JEANNIE'S LITTLE PETS By Chelgi Jeannie was returning from a wonderful day at the beach. At six feet three inches, with her long blond hair and luscious blue eyes she had stunned half the guys at the beach with her tall muscular figure. If her boobs alone weren't enough to get enough attention, her legs, long and muscular were so attention grabbing she usually had to cover them up if she wanted to get any peace and quiet. She had the top down on her convertible and was still enjoying the warm sun wearing only a halter top and shorts as she drove toward home. She had noticed the car full of young males at the previous light, half a dozen nineteen or twenty year old guys ogling her. She smiled at the semi-compliment as they stared at her from their car and a couple of them whistled and panted at her before the light changed and they both left the light. At the next light the same car very deliberately kept pace and pulled alongside her at the stoplight. This time it wasn't smiling time, they were all whistling, yelling and making raunchy comments on her obvious feminine assets. She heard, "great tits" "Wow what a set of boobs" "Hey babe, I got a present for you!" and she saw out of the corner of her eye as he grabbed his crotch and arched his hips into the air inside the car. With several other comments she didn't hear and didn't even want to hear. She looked at the young men in the car and sort of chuckled to herself as she evaluated them and found nothing interesting. Half a dozen young "punks" drinking beer and playing macho for one another. This time when the light turned she started out fairly fast, they kept pace, she slowed, they slowed. At the next light it was even worse, by the forth traffic light she had had it and turned off the main highway. They cut across traffic and followed, keeping pace so that they could stop alongside her at the next light. Jeannie, half grinned to herself, OK guys you're bringing this on yourselves. And she turned into a less traveled roadway. It was still a four lane road and at the next light they once again pulled alongside her and started with the comments. She looked about for a second and they were the only ones at the intersection aside from her. She reached into her purse and pulled out her secret. She lowered the drivers window and eased the muzzle out, resting it on the glass of her window. One of the guys saw the lens and yelled, Hi, babe, want our picture?" She smiled back at him and pulled the trigger, "No! I want you." There was a flickering and suddenly the car next to her's started shrinking. She opened her door and jumped out of her car. Grabbing the two foot long model car next to hers with her hands over the doors so that nothing could escape she easily picked up the car and put it into the rear seat of her car shoving one side of it against the seat back and jamming a pillow between the tiny car's doors on the other side and the back of her seat so none of its occupants could escape as she got back into her car. She listened to the tiny little screams and high pitched yelling coming from inside the shrunken little car for a while as she drove away, then said. "Well guys I gave you every opportunity to escape, but you were just too persistent for your own good. Now I guess I have a half a dozen little pets to play with." and she giggled, "How do you think you're going to like being the playthings of a fifty foot giantess?" and she giggled again, "I guess that would depend a lot on how I played with you. Wouldn't it?" Some of you are going to enjoy it, but most of you probably won't, since I don't see anyone in your little car that I like enough to worry about. But I do like playing with little men, even if they are only half grown and stupid. Sometimes you 'young macho men' can be more fun than mature men, though... Mature men usually have the right reactions to danger, and have enough sense to behave properly." She picked up a small mesh dive bag from the floor of her car and untying it, poured her swimsuit and towel onto the front seat. Half heartedly shaking it out, she looked to make sure there weren't any holes in it, or weak spots in the corners. She had driven away from where she had tossed the little car into hers and watched to see that no one had followed her. She laughed, this was the first time she had ever caught so many men at one time. She had never thought of shrinking an entire carload of men at once. This just might prove interesting, having so many new little men for pets at one time. Maybe if this worked out good, maybe she'd have to think about an entire bus load of soldiers or something like that. A busload of handsome young sailors? She grinned, wow! What a thought. But for now she had these little men to play with and see how half a dozen at once would work out. It should work out all right, she had a number of empty cages at home in her greenhouse. She pulled over to the side of the road in a deserted area and holding the net bag in one hand turned around and carefully pulled the pillow away that held the doors on the drivers side of the shrunken little car closed. "OK, GUYS, LET'S SEE WHAT WE'VE GOT." she said. To the tiny men trapped inside the car, her giantess's voice was like a booming loudspeaker system. Casually she reached down and lifted the car onto its side. Reaching down with one finger she tapped the driver's window with her fingernail. "AW, WHAT'S THE MATTER? YOU'VE GOT THE WINDOWS CLOSED. DON'T YOU LIKE ME ANYMORE? YOU SOUNDED LIKE YOU LIKED ME, WHEN YOU WERE ALL YELLING AND CAT-CALLING AT ME AT THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS. OH, WELL, WHATEVER YOU WANT." and she easily poked the window out with her fingernail. Reaching the tip of her finger through the smashed window, she hooked the door with one finger and easily ripped the locked door open as though it was nothing more than tinfoil. The frightened men looked up at the terrifying giantess holding their car in one hand like it was a child's toy as she simply pushed her finger through the window smashing it like nothing. Then she ripped the locked door of the car open with one gigantic finger, easily tearing it completely off the car. They watched in terrified awe as her giant hand curled around the car door, easily crushing it and wadding it up in her giant hand as casually as though it was a torn piece of paper. The giant woman reached toward them as they huddled on the bottom side of the car. The giant fingers struck the sides of the door and stopped. They breathed a sigh of relief as they realized her huge fingers wouldn't reach them. Then they screamed in horror as she simply grasp the side of the car in her huge fingers and effortlessly tore the side completely off the car, ripping it like so much paper in her colossal hand. Ed screamed as her enormous thumb and forefinger closed around his body and he was plucked screaming from the car. Dave held on to Ed, trying vainly to pull him away from her giant fingers, until he realized that as huge as she was, she would simply pluck him up along with Ed, not even noticing his puny efforts, as she easily pulled Ed, screaming and struggling uselessly, from the wrecked car. Jeannie looked at the tiny man she held so casually in her fingers as he squirmed and screamed. He