BIG BRENDA By Chelgi Vergil Childs looked up from his cluttered desk as his boss stopped beside him. "Morning Pete," said Vergil. "How's our secretary hunt coming?" Vergil's secretary had quit two weeks before, after Vergil ad pinched her cute little behind just one too many times, Pete didn't know that, Vergil hoped, "Not bad," replied Pete, "In fact,, I think we've found just the girl for you." "Great! Is she gorgeous?" "Don't you single guys ever think of anything but pussy?" "Not often. C'mon, is she at least cute?" "Well I don't think I'd call her "cute" I'll let you judge for yourself. She types 90 words a minute." "Oh. God, ugly, huh?" "No! I wouldn't say that. She knows you by the way." "She does? What's her name?" "Brenda Hagers. Says she went to junior high with you." Vergil put his hands to his head in mock despair, "Oh, balls," he said, "Big Brenda the school blimp. I hope you're ready to spend some money on reinforcing the Goddamn floor for your 90 words a minute." "Now, Vergil. That was several years ago. She's probably a lot better looking than you remember." "Pete, in junior high school she was five feet ten and over three hundred pounds. You realize that's three inches taller and 180 pounds heavier than I am now." "That's good, I won't have to worry about you pinching her ass, now will I?" Vergil looked up abruptly, worried. "Say Pete, look, I don't know what Sherry told you, but..." "Don't panic, Vergil, you're worth more to the company than a secretary. Besides I think we've got that problem licked with this new secretary." "Right!" Vergil Replied, relieved. "So you might as well send in Half-ton Hagers and we'll break in her chair. Literally." Pete left laughing, and Vergil went back to work, pleased that the butt pinching wasn't going to cost him anything, but an overweight secretary. About five minutes later Brenda walked in and Vergil gasp and stopped what he was doing, forgetting everything but Brenda. She was still big. In fact, she was the biggest woman Vergil had ever seen. Heavy, but no blimp, in fact not even over weight... for her size. She had to duck quite a bit to come in through the doorway, and Vergil knew that the top of the door was six feet eight inches from the floor. Brenda was over seven feet tall! Vergil had never taken to big women, but suddenly his opinion of big women went up sharply, The only word that would do her justice was "spectacular," Gorgeous didn't even start to describe her beautiful, if huge, figure. She had long, jet black hair that flowed from her head like a thick lion's mane in a gorgeous explosion of soft waves, curling gently around her face and resting on her shoulders like a feathery cloud. Her features had softened since Vergil last saw her and she had none of the puffy cheeks and pursed lips of fat women. Her eyes were as dark as her hair and glowed with a definite bedroom invitation from under long, delicate lashes. Her cheeks were lusciously rounded, like a models, in spite of her size, and her lush red lips were full and pouting, begging to be kissed. She wore a tailored suit that swelled over gigantic, thrusting breasts. Vergil couldn't take his eyes off the front of her jacket. It must have protruded almost a foot from her body, and her tremendous breasts showed not the slightest trace of sag, standing straight forward like two torpedoes pointed at him. Her waist was pinched in under the tight suit and Vergil doubted he could get both arms around her, even there. She was titanic! An unbelievably gorgeous giantess! He had never seen a woman as gorgeous, much less this big, he was in ecstasy just staring at the enormous woman. 'His new secretary'.... He grinned as he stared up at her in awe. Her hips flared under the tight skirt and Vergil knew he was going to have a terrible time keeping his hands off the enormous expanse of sensually curvaceous buttocks outlined there by the tight skirt squeezing her ass sensationally. Her legs were long and lusciously shapely in tight black nylons. She wore five inch gleaming stiletto heels, as though oblivious to her towering height, she had to be over seven feet tall, not counting the tall heels, and lusciously voluptuous. Vergil guessed her to weigh nearly 400 pounds, but every ounce was in the right place, and it was the most gorgeous 400 pounds of woman Vergil had ever seen. Abruptly Vergil stood, aware he had been staring up at her in spellbound awe. When he stood, he wished he hadn't. She still towered massively over him. And he remembered something else about her from junior high. She had had a crush on him, and constantly embarrassed him by standing close to him as often as she could, making him look and feel tiny. The same feeling had returned when he stood and found himself staring up at her