BE EXPECTED, I DON'T THINK ANYONE ELSE HAS EITHER. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M GOING TO DO EXCEPT GO OUT IN THE OPEN SOMEWHERE." "Well, we thought about it and came up with the best solution we could. See that group of what looks from here like gas tanks? over on the far end of the field?" "YEAH, I SEE THEM." "Well, they're really settlement tanks for our sewage plant. I think if you could use them, it would solve a lot of everyone's problems." "OK, I GUESS I COULD DO THAT, BUT I HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE PROBLEM." "What's that?" "I'M HOT AND DIRTY FROM FIGHTING THAT FIRE ALL DAY, I NEED A SHOWER." "We were hoping you'd say something like that. Hang on a second." and he raised his radio to his mouth, "OK, boys, get the ladder truck into place where I said to, she wants a shower." The radio responded, "Yea...!" and he said, "I hope you don't mind, the Chief said you were a pretty good sport and had been running around all day stark naked, like you are now, and didn't seem to mind all the firemen looking at you, and even teased with the TV cameramen a little bit. I've got a ladder truck all set up to raise the ladder with the hose gun and let the guys give you a good hosing off, with the fire hose, unfortunately it may be a bit cool, since we don't have heated water in the trucks. Will that be all right with you?" "OH, GOD, I THINK THAT WOULD BE THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD, TAKE ME TO IT." "OK, put me back on the ground and we'll lead you over to it." "WANT TO RIDE THERE AND LET THE TRUCK FOLLOW?" "Oh, yeah, could I? What a thrill that'd be." I said, "Wanda, can I tie him on, you don't want him to fall, and you get a pretty good wind across here when you walk." "SURE, BUT DON'T GET TOO MUCH OF MY HAIR TANGLED UP." "OK, I won't. Here Chief, let me tie you with her hair, the wind might blow you off, its pretty windy up here when she walks and its a long way to the ground." "Sure, Tie me up with her hair? All the guys will be jealous. And Wanda, just because you're giving me a little ride on your shoulder you don't have to give anyone any rides, or do anything else, that you don't want to, all right?" I wrapped three strands of Wanda's giant hair around the Chief and tied it in a bowline around him. "Pretty big strands of hair," he commented as he looked at the giant rope-like tendrils of hair. I looked back at him, "Pretty big girl." and he just grinned at me as she stood up. Then he turned to Wanda's ear, "Over by the other end of the hanger, you'll see the ladder truck set up waiting for you. It may be a little chilly, but we don't have a heater. You won't get upset if the guys are a little playful when they squirt you will you?" She laughed, "YOU MEAN THEY'LL WANT TO SQUIRT MY TITS AND PUSSY?" "Well.... uh...." "I THINK THAT'D BE GREAT, THEY CAN PLAY LIKE THAT ALL THEY WANT TO, BUT THEY HAVE TO GET THE REST OF MY BODY TOO, I REALLY DO NEED A SHOWER, THEN WE CAN PLAY AS LONG AS THEY WANT TO. I'M NOT SHY, LIKE I WAS TELLING THE CHIEF AT THE FIRE, 'SEXUAL HARASSMENT SQUAD FRONT AND CENTER'." I looked, and he was grinning from ear to ear as he said into the radio, "OK, guys, give her a full wash down fore and aft, from stem to stern, but let me and Charlie get off first." Then to me, "I assume you want off before the boys get playing with the fire hoses." "Sounds like a good idea to me, chief." The wind was blowing strongly across us as Wanda walked along and we were both hanging on to Wanda's long thick hair as she walked toward the hanger at her usual incredible speed. He looked at me, "Man, I'm glad you wanted to tie me to her hair, I'm not afraid of heights, but this could be hazardous." We reached the hanger and Wanda dropped to her knees and raised her hand toward us. I untied the hair from around me and the chief, brushed it straight, and we jumped into Wanda's waiting hand and she lowered us to the ground. The chief and I trotted over to the hanger and we stood by the hanger door. He yelled "OK, Wanda?" She stood and extended her arms out from her sides and said, "OK." The chief raised his radio, but before he could say anything, three fire hoses hit Wanda right in the middle of her vast chest. Her voice thundered even louder than the three fire hoses hitting her as she squealed and said, "OH, WOW, THAT'S COLD... BUT IT SURE FEELS GOOD! YEAH...... GO FOR IT BOYS.." and she turned her body to let them get the rest of her. The chief and I just stood and watched the torrents of water