MOTHER HELPS By Chelgi George eased silently along the stream bank rifle at the ready, when suddenly a terrific impact slammed into him, snatched him off the ground and over the tree tops. He saw his rifle go spinning off in slow motion, seeming to just hang in the air tumbling end for end as his entire torso was engulfed in a crushing pressure and a great booming voice called out, "Ooooooeee! I got him! I got him! I caught a little, tiny, live doll!" George squirmed around to see what had caught him. It was a giant girl .... He screamed...! A young giantess, twenty five or thirty feet tall, holding him clamped tightly in one giant hand. She looked George over and called out again: "00oooo, you darling little doll, I'm gonna take you right home with me." And she began to run as fast as she could, holding George clamped in one giant fist, his legs dangling and swinging back and forth and his head jerking about as the young giant ran. He screamed and yelled, "Let me go! Let me down!" But the giant girl paid no attention. She ran till she came to a giant house, and as she ran she called out, "Momma! Momma....! Look what I've found ...... a darling, tiny little doll! And he's alive! He walks and talks." Then the giant girl's Mother came into the room and looked at George. George looked up at the biggest woman he had ever seen, well over forty feet tall. She spoke in a soft roar to the teen-age giantess, "Where did you find him honey?" "Down by the stream. He was walking along beside the creek, I saw him coming toward me, and so I stood real still and waited until he came right up to me. It was funny, I don't think he even saw me. He was standing right there by my foot, no taller than my ankle. I bent down very slowly and just grabbed him in my hand. As soon as I grabbed him he started squeaking and squealing. It was so neat. He was squirming and squeaking wriggling around in my hand. He felt so funny I almost dropped him, when he started wiggling, but he was such a really neat little thing I just held on to him and brought him home for you to see! Can I keep him? Please momma, can I keep him?" The giant girl was excited and waving poor George all over as she showed him to her mother. George was nearly sick from being shaken up and tossed about so roughly. "Honey do you know what he is?" the mother said, carefully taking George from the girl and putting him on a table. "This is a man! You can keep him, but you must take good care of him, and not tease him or injure him. This is what men look like today. Many years ago men were the same size as the women and even bigger. Not as much bigger as we are now, but enough bigger that they always told us what to do and used women whenever they wanted. Soon after we came to this world, that changed. When we came to this world all the women started to grow, but for some reason the men never did. They never grow any bigger than this. They're no bigger than little dolls to us. We don't need men anymore, now we use them for whatever we want to. They're really nothing more than playthings for us anymore. We usually just use them for sexual playthings. They're a lot of fun to use for sex toys. I know that you've played with yourself, haven't you?" "Momma... I' ... " "Oh, don't be shy, at your age, I know you do. We all do. There's nothing wrong with it. It's a natural thing to do. But when you use a man to play with yourself, that makes it feel ten times as good. They're really great little toys, so nice and soft and wiggly. MMmmm, I'm getting horny just thinking about it." Then the giant girl said, "A man? Momma, he looks just like a real live person, only so little. oh, isn't he cute? You little cutie you!" And she snatched George up high in the air, kissed him, and hugged him to herself, kissing him again... and again, and again. "Momma, did you think that there was ever anything so darling in the world? Momma, can he be my man; may I keep him? Do let me, please, Momma, I'm eighteen now, and I'm old enough to have a man of my own." "Well, nowadays a woman has to catch a man if she wants one, and since you caught this one, and you're old enough, I guess he rightfully belongs to you." George kicked, and cried out. "Let me go, you can't keep me like this, I don't belong to anyone, I'm a man, not some toy for an overgrown child.", but the giantesses paid no attention. Then the giant girl began to laugh and say, "000oohheee..... I love him, I love him! .... Isn't he cute, Momma? I'll keep him forever and ever." George didn't like it at all. He kicked, screamed, and called out, "I don't want to stay with you!" But she paid no attention to his cries at all. She only said, "Listen to the darling noise he makes, Momma." The giant mother reached out and took George from her daughter. "Honey you're going to hurt him waving him around and squeezing him like that, he's screaming and crying. If you listen you can understand what he's saying." "Momma, I want to try him out now! Can I? Can I use him now? Please Momma.... Please!" "Well..... I guess so, he's yours, and you might as well have him while I can help you learn to use him right." George was terrified. What were they talking about, using him? Using him for what? "Let me go, you can't keep me, I'm a member of the free republic; I'm not some animal you can keep just because you caught me!" He was yelling and screaming, kicking and fighting, helplessly, but