By Chelgi

Big women thrilled Harry, and when Harry said big, he was referring to Amazons, big powerful Amazons, a woman six feet tall would make his knees go weak. At five feet six inches he loved being dominated by huge overpowering women. If a woman was big enough to manhandle Harry through sheer size and strength he was in seventh Heaven.

He and nine tenths of the rest of the world had been watching on TV when the first extra-Terrestrial ship landed. When half a dozen beautiful women stepped out, Harry nearly
had a seizure. They were huge...! Giantesses...! Perfectly proportioned women more than eight feet tall, towering above all the dignitaries gathered to greet them.

Their ship was a military ship of the line from the fifth planet of the distant star Procyon on a journey of exploration. The ship was from a matriarchy on the planet, and had only women aboard. The news media had a field day, comparing the giant women to a ship full of lonely sailors
discovering a new land. Lonely sailors was a euphemism though; if you translated lonely to horny-sex-starved you'd be much more accurate.

Beautiful young female sailors acting like any other sailors on shore leave. The only problem was that, the gravity of their home planet was more than five times that of Earth; not only were they eight foot tall giantesses, they were superwomen. They were very careful to avoid fights, since a simple little slap from one of these titanic women would crush a man's head like an egg shell, but they did toss a couple of obnoxious men out of bars.... without opening the doors.

Harry dreamed about these titanic Amazons, avidly reading everything he could find about them, and eagerly watching, and taping, all the news report and every appearance of them on TV. Harry was in ecstasy as he watched a news report that covered a one gigantic Amazon throwing a loud-mouthed man out of a bar, complete with slow-motion replays. The hapless man looked like a rag doll as she snatched him up with one hand, and hurled him out the door as casually as a man would toss a baseball. The problem was, she was twenty feet from the door... and it was closed!
Most of his verbal abuse was bleeped, but the slow-motion clearly showed him spitting on her. His face was a study in pure panic as it showed her huge hand closing on the front of his shirt, and picking him up as easily as though he were a stuffed toy. The slow-motion coverage was excellent
showing his squirming twisting body being lifted into the air, and then her massive powerful arm heaving him all the way across the room. He seemed to tumble slowly through the air flailing his arms and thrashing his legs until he smashed violently into the door. The heavy wooden door
seemed to simply explode as his flying body smashed through it ripping it from its hinges and destroying the door. He was taken to the hospital, and thanks to the excellent video coverage, charged with battery. No charges were filed against the Amazon.

Harry was so entranced by her tremendous strength he almost wished it was he being picked up and hurled about like a doll, except he didn't relish the violent ending. He had an orgasm watching a half-time show where an eight-foot six-inch girl picked up three football linemen under each
arm and ran the length of the field with them tucked under her arms. He collected pictures of them picking up people, cars, trucks, pianos, everything but the one thing he really wanted them to pick up... him. His apartment was filled with photos of the giant women, videotapes of them, and magazine articles on them.

His absolute favorite was where the biggest of them all, a massive nine-foot four-inch girl dubbed Brunhilda by the press, (Her real name was an unpronounceable slur in her native language.) was watching a weight lifting competition. When a big Russian finally won at 535 pounds,
Brunhilda walked up to the stage, effortlessly picked the bar up with one hand, then told them to put more weights on.

Harry watches the scene over and over, Brunhilda keeps telling them more, while she strips to a pair of Bikini panties. Harry orgasms simply watching that gigantic woman strip. When she is satisfied she bends and grasps the bar. The woman has enormous arms, arms the size of phone poles. Harry's prick rises with the bar, and erupts again, and again as Brunhilda's huge muscles bulge and ripple over her bare glistening body as she lifts more than a ton over her head.

As the tape ends, Harry turns to stare at the life size, full-length photo of Brunhilda standing nearly naked, feet apart, muscles bulging, fantastically enormous bare tits pointing straight at him, holding 2,250 pounds ten feet in the air. A record that would never be broken, if her lift had been official.

His hopes soared when he read complaints of how these Amazon women were using and abusing Earthmen like early sailors had used the south sea island women. He immediately began an attempt to meet them. Using his money and influence he quickly arranged a date with Brunhilda.

* * * * * *

Brunhilda opened the door at his knock, and Harry's heart leaped into his throat. He simply stood there staring. She was awesome! Nine feet four inches tall, she completely filled the tall doorway with her huge curvaceous body. Harry thought her massive body was the most fantastic thing he'd
ever seen. She was powerfully muscled with little or no fat, and the biggest pair of tits he had ever seen were barely hidden within a sheer white blouse, that obviously had no bra beneath it. Tied at the bottom, and open all the way down the front, the blouse revealed as much as it covered, as it plunged down between mountainous breasts that stood out in youthful defiance of Earth's lighter gravity. He had seen pictures of women that looked deformed from huge sagging tits, but these thrust out firm and solid, and considering her titanic size, were whole lot larger than even those fat saggy monsters. A white leather mini skirt, so tight it looked painted on, enhanced the awesome massiveness of her muscular derriere, giving it a firm curvaceous shape that reminded him of the sleek muscular flanks of a racehorse. This, along with calf length white boots, intensified the mighty Amazonian look of her gigantic body. The mere sight of this gigantic beauty brought on an immediate erection.