was a thin athletic type in tee shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She grinned down at his squirming body, "NOT BAD, NOT TOO MANY MUSCLES, BUT THEN THEY DON'T MEAN THAT MUCH TO ME, AS SMALL AS YOU ARE." and she giggled at him, as she casually dropped him into the mesh bag that had held her swim suit and towel, giving the bag a little shake, making sure that he fell all the way to the bottom of the bag before she turned to grab the next helpless young man. Dave might as well have held on to Ed, because her huge fingers closed on him and he was yanked screaming and struggling helplessly from the car next. She examined him only for a second before dropping him carelessly into the bag on top of Ed. The fingers returned and Matt screamed as she pulled him easily from the car. She looked at his dark hair and small beard for a second stroking the tip of one gargantuan finger across the small fuzzy beard before he joined Ed and Dave in the bag. Jim screamed as she grasp one leg between titanic fingers and plucked him screaming and squirming upside down from the car, looked at him without comment for only a moment before she dropped him, squirming and fighting futilely, into the bag with the others. With no way to escape Steve and Mark quickly followed the others, plucked easily from the wrecked car as the titanic giantess collected the men in her gigantic hands and dropped them casually into the bag like little toys. She picked up the shrunken car from the back seat of her car and casually tossed it into the road. As it crashed to the ground she heard one of the little men cry out, "my car!" as it smashed into the pavement. "OH, THAT'S NOT THE WORST. WATCH." She laughed as she picked up the camera looking object and pointed it at the smashed car. There was a slight flickering and the car began shrinking again. In moments it was lying in the street only four or five inches long. A tiny shrunken car no bigger than a discarded soda can. She walked leisurely over to the car with its entire side ripped open and laughed as she looked down at it for several seconds. She asked, "WHAT KIND OF A CAR WAS IT?" then laughed. "DOESN'T MAKE MUCH DIFFERENCE NOW, DOES IT?" and casually she reached out with one long, beautifully shaped bare leg. The trapped little men stared in awe, her foot was bigger than the car. There was a metallic crunch, and the sound of glass breaking as she gently placed her sandal on top of the shrunken little car. Then there was a terrific crunch as she stepped down on the car with her full weight, her foot moved down to the pavement as if there was nothing under it. She twisted her huge sandaled foot back and forth for a moment or two, then lifted her foot. When she lifted her foot, there was nothing left but a scrap of flattened metal where the car had been. The car had been turned into nothing more than a battered scrap of colored foil beneath her giant foot. Reaching down she lifted the smashed car in the giant fingers of one hand and held it up close to the mesh bag to let the trapped little men look at it for a few seconds. "I DON'T WANT YOU LITTLE MEN TO FORGET THIS. IT COULD JUST AS EASILY HAVE BEEN YOU. I COULD HAVE JUST AS EASILY HAVE LEFT YOU ALL INSIDE IT AND STEPPED ON IT WITH YOU STILL IN IT. IF YOU DISOBEY ME, OR ANGER ME, IT WILL BE YOU! ONLY YOU WON'T HAVE THE CAR TO PROTECT YOU FROM MY BIG OL' FOOT WHEN I STEP ON YOUR NAKED, SHRUNKEN, LITTLE BODIES.. AND I ENJOY STEPPING ON DISOBEDIENT LITTLE MEN; SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY! PAINFULLY FOR THEM, THAT IS. IT DOESN'T HURT ME A BIT, EVEN IF I'M BAREFOOT, WHEN I STEP ON YOU... IN FACT, IT TURNS ME ON TO FEEL A LITTLE MAN'S BODY SLOWLY SQUISH UNDER MY NICE BIG BARE FOOT. I GET EXCITED FEELING HIS TINY LITTLE BONES BREAKING AS I SLOWLY STEP DOWN, PUTTING MORE AND MORE WEIGHT ON HIM UNTIL HE SCREAMS AND CRUNCHES, SQUISHED TO MUSH UNDER MY FOOT." and she laughed as she turned the flattened car over for them to see and then said. "WELL WE DON'T WANT ANYONE INVESTIGATING THIS, IF THEY HAPPEN TO FIND IT HERE IN THE ROAD AND REALIZE WHAT IT WAS, OR HAD BEEN, DO WE?" and she sailed the tiny little flattened scrap of metal out into the canal that bordered the road. Ed's poor shrunken and mashed car hit the water, skipped once then plopped into the canal and disappeared with hardly a ripple as it sunk into the canal. ************* Part 2.. Jeannie smiled as she held the little mesh bag up before her face with half a dozen full grown men in it in one enormous hand, and laughed down at the shrunken little men. "WELL, MEN, STILL THINK I'M BEAUTIFUL, STILL THINK I HAVE SUCH BIG TITS? ARE THEY BIG ENOUGH FOR YOU NOW? WHO'S THE LITTLE GUY THAT WAS HUMPING HIS TINY LITTLE PRICK AT ME? WANNA TRY ME NOW? POOR LITTLE GUYS, IS IT A LITTLE CROWDED IN THAT BAG? WELL, WE'LL GET YOU ALL NICE SPACIOUS BIRD CAGES WHEN I GET TO THE HOUSE. I'VE GOT PLENTY OF EMPTY CAGES IN MY GREEN HOUSE. YOU'LL LIKE IT THERE. AND IF YOU DON'T TOO BAD!" and she broke off laughing at the little guys stacked on top of one another in the mesh bag. Inside the bag, the guys on the bottom were having trouble breathing with the other guys lying on top of them. There wasn't enough room in the bag for them to move around or spread out. Ed and Dave were on the bottom with Matt and Jim lying directly on them and then Steve and Mark on top. They were friends but not that intimate of friends, and with six of them stacked tightly in the little bag they quickly had enough of each other's anatomy in their faces. It took them several minutes to squirm around and get even slightly comfortable in the small bag, then they all screamed as the giantess effortlessly picked the bag up in one hand, with them in it, and shook it around, not only throwing them out of the positions they had squirmed into in order to be half way comfortable, but banging them roughly against one another. By the time she casually dropped the bag back on the car seat, they all felt like they had been in a football game, all banged up with the whole team on top of them. As they lay packed uncomfortably in the mesh bag, all yelling and screaming at each other for following and yelling at that big beautiful woman. It might have even turned into a fight, but for the fact that there wasn't any room for them to fight, with them all lying in a heap on each other. For half an hour they squirmed and struggled to get each other's body parts out of their faces. Then they felt the car stop and and heard her shut off the motor. They lay hot and unconfortable in the bag for a few moments, then the giant woman indifferently picked up the bag in her huge hand roughly tumbling them all together again. They struggled and squirmed, yelling and cursing as the enormous woman carried the bag easily in one hand swinging it casually in the fingers of one giant hand, like a half dozen men were of no consequence to her as she walked into her house. Holding the bag up before her face, she laughed thunderously at the helpless men as she held a half-a-dozen full grown men casually in one hand, like nothing. She lifted the bag and very carefully pulled the knot very tight with her giant hands, making sure that the string around the top was tied in a tight knot. Feeling that there was no way the helpless