the giant women were paying no attention. The giant woman's enormous hands held him gently and stroked his body as they walked, but she totally ignored his screams and cries. They walked into a bedroom the size of a hanger as the mother talked to the teen-age girl. "Ok, now Honey, do you remember what I taught you about men, and how you use them?" "Oh, yes Momma, I know how, the girls are always talking about how to use men. I know all about it, let me have him, please..... please!" "All right Honey, you get your clothes off; I'll get him undressed. I'll show you how to use him, and help you with him; it's not really as easy as it sounds. Men are such delicate little things; you'll squash him in a second if you aren't careful. You'll be real tight, since you haven't had a man before, and very hard on him." Terrified, even though he was not completely sure of what they wanted, but pretty sure he knew what was going to happen to him if the girl had her way, George was fighting for his life, struggling and squirming helplessly. The giant woman held him easily in one gigantic hand, turning and twisting his body like a child's toy in her enormous, powerful fingers. Her other hand plucked at his shirt; one tug from her giant fingers ripped it like wet tissue. He was kicking, hitting and trying to push her gigantic fingers away from his body. Seeming not to even notice his futile struggles she continued undressing him like a tiny doll; carefully pulling his pants off with her huge fingers. In moments he lay naked in the palm of her giant hand while yard long fingers, soft, and warm explored his naked body. Stroking him softly and gently she caressed and fondled his body, tenderly squeezing and rubbing as she held him like he was a tiny pet. Gently extending one giant finger she inserted the tip of her tree like finger between his writhing legs. slowly and sensuously bringing it up into his crotch. "Please, don't hurt me! Please...... George begged. "Don't worry little one, I certainly don't want to hurt you. You're just the right size. I love it!" Her warm soft fingers caressed him erotically. She lifted his prick on the tip of her finger, examining the tiny instrument carefully as it lay limply on her huge fingertip. Responding to the soft sensuous warmth of the titanic giantess's flesh his prick stirred and began to swell. Slowly calming down under her gentle ministrations, George found his prick was no longer limp but rising in salute to this titanic woman. The daughter was completely naked as she came to where the gigantic mother held him. He looked at the young teen- age giantess as she walked toward them; she was really quite a beauty. He had been so terrified before he hadn't noticed, but now that he was aroused he examined his captor more carefully. She was about thirty feet tall, with very well developed breasts. Well developed? Hell, she had the most enormous tits he had ever seen! Each one of them was the size of a small car. He could have stood on one of them and walked around on it. She had a slim waist, if you could call a waist that was probably fifteen feet around slim. But compared to the rest of her gargantuan body, her waist was slim. And her hips... Oh, God! Wide, massively voluptously tight, hard, gorgeously rounded hips. Her legs were curvaceously luscious muscled pillars of muscle that joined fifteen feet off the floor in a broad patch of light blonde hair. She was really an exquisitely beautiful young woman. Thoroughly aroused, he watched as the giant girl lay back on the bed, spreading those great sensuous legs. He stared into her giant crotch in awe, he stared in rapture at her enormous pussy, at the gigantic pouting mounds of her vulva, and the hot wet canyon gaping open between those colossal rolls of flesh. She drew one hand invitingly through the tangled garden of light blonde hair, caressing herself with giganticly huge, long fingers. Even though her beautiful naked body thrilled him, he shuddered at the awesome size of her monstrous pussy. He could see the moistness in her crotch and watched her enormous hand caress the light hair and yard long fingers slip into the immense crevice of her pussy. Suddenly their conversation about using him made sense; he knew how he was going to be used. He screamed, and fought, writhing wildly trying to escape the giant woman's grip. The gigantic woman was still rubbing and fondling him while the girl played with herself in the bed. "Ok, now, Honey, be careful with him; be very gentle and tender with him, you want him to last. If you're too rough, and try to just ram him in, you'll squash him, and he won't be any good anymore." "Squash him...?" George screamed, a long drawn out scream that tore at his throat, but there was nothing he could do, he was no more than a helpless toy in their hands. Sitting beside the young girl on the bed the mother reached out to the giant girl holding him in the fingers of one hand like he was nothing more than a tiny little doll. She caressed the inside of the girls thigh with his body; slowly rubbing him over the soft warm flesh. George felt the young giantess's immense fingers close around him over the mother's hand. "Oh.... little man, you're so cute..... Poor, tiny, little, man. Are you afraid of me?" Her voice was teasing laughter as she engulfed him in her hand like a child's toy squeezing him playfully in her giant fingers. George