At five six not only was this giantess's face above him, but her massive tits were also higher than his head. The top of Harry's head was well below those fantastic tits, and he had to strain his neck to look up through the flesh walled valley at her smiling face. He found he was staring very high up at a very pretty smiling face. Short curly black hair framed a fantastically beautiful face with wide
sensuously plush lips smiling broadly at him, and large very dark blue eyes, the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Introducing himself, he nervously reached out to her. She took his hand, and completely engulfing it in the immensity of her own closed her great long fingers gently squeezing his hand in greeting. He cried out, and nearly went to his knees. God! She was powerful; she had nearly crushed his hand just greeting him. He had known that these women were strong, but he hadn't realized how really powerful they were. Nothing was broken, and from that moment on he
was in dreamland, barely aware of anything around him except for the fantastic young giantess. He loved such titanic power in a woman.

The limousine sagged drastically beneath her prodigious weight as she entered, and Harry shivered in ecstasy and desire at her immense size as he watch her enormous buttocks simply crush half of the broad seat. Harry climbed in beside her gazing in open adoration at her colossal body. He wanted to show her everything; there wasn't anything he wouldn't do to please her. He gave her a complete tour of the city ending up at the zoo. She was the center of attention everywhere she went. Everyone was always watching her rather than the exhibits, but she seemed not to even notice. She was entranced with the animals of Earth. They all seemed so different and exotic to her. Harry found out Brunhilda was not only the biggest woman in the entire crew, but also the
youngest. She was like a child in her eagerness to see everything and do everything. He knew none of her language, but there was no problem since she was as fluent in English as an Earthling.

Harry was thrilled by her immense power; she was so powerful she would crush things in her excitement without even noticing. She grasped the railing before a cage, and the steel restraining bar bent like a piece of taffy in her hands. He handed her a can of soda, and even though she was
very careful the can simply squashed in her huge fingers, exploding all over them. They were both laughing like children as they cleaned the soda off of each other.

Just being near a woman so immense and powerful excited him, and each time they touched he went weak. He slipped his arm around her waist, and was ecstatic as he felt the tremendous power of her awesome muscles rippling under his hands. Her waist was nearly at shoulder level for him and her massive hip and magnificent thigh rubbed against his side sensually. She was as eager and responsive as Harry had dreamed, seeming to enjoy touching him and having him touch her as much as he enjoyed touching her.

He was in such complete ecstasy; he didn't notice that she was more aggressively molesting him than he was she. Her huge hands were all over him, touching, fondling, caressing, and constantly pulling him against her giant body. A dozen times during the day she picked him up as though he were no more than a big stuffed teddy bear. Her big strong hands would clamp on his sides, and she would whirl him aloft effortlessly, pointing out things he couldn't see from the ground, and asking him a thousand questions. Resting her head against him she would ask him questions about the animals and earth. Each time she lifted him she squeezed him against the massive soft warmth of her body, and held him much longer than necessary. As she held him aloft her huge hands were roaming his body, caressing, fondling, and squeezing, and each time he thought he was going to have an orgasm. He knew that he would be bruised and sore tomorrow from the grip of her huge powerful hands, but some things were worth the price. He was only hoping to be bruised and
sore in the right places tomorrow.

Now, after a splendid dinner at one of the finest restaurants in the city they were on their way back to her apartment in the back of his limousine. He thought how wonderful it was to be with this fantastic Amazon, wishing this day could go on forever. Dreaming that maybe he could get her to jump ship, and stay here with him. Having never been on the receiving end before, Harry didn't realize that she was truly a sailor on shore leave, bent on seducing him before the night was out. She picked him up, and lifted him onto her lap as easily as he would pick up a feather pillow.
Thrilled by the ease with which she handled him, Harry snuggled up to the massive warmth of her great soft breasts in total ecstasy. He loved being completely in the power of this gigantic young Amazon, cradled in her lap with her titanic arms about him, and her huge powerful thighs warm
and sensual under him. She could do anything she wanted with him. He was wishing that she would carry him into the bedroom, throw him on the bed, crush him beneath her gigantic powerful body, and fuck him halfway through the bed, little dreaming that those were her exact intentions.
He wondered how different she was than Earth women, and whether or not he could satisfy this titanic Amazon.