little men could get out of the bag, she carelessly tossed the mesh bag onto the couch while she went for a shower. Stripping off her shorts and halter, she admired the muscular beauty of her big naked body in the full length mirror and as she turned and caressed her big firm tits, lifting them in her hands, squeezing and caressing the huge firm mounds of soft warm flesh, as she played with her enormous tits, she thought how much those little men would have liked to be here to see and admire her beautiful naked body. She thought about walking into the living room stark naked just to shock her new little men. She shivered as she admired her beautifully muscled body in the mirror and thought of how picking up an entire bag full of men and bringing it in so they could admire her and long for her gorgeous body would turn her on. Then she thought, aw.... they'll all have enough time to see my body naked. They'll probably see more of me than any of those poor little men wants to see, before I'm through with them. She giggled, IF they survive long enough and she pressed her foot down on the floor pretending to step on a little man, grinding her big bare foot against the floor as she pressed down hard and thought about squashing a little man under her huge bare foot. As she thought about it she decided to shock her little men and opening the door she walked out into the living room stark naked, deliberately exhibiting her huge curvaceous body to the tiny trapped men as she walked up to where they lay in the bag on the couch. She stood before the bag full of men, completely naked, and putting her hands on her hips looked down at the helpless little men. They were totally stunned and staring up at her enormous nude body in shocked awe. There wasn't even a sound from the bag as she stared down at it and laughed. "WELL, ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU ALL WANTED TO SEE?" she cupped her hands under her massive breasts and lifted them out toward the men. "YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE BIG BEFORE, HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM NOW?" and she jiggled her huge tits at the guys, squeezing them in her hands and pulling them out toward the bag full of men, bouncing the huge masses of soft flesh teasingly in her hands. "WHO WANTS A CHANCE TO PLAY WITH THESE?" and she laughed. "OR, WHERE IS THAT MACHO LITTLE MAN THAT WAS HUMPING HIS PRICK AT ME?" and she thrust her hips forward several times humping her bare loins at the trapped men. "WANNA' TRY ME NOW?" and she laughed. "COME ON IN HERE AND WATCH ME SHOWER. YOU'D LIKE THAT WOULDN'T YOU?" and laughing at their helplessness she picked up the bag, lifting six men effortlessly with one hand, as though they were nothing, little toys for her to play with. And she grinned, as she thought, 'that's all that they are! Toys for her amusement'. She carried them into the bathroom and hung the bag on a peg in the shower where they would have a good view of her naked body as she took a nice long shower, while she teased them. She laughed, they were so much in shock at the sight of her, there hadn't been a peep out of them from the time she had walked in naked, and exhibited her big beautiful naked body to them. She looked and grinned at them, they had all squirmed around and clung to the mesh, so that they could look through the holes in the mesh and stare at her enormous naked body. "WELL, MY LITTLE ONES, DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE?" and she turned and wriggled her gigantic hips and breasts at them. Turning on the shower she picked up a bar of soap and letting the water cascade over her body began soaping up her huge luscious naked body. She held the bar of soap out toward the bag and grinning said, "WHO WANTS TO DO MY TITS?" and then very carefully began to rub the soap on her huge tits, one then the other, erotically sliding the bar over the huge mounds of her enormous tits, slowly and erotically rubbing her gigantic tits and nipples again and again carefully playing erotically playing with her nipples with the bar of soap, as she slowly and erotically covered her huge tits with lather. Holding the bar in her fingers she used the end of the bar of soap, and very deliberately began teasing her huge nipples as she watched the guys. She flicked her nipples again and again, then pinching the giant nipples in her fingers, pulled them out toward the bag full of men, teasing both her tits and the men, until they were all swollen erect and stiff, both her nipples and the men's pricks. She moved forward and pressed one huge swollen nipple up against the bag rubbing it up and down along the surface of the netting. "LIKE THESE? MMmmm... I CAN FEEL YOU THROUGH THE BAG, YOU KNOW. YOUR LITTLE BODIES FEEL GOOD AGAINST MY BIG HUNGRY TITS. HOW ABOUT SUCKING MY TIT, LITTLE MEN?" she giggled, "WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO SUCK THAT GREAT BIG NIPPLE?" and she pressed the giant tit harder against the bag. She could feel the men squirming inside the bag as she squeezed her enormous tit against them, rubbing their helpless little bodies with the soft warm mass of flesh. She looked down and saw one of the men with his face squeezed into the mesh trying to lick her huge swollen nipple. She wriggled her bosom and pressed the huge swollen nipple right up against his questing face. A couple of the men got their hands through the mesh and actually rubbed their hands on the soft warm flesh of her enormous tit. She could feel their tiny hands rubbing on her tit. Not only did she think their tiny hands rubbing on her tit felt good, just the thought of her dominance over these tiny helpless little men, making them do what ever she wanted them to do, got her even hotter. She very carefully twisted so that her huge nipple was in one man's hands so that he could rub and feel the giant nipple. He rubbed it and getting both hands on the gigantic nipple pulled it to his face and pressing his face into the mesh of the bag actually began licking and kissing her gargantual nipple. She giggled and pushed the nipple even harder against the helpless little man crushing him back against the wall with the titanic weight of her giant tit, and giggling as he continued to lick and kiss the enormous mass of her nipple as it squeezed him against the wall, almost crushing him with the sheer weight of one huge tit. Grinning she stepped back pulling her tit from the men and began slowly and erotically rubbing the bar of soap down over her belly, and into her pubic hair. "THERE'S OTHER PLACES LITTLE MEN LIKE YOU MIGHT LIKE TOO," and she began caressing and rubbing the tangled mat of her pubic hair and the insides of her enormous thighs, squeezing and kneading the huge masses of soft flesh and caressing her crotch. Turning so that the shower landed on her tremendous tits and streamed down between those mountainous tits to run like a river over her belly and cascade like a waterfall from her crotch, she thrust her hips forward toward the men in the bag and wriggled her hips sexily. The guys watched in awe as she caressed and fondled her giant pussy letting the water flow over her hands and across her huge pussy. Then suddenly she reached out and picked up the men in the bag with one hand. Laughing