play over her giant body. The chief raised his radio, "Hold it fellows, no more that three men up there at once, you know the rules." then turning to me, said, "They'd have the whole squad up on top of that ladder with Wanda here. The only problem is that it'd be top heavy and fall over, and we sure don't want that. He raised his radio again, "Change places, no more than three minutes up there and you have to let the next guy come up." We watched in fascination as the hoses splashed off Wanda. They slid up her chest and over her shoulders then down along her massive breast to steady on her nipple. She was wriggling and squirming in delight as the hoses played over her giant body. When the guys played the streams on her nipples she wiggled making her huge tits jiggle and move the guys were responding to the challenge and keeping the streams of water playing right on her nipples. One hose to each nipple and one sliding down across her body to splash in her crotch. Wanda reached down and started rubbing her crotch with one immense hand as the water splashed up and down around on her giant pussy. She wriggled and thrust her hips out toward the firemen reaching down with her hand and opening the great lips of her pussy so they could actually spray the stream of water right up into her giant pussy. Within moments all three streams were aimed right into her pussy, and she seemed to be having as much if not more fun than the firemen playing the heavy streams of water. She reached down and rubbed her mons, making a show of carefully rubbing the vast field of her dark, curly, pubic hair with the water as the powerful streams of water cascaded off her pussy. Finally she turned around and presented her back to the streams and they played all over her back for several minutes, then she turned back around so her front was presented to the firemen. Once more, the hoses rose to her tits and the powerful jets of water were bouncing her tits around playfully. The guys found that by moving the jets from one side to the other rhythmically they could cause her huge tits to bounce and move. Wanda just stood and watched her huge breasts as the firemen played with them with the jets of water causing them to bounce and wiggle. Then she twisted her chest and caused the huge tits to swing from side to side. "COME ON, LITTLE GUYS, MASSAGE THEM." and Wanda reached up and started fondling her tits with her hands. Slowly rubbing the water over them, squeezing them, lifting and pulling the enormous masses of booby flesh up and out toward the firemen. "LIKE THEM HUH? WELL HAVE FUN, I LIKE WHAT YOU'RE DOING." We could hear the cheer from the firemen down where we were standing. I turned to the chief, "Your guys aren't going to get in any trouble from this are they?" "Not unless Wanda complains," the chief said, "and somehow, I don't think she's going to, the way she seems to be having so much fun. I don't know who's having the most fun, her or the guys." "Yeah, she seems to be having a real ball being a giantess and letting the men play with her body." She turned and bending over pointed to her ass and immediately three streams of water cascaded off her enormous ass. The streams took only a moment until they were all converged playing up and down the crevice of her huge ass. Wanda turned once again and sat back on the tarmac, leaning back she spread her legs wide apart and presented her pussy to the jets of water. Once more rubbing and fondling, spreading her huge pussy-lips with her fingers to present her labia to the firemen and their cascades of water. She lay back and left her legs wide apart so the water could hit her pussy at full force. All three streams merged and water gushed from her cunt as the powerful jets of water smashed into her huge body. "HEY GUYS, WIGGLE THEM AROUND A BIT. IT TICKLES AND FEELS SO GOOD." I watched in awe, then in almost shock as she spread her pussy lips and pointed to her giant clit. The three streams immediately converged on her huge clit. And Wanda lay back and started wriggling her whole body, her hands came down and she began massaging her clit with her tree-trunk sized fingers. I watched as she plunged a finger into her cunt, then two. In moments she was writhing and squirming in obvious orgasm. She writhed and moaned for several minutes as she and the jets of water played in her cunt. Then she dropped her hands and let the water play over her for long minutes as she simply lay on the ground letting the firemen hose her gigantic body off with the fire