RICKI part 2 By Chelgi Ricki looked up as Kelly arrived with her beer. "Kelly, give these three fellows a beer on my tab. They'll be leaving in the morning and won't be coming back." "Excuse me, miss," the leader of the three said, "I don't remember any of us saying anything like that." "Oh, I'm sorry. Was it tonight that you were leaving? I thought you might want to get a good nights rest at Stella's before you went on your way." The short one looked up at her and said, "He meant we ain't leaving." "Well, we seem to have a slight difference of opinion. I know you're leaving. The only difference is whether you leave peacefully in the morning or sooner. Or simply leave however things works out." "Atkins has paid us to do a job and if we leave without doing that job it may be difficult to get other jobs in the area." The leader said. "Well, if you need to stop by and give Atkins back his money. That'd be all right. As long as it was first thing in the morning on your way out of town." "Look, lady, he paid us to get you out of town and that's what we're going to do. You want to leave now or you want us to shoot you?" The short one said belligerently. "Well, that puts the cards on the table without any beating around, don't it?" Ricki smiled. "Seems we are at an impasse. You've been paid to run me out of town, or kill me. And I want you all out of town. I guess a good gun fight would settle the matter. One poor little woman against three hired guns. That don't seem so fair, unless I'm the poor little woman. Then it's not fair, but the other way. Just so you all understand, I can take all three of you before any of you could clear leather. So just to make it easier on you, I'll give you a good start on getting out of town first." Ricki smiled at all three, then without warning and faster than any of them could move reached out and grabbed the belligerent little man by the front of his shirt, lifted him into the air with one hand and whirling him easily over her head threw him clear across the room his flailing body slamming into the front door. Fortunately it was a hinged swinging door and he continued out the door and across the porch to land with a crash. By the time he hit the swinging door both of the other gunmen were struggling in Ricki's hands with their thrashing feet a yard off the floor, one man in each hand as she turned and threw both of them out the front door too. She turned and pulling her gun she waved for every one to get out from between her and the front door. There was an instant corridor formed between her and the door a dozen feet wide and widening by the second. By the time the first gunman came back in the front door Ricki had returned her gun to the holster and was standing alone by the bar leaning her elbow on the bar and watching the door with every one else backed against the far walls. The first man she had thrown out the door came in with his gun in his hand and rage in his eyes. Ricki watched him for a second and as he turned and started to point the gun toward her she drew and fired without even moving from her casual stance at the bar. Everyone saw his head jerk back and a flash of crimson erupt from the back of his head. He continued to stare toward Ricki for a moment, the dark spot above his nose barely visable. The gun sagged, fell from his hand and he crumpled to the floor. By the time he fell the other two men were in the doorway with their guns in their hands pointed at Ricki. There was another explosion of gunfire and they crashed out the door backwards. Ricki turned casually toward the bar and opening the cylinder of her gun extracted six empty shells and reloaded before returning her gun to the holster. Ricki said, "I think someone should go get Jesse and tell him to take these guys to the parlor and ready them for burial. Doc, I think you should fill out the paperwork for 'em too. Jesse should also see if they still have Mr. Atkins money and return it to him if they do. No... In fact, don't give him the money. Turn their stuff and all their money in to the sheriff's office and tell Atkins to see me if he wants his money. And a couple of you guys could help Kelly clean up the place. He could probably find a free beer for you if you did." Jesse stepped forward from the side and said, "You don't have to send anyone for me, I'm here. Just have some of the guys carry them over the parlor and put them on the tables. The parlor's open, I'll be over when I finish my beer." Ricki turned and grinned at Kelly who was still standing white-faced and in shock behind the bar. As Ricki smiled and lifted her mug toward Kelly for a refill, the sound returned as though it had been turned off, and everyone seemed to rush the bar and surround her at once. A couple of hours later Jim and Ricki were sitting at what was acknowledged as "their" table when Kelly came up to refill their glasses. He leaned over to Ricki and said very quietly, "Ricki, remember our deal about my giving you all your drinks for free?" "Yeah.... so..." " I ain't gonna have to give you many." "What do you mean?" she glared at him. "Look at all these people. You've gotta be raking it in like mad." "I am, and more than that, they've bought you enough drinks to keep you drunk through Christmas. I ain't paying for these, they are! Seems like everyone wants to buy you a drink every time they refill their own. And they won't take no for an answer, so I got you marked down for close to a hundred drinks or more, hell, I've lost track.. Hell, I've had to hire two extra guys from the crowd to tend bar for me to even keep up. I'm gonna have to share my profits with you. And at this rate, if I do, I'll probably be paying you more than this cheap little town pays you for being sheriff." Ricki and Jim started laughing and waving to all the people watching them. Ricki leaned over and whispered to Jim, "I'm still waiting for that moonlight walk to show you my home planet, but I don't think we can make it