she brought the bag down to her crotch and began rubbing it over her giant pussy. The men screamed as they were carried against her massive flesh and nearly drowned in the waterfall flowing off her huge pussy. In seconds they were soaked, clothing and all as she rubbed the bag full of men against her colossal pussy. Again and again she rubbed the squirming men over the massive flesh of her pussy as she thrust her hips forward humping against them and scrubbing her pussy with the bag full of men. Finally she lifted the dripping bag from her crotch and raised it up before her vast face. "OK, LITTLE MEN, YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH FUN STARING AT MY NAKED BODY, AND PLAYING WITH MY TITS AND PUSSY. NOW IT'S YOUR TURN. TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF!" and she grinned at the soaked men in the bag. There were screams and a general feeling of 'won't do it' as they struggled in the bag. She grinned as one of the men screamed, "I won't take my clothes off! What do you think I am?" She laughed and raising her other hand poked a long slim finger as big as his legs at the rebellious man. "YOU'RE MY LITTLE TOYS! AND YOU BETTER DO AS I TELL YOU, AND QUICKLY." and she shook the bag full of men easily. The man screamed back, "No way!" "LET ME EXPLAIN SOMETHING TO YOU, LITTLE MAN. YOU'RE MINE, AND YOU'LL DO AS YOU'RE TOLD, OR YOU'LL BE THE FIRST CASUALTY." and with her other hand she flicked her giant fingers hitting the offending little man with her fingernails. He screamed and grabbed his back where her fingers had struck him. "Oh, God, I think you broke my ribs... Oh... God...." "TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF, LITTLE MAN. THAT WAS NOTHING, NEXT TIME, I'LL HURT YOU, JUST TO GIVE ALL OF YOU A LESSON. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS?" and she shook the bag again. "LET'S SEE SOME NAKED BODIES IN THERE. I WANT ALL YOUR CLOTHES IN THE BOTTOM OF THE BAG IN THREE SECONDS.... UNDERSTAND?" There was a lot of struggling as some of the guys began taking their clothes off, but a couple of them didn't want to take their clothes off in the bag with the other men and began grumbling. Ed rolled over and pulled his arms around himself as he muttered "I ain't taking my clothes off." "I HEARD THAT!" she roared in her thunderous voice, "I'M NOT TELLING YOU AGAIN, IF YOUR CLOTHES AREN'T OFF IN THREE SECONDS, I'LL TAKE THEM OFF FOR YOU, AND I GUARANTEE YOU WON'T LIKE THE WAY I TAKE THEM OFF YOU!" "Ed, don't be stupid, she'll hurt you. Look at the size of her. She's a giantess to us. She could squash you in her fingers in a minute. We're too little to fight her, she's gigantic. Take your clothes off, before she hurts us." "NOW, THAT SOUNDS LIKE A SENSIBLE MAN. I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU .....YET....! AFTER ALL, I JUST GOT YOU. I WANT YOU TO LAST FOR A LITTLE WHILE.... AT LEAST!" and she grinned at the men as she held half a dozen grown men easily in one hand. "ED, YOU GOT YOUR CLOTHES OFF YET?" and she prodded the bag with her giant finger. She looked in at Ed curled in a ball with his arms wrapped tightly around himself. "ED, GET YOUR CLOTHES OFF!" and she flicked her fingers against the rolled up man. ".....NOW!!" Ed screamed, "Ow, my back.... Oh, God.... my back..." "AW.... POOR LITTLE MAN HAS A HURT BACK.... POOR LITTLE ED... HE WANT'S TO KEEP HIS CLOTHES ON, HE'S ASHAMED OF BEING NAKED BEFORE THE GIANT LADY ...POOR LITTLE MAN.... I'LL TELL YOU WHAT, ED, YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON? I'LL LET YOU KEEP THEM ON, ONLY I'M GOING TO STEP ON THOSE CLOTHES IN FIVE SECONDS AND I DON'T THINK YOU WOULD WANT TO BE IN THEM WHEN I DO... AND THE ONLY REASON I'M GIVING YOU THAT MUCH TIME IS, BECAUSE I GOT THE STRING WET AND MAY HAVE A LITTLE TROUBLE GETTING IT LOOSE." and holding the bag with one hand she started to untie the knot holding the bag shut. "I DON'T WANT TO LOOSE ALL MY LITTLE MEN AT ONCE, IF I HAVE TO STEP ON ALL OF YOU, BUT I'LL BET ED CAN'T GET HIS CLOTHES OFF FAST ENOUGH WHEN HE'S THE ONLY ONE LYING UNDER MY FOOT." and she began laughing as she untied the bag. The knot came loose and she pulled the bag open and peered inside at the huddled little men. The guys were all naked and just finishing pulling the last of the clothing off a struggling Ed, as she looked into the open bag. "ED, YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE ME? YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT I'D STEP ON YOU, AND SQUASH YOU LIKE A BUG? MAYBE I SHOULD GIVE THE REST OF YOUR FRIENDS A LITTLE DEMONSTRATION, SO THAT THEY KNOW THAT I MEAN WHAT I SAY...." and she reached into the bag and plucked a struggling, screaming, naked man from the bag in her giant fingers lifting him up before her gigantic face. "SO YOU'RE, ED? ED, YOU'VE GOT TO LEARN TO OBEY ME QUICKLY! ...I TOLD YOU TO TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF AND YOU DIDN'T. YOUR FRIENDS RIPPED YOUR CLOTHING OFF OF YOU, SO THAT I'D SPARE YOU. THAT WAS AWFULLY NICE OF THEM, BUT YOU DIDN'T OBEY ME, AND I DEMAND INSTANT OBEDIENCE FROM ALL MY MEN. I THINK ALL OF YOU NEW GUYS NEED A LESSON. I NEVER HAD SIX NEW MEN AT ONE TIME BEFORE, SO MAYBE I NEED TO GIVE YOU SOME LESSONS IN OBEDIENCE. AFTER ALL, WITH SIX MEN I GUESS I COULD SPARE ONE, JUST TO TEACH THE REST, THAT I MEAN WHAT I SAY, AND INSTANT OBEDIENCE IS ALL THAT WILL DO..." and she dropped Ed to the tile floor of the shower lifting one tremendous bare foot and setting it lightly on top of him. She wiggled her toes and he screamed as he pushed up futilely with his tiny arms on her big toe. Screams came from the bag, "No... please don't... we got his clothes off in time. He won't do it again, please don't squash him like that." "WHY NOT? HE DIDN'T OBEY ME! THE PUNISHMENT FOR DISOBEDIENCE IS ....S-Q-U-A-S-H-!! READY ED?" "No.... Please, don't... I won't ever disobey you again.... please no!" "WELL IF I STEP DOWN, I GUARANTEE YOU WON'T EVER DISOBEY ME AGAIN, WILL YOU?" "Please.... I won't.... I'll do anything you say... anything.... anything... please don't" "LICK MY TOES, LITTLE MAN!" Ed thrust his head forward toward her big toe and began licking her toe. He could feel the immense weight of the sole of her foot pressing heavily down on him from his chest to his hips as she rested the ball of her foot lightly on him pinning him helplessly between her foot and the wet tile floor. "GET BETWEEN MY TOES, LITTLE ONE... GET MY TOES CLEAN..." and she laughed, "ACTUALLY THEY ARE CLEAN NOW, BUT NEXT TIME I MAKE YOU DO THIS, I WON'T BE IN THE SHOWER, AND YOU'LL HAVE LOTS OF NICE SMELLY DIRT BETWEEN THOSE HUGE TOES TO GET CLEAN. YOU WILL LICK THEM AGAIN, WON'T YOU?" "Oh, yes... mistress... yes... any time you say to... please don't hurt me, don't squash me, I know how easily you can, please don't.... please.... please..." "YOU WILL LICK THEM FOR ME WHEN THEY'RE NICE AND DIRTY, WON'T YOU? I LIKE LITTLE MEN LICKING MY FEET. I LIKE PLAYING WITH LITTLE MEN WITH MY FEET AND HAVING THEM BEG ME NOT TO CRUSH THEM WITH MY GIANT FEET. LICK, LITTLE MAN, LICK.... LICK..." and Ed buried his head between her enormous toes and licked and kissed as he caressed her huge toes with his hands, trying to pry them apart far enough to take the immense pressure off his head as he