hoses. Finally she said, "OK, FELLOWS, THATS ENOUGH FOR TONIGHT, ANYBODY GOT A TOWEL?" and laughed. "WELL IF YOU DON'T HAVE A BIG ENOUGH TOWEL FOR ME, HOW ABOUT A FEW OF YOU LITTLE GUYS GETTING UP HERE AND DRYING ME OFF WITH YOUR LITTLE TOWELS?" The powerful streams of water ceased and there was a mad rush to the trucks, and men opened compartments and raced off toward Wanda each carrying a towel or two in his hands. I looked at the chief, "Towels in a fire truck?" "Sure, with all the water we carry they come in handy. We'll apparently need a new supply tomorrow though, I think they got every one from all the trucks." I watched as Wanda sat up partially and watched the firemen scramble up on her giant body. Once again she seemed to be having as much fun as the men seemed to be having as they scrambled all over her rubbing her with their towels. There was a rush to be at her tits, and another to her giant pussy. Wanda sat up and looked at the mass of men drying her pussy and tits. "HEY, GUYS, THERE'S OTHER PARTS THAT NEED DRYING TOO. NOT THAT I MIND YOUR ATTENTION TO THE PROPER DETAILS, BUT THE REST OF ME NEEDS DRYING TOO. YOU CAN GET BACK TO WORK THERE LATER." I looked at the chief and said, "I think Wanda's really having fun with your men." "Yeah, looks that way. But then so are they. Looks sort of like a mutual admiration society meeting." and we laughed. I said, "I guess I don't need to tell you, that it looks like some of your men are going to get into trouble later, and we can spell that trouble, W A N D A." The chief looked at me and said, "Well, she wouldn't do anything out of line, would she?" "I guess that depends on what you call. 'out of line'?" He stuttered, or spoke hesitantly, "I mean.... she wouldn't.... uhhh... Ahhh.... eerrr.... let 'em have 'sex' with her, would she?" I laughed, "Well, not like you would with a girl, she's a little big for that." "The chief sighed, "That's good." "I don't know Chief, when I say, not like you would with a girl don't mean that she won't stuff half a dozen men up into her big 'ol cunt, to play with them, like toys." "What?" he was almost screaming. "What do you mean, like toys?" "Well, Chief, look at the size of her compared to your men. You do realize, that to her, your big strong men are little three inch toys, not men at all. Oh, she knows that they're men, in fact enjoys them as men, but to her, they're just toys for her to play with. Nice, erotic, little sexual toys, anatomically correct dolls for her to play with. "She wouldn't!" "Now, Chief, does that look like a young innocent girl just out for a day of fun at the beach or something. Look at the way those guys are rubbing her tits and pussy and how she's eating it up. She loves for them to play sexually with her. You think she won't play sexually with them?" We watched as three men rubbed her dark pubic hair massaging it a lot harder than they needed to, pressing into her massive flesh with their towels as they rubbed. All of them were one above the other rubbing in the crevice of her pussy when she slid her hands down and grasping her thick heavy pussy lips with her fingers quickly pulled it wide open. All three of the men fell into her pussy falling full length against her soft wet flesh. "THINK YOU CAN GET IT DRY IN THERE, GUYS." They were actually inside the cleft of her pussy rubbing the enormous masses of her soft flesh with their towels when she pulled her vulva out and closed it over them, trapping all three in her pussy. I laughed, "Any more questions, chief?" We watched as they struggled vainly to escape from beneath the enormous fleshy weight of her giant pussy lips as she pinched the huge masses of soft flesh together over them. "Its starting Chief, see she's got three of your men trapped inside her pussy already. Look at them, they're struggling like they're trying to escape, but look at what they're actually doing, they're just rubbing themselves against her pussy and they all know it. Her included. She reached down between her legs and rubbing her pussy with her fingers adjusted them and pushed one of them right down between the gargantuan fleshy lips of her gigantic labia. "Hey, chief, how many of your guys did she have trapped in her pussy-lips?" "Three, why?" "Count again." and I chuckled. "There's only two, where'd the other man go?" "Come on now, Chief, you don't know?" "No, where'd he go, I didn't see him get out." "Did you see her rub them against her pussy?" "Yeah, but she didn't pick any of them up. I was watching." "How about pushing one