Out Of This World Rumble By The Captain Do Fear The Sleeper! Dave Hanson drove along the back-country road which ran as straight as a laser-beam towards the horizon. His TrakScan 300 told him that there were nearly twenty miles to go before he got to the turn-off which led to the microwave relay station. In the back of his white company truck boxes of replacement parts and several tool kits bounced in time with the many dips and bumps in the road. He finally turned off the radio in disgust as the last of the stations faded into static. There was something about this area which seemed to kill radio reception. His cell phone had died miles ago. In the distance he could see something red on the side of the road. Had some one broken down way out here in the Arizona wilderness? Minutes later Dave drove up to the red pickup truck. The back left tire was clearly flat. As he got out of his truck Brad could feel the heat that his air conditioning had him protected him from. A tall red-head stood up on the other side of the pickup. As she walked around to Brad he could see that she was a very impressive sight. The red shorts and tight white muscle-shirt did little to hide her athletic figure or her large firm busts. Plus she was at least four inches taller than he was. If Hooters had a basketball team, she would be on it. "Hi! My name's Dave, are you having same trouble? Maybe I can help! Looks like you've got a bad flat, do you have a spare?" asked Dave. The woman seemed unable to speak, but she pointed at the metal jack that lay at the side of the pickup. Dave found himself stammering as he tried to pry his eyes away from her sweat covered cleavage. "Wow, this thing is all mangled! How did that happen? Something bent the crank assembly all out of shape! If we could lift the back end of the your truck we could use it like a stand. Maybe we can use what my truck came with." Without a word the tall red-head walked to the back of her pickup, bent down, and smoothly lifted up the back end of the truck. Dave was unable to see how she had performed this incredible feat of strength, but the thought of the power she must have used only increased his own flow of sweat. He carefully pushed the broken jack under the frame and stepped back. She carefully lowered the pickup onto the jack. Dave found the spare tire in the bed of the pickup, but was forced to use his own tools to replace the flat tire. When he was done the woman repeated her show of strength and he pulled the broken jack out from under the truck. After Dave had put his tools away his discovered that standing next to the silent woman was a young girl, also red-haired and athletic looking, who had to be her daughter. The young girl. who could be anywhere from ten to sixteen-years- old, walked closer to Dave and said, "Thank you. We are close to our home, may we reward you?" "Well, you don't have to pay me, if that's what you meant. But I could sure use a cold drink!" The girl nodded and said, "Please follow us in your vehicle!" He climbed back into his truck, thankful for the air conditioning, and followed the red pickup down the road. They traveled for over ten miles and then suddenly made a right turn and went off onto the desert. Unable to see what marker they had used, Dave glanced at his TrakScan 300, only to see the message that it had lost contact with the satellites. This is just perfect, he thought, as he switched his truck into four-wheel drive. The desert was in some ways actually smoother than the road had been, but the last thing he wanted was to be stuck in the desert in an area where radio didn't seem to work. A few minutes later he spotted what looked like an old wood and metal shack that hadn't been visible from the road. Could this be where the read-head and her daughter lived? The red pickup stopped in front of the shack. As Dave got out of his truck the young girl waved to him, "I have to get the key to our home. This will take several minutes. Come with me, you will be more comfortable inside!" The inside of the shack was actually much cooler than he had expected, though he could find no signs of air conditioning. The door, which was on the other side of the small building, was better constructed on the inside than it looked from the outside. It was almost as if the "shack" had been built to look like it was much older than it really was. Dave waited as the young girl stood in the center of the room and closed her eyes. She stood there for several minutes, motionless. Suddenly Dave heard the sounds of several other cars driving up. While the windowless walls of the shack muffled the sounds to some degree, he could tell that a fight had started up. As he heard the sounds of gunfire he threw himself to the ground and tried to move the young girl, but she had become as solid as a statue! The door to the shack opened and two armed men rushed in. Both unloaded a hail of bullets at the girl at point-blank range, but either they were horrible shots or the bullets ddin't seem to bother her. The young girl became a blur as he leaped at the men. She was much too fact for Dave to follow, but he heard two sickening snaps and they dropped to the ground. Without a word she ran from the building. Dave grabbed a gun, unsure how it worked but wanting it anyway, and followed her back to the front. Dave could see three black SUVs and ten more men dressed in black suits. They looked as dead as the two inside the shack. The tall red-head lay on the ground, her back propped up against the outside of the shack. Her face and chest were covered in black burns. What had they shot her with? The young girl bent down close to her mother's face and then turned to face Dave, "We must leave quickly, this place is no longer safe! You will have to take me home. I will provide navigation!" The girl pointed towards the red pickup, which had clearly taken several hits to the radiator and was no longer functional. For a moment Dave hesitated, but then