Silver Dreams Three - A Story In The Space Opera Style By the Captain Please Note: This is part three of the story, you really want to read the first parts, well, first. <><><> SILVER DREAMS - CHAPTER EIGHT <><><> =====[ Somewhere Near Bakersfield - California ]===== Kelly was pissed. It wasn't her fault, but she was getting punished again! The danm job interview had been a total waste of her time. She had gotten the message real clear, people didn't want to be served by a bar maid that looked like a zombie. Oh, they had came up with other stuff to say to her, but how she looked had lost her another potential job. Years of drug abuse when she was a teenager had caused her to become rail-thin. Since she was over six feet tall, that made her look like an extra in a horror movie. Sadly, that had been her last good paying job. And to make the day even better, she had made a wrong turn when she left that hole-in-the-wall bar and driven for hours out into nowhere and now she had no idea where she was. Kelly looked down in the ditch where her beat up Datsun rested. Normally Kelly tried to stay calm and controlled, but she felt totally justified in letting her anger boil up and explode. Tight fists pounded the hood of her car, stringy muscles flashed into view, making her look more like one of the undead. She leaned back and screamed like an animal as her blood pumped faster. For a moment her vision tinted red and then something - popped - and she felt her body heat up as if she had stepped into a steamy shower. Her world blurred as she moved, she was aware of her car somehow moving out of the ditch and back on the road. With her immediate problem solved, Kelly began to calm down. Her pulse slowed and the blurring faded. She found herself standing by her car, hours had passed and the sun had set. Kelly still didn't know where she was, but at least her car was out of the ditch. In the distance she could see the lights of what she thought was a gas station. She smiled, with her luck they closed at night. Minutes later she had confirmed that the gas station really did close down at night. Her sting of bad luck remained unbroken. Kelly went around to the back of the gas station hoping that the rest room was unlocked. She felt a flash of anger and she hit the over-sized lock with her fist. The long wood-screws pulled out of the door frame and fell to the ground. Kelly smiled, strange luck was better than no luck. Paranoid that someone was watching, Kelly didn't turn on the lights until she had forced the door closed. When she turned towards the rusty sink she froze, stunned by what she saw in the mirror. Her face, which an ex-boyfriend had once called "too close to the skull", had filled in, giving her a smoother, much more feminine look. The rest of her body also looked healthier that she had ever been. Even her small, tight breasts had jumped a cup size or two. What the hell had happened on the side of the road? As she raised her hand to pull back her stringy blond hair she noticed the bulge of healthy muscle. She had biceps that were bigger than her last boyfriends! Several minutes later Kelly turned off the light and opened the door. As she left the rest room she discovered that there were three identical red-haired women were waiting for her. Before Kelly could speak, one of the women raised a glowing crystal flower to her face and she dropped to the ground as if asleep. One of the red-heads picked up Kelly and walked out into the desert night. The other two followed, one pushing the Datsun along the rough desert ground. =====[ Dark Planet In A Dead System ]===== The being found the information flowing to it - interesting - and had activated many long dormant systems. What had started so many centuries ago would soon be ended. The Enemy had been located at last, but had gathered a swarm of defenders. But that would not slow down the destruction that was coming. The being had been patent and had slowly gathered the resources it required. When it found itself without a fleet to command it discovered - other ways - to send out scouts. Every weakness was to become a new strength. The old warriors were redesigned, stronger, tougher, and more powerful in everyway. This time they would be able to use weapons. It had the weapons designs from hundreds of worlds and had combined them into the most destructive weapons possible. A handful of the new warriors armed with the new weapons would be more than enough to defeat any normal army. Over a million were on their way to Earth aboard the last of the Great Ships. Also on board the moon-sized craft were thousands of sleek attack craft which would drive away or destroy any defending ships. The being's only regret was that it had been unable to adapt any of the space travel technologies to the Great Ship, the trip to Earth would take nearly thirty of their years. Time enough to play another card. ====[ The Ivic-Icen Homeworld ]===== As the shuttle was landing, Kevin was able to view for the first time the Ivic-Icen home world. He was surprised by how large and massive looking all of the strictures looked, many would not have been out of place next to a Roman temple. Even at the high altitude they were flying he could see signs of a very high population density. But there appeared to be large dead zones scattered about, as if there had been a war in the recent past. They approached one large circular structure that was separated from the surrounding buildings. The shuttle was skillfully landed in the center of the open area in the center of the structure. As Kevin stepped out he discovered that he was surrounded by thousands of Ivic-Icen females, each clearly ready to crush him on the spot, their muscles bulging with anger. He was led up a long series of stairs and into a large circular chamber that was filled with over a hundred ornate chairs. None were occupied a the moment, but this was clearly the home of the ruling council. The female warriors brought him to a chair near the center of the chamber and forced him to sit. There was no way he could resist even such a casual display of brute strength. For the first time he realized how truly helpless he was. Minutes passed with no activity. Kevin closed his eyes and strained to hear the approaching council. But all her could hear was the tense breathing of the large mass of warriors who surrounded him. What were they thinking? The weakest female Ivic-Icen could easily defeat the strongest unarmed human. This was overkill bordering on madness! When he could not stand the tension any longer Kevin opened his eyes and asked, {Why am I here?} {The Council has decreed that the male responsible for our defeat be brought to the Council! This we have done. You are here now.} Kevin looked around at all of the empty chairs, {Were is the Council?} {We stand before the Council and await your orders!} {Wait!} he shouted, {Are you telling me I am the Council? Where are all the other males?} The females were silent for a moment, he suddenly recognized that he had touched a delicate subject, {When the Armada was defeated the males broke up into factions, blaming each other for the loss. Before they could stop what had started they were consumed by war. All of our males and millions of our sisters are no more. We shall never be the same again. You must fix what you have broken!} Kevin sat back in stunned silence. What had he done? He had doomed an entire species to extinction! {I am so sorry, I didn't know! How long do you have - how long does your people have?} For several minutes the female warriors looked confused and talked to each other. Finally one group seemed to understand Kevin's question, {You speak of an ending of the Ivic-Icen! This is not the problem that we face. In truth, our males were only required to produce more males. The female of our species is able to reproduce on our own. We can breed as many females as is required!} {I still have no idea why I am here. What can I do for you?} he asked. More rumblings in the crowd, this must have been the key question. {The Council is gone. We are without direction and are not - prepared - to make such a change in how the Ivic-Icen live. Please - great leader Kevin - command us! Tell us what we must do!} With that, all of the females in the chamber lay down on the floor. Kevin was stunned, afraid to say anything that might launch a million tons of female muscle in the wrong direction. After several minutes he had a rough idea what he could say, {You need to stop invading other planets. Commerce is actually much more efficient in the long run. To signal your change, you might think about returning some stuff to any groups that are still around. We've got a bunch of Sslindar on Earth they might become a little less hostile. You probably should maintain your fleet just in case someone wants revenge. Though I suspect anyone attacking you would be surprised. And you need to pick a replacement Council from the female population.