Kelly Trains The Captain A Young Woman Starts Training Kelly weighed only 101 pounds, which was nothing for a girl who was 5-7. Her cross country days had left her body incredibly lean and lanky. Her arms were light and her legs were stick-like. She had one advantage, though, she had very little fat on her body. Her abs were naturally apparent-if you looked carefully you could see lines were the muscles folded. At twenty seven she had the body of a barely developed 16 year old. Her breasts were smallish but prominent and because of her low-fat level were perky. They had always been incredibly sensitive and she pinched and caressed them whenever she masturbated. The bodies of her few friends had softened as they had children and dull lives, but Kelly was alone and had none of those life forces had done anything to change her physical makeup. It seemed liked nothing she could do increased her weight. She had tried weight gain powder, but hated the taste. Even her birth control pills which made her friends balloon, left her stuck at 100 lbs. That night she walked around the small house she rented in her Garfield night shirt. She felt alone and weak. There were no men in her life, and that suited her just fine. But she hated feeling weak. As she walked by the hall mirror and looked, she was alarmed at her figure. "I need to do something, but what do I do?." The house still had boxes spread around, the move was not complete. She went down the steps to the basement where she had a second hand couch and television. Behind the sofa sitting on the concrete floor of the basement were the remains of a home gym. The previous owner had left all of it behind. There was a solid adjustable bench with several hundred pounds of plates, a squat rack and a mulit-purpose lat- pulldown with several handles. There was also a sit up board and several pairs of dumbbells ranging from 10 pounds all the way up to 100 pounds. Kelly was originally annoyed that the previous owner had left al of this behind, but he had advanced cancer and had moved in with his children. She didn't have the heart to argue with them, besides she never planned to use the basement too much and she hoped to only live in the house for a few years until she settled down. As she looked at the gym disapprovingly she plopped sown on the sofa and started flipping channels- she had not forgotten to have cable installed on her move-in day. As she surfed through the channels, her eyes glazed over. Home shopping and weather and sitcoms and cartoons and then she saw it. It took her a second to realize what she was looking at. It was definitely an animal, no a person, someone's back! But what a back- there was thick rippling muscle like fleshy armor which covered the back. As the camera drew back from its extreme close up and revealed the long hair and bikini straps of the woman, Kelly's jaw dropped. The bodybuilder shoulders bloomed and her trapezius muscles were huge. Kelly was surprised to find herself aroused and began to stroke her lubricated pussy. She would watch the bodybuilder flex and then close her eyes for a few seconds and dream that it was her body that had all those muscles. When she opened her eyes again she saw huge bulging arms which shook with intensity as they were flexed. The bodybuilder biceps rose high off her arms and Kelly began fingering herself as hard as she good and came almost violently. It was right then that she knew she would start training, and she knew she wanted to grow big and powerful. Her cross-country training in high-school and college had given her a toughness and resiliency not found among her friends. She always stuck to the training regimens which often included taking ten mile runs twice a day. She had some basic experience in the weight room from tinkering, but she knew she would need help. After drying herself off she wandered over to the gym are, and immediately saw a body building how to book. She could tell it was quite old, but she began pouring over the pictures, particularly the women pictured. There was one of a body-builder named Christ Bauch and it showed posing her chest. The caption read, "Christa Bauch shows off her chiseled chest . . . the product of heavy bench pressing and dumbbell flyes." Again Kelly felt herself quivering as she stared at the dense muscles and veins that covered the models chest. There were exercises listed for all bodyparts in the book, sample workout programs, and a section on nutrition which included diets for mass gaining. Kelly knew she wanted to gain mass. Kelly was inspired and ready to start. She took the book upstairs and got a spiral notebook and began planning her workouts for the week. She knew she would do mass building basic strength movements to develop a good base. Kelly lowered the bar onto her chest. As she lowered it clumsily she could smell the oily metal. She liked the smell. As she pushed the bar back her tiny pectorals felt like they would tear near the insertion with her shoulders.. During the next day, Kelly kept feeling her pecs under her arms. As she pushed near the insertion, her muscle responded in pain. She couldn't stop pushing. She put her hands under