Open letter An open letter to all regarding my recent fight/destruction of Carmen in a fist fight the other day.  Written 4/26/2010   I am writing only because of the inordinate number of IM's and emails I have received from so many pertaining to the savage beating I gave her.  Not that it is most people's business to begin with.  And yes, I understand she has a "bookshelf" and "fans" and everyone saw her pictures and in California where she lives she kicked some major ass and she did gynastics in college and yada yada yada  but it does not matter a twit to me The severe beating I gave was pre-meditated, well planned and deserved.  This is a woman who was full of herself due to her athletic acumen, flashing experience with boxing and brand new experience in the "art" of bare fisted fighting.  And believe me it is an art that I have been practicing for a long long time.  She was the one who pursued me the first time and would not stop pursuing me this second time.  Not only did she pursue me the second time non-stop but wanted me to fist fight her VS box her which I did the first time.  Therefore, I had to deliver this life changing beating with my two fists.  The story you read, written by her wus husband was accurate for the most part and proofed by me.  I say for the most part because the one inaccuracy I just didn't feel like correcting but will here.  I did not put her in a full nelson for whatever number of minutes Richie stated but instead had my knee in her sore back ( I previously struck her with sharp elbows until she basically was a sack of humanity) and yanked back on her arms until such time she was for all intent and purposes unconscious from the pain and than grabbed her by her chin for about a minute but at this point it was like torturing a cadaver so I released her.   Bottom line is I know what I did and planned on doing it-mission accomplished. I know by breaking her jaw and eye socket and causing the severe injury to her back that she will never really be the same physically but  I also know I ruined her life psychologically forever.  If she ever fights again it will never be the same but I believe she will never be the same again, which was the goal for being "hunted down" by an amateur like I was.  SO there you have it, some of you may still be angry and call me names, some may understand but no matter as I accomplished what I set out to do.  Prove to her who is best, who is strongest and who can really fight bare fisted!  Shalom Karen (