} {But how would be choose who sits on the Council?} {It doesn't really matter I guess} he explained, {Whatever works for you. Have can have elections where you vote for candidates, pick representatives at random, or - I don't know - you could armwrestle for it!} {This armwrestling, is it a contest of strength? Yes! Then we shall do that! You are so wise to suggest a procedure which matches the Ivic-Icen way of life. WE WERE WEAK BUT WE ARE NOW STRONG! WE WILL BE STRONGER TO DEFEAT THE DEMONS WHEN THEY RETURN!} The last sentences where chanted by the entire crowd as if part of a much familiar ceremony. {These demons, who were they?} Kevin asked. Without a word two warriors brought out a object covered in a blood-red cloth. When they placed it on the table in front of him Kevin head a dull thud as if the object were made of metal and fairly heavy. Carefully unwrapping the object he was started to discover just about the last thing he could have expected to find. While it was thankfully missing the evil organic component, the object was clearly recognizable as a Bion control module. =====[ The Hall Of Time - Arizona ]===== The watcher observed another band of visitors passing above him. He was concerned about the changes he was detecting in some of the females. These changes were not natural and had the taint of the enemy. The children of his creators would soon be in great danger. He did not have the means to reverse the changes, but perhaps he could make a modification. But first he must deal with the remaining enemy agents. While many had been destroyed, a number were still active. Thankfully his avatar had chosen powerful allies. It was time to set things in motion. The enemy was powerful but it was forced to act from a great distance. The final war was coming. =====[ Baker's Farm - Nevada ]===== Hadina walked into the kitchen with a fifty-pound bag of IVIC-CHOW and said, "I've gotten another message from the human hacker ZeroStone. He has sent us several locations of interest. They are marked as very dangerous. I think he has some means of detecting Bions. We have sent recovered alien artifacts to several of the human research facilities. This includes the Area Fifty-Four facility that is north of us. ZeroStone reports that a Bion attacked that facility many weeks ago." "Did they report when the Bion took?" asked Panwoan as she washed a large metal bowl. "That is the interesting part," remarked Hadina as she dropped the bag on the floor, "It seems the humans stopped the Bion." Panwoan placed the bowl on the floor and filled it with corn-shaped food from the bag, "With Kevin out of the system and Princess Yelotai still recovering from the combat in Texas, we must act by ourselves to investigate this development." "Agreed," replied Hadina as she walked to the back door, "Gail Storm would have been useful, but she is with Princess Yelotai." As the back door was opened Sroghik ran in, yelled, "Breakfast!" and threw herself at the large metal bowl. "Then we must travel to Area Fifty-Four and seek answers. I will contact the EDF for transportation," said Panwoan, "It is customary to bring presents when you visit the home of others. Kevin was always better at this, but I have a few ideas." =====[ Somewhere Near Bakersfield - California ]===== The alien mind probe thrust itself into Kelly's mind. She felt her self helpless to resist the strange signals. Then she began to feel an uncontrollable lust. Her six-foot-four body had always been stronger than some women, even a few men, but now she felt an inhuman power began to flow inside of her thin body. She earned her pay doing what ever odd-job she could find, some required her to lift and carry boxes and crates, but now her muscle, endurance and toughness were increasing to super-human levels. In the back of her mind she could feel this, but Kelly was being controlled by her white-hot desire for sex. Nothing would stop her. Unseen servants came and quickly tied her up with chains. Time and again she would strain to break the chains, her throbbing lust fueling her powerful muscles. Each time that she broke the chains the servants would bring even stronger chains. It became a game for Kelly. For she knew that someone was watching her struggle. And this person, the one she lusted after, found the sight of her muscles breaking the chains very sexy. Kelly began to slow down, not because she was tired, but because she wanted her unseen lover to enjoy the play of her growing muscles as she flexed and strained against the chains. Kelly could almost see her lover watching as she slowing pulled the chains apart. The strongest chains in the world were unable to stop her. Somehow she knew this pleased her lover. He was behind her. Kelly could almost feel his hands running along her strong lean muscles. "Feel them my love," she whispered, "Feel my strength, my hard sexy strength!" With a quick movement Kelly ripped the chains apart. She knew that this part of the test was over. "Come love, feel my body! I'm more than any woman, I am muscle beyond measure! I am power!" Kelly swept her long blond hair back. Invisible fingers pressed along her hard muscular arms and large firm breasts. "Yes," she moaned, "Don't be so gentile, I am too tough to hurt!" A large stone slab appeared in front of her. Kelly knew exactly what to do. With a sexual grunt she picked up the slab and held it behind her back. "Watch me lover as I show you real muscle!" With an ease which surprised even her, Kelly pushed up the great stone slab with her arms. Again and again she lifted and lowered the massive stone until her body was covered in a thin coat of sweat. More than a hundred times did Kelly repeat this exercise. "Feel how my muscles bulge lover, no man can match my muscular strength, no woman can match my sexual power! Nearly four hundred pounds and I can continue as long as you want me to!" ====[ The Ivic-Icen Homeworld ]===== {The Empire of Worlds has been fighting these demons for hundreds of years, they call them Bions. Thousands came to my planet and we've barely been able to defeat them. They seem to be a common enemy, perhaps we can share information.} Kevin said as he tried to force down the meal he had been given. The blandness made him long for junk food. It was as if they used the exact same eleven spices in every dish in some secret combination that they couldn't change. The female in front of him, there had been so many that he had given up trying to remember names, nodded and said {We can do more than show you pictures! There is a training facility near here with several live Demons to train with!} {What! You keep live Bions?} {You will see, once they come through the lightning-traps they are harmless. Centuries ago we discovered that there are three arrival points on our planet that do not move. We have constructed large machines which destroys the brain within the Demons, making them little more than walking machines. Sometimes they bring with them many parts and tools. We think they want to build larger machines here. Over the centuries we have studied the technology they have brought to us, in many ways we owe our civilization to them.} Kevin thought back to the pile of parts he been thrown on in the Mountain Home base and said, {I've seen what you are talking about, they built at least one transmitter on my planet. I don't think the people sending the Bions gets any information back unless they have a transmitter. They don't seem to have a fleet, just these transporters. Tell me, why did your people start sending out these raiding fleets?} {Nearly a thousand years ago the Demons sent something new to our planet. They were several large containers filled with a thick fluid. It took us many years before we discovered the truth. The Demons had sent a biological weapon which would have destroyed us if we had not turned it to our advantage. Many years later they sent a second shipment of containers which would have been the trigger for our doom. The Demons had changed us, but we LIKE the change!} {I'm confused, the Bion sent a bio-weapon to destroy you, but you twisted it around. What did it do to you?