huge body again. Once more he was embarrassed and he felt completely inadequate staring up in awe at her tremendous, gorgeously voluptuous body, as he realized with frustration that the top of his head wasn't as high as her mammoth breasts. Even standing in front of her, he was still staring up at the bottoms of her gigantic breasts. "Uh... Brenda! Great to see you." He thought about hugging her, but realized that the top of his head would be under her gargantuan tits, and he doubted he could even get his arms all the way around her tremendous body. He would be like a little boy trying to hug a big woman, so he backed up and said, "Sit down and let's get acquainted again. Pete tells me you'll be working for me." "Mm-hmm," Brenda replied in a thrilling contralto. "I'm looking forward to it." She sat and the chair at Vergil's desk creaked dangerously, "In fact when I found out who I would be working for, I was thrilled." Vergil Checked her ring finger and saw nothing there. Testing he asked, "Well as lovely as you are, you must have a wonderful husband..." "No, I never got married, I'm still single.... and available..." Vergil looked up nervously at the way she emphasized, available, as she grinned at him and asked, "You?" He laughed nervously, "Nope, still single too.." She grinned as she said, "Well, maybe we can get together then..." Her large dark eyes unsettled Vergil and the small talk went haltingly. Brenda's obvious amusement increased as Vergil became more distracted by her huge breasts. Finally, he rose and walking around to escort her to her desk found himself face to face with her colossal breasts as she stood, then as she rose to her full towering height and turned to face him, he was once again looking up at her massive tits. Her mammoth tits were higher than his head, and so huge they were actually intimidating as her gigantic body towered threatening over him. Had she leaned forward six inches they would have engulfed him completely. Totally nonplused, he seemed lost as he showed her to her desk. She thanked him and sat, as Vergil standing at her side was still staring at her massive breasts. As she sat down, he had his first look down into the tremendous fleshy valley between her giant tits, and he almost choked as he stared in mesmerized awe at the tremendous size of her gargantuan breasts. "This is nice," she said in a low husky voice, that sent chills down his spine, "I know I'm going to love working for you." Vergil noticed the way she emphasized love. "I can do lots more than just type you know." She was almost whispering in the most sultry, sexiest, voice Vergil could ever remember hearing. His prick was stiff and throbbing almost painfully as he stared in desire at the biggest, most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. She looked at him from beneath her dark feathery lashes and inhaled pointedly, deeper and then even deeper, causing those already gigantic breasts to rise and swell impossibly huge. Her lush parted lips said it all as she smiled at him and thrust her tremendous tits up even further. Vergil stared in awe at her giant tits as they rose, and it was more than he could handle, he shuddered and creamed in his pants. He was almost panting as he took a deep breath to gain his composure, which he didn't, and choked out, "That's great Brenda. There's lots of things to do here, and I have a feeling you'll do anything well." "I will! Try me..." her voice dropping even lower and sexier as she hesitated a second and almost whispered, "Anytime..." emphasizing the obvious sexual innuendo in her invitation, as she grinned broadly at him. She swung her massive long legs under the desk and her thighs hit the desk solidly moving it slightly. "Oh... Mr. Childs, can you lower this chair some?" "Sure Brenda, I'll just lower the adjustment." and without thinking he dropped to his knees as she stood up again. Suddenly he was engulfed by her skirt and looking up at a titanic pair of thighs as big around as he was, soaring up to end in a tiny seeming pair of black panties well above his head. Laughing she lifted the skirt from over his head holding it up with her luscious, massive, muscular thighs exposed for what seemed like an excessively long period of time as he simply stared at the sensuous expanse of smooth bare flesh. He threw his attention to the chair, and twisted the adjusting knob viciously he lowered the chair to it's lower limit. He looked to the side before he got up and saw her feet. He was nearly between them. He stared at them. Great huge feet in tall spiked heels, huge sexy feet in tall sexy black heels. His left hand was between those enormous feet and they dwarfed his hand. He thought, 'giant feet for a giant woman.' and he grinned. He had never liked big women