rammed his face between her lovely giant toes licking ecstatically. Jeannie had no way of knowing it, but she was fulfilling one of Ed's most private fantasies. He had dreamed for years of being under the foot of a giant woman licking and kissing her toes while she played with him with her tremendous foot. She curled her toes squeezing his trapped body with her tremendous toes as she rolled him helplessly back and forth on the wet floor under her foot. Ed was in ecstasy as he realized that she wasn't going to crush him, but merely play with him, by rolling his body around underneath her giant foot and making him lick her huge lovely toes. The unbelievably heavy weight of her giant foot on him was a delightful pressure squeezing him erotically as he writhed in ecstasy against her giant foot. His prick was hard and throbbing as he thrust his hips against the warm hard flesh of her huge foot, rubbing his prick against the erotically rough skin of her foot. Suddenly he exploded in ecstasy and shot load after load of thick hot cum onto the bottom of her massive foot. Jeannie could feel him rubbing against the bottom of her foot, but had no idea that she was giving him such ecstasy. The entire shower floor was wet and Jeannie never even felt his hot cum splashing onto the bottom of her foot nor did she realize that he was hugging and squirming erotically against her huge foot in one heaving shivering orgasm after another. But she did know that playing with his squirming little body under her foot was about to set her off. She rolled him under her toes and felt his squirming little body against the ball of her foot and as he rubbed against her foot, she exploded in orgasm as she felt his little body writhing and squirming under her foot. It was all she could do to keep from simply stepping down and feel his little bones break and his body squash delightfully under her giant foot. She thought, she wouldn't this time, but sometime in the near future one of these little guys was going to feel her entire enormous weight crushing his body.... flat! She would step down on his little body and feel him squish under her foot, his bones popping and cracking delightfully, while his little body squashed down softly, slowly turning to mush under her giant foot. She shuddered and shivered in delightful orgasm, caressing her hot flowing cunt with her fingers, inserting her fingers in her huge cunt and playing with herself, as she thought about squashing one of these helpless little men... crushing his bones and mashing him flat under her gargantuan foot. Ed never knew how close he came to being nothing more than a grease spot on her floor under her massive foot as she lifted the warm, lusciously erotic pressure of her huge lovely foot off his body. Bending like a building falling she reached down and plucked Ed's little six inch body from under her foot in the fingers of one hand as easily as picking up a child's toy soldier. To Ed the swift rise as she lifted him was like a runaway express elevator as she raised him to her lips and engulfed half his body in an enormous wet kiss before she dropped him back into the bag with the others. Carrying half a dozen men in one hand as she dried herself she walked out into her bedroom and casually tossed the bag full of men onto the bed before putting on any clothes. The trapped men stared mesmerized at her huge gorgeous naked body as she slowly toweled herself off and put on tight short-shorts and a tight green sweater. She adjusted her long blond hair in a pony tail down her back and casually picked up the men in one hand and walked out the side door of her room into an adjoining room filled with plants and cages and knickknacks. Opening the bag she lifted Ed, kissed him once again and raising him to a bird cage the size of a room put him into the cage and carefully closed the door behind him, easily twisting a wire in her giant fingers, that was a two inch thick steel bar to Ed, on the door to hold it closed. The rest of the shrunken men were quickly treated the same way, each in his own individual cage, with a wire/steal bar on the door. Each cage had a bowl of water and a soft rug on the floor. "OK, LITTLE GUYS, YOU CAN REST HERE TONIGHT. I'LL GET YOU SOME FURNITURE TOMORROW AND FIX THE CAGES UP MORE COMFORTABLY FOR YOU, BUT FOR TONIGHT, ENJOY. ....I HAVEN'T SQUASHED ANY OF YOU YET, BUT DON'T LET ED'S NOT GETTING SQUASHED TO MUSH MAKE YOU THINK I WON'T CRUSH YOU IN A MINUTE IF YOU DISOBEY ME. I LET ED GO BECAUSE ALL OF YOU PLEADED FOR HIM, AND HE BEGGED, AND KISSED MY FOOT JUST RIGHT, BUT HE REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW CLOSE HE CAME TO GETTING SQUASHED LIKE A BUG UNDER MY FOOT. I ACTUALLY ENJOY FEELING A LITTLE MAN'S BODY SQUISH UNDER MY BARE FOOT, I LIKE FEELING HIS TINY LITTLE BONES SNAPPING AND BREAKING UNDER MY BARE FOOT AS I SLOWLY STEP DOWN AND SQUASH HIM UNDER BY BARE FOOT. IT SENDS ME INTO AN ORGASM. YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO TRY ME. I REALLY ENJOY STEPPING ON LITTLE MEN, BUT MY POOR LITTLE PETS SEEM TO THINK I'M CRUEL WHEN I STEP ON ONE OF THEM." and she laughed ominously. "DINNER WILL BE A LITTLE LATER, NOTHING FANCY, BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE STEAK. I'LL FIX MYSELF A NICE BIG STEAK AND CUT PART OF IT OFF FOR MY LITTLE PETS. I GUESS THAT BY NOW, YOU HAVE ALL REALIZED THAT NOW YOU'RE NOTHING MORE THAN MY LITTLE PETS, DON'T YOU?" and she laughed again. The trapped men all watched in awe as the giantess left the room closing the enormous door behind herself as she left. Jim was laughing, "Hey, guys, it's what we always dreamed of, it's just a little different when there really is a giantess, or in this case we're shrunken to the size of toys to her, and she does what she wants to do, not what we want her to do." Conversation carried on between the cages for a while, then slowly died out as the men lay back on the rugs and wondered what they could do to escape. All of them had carefully explored their cages and finding no way out, let the others know that they really were trapped in the cages like mice. Or as she said, nothing more than her pets! Nearly all were asleep when Jeannie came back into the room. She was carrying a huge plate and a small, to her, paper bag. She set the plate and paper bag on a table and turning opened Ed's cage. She opened the door and reaching into the paper bag extracted a doll house table and chair. She carefully set the table up in Ed's cage and then simply dropped the chair in. Then she reached down to the plate, picked up a fork and lifted a tiny chunk of meat into the cage and set it on the table. To Ed, when the chunk left her giant fingers he realized that it wasn't tiny, it was the size of a roast. A nice steamy hot chunk of meat that he'd have trouble eating in a week. Jeannie laughed, then said, "OH, I FORGOT, ED, PLATES AND SILVERWARE." and she lifted a tiny seeming plate from the paper bag and set a tiny doll dish in Ed's cage. Ed picked up the plate and with it was a knife and fork. This time Ed laughed and set the plate with his knife and fork on the doll house table. Then pulling up his chair sat down to a huge meal of steak. Unfortunately the steak was all there was, no potato, no vegies, nothing but a nice huge hot piece of