} The Ivic-Icen female smiled and slowly flexed her muscles. She quickly became much more massive than any human. =====[ Area Fifty-Four - Nevada ]===== General Granite looked at his two visitors and wondered when the other shoe was about to drop. He had seen these recon photos of these two women fighting hundreds of Bion warriors. Either one was more than a match for his meager security force, and the main blast door had yet to be repaired. At the same time, he could no deny that what they brought with them was greatly welcome. "These weapons, they've been tried in actual combat?" he asked. "Yes general," answered the one he knew as Panwoan, "These are actually second generation devices that were created after our first encounters with the Bions. There are two basic models, the man-portable ones have slower rate-of-fire but are still effective while the larger model has ten times the fire rate but requires either a fixed or vehicle mount." "Sir, I couldn't help but notice that your - front door - has seen better days. If I may, I believe that I may be able to assist you. My friend can continue with the briefing while I do a little repair work!" Hadina stood up and left the general's office. "Is she always like that?" asked General Granite. Panwoan smiled, "She has been away from her bond-mate too long. I also - miss - Sir Nelson." "We've always been a small operation," explained the general, "We've had just enough budget to fix the roof but not enough to do anything real. Some of the upper brass call us the Smithsonian of Strange because of the weird crap we've had thrown at us. At one time our most prized exhibit was what we now know is a Ivic-Icen recon shuttle. Now we've got so much alien debris that we look more like a swap meet than a research center." He sighed, "OK! Let's go see what you came for! But first let's find your friend before she gets too lost." Five minutes later General Granite was glade he had decided to play it straight with his visitors. Hadina had finished with enough time to relax with the on-duty guards. The multi-ton blast door which had been deformed by the brute strength of just one red-haired Bion was back in shape as if it had just returned from the factory. it was perfect, every scratch, every dent was gone. even the well-worn metal handles looked show-room fresh. "It felt good to repair something, I seldom get the chance to do that. Thank you general!" "Thank me? No! Thank you young lady! I can use the budget to get some other repairs done. Level five has had a foot of water for nearly thirty years. It's so bad that some of the enlisted men have a beach party there every year. Well, perhaps we can leave one section slightly flooded. Some sand might be nice. OK! Come this way ladies to our newest attraction!" <><><> SILVER DREAMS - CHAPTER NINE <><><> =====[ Circle-X Store - Little Rock - Arkansas ]=== "Hey Bobby! When did you start selling this?" asked Rocky as he lifted a can of beer, "It's got a real wild logo, can men drink it too?" The clerk looked at the beer and smiled, "Yeah, it's OK. That's just a marketing gimmick I guess. It's from some distributer out in Texas I never heard of before. But it's on the computer price list so it had to be OK with corporate. Funny thing is, it's pretty good for a berr that cheap. It's only been out a couple weeks, but it sells like just like the big names." "What the hey, Adrian says I should take more risks! At this price I can buy TWO six packs!" Within moments twelve more bottles of Amazon Power Brew were sold. Rocky walked back to the trailer park where Adrian waited. A lot of things had gone sour since they had moved here. But it was what she had said she wanted, and she was the love of his life. =====[ Somewhere Near Bakersfield - California ]===== Twenty minutes later the slab vanished and was replaced by a smaller stone. Kelly could tell by the weight that this was a type of stone that was well known for it's hardness and resistance to being crushed. She knew what her lover wanted her to do. Kelly smiled, oh how she wanted to please her secret lover! "Watch me lover, I will show you what raw power looks like!" Slowly, with an almost mechanical smoothness Kelly crushed the hard rock in her bare hand. Splinters of rock shot out and bounced against the walls of the room. "If you want lover, I will turn a mountain into sand! I am power beyond measure!" Suddenly the room was filled by over twenty large muscular men. Kelly could only stand there as they punched her with all of their strength. She could feel their fists bounce off of her powerful body as they were too weak to cause her pain. They tried to wrestle her down to the ground, but Kelly was able to resist effortlessly. All of the men had much larger muscles than Kelly had, but hers were harder and stronger than any man's. suddenly, Kelly found herself bound in a cell with chains, bars and thick metal restraints. She knew that nothing made by man could stop her raw sexual power. Her muscles were unstoppable. Kelly ripped the thick chains off of her as if they were made of paper. She knew her muscles were becoming even stronger! The cell's bars might have stopped the strongest beast, but there were nothing to Kelly's steel-hard sexual-powered muscles! The large muscular men returned outside the cell, but Kelly plowed through them as if they were tiny children. She could hear bones break as she tossed them aside. This only increased her lust and sexual desire. At the end of the hall was a massive wood and iron door. Kelly didn't even slow down as her powerful body smashed through the foot-thick door as if it were made of wet cardboard ====[ The Ivic-Icen Homeworld ]===== A row of strange creatures slowly walked across the large training room towards a bight red light. When they came within twenty feet the light went out and another red light on the other side of the room came on. Then the creatures would slowly turn and begin walking towards the new light. Scattered around them were dozens of female Ivic-Icen warriors armed with all manner of hand weapons. Kevin could hear the endless thuds and booms as the creatures were attacked. Every now and then one of the creatures would be knocked down, only to slowly get back up. These were the only victories the female warriors could gain. {These are all Bion? No too are alike, I wonder how many planets have they visited. And each of these were sent here?} The female next to him nodded, {We have recorded over two hundred different types, each as powerful as the next. You will now see something very special, the great Poerhik is about to start her training session. I think you will be pleased.} Down on the training floor Kevin saw that all of the Ivic-Icen warriors had picked up their weapon and left. Only the ten mindless Bions remained. Suddenly a single female warrior dropped to the ground. Even at this distance he could tell that she was larger, taller than the other females. As she slowly pumped herself up Kevin realized that her relaxed arms were bigger than most of the other females expanded arms. She raised her weapon, a simple metal club, and charged the Bions. Within seconds all of the Bions had been smashed to the ground, the force of each massive blow causing a shock wave that Kevin felt like a sonic boom. She was as strong as Princess Yelotai in monster form, he thought. Slowly the Bions got back up on their feet. The large female waited until all ten were walking and again and then attacked. {Wow! Now that's an impressive female!} he remarked. The female next to him looked up, her all-black eyes hiding her reactions. =====[ Area Fifty-Four - Nevada ]===== "I can detect none of the biological component. It has been destroyed, leaving only the basic automatic systems." reported Panwoan after inspecting the Bion, "It was a brave man who thought of setting a trap that used such a large amount of electrical power. The flash of flame that you saw must have been the organic system turning to vapor. You cooked the Bion from the inside out." Hadina seemed distracted, "What's in the next room, general?" "Another storage area I'm afraid. At this rate we won't have any room for actual labs. Go through that door if you want!" A few moments later Hadina found herself in a large room filled with shelves and crates. Though only one lamp was functional, her enhanced vision made the room as clear as daylight. The whisperings she heard were clearer now. After a minute of searching she picked up a small wooden crate and returned to the others. "General, what are these?" she asked. Hadina put the box down on a work table and stepped back. She did not trust herself. There were voices in her head. The general walked up and read the labels, "Oh these! We've got a lot of this kind of thing too. The leftovers of failed or abandoned special projects. When I took command of this place I must have spent a month going over these old files." he popped open the box and picked up a cylinder of crystal, "These are core