before, but somehow this was different. She was so gorgeous... and he was completely mesmerized by her gigantic size, and exotic beauty. "Uh, there Brenda, I think that's got it." He dropped back to his knees and started to rise. He realized how powerful this huge woman was as her big hand caught his arm and she easily lifted him to his feet, and nearly off the ground. She didn't merely assist him to his feet, but literally lifted him to his feet, with her long fingers wrapped around his upper arm almost painfully as she simply picked him up with one hand. He realized that, she could easily have lifted him completely off the floor, had she continued lifting. God, she was strong! He once more felt a stirring in his crotch at the thought of her dominating strength. He had never thought about being dominated by a woman as being sexy before, but this beautiful amazon woman was something else again. She was sexy as all hell. She exuded both sex and power as he stood staring up at her in mesmerized awe. He had never thought a woman as big as her could be sexy, but he realized how wrong he had been as he stared at her massive body in amorous admiration and felt his prick rising again. It took a physical effort to break free of her blazing eyes and return to his desk. He found he was sweating and his prick was hard and throbbing.... again! He realized with an inward laugh that he had the hots for Big Brenda! "Half-ton-Hagers!" Wouldn't his classmates laugh! But then his old classmates couldn't see what "Big Brenda" had grown up to be, and Vergil wasn't about to tell anyone! He looked up to see that Brenda had removed her suit jacket and the sight made Vergil completely forget what he had been think of doing. Under the jacket she wore a thin white blouse trimmed with lace that hugged her fabulous shape like paint. The blouse was frilly and feminine, exposing nothing but the shape of her huge arrogant breasts. They bounced slightly as she typed and Vergil sat, transfixed, staring at the voluptuous sight of those gigantic breasts. Suddenly her eyes caught his and she looked down pointedly and slowly at her jiggling breasts, then back at Vergil with a secret sharing smile. She stopped typing and inhaled deeply, deliberately thrusting her mammoth breasts out, causing those already monstrously huge tits to swell massively, smoothed a nonexistent wrinkle over her left breast, caressing the enormous breast enticingly, then looked back at Vergil and grinned. He wondered if she had any idea that he had already creamed in his pants from staring at those gigantic breasts of hers. Vergil was completely mesmerized, he stood and went to her in a daze. He leaned over to her and whispered: "Coffee room, Five minutes." Then left, not even seeing her lascivious grin as he walked away. Five minutes later he was in the vacant coffee room waiting nervously. She entered right on time. Vergil locked the door behind her. Nobody else would normally show up until break time an hour later. Brenda had unbuttoned the top three buttons on her blouse and huge fleshy masses of delightfully exciting cleavage presented itself. "Oh, Vergil, I've wanted you for years," she said throatily, "and I've waited long enough!" She came to him, and enfolded him in her enormous arms, smothering him in acres of sweet smelling woman-flesh as she squeezed him tightly against her massive body. He was in awe of her gigantic body. She was so huge that his face wasn't as high as her enormous bosom. One huge hand engulfed the back of his head, lifting and pulling his face into the massive cleavage he had been admiring all morning, squeezing his face tightly into her bosom for long moments almost smothering him in the vast hot masses of soft, silky smooth, bare flesh. When she released his head, he had to bend his head back, rise to his toes and stretch up to meet her plush, pouting, open lips, but it was worth the effort as she bent to meet him. Her heavy plush lips engulfed his and her huge, sinuous, writhing tongue drove into his mouth demandingly as her huge breasts crushed against him. She thrust against him, and if he hadn't been crushed tightly against her giant body by her massive strong arms, she would have knocked him off his feet. God, she was huge! And so wonderfully powerful.... Mewing sexily, her tongue danced and writhed against his, filling his mouth erotically. He couldn't quite get his arms all the way around her, but her huge arms engulfed him completely. Massive, powerful arms that crushed him against the enormous plush softness of her huge luscious body. Suddenly he realized that his feet were no longer touching the floor. She had straightened up as she crushed him to herself in her massive arms, and lifted him effortlessly off the floor. Not even