tonight. At least not alone...." and she broke off laughing.. Shortly after two am Ricki came into Stella's with her arm around Jim's shoulders. Stella met them at the top of the stairs with, "Whoa! Where do you two think you're going at this time of the morning?" Ricki giggled, "We're going to bed." "You two aren't married. I can't have you sleeping together here, this isn't that kind of place. I told you that when I first met you." Ricki was giggling, "Well..... tonight's kinda special...." Stella looked up at the enormous woman, "You're drunk!" Ricki giggled again, "You think I'm drunk, you oughtta' see him." and she let go of Jims shoulder to demonstrate. Jim simply fell away from her to the floor, and barely moved as he rolled to his back. "Oh, God! you're both drunk." Ricki grinned, "Yeah, ain't it great. I never been drunk before. I don't get drunk." Stella was peaved, "You may not have till now, but you sure are now." "Well, I was gonna let him sleep with me, 'cause he's too drunk to get home." Now Stella was really mad, "If you too think you're going to have drunken sex in my house you're sadly mistaken." Ricki giggled again, and reaching down picked up Jim and pulled him against her side. "Uh-ah, we're not gonna have drunken sex, or any other kind of sex. Ever try to shoot pool with a rope?" and she pointed to the unconscious Jim, and laughed. "Oh, God! Put him on the couch downstairs. He can sleep there tonight. You can carry him downstairs, can't you?" "Oh, yeah, he's easy." and she picked Jim up like a baby in her big powerful arms and kissed him as she started down the stairs. "Poor little man, can't hold his liquor." and she bent her head down and nuzzling his neck kissed him again. At the couch she lay Jim gently on the couch, straightened his body out and started removing his shirt. Stella squeeled, "Don't you take his clothes off." and started to slap Ricki's hand, looked at the size of it for a second with her hand cocked and thought better of hitting this gigantic woman. "Leave him alone and go upstairs to your room!" she ordered. Ricki considered the order for a second, kissed Jim one more time and turned and went up to her room. From the top of the stairs she watched as Stella spread a blanket over Jim and very carefully tucked him in, giving him a little peck on the cheek as she finished. Ricki watched and thought to herself, Ha, I'm not the only one sweet on little Jim boy am I? I better watch him before he gets away. Wednesday afternoon found Jim and Ricki sitting on a butte a couple of miles west of town watching the sun go down. They could feel the air cool even as the sun slowly settled below the horizon and they cuddled a little closer together. "How long before we can see this 'star' of yours." "I'm not sure," Ricki replied, "I'll have to read the pattern of the stars and then I can figure it out." "You know the stars that well?" Ricki laughed, "I've been a pilot for years. You have to know the stars to be a pilot." "I thought pilots were the guys that guided ships up the rivers back east." Ricki smiled, "well it's the same idea. Only I don't run a steam driven boat up a river. I guide a spaceship between stars on atomic power." "What's that?" "What?" "Atomic power" "Its.... uh... never mind. It's a different kind of power than steam. That's probably all I could explain to you in under a year or so." Reaching up Jim extended a dried fruit to Ricki which she grabbed with her lips and sucked in. "You think I'm dumb?" Jim asked "You can't explain it to me in less than a year?" "Not dumb, you just don't have the background experience to understand. I'm not a teacher and don't know how to explain it to someone who doesn't have the proper background knowlege." "I have lots of knowlege." "Not the kind of knowlege you need to understand atomic power." "Try me." "OK, what's an atom?" "I've heard of it, but I can't explain it." "How about a nuclear reactor?" "A what?" "What's a nuclear reactor?" "Never heard of it. When a gun fires it reacts and most people call it kick, so I guess it has something to do with kick." "Good guess, but it falls a little short of the answer you need to know to understand atomic power." "Well anyway a good pilot needs to know the river. How well do you know the stars?" "Actually pretty well." "How many can you name?" Jim smiled, he knew he had her trapped. He had lived outdoors most of his life and he was fairly familar with the stars and could name well over a dozen. "I could name several hundred, but we usually use books to look them up for reference." "Several hundred? No body knows several hundred stars by name." Jim looked up at her astounded. "I do, that was my job, but it wouldn't mean anything to you. I know the names only in my native language." "Oh, I see, an easy out. 'I don't know your name for Betelgeuse.' A likely story." and he turned around and throwing his arms around her shoulders pushed her down onto the blanket they were sitting on. Of course as he pushed her huge body back he realized that he couldn't do it if she wasn't cooperating. And he realized how much she was cooperating as her big strong arms wrapped around him and squeezed. "Look out, little man, you're liable to get more than you bargined for." and she pulled him tight against herself and her lips engulfed his. With his lips locked tight against hers he wriggled on her huge body to get into a more comfortable position. Her arms squeezed him tight against herself and he enjoyed the feeling of her massive breasts pressing up against his chest as they wriggled into position. They lay kissing and caressing for long minutes their tongues dueling and their bodies writhing against one another before breaking the kiss and coming up for air. "Oh, Jim, I love you." "MMmmm.... Ricki, you're wonderful. I love you too." and they kissed again for long moments. His hands roaming all over her huge body loving the feel of her massive body as he felt the huge muscles of her