samples from around the country. Some are quite pretty, look how this one reflects the light? Someone had the brilliant idea to use matched crystals to create a secure transmitter. Since every crystal was slightly different, it would have been a natural form of encryption." Hadina stepped up and looked through the different core samples. One looked interesting, "This is a natural forming crystal on your planet? How strange. It shares many properties with the cyber-core material used by the Empire in their mechs and computers. With your permission General, I'd like to try an experiment. Panwoan stand ready in case something goes wrong!" With that she reached out, into the Bion and extracted the control module. The body, now just a blank, hit the floor with a three-hundred pound thud. Before the general could react, she opened the control module and inserted a core sample from the strange crystal. Hadina bent down and re-inserted the control module. Instantly the blank changed shape into a human, but instead of the red-head they expected, she turned into a much taller blond. The Bion stood up and looked around, "Well, this is an unexpected turn of events. Greetings General Granite, your service brings you honor. Panwoan, your people are new to me but are much welcome allies. And Princess Hadina, last of the Zulf-I-Kharv. You have protected the same Empire which enslaved you for thousands of years. You share a body now, would you desire one for yourself?" "Who are you to know such things?" demanded Hadina, "No one has spoken the name of my people in centuries!" "Hadina, who were the Zulf-I-Kharv and why are - were you - enslaved?" asked Panwoan. "Oh geez," the general muttered to himself, his MEGO sence tinling, "I better sit down for this one!" The tall thin blond smiled, to the general she looked like one of those waif-thin super models that had turned into a hard-core body-builder. "The Zulf-I-Kharv were so insidious, diabolical, and powerful that all who knew them feared them. They bent others to their will and shattered their enemies' minds. A Zulf-I-Kharv stood around six feet tall and would appear to you as an athletic human with three tentacles emerging from each wrist. Each tentacle was stronger than most human arms. One in ten Zulf-I-Kharv had the ability to fully retract their tentacles into their arms. They were highly intelligent, wholly evil, and terribly sadistic. They were well known for their many conspiracies and plots, and many Zulf-I-Kharv attempted to build as many secret alliances as possible. Their physical technology was average when compared to other races, but their biological engineering was considered first rank. Much of that stems from the need to develop a nearly brainless servitor race." "Wait! Are you telling me that she's one of these tentacle-people? And I haven't heard her do anything evil or sadistic. So what is her story?" asked General Granite, "And why don't I like the sound of engineered servants?" "The Servitors were an artificial race created by the Zulf-I-Kharv as slave labor. They were rarely seen outside the company of their Zulf-I-Kharv masters and had no interaction with outside races. While they were essentially brainless, they did have the minimum intelligence required to understand and obey simple commands. From the neck up they would appear almost human, though their all-white eyes would give away their identity. From the neck down they were a mass of artificially developed muscle that could only be partially hidden by loose clothing. They would make Ivic-Icen look week. Their skin was green in color, which grew darker as a Servitor grew older. A Servitor would never use a weapon in combat, something that was programmed into it by the Zulf-I-Kharv. Instead they relied on bashing into their opponents with their powerful fists. Due to their design, a Servitor was highly resistant to most forms of damage. This allowed them to be used in heavy industries, such as mining and manufacturing with less protective equipment than other races. A Servitor would recover from damage even while engaged in heavy work or exercise." explained the Bion. Hadina walked up to the Bion, "This is the body? You have modified it somehow, made it compatible with me. I can feel that. You seem to know nearly everything about me, but I don't know who you are." "Or a what, my dear! This isn't a person, we're talking to a computer. I've seen enough Star Trek reruns to spot the signs. Sounds like you've been here a long time. But where?" he looked down at the box and laughed, "Past the Kingdom of the Elves, through the Hall of Time, in the Grotto of Lost Treasure, you will be mine." "Very good General Granite!" remarked the blond Bion, "But you must know that you are not the first to discover me." Panwoam whispered, "Kevin?" The Bion only nodded. "My true form, after all these centuries? If we do this then she who shares THIS body must be able to fight at Sir Nelson's side. She must not be weakened because I have left her. We must give her great power! " Hadina looked down at her hands. "Agreed," replied the Bion as she reached out to Hadina. Before the others could react there was a blinding light as if a giant spark had traveled between Hadina and the Bion. When the glow faded General Granite and Panwoan found two different women standing in front of them. Hadina had reverted back to the earlier form of PRN6, through she looked highly modified and enhanced, both in beauty and in power. Where the Bion had been now stood a tall slim woman who could easily pass as human, except for the three two-foot tentacles that emerged from each wrist. "Panwoan, you must inform Princess Yelotai that we have located the First Empire computer she was looking for. I believe she wants to ask it a question. Sadly, this body can no longer maintain a direct link, but I believe the trade-off is well worth it." Hadina smiled and slid her tentacles back into her wrists, "This is but a simulation of my race, and as you may have guessed, my people were telepathic and used that ability to build a collection of slave planets. This body does not have those telepathic powers. But it does have all of the physical abilities of a Zulf-I-Kharv multiplied many time. And I now have access to all of my memories. A final gift from the First Empire computer!" PRN6 finished her reboot procedure and looked around the chamber. She was aware of what had gone on since she had joined with Hadina as well as most of the heated conversation that still raged around her. It would take time for her to fully integrate all of her new abilities and powers, but she knew her captain would be pleased. "Hadina, do you now know who the enemy actually is?" she asked. "From the samples the humans and Empire have collected, there can be only one conclusion. Many centuries ago the First empire fought a war of survival against my people. Entire systems were destroyed. For a time it looked as if my people would crush the Empire. The loss of so many systems nearly caused a civil war inside the First Empire. One royal house discovered a way to defeat my people, but it was so drastic and brutal that they were exiled and ended their days on a distant planet. One of the Hive-Minds, biological constructs built by my people to control entire worlds, must have survived and started to seek out the royal house that had destroyed its creators. A vengeance from beyond the grave," explained Hadina. "Let me guess," remarked the general, "Earth has been the target all along. Great! We're caught in a death match between two freaking COMPUTERS that's been going on before my people learned to write. Have I got that clear enough?" "How strange, the biological computer wants to destroy life while the crystal computer wants to protect it," remarked Panwoan. General Granite shook his head and muttered, "I love my job!" =====[ Tonnochi Road -Tokyo - Japan ]===== Kaida lay back and relaxed. These photo sessions took forever and this one seemed extremely low budget as there was only the husky camera man and her in the empty warehouse. But she had been through this many times before and was not worried. She had reviewed the "script" and had been paid her standard fee. Kaida would make more in one afternoon of fantasy play than most of her neighbors would make in a month at their real world jobs. Her only regret was that a fake name was always used, her fame would never survive the light of day. She job was - unsuitable - for polite company. The photographer, a man called Yukio, maintained a polite professional air about him. He used decent digital cameras and lighting of his own design. The interplay of light and shadow of the chains that bound Kaida