seeming to notice his weight as she held him easily, with his feet dangling nearly two feet off the floor. Her enormous arms, wrapped tightly around him, crushed him to her massive body while her big lush lips engulfed his in a deep sensual kiss and her huge tongue filled his mouth writhing erotically. He wriggled ecstatically in her titanic grip, squirming and rubbing his chest against the erotic mass of her voluminous firm breasts. When they came up for air she let him slide slowly down to stand on the floor, with her hands still crushing his head into the enormous fleshy valley between the prodigious mountains of her huge, lusciously firm, fleshy tits. Vergil was hooked. He lowered his hands to the voluminous swell of her broad buttocks, his hands roaming over her hips and ass caressing and squeezing. Her eyes were half closed with pleasure. "Feel my breasts, baby," she whispered sexily, unbuttoning her blouse and lifting her enormous tits out of the confines of her bra. They were spectacular.... so gigantic! Huge soft fleshy mounds with broad dark auroras and nipples as big around as his thumb. "Feel how big and soft they are, sweet one. You don't have to simply look at them and dream about them anymore. I want your hands on them so much. Feel them, squeeze them...." Vergil complied instantly.. "Oh.....! MMmmm....." Her eyes closed in pleasure as she moaned and wriggled her massive soft tits against his hands. As Vergil's hands caressed the gargantuan mountains of soft flesh his prick exploded again, once more drenching his pants. His hands looked small on her tremendous tits, it was like handling two huge, soft, warm, fleshy beachballs. They were perfectly shaped and the most mountainous, most erotic mounds of flesh he had ever beheld. He leaned forward and raising his face to the giant tits, kissed the huge nipple on one and then the other as she caressed his head, holding his face to them as she moaned. Brenda pulled his head up between those enormous mammaries once again and he dove into her perfumed cleavage hungrily licking and sucking the silky smooth flesh of the most gigantic tits he had ever seen, as she threw her head back and moaned and squirmed in ecstasy, her lush mane streaming down her back. When Vergil raised his head, her eyes were blazing with unashamed lust, looking down at him. "Come to my apartment tonight. We'll have dinner.... or something," "Brenda, honey," Vergil croaked, "I'll be there, but it's the 'something' I'm interested in, not dinner." Reluctantly he let her go and she released her imprisoning grip on him. She straightened and smoothed her blouse, holding her huge tits out to Vergil for one more kiss on each nipple, before adjusting her huge bra to hold the tits properly once more, then buttoning up her blouse as Vergil watched longingly as her giant tits were once again hidden from his eager view. He straightened his clothing before they reluctantly left the small room. Vergil couldn't keep his eyes off her giant body long enough to get any work done, and got nothing done the rest of the day. That evening he was shaking nervously as he knocked on the door of Brenda's apartment. He had never been quite so consumed with desire for any woman before, and he smiled inwardly to think that it was 'Big Brenda' who had affected him so. The door opened and he forgot what he had been thinking about. Brenda had never been one to beat around the bush. She was a towering giantess, seven feet four inches tall, wearing nothing but a sheer black strapless babydoll negligee, made for a woman half her size, and fuzzy mules with five inch spike heels. Why a woman over seven feet tall would want to wear heels was more than Vergil could fathom, but they did look great on her, and sure added to her massive sexuality. Her eyes blazed darlky and her gigantic breasts jiggled and swayed sensuously with her every movement, it was obvious that they were not being confined by a bra. Vergil had never seen so much beautifully luscious flesh on one woman before. The flimsy top of the inadequate babydolls offered her huge mammaries like giant bowls of fleshy Jello. Vergil could see the swelling shapes of the huge nipples through the thin material and her aureole peeped darkly through the lace. Her muff, as black as her hair, was a broad dark vee beneath the hem of the too small babydolls. Her hair was even fluffier than before, a halo of softness framing her face and wide bare shoulders. As big as she was there was very little fat on her huge body, just enough to proclaim the fact that this was a lot of soft luscious woman. "If you stay out there, we'll have to do it in the hall, and the neighbors wouldn't care much for that." Her smile would have given a priest a hard-on. Vergil stepped inside while she