GULLIUER VISITS THE QUEEN By Chelgi She still stood more than eighty feet tall and weighed over a hundred tons. Quite unintentionally I became intimately involved with the Queen herself. The Queen, being very fond of my company, had made arrangements for Glumdalclitch to leave me with her one or two afternoons each week so that Glumdalclitch might attend her studies unencumbered by the responsibility for me. On one particular afternoon when my nurse carried me in my traveling box to the Queen's chambers, she found the chambers unattended. Setting my box on the Queen's dressing table and admonishing me severely not to leave the box under any circumstances until the Queen herself was present, Glumdalclitch departed the chambers leaving me alone in the Queen's private chambers. Being innately curious and knowing I would probably never again get such an opportunity to study the Queen's private chambers I left the box as quickly as possible and began to explore. I first checked the items on the toilet table itself and noting nothing worth lingering over, leaped to the chair and thence the floor beneath the table. On reaching the floor beneath the dressing table the first thing I noted was a pair of giant slippers looking for all the world like a pair of oxen lying side by side. I realized at once that these were the Queen's own slippers. Each of them was longer than I was tall and a yard wide. I walked over to them and examined them. I could easily see the outlines of the Queen's foot in each of the slippers, crushed into the thick leather by the ponderous weight of that lovely lady; for although she was a small and trim lady by Brobdingnagian proportions, she still stood more than eighty feet tall and weighed over a hundred tons. Intrigued by this intimate adventure I found myself caressing the imprint of her foot. I was struck by the odor emanating from them. It was not at all unpleasant but rather a heady musky odor, reminding me of intimate evenings with amorous ladies back in England. I suddenly realized that I was becoming aroused, a condition that I had not found myself in since arriving in this land. I was ashamed of myself, becoming aroused by the sight and odor of a lady's shoe, even such a grand and magnificent lady as the Queen. I had never before experienced such arousal from a lady's intimate belongings, and considered such arousal the act of a perverted person. I was still berating myself for my inadvertent actions when the doors opened and the Queen entered with four of her handmaids. I could not be caught here in the Queen's chambers unbidden and secretively. Particularly in the condition I found myself. I was going to climb back to the table top and into my box as soon as possible, but the Queen and her entourage came straight to the toilet where I was hidden. The chair was pulled back, the Queen herself sat in it, and it was pushed back against the table. The great robe she was wearing parted as she was seated and she had nothing beneath it. I realized immediately that the queen had just come from her bath. I knew now that it was worth my life if I were caught here, particularly where I was. Yet there was no escape, for four eighty foot tall ladies were milling about immediately outside the opening to the table. Even should I escape accidentally being crushed beneath one of those eight foot long feet, with a hundred tons of woman above it, I should surely be seen and caught; I would just as surely be put to death for my invasion as if one of them had stepped me. In fact it was entirely possible that would be my means of execution should one of them catch a glimpse of me and stomp on me before realizing what I was. I sat curled in the back away from the Queen, hoping they would depart before I was noticed. As I sat there, reflecting on the straights in which I found myself, I noticed the Queen's bare foot idly moving about beneath the table where I was hidden. A giant foot, nearly seven feet long, with toes more than a foot long, clean and pearly white. Her trim ankle, a yard in diameter, rose in a gently flaring pillar of soft alabaster flesh to her great calf above my head. It tapered sharply back in to her knee nearly twenty feet from the floor where I sat. I admired the perfect symmetry of that gigantic leg and realized that I had never before set eyes on it even though I had been the Queen many times. Between the perfection of those twin columns rising above me, and the heady musky odor emanating from the slippers, I was once again becoming aroused in spite of my dire straights. As I stared up at those masterpieces of perfection the Queen moved her knees apart and I could see directly between her massive eight foot thick thighs to the gate of her womanhood. I could not believe the thoughts spinning through my mind over this illustrious lady, and the condition I found my body in. Though the sight of the maids of honor's naked bodies had done nothing for me, the sight of