meat. She did the same thing to all the cages leaving each of the guys with a table, chair, knife and fork and a huge chunk of meat. Then just as the last man got his meal she turned and said, "SORRY, MEN, I WASN'T EXPECTING ALL OF YOU FOR DINNER, I'LL TRY TO HAVE A BETTER MEAL FOR YOU FROM NOW ON. BELIEVE ME, YOU'LL NEED THE ENERGY.." and she laughed as she left through the huge door. After eating all they could of the huge pieces of meat the guys all sat back or flopped on the floor and rested. It was warm and comfortable in the room and even though they were all naked they didn't need any clothing or covering as they lay discussing the days events. They had no way of telling time, but several hours passed before the huge door opened and the giantess came back. "OK, MEN, I NEED TWO OR THREE MEN TO VOLUNTEER FOR A DANGEROUS MISSION." and she looked around at the cages, "ANYONE WANT TO VOLUNTEER?" "What kind of mission? What in the world would you want us to do that would be dangerous?" "OK, ED, THANKS FOR VOLUNTEERING." "I didn't volunteer! I just ask a question." "SAME THING, WHEN I WANT A VOLUNTEER, I DON'T USUALLY EVEN BOTHER WITH ASKING, JUST GRAB ONE OF YOU. IF HE GETS HURT OR KILLED.... THAT'S THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLES. I'VE GOT MORE LITTLE MEN, AND I CAN ALWAYS SHRINK SOME MORE." and she grinned. "I'd still like to know what kind of mission?" Ed protested. She laughed, "PAINT MY TOE NAILS!" "That's a dangerous mission?" Ed laughed, "For that I'll volunteer happily. Actually it sounds like fun." "WELL, IT MIGHT GET DANGEROUS IF YOU GET ME EXCITED, OR TRY TO ESCAPE, OR DO SOMETHING WRONG, OR JUST DON'T DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO .....RIGHT ED!" Ed was standing right by the door to his cage fooling with the heavy wire holding the door shut. "Come on Jeannie, let me do it. I don't need any help to paint your toenails. I like your nice big lovely feet and want to do it myself. Please..." "YOU WANT TO PAINT MY TOE NAILS, ALL BY YOURSELF? I DON'T KNOW, IT'S A KINDA BIG JOB FOR A LITTLE MAN LIKE YOU. DID YOU ENJOY YOURSELF WHEN I WAS PLAYING WITH YOU WITH MY FOOT IN THE SHOWER?" She laughed at the little man, "I THINK YOU'VE GOT A FOOT FETISH, ED, AND LIKE PLAYING WITH MY GIANT FEET, DON'T YOU, ED? AND MAYBE YOU EVEN LIKE IT WHEN MY GIANT FOOT PLAYS WITH YOU..... RIGHT?" She walked up to Ed's cage and reaching out her gigantic hand untwisted the heavy bar holding the door shut, with her fingers, and lifted the door. Ed, fairly leaped into her giant hand grasping the telephone pole sized fingers as they closed around his body and pulling himself to her fingers kissed all her giant fingers he could reach. "OK, GUYS, ED WANTS TO TRY THIS HIMSELF, IF I DON'T BRING HIM BACK I GUESS A COUPLE OF YOU OTHERS WILL GET TO TRY IT.." and she left with Ed gripped cassually in one hand. Jeannie walked into her bedroom and picking up a bottle of nail polish turned and went into the living room. She picked up a newspaper and spread a section on the coffee table before a huge recliner, then opening the bottle of nail polish set it on the paper and set Ed along side it. Leaning back in the recliner she put her feet on the table next to Ed. "OK, ED, THERE YOU GO. PAINT MY TOENAILS." Ed stared at her feet and backed away, "I can't with them like that. Hell, I can't even reach your toes." Her feet resting on their heels were twice as long as Ed's little six inch body was tall and he couldn't even reach up as high as her toes.. "Can you put them down so I could reach your toes? I'd love to paint them, but I can't even reach them.. Please, Jeannie, please..." She laughed, "WHAT A HELPLESS LITTLE MAN. CAN'T EVEN REACH MY TOES? I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE BIG MACHO MAN THAT WAS GOING TO PAINT THEM ALL BY YOURSELF." "Well, I will, but you have to put them down so I can reach them." Chuckling she lifted one huge foot and before Ed could move out of the way brought it across the table knocking him off the table and sprawling onto the floor. "WELL, I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR YOU, POOR HELPLESS LITTLE MAN." and she brought the foot that had knocked him off the table down setting it on top of him, knocking him down and squeezing him against the floor. He screamed and wriggled helplessly under her massive foot struggling futilely to get out from under the massive weight of her enormous foot. From his struggles it was obvious that Jeannie had put very little weight on the foot, just enough to pin the helpless little man to the floor under her toes. She leaned forward and pulled the newspaper off the table and spread it on the floor next to Ed, then set her foot on top of the newspaper. "NOW YOU BE CAREFUL AND DON'T SPILL ANY POLISH ON MY RUG. IF YOU DO, IT'LL BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER SPILL, AND THE POLISH WON'T BE ALL I HAVE TO CLEAN UP OFF MY FLOOR. I'LL PICK YOUR FLAT MESSY LITTLE BODY UP WITH A SPONGE." "I promise I won't spill it, but I have to ask you to be careful and not spill it, since I'll have to leave it close to your foot and have it open while I'm painting your nails." "PRETTY BOLD LITTLE FELLA, AREN'T YOU? TELLING ME WHAT TO DO." "Honey, it's only fair to ask you not to spill the polish and then blame me. And I'm not telling you, I'm just asking you to please be careful. "HONEY...? HONEY....? YOU'RE CALLING ME HONEY?" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just an expression I use when talking to pretty girls that I like." "PRETTY GIRLS THAT YOU LIKE? YOU THINK I'M A PRETTY GIRL? AND YOU LIKE ME?" "You're not pretty, you're beautiful... the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. And like you? I think I love you! Or at least would if I could." "MY GOD, YOU'VE GOT TO BE THE BOLDEST LITTLE MAN I'VE EVER SEEN. LOVE ME? HA... HA... WELL YOU MIGHT GET THE CHANCE YET, BUT IT WON'T BE LIKE ANYTHING YOU EVER IMAGINED. MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET BETTER ACQUAINTED WITH MY FOOT BEFORE YOU START PAINTING IT, AND LEARN A LITTLE MORE ABOUT WHAT I LIKE FROM MY MEN, IF YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME." and she picked her foot up and using her giant toes knocked him down again then set her huge toes on top of his body. Ed was pinned between her huge toes and the ball of her foot, trapped under the curvature of her enormous toes as she pinned him heavily to the floor. Ed, squirmed and wriggled rolling over to face upward under her giant toes and reaching one arm up between her enormous toes pulled his face up between her big toe and the toe next to it. Ed yelled up at her, "The last time you had me here you wanted me to lick your toes and up between your toes. If you want me to do that now, you've got to let me up a little bit so I can get to your lovely toes." and he rubbed his hand on the top of her big toe. Jeannie laughed, "YOU REALLY DO HAVE A FOOT FETISH, DON'T YOU? YOU LIKE MY BIG FEET ON YOU. OK, I'LL GO ALONG WITH YOUR FETISH, I LIKE GETTING MY FEET ATTENDED TO." and she lifted some of her weight off her foot so that he could struggle to his knees and thrust his head up between her toes. With his body squeezed between her big toe and the next toe, he looked up at her, "I didn't have a foot