closed the door. "Brenda," He finally choked out, as he stared up at her in awe, "You're gorgeous." "Thanks," she crooned in her husky voice, "I dressed like this, because I invited you here so I could get laid, and I know that you came so you could get laid. I don't like pretense, and if you don't start kissing me right now, I may have to rape you," Vergil didn't have to be told twice. He reached up again and this time his hands landed on soft, warm, bare flesh as his tongue slipped between Brenda's plush, full, demanding lips. She gasp delightedly, as he squeezed a double handful of huge muscular ass, and her breasts bounced out of their cups, nipples arrogant. He released one huge buttock and slid his hand between their quivering bodies to squeeze a huge distended nipple as he caressed the enormous fleshy softness of her mountainous tit. Brenda suddenly squealed in delight, quivering, rigid, hips spasming helplessly almost knocking him to the floor as she thrust massively against him, then clung to him leaning heavily on him. She raised her head and whispered, "Oh, you darling little man! Now you know my secret. Touch my nipples and I come, just like a firecracker." "Firecracker, I'd say more like a bomb! God, but you're fantastic. What a big, beautiful, luscious hunk of woman." Brenda's breasts jiggled sexily on top of the flimsy cups of the negligee, nipples bouncing, swollen as big as the first joint of Vergil's thumb. He wanted to suck their swollen shapes and tease them to even greater lengths, but contented himself with cupping one gigantic mound in both of his hands. Hefting the sensual weight of one of her massive tits in both his hands, as he caressed and squeezed the soft warm flesh, the titanic tit overflowed both his hands. Her stunning nakedness made Vergil's cock rise higher than ever before. Her eyes were closed as she savored the sensations from his hands holding and and gently caressing her breast and the feel of his rigid tool pressed against her huge thigh through his clothing. Suddenly she stared down at Vergil, and before he knew what was happening, she bent and wrapped one arm around his thighs and the other around his back lifting him from the ground like he was no more than a small child. "Oh. you sweet gorgeous little hunk of man, I told you I might have to rape you. Now you're going to get it. I'll bet you've never been raped by a woman before." and she giggled. Cradled in her leviathan arms against her awesome breasts he nuzzled against the nakedness of her hot soft flesh, kissing and licking as he murmured, "Silly woman, you can't rape me." "Why not? I'm seven feet four inches tall, three hundred and eighty five pounds, You're five feet eight and maybe a hundred thirty five pounds. I can do anything I want to with your little body. Now can't I." "MMmmm.... you sure can." he said, grinning as he bent his head and kissed the soft flesh of her huge tit again. Vergil was in complete ecstasy, totally mesmerized by her gigantic beauty and power, "but rape implies against a person's will, and baby fucking me sure as hell ain't against my will." "Don't get technical with me, little man. When I get through with you, you'll know you've been raped by one humongous woman." "MMmmmm.... try it, just go ahead and try it, if you think you can. MMmmmm" and he nuzzled the soft flesh of her gigantic tit by his face. "Remember baby, I've got your number," and he closed his lips over the huge nipple and sucked hard as his tongue writhed about on her huge nipple. "OOOOOUUU God....! I - I - Ooohouuu...." She was shaking and quivering as she writhed and squirmed against him. Her knees bent and she dropped him to the bedroom floor. He lay on the floor staring up at the titanic tower of shaking quivering woman above him. Her legs soared high above him in shapely pillars of warm heavily curvaceous flesh joining in a dark vee of hair she was massaging with one huge hand as she stared down at him. Lying beneath her towering body he stripped his clothes off in moments and lay naked between her huge feet. He could do no more than stare at her overpowering sensuality as she shifted and twitched sexily above him. Slowly she lifted one huge foot and extended one gorgeously curvaceous leg, the spike heel pointing directly at Vergil's throbbing erection. In a daze he reached out and touched the gleaming leather and slowly caressed the smooth shape of her heel. Her lips were slack and her eyes closed slowly as he ran his hand over her huge foot, touching her foot, her spiked heel, her ankle gently and sensually. Slowly caressing up and squeezing the great calf. Both his hands couldn't span the gigantic muscle of her calf as he fondled her huge leg. Finally he lifted his head and touched her foot with his lips where