he remember how easily the young girl had taken out two armed men. It took three minutes to load Dave's truck with the odd collection of junk that the red-heads had carried in the pickup. The young girl gathered all of the equipment from the dead men and brought them as a gift to Dave. He took something that looked like a GPS unit and tossed the rest in the back of his truck. For some reason the young girl insisted that they leave the body of her mother behind. In any case, he discovered that the tall read-head was much too heavy for him to move. They continued to drive out into the desert. While the terrain was still flat, Dave was worried that he would run out of gas. Thankfully each of the SUVs had spare five-gallon gas cans. He had traveled over ten miles east of shack when he saw a bright flash of light behind them. Even though it was still afternoon, the flash was bright enough to cause long shadows. Dave slammed on the breaks and jumped out of the truck. In the distance he could make out the distinctive mushroom cloud of a small atomic explosion. He turned to look at the young girl, her face showed no signs of emotion, 'You are safe at this distance. All signs have been erased. She is gone. You are now my protector. Please. We must continue before others come!" An hour later Dave found himself driving towards one of the stone hills that dotted the Arizona landscape. As he started to turn around it the young girl grabbed the wheel, forcing them to continue driving directly towards the rocky hill. "What the hell are you doing!" he shouted at the girl as he tried to force he hand off the wheel. How could she be so strong? Dave looked up, horrified to see a wall of orange stone flash towards him! But instead of the crash he had expected, Dave found his truck was filled with sparks and flashes as if he had tossed a handful of spoons in a microwave. Without warning they were suddenly inside of a large room the size of a basketball court. Dave braked hard, feeling the anti-lock breaks pumping the pedal under his foot. As they came to a stop he turned off the engine and sat back, too stunned to move or speak. The young girl got out of the truck and moved towards what looked like a large inner door. In the dim orange light that filled the room Dave could see that she was straining to open the door. This brought his brain back on line, so he got out of the truck and walked towards her. As he came near her he could see that while her face was still void of all emotion her body was trembling with effort. Suddenly her muscles exploded into view, turning her into a grotesque parody of a female body- builder. Dave stepped back as the young girl slowly forced open the giant metal door. As she let go of the door her body returned to normal size, "I am sorry for the delay. We must conserve energy and there is normally someone else with me to open doors. Welcome to your new home, protector!" As Dave stepped through the doorway he entered a large multi-level room the size of a small shopping mall. Dozens of nearly-identical red-heads appeared to be working with grim purpose using towering alien machines. Several tall red-heads walked past Dave and entered the room where his truck was parked. Moments later they returned with all of the material from the back of his truck, including his tool kits and boxes of spare microwave transmitter parts. "Hey! That's my stuff!" he shouted as they walked by. The young girl turned to him and said, "As a member of the Community, all that is your is ours. However, you will learn that we also share everything with you. We recognize that your species requires regular pleasure sessions. When you are not on duty we will provide suitable sources of pleasure. The Community is adaptable. We are preparing new scout drones. After you have rested, your first assignment will to assist us in testing them for direct interaction. I was a prototype. My size was selected to make me look less dangerous, but all who we met me wanted to interact with the worker drone that I had brought as a protector." She led Dave past several large chambers filled with mysterious equipment. Finally, they came to a small room that looked as if it had been recently emptied. "This chamber has been assigned to you. A worker drone will arrive in a few minutes with the cold drink that you had requested. I must now report to be recycled, my model type has been designated as a failure." As she turned to leave Dave shouted, "Wait! You mean that you're going to be tore down into parts? They can't do that! I still have - need - of your - company - your assistance! Can't they just re-assign you to something else? This seems a waste to me. What if there's a mission where someone who looks like you is needed? They would have to start from scratch and rebuild you, right?" "Your argument has some merit. My continued operation would be a minimal drain on the Community. I have bee assigned to assist you in your interactions with the Community. Perhaps you will select me as a source of pleasure. It was noted that your interest in my appearance peaked when I entered maximum force mode." For a moment her muscles inflated to outlandish size and quickly returned to normal. Dave stepped back. "Well, yes, I do get turned on by really strong women. But I think I would be a lot more comfortable with someone a little taller, like maybe one of those workers! It's a cultural thing, you know. I hope I didn't offend you or anything!" For a moment the young girl stood there looking at him. Then she turned and walked out of the room. Dave sat down on the hard metal floor and tried to find a comfortable position. Moments later one of the silent workers walked in with a blue and white cooler. She placed it down in front of him and said, "I have been transferred into this body. We hope that this form is more suitable as a pleasure source. My original body will be stored. Your assessment that the energy budget required to