fetish until you started playing with me with your giant foot, but I think I have now. I always liked women's feet, but I never did anything like worship them or lick them or anything like that, at least until you squeezed me under this lovely foot of yours and had me lick your toes. Now I think they're wonderful, and I love the idea of licking and playing with them. "YOU DO? WELL, I DON'T THINK YOU'RE GOING TO PLAY WITH MY FEET, I THINK ITS MORE LIKE THEY'RE GOING TO PLAY WITH YOU. YOU CAN LICK THEM AND RUB THEM WITH YOUR LITTLE HANDS IF YOU WANT TO, BUT YOU HAVE TO PAINT MY TOE NAILS TOO. HERE..." and she set the bottle of nail polish on the paper next to him. He leaned forward wriggling his body between her giant toes and kissed the crevice between her toes and then began licking the soft warm flesh between her huge toes, making long strokes of his tongue along the soft warm flesh and smiling up at her between strokes of his tongue as he caressed and rubbed the soft hot flesh with his hands. "MMmmmm...... LITTLE MAN, THAT FEELS GOOD... I MAY GET TO LIKE YOU TOO.... MMmmm.... DON'T STOP NOW.... I LIKE WHAT YOU'RE DOING..." and she wiggled her toes squeezing his tiny body between her giant toes. He wriggled and kissed the top of her big toe, then the other as he twisted and squirmed rubbing his body against the hot soft flesh of her toes. Turning his body between her toes he twisted so that he faced the tip of her huge toes and with his body still squeezed between her enormous toes caressed and rubbed the top of her toenails with his hands wiping any bits of debris from the nails. He leaned over and kissed her big toe and twisting to look up into her face said, "I wish I could paint them from here between them, it feels so wonderful here. I like it here.. But if I'm going to get your nails painted I better get with it, looks like a lot of painting to do on these neat little nails.. "OK, GET THE POLISH. I LIKE THE WAY YOU'RE DOING IT SO YOU DON'T HAVE ANY TIME LIMIT, TAKE YOUR TIME AND KEEP RUBBING AND LICKING THEM." and she relaxed her grip and let him slip from between her massive toes. Ed walked over to the bottle of polish and realized that it was as big as a five gallon bucket to him. He grabbed it with both hands and lifting it wrapped both arms around it as he carried it back and set it down just in front of her enormous toes. Then he began struggling with the cap. In a few seconds he realized that he would never be able to unscrew the cap she had tightened with her titanic strength. and turned and asked her. "Jeannie, honey, I can't get the top loose, can you unscrew it for me? Please...?" "POOR, HELPLESS LITTLE MAN, I GUESS YOU'RE DOING ALL RIGHT, FOR SUCH A LITTLE FELLOW, SO FOR YOU, I'LL DO IT.." and reaching down lifted the bottle between two fingers and shaking it up for a few seconds easily unscrewed the cap between her fingers and set the bottle back next to Ed. "THERE, LITTLE MAN, NOW CAN YOU DO YOUR JOB?" "Oh, yes, and I'll even enjoy doing this for you." Ed lifted the cap and brush from the huge bottle and carefully wiping any dripping polish from the brush carefully began painting her big toenail. He watched with satisfaction as the polish spread slowly and evenly as he painted. The brush seemed awfully big and unwieldy, but the polish was thick and spread nicely over her nail. He carefully outlined the edges and then taking another dip of polish and wiping off the drips finished the middle neatly. Then dipping the brush again turned and very carefully edged the smaller nail of the next toe, then finished it with neat strokes to the middle. He looked up to see her smiling down at him, and reaching down, she lifted the bottle and carefully moved it over between the next nails. Within a few minutes he had finished all the nails on the foot and looked up to Jeannie. "Do you want me to carry the bottle over to your other foot, or do you want to bring it over here?" She smiled at him and lifted the foot he had been working on and examined the perfect paint job on her gleaming red nails. "THAT'S NICE, YOU DID A GOOD JOB. HERE'S THE OTHER ONE, SINCE YOU'RE DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB AND SEEM TO LIKE YOUR WORK, I'LL HELP. YOU'D BE SURPRISED HOW DIFFICULT I CAN MAKE THIS WHEN MY LITTLE MAN PROTESTS OR DOESN'T WANT TO DO A GOOD JOB.. HE CAN EVEN GET HURT PRETTY BAD IF HE DOESN'T DO IT RIGHT, BUT I THINK I'VE GOT A MAN TO DO MY TOES FOR QUITE AWHILE... RIGHT?" "Oh, yes.. I like doing your toes, and if I can, when I'm finished, maybe I can massage and work on these toes too", and he caressed and kissed one of her giant toes as he wiped the nail with his hands. Starting with the big toenail again he was finished in a few minutes. He examined the gleaming red nails and carefully wiped around the edges of her huge nail with his hands as he looked up at her and said, "OK, if that's all you've got, I'm finished." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, IF THAT'S ALL I'VE GOT? HOW MANY TOES DO YOU THINK I HAVE?" "Well, what I mean is, that if you're happy with the color and my job, and don't want me to do them all over again, that's it, they're all done. Want me to do your fingernails too?" "NO, I DON'T THINK SO, BUT AS SOON AS THE TOES ARE DRY YOU CAN MASSAGE MY FEET IF THEY'RE NOT TOO BIG FOR A LITTLE MAN LIKE YOU." Well, they're pretty big, but awfully pretty and even if I don't have enough strength to properly massage your lovely feet, I'd sure consider it a privilege to try. Maybe a little licking and kissing while I try?" "THAT'D BE NICE," and she brought the first foot back and using the ball of her foot pushed him to the ground and set the huge foot on top of his squirming little body. Then pressing down lightly she began pushing him back and forth, rolling his body under the sole of her giant foot. He screamed and pushed on her giant toes trying uselessly to lift the huge toes from his body as she rolled him around on the floor under her foot. Then she let her foot lie idly on his trapped body, being careful not to put too much weight on his tiny little body, letting her heel take most of the weight while the ball of her foot and her toes squeezed him against the floor. Poor little Ed was completely trapped beneath her giant foot with his head barely sticking out from under her big toe and his knees barely clear of the other side of her huge foot. Her immense foot was so heavy he couldn't even move her toes off himself lifting and straining as hard as he could. Finally he lay still beneath her foot, simply relaxing and feeling the warmth and enormous weight of her huge lovely foot. He raised his head slightly and kissed the bottom of her big toe, which was right in his face. Then he began licking the erotically rough sole. He grasp her toe with both arms and pulled himself up until his head was between her big toe and the second toe and squirming his head between the soft warm flesh twisted his head and kissed, then licked the hot soft flesh between her gargantuan toes. Rubbing and caressing her huge toes as he kissed and licked between her toes he felt his body shivering and in moments he was ready to explode in ecstasy as he played with her giant foot. She pressed the ball of her foot down slightly harder and felt his little body