of them down inside her pussy, were you watching for that?" "She wouldn't...." "Count 'em Chief, and you're right none of them got out." "Oh, my God. You mean she shoved one of my men right up inside her vagina? You mean, she swallowed him whole?" Is she gonna hurt him?" "Not much, at least not enough that he'll ever complain. She'll squeeze him a lot, maybe crack a couple of ribs, almost drown him in her cum when she orgasms, but he'll survive. In fact he'll survive the envy of every man in the division, and probably the happiest." "I don't believe this is happening." "Want to go see for yourself?" "I don't think so." "Its fun, chief, a lot of fun. The most erotic fun you've ever had." "You talk like you know." I just smiled at him, slowly nodding my head. We watched as Wanda reached down toward the trapped men again. "Watch Chief, watch what she does." She rubbed her fingers on the men's backs then she rammed her forefinger into herself and lifting it out put it on the man's shoulders and pushed. He slid between the fleshy lips of her giant labia and simply disappeared. The chief gasp. "She..... she.... she..." I laughed, "She sure did, Chief she shoved that man right up inside her cunt, like he was nothing more than an erotic little toy, which to her he is." "But.... but.... b..b..." "What's the matter, Chief, your men not big enough to take care of themselves." "But.... she...." "You've already said that chief. And I bet the other one disappears before long." "Three men?" "She's a big girl, chief." "But..... No.... she wouldn't." "Got any extra money you want to loose, Chief?" This time Wanda didn't even try to hide what she was doing, she spread her gigantic thighs wide apart and reaching down picked up the remaining man between her thumb and finger effortlessly and upending him simply inserted him headfirst into her cunt like he was a little toy. The chief was completely stunned. "She.... she... she shoved him up into her pussy like she was just putting a little tampon in.. like he was nothing...." "Chief, to her, he's less than three inches tall, no bigger than her little finger, how many little fingers could a girl put into her pussy?" "B... B... But.... that's one of my men..." "Relax, Chief, you'll get him back. And probably as happy as if he had good sense. Grinning from ear to ear, if I know my men." "Look, there's two more walking up to her pussy with towels." "There's a good chance they'll disappear too." "Naw, not five..." "Chief, a full dozen wouldn't really surprise me. She's a really big girl, and horny as all hell. She got all excited from playing with those men and their fire hoses.. Remember when they were squirting their hoses into her pussy and tits? It makes a young woman hungry for men to play with her like that. And it may take a few more of your little three inch firemen to satisfy her, than it would a normal woman." "But....." "Chief, you're repeating yourself." "Will she hurt them?" "Squeeze them a bit, actually pretty damn hard, somewhat rough on them, maybe even squash the air out of them, and probably damn near drown them when she cums, but she won't hurt them enough to discourage any of them from running right back to her, as soon as she lets them out." "You're kidding?" We watched in awe as the two men ran up to her giant pussy and began rubbing it with their towels. As soon as the first one began rubbing, her hand came down and without any hesitation she put her finger on the back of his shoulders and pressed. He screamed once, his feet thrashed in the air for a moment, and he was gone. The other guy looked around and saw her giant finger coming down on his chest. He screamed as he was lifted on the tip of her finger and shoved violently into her pussy with the others, his feet flailing uselesly for only a moment as he disappeared into her cunt as easily as if he was nothing to the giant woman. "My God, that's five firemen she's shoved up into her pussy like they were little toys, and she's just lying there squirming and wriggling her hips." A heavy low moan escaped from Wanda's lips as she writhed her hips and lifted them into the air a few feet. "I think she's just having a little fun with your men, chief.... sexual fun!" One giant hand came down and rubbed her cavernous pussy, and she moaned softly again. The chief and I could both feel the ground shake as her gigantic writhing hips slammed back down heavily. Then she brought her index finger into her huge cunt and began playing with herself, rubbing her clit with her giant