rebuild is larger than expected material recovery is correct. We had not factored that in. The Community finds you of value. I am instructed to provide you pleasure now." Two hours later Dave was very pleased as well a little frustrated. The alien red-head had been more than co- operative, she had become his tireless love slave willing to do anything he could think of. He smiled as he remembered the many life-long fantasies he had just experienced. The tall worker body was also able to go onto a muscle monster mode, though what had looked grotesque on the small girl looked was drop-dead sexy on the six- foot-two adult. Sadly, Dave had found that she was not a total duplicate of a female. "You were amazing," Dave remarked as he finished off his second turkey sandwich, the cooler had been filled with sandwiches and soft drinks. It looked as if a vending machine had been raided. "I hope I'm not in trouble for using too much energy!' "Your demands on the Community as far out-weighed by your contributions. We have observed design flaws and will correct these in the new scout dron model. I must leave you for a time. But I will return for you first assignment. Do you wish to label me?" Dave looked up from his sandwich, "Label you? Oh! Give you a name? How about Angela?" "Then I am Angela," the tall red-head said before she walked out the door. Nearly an hour had passed when Angela returned. Dave waited for a second woman to enter the room, expecting to see the new scout he had been told about. But as Angela stood there he realized that she looked different, more feminine, and that she was actually smiling at him. "You've changed bodies again, didn't you? This is the new scout type? The other body was more of a hard-trained athlete, this one looks more like a good-looking woman that works out a lot. Can you still do that big muscle thing?" Angela grew her muscles for him, "As you can see, these muscles have a fuller, with a more rounded look to them. I am now equipped with a facial expiation library with over one hundred basic configurations." Her voice turned low and husky. "I am also FULLY functional for maximum pleasure generation!" "Well, we can try out THAT improvement later. But before we get to my first assignment I'd like to make a request. I don't want to be a burden, but is there a rest room around here? Oh yeah, and if I'm going to be living here, could I get access to a shower or at least a sink and some towels? And if I may suggest, as great as that outfit is, you may want to dress - different - if you want to blend in." "I was correct in my initial assessment of you. The same skills which allow you to work away from others of your species that give you insight that the Community lacks. Come, there is a storage room containing material recovered from your people. You will assist me in selecting suitable coverings for our mission." Before she led him to the storage area Angela allowed him to fondle her enlarged muscles. Was the Community thanking him, or was she? And how was she connected to the others, he wondered. She led him through another series of hallways past a bewildering array of alien machines and large-breasted workers. Though none of the workers expressed any sign of emotion, Dave felt that they were friendlier some how, as if they had been part of his pleasure session. Or was that all in his mind? Was it because he had tried to have sex with one of them? He had more questions now. The storage area was the size of a small aircraft hanger and was filled with piles of clothing and small kitchen appliances. "What did you guys do, raid a swap meet? All of this stuff looks brand new." Suddenly Dave realized that the further back he walked, the older the piles were. Near the back of the large room he spotted a flint-lock rifle and a set of wooden teeth. "OK, this is spooky." Sudden realization hit Dave like a blow, "You've been here for a while, haven't you? At least a couple hundred years. But why?" Dave walked up and down the paths that ran between the piles of random items, trying to spot a pattern. "These are all examples of the technology of the day! Our production and design, the materials we used, each pile is a snapshot of where we were. It's almost as if you were waiting for something." Dave smiled, "And I think I know what it is! Spare parts! This is a ship, isn't it? And you need parts to make repairs!" He pointed at the different piles, "You go to sleep between the times you check, saving batteries? That's why the door didn't open by itself, you're running low on power. Or, I'm just guessing wildly and everything I said is wrong!" Angela stood there for a moment, silent and motionless. After several moments she seemed to relax and said, "You have surprised the Community with your assessment. We did not realize that this arrangement of material could contain secondary information about our status and procedures. You may have wished to keep this information to yourself and perhaps transmit it to others of your species, but you did not. Why?" "Look, you trusted me enough to bring me here. I'm guessing that you don't do that a lot. And while I may have preferences that are not very common, I consider myself one of the good guys. That means that until I see anything that tells me that you are hostile to my planet, I'm obligated to help you. And from the look of those government goons, helping you means keeping your secrets. Besides, everything that I've seen tells me that you guys just got stuck here. Like having a flat tire on the side of the road." "Yes, you offered your assisstance openly. Even after the hunters attacked you continued to assist me. Our assignment is to travel to a nearby settlement that is a short distance east of here. We are to purchase several items and return here with them. You will be provided funds to do this and I will attempt to act as your mate. The Community needs your experience and insight. Please dress me!" It took nearly an