squirm under the weight of her foot. She wiggled her foot and toes on his little body. She could feel the soft warmth of his tiny body squeezed between her foot and the floor. She realized how tiny and soft his little body was and how easily she could just press down on him and squash him like a ripe tomato. He was helpless under her foot, just a toy for her to play with. She enjoyed feeling his little body under her foot and loved the great feeling of power it gave her to realize that he was completely hers and she could do anything she wanted to with him. She felt him squirming against her foot and it took her several moments to realize that he was arching his hips, squeezing and rubbing his prick against the hard skin on the ball of her foot. It was like a mutual admiration society, she loved feeling his little body under her foot and he obviously loved feeling her giant foot squeezing heavily down on him. "YOU LIKE MY FOOT ON YOU, ED? I LIKE FEELING YOU UNDER IT. JUST THINK WITH ONE LITTLE STEP YOU'D BE HISTORY, A LITTLE GREASE SPOT ON MY FLOOR. DOESN'T IT SCARE YOU TO THINK HOW EASILY I COULD SQUASH YOUR TINY LITTLE BODY? REMEMBER HOW I SQUASHED YOUR CAR THIS AFTERNOON, AND YOU AREN'T ANYTHING LIKE AS BIG AND HARD AS THAT POOR LITTLE CAR. DID YOU HEAR IT GO CRUNCH WHEN I STEPPED ON IT. DID IT SCARE YOU? DOES HAVING THAT SAME BIG FOOT ON YOUR LITTLE BODY SCARE YOU NOW?" and she wiggled her toes rolling his body slightly under her foot. "Oh, God, Jeannie, this is the most terrifying experience of my life, and at the same time the sexiest. I love your giant feet and feeling the terrific weight of them on me excites me unbelievably" and he squirmed and rubbed his hips against the erotically rough bottom of her foot. When she wiggled her huge toes he went over the top and exploded in ecstasy, spurting masses of cum all over the rough bottom of her huge foot as he orgasmed again and again rubbing his stiff throbbing prick against the hot rough flesh of her huge foot. He grabbed one of her huge toes and kissed and licked as he exploded in climax over and over again as he rubbed against her foot. "Oh, God, I wish I could suck your lovely toes. You're so wonderful, I love you..." and he kissed and licked her huge toes again and again pulling his body against her giant toe, squeezing, hugging and kissing her enormous toe as though it was a woman's body as he erupted in ecstasy under her foot. "HA... YOU REALLY DO LIKE HAVING MY FOOT ON YOU, DON'T YOU? I THINK YOU'RE MAKING LOVE TO MY FOOT LIKE IT WAS A WOMAN, MY BIG OL' FOOT REALLY HAS YOU TURNED ON DOESN'T IT? OH.... OH... I GUESS IT DOES.... WAS THAT, WHAT I THOUGHT IT WAS? ....WAS IT? YOU JUST CREAMED ALL OVER MY BIG BARE FOOT, DIDN'T YOU, LITTLE MAN? SO YOU THINK MY FOOT'S SEXY DO YOU? I THINK YOU REALLY HAVE A FOOT FETISH... DON'T YOU?" "Oh, God.... Jeannie.... Oh, God... Oh....." and he shuddered and shivered as he squirmed and wriggled against Jeannie's giant foot lying so heavily on top of him, kissing and licking her toes again and again as he erupted in spasm after spasm of orgasm continuing to spurt his cream all over the bottom of her gigantic foot as he exploded in orgasm over and over again. "ARE YOU QUITE THROUGH, LITTLE MAN? SHOULD I STEP ON YOU NOW? OR DON'T YOU EVEN CARE AT THIS POINT?" and she laughed down at the little man, but even though she wasn't letting him know, she had erupted in orgasm too as he made love to her foot. Her crotch was as wet with her cum as the bottom of her foot was with his. She had shivered and heaved through one massive orgasm after another, the same as he had. She liked feeling his helpless little body playing with her giant foot as much or maybe even more than he liked making love to her giant foot. "Oh, God, Jeannie, I never had a foot fetish before, but when you set your giant foot on me and I felt that warm wonderful weight squeezing me, I never felt so wonderful in my life. I never even considered making love to a foot before, but your foot is so wonderful, so huge, so massive, it's like nothing I ever felt before in my life.. You're wonderful... I love you..." "ME, OR JUST MY FOOT, LITTLE MAN?" "Oh, God.... Oh...God...." He panted... "I love all of you, you great big wonderful, fantastic, beautiful woman... I love all of you.... even your foot..!" and he was gasping for breath even as he hugged and squeezed her colossal foot in tiny arms that couldn't even reach around her giant foot. She could barely feel his hugs and squeezing, but she could feel his puny efforts, and just the thought of this tiny little man hugging and squeezing her foot and kissing and licking it while he rubbed squirmed his entire body against her huge foot set her off again. This time he felt her giant body shudder and looking up saw her heaving her giant hips up in writhing heaving orgasm, shuddering all over her giant body as she came again and again. He looked up at her huge smiling face and said, "I think you like me making love to your foot almost as much as I like making love to it..." "OH... YESSSS..... I LOVE IT, LITTLE MAN.... YOU'RE THE WONDERFUL ONE, I LOVE HAVING YOU PLAY WITH MY FOOT AND MAKE LOVE TO IT, LIKE IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN.... THAT FEELS SO WONDERFUL.... KEEP KISSING AND LICKING.... YOU'RE GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT AFTER ALL... I SURE AM GLAD I DIDN'T SQUASH YOU THIS AFTERNOON, AND PICKED YOU DO THIS FOR ME... I HAVEN'T FELT THIS GOOD IN A LONG TIME... I THINK YOU'RE GOING TO SPEND A LOT OF TIME WITH MY FEET. AFTER ALL YOU'VE ONLY MADE LOVE TO ONE OF THEM, THE OTHER ONE'S JEALOUS.... POOR, TIRED LITTLE MAN..." Jeannie reached down and wrapped her giant fingers around his little six inch body and picked him up like a doll in her hand. She brought him to her enormous breast and laying him between her fabulous tits covered him with her giant hands as she fell asleep. Ed could do nothing, her enormous hands were massive, holding him squashed between the two most wonderfully huge mountains of luscious hot titty-flesh he had ever seen and he squirmed and felt her hot soft flesh all around him squeezing his body all over, but he could hardly move under the tremendous weight of her gargantuan hands. Exhausted he kissed and licked the massive tits surrounding him for only moments before he too fell asleep, before he had time to worry about her giant hands holding him so tightly to her fabulous tits. He had no idea how much time had passed when he felt her moving, she had awoken and was carrying him carefully and softly in her cupped hands. She gently reached into the cage and deposited him on the floor, then closed the cage door and twisted the heavy wire/iron bar to hold the door closed, and Ed found himself back in his prison as he looked out at the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen, and wished for more time with that fantastic giantess as he dropped his head back to the rug and fell back asleep again.. He smiled as he fell asleep knowing that she liked him too. He was in his own heaven as he fell asleep looking forward to playing on Jeannie's gigantic, heavenly body while she played sexy games with him..... He slept the sleep of exhaustion, dreaming of giantesses, and their sexy games with little men..... *****************