screamed in pain from the monstrous pressure of her gargantuan tree-like fingers. "Honey, don't do that! You'll hurt him. Remember how tiny he is. You must be very gentle with him." "Oh, Momma, I just want to play with him. I don't mean to hurt him. But he just feels so funny, such a warm, wiggly, little thing." "All right, honey, I'll help you with him. If I don't you'll just squash him in that tight little cunt of yours." "Momma! .... I never heard you talk like that. You sound like some of the girls at school." "Honey, you're about to become a woman. I'm sitting here with a man in my hand that you're about to shove up your cunt, and you're shocked at my language. Are you really ready for this man or not?" "Oh, please Momma, I just never heard you say those things before. Please, Momma.... please.... put him in." The giant mother was holding poor George almost in the girl's crotch as they talked like he wasn't even there. She lowered him into the girl's great hairy crotch. He was struggling, squirming and fighting ineffectually in her giant grip. His hands clawed at the giant woman's imprisoning fingers futilely trying to pry them loose, but she seemed not to even notice his struggling and squirming as she poised him over the gaping chasm of the gigantic girl's pussy. "Let me go! ....Please! ....I don't want to die! ....Please don't! I'll do anything, but please don't, you'll crush me, I'll drown in there...please.... please..... please." George's voice was a shaking sobbing cry as he plead for his life. "Little man, you don't understand! You don't have any choice. I'm going to help her, and make it as easy on you as I can, but you belong to Julie now, and if she wants to fuck herself with you..... in you go." She gave a gentle little squeeze, as she grinned down at him, and poked him toward the yawning maw of her daughter's cunt. The enormous woman began rubbing poor helpless little George in her daughter's crotch. Slowly rubbing him through the hot wet canyon pressing him hard against the soft flesh each time he crossed the immense slit. The girl's hands were pulling at him and crushing him against herself while the mother held him with his head buried in the huge fleshy crevice of the young girl's pussy. "Julie, take your fingers and spread yourself open." The girl released her grip on him and George gasp as she reached her fingers into the great slit and pulled it open under him. What had been a crevice between massive rolls of hairy flesh was suddenly a yawning cavern gaping open before him. He could see right into the huge fleshy tunnel of her vagina, the enormous masses of dark pink flesh glistening with the moisture of her arousal. The mother pulled his legs straight, wrapped her hand tight around him and thrust his face into the hot wetness of the girl's giant cunt burying his head between the giant girl's massive labia. He felt the girl squirm about arching her titanic hips up to meet him. Headfirst in he went, hot.... hot, terrific heat enveloped him. The thick slippery wetness of her massive flesh engulfing him completely, coating his body with the slick lubricating fluid of her vagina. He could feel the woman's fingers squeezing his hips and thighs as she shoved his body into the giant girl. As gigantic as she was, her tight young pussy was still a terrible crushing vice of flesh. His chest was squashed, his arms pinned helplessly to his sides, he couldn't move, and could barely breathe, and he screamed at the enormous crushing pressure. He realized how easily she could crush him with the giant muscles of her vagina, and knew he was going to die. Enormous masses of hot, wet, slippery flesh held him helpless as he struggled in the giant tunnel. She drew him out, played with his body for long moments in the girl's massive labia then thrust him deeply back into that tight cavern of hot soft flesh. He realized that the mother was enjoying this as much, or more, than the daughter. She was getting a real thrill out of playing with him in her daughter's giant cunt. she rammed him in and out again and again faster and faster. The cavern filled with hot thick fluid; deep inside the girl's giant body he gasp for breath, gagging and choking on the thick fluid. The heat grew beyond endurance, the long tendrils of giant hair scraped roughly over his body, his muscles screamed in agony as the massive muscles of the young giantess's cunt crushed him in their tremendous grip. For seeming hours he slid in and out of her giant body while she squirmed and writhed on the bed. She thrashed and writhed on that giant bed, clamping her legs together over him, then throwing them apart and thrust him deeply into herself, rolling him about and squeeaing him against her sensitive flesh. At long last she reached a climax shaking him about inside her giant body like a dog shaking a bone. Her hot thick cum gushed over him, drenching his already soaked body in the heavy luscious nectar of her orgasm. She clenched her tight young cunt on him again and again, driving the breath from his lungs, crushing him in the spasms of her giant climax. George lay completely exhausted as the young giantess slowly calmed down from her first real climax. His entire body was squashed by the gargantuan muscles of her pulsing cunt as they slowly relaxed their grip on his body. Limp, and soaked with gallons of hot sticky cum from the giant girl's pussy, George