hour to find the other road. While it was as narrow and barren as the other, it did have the advantage of an intersection with another county road. As Dave drove down the road he could see a gas station, a few small stores and several mobile homes. He parked next to the general store and stretched his legs for a moment. The long drive had left him sore and tired. Angela promised to massage him after they returned to the ship. She got out of the truck and walked over to him. While she still had a hint of the military march she normally used, Angela was doing her best to move more natural. Her transformation had been worth the effort. The long green sun dress, wide- brimmed hat and large sunglasses give her a softer look, though her bare arms still made her look like an off- season gymnast. Dave took the list of items for their scavenger hunt from his pocket and smiled, "Some of these items would require a trip into a much larger town, but I think we can find a lot of these here. Thankfully we only need small numbers. I wouldn't want to fake up a reason for buying a hundred light bulbs! Thankfully you gave me a little extra, there's a few things I'd like to pick up for myself. Why don't you stay here while I pick up some stuff at the gas station. I don't want you to get your pretty dress dirty and I'm feeling greasy just looking at that place!" It took only a few minutes to spend nearly a hundred dollars, but then everything had premium prices this far out of town. As Dave walked out of the gas station he noticed that three large bikers had arrived and were standing very close to Angela. Dave started running as the first biker reached out to grab Angela. She smoothly moved out of the way before her could touch her and smiled at the biker. Angela pointed at the short alley that ran between two of the stores and laughed. The bikers looked at each other and followed her into the alley. Dave made it to the entrance of the alley just in time to watch her gracefully punch each biker one time. Seconds later she was the only one standing. Because she knew that only Dave could see her, Angela made a show of picking the bikers up one at a time and gently putting them down into a battered green dumpster. For a moment her arms were showing massive muscles which made the bikers look like weak children. But then he realized that she had pumped up her muscles just for him. Thankfully the bikers had parked their motorcycles near the back end of the same alley, but before Dave could walk to them Angela had picked up two, one in each hand. She turned and smiled at Dave as she slowly extended her arms. Angela gently put the motorcycles on top of a large water tank. Moments later they were joined by the third motorcycle. With her arms and shoulders full with large rounded muscles, Angela reached down, picked up a piece of thick metal scrap, and smoothly bent it into the shape of a heart. Dave thought he heard a giggle as she dropped the artwork on top of the sleeping bikers. After her arms had returned to normal Angela left the alley and joined Dave for the rest of the shopping trip. Because of the strange collection of items they were buying, and the way that Angela stayed close to Dave, everyone assumed they were newlyweds and started to treat them as such. No one had seen the bikers harass Angela so there were no awkward questions. The highlight was lunch, where Angela had to strain to maintain control as she consumed her grilled-cheese sandwich. . Dave could tell that she wanted to ask a thousand questions and knew that the trip back would be one long question and answer time. He smiled, when they returned he would make her do all the work. On the way back Dave spotted what looked like an old prospectors shack near a hill. He asked Angela if they could stop for a break. Since the difficult part of the mission was already completed she agreed. The prospectors shack had seen much better days well before Dave had been born, but at least the last owner had left then some interesting metal objects to play with. "You were having fun in that alley, weren't you my lovely Angela?" he asked. "It is difficult to explain, but I felt some measure of - enjoyment - when you were watching me. If there wasn't a need to keep my dress clean I would have allowed those men to wrestle with me. Then I could have provided you with a more interesting show. These objects are simple iron, of little value to us. But perhaps you have other intentions?" she asked, her voice suddenly low and husky. "Take off your dress and hat and place them in the truck. I'd like to see what you can do with these. How impressive can you be?" With great care, Angela took off her sun dress and placed it into one of the shopping bags. Her hat went on top of the passenger seat. She slowly turned towards the metal junk collection, her muscles swelling up to their full size. Angela winked at Dave and said, using the sexiest voice he had ever heard her make, "Foolish human! You can not stop me with your puny weapons!" She stepped up to a chunk of metal that may have been an engine block at one time and thrust her wrists into two of the open holes. Angela slowly lifted the heavy block above her heard and growled. For several moments nothing seemed to be happening, then cracks began to form in the block as she tore it apart with her bare hands. Each metal object was destroyed by her powerful muscles. Some were crushed, others bent. Angela was acting as if she was getting turned on by Dave watching her performance, feeling her harder than rock muscles as she posed for him. She pointed at a sledge hammer and said, "Even your most powerful weapon can not defeat me human!". Angela pointed at her large breasts and posed. Dave smiled, now this was his kind of woman! He picked up the heavy sledge hammer and swung it up to smash into Angela's unprotected breast. As expected, it bounced off as if he had hit a solid block of steel. Angela was unmoved and