was all that he saw. She had met his type before, the intense artist who couldn't be bothered by normal women. Not that Kaida was average, she was as good looking as any movie star but specialized in extreme bondage photo sessions. Over the years she had developed a faint muscularity that some photographers used and others strained to hide. But it was her eyes that made her famous. Early on in the session Yukio had discovered that the model had a small amount of muscle. This was a pleasant surprise as most of the women he shot had less muscular development than small children. How he wished he could do a session with a body builder or a weight lifter. To capture the anger in their eyes as their fantastic muscles strained to burst free of the ropes or chains. Sometimes he would try to leave a hint, such as a broken piece of rope, in some of his photographs, but without the proper model the effect was lost. But she had seen Kaida in other photo collections and noticed her small but visible muscles. Kaida was becoming interested in this photographer. He seemed to pose he in such a way that her slim muscles would show. She could see in the monitor that some of the shots made it look as if she were straining and almost about to break free. This was different and a welcome change to the standard sessions where she would meekly sit while covered in enough rope to hold up a bridge. She didn't mind when she caught him sneaking a quick feel of her hard muscles. In fact, as a reward she flexed as hard as she could. Even though he clearly wanted more he maintained his professional manners. She respected that and forced herself to stain harder even as a warn glow of - something - began to fill her body. Yukio couldn't believe his eyes. This woman seemed to be getting more muscular by the moment. He was certain that her biceps were now twice as big as they had been at the start of the session. While she maintained the extreme poses with her trademark calm and grace, her face hinted a some burning passion barely restrained. Yukio had found the chains they were using inside of the warehouse and he thought they would be more dramatic than the simple ropes he had brought. But now he wondered if they had been discarded as defective. Though they were as heavy as any chains he had used before, it looked as if the woman was actually starting to break them. The chains made an odd noise as they stretched. "So, he was using trick chains that I can break", thought Kaida, "He wants to picture me breaking free!" She glanced up at the monitor. Kaida was amazed, she looked - powerful - almost as if she were a muscular steel butterfly about to burst free. Yukio was a masterful photographer to create such an effect! She forced to face to remain calm, but her muscles exploded as she strained and her eyes blazed with lust. Around her arms and legs she could feel the thick chains slowly stretching. Though he could barely stand, Yukio continued to shoot. As quickly as he filled one data card he swapped it for another. He would never find a moment such as this again. Such a controlled beauty as Kaida going all out to break free and showing her muscles. The random chance of finding defective chains in a warehouse. He had long lost count of how many pictures he had taken. The assignment had been for thirty shots, but he was sure that he had at least one hundred times that. Suddenly Kaida made the sound of a women in orgasm and leaned back. Broken metal links exploded from her as the heavy chains shattered from the pressure. Two of his lights were instantly destroyed and he felt something pass near his head. Yukio continued to shoot as Kaida slowly stood up and gracefully walked towards him. She raised her arms into a double biceps pose, her face remained as calm and controlled as before. Slowly the muscles on her arms and shoulders grew in size. The muscles in her back widened until it looked as if she had grown wings. For the first time in the session she smiled at him. In a strangely husky voice Kaida said, "Fantasy play is over. Now is time for real play!" <><><> SILVER DREAMS - CHAPTER TEN <><><> =====[ Trailer Park - Little Rock - Arkansas ]=== "I don't know Rock, a beer at this time of day? What would the neighbors think?" asked Adrian as she pushed up her glasses. Rocky sighed, "I'm not asking you to get drunk, I just want you to taste it! You can spit it out if you want!" "Well, OK, of you say so." Adrian took a small sip of the cold Amazon Power Brew. Then she took another. The astonished Rocky could only watch as his mousy girlfriend chugged the rest of the beer and slammed the bottle down on the table. "Wow! I must have been thirsty! Oh dear. Can I please have another?" Two more beers and Adrian had gotten up off the third-hand couch and walked over to Rocky, "You know, this makes me feel like I used to, like I want to be a woman with you!" She pressed against him and started to rub herself against him. Rocky looked down at the normally shy woman and was worried how she would react when she became sober. He grabbed her arms to gently push her back and was surprised by the hard muscle he felt. "Adrian, have you been sneaking out to some gym and working out?" he asked. "Maybe I should go workout, Rocky! Maybe give you someone you can train with. Get you back in the game! Here, go ahead, right now, knock me down! Maybe you're so out of shape now you can't knock down a woman!" She stepped back and pushed her chest towards him, her small breasts visible through the thin shirt she wore. Normally Rocky would never hit a woman, especially her girlfriend! But between the six beers, her tone of voice and the way she was standing - something snapped. All of the anger and frustration that had been building up since they had moved to Arkansas exploded inside him. "Aaarrgg!" he screamed as he snapped his right fist into her unprotected stomach. Adrian grunted in pain and took a step back. "Come on! Is that the best you can do?" Adrian screamed back as she moved towards her. Again and again Rocky lashed out. His fists landed hammer-like blows to her stomach, her chest, her arms and even her face. Adrian's screams of pain slowly became sexual moans as she slowly forced Rocky into a corner. He couldn't believe it, his arms burned as they hung at his side, his hands were bleeding, her face was bleeding. And yet he couldn't knock his girlfriend down. "Oh Rocky!' she whispered as she wrapped her now muscular arms around him, "I didn't know things were so bad for you here! We can move back tomorrow! But let me make it up to you!" Adrian stepped back and pushed out her thick chest. Her large breasts strained the thin shirt for a moment and then a spray of buttons hit Rocky in the face. "You've got me so hot, Rocky! Take me now!" she moaned as she flexed her body. In a flash all of Adrian's clothes were torn to shreds and fell to the floor. Rocky could only stare at his transformed girlfriend, "Ah - right - there's the beef!" ====[ The Ivic-Icen Homeworld ]===== Kevin stood out on the balcony watching the city traffic. Except for the difference in gravity, the strange shades of colors, the stranger smells and the signs he could not read, this felt a lot like any Earth city. He had found himself drawn to the open balcony because it didn't have a ceiling to worry about. Kevin sipped his ice water and smiled, next time he was bringing something along. Even MREs would have been like a gift from the gods. He turned as he heard a soft knock from the main door. All of the official visits were done for the day, so he was confused. He walked to the door and opened it, waiting in the hallway was the same large female he had watched this afternoon at the training facility. With the high-heels she was wearing she was only a few inches shorter than he was. {Hello, you are Poerhik, aren't you? I watched you fight today. You were amazing! Please, come in!