her arms and pushed the pressure points with her thumbs. Mike was screaming at her, "Get it up!! Now! Push yourself! This is where you get strong!" Kelly groaned and fired her pecs pushing upward. One hundred and eighty five pounds was too much for her she knew, but this was the way to get big. Negatives were a sure fire mass builder. With some help from Mike, she got the weight up all the way. But Mike wanted her to keep going and forced the bar down on her chest. She knew it was for the best, but the pain in her chest from the lactic acid that had built up was excruciating. Still, Kelly liked it and she groaned and pushed with all of her might. "This is the way to power," she thought. "This is the way to muscle." Mike had to help her get the bar off her chest, but Kelly insisted one more and as she envisioned her chest exploding with power her strength and intensity grew. "Take your fucking hands off the bar! I got it!" Kelly roared. Mike looked on in disbelief as she raised the bar completely on her own. Kelly popped up quickly and ran over to the dumbbell rack where she grabbed two forty pound dumbbells, brought them over to the bench and immediately started doing dumbbell presses. She used perfect from as she pumped out rep after rep. Ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty five, and then she dropped the dumbbell, stood up again and started flexing her chest. Her sports bra stretched everyt time she struck a pose and she reveled in the way the fabric stretched. Mike stood with his mouth open and his dick as hard as a rock. It was back day and Kelly was feeling energetic and strong. today was going to be a mass building day. Kelly sauntered over tot he T- bar and started doing warm ups with one 45 lb plate. After pulling twenty reps, she started to feel her back tighten. She stopped and added another plate and pulled 15 reps. The last three were particularly tough, but this was no time to stop. She added a third 45 lb plate, took a deep breath and started in on the row. She had a goal of eight but after three her back was reeling and her forearms strained to retain their grip. Kelly closed her eyes and focused the image of the perfect back. Dense muscles and deep striations spread across the lats and traps but she really focused on the middle, where a diamond of sensuous rock hard flesh and small veins formed. Kelly thought to herself, "that's what I want! Muscle!" and she groaned out three more reps before the agony of the last two reps. When she lowered the bar for the last time and stood up she could feel her back tight against her shirt, she reached behind her and felt her back. Kelly felt the ridges on the sides of her spine and then flexed her lats. She felt incredibly powerful as she strode over to the scale. It registered 120 pounds. Kelly had put on 20 pounds of muscle! But she was disappointed. She was looking for five more pounds. By now, Kelly's diet had changed considerably. She was beginning to become something of a freak she thought, but who cared. She was taking creatine and a protein supplement, but she really didn't need anymore protein. Every night she ate three cans of tuna fish with just a little pepper for seasoning. In the morning she had bananas and egg whites. The afternoon meals consisted of steamed broccoli and chicken breast. Kelly was gorging herself on fish and meat and supplement that with enough carbs to keep her going. She ate lean and she was lean, her abs were so cut, she could pour water on her stomach and hold it briefly in the cut on her abs. Kelly wanted deeper cuts. She was getting addicted, she knew crossing the line of what was normal behavior, but she couldn't help herself. She did 500 crunches in the morning and another 300 before bed. She recently decided to start holding a five pound plate behind her head, then ten, no she needed more weight but a twenty five pound weight was too heavy. Frustrated Kelly expanded her program to include roman chair sit ups. Her abs were so tight she would lie on bed and marvel at the way they felt. she used to drop a five pound dumbbell on them from as high as she could reach as she lied on her back. It didn't hurt at all! So ripped and strong, she leapt from her bed and started flexing her abs in the mirror. Kelly decided that the week was going to be a mass building week. They all were of course, but this week was special. She informed Mike that every set she did would be lifting extra heavy using low reps done to exhaustion with at least two negative reps. After a warm up set, Kelly out 115 on the military press, trying for 5 reps Kelly sat in the military press rack, lowered the bar. she felt strong after five and blasted two more then began to fade, Mike helped her get two more. Then she put 135 on the bar. After four, her delts ached and Mike screamed "push it!" as she forced out three more with little help. Mike stared in amazement when she loaded 155 on the bar. "Let's go for four!" she roared. After three her delts were burning, and Mike helped her with three more. Kelly immediately walked over to the Smith machine and, after loading forty five pound plates one each side of the barbell began doