Carmen's 7th story about wrestling and boxing by Brief informative life reflections of my fighting life Part 7 please email me questions and comments. I am not looking for opponents!! Wow. Apparently the last story hit home with many and even moreso with people in my neighborhood who are now following my life a lot closer, ha ha. Tifanny sent me the nastiest email ever and her husband is threatening a lawsuit which is plain ol' dumb. The chats and emails from people around here were mostly congratulatory since it seems good ol' Tif is not nearly as well liked as she thought. I even heard from one guy whose name I will not mention who told me that Tif smacked around his wife pretty badly outside a nightclub one night and he simply could not bring himself to try to protect his own wife because of Tiffany's obvious skill and he sent me this gigantic floral bouquet and a thank you note. Richard spoke with him recently and they want to take us to dinner as a thank you. I know, who cares? To the Inside Circle of you , which is about 50 now, who I have permitted to ask any question of me and who I share my picture with, I want to thank you all for your friendship and kind words. Keep asking me those great questions. I spoke to my husband and based on many emails I received in the past week I have decided to write about one of my boxing losses VS a "happy" story about my life. It may not be as exciting as some may think but I am willing to come clean without hesitation. In addition to my recollection regarding this specific fight I will have Richard proof it when completed to add his thoughts as well since he was in attendance and he will be honest and forthright. In January 2009 I went to a national gymnastic competition in Hawaii where there were 12 college's competing including the college I graduated from and was invited to help the team. I knew virtually all the coaches from the other teams as well as their informal helpers like me. Needless to say that all of these women are super athletes and still workout like I do. We (the coaches and helpers) are all pretty much the same physically. Meaning none of us fit easily (under statement) with off the rack clothing around our muscular arms or legs and dress appropriately otherwise, all of us are super strong and look it and all have 4-8 packs, etc., etc. The fact is, when we all get together, as we did in Hawaii, we look like current day Fitness athletes but really more muscular or some may say like amateur bodybuilders but without the drugs, deep voices or masculine features and boob jobs. I'll comment more about these female freaky body builders who are in most cases no more then whores with muscles but I'll address that at a later date. And in my humble opinion we are in better shape then both of the groups I just mentioned in terms of strength, flexibility and stamina and we practice what we are, i.e., muscular athletes all the time and there is never an "off season" for us and drugs are OUT OF THE QUESTION. We are in fact just regular women who have a lot of muscles due to our gymnastic background and are still and always be athletic. We ranged in age from 25- 43 with me being the only Hispanic, one Asian lady and the rest typical blonde and blue eyed American ladies. This is at least the 10th competition I have been at since I graduated. Maybe 10 years ago or so, and just for fun, we spent 2-3 days after the kids left and had our own friendly competition among ourselves that included things such as: pushup and pull up contests, wind sprints, belly punching, curling weights with a bar bell, we do a tug a war and wrestle. Not all of these events were there from the beginning as we expanded it over time and it has become very competitive among us but still friendly or as friendly as this can be among competitive athletes. This all becomes very competitive among us especially when it comes to the wrestling and belly punching, which we added four years ago and is rather intense to say the least and has become a highlight. For the past two years the top 3 winners of this "friendly" contest get to choose a man from one of our husbands or boyfriends in attendance to have dinner with and that man must also buy us at least two "substantial" gifts and those gifts run the gammit from jewelry to computers to clothes. What goes on after those dinners vary on the persons involved but safe to say that more then once, and MAYBE (personally speaking), there is a lot of fucking around back in the hotel rooms ... ... just keeping it real as they say and since everything else is out in the open might as well go all out, ha ha. The best quick story I have here is when we were in Washington State and I came in 2nd and chose as my "date" my friends boyfriend who she bragged was the best man she ever had in bed and how terrific he was and so on. So I "took him as my date",as it were, and we went for dinner then we go back to the hotel room and I carry him in like one does on their wedding night and we start kissing and he cums prematurely in his pants as his hands are massaging my breasts. He gets all red faced and bends over and starts stammering about how Lisa has small B cup breasts and he never felt D cups like mine with all the muscles in my chest and so on and that's why he came in his pants ... ..but to make the long boring story short this man was SHIT in bed and after I fucked him once I got dressed and took him back to Lisa's room and told her to keep him as I would rather sleep alone! Lisa dropped him the next day and she is now married to a wonderful