it disappeared into the slipper. Brenda gasp and quivered at his touch as he carefully removed her gigantic slipper, kissing her foot all over. "Oh, lover," she whispered, "higher, darling, higher. Oh, please. Don't stop Oh.... ! Oh....!" Vergil ran his lips across the top of her foot and upward along her leg as far as he could reach, kissing, licking and nibbling gently as he went. Then he pulled downward on the calf. As he pulled, she slowly collapsed toward him. Her leg was firm and smooth as he kissed and licked at her hot muscular flesh. Higher and higher he went along her huge curvaceous leg as she slowly sank toward him. He caressed her thigh as it came down to him and kissed it reverently, moving to the inside of her gigantic sensuous thigh, he began licking the silky smooth softness of her flesh. He could barely get both his arms around her massive curvaceous thigh it was so large, but the shape was firm, muscular, and sensual. He moved his hands constantly, making her whimper sexily at every touch. Vergil thought how marvelous it was to make love to such a sensual, appreciative woman. He realized her size must put off a lot of prospective lovers so she was that much more giving when someone did pay attention to her. That was just their loss he thought as the first wisp of curly black hair brushed his face. Vergil's head was trapped between the massive muscles of her titanic thighs as she settled on him. Brenda's hips were twitching erratically and she had jammed one hand into her mouth to keep from screaming. Her eyes were tightly closed and she began to whisper around her hand, "Oh, baby, I love it so. Oh, darling, nobody ever does this for me. You won't regret it, lover. You won't, I promise! Oh.... God you're tickling my pussy, please put your lovely tongue in me.... Please put it in, please... MMmeeeee...." What started as a whisper ended in a squeal as Vergil put it in, licking, mouthing and sucking eagerly on her enormous swollen clit, while she rammed her huge pussy heavily against his face. With his head trapped between her giant body and the floor, half his face was crushed into the hot wetness of her enormous pussy. His tongue plunged deeper into her musky snatch. Her hips flailing from side to side and her thighs closing powerfully on his head rolling it back and forth as she thrust against him. Her words trailed off into squeals of ecstasy as Vergil's tongue licked from side to side inside her hot squirming pussy. Her juices flowed like a stream as he eagerly licked the hot luscious moisture of her deliciously erotic ambrosia. He had never tasted anything so sweet and delicious. Vergil tongued her to the brink of orgasm and then stopped... She didn't! Her huge hips rammed forward again and again, her enormous pussy engulfing his face almost entirely. Three hundred and eighty five pounds of hot horny woman demanding satisfaction did the trick. Vergil was completely outvoted, he was forced to lick, and suck on her great clit until she spasmed again and again, writhing and squirming against his trapped head as her hot creamy cum gushed deliciously into his mouth and coated his face. "MMmmm.... poor helpless little man, you still think I can't rape you?" Grinning, she bent over him and kissed him, "You marvelous, wonderful little darling! You fantastic creature! I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before," She rose and moved to the bed sitting with her legs still on the floor. She still had the top of the babydolls on and her massive flesh overflowed the sexy little garment in every direction, her huge breasts billowing upward like creamy balloons, one nipple pointing at Vergil like a dark fingertip. Her hips exploded outward from the lower edge of the skirt, massive buttocks displayed erotically, too wide to reach around, but still firm and sensual. Her legs were spread to reveal the biggest expanse of curly perfection Vergil had ever seen. The huge plush lips of her thick pouting vulva gaped open, beckoning and flowing, Slowly she extended one gorgeous leg. "Stand up right between my legs!" She ordered. As he stood between her gigantic thighs, her legs clamped around Vergil like huge pythons and he was dragged helplessly against her gaping snatch. Impatiently, Brenda reached down and grabbing his swollen manhood she engulfed his prick completely in her enormous hand as she pulled and squeezed erotically, carefully sliding his throbbing prick deeply into her huge hungry pussy. Waves of pleasure slashed through Vergil's body as he felt the soft wet flesh of her cunt writhing around his eager prick, her enormous cunt muscles squeezing and pulling sensuously on his pulsing prick as she wriggled her hips to settle him deeper inside her than he had ever been in a woman before. Then