this gentle lady's legs was arousing me more than I had been aroused since leaving England. And the sight of her loins had me in a state where I could hardly stand. Shortly the handmaidens left the room and the Queen's voice was softly calling, "Gulliver! Gulliver, where are you?" I dared not answer; for her to find me here in the condition I was in, from staring at her intimate nakedness, would be the final chapter in my life. Suddenly the hem of her robe swept back like the curtain on a stage, and I was staring into a pair of great blue eyes looking directly at me. "I thought so! I knew you were not in your box, and I could not see you anywhere else. Lemuel Gulliver, I had always thought you were a refined gentleman, not a sneak peeping tom hiding beneath a lady's toilet to steal a peek at her intimates... Are you enjoying yourself?" I could hardly believe the friendly chiding tone she was using. Although the words spelled doom itself, the tone in which she delivered them was teasing and frolicsome, an invitation to further intimacies. The tone of a lady about to commit a sin with a man she loved. She reached her huge hand out to me, "Come here little man. I want to research this further." I could do nothing but step into that massive hand and allow her to pick me up like a toy, and set me before her on the dressing table. Lemuel Gulliver, why were you hiding beneath my dressing table'? Don't you know that if anyone besides me caught you there it would mean an instant sentence of death." "Yes, your Majesty. I realize this but I had not intended this to occur. I had been left here for our meeting, then while strolling about the table top I slipped and fell to the floor. Before I could regain the table top you and the handmaids returned. I hid out of shame, I meant no harm, and certainly had no intentions of spying on your private affairs." "If my private affairs were all that you saw, perhaps we could let it end here. But from the position you were in, and the condition of your pants, I seem to sense that you observed more than my affairs." Her hand came out to me again and she extended one massive finger to point at my crotch. The finger continued to approach until the soft warmth of her giant fingertip was prodding the stiffness within my crotch. She gently rubbed the hardness she found there making it even harder, until it pressed against the fabric of my trousers with such ever-mounting force I feared it would burst right through the cloth. "Oh, Lemuel, I've never seen you like this before, nor heard any reports of it. Even after the ladies in waiting had been playing with you, trying for just this. Does this mean that you like me more than them?" "Your Majesty, I'm truly sorry. I don't mean to embarrass you nor to show any disrespect." "Little man, I don't know how well you know women and their intrigues, but for you to respond to me and not to the other ladies, is not an embarrassment, but a point of pride. For you to respond to only the sight of me, but not to respond to deliberate attempts to arouse you by the ladies in waiting is a mark of honor, though they shall never know it. Shall they?" "Oh, no Your, Majesty! I would never reveal anything that went on between you and I." "Nothing...?" "Your Majesty, Please, I would not stoop so low as reveal any detail your intimate secrets to anyone; not even to the king himself." "Well, little one, he's the last one that should know any of this. If... you wish to continue living!" Then she smiled and gazed into my eyes, lifted her hand and softly stroked my body with her giant fingers. She said very softly...... "Not even if we had an affair?" I was in shock, "Your Majesty... surely you must be joking." Her huge finger caressed the inside of my thighs sliding up to linger in my crotch; with one long fingernail she striped down my pants. My cock was hard and sticking straight out. Again she smiled. Her fingertip carressed my prick rubbing and teasing it until I about to explode. Giggling as she stroked my throbbing member she said, "I think you like that. Do you like me as well?" She took a step backward, letting my eyes drink in her loveliness. Raising her arms, she unfastened the pins that held her dark red hair, letting the soft locks fall loosley about her shoulders. She shook her head once and her luxuriant mane rippled like the surface of the see at sunset. With one swift stroke, she undid the belt to her robe, and the garment hung loosley about her. She her wriggled her shoulders slightly, and the robe slid to the floor. I felt an incredible rush of passion well up within my loins as I saw the incredible beauty of the Queen's titanic body standing sensuously naked before me. Raising her arms, she cupped her enormous breasts with her hands and lifted the succulent mounds slightly. Her fist sized nipples were erect and pointing directly at me. "Gulliver, do like my breasts?" she said as she bounced them up and down gently in her