fingers, moaning as she writhed and squirmed, probing her colossal pussy with fingers bigger than a man. I felt someone standing behind me and turned around. I inhaled sharply and couldn't release my breath. There was a woman standing just a few feet behind me, but what a woman. If it weren't for Wanda, she would have been the biggest woman I had ever seen. A beautiful woman, that looked to be in her late thirties, with long dark red hair. She was looking past the Chief and I at Wanda, and she was gorgeous, a towering, muscular woman, a good six and a half feet tall, in a skirt that just came to just above her knees and a blouse that was held out by a set of breasts that would do any woman proud. She just stood there looking without saying a word for several minutes, then she said quietly. "She sure seems to be enjoying herself. She hasn't hurt anyone yet has she?" "No, she's very careful, she won't hurt anyone, at least not intentionally." I answered, "Can I help you? I'm Charlie Wells and this is Chief Andrews. "No, I just came to see Wanda. I've seen her on television all day and wondered how she was doing. "Well, I hope she didn't embarrass you, but as you can see she's doing just fine. She let the firemen hose her down for a nice long shower, and now is playing with some of them and seems to be having a lot of fun." And the Chief said, "and she deserves it after all the great work she did today. Did you say, that you saw it?" "Yes, I saw her, that's why I'm here." "What did you think of her?" "She sure did a great job on that fire today. I understand the forestry fire department has been trying unsuccessfully to put it out for a week." The Chief turned to her, "Well, we hate to admit it, but that's right. And if it hadn't been for Wanda, we might have been fighting it for another week." Then he stopped and looked at the huge beautiful woman for a moment, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." She laughed, "That's because, I didn't throw it out, for you to catch." and making no offer to give her name, she just smiled and looked back at Wanda. "Is there any chance that I could talk to her for a few minutes?" "Are you a reporter, or friend?" I ask. "No, not really. She's never met me, but we have had some business dealings, and I really do need to talk to her before too long. Have you known her very long?" "A while, we've worked together and she invited me up here for the weekend." I said. "I guess that was before her 'accident'?" she ask. The chief was leaning against the door watching Wanda, and not participating in our little conversation. I looked at the huge woman and said, "What accident are you talking about?" She looked at me very sharply and said in a cold voice, "If you're her boyfriend, and have worked with her in the past, you know very well what accident I'm talking about." Her short, sharp reply told me immediately, that she was more than just an innocent bystander. She knew a lot more about Wanda than most anyone not involved would know. I looked at the size of the huge woman and thought about Wanda's size of this morning. It dawned on me that this woman just might know about the potion that Wanda was taking to grow. I said, "Well, since you seem to know about an 'accident' that no one else knows about, maybe I should tell Wanda that you're here and would like to talk to her. Could I tell her who you are?" "Can you talk to her very quietly and not to anyone else?" She asked. "If I need to." I answered. "Well, its very urgent that I talk to her, so if you can talk to her without telling the world, tell her that someone from Granny's would like to talk to her about her little accident. She'll know what I'm talking about." I looked at her, slowly looking from head to foot and back up again, "From, Granny's....?" I looked pointed at the top of her head and said, "Somehow or other I thought you might be connected." She looked at me, and said, "What do you know about Granny?" I smiled at her, "I don't know anything about Granny, but if you're talking about," and I looked at Wanda, then craned my head back like I was looking high up in the air, That Granny's...." and I let my voice trail off. She didn't say a word, but just very slowly nodded her head and smiled at me. "You do know that she's had a very tiring day and is trying to relax, and I wouldn't want you to put her under any stress. You understand?" I ask. "Much better than you might imagine." she said. "Well, before I tell her, you do know that Chief Emmit of the fire department is