laughed, pointing again at the sledge hammer. It took Dave a moment to notice, but her nipple had been so hard that it had left a visible dent in the face of the tool. "I don't know which one of us is having more fun, but I better get you cleaned up and back on the road before the sun sets!" When they returned to the ship, Dave discovered that a toilet and sink had been installed in one corner of his room. Though it made the room look more like a jail cell, he was happy to have some plumbing to call his own. The car blanket he had bought at the gas station was thin, but provided some comfort when multi-folded. Angela, as he expected, went into full pleasure mode as soon as they walked into his room. The scented oil he had found in the tiny drug store was a new and exotic pleasure for her. They had been enjoying each other for several minutes when suddenly the dim orange light became dimmer and shifted to red. Angela paused as if hearing a silent message and turned to Dave, "We need more components similar to those you were transporting. There is now only one emergency power source remaining and emergency repairs are incomplete. Will you help us? You may be our only hope!" Dave walked over to a pile near the door and garbed some clothing and a pair of boots, "Here, put this on and lead me back to my truck. There's a microwave relay a few miles north from here. With the line down nobody will notice if it goes off line!" On the drive out to the relay station Dave had Angela practice driving. He didn't want to turn on his headlights for the drive back, this would make them an easy target for any searching aircraft, and he hoped that her enhanced night vision would allow her to drive by starlight. It took them over an hour to drive to the small station. While Dave fumbled for the proper key, Angela simply ripped the lock off the gate, walked though the now open gate and ripped the metal door off of the cinder-block equipment building. Not wanting to see anything else destroyed Dave made her stay outside and carry equipment modules to the truck. Since he didn't know what the aliens needed her was forced to take everything. The emergency survival kit would come in handy later. Now he had a real blanket! The sun set as they drove back and Dave noticed that Angela had no problems seeing in the darkness. As his own eyes became adjusted to the night he began to see that a large number of aircraft were passing over the area. "Looks like somebody is really putting a lot of effort in hunting you guys down. We better hurry, after the desert cools a little we'll be easy to spot on infra-red!" He looked down at the strange looking GPS unit he had taken from the government goons. This was the first time he had a chance to play with it. There were no controls to set a new destination and it seemed locked to point towards one location. In this mode it was more of a direction finder. Then it hit him! It was pointing at Angela, it was an alien detector! "Angela, are you broadcasting any kind of location or status signal?" he asked. In the darkness she replied, "Yes Dave, all drones maintain contact with the Community at all times. It is how we maintain organization and control. Why do you ask?" "This thing can detect the signal you are broadcasting! This is how those guys in the suits tracked you! If I'm right, some of those aircraft have bigger versions of this box and are picking up your signal right now!" The box in his hand lost whatever signal it had been detecting and stopped pointing towards Angela. "That's better! I suggest that you guys maintain communications silence when you leave the ship. I'm surprised that we didn't get any visitors on our last trip." "Thank you again Dave." she said, her voice oddly husky. he heard a strange ripping noise and Angela handed him a small but very heavy metal cube. "Please toss this out the window and keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. The moment he dropped the cube out onto the desert floor he felt Angela floored the gas. He closed his eyes and held on as the truck bounced across the desert at a speed he never thought possible. For nearly twenty minutes they drove like a bat out of hell, spending half of the time airborne. And then hell came to the desert. Even with his eyes closed Dave could feel the blinding light from the atomic explosion. "Hell yeah! I don't know what that was, but I'm sure it grabbed the attention of all of the searchers and fried most of their sensors! Is that what was buried under the shack? Some kind of demolition charge to clear away any signs you were there?" he asked. "In a way. That was my self-destruct module. It is a standard component of all drones. You can open your eyes now" Dave blinked, his night vision still recovering, "Too bad you can't use those as a power source. Might come in handy." He felt Angela stiffen, "What do you mean? We are in desperate need of emergency power! What do you propose?" "Well, do you have a way to extract the stored energy from these things in a more controlled manner?" For several minutes Angela was silent. "I do not have the engineering data required. By when we return I will submit you suggestion to the Community. Even if it is only a partial success this may buy us time to make additional repairs. You will be rewarded!" An hour later and Dave had returned to his room. He had selected an assortment of items from the large collection that the aliens had gathered. Some rugs, two small tables and a chair made the room feel softer, more human. Even though he had no wall outlets, he had brought in several lamps and a lava light. Several paintings were propped against the wall, waiting for Angela to help him hang them. But the biggest prize was a 1970's era mattress and bedding from the 1980's. The aliens had rewarded him with a small enclosed bathroom in one corner of his "apartment" to go with his working toilet and sink. But now it included a simple shower. The back wall