man. ANYWAY, ha ha sorry for digressing as they say. I'll go into more detail about these contests later but the point is, because yours truly won the wrestling part of this last little event and in fact I always win that event and the belly punching too , in royal fashion thank you very much. Back to the story- The last woman I beat up was not very happy ( she was a new lady to the group and the youngest and the Asian lady) and as a result her boyfriend challenged me to a boxing match since she was bitching non- stop that I was to rough with her and like a fool I accepted the challenge. She was irate that I beat her so soundly in front of everyone and since she was a newbee she took it hard. Her b/f came to the rescue as they do from time to time and I respect that. They were both new to the group and they took losing way to hard. By far she was the prettiest lady among us and at age 25 was a recent grad herself more or less from her Masters program. The fact is we are a rather friendly bunch of ladies and communicate via email and phone all year long and if traveling visit one another. Filina was the new girl on the block and we welcomed her with open arms as this group is exclusive or at least we tend to think that, ha ha. Let me give you a picture of her, Japanese -American, 5'3 130 (not an estimate as we all get measured and weighed so the tug a war is even) 38b- 25-34 with 14 inch biceps, a tattoo on both ankles of some flowers, 13 inch calves, very defined features that match a spectacular physique with vascular forearms, and well developed muscles throughout and is seriously a gorgeous young lady I am telling you. Extremely pretty lady. She also comes from a very well to do family and it shows in the way she carries herself so between her money and body I am willing to bet she never heard the word NO. Richard said she was one of the sexiest ladies he has ever seen. Her boyfriend was a cute guy too and an American who stood 5'9 or so and was a solid 175 with boxing experience was the rumor. She is based out of S. Carolina. She won the pull up contest among all of us and insisted on doing it topless which was new to the group but understood she wanted to make her mark with us. Very strong young lady with truly beautiful soft and sexy muscles all over and an accomplished gymnast as well. She was injured after the Olympic tryouts but made the team as an alternate which ain't to shabby! When she took her sports bra off and started doing her thing topless we were all shocked and appreciated her physique as we do. When she jumped off the pullup bar and faced us knowing she won her nipples were really popping forward and she put her hands on her hips and was hardly breathing knowing she was a beautiful lady and saying with her body language " cmon bitches check out my body which is great" and I and the others appreciated that confidence as we all have it!! The fact that she won any part of our tournament being in her first year was impressive but being a showoff was not winning any points among us since she stood there a little to long and did some posing before dropping down and doing one arm pushups for us. Taking her leotard off and going topless in front of everyone in her last set shocked me in some ways but I was OK with it and truth be told I marveled at her body. I do appreciate beauty even when it is not mine. I was impressed with the pull-ups for sure and her back was really V shaped and defined so cool for her. I won't spend a lot of time going through this part but suffice it to say her and I were in top 5 and had just 2 parts left, the belly punching and wrestling ( both my strengths) were next. The first girl I had to compete against was from Utah and I know her forever and love her. The rules of the belly punching were: you get your hands tied behind your back and then tied to the ring post and each person gets blindfolded so you never know when you are going to get punched, everyone is wearing a sports bra or leotard and the other person has 60 seconds ( all events are timed) to land as many blows to one's abs as possible. The abs MUST be fully exposed. This gets repeated until either the loser drops to the floor and is unable to get up within 90 seconds or quits. The majority of the time people drop in pain and can not get up- it can get ugly I admit, ha ha but it is a raw physical contest among strong accomplished athletes. It is a very intense event. The first woman I had, the 43 year old, dropped and vomited after just 25 seconds and was not getting up for a few minutes so much 90 seconds. Lying on the floor with her hands tied behind her back and still tied to the ring post she was gone but the rules are one must get up by themselves and admit to the group that they quit or wants to continue. So after she admitted to the group that she "quit and was unable to continue" which is what one must say on their knees, we gave her as much time as she wanted/needed so she can go at me for the 60 seconds of allotted time. When it was her turn VS me I lasted the complete 60 seconds so she lost points and dropped in the standings. I am good at this b/c of my boxing experience and my abdominal strength and being used to taking a blow from boxing. Sally actually cried after she could not put me away and I felt badly for her since she is the weakest among us. I love Sally and felt badly for her and did not want to see her cry and display that kind of weakness in front of us. But she did and that was sad to see. Now I say the weakest among US which means she is 100 times stronger