hands, letting the enormous masses of soft flesh ripple and jiggle. Completely shocked at her behaviour I still felt my member swell even harder. "Your majesty, they are the most magnificent breasts have ever seen." The Queen walked over to stand next to the table, and engulfing me in her hand lifted me. She plucked my trousers off from around my ankles and tossed them away. Then she pulled my shirt off, leaving me totally naked as I lay in the palm of her hand. Delicately she began to caress my shoulders and chest with the soft warm tips of her gigantic fingers. "You have such a beautiful little body," she said in sexy whisper. "Such lovely little tiny muscles." she said, "Your body is so tiny it's simply perfect. It's as if a master carver made a doll so perfectly formed it came to life." She looked at my cock which throbbed and pulsed with horny lust. She gently stroked the shaft of the prodigious erection I was suffering with the warm soft tip of one gigantic finger. "Oh, how lovely, such a tiny little thing. It's just fantastic." "Thank you, my Queen, You are a goddess come life. No mortal woman was ever as lovely as as you." I could hardly believe what I was saying. "I'm glad you like me. Your little body is so luscious, and just the right size." she said, "You're just perfect!" She juggled me about on the tips of her fingers as though I was no bigger than a mouse, which compared to her gargantuan size I guess I was. I was no more than just a toy for her to play with. She held me seated on the fingers of one hand with her giant thumb across my chest holding me gently against her huge fingers. The forefinger of other hand came out to me again and once more, she began stroking my stiff throbbing member. Suddenly she lifted me to her mouth and twisted me so that my hips were thrust out toward her wide lips. I thought at first she was going to kiss my chest, but to my surprise the writhing muscle of her giant tongue flicked out, licked swiftly across those broad plush lips, and then flicked out to my crotch. The velvety soft rasp of her sinuous tongue caressed my thighs and slid up to my abdomen, catching my manhood, pressing it tightly between my stomach and her erotically warm rough tongue. I shivered as the sensuously warm soft muscle squeezed my erect member. I first thought she was simply teasing me by licking my body, but then her huge sensuous tongue slid back to my crotch and she began to flick the enormous tip of that great writhing tongue against my stiffened rod. The erotic roughness of her huge tongue flicked up and down bouncing my prick with the velvety rasp of her giant tongue, like she had with her fingertip a few moments earlier. I shivered and squirmed pressing my hips against her vast lips. Those enormous lips puckered and kissed my crotch, the suction of her mammoth kiss began drawing my throbbing prick between her soft lush lips. It took me several moments to realize that this was exactly her intentions. Her giant fingers pressed my hips against the soft massive flesh of her tremendous lips and she sucked gently on my prick. Gently for this gargantuan woman still produced a tremendous suction, and my prick was drawn completely between those great lush lips. Her erotically rough tongue continued to flick the tip of my throbbing member until I was about to explode. Her fingers holding my body began to move me back and forth very gently, causing my prick to slide in and out between the lush mass of her hot soft lips. Although the huge erection I was suffering couldn't have seemed more than a tiny fleshy straw to her, I was writhing and squirming in total delight. In seconds I reached climax and shivering in spasms of ecstasy I exploded again and again into her cavernous mouth. I collapsed in exhausted rapture in her giant hand, and she slowly lifted me away from her luscious lips, holding me only inches from her mouth and flicked that huge sensuous tongue out to lick my spent member over and over again. She was grinning from ear to ear, and licking her lips as she murmured. "Little Grildrig, that was the most fun I've had in a long time. I hope you don't mind my teasing you a little bit, but playing with your little body has made me hungry for more, and I intend to take full advantage of your helplessness." "Oh, God, Oh, God.... My lovely Queen, I'd be helpless for you regardless of our sizes. I love you, and you may feel free to do anything your heart desires with me." "Well, little man, I'm going to do just that, whether you want me to or not. Have you ever been raped. I guess what I'm about to do with your tiny little body is about the only way a woman could ever rape a man." She lay on her back holding me like a toy in her hand; then parting her long giant legs, brought me down and placed me between her monstrously huge thighs. I could feel the heat of her titanic body, and the musky sweet scent of her was sensuously erotic. Her long fingers stroked through the thick dark hair of her pussy and fondled the rolls of her gigantic vulva. She gently brought me into the thick dark hair surrounding her enormous glistening cunt. She spread the massive columns of her legs slowly, and with powerful yard long fingers, parted the ponderous lips. Her giant cunt opened before me like a great fleshy cavern. "Don't be afraid, I want you to touch it, to play with it, to kiss and lick it." She purred, "I want to be played with, I want you in me." I stared into the vast tunnel of her cavernous vagina I could see right inside her, the glistening pink walls the gigantic inner labia slick with hot moisture oozing from inside her great body; her giant cunt was a great cave in the hot pulsing flesh, wet and slippery with the steamy hot juice of her arousal. I'd be swallowed like nothing by that gigantic cunt. Her fingers pressed me against her tremendous vulva, squeezing my head into the huge crevice, my shoulder rubbing against her clitoris. I didn't go in right away, but was merely rubbed against her cavernous slit. She guided my face to her huge clit and ever so tenderly began slowly rubbing my face up and down, back and forth on the enormous fleshy mass. I loved it! I always loved the feeling of a woman's soft tender flesh enfolding my face while I enjoyed the sweet nectar of her loins, but this was fantastic. My head was drenched in the hot wetness of her thick syrupy juice. It filled my mouth like sweet salty honey; I grasped the great mounds of her inner labia in my hands and licked. Her titanic body shivered as I nuzzled against those great soft fleshy folds and licked. It was wonderful; I was in heaven! I buried my face in the softness of her hot wet flesh and rubbed and nuzzled, licking and sucking like crazy. More luscious fluid seeped from her hot cushy flesh covering my body as it slowly flowed about me. She slowly rubbed me up and down in the great canyon; my entire head was buried between the soft moist folds of her massive inner labia. My shoulders and chest were sliding between her giant vulva as she slowly and gently squeezed me into her cunt. My head was only a little ways in when she pulled me out again, rubbing me once again up and down along her hot wet canyon. She held me between her fingers, and rocked me back and forth, rolling me in the sloshy wetness of her great hairy cunt, and using my face to tickle her gargantuan clit. Up and down along that enormous cleft between her ponderously thick cunt lips until her giant cunt was opening and closing like a hungry mouth trying to swallow me. "OOhhooo.... little man, I love you.... Uummm.... Ohhh....! I want you in me; DEEP... inside me...!" There wasn't anything I wanted more, but it wasn't up to me, it was up to her; she was holding me in her giant fingers as helpless as a child's toy, using my entire body to tease herself with. I was tiny toy in her giant fingers being used for her pleasure. Her fingers squeezed tightly about my body as she inserted into the tremendous cavern of her vagina. "In you go.... little man, Mmmm.... Yessss..... in you go." This enormous giantess was using my entire body for a dildo. Her giant cunt swallowed me with a roaring sloshing slurp, sucking me into the depths of her giant body. Hot wet darkness engulfed me, I moaned in delighted ecstasy as the hot, velvety sheath of the Queen's giant vagina slid over my body. I was completely engulfed inside her great vagina, bathed in juices that were just the right temperature. Softness I never dreamed possible was all around me, soft slippery walls holding me, tremendous masses of writhing wet flesh squeezing me, bumps and folds of her prodigious vagina fondling me, titanic masses of hot moist flesh caressing me. The Queen, feeling my body slip into the soft pink tunnel of her giant cunt, opened her mouth and moaned. Deep inside the massive mountain of hot wet woman flesh her voice was no more than heavy rumbling to me. "..Ooohhhh... Yessssss... you sweet little man. Yesss... OHhooo... MMmmm.... you feel soooo.... goooood....... in you go!" The Queen's vagina hugged me tightly, but she pressed with her titanic fingers and I continued right on in. She was sliding me in and out, pumping me in her cavernous cunt like a toy. She was squirming and writhing, arching her whole body. The massive muscles inside her giant cunt wrer writhing and squiming about me delightfully, erotically, as she used me. Her giant love muscles squeezed me, caressed me, and hugged my entire body. I was in ecstasy as I slid about deep inside her vast body. I had no control over what happened to me. I didn't care! To be swallowed inside this giant woman's cunt like a prick in a woman was the most wonderfully erotic thing I had ever experienced. The thrilling ecstasy normally reserved for only a tiny part of my being was all about me. I was actually inside her! Totally inside her giant body. Her gigantic vagina was hugging me, crushing me, swallowing me with