Her long arms encircling him squeezed him to the massive, soft, warmth of her giant body. The tremendous mounds of her giant tits were without a doubt the most enormous tits he had ever seen. He had seen huge fat women with great sagging boobs, but nothing like these magnificent
mountains of firm youthful booby-flesh. The tits cradling his head were truly gigantic, like huge soft beach balls covered in warm silky smooth woman-flesh. Her blouse was open and his face was pressed against a vast wall of hot bare flesh.

His gaze shifted from her smiling face to the voluptuous curvature of her gigantic tits. Turned slightly sideways to him the plunging vee of her blouse left the vast expanse of flesh of the biggest tit he had ever seen completely exposed to his view, all but the very tip of the nipple. The hardness in his pants grew into a pounding erection as his eyes roamed the massive slopes of the giant tit and tried to drag the huge nipple into view.

Hesitantly he slowly and carefully slipped a hand into the thin blouse. His hand looked tiny against the immense dome as he gently stroked it and nuzzled against her. When he met with no resistance, he slowly eased his hand to the tip of her mountainous breast, cupping it in his hand,
fondling and gently caressing the huge nipple.

"You fascinated by my tit, little feller?"
"No...! I mean...I didn't mean to..."

"That's okay, little one. How'd you like an even better look?" This as she pulled the deeply slashed vee of her blouse open to let the gigantic tit in question free.

It was titanic, absolutely the most enormous tit he had ever seen. "Go ahead, little man, feel it if you want, you can see for yourself that it's real."

Harry was somewhat hesitant to openly fondle the tit of such a huge and powerful woman, even though she had invited him to. Her big hand grasped his slowly rising wrist, and with irresistible strength pressed his hand to the soft warmth of the ponderous tit. "Come on, little feller, lift it, feel how heavy that big ol' tit is. Here, use both hands if it's too big for one," and she reached down and dragged his other hand up to the massive mountain. Cupping his hands under the huge breast he lifted feeling the ponderous weight of the gigantic dome of soft hot flesh that overflowed both his hands.

She smiled down at him, and he watched in amazement as the nipple swelled and grew. His hands were moving almost with a life of their own as his fingers squeezed and fondled the amazing mass of flesh.

"Well, what d' ya think?" Her arm was resting heavily on his shoulders, her huge hand gently caressing the back of his neck. "Wanna' suck it?"

He started to move away, but the hand on his neck was like an iron bar locking him in place. The long powerful fingers closed on the back of his head tilting his head back and pulling him forward irresistibly. Her huge powerful hand lifted his face into the soft heat of her hare flesh pressing the huge nipple to his lips. He opened his mouth and engulfed the tremendous nipple.

She was squirming and wriggling, squeezing and cuddling him in her powerful arms as she fondled his body. She was obviously enjoying having him licking and sucking her mountainous tit as much as he was enjoying doing it. His tongue swirled and licked the hot bare flesh as she crushed his face against her tit.

"Oh, yeah...! That's better......" she was almost purring now as she wiggled the huge tit back and forth against him. "MMmmmm....I love it...." She held him there with one hand while she wriggled as he licked and sucked that enormous globe. Her other hand clutched his shoulder, and squashed him against her titanic body as she writhed and squirmed.

"Oh God... Oh God...! Please...........suck it, suck it, lick it...MMmmmm....Oh God...! the other one...! Please..." and she shifted him effortlessly to the other tit like he was a suckling babe. Fully aroused his hands nearly ripped the blouse from her other tit as he dragged it out and clamped his mouth on the gargantuan nipple. Her arms were like oak limbs; she was crushing his chest as the enormous muscles of her colossal arms tightened about him like sheaths of steel cables. His throbbing rod was ramming against the hard muscles of her stomach as he dangled from those great powerful arms.

"Oh, God....! Oh God.... you gorgeous little hunk of man, I've got to have you. Oh.... God....! " She shifted her grip, her hands clamping painfully on his ribs, and she lifted him effortlessly crushing her heavy plush red lips on his. Her kiss was hard and passionate. Her tongue thrust between his teeth to writhe and twist in his mouth. The erotic writhing muscle of her tongue squirming and probing within his mouth dissolved the last traces of his reluctance. His arms were around her neck as hers once again encircled his body and clenched him against her gigantic breasts.

Her hands were all over him, tenderly fondling and caressing. Her long strong fingers undid his belt, then his pants, as the big car rolled quietly through the traffic. He nuzzled up against the massive softness of her giant body and squirmed in ecstasy as he felt her huge warm hand slide into his crotch and engulf his cock. His prick was like an iron rod throbbing almost painfully, about to explode as she held him in her lap playing with it. She had learned to be gentle and very careful with him; her touch was firm but tender as her immense fingers squeezed and pulled.