of the bathroom held a sealed cabinet with three years worth of soap and toilet paper. Though most of the brands were no longer sold, Dave was very happy to see signs of civilization. The lighting was still dim red, which Dave took as a bad sign, and many of the alien machines looked like they were turned off. Since there was nothing he could do to help, he figured that he would just lay down on his mattress to rest. It took a moment to realize that Angela had returned, but she began to act - different - than he had come to expect. Getting down on her hands and knees, she slowly sniffed his body from foot to head. He found himself looking up at her, with her face just inches from his. She rested her full weight on him, her powerful body pressing him deep into the mattress, Dave thought he could hear her purr like a cat. Angela licked his forehead, nibbled his ear, and left the room so quickly he could not react. Moments later then lights went out and he felt the air stop moving. Dave rolled off the mattress and fumbled around until he found his tool kit. He found the comforting shape of his big LED flashlight and soon had light. He left his room in search of Angela, only to see dozens of the worker drones standing around. They looked at him and his flashlight. "Hey," he shouted, "Why aren't we working on the emergency power systems? Come on! Let's get going!" For a moment the workers starred him and then they started moving with purpose, as if they had just received new assignments. Moments later Angela returned to him. "The Community is shattered! Our mission is a failure and the greatest possible disaster has occurred!" she moaned. Dave walked up to her and pulled her to him with his left arm, "So, that's why you were acting so weird! So tell me, what happened and why were all the workers just standing around until I yelled at them? Which I'm sorry I did, because I really like you folks!" "I do not understand, this is the first time I have seen you since we returned." she said. "Don't give me that! You came to my room, acting all animal like. Sniffing and licking and purring like you were a cat in heat. Not many women could do something like that and make it sexy, but you've got a gift!" he answered. Angela pushed him to arms length, "You saw a woman who looked exactly like me? A woman who licked you and purred? Then we may have some small hope. Dave, that wasn't a drone, that was the sleeper! When the power dropped too low her sleep chamber opened and she woke up. She has left the ship, but without power we can not track her. But before she left she must have smelled you and followed your scent. She didn't kill you, which means that for some reason she felt that you were acceptable to her. If only so much time had not passed the situation would be much different." "What a second, slow down. Sleeper? Who are you talking about? She looked exactly like you. I thought it was you!" "The Community needs your help even more, so we will tell you everything. This transport ship was sent out into unexplored space in an effort to hide Empress Botella until a time when it would be safe for her return. Our mission was to protect her until we received the signal that it was safe. We never received that signal. Instead, we received broadcasts that the empire had fallen into a bloody civil war. That was over five hundred years ago. Since then we have detected no signals from what remained of the empire." "We kept Empress Botella asleep as we had been instructed. Her body was easy to maintain, her race was engineered for enhanced health and strength. But her mind slowly faded away. We could do nothing, the sleep chamber technology was not designed to operate for such long periods of time. The creature you met is all that remains of the genius who once ruled a thousand worlds! Over time the original worker drones failed and required replacement. The Community has used the Sleeper as a template when creating new drone models. Over the centuries we gained the ability to match her appearance. This is why I look so much like she does." Dave noticed that the lights, very dim and pure red, had come on again. Some progress was being made. "So, let me get this straight. Somewhere, out in the Arizona desert, is a five-hundred-year-old ruler of a dead empire who currently has the brains of a wild animal? So, how dangerous is she?" he asked. "If she were to become angry her power would increase almost without limit. Her race was designed to be very difficult to kill or hold captive. Most of the weapons on this planet would not even cause her pain. Very few could actually harm her. You may be the only one who has a chance of stopping her. She would not harm the one she has chosen to mate with!" explained Angela. "How do you know that this - alien she-hulk - you've been keeping here wants to mate with me?" "Did she lay on top of you and purr? Did she taste you and let you live? Empress Botella my be mindless, but she is still female." Suddenly the light grew much brighter and turned from deep red to a pale orange. Dave could see that the worker drones were quickly restoring the ships systems to full operation. "OK, let's say that I somehow find her and somehow bring her back, then what?" Angela looked into Dave's eyes, "The Community has chosen. We can no longer remain on this world. When you return Empress Botella to us we will correct the damage to her mind. When we leave we would like you to come with us." "I don't know. Things are moving too fast right now. Ask me again after I return." After Dave reached the road he put back the fuses for the truck's driving lights. The last thing he wanted was to look out of place. Of course, since the road was now littered with dozens of destroyed military vehicles and hundreds of bodies, looking normal made him look out of place. Had the alien woman caused such destruction? Many of the vehicles looked as if they had been torn apart so that - simething - could