} The powerful Ivic-Icen female walked into the large hotel room. Kevin could tell she was uneasy so he made her sit and brought her some ice water. "Thank you," she stammered in English, "ever since I heard that you were coming I have - forced - myself to study your language. It was foolish because I could not hope that you would choose me. No other male had ever seen me as more than a warrior. Over a thousand females passed before you today, but I am the only one that you reacted to. Why?" Though he was grateful to have someone he could speak English to, Kevin hesitated before explaining his fondness for female muscle. "Well, sometimes you have to go with who you are. You're taller and stronger that most women on your planet, I rally enjoy strong female muscle. That doesn't make us wrong, it makes us different, and different can be good. Don't you agree?" Poerhik stood up and pulled out a small coil of rope. she handed this to Kevin and said, "This is made from threads produced by a large insect that is common in our mountains. When properly processed the cable can not be cut. It can only be burned by very high temperatures. It is used to bind criminals, though this normally means those who have taken too much recreational beverages. No one has ever broken this material. We have even had our tame Demons try and fail to break it. Tonight, I am yours to command!" Kevin felt his pulse pounding, in front of him was the strongest female on a planet where the weakest female was many times stronger than the strongest male human. And she was waiting for HIS orders. He had her hold her right arm straight out and wrapped to super rope around her upper arm. She looked at him and smiled. Slowly Kevin rubbed patterns across Poerhil's enlarged breasts and she responded as he hoped she would. She raised her right fist and flexed her arm, powerful muscles exploded in size pushing hard against the "unbreakable" cable. "Oh yes! Oh yes! The rumors said that Earth-men were good, and it's true! It's all true! I can not bring you a hatchling, but I WILL bring you pleasure! OH YES!" Poerhik moaned as she pressed against Kevin. The tight cable began to cut into the flesh of her expanding right arm. Kevin began to worry as thin steams of blood began to form. Best to finish this quickly her thought. Because she was so tall he was able to lean over and bite her tiny left ear-lobe. With one hand on top of her massive right bicep and one on her massive breasts, he quickly brought her to full orgasm. She suddenly pulled both shoulders back, thrusting her rock-hard breasts painfully into him. He felt her bicep surge with power. The "unbreakable" cable snapped in several places and fell to the ground. =====[Near Bear Creek - Montanna ]===== Brutos picked up the tiny woman and threw her into the deserted mountain cabin. He had removed her gag as he no longer feared that her screams would be heard. They were now miles from civilization in the middle of no where. As the little blonde woman tried to find a place to hide Brutos slowly stripped off the thick jacket that concealed his muscular upper body. Years of professional sports had given him the physical ability to do nearly anything he wanted to. Few of his fans could guess the depths of his private depravity. But he was careful and cunning. Brutos never used the same location twice, always wore used clothing that he got at a thrift store, and the only thing he kept were memories. No surprise inspection would turn up photos or clothing. No, Brutos was much too smart to keep a journal of dates and places. He had watched TV and read the newspapers. Brutos knew all of the many ways to be caught. And he never wanted to be caught, for then the pleasure would stop. This woman was smaller than he normally wanted, but he knew that breaking up his pattern was a good defense. The cabin had been set up a week ago, before he had picked his target. Just in case, Brutos always set up a bondage area to handle a woman who was as strong as he was. And since no woman, let alone a tiny woman like this, would ever be a fraction of his strength, the heavy chains and metal clamps were always overkill. It took him a moment to strip the woman and secure her with the chains. Her blue eyes stared into his as he forced her body into a tight spread-eagle. Now that he could get a good look at her Brutos was unimpressed. She was a typical tiny woman, he guessed she was between nineteen and twenty-nine years old. Brutos had hoped she had some meat on her, but her heft seemed to come from fat. He sighed, he couldn't always get a exercise instructor. The one he raped last year had lasted nearly three days. He hadn't had to use the drugs which boosted her performance. Sadly, this frail woman would need all the juice he had. Looking down he saw that she had a small plastic medallion around her neck. It looked like a disk with the picture of a woman shaped like a lion. As Brutos reached out to tear it from her neck she said, "No! Don't take that off! I wear it for protection!" Brutos laughed, "Well little lady, I don't think this is doing a very good job of protecting you!" "It's not to protect me from you," whispered the tiny woman, "It's to protect you from me!" "Oh really?" laughed Brutos, "If I take this toy off of you will you turn into a monster?" "Yes I will," she said almost too soft for him to hear, "It is a curse than runs in my family." Brutos ran his hand through his hair, "And this monster would be stronger than me?" "Yes, it is stronger than any man. It can not be stopped. It would kill you!" Brutos looked down at the thick chains and smiled, "This sounds like it could be fun! I've never raped a monster before! Tell you what, I have a lot more chains outside. If you don't mind waiting I'm sure I can secure this little monster!" For the next hour Brutos dragged in hundreds of feet of chain and several iron bars. He reinforced both the framework and the bonds holding the frail little girl. No matter how much he added the girl warned him it wouldn't be enough. Finally Brutos grew tired of the game and secured the last link. Slowly he climbed onto of the little girl. She grunted in pain as she felt his full weight. Her screams were music to his ears as he forced his manhood deep into her most tinder area. As expected, she was only able to struggle for a minute before she gave up. Brutos smiled, now was the time to see this monster. He grabbed the toy ambulant from her neck and tossed it across the room. "Well, so much for your mighty monster!" Brutos began to pull himself out of her when he felt her body twitch. Suddenly her body went hard as if from rigor-mortus and her vagina clamped onto his penis as if she were a world-class whore. What was more disturbing was that her eyes were now totally white and her skin had turned pale. The tiny woman began to strain against the thick chains, her screams of pain becoming deep almost animal-like growls. Brutos used all of his strength to pull himself out of her, her cunt starting to crush his manhood in a vise-like grip. He watched in horror as her once tiny muscles slowly grew in size. In minutes she became a horrible parody of a female body-builder. He had met a few women who took gallons of steroids a week, but none could match the moving mass of muscle that was growing before his eyes. Brutos jumped off of her and grabbed to loaded shotgun he kept in case he was interrupted. Thick chains violently snapped and thick irons bars twisted as she broke free. After a moment of thought Brutos aimed the shotgun at her and fired three shots. The tiny woman's body seemed to explode as she screamed in sexual pleasure. Brutos felt the shotgun ripped from his hands as she leaped towards him. His last memory was the sound of his own bones being crushed. years later they found his body at the bottom of a lake where it had been weighed down by hundred of feet of chain. =====[ Construction Site - Naples - Florida ]===== Yolanda smiled as she remembered Brian's reaction the night before. The shy game-programmer had been totally shocked by her transformation into a goddess. Or at least that's what he kept calling her. And damm it if she didn't like the way he kept her laughing all night long, even during the sixth time they had she-ra sex. She had expected her muscles to return to normal after the drugs wore off, but twenty-four hours later she still looked like a hard bodied fitness instructor. Between classes Yolanda had snuck into the gym the football team used and was stunned by how strong she had become. Last week she would have strained to bench press a hundred pounds, but now she pushed up four hundred pounds like it was easy! She found the empty building that the skinheads had dragged her to. It took only a moment for her to rip the pad lock off of the door. Being a strong black bitch had it's advantages, she laughed to herself. From the looks of things they had scraped up their leader and left town. But she wasn't here for a second round, she wanted answers. After several minutes of searching, even her vision had improved, Yolanda found what she wanted. In her hands was the small white package she had seen the leader pop open. The one that contained the date-rape drug that they had injected her with. Her confusion grew as she read the label. "This makes no freaking sense!" she muttered, "Some body ripped them off! This isn't a date rape drug, it's a vitamin shot! I takes this stuff every day, but I never got a reaction like THIS!" Yolanda