"Harry, is what I'm doing all right? I've never been with an Earthman before. I don't know what you like. I want to please you so very much, but I've never had a man before. I don't know what to do. Please... just tell me what you want." Her voice was a warm rumbling purr as she spoke.

"Oh, God, Hilda... you're wonderful, what you're doing is fantastic. I love it! Oh, God.... Ohooo... Just keep doing what you're doing, squeeze it... MMmmm... rub it, pull it.

Harry was completely gone now, his prick was hard as a rock, a raging volcano about to burst with excitement. Her long, powerful fingers, big, strong, and erotically rough, slid down over his balls caressing and fondling ever so gently, pulling, squeezing, and rubbing as she played with him. He was so totally fascinated with her, he never felt the car stop at her apartment. He was still in an ecstatic daze as her immense hands roved his body stripping his clothing off as she carried him into her apartment in her massive arms. He was so engrossed in the sensual passion of her kisses, and the voluptuous writhing of her Amazonian body he never knew when she stripped off her blouse and painted-on skirt. Before he was totally aware of what was happening he was lying on a vast sea of smooth hot woman-flesh, clamped between two crushing thighs bigger around than his body.

Her huge hand grasped his throbbing prick, and guided it into the gaping canyon of her cavernous pussy. He felt a rush of relief as the hot velvety soft sheath of her giant cunt engulfed his prick, and he slid swiftly into her. For long moments he simply lay atop her awesome body feeling the
fantastic waves of passion ripple through him. Slowly the magnificent sensation of his initial penetration into her tremendous cunt wore off and he began to move.

With his first motion he felt the terrific muscles of her cunt clamp tightly on his cock. Slowly he slid his throbbing prick out through that tight band of pulsing muscles until only the very tip was held within her giant pussy. He moved very slowly back down feeling the awesome sensation of her silky soft sheath of hot wet flesh slowly engulfing his rock-hard shaft. Part way in she again squeezed the Amazonian muscles of her cunt crushing his prick in sensual spasms of passion.

The grinding squeeze of the majestic muscles in her enormous cunt was like penetrating a tight virgin cunt, but the awesome control she had of those Goddess muscles was anything but virgin. She clamped her tremendously long legs about his body as she heaved and writhed with each driving penetration into her Amazon body. As he slammed down against her prodigious hips she thrust up, and only the power of those immense legs clamped about his body kept him from
being thrown across the room.

She was so huge that his head was trapped in the valley between her gigantic tits. He grasped one massive mound in both hands and locked his mouth on the great nipple as he rammed his throbbing cock into her again and again. Her gargantuan arms clenched about his head squashing his face
hard into the colossal mass of flesh. In moments both of them were screaming and writhing as he drove quarts of jism into her giant cunt while she squashed his prick in spasm after sensual spasm of grinding crushing squeezes from her powerful love-muscles as she climaxed again and again.

She rolled to her knees crushing the bed under her ponderous weight. Gently she began moving over him bringing one titanic leg up and then the other until she was astride of him turning until her tremendous ass was hovering over his head. For a moment he was worried that she was about to crush his face up between those massive cheeks. Then she leaned forward and began licking and nibbling on his prick while directly above his face was the exquisite juncture of her huge shapely legs, the gateway to heaven. Grasping her great muscular thighs in his hands he brought his face up into the dark tangled mass of soft curly hair between those mammoth thighs. When his tongue slipped into the enormous crevasse between those Amazonian lips she lowered her hips on his head crushing his face into her cavernous cunt.

The deep silky softness of her pubes slid gently over him enfolding his face in gelatinous masses of soft satiny flesh. His tongue, parting the great soft folds of her inner labia explored the vast crevasse and found the spot that is so significant to a woman's satisfaction. Licking and sucking her enormous clit, he gloried in the sensual delight of her fervent reactions. The bountiful flow of sweet ambrosia told him that he was bringing joy to this Amazonian giantess. He wriggled harder against her, burrowing into the great cave of her cunt until he could feel her massive love
muscles squeezing the sides of his head. He was in total ecstasy as his head was engulfed by her gigantic pussy. Relishing the sultry sweet nectar of her hot cum, he rolled and squirmed about inside her awesome cunt until he was about to pass out from lack of air. He dragged his head from
the depths of her gushing vagina, and gasped for a breath of air. He barely had time to fill his lungs before her great powerful hands grasped his head and thrust it back into her cavernous cunt. She held him clamped between her mighty thighs as she writhed and heaved, shuddering through one
massive climax after another. The enormous muscles in her cunt crushed his head in the mighty spasms of her gigantic orgasms as she used his head like it was a toy. Finally, after hours of the most fantastic sex he had ever had, she slowly let his head slip from the erotic grip of her giant

It was three days later that the gigantic Amazon nympho finally agreed to let him go, but only then with his promise to return Friday evening for another session in her oversized bed.