coming over here to offer her a real good job. He has endorsement requests from several companies and has offered her this place to live and all her food for free from the forestry division." "Oh, she has an offer like that?" "Yep.... They were really impressed with the job she did today. In fact the chief said he'd really like to have some more gals like her to help him with the bad fires." She looked at me again and asked, "Are you any more than a boyfriend?" "Well, I've been with her all day long and when the Chief told her about the offers from some of the companies we sort of agreed that I would be her manager, and we've been pretty good friends for several years now, so you might say that I'm a little more than just a casual 'boyfriend'." "Well, in that case, maybe you should be in on any of our talks, since they may affect your future relations and dealings. Tell her I'm here, and really do need to talk to her before she talks to the chief, or anyone else. OK?" I started to go toward Wanda, and the chief stopped me. "What's happening? I heard a little of her conversation. Remember Wanda's got five of my men, before you do anything else." "Oh, yeah, I don't know what I'll do about that." He laughed, "I don't think there's anything you can do about that, I think it'd be strictly up to Wanda." I said, "Yeah, I'll remind her, as if she needs any reminding." and I watched as she squirmed and heaved, writhing on the ground as she rubbed her pussy over the trapped men. I wondered idly if they were having anything like the sensuously erotic episode I had there this morning. I looked at Wanda squirming and writhing on the ground and told the chief, "On second thought, I think I'll wait just a few moments before I go and disturb her. I don't want to interrupt her fun and have her mad at me.. I don't think it would be a good idea to have Wanda mad at me." He laughed, "Yeah, it don't look like a good time to bother her right now, with everyday problems. Think my men are all right?" "If its anything like..... Ahhaa, I mean, I'm pretty sure they're all right, in fact when you get them back they'll probably be pretty happy, a little tired, and maybe bruised up a bit, but happy." "You sound like you've had some experience with this before." "Ahhaa, Chief...." I said so that he understood, and dropped the subject. The big woman was just standing there leaning on the door watching Wanda. She turned to me and ask, "Has she done any damage?" "No, she was thinking about stomping a town, but I talked her out of it. She still has a real beef with the police chief, but maybe we can convince her not to stomp him, even if she wants to." "Well, that's one of our prime problems, somehow or other when a gal gets big like this, they want to step on things and feel them crush under their feet. Its kinda funny, because women don't usually want that feeling of things breaking under their feet, but when they turn into giantesses, it seems to be one of the things they want most, never figured it out. I do know that they love the feeling of power it gives them to dominate men so easily, but the crushing of things is something else." "Oh, yeah, she did get a little crushing in. She crushed my car so flat I couldn't believe it. She crushed it completely flat, it was unrecognizable, just a flat chunk of mashed metal, like a beer can run over by a truck. Then she picked it up and threw it half a mile or more, like it was nothing more than a little flattened can, or Frisbee." She stepped up closer to me, until I was looking up and realizing that she was a really big woman, and I do mean big. Then I thought, of course, she's with Granny's and that's the stuff that Wanda had taken, before I had screwed up and spiked her drink with the entire portion. And Wanda had gone from barely five feet tall, to well over six feet at that time. This gal had probably taken it too to get her present stature. I looked up at her and smiled. She grinned down at me and then smiling said, "You like big girls?" I smiled up at her, "Well, I didn't before this morning, I didn't dislike them, just never thought much about them. But when I met Wanda this morning and she was about six four, it turned out pretty good. I think that now I like big tall gals. I know that I'm crazy about Wanda at what ever size she is." I looked out at Wanda as she just lay panting heavily, with one hand idly rubbing her giant pussy. The woman was looking at her too and said, "Looks like she's about through and ready to talk now. Go ahead and tell