dangled from the mother's fingers like a soggy rag doll as she slowly drew him out of the sloshy wet cave of her daughter's cunt. "He was in me, Momma! That was so neat! I had him in me, right up inside me! He does everything, I love it! He wiggles so good! ... Oohhoo Momma I feel sooo.... gooood!" The giant girl reached out and took George's limp naked body from her mother's hand and held George up high in the air, she kissed him, she hugged him, and kissed him again "Oh. isn't he wonderful?" the giant girl said, "You little cutie dear you!" and she hugged him and kissed him again and again. "Momma, did you think that there was ever anything so wonderful in the world? He feels so good in there, I wonder if he'd sleep in there Momma; Momma, may I keep him? Do let me, please, Momma. Can I have him again Momma, please Momma?" "Ok, just for a second." and she handed George to the girl, "You put him in for yourself this time. Just hold him in your hand and gently push him in, headfirst." Clamped in the teen-age giantess's hand George tried helplessly to struggle but was too tired to even put up a fight. His head slid into the hot, wet, fleshy cavern, and her huge fingers squeezed on his sides as she slowly pushed him up into her cunt. "That's it, Honey, slow and easy, just push him on up inside." the giant mother was still encourging her daughter as George dissappeared into the gargantuan girl's enormous cunt. "MMmmm.... Oh, Momma, he feels soooo... Gooood in there. I love it! But he's not wiggling, how do I make him wiggle?" "Squeeze him, Honey, just squeeze your little cunt closed real tight, hold your legs together over him if you have to while you squeeze." George screamed as the soft fleshy tube clamped down hard on him, he struggled and tried to push the giant sides away. . "Oh, yes.... Momma he's moving again, but not very hard." "Ok Honey, he's probably very tired. You've been pretty hard on him with that tight little virgin cunt of yours. Pull him out now and let me have him." George was dragged out through the massive bands of crushing muscles and held dangling over the girl's giant crotch by his feet. "Ok, Honey, I've got him," and the mother's giant hand closed over George's wet dangling body. "Again, Momma, can I have him again, it feels so good with him inside me.... Please, Momma, can I put him in me again?" Later, Honey, later. You rest up now and take a nap. I'll take care of your little man for you." George barely heard the mother's whispered, MMmmm yesss.... real good care of him.... Yummmm... " Then the giant mother petted George tenderly, caressing his body with great soft hands, fondling and squeezing gently. "Ok, little one, she won't need you for a long while to come; and besides, after watching you wiggle around up inside that cute little cunt, I'm all hot and horny for your fine little body." He couldn't believe what he heard. Holding George gently in one hand she covered the giant teen-ager with the covers, and quietly left, holding George to her massive breast. She walked to another bedroom, and lay him on the bed. Quickly removing her clothes, she began caressing her vast dark crotch. George was too weak to even struggle, he could just barely gasp out... "Please ... no more, please please." "Ohhh you wonderful little doll you're great... such a cute little man, so tiny and delicate.... but now it's time to make love to me. God... but I'm hungry for that tiny little body of yours." "No,'ll kill me! Please, I don't want to die, please, please no! ...Please don't!" She brought him up to her enormous glistening red lips, and her massive writhing tongue darted out between those great plush lips to him. He was totally helpless as her massive tongue effortlessly thrust his legs apart and probed at will. She licked up between his thighs and he never felt anything as sensuously erotic as that huge rough tongue spearing between his thighs. Her great tongue was a writhing mass of warm sensuous muscle as she dragged his prick into her hot cushiony lips. His prick and balls were engulfed completely and the hot wet lips gripped half his body as she sucked, her great erotically rough tongue playing with him. She laughed at his sobbing pleas, "What's the matter? Don't you think it'll be fun? Come on now you'll like it in me, it's nice and warm, wet, and soft; besides, if you survived that horny little teen-ager's virgin cunt you're perfectly safe in mine. I know how to handle a man so that he enjoys it as much as I do. You'll love it; ...I promise!" Then she lowered him to her crotch, his body clamped tight in the grip of one massive hand. She spread the great thick labia with the immense fingers of her other hand opening her giant body before him. George gasp as she thrust his face into the hot, soft, fleshy, wetness of her giant cunt. Her massive labia squeezed his chest and shoulders as the cavernous opening swallowed his head. She centered his face on her enormous clit and rubbed it gently back and forth across the gigantic mass of hot wet flesh. "Lick it.... kiss it and suck it, little lover MMmmmm ... I love it! You like that little lover? Come on now, I can hardly feel anything at all." He began slowly licking the great masses of hot wet flesh engulfing him. He nuzzled his face against one massive fold of flesh and licked slowly up and down. "MMmmm , Purrrrrr ... Oooohhoo yesssss!" Her voice was the soft