then the average woman of course. I say 100x but who knows the point is she is muscular, in shape, works out all the time and is an amazing lady who I love to death. Remember, every single one of us has sheets of abdominal muscles and well developed and very clear 4-8 packs so don't feel that badly for her, ha ha. Filana was able to withstand her first 2 opponents for the 60 seconds but clearly struggled. When it was her time to hit her opponent she did a good job but did not finish either of them off. It took her until the 5th time of the 60 second beatings (remember we continue the "rounds" until there is a winner) to finally drop her opponent but Filana was pretty beaten up herself by then. Maybe 30 minutes after that and I too beat 3 others in the meantime we faced off. None of the three I beat lasted more then 30 seconds and one girl I was punching so clean and hard she could not get out of her mouth that she wanted to surrender and finally just dropped to her knees and was begging for me to stop which I did of course. Seeing the pain etched in Pamela's face was rewarding for me as she to is a better gymnast then me and is a strong woman who I admire for many things she does in her community with disadvantaged kids as she volunteers a lot. Anyway, my point is by the time I had to face Filina I was in much better shape then her. I was in much better shape then Filina since the damage I do with my fists to my opponents take so much out of them by the time they have their opportunity against me they are terribly weakened, plus NONE of my matches went past 2 "rounds". Anyways, So I go first with Filina which is a bad thing for my opponent and after she is tied to the ring post , I await the GO and hammered her directly on her bruises and within 10 seconds she is on her knees and the 90 second count begins. In fact my 3rd blow, an uppercut right above her bellybutton made her squeal out with a scream that was ugly. So I begin to play it up for my friends and start shadow boxing and posing and to be obnoxious I take off my top like she did during the pull ups. I see and hear her b/f cursing me like crazy but I could not give a shit and I have to tell you since we have been doing these little contests for years we have NEVER had anyone behave like this jerk. Nobody likes seeing their significant other lose but we all partake in this voluntarily and it is fun in so many ways as we are all athletes and love to compete so I did not feel badly for the newbee. She stands up at like 28 seconds but looks terrible and is not really standing up strait but good enough. Meantime I have like 30 seconds left which I and everyone knew was plenty of time. So instead of a non-stop barrage of punches I start in a stecato beat of 1-2-3- then wait 2 seconds then 1-2 then pause then 1-2-3- all VERY hard blows against a stationary target and the tears are flowing and the look of sheer pain is outstanding and I see she is trying but everyone knew is was futile. I pretty much was measuring her and stepped in with a left and right uppercuts to the center of her sore abs and lifted her I swear 2 inches off the floor and she collapsed. Her head is on the canvas in the ring and her arms are pulled back since she is tied up and it was a beautiful picture, ha ha. Seeing her sweaty back muscles and shoulders strain against the pulling of the rope and her silently moaning and crying was very cool as she is a newbee and a showoff. It took her a FULL 10 minutes to finally get up- she was hurt but so it goes. It took a long time for her to finally get her ass up and when it was her turn to punch me she was so weak it was a waste of time and she "accidentally" hit me with an uppercut in the jaw at the end which was clearly calculated but OK it was her first time with us. I lasted the whole time so I won of course. Next and last was wrestling which is my forte of course. Of the 5 women I was going to face one was so wasted from the other events she asked not to fight me which she must request on her knees and in front of everyone. Then she must crawl around the ring from post to post apologizing to each lady, while still on her knees, which she did. Please understand it is a long and exhausting day of physical exercise and punishment and she was exhausted which happens. Very rare occurrence but she was spent. I had Filina in the semi round and I knew she was totally fucked up still from the Ab punching but I was getting very into teaching her a lesson as the newbee. When we finally faced each other she dove for my legs and I simply flipped her off and put her in a camel clutch and gradually increased the pressure as she screamed in pain. This is not a hold I typically do b/c I know how painful and humiliating it can be, but I did it on purpose and maybe should not have. I admit to some jealousy as she was a very gorgeous lady and young and knew it and her body was outstanding so maybe I gave it to her a little harder then I should have, ha ha. It was back breaking I know since Jack has put me in EVERY single hold I do so I know firsthand how horribly painful they are. She would not submit and her b/f was yelling like a Camanche for her to do something but she couldn't and everyone except them knew it. When I finally let her go she just layed there moaning in pain and I sat down on my butt in the Indian position I love so much and dragged her over by her hair put her in my and choked her unconscious. Fight over! And it was easy. I choked her out slowly and there was no resistance to speak of because that long camel clutch