flexed her right arm as hard as she could and saw a massive mound of muscle explode into view, "Damm, that peak could poke out an eye! Where am I going to find a man that can deal with this and treat me like a lady instead of a meat monster?" Her eyes grew wide, "Someone - like that sweet white nerd - Brian?" =====[ Somewhere Near Bakersfield - California ]===== Only one last test remained. Two great slabs of metal appeared in front of her. Each of them was marked as weighing over a thousand pounds. Could Kelly really lift and carry a full ton of metal? She bent down and shoved her hands deep into holes built into the metal. The lust that had been slowly building up became a burning sun within her. She felt the long muscles of her back and legs explode with power as she lifted the slabs and carried them down the hall. Kelly's unseen loved finally appeared. Two identical red-heads looked down at the human as she slept inside of the containment chamber. They monitored her dreams and were worried, never had they found a specimen which such powerful sexual desires. That combined with the warrior conditioning were creating some - strange - fantasies within the human's brain. The Bion had no choice but to continue with the process. For now they were cut off from Control and they desperately needed a new template. In the dimly lit cavern behind them lay over a thousand blanks, waiting a template to be activated. The key to the infiltration process was the mind of the captured sample. The body was secondary. Access to the pathways of a native mind allowed the Bions to interact with locals undetected. The Control had programmed them to avoid combat if possible, as powerful as they were, these Bions were only scouts. Their job was to seek out the Enemy, no matter where it may be hiding. =====[ Apartment 302 - Hoople Street - Norfolk - Virginia ]===== Tim and Mary Ann were fighting again, or at least that's what it felt like. They were both in the Navy and were having a hard time at doing everything. Norfolk had been hit hard by the invasion and the Navy pushed everyone they could into off-base housing. This should have been a good thing, but for some reason it only led to more tension. To make matters worse, Tim secretly lusted after muscular women and had gone after Mary Ann mainly because of her size. Unfortunatly the husky red-head had refused to play along with any of his requests. "OK, if you won't tell me what's wrong, can you give me some clues?" he asked, "Here, you don't have to say a word. Just tense your arm if I bring up what you are frustrated about, OK?" For some reason Mary An agreed to this. Tim began to list everything he could think of, money, the apartment, the car, where they were going on the next vacation. Finally he asked, "Is it sex? Are you frustrated about sex?" Suddenly Mary Ann flexed her bicep, Tim could feel the pleasant hardness of her nearly twelve-inch biceps. He had managed to get her to flex this hard only two times before, and once was on their wedding night. And then something - different - happened. Mary Ann began to pant as if she were highly aroused and Tim could feel her biceps grow even harder and larger. She must have been exercising when she was alone, he thought, but she had refused to tough the weights he had bought her. She turned toward him and leaned close, "I may have been a little wrong about this muscle thing! No one told me that my biceps would be as sensitive as my nipples! Oh yes, keep rubbing your hands on my muscle! This is what you've been trying to tell me! Oh Tim, I'm so sorry!" Mary Ann flexed harder, her muscles growing even bigger and stronger. He could tell that other muscles, on her shoulders, legs and stomach, were also getting pumped up. Though this was his fantasy, Tim wondered how she had kept all of this muscle hidden from him. Mary Ann began to press against him in a way she never had, her normally icy-calm exterior now swept aside and replaced with a woman with an inner fire of lust. For two years he had dropped hints that he desired the muscle she kept carefully hidden. Now, in the blink of an eye she had turned into everything he had dreamed of. "Try to resist me," she moaned, "I'm going to be your amazon! I'm going to be your pirate queen!" Tim squeezed her biceps, which now felt harder and larger than his own, and Mary Ann screamed, "Oh yes! Feel the power! Yes! I'm sorry I was so wrong! You can have this muscle any time you want! Oh yes!" suddenly she stood up and carried him into the bed room. All of the tension would soon be released. =====[ Area Fifty-Four - Nevada ]===== General Granite studied the woman who on the other side of his desk. Her midnight black hair was a welcome relief to all of the blondes and red-heads who had paraded and invaded the base. She had an exotic look to her that he couldn't describe, but then she was the last of her race. "Perhaps now you'd like to finish the story. This doesn't have to go on any report, but I'd like to know how a woman gets put inside of a sword. I love to solve mysteries, that's why I'm stuck with this job." Hadina smiled at the human, he was charming in a world-weary kind of way. She knew that the last few months had been rough on him. That his wife had divorced him only weeks before the invasion must have weakened him so. The soul-sword remained with Kevin, it's abilities remained as strong as ever, though it no longer carried an intelligence to aid him. But she and the First Empire computer had given PRN6 abilities which would more than compensate. The robot would be able to startle and delight her human. However, THIS human demanded Hadina's attention. "My people were powerful telepaths who used their power to enslave others. At first we told ourselves we were helping others find the way. But over the centuries we turned to our lowest emotions. We created - monsters - to do our bidding. some of my people felt we were as gods. But not all of us felt that way. I was part of a small band who brought to the First Empire a terrible secret." She looked down, her eyes seeing distant deaths. "You gave the First Empire a secret, some hidden weakness that let them stop your people?" asked the general. "Yes. Built into every Hive-Mind was a code which would cause it to destroy itself. Each one was different, but we had discovered the identity of hundreds of hive-Minds. But the use of this would cause the death of countless others as each of the planets became dead worlds. The First Empire refused to use the weapon we had given to them. Only one clan understood the need for action. They took our data and sent ships to a hundred worlds. My people were devastated, they were never able to recover from the loss. Eventually the First Empire defeated them and spent long centuries hunting down all remaining bases and ships." The general remained silent, his eyes followed the play of muscles and tendons on her slim arms as she moved. Hadina sighed, "Most of my group died in the following battles, but I was captured and given a choice. I could die like the others or serve the Empire as a captured spirit in a techno-mage weapon. You can guess what I decided, for I am here before you." She stood up and paced in front of his desk. "I believe that the last Hive-Mind has been searching for the First Empire because it fears something. We must be careful, that ancient war has not yet ended!" General Granite stood up and walked towards Hadina, "I don't know if it matters, but you'll always be welcome here!" she was silent for a moment, "You are attracted to my strength, even though I show little muscle, you are still drawn to me!" "How do you know I feel that way? Can you read my mind?", he asked. Hadina smiled and glanced down, "No, general, it is not your mind that I am reading!" ====[ The Ivic-Icen Homeworld ]===== Preparations for Kevin's return to Earth began early the next morning. They would be using the same fleet as before, except this time hundreds of tons of artifacts would be brought back as a gesture of good will. Of great interest to him was the complete copy of the Demon Wars archive. The Ivic-Icen told him that they had two special gifts. The first was the assignment of Poerhik as his bodyguard. They met briefly when this was announced and he was pleased to see that the scars from last night's muscle encounter were quickly fading. The second gift seemed more elaborate for he was led to a distant building at the city's edge. It was a massive building that instantly reminded Kevin of a Mayan temple. As they brought him up the long line of steps he began to worry. But then they entered a narrow door near the top of the structure. A massive door nearly twenty feet thick slowly moved aside as his party entered the inner building. More doors slowly opened. From the dust and lack of working lights he guessed that the structure was ancient. As they walked the Ivic-Icen females began to tell him a story, {A princess was artificial creature that was bred to be used as either a hostage or as a prize that was exchanged for political ties or peace. They often acted as a consort or protector for a high-level leader or military commander. They appeared as a tall humanoids with a perfect build and flawless skin.