her before she falls asleep. Oh, and tell her to get rid of the firemen before I talk to her. She'll know." I looked up at the big woman again, God she was big, and beautiful, a little older, but a really beautiful woman. "OK, I'll tell her." and I walked out to Wanda. I walked past her tremendous feet and looked up at them as I passed them. I couldn't believe it, but just looking at Wanda's giant bare feet gave me a hard on, I wanted to run over and throw my arms around her feet and hug them, but they were actually too big for that. I walked on past her giant leg and around her huge body till I was up close to her head. "Wanda!" I yelled from close to her shoulder. "Wanda," I yelled again. "Its me Charlie. I'm down here by your right shoulder. Wanda, answer me" "OH, HI CHARLIE, I'M SORRY, BUT I JUST GOT CARRIED AWAY, I STILL LOVE YOU." "Wanda, I love you too, but there's a woman here says she has to talk to you, she says she's from Granny's, and that its very important for her to talk to you before you talk to the Chief or anyone else.. Can she come out here and talk to you?" "SURE, BRING HER HERE. SHE MAY WANT TO TALK TO THE CHIEF TOO." "I think she does.. I'll go get her. Stay still, and get rid of those firemen you've got too." "OH, YEAH, THEY FEEL SO GOOD..." "Yeah, I bet they do. I know that I did. Two timer..." and I smiled up at her. She rolled her head toward me, "NO, I THINK THERE WERE FIVE OF THEM..." and she grinned at me. "Yeah, that's right, but now, get rid of them." "OH, I GUESS.... BUT I REALLY LIKE THEM..... MMmmm.... THEY FEEL SO G..O.. O... O... O... D.... CAN I HAVE SOME MORE LATER?" "Wanda..." I said in exasperation. "Leave the firemen alone, after you talk to the woman from Granny's and the fire chief, I'll take care of you." I couldn't believe the grin she gave me. "I'LL BET YOU WOULD, WOULDN'T YOU, LITTLE MAN. AT LEAST YOU'D LIKE TO." and she grinned from ear to ear. I trotted back down to her feet and waved at the woman from Granny's. She waved back and walked out to where I stood by Wanda's giant foot. Then said, "I wouldn't stand this close to her foot, if I were you. She might like you, but one little mistake and you'd be nothing but a smear on the concrete if she moved her foot wrong." I looked back at the beautiful big woman, "Oh, I hadn't thought of that, but you're right, I'm just so entranced by her big lovely feet, I wasn't thinking. She says she'll talk to you. Come on up here by her ear." And I noticed five soaking wet firemen walking off toward the other hanger arm in arm laughing and talking, and pointing back toward Wanda as they walked away laughing and grinning. I trotted back to Wanda's shoulder and the woman followed walking fast. "Hi, Wanda, it's Charlie, and" .... and I hesitated, and looked at the woman for a name. "Tell her Granny", the woman said. "Granny?" I asked. She grinned down at me, "Yeah, its not a real big firm." then she looked at Wanda, and said, "Some of our products seem to end up this way, then I usually have to go out and take care of the problem." She turned toward Wanda, "Hi, Wanda, I'm Granny. You of course remember me?" "WELL, I NEVER MET YOU, BUT I TALKED TO YOU ON THE PHONE, YOU SOUND A LOT DIFFERENT IN PERSON." "Well, one thing, you're a lot bigger, so things sound different, and then too I was using my 'granny' voice when I talked to you on the phone. Sorry about your accident. Want me to fix it? I can put you right back to where you were, or to the size you wanted to be." Wanda rolled to her side so that she was looking right at Granny and Me. Then she laughed, "YOU'RE GRANNY?" "I'm Granny, you were expecting a little old lady?" "WELL, THAT'S SORT OF THE IMPRESSION YOU GAVE, AND ITS MORE OR LESS WHAT PEOPLE EXPECT OF A 'GRANNY'. YOU'RE A HEAD TALLER THAN CHARLIE, AND I KNOW HE'S SIX FEET TALL. AND YOU'RE NOT OLD AT ALL." "Let's face it honey, I made the product for me to start with. Then just started selling it to other women, that need it. Then every once in a while we have an impatient woman that don't want to wait, and drinks it all at once, or drinks it without reading the directions and cautions, then I have to come out and repair the damage. It always makes the papers and TV so I don't have much hunting to do. And its kinda' easy to find a fifty or hundred foot giantess. I see you're one of the bigger ones. What, about a hundred fifty feet? I think that's what the TV was saying. Had enough of being a fearful giantess? You ready to go back to being 'little Wanda' again?" To be continued...