sapped her energy. I left her unconscious drueling out the side of her mouth on my lap as I rubbed her cheek and laughed. I eventually stood up and left her there as her b/f ran over t bring her back to the world, ha ha. I came in 3rd overall in the tournament and her 8th and I thought all was cool. Everyone was hanging around chatting and congratulating the winners and consoling the losers. Her and her b/f disappeared for a while without anyone noticing and when they came back he was all mouth and all directed at me how I was a bully and how I knew exactly what I was doing which of course is correct and that he wanted to box me and "break my face" like I did to his precious g/f. It got very heated for a while as everyone was against him, the other athletes and their significant others but I voluntarily agreed to box him in this immature shouting match. Why? Well on hindsight b/c I am stupid, ha ha but because I am a boxer more then anyone else there by a mile and figured I am all warmed up and who the fuck is he anyway, Mohammad Ali? We rented this gym for the entire day so what the hell, they had gloves and all so I figured I would beat the shit out of him and probably kick them both out forever since this kind of behavior was not the flavor of these contests. So, Within 30 minutes we were in the ring facing off. Everyone stayed to watch and I have to tell you for being the prettiest woman there by this time even after suffering a beating and a knockout she looked amazingly beautiful with her tight shirt/jeans and baseball cap. Give her credit. Also, her b/f was irate as was Filina and I got caught up in the whole event, my friends and this guy challenging me. So when he said we should write down what we want the other person to do when we win I thought that was a great idea. So I wrote that when I win I wanted him to crawl across the ring stark naked and bark like a dog. I thought that if I beat the shit out of him and then humiliate him like that it would be great. I gave that note to one of the women and he gave his note and nobody knew what the other wrote until the end of the fight. Details- he wore his jeans and shirtless and we both had on 8 oz red gloves. I nor he had gloves with us and used what was available in the gym. Using a strange mouthpiece sucked but had no choice. I was wearing my leotard and shorts and sneakers. Both sets of gloves were red. My thought was he was angry and so what and after a round or so I would beat him to a pulp and go home. Nobody ever asked about his experience as we thought he was just an angry protective b/f who said he "could box". A good body this man had for sure but not my focus. Allow me to interject here, since many of you have emailed me and asked how I learned how to box I might as well jump in here and give you the details. Especially since the rest of this story is painful for me to write about. As you all know, my X- husband Jack, who I still love to death and is a part of my family, taught me how to wrestle. All of this I have written about before. As a result I am an excellent wrestler and have even taught self defense classes as a result. So one day he decided that I should learn how to box to protect myself and since he was not a boxer and always did everything "best in class" as he always says, he arranged for a world class professional boxing trainer whose name I will not mention out of respect for him until or if he gives me permission which is unlikely, in Detroit of all places to teach me. Please understand I am a Texas girl from birth thru High School and then and now California. I love the outdoors, sunshine and beach. Detroit was NONE of these things. In fact it was ugly, cold and miserable, however, the trainer was world class and this is what Jack wanted. So we rented a house for 4 months and for 4 very long months I learned how to box. Six days a week I worked out. Starting from virtual scratch I learned this sport and became pretty good at it, not nearly as good as I am in wrestling but pretty damn good. During those 4 months, I was knocked out 4 different times, all by men, lost 9 lbs and some bulk which was great and if nothing else the trainer was always amazed at my physical strength especially my abs. By the time I left there he was able to throw, NOT drop, but throw down a 20 lb medicine ball full force on my abs for 15x and I took it! Plus a million other brutal B and other exercises. Despite all of that 2 of those knockouts were from liver shots by men who outweighed me by as much as 40 lbs and one who was my weight. A shot to the liver ends a fight- period! I also beat down, up and sideways more black women then you can shake a stick at since Detroit is all black. At the end my knockout punch was so developed he put me in the ring with only men. After that 4 month period we returned home to California where Jack would arrange boxing matches for me at the gym and at home. He started off lining up women and I took care of all of them . He brought 11 women for me to fight and 8 were badly and coldly knocked the fuck out as they say, one lady had her nose broken in round one and the other 2 lasted the full 12 rounds. Truth is the women he was bringing me were easy to knockout and he knew it. A different class of woman then the blacks in Detroit but still not competitive as he knew and his goal was to bolster my confidence which it sure did. Nothing like knocking a bitch out to bolster confidence.. Then the men came. I lost some and won most and many of them left our house beaten and bruised. At that point of our