rumbling purr of a hundred lions. She moved him down slightly and brought him into the awesome chasm. "Maybe you'll feel better when I get you all the way in....." Her huge fingers pressed down on his head shoving it into her hot wet cunt. "In you go..... easy now, headfirst, nice and easy..... gently.... gently." Slowly she pressed him into the deeply soft, fleshy cavern of her vagina. Rocking him back and forth she held him in the enormous grip of her cunt for several minutes just far enough to feel him inside herself. Then slowly and tenderly she began to insert him deeper and deeper into the titanic cavern, carefully working him about in the massive muscles as she shoved him up inside herself. George realized she was being very tender and careful with him, relaxing the massive muscles to avoid injuring him. He couldn't believe anything so massive could be so soft and warmly erotic; how easily her giant vagina swallowed him, it was like he was nothing to her. He felt his whole body squeezed tightly in a moist warm caressing tube of ecstasies. softness he had never dreamed possible was all about him, holding him, squeezing him, loving him. She was right, this wasn't like the rough eagerness of that giant teen-ager ramming him in and out of her tight virgin cunt. This was an experienced woman that knew how to control her passion, and her cunt. Her innermost muscles gripped him, squeezed him, and caressed him in a manner too wondrous to describe. Her giant cunt seemed to just suck him up into itself effortlessly. It was like being suctioned by a soft, hot, liquidly exciting vacuum cleaner. Her whole body seemed to ripple and undulate erotically, driving him wild with desire, crazing him with lust even as he was being used to satisfy this titanic giantess's erotic hunger. He was lost in the ecstasies of touching, tasting, feeling, blending into the thick red mountain of her giant flesh. George began to notice it was getting hotter, terrifically hot, and wet, he was sloshing about in rivers of sweet thick fluid. He was swimming in the hot wetness of her vagina, a great fleshy tube holding him erotically. Eagerly he drank in the hot thick syrup of her vagina, sweetly filling his mouth and running down his throat. She squeezed a long slow pulsing squeeze, the soft cushiony walls of her enormous vagina gently pinned his arms to his sides; her gentle squeeze was like an erotic hug over his entire body from the giant muscles of her vagina. The sensuous giant muscles shuddered, sending waves of erotic squeezes rippling up and down his entire body. He could feel her entire gigantic body writhing and heaving as she neared her climax. Her giant vagina clamped tightly about him squeezing his entire body in a crushing grip, shuddering and tossing him about like a small boat in a storm. After a few moments of sheer sensual pleasure it was all over, the great muscles relaxed and George lay gasping in ecstasy. God.... what a fantastic finish; he hadn't realized how wonderfully sensuous the powerful contractions involved in a woman's climax could be. She drew him out, played with his body in the massive labia, then thrust him back into the depths of that great sensuous cavern of erotic flesh. Back inside her he relaxed and enjoyed her again. She had been right, she knew how to pleasure a man; he enjoyed being inside her giant cunt, like nothing he had ever experienced before, swallowed like a toy, completely engulfed by her enormous cunt, the softness of her vaginal walls hugging every inch of him. No other woman could take her place, she didn't use just a part of him in her wonderful vagina she used all of him. Later he lay naked on the hot bare flesh between the gigantic mountains of her mammoth tits ecstatic in complete exhaustion as she petted him and fondled him tenderly. He was her tiny erotic toy, and she could do anything she wanted to with him, he was hers completely and loved it. He had almost forgotten about the young teen-ager until a knock on the door and a call of, "Momma, can I have my little man again?" reminded him that the mother had given him to the daughter and he was actually the young girl's toy, not the erotic plaything of this huge passionate woman. He realized the trouble he was in when the mother simply plucked him from her bosom with one hand and casually held him out to the teen-ager like he was nothing more than a toy lying in the palm of her gargantuan hand. The young giantess grabbed,him, her tree-like fingers surrounding him, completely engulfing his entire body in her one huge hand, but she did hold him more gently than she had before, as she asked her mother. "Momma, Can I use him again? I'll be real gentle with him, I promise. He's wonderful and feels so good in me." "Sure Honey, enjoy!" "Great! And I'll bring him back when I'm through so you can have him again, Ok?" "That would be nice, honey, I'd like to use him again, he really is a nice little man, isn't he?" George had really enjoyed his experience with the giant mother. That wonderful encounter had given him such passionate thrills and he was still in such ecstasy, he thought maybe he might even enjoy a second lusty trip into the beautiful teen-age giantess' cavernous pussy. And then back into the mother again? He hoped they would be satisfied by then, because, he didn't think he was going to last very long if these two titanic nymphos didn't let up on him.