get to the soldiers inside. A short distance from the road he could make out the shape of an Abrahms tank, the front caved in by some increadable power. By the time he found the first manned road block he looked as panicked as he felt. Which only made his story that much more believable. "Halt! Where the hell did you come from? This area was sealed off days ago?" screamed one of the soldiers. Dave rolled down the window, "I work for a company that maintains the microwave towers! When I saw the first explosion I figured that I better hide out until it was safe. My cell phone doesn't work out here so I couldn't call for help and all the links were down. Are we at war? It looks like a battlefield out there! Who are we fighting?" The second soldier put down the radio he had been using, "Looks like the brass wants to talk to you, sir. We did get a call from the company you work for, so your story checks out. But you might have accidentally seen something that can help us. You're the first live person to come out of that valley in over four hours! If you would park your truck over there, we have transportation from the base coming to pick you up." In the distance, Dave could hear the familiar sound of a military helicopter. Dave was tired, he felt his eyes burn from the strain. The questions from the military had been relentless." "Mr. Hanson, it says here that you are an independent contractor who has a reputation for dealing with difficult situations. The company that hires you says that you repaired several communications relay stations all by yourself during the Katrina disaster. You went into areas others said were too dangerous and got the job done. That says a lot about a man. You've seen things that you rather not talk about. I can understand and respect that. But I think that you saw some things out in the desert that I need to know. And I expect you to tell me these things or I will present you with a difficult situation that you ca not deal with. Do you understand me, Mr. Hanson?" The lean officer sat back and continued to stare into Dave's eyes. The bright lights of the military base seemed harsh and alien to him after the softer lights on the ship. Dave looked down at his hands. Torture had not been mentioned, but he had seen too many dead bodies to think that that the military was going to play nice with him. "There was this woman, I didn't see where she cam from, she just surprised me! She pushed me down on the ground like I was a little kid. I couldn't do anything, she was so strong! She looked me in the eyes and sniffed me, but I guess I wasn't what she was looking for because she just got up and walked away." "Did you see which way she went?" asked the officer. "No, I was too scared to move! I didn't want her to come back! And then I saw all the bodies on the road! What's going on?" The officer looked at his partner and then back to Dave, "You are a very lucky man. As far as we can tell, you are the only person that our visitor made contact with who was not killed. We shot her with everything we had. Small arms she ignored. Heavy machine-gun fire and grenades did little. We even had snipers shoot her with explosive fifty- caliber rounds. When we hit her with an armor-piercing round from a tank we just knocked her down. Then she got back up and destroyed the tank. You say she actually touched you? Everyone else she touched is dead. I'm afraid that we require your continued cooperation. Please come we us, Mr. Hanson!" Suddenly two armed soldiers were at his side. Dave really didn't have much of a choice. He was led down a brightly lit corridor and out into the night where a Humm-Vee waited for him and his escorts. A short ride brought him to a large building that looked like a cross between an aircraft hanger and a bunker. Dave could feel vibrations coming from the ground, as if there were explosions he could not hear. "This test chamber was used during the cold war to test exotic explosive material. The walls are over twenty feet of reinforced steel and concrete. And even through all of that, we can feel this!" Dave asked the officer, "How did you capture her?" "Some lucky SOB got off a one-in-a-million shot with a Dragon anti-tank missile. Hit her in the head and knocked her out for nearly an hour. She woke up before we were ready for her. She tore through the special chains we had like they were paper and turned six guards into a red smear on the wall. We barely got the chamber door closed in time! You can see her if you like, there's an observation platform she has ignored so far." Several minutes later Dave stood on a metal catwalk nearly thirty feet above the test chamber. The officer said it had been used to mount cameras during the years the chamber had been used to test explosives. Now it allowed the military to view the most dangerous woman on the planet. And only he knew that she wasn't from Earth. Even with the ear protectors the sound of her fists hitting the thick steel door punched through him like hammers. The military was worried, instead of getting tired she seemed to be getting stronger. Dave knew why but couldn't tell them. Cracks were beginning to form shere she was punching the door. what the military planned to do after she broke down the door was unkmown to him. Suddenly - she stopped - and looked around the chamber. Dave saw her sniff the air. She could smell him! He turned to the officer to warn them but it was too late. The muscular red-head leaped at the wall and pounded it with both fists. The shock waves started to rip the supports of the catwalk free from the concrete. The guards and officers made it through the metal hatch, but the supports gave way before Dave could escape. He hung on as the catwalk swung down to crash on the floor. Dave felt the alien woman come near him. He whispered, "Empress Botella, I am here to rescue you!" She brought her face close to his, he thought she was going to lick him again, but instead she whispered