A Twee Grows In Brooklin by the Captain "A Twee Grows In Broklin" - A Roger Johnson story by the Captain. My name is Roger Johnson and I had moved from Los Angelas to New York for a writing assignment. The magazine I was now working for insisted in twice weekly meetings, even if all of my work was done by computer. It was odd that such a "high-tech" publication would maintain such a "low-tech" waste of time. But this was the state that had elected for the US Senate a woman who had never been a resident before running for office. However, the pay was good enough for an apartment the size of two closets jammed together. My neighbor was a short asian woman named Twee who seemed to prefer clothing that made her look like a Star Wars character. I just assumed that she had some kind a sun alergy, though I didn't see any sign of that on her rather pretty face. She seemed to be a little stocky, but her clothing always hid weither this was fat or, as I preferred, muscle. At first she was extremly shy and would not respond when I greeted her. After a few months she eventually started to respond, but only in one-word answers. One night I heard Twee return home and violently slam her door closed. Since this was New York the sudden noise went un-noticed. However, since my bedroom shared a wall with hers I could clearly hear her cying. For an instant I thought I heard her sob "I am an ugly woman!" Since my concentration was now shot for the next several hours, I did the one thing I could. I left my apartment and softly rapped on her door. A few moments later Twee opened the door and stared up at me. She looked very upset and her clothes were even more rumpled than they normally were. "Are you OK Twee? I heard you crying. Were you raped? Do you want me to call someone?" She looked down, "No, Mr Johnson, Twee not raped. Boyfriend gone because I am ugly. Nothing for you to help me. But I think you are good man who cares. That is not common in city. I see in your eyes when you first say hello, but even a woman like me has to be careful with strangers." "I understand, some men can be cruel. But I don't think you're ugly Twee, in fact I think you're very pretty." I slowly reached out to put my hand on her shoulder, but she jecked herself away from my hand so quickly that she fell down hard on the wooden floor. I was surprised by how solid a thump she had made. "No! I like you Mr Johnson. You must not see how I am. My body is ugly, every boyfriend leaves me when they see. They say I am freak, not a real woman. But I am woman enough to want a man! You smart man, I find magazine that has your writing in it. I do not understand all you write, but I think I like it." Twee looked up at me, "I need to feel man near me, we can just talk. Please Mr Johnson?" "Sure Twee, you just had a bad night. I'd be happy to be with you for a while." She got off the ground and follwed me into my apartment. Due to the tiny size, the only piece of furniture I had we could both sit on at the same time was my bed. And so we sat on my bed for several hours while she told me stories about growing up in a traditional Korean family. Eventually the subject of her "ugly" body scaring aware a long string of boyfriends came around. I tried to walk around the mystery but Twee refused to answer any direct question. However I did discover that she would now let me hold her hand, which was much firmer than I had expected. After another hour or so Twee turned to me and asked, "Mr Johnson, I really want you close to me. Your words make my mind dizzy, but my body is hungry. What can I do for you?" I looked at Twee, her face had grown more attractive over the hours, "I want to solve a mystery, would you please take off your clothes. I promise not to run away screaming no matter what I see." She smiled and got off of the bed. As she removed her shoes and socks I got up and turned off the light in my microscopic kitchen. When I returned I found her standing bare-foot and staring out the window into the darkness of the night. She closed the curtains and started to unbotton her shirt. Twee slowly slipped off her rumpled top and shyly turned to face me. What I had assumed were small breasts were acutely large mounds of muscle. Her upper body looked more like a heavily muscled pre-teen boy than the asian woman I had expected. As she finished undressing I was relieved to see that she was in fact fully female, just one with highly developed muscles. "I may look like boy but I can give pleasure like any girl" Twee whispered. I walked up to her and ran my hands along her arms and shoulders. "Flex for me," I commanded, "try to scare me with the size of your muscles." She looked up at me and smiled "You may not like, I never find man too strong for me. Better I stay relaxed, think of me more like young girl. I like you, don't want to hurt you with muscle." "OK," I said, "If you're willing, we can try something." On the table by my tool kit was a roll of heavy fiber- tape, the