shoulders, and let his hands slip down along her sides and move up to caress her enormous breasts. "MMmmm.... Little man, I brought you out here to see my home world and maybe show you some more of the powers I have that I told you about. The last time I thought I had you for the evening, mother Stella was up waiting for us and wouldn't let me take you to bed, but she's not here now, and I got you." "You got me? That's funny. I thought it was the other way around. I have you way out here all alone and I intend to ravish you. You luscious beauty you." "Ravish away little man. We'll see who has who. It's time to show you some more of my mental powers." "I'm not interested in your mental powers now. I'm interested in that big beautiful body of yours." "Then you'll like this." Jim felt a slight flicker and it felt like he was no longer lying on cloth, it felt like he was lying on smooth, warm, bare flesh. He opened his eyes and raised his head. They were both naked lying on the blanket on the ground. "Whaa.... " "Relax, little man, I told you I was going to show you some of my mental powers. Relax, I promise not to hurt you." and she squeezed him tightly against her huge naked body. "What happened to our clothes?" he was nearly screaming. "I took them off." "You didn't move." "I didn't have to. I told you I was going to show you some more of my mental powers. You like it?" Jim was trying to move away, but her enormous powerfull arms held him tight against the bare flesh of her naked body. She giggled, "I told you I had you, little man, now do you believe me?" "But what happened? All our clothes are gone. Where'd they go?" "They're right over there. Remember that time I moved the chair? This time I simply moved our clothes. I just made all our clothes move to where we weren't, and presto we're naked. It's easy. Now shut up and kiss me again." and once more Jim followed her orders, squirming against her warm soft flesh rubbing his now naked body against her warm soft skin and loving it more than ever. He murmured, "I'm starting to like your powers. Witch or not, you're wonderful, and lovely, and.... " "Hush.... kiss...." and he followed orders again. As they kissed he squirmed against her and realized that he was thrusting his hips and rubbing his dick against the soft flesh of her belly. This time when he tried to move, her arms relaxed and helped him move since he was moving in the right direction. Her hands grasp his hips and lifted him easily putting him into the position she wanted him in. He felt her heavy muscular thighs on his hips and when he thrust forward was rewarded with what he sought. He felt her fingers guiding him as his prick slipped into the soft warm moistness of her. The hot soft flesh surrounding his prick and gripping him sensuously sent him into heaven as she bucked up against his thrusts. Once more as they writhed and squirmed against one another, he raised his head and found her enormous breast pressing delightfully against his face, his mouth found her swollen nipple and she screamed and moaned as she bucked massively against him. Her huge powerful arms and big strong thighs held him in place as she heaved and shivered against him, lifting him easily as she heaved against him. He felt her big strong hands grab his butt and pull him hard into herself again and again. The hours passed slowly as they enjoyed exploring and exploiting each others bodies. Finally when they were exhausted and lying beside one another simply caressing and fondling each other she lay on her back looking up into the night sky and said, "I don't even have to do any calculating, there's my home star right there." "What? What are you talking about?" She chuckled, "Silly, the reason we're out here. We're supposed to be looking for my home world, not just fucking ourselves to death." "That's right, that was the crazy excuse you gave me to get me out here. Wasn't it?" Laughing lightly she said, "Worked didn't it?" and nuzzled against his chest. "You mean that's all it was, a cock and bull story to get me to come out in the desert with you, so you could ravish me while I was helpless in your power?" "No, that's really my home star, but the waiting was wonderful too." "You mean, you really are from another star? And that's it! That little glimmer there?" "That's it! A whole star, and worlds, and people and everything. Just like here but a long ways away." "How far away?" "You don't have any way of understanding. It's just too far." "How far?" "OK, thirty thousand light years away." "Years are time not distance. How far." "I told you, you couldn't understand. It's too far for you to realize. It's actually too far for anyone to really understand, but we do have a way to measure big distances like that." "But I asked how many miles, not how long in time." "OK, I'll explain light years, maybe then you can understand. I doubt it, but why not?" "So how many miles to your planet?" "Do you know how fast light goes?" "No, how fast does it go?" "Oh, God, come to think of it I don't think anyone on this planet knows. It hasn't been figured out yet." "What do you mean no one has figured it out?" "No one here has. Forget it. Kiss me!" Jim started to say something else and her lips engulfed his. He kissed back and she squirmed against him rolling him on top of her huge bare body rubbing his naked body on hers. Jim forgot all about the speed of light and planets, and squirmed back, rubbing his bare flesh against the warm luscious softness of her massive naked body delightedly as he licked and kissed the huge firm nipples of the biggest most delightful bare breasts he had ever seen. A month later they were married in the small church just out of town... Jim never did completely believe that she was from 'another star' but he was so much in love with her, he accepted what ever his new wife said, and made no comments when he saw her take a cowpoke's gun and crush it in her hand like it was so much waste paper.. END..