} {While hair and skin coloring varied, most had some flecks of copper or bronze in their eyes. When meeting any new group of creatures a princess would try to use her telepathic ability to learn the local language and customs. It is said that no door could stop them and that no male could hold a princess against her will. They could be very strong, and are said to be able to lift more than three ogglorts, roughly eight hundred of your pounds, when needed. However, a princess would avoid physical work while in public at all costs, as she was trained from birth to maintain her image. Instead, she would act as a greeter or entertainer, working a room like the trained diplomat she was. In private, alone with her bond-mate, a princess will have no restrictions on what she was willing to do. From this came the sales slogan happy-ever-after.} {Because a princess was used as a gift or tribute, a mechanism had to be created which would ensure that the princess would actually stay with the person she was given to. The irreversible mental state which was created by a life time of conditioning and centuries of selective breeding was called the Bonds-of-Love. A special ceremony was conducted to arm a princess, who then closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, the first male she sees was locked into her mind forever. She then dedicated her life towards serving and protecting this male. A bonded princess could not become pregnant. This protected the monopoly on the supply of princesses.} {Wait, why are you telling me all of this?} Kevin asked. As if to answer him, a final door opened before him. On a short platform was a glass and metal chamber. As Kevin moved closer he could see that a beautiful woman with long curly blond hair appeared to be sleeping inside. {This is a stasis chamber found on a planet which was devastated by war long before we arrived. It took us centuries to understand the writing on the sides of the chamber. As our males found the woman inside ugly to their sight, she was placed in this room until the time came when she became of value to us. We Ivic-Icen recycle everything. This is our gift to you.} Kevin spun around as the door closed between him and his escort. In a moment he was sealed inside the stone room with no visible means of escape. "Oh this just sucks!" he screamed as he searched the room for a control panel. "Great, this must be the door control, but there's a stone slab the size of a mini-fridge right on top of it. On a planet filled with muscle women I'm trapped because I'm too freaking weak!" He sat next to the chamber and was surprised it hear it produce a low hum, "What the heck, this thing is still working! I'll say one thing, she is one fine lady. Man, I bet she walked like a dainty virgin during the day and could suck a golf-ball though a garden-hose at night. She has the be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen! " Kevin felt a powerful pull of emotion as he gazed at the princess, his eyes watered for a moment and a single tear fell onto the thick armored glass. He stood there looking into her deep blue eyes when he suddenly realized that she had opened her eyes and was looking directly at him. Kevin leaped back and fell to the floor, "Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! What have I done! Oh man, I'm in trouble now! I have got to stop messing around with women in strange alien shipping containers! This isn't good! This is not good!" Suddenly large chunks of the stasis chamber exploded across the room as the woman burst out in a surprising show of strength. With one easy motion she got out of the container and began to gracefully walk towards him. Kevin's panic was mixed with awe. He had never seen anyone move with such fluid grace before. In an instant she stood before him and smiled, "I greet you Kevin Nelson and thank you for waking me. Though this is not what I had been prepared for, I am trained to adapt. Someone has recently told you about those like me. That is good. Then you know that THIS I reserve for your eyes only!" The tall woman suddenly moved into a double-biceps pose and tensed hard. Kevin ran his hands along her arms feeling hard muscle under her silky smooth skin. She smiled, her perfect teeth flashed even in the dim light. She smoothly turned and effortlessly lifted the large block of stone and gently put it down next to the wall. "I am Zatrina, and I belong to you!" Speechless, Kevin pushed the large green button to open the door. <><><><><> TO BE CONTINUED <><><><><> =========[ Silver Dreams Reference Section ]========== BattleNet - The combined intelligence of all local Empire warships. It is used to control the fleet. Beashik - Female Ivic-Icen who was captured in California and brought to Area Fifty-Four. It was lust at first sight. Empress Bimaa - The seven-foot-tall ruler of the Empire of Worlds. Loves to wear boots with six-inch heels. Bion - Evil clone-like killer mechs with a chewy center. Sent on missions by an ancient evil. Destroyer Mech - They were originally created as defenders of a race long gone. Fully independent, they have spent the years upgrading and searching for a new planet to call home. They have been forced to raid systems for replacement parts. Grand Lord Marshall - The only full-male Ivic-Icen abroad the armada sent to strip Earth of useful materials. As an average male of his race he is roughly four-foot-ten and about as strong as the average twelve-year-old boy. He was very aggressive and intelligent. General Granite - Officer in charge of the ultra top-secret Area Fifty-Four. Be sure to stop by the gift shop. Hadhik - A well-endowed female Ivic-Icen who linked up with the same human who stabbed her in the breast with an eight inch knife. After she proved herself proof against 9MM bullets he proved that he was more than enough male to keep her very happy. Princess Hadina - Roughly two thousand years ago she was transformed into an energy being and placed within the crystal matrix of a sword. Over the years she has taught herself new abilities, including that of sending a part of herself into other suitable metal objects. Corporal Jackson - Fought an alien invasion in Iraq and came home to find two new baby boys waiting for him in Texas. Drew Jackson - While he worried about his younger brother serving in Iraq, he never guessed that he would have to deal with an invasion in Washington. Though he lost his favorite combat knife, he gained a very - flexible - business partner. Sergeant Major Moraines - A seventeen veteran of the US Marine Corps who recently gained a new friend in Iraq. Kevin Nelson - Our accidental hero with an active muscle fetish. He's an average human who's read way too much science fiction. Panwoan - A female Geenea, a race of telepathic plant-like aliens who can display great physical strength and healing abilities. PRN6 - An experimental combat mech from a canceled program. Kevin accidentally says just the right things and flips her switch. Dr. Reynolds - A human scientist studying the "other" UFO which was recoved by the USAF during the 1940's. Sslindar - A race of nomadic lizard-like aliens who just happen to be fierce warriors with a strong code of honor. Their homeworld was destroyed by the Ivic-Icen nearly a hundred years ago. Their race is scattered in several fleets seeking a new home. Sroghik - A female Ivic-Icen who freed herself from thousands of pounds of debris after being brought to orgasm. She followed Kevin and talked her sisters into surrendering to the human-led, and mostly male, defense force. Gail Storm - Homecoming queen turned barmaid who was captured and turned into a template for thousands of Bions. Princess Yelotai - A member of the royal house that is currently running the Empire of Worlds. She is a female Sarpeole, a race which shares some characteristics with modern sharks. While it's not proper for her to crush her enemies with her bare hands, she could The Warlord - A really evil cross between Ming the Merciless and a tax accountant. Get's killed. Or does he? Yeah, he does. Zatrina - Yet another "princess" to add to the list, though this one was more like "sleeping beauty".