she was still, panting, eyes half lidded, lips open and slack only inches from Vergil's. She twitched again squeezing his prick erotically in her giant cunt, and Vergil reached for her breasts as he lunged inward. Her mouth opened wide to receive his probing tongue and she grabbed both hands to press them against her massive tits, crushing them inward while her muscular pussy closed as tight as a virgins around his cock. Vergil fell forward as Brenda fell back onto the bed and they struggled briefly to arrange themselves completely on the bed. Then they lay still again, full length, Vergil on top of the pillowy softness of her huge, gorgeous, amazonian body. She was so huge that with his prick deeply buried in her cunt, his face was engulfed between her massive tits. He savored the full sweetness of her huge delightful body under him, and around him, enfolding him in voluptuous masses of wonderful femininity. Then Vergil clamped his lips on one great nipple while squeezing the other in his fingers, She screamed and humped upward off the bed arching her back impossibly and lifting him like a feather pillow. Her scream trailed off into a thin squeal then a moan and then another, as she flung him about. Her enormous cunt squeezing crushingly on Vergil's prick as Brenda's huge cunt writhed and squirmed erotically on him. Vergil's overworked cock reacted by driving huge loads of steaming cum deeply into her heaving body as he writhed and squirmed in the grip of her huge powerful legs. The feel of him going off drove Brenda wild with passion and she leaped and humped against him, lifting him easily with each shuddering thrust of her giant body, as she writhed sensually, shaking him about like a dog shaking a bone, only her massive muscular legs clamped about his body kept him from being flung across the room. He exploded in ecstasy again and again inside her, feeling everything drift away in a rosy haze of pleasure.... Vergil awoke to feel the immense lushness of Brenda's giant body burying him under tons of flesh as she lay half on him with arms and legs wrapped tightly about him. She saw him awake and smiled. "Welcome back, you fantastic little lover," she whispered, "I never knocked anyone out before." "My God!" Vergil replied weakly, "You are the world's sexiest woman. How could anyone possibly stay conscious through that?" "Thanks lover. It doesn't happen all that often though, I don't get many offers, that are worth considering." "That changes as of now! Do you suppose the more times we do it, the longer it'll take?" "I don't know, but that sounds wonderful." she murmured huskily. "Let's find out....." and she giggled.... "If you're up to it." and she grinned down at him as she reached down and grasping his cock in one huge hand began to massage it, squeezing and pulling erotically as it quickly rose to throb hungrily again. "Oh, yesss.... MMmmm...." she murmured eagerly. Vergil forgot everything at the feel of her great torpedo breasts falling on him and the taste of her large sensuously plush lips meeting his. "I'll show you another way little lover." and she rolled on top of him this time. She straddled his hips and guided his swollen cock into her huge delightful pussy. He watched in fascinated awe as his big, stiff, throbbing prick simply disappeared into her gloriously sensational giant cunt like it was nothing. He was surprised to find that three hundred and eighty five pounds of hot horny woman crushing him delightfully was not heavy at all, when he was equally as horny. It was Friday night, and they had all weekend to experiment. Vergil was at lunch with Pete the next Monday when Pete asked with a laugh. "How's that new secretary working out? Pinched her ass yet?" "As a matter of fact, I did." "Vergil what in Hell is wrong with you? That amazon will kill you if you mess with her. Why don't you get a woman and settle down," "I have!" "What? Who? When....?" "Brenda, over the weekend." "Oh... bullshit!" He laughed "What am I going to do with you?" But Pete just sat staring, with his mouth open when the gigantic Brenda came in, leaned over and gently pulling Vergil's head up to meet her huge plush red lips, kissed him. Then calling him honey, she pulled his head into the vast cleavage between her massive breasts, squeezed him to herself, and caressing him as she released him, casually sat down with them. A month later Pete was invited to be best man at their wedding, he got a real thrill kissing the bride, laughing as she picked him up in her arms, crushing him against the biggest tits he had ever seen as she kissed him again and again. "Pete, I can't thank you enough for letting me work for Vergil... Thanks again..." and she engulfed his lips in the huge softness of her huge plush red lips again..