relationship he allowed me to "take" any man I wanted after the fight. I did that only twice. The first time I beat up this engineering grad student who was an amateur boxer. Very cute boy, my age at the time more or less, and the second one was a Medical student and really very cute and bright and a man I still see weekly at the hospital- that can be another story unto itself, ha ha . I knocked him out cold and he was totally freaked out by it and demanded a rematch but that ended the same way and we spent a weekend in a hotel in San Diego. He was my first experience with a man being submissive to me and I really did not like it. He was 5'10 and 185 and a really handsome man with a great body and a pleasure to speak with as he was bright and funny but he was freaked out by being knocked out twice in front of my husband and really uncomfortable being with a woman stronger then he was. Anyway, that is a short synopsis of how I learned to box. OK so now I have to fight Filina's boyfriend. As mentioned at the beginning, my husband Richard reviewed this next part since as a witness VS the fighter his memory of the events may be clearer. So we had Richard in the ring as ref and he said "FIGHT" and I walk towards him and I see right away by the way he is coming at me he is both angry and experienced but I was fine with that. SO I throw a few jabs that he blocks with his gloves and he lands 2 jabs to my face. I felt his sharp power and knew this was going to be a lot more then I bargained for. For the rest of that round he landed several jabs and punches to my face and body and I landed just a few blows to his body and one to his jaw that hurt him. In between rounds we both stood and everyone was yelling me encouragement except Filina who was yelling really mean things about me. She was yelling for him to break my nose, punish the old bitch, etc. Dumb! Rd2-I knew I had to buckle down and do something. So I was bobbing and weaving and trying to get inside but he was picking me apart with a variety of shots. I could feel my right eye swelling and beginning to taste my blood in my mouth but figured if I could get inside I would land some body blows and break him down the best I could. I sure could have used my Detroit trainer at that moment since he is so wise. So I eventually did get inside and landed some great body blows and heard him ugh in pain but he tied me up and spinned me around and landed an uppercut to my jaw and I saw those black spots one gets prior to a KO. So I got on my bike to clear my head and the round ended. In my corner Richard asked me if I was OK but he knew I was not and asked me if he should stop it. I knew I could not quit in front of my friends and also knew that I have enough to knock this fuck out if I land the right combo. As Richard rubbed my arms to loosen them up the fatigue of the contest was obvious. All of those pushups, pull- ups, curling, wrestling and belly punching took it out of me and it was catching up with me fast and at the wrong moment Rd 3- Now understand I had a full day of an athletic contest that included everything you just read so I was not exactly fresh. Offering NO excuses and just stating fact. My arms felt heavy and even though I won the AB punching I still had 7 women use my abs as a punching bag an hour before. OK, so round three begins with a good exchange of jabs and I drew a drop of blood from his nose. Meantime my eye is very swollen, I am drenched in sweat, arms heavy, feeling muscle bound and bleeding in my mouth so I am not doing great but encouraged by this round as I see he is tiring too. The next 45 seconds or so will be written by Richard since I do not remember so here ya go. Hello all this is Richard. I am taking it from here since my stunning and beautiful wife was knocked out on her feet and does not recall the details. Before you think I am the worst husband in the world for not stopping the fight you have to understand Carmen and these ladies. Stopping the fight would have been paramount to quitting and Carmen does not quit. Plus if I stopped the fight she would kill me, lol. I cannot state that any more clear, period. Sooooo, Car does the exchange of jab thing and then gets this shit eating grin on her face and bangs her gloves together and walks forward to do damage and she does not see the uppercut being thrown to her jaw but sure as shit is coming and lands with a solidiness that one rarely sees but it does. Her head jerked back so hard and fast I thought for sure she was a goner. Somehow she stayed on her feet and back peddles into the ropes a few feet away which I am sure helped keep her up. Meantime her leotard is so soakin with sweat you could see each muscle in her incredible 8 pack perfectly- I had to throw that in Car,lol,I love you baby. So here she is against the ropes covering up and he bores in and starts throwing BOMBS at her. It was terrible to witness my wife being beaten like that. She was out on her feet and on auto pilot. First some head shots which amazingly she blocks some but some get in and her face is being violently shook from side to side and then he went downstairs to her body and because of the size of the gym and the gloves hitting her wet body it was making this echo sound that was scary actually chillingly scary for me as I know those are solid blows that are going in there unprotected and this is after an AB contest!!!. When I see Carmen wilting from body blows ( I cannot describe how strong her body is) and bending over and her knees buckling I know she is in a world of pain. He stepped