sensuous rippling squeezes and unbelievably erotic contractions. My arms were crushed against my sides, I could barely breathe, what little air there was was terrifically hot and wet, her vaginal secretions so slippery and thick it was almost drowning me, and still I loved it. I thrilled as she squeezed me tightly with her massive vaginal muscles as she slowly drew me out. She held me in her giant fingers dangling head down above her gigantic crotch like a tiny rag doll. The world cold, I wanted back inside my lovely giantess. The great tunnel of her vast vagina was under me and I reached out and caressed it, plunging my hands and arms into the soft warmth of her huge body. She rubbed me over the great hairy lips, up and down along the massive slit, pressing my head between her huge labia to squeeze me against her hot wet clitoris, then it was heaven again, as she inserted me back into the tender embrace of her luscious cunt. I thrilled at the slow gentle slides through the velvety softness of her great vagina, deep into her vast body, totally engulfed in the soft yielding flesh of her huge velvety sheath. Then as her passion rose, faster and faster in and out , faster and faster, until her great soft cunt was a roaring pit of giant muscles squashing and wringing my body in the crushing spasms of her titanic orgasm. The Queen screamed, clamping her vagina tightly about my body like iron, crushing and grinding as shewrithed and heaved, rolling and thrashing about like a massive ship in a storm. Her giant orgasms washed over her in pulsating waves, sending her writhing and squirming through one giant climax after another. I was tossed about in the stygian darkness inside her giant body like I was once again in a titanic storm at sea as shewriggled and squirmed and heaved her hips in the throes of her giant climaxes. Finally the heaving and rolling of her giant body ceased, and she lay quietly. Still totally engulfed within the gigantic heaven of her body while her gigantic vagina slowly writhed and squeezed about me. I was hers completely. I never wanted to leave. Although I knew that I would be sore and bruised for a month from the passionate crushing her giant cunt had given my body, I still didn't want her to stop. I caressed and fondled the inner mysteries of her giant body, urging her to greater thrills and hungers for me, until she started again with slow, ever so slow probes of her giant body with my tiny body. Hours passed swiftly as she used me for her toy. Three more times during that long passionate afternoon I was used by the Queen for her pleasure; although it was as much my pleasure as hers. I had not been with a woman for months not since leaving dear old England, but the great passionate orgasms of this lovely giantess more than made up for it. I wasn't sure I ever wanted to leave her and go back to England. For the rest of my stay in Brobdingnag I noticed that Glumdalclitch seemed to get much more schooling when the King was away on trips, than when he was home. When again the maids of Honour invited Glumdlclitch to their apartments, I found that my encounter with the Queen had overcome my inital disgust at their tremendous size. I now enjoyed their company and attention very much. I encouraged their pleasure in seeing and touching me. When they stripped me naked and lauy me in their bosoms I responded by hugging their massive tits and sucking their giant nipples. They in turn found much amusement in the tiny responses they got from me. As soon as one of the gargantuan women managed to get my prick to respond to their ministrations, which was very easy these days, I would be lifted to a pair of great soft lips and a huge giant writhing tongue would flick out and I would find my prick sucked immediately between the huge warm lips until I gave the required offering. It was wonderful, they kept me in ecstasy for hours on end, but even though I spouted like a whale, or so I ghought, to one of these gigantic women, my enormous seeming load of cum shold never be more than a tiny drop of dew to be flicked away in a single swipe of a giantess's tongue. I found myself in much demand among those gigantic ladies as they took their pleasure with me, enjoying the squirmings and writhing of my tiny body within theirs. I had first thought that the monstrously gigantic vaginal muscles in their giant cunts would crush me like a bug, but I found that although I was crushed and squeezed mightily in their gigantic climaxes, due to the deep softness of their massive vaginal flesh, I was never really harmed, but merely hugged and squeezed sensouously tight in a manner most erotically delightful. I began to encourage Glumdalclitch to visit the ladies in waiting more often. With my help and encouragement, the pleasant frolicsome girl, that had first set me astride her monstrously huge teat, soon became a woman. And for my troubles I got more loving sexy, woman than an entire English town could use.