kind used to seal packages. I picked up the tape and pointed to the bed. Twee smiled and climbed onto the bed. I had her lay on her back with her wrists crossed above her head. "I play you game Mr Johnson, better use much tape, I very strong." Twee whispered with a soft giggle. I smiled back at her, she didn't know how strong this tape was. A friend of mine had used some as an emergency towing cable once to pull a small truck out of a ditch. Before I taped her wrists I had her slip socks onto her hands. I told her this would keep the tape from pulling the hairs off of her skin. The real reason was to keep her fingers from getting a hold on the tape. After ten wraps around her wrists she was ready. After turning down the lights I took off my cloths and walked to the bed, in my hand was the small bottle of oil I always carried. Twee looked up and just smiled. I climbed on top of her and started to rub oil onto her chest and arms. After twenty minutes I could tell that Twee wanted me, even though she was trying to keep her "ugly" muscles relaxed I could feel them flex under me as she shifted her body. "Mr Johnson," Twee whispered, "what must I do to say I am ready?" I looked her in the eyes and said, "Just break the tape." "Ha! You trick me! Big muscles you want to feel! Trick on you, your tape break in two seconds!" With that I could feel a sudden surge of power as she focused on quickly snapping her bonds. My hands were ready, gripping her quickly swelling biceps. This small asian woman was incredible! Her biceps exploded into rock-hard balls of strength. Her natural skin now enhanced by the oil felt like blemish-free silk. Twee let out a soft high-pitched grunt as the only sign of surprise. The tape was holding, at least for now. For the moment her entire attention was focused on breaking the tape. This allowed me to grab my measuring tape. I don't think she even noticed when I wrapped the tape around her arm, which by now had inflated to just over thirteen inches of muscle. The entire time I continued to massage her chest and lower body, slowly bringing her closer to climax. By now her entire body was becoming pumped, making Twee look more like a bodybuilder than the cleaning woman I knew she was. "You no want Twee now Mr Johnson, I become man with big muscles. Best you run away. All men who see me, see my muscle run away. My ugly muscles too big for woman!" "No Twee, not all men run away from women with muscles. Some of us have to hunt for them because they are so rare. I knew you wouldn't want to show them to me because other men hurt you with their words. But there's no such thing as too much muscle. That like saying that a woman can be too smart or too healthy. So, go ahead, try to scare me. Whatever you show me, I'll just want more." Twee looked at me for a moment, her dark eyes hiding racing thoughts. Something seemed to change within her, like a switch being snapped closed. She smiled and licked her lips, "OK Mr Johnson, Twee want try to make you happy, you treat her better than other men. Your tape strong but I not use all strength. I go slow now, but tape will not stop me. Only you will see my strength!" She closed her eyes and begam to pull harder. I felt her muscle grow even harder and larger. Either she was really going very slow or this was her maximum effort. In any case I knew I had to mount her soon or lose the opportunity to screw her when she was fully pumped. I hadn't expected the difficulty, but her flexed muscle were resisting my efforts to enter her, but I eventually managed the task. We quickly entered into a strange rhythm, with her muscular flexing matching the speed of my efforts. I lost track of time, Twee now seemed to be tireless, and her muscles continued to grow in size and hardness. She now looked like she had the muscles from a bodybuilder twice her weight. I could feel my strength fading from the prolonged effort. I suddenly realized that Twee was slowly building up to her climax and had begun to chant softly. "Big strong muscle! Big Strong Muscle! BIG STRONG MUSCLE!" The violance of her orgasim shocked me into my own. Her muscles exploded in one massive flex, and for one brief moment it looked like her biceps were bigger than mine. With a ripping sound that I had never heard before, the strongest tape in the world was torn apart by a tiny asian woman with "ugly" muscles. "Socks work good! But next time you no need tape to see Twee muscle. You buy weight set like they sell on TV, I do exercise like American woman, but build muscle like American man." Twee giggled, "I may be small woman, but will be bigger than you!" She flexed her still pumped right bicep for me to measure. "It's only an inch or so smaller than mine. If you're willing, I can show you some exercises to get bigger. Are you sure you won't feel uncomfortable doing this? Other men would fine you strange to look at." Twee got up and started walking to the bathroom, "Woman only need one man, if he right man!"