back and lands another uppercut, not as grossly horrible as the first but enough trust me) that she straightens up and he follows that with a right hook to her jaw and she went down face first unconscious. Those face forst KO' are the bad one's. This whole thing took 30-45 seconds at most. There was no sense in counting but I had to and when I got to ten I turned her over and took out her mouthpiece and held her in my arms until her eyes opened maybe 20 seconds later. Meantime he and his girlfriend were embracing in the ring while everyone else was around us. When her eyes opened it took a few seconds for her to focus and she asked "what happened" and I said it's over baby he knocked you out. Will give it back to Carmen now. OK, hi it's me, ha ha. Well,there ya go, I was an idiot to fight an experienced boxer who had many inches and many pounds on me and got what I deserved some would say. When his note was read aloud everyone gasped since it said " Carmen will suck my big cock until I cum in her mouth and strip down naked EXCEPT for her boxing gloves as she does it" Yes, he is a pig, gross and a horrible person but that is besides the point. So, I did have to give him a blowjob in the ring to be blunt!! After his message was read aloud everyone and I mean everyone freaked out since we all thought that was WAY over the top. Even I never thought of anything sexual and demeaning like that to be put in my note. I looked over at Richard who was SO angry but like I told him, first he knows that I fucking beat the shit out of him in boxing so if this guy beat me he better shut his face and two and more importantly, I agreed to it and I am a fighter, athlete and I have to do it, period. So I stripped down naked except for the gloves or more accurately sme of the girls tok my sopping wet top off and my shorts and underwear, some of the girls came over to me and hugged me and told me I should not do it even though they knew I had to so I took his jeans off and sucked him off- nothing more to say I guess. That was not fun for all the reasons you can imagine. Between just being beaten to a pulp, having a swollen eye and sore jaw to be doing it in front of my husband and friends and their husbands/boyfriends, etc. it was not cool. Thankfully he came quickly and yes I swallowed ( that is a common question) and not because that was specifically mentioned before the fight but there is a thing called fighters respect and to summarize, no matter what anyone says, I agreed to fight him and as warriors and athletes there is always a level of respect and giving a victor his "spoils" and in this case a blowjob and not swallowing and doing it right would be disrespectful. I understand that many of you reading this will not understand this, which is fine. After he came in my mouth and I sucked his cock dry I stood up and was met by Richard and my friends who all hugged me and said the right things. Like I told them , it is what it is so lets move on and get these fucking gloves off me. Someone tried to put a robe on me but I shook it off. Why? Well, I did kick everyone's ass in the belly punching and wrestling, heck I knocked out 3/4 of my opponents, plus I just fought a more experienced man and did fairly good, my muscles at that point are jacked unbelievable so fuck it I want to showoff and am proud of ME!!!!!! AFTRMATH THREE MONTHS LATER----Finally, Richard and I met Filina and her boyfriend one more time where I boxed Filina and easily won in a pre- scheduled and mutually agreed t meeting- no sense in details here except to say to think you can NOT learn to box in 3 months, no matter how much money you have no matter who your fucking boyfriend is and no matter how pretty you are and if you think you can ( hello Filina ) that makes you a stupid stupid bitch. I could have fucked her up in one round but kept her around for FIVE where I beat her from ring post to ring post . Seriously beat the living mother fucker out of her. And you got it, the deal was if I lost I was there's and if she lost she is sucking Richards cock- so what happened? When she finally was ready to do Richard she get's on her knees, I take her top off and I put his cock in her mouth and after 10 seconds I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down on the canvas and said NOBODY SUCKS MY MAN OFF BUT ME and I did! I took my sports bra off to show off my undamaged body to her and got on my knees and I sucked MY man's cock right there and then. She stayed on the canvas looking like the beaten bitch she was and her boyfriend sat next to her with ice packs applied to her eyes and face. Funny thing was that her b/f was intimidated by Richard since Richard is bigger, more muscles, a street cop and carries a gun of course. Little did he know ( until now, ha ha) that I have beaten Richard a lot of times and therefore HE could have easily beaten the shitout of him, ha ha. I told the group exactly what happened and we all voted her out of any further contests since she and her significant other never understood the spirit of these things. The group also voted out belly punching since some of the girls were being hurt bad enough that 3 of them went to the emergency room after they got back home because of the beatings I gave them and thought they had internal bleeding or something. Thankfully all were just bruised so no more belly punching and we added arm wrestling. OK so now for ALL of you who wanted to hear about one of my losses you now know. Sorry for the long story but YOU guys asked so there y go.Happy, ha ha? Love to all, Carmen