directly into his ear, "Yes, I know that! Tell me what to do!" The military officers watched in horror as the unstoppable killer female gripped Dave close to her. What few microphones that remained in the chamber could only pick up growls and a strange purring sound. Some of the soldiers were making bets on wither she was going to eat him or have sex with him. Dave remained motionless because he was stunned by the revelation that the alien woman seemed to have recovered her mind. For several minutes they were having an intense but whispered conversation. "It seems that I have no empire to rule. Should I rebuild, starting with this world?" she asked. "I would ask that you didn't, though I think that you could if you wanted too. The drones say that they have repaired the ship and are ready to leave Earth. In fact, they asked me if I would come with them." Dave whispered. She growled and licked him on the cheek, "You have brought out the animal in me. If I promised to leave your planet, would you come with me as I searched for what remains of my empire?" her muscular arm flexed, it expand several inches within seconds. "You know, I've always wanted a girlfriend with lots of muscles. I can't turn down an offer like that. But first I need you to play dead so they will try to rescue me. That will give you a chance to escape into the desert. Just play along, OK?" Her answer was to stiffen and roll off of him. Her body went into convulsions as if her muscles were fighting each other. Dave forced himself to stand up and screamed, "She's going to blow! You've got to take her back out to the desert or she'll destroy the base! Hurry! I think I can slow the process down, something about my body chemistry! What the hell do I know, but I think those other explosions were weaker versions of this woman!" Dave had to give the military credit for being able to move fast. A cargo helicopter took Dave and the alien woman back to the desert road block where Dave's truck had been refueled. They placed the heavy woman into the back of the truck. One powerful spasm tossed two soldiers to the ground. Grim faced, they limped to the waiting Humm-Vee and roared off. Dave drove down the road for nearly twenty miles until he spotted the small cube waiting for him in the middle of the road. He killed the engine and stopped the truck. The alien woman jumped out of the back and ran towards him. Dave moved the controls on the top of the cube as he had been taught and tossed the self destruct module into his truck. The former Empress of a thousand world picked him up as if he were a piece of paper and sprinted out into the desert night. Twenty minutes later they were five miles away from his truck as it was suddenly turned into an expanding ball of plasma. The alien woman put Dave down, "You are a mighty hero indeed to have rescued me. Sadly, all is not well. I fear that my mind is fading as my anger does. I do not know if I can be restored. But I will follow you back to the ship. That I promise, for I can feel a growing lust within me which will control me even as I return to the animal you first saw me as! Please remember me, my hero!" Two hours later they reached to hidden spaceship and were greeted by Angela and several worker drones. "You have done well. We will take care of the empress. Why don't you clean up and rest! I will have cold drinks and food sent to your room." Dave could only nod as he slowly made his way to the room he now called home. He noticed that the air inside the ship smelled fresher and that the lighting was brighter and now had a golden tone to it. The drones had made major progress while he was gone. A firm but enjoyable pressure woke him up. As Dave opened his eyes he saw Angela's face inches from his. She took a deep breath and smiled. "Angela, or is it Empress Botella?" he asked, unsure who it was that shared his mattress. "Well, my love, that answer gets a little complicated. You might say that the answer is both! The mind that you knew as Angela was transferred into the body of Empress Botella. But something wonderful happened! We have saved most of her memories and some of her personality. It took a while to get everything sorted out. The Community helped when it could. Oh, I remember the fight with your military! I remember the chamber they trapped me in and how you tricked them into setting me free! I also remember my promise to you. If you stay with me I will leave your planet unharmed." She moved closer to him, her voice grew low and husky, she purred, "Please stay with me." Three months later and all of the supplies were finally loaded. Dave had managed to raise a large amount of money by carefully selling most of the older portions of the aliens collection. Because the material had came from a wide range of years no one seemed to notice that the market was being flooded with artifacts in near-mint condition. A few items he kept for the apartment. The money was used to purchase more repair parts and those supplies they needed for the trip. They now had enough toilet paper to last a lifetime. Stored inside of the now fully operational airlock were four civilian colored military Hum-Vees. The woman who had once been an empress now used the name Dave had given a drone. She worked out daily in a special gym that filled the same chamber that once held the Earth artifact collection. Most of the weights were outlandish in size, but Angela knew that Dave enjoyed the way they made her muscles swell and bulge. While the scout model drone had been retired, all of the worker drones had been upgraded with personality and expression modules. Queen Angela would have her royal guard. And they were all, as Dave discovered, FULLY functional. Twenty miles away four black-suit-wearing humans looked up into the night sky as the alien transport slowly gained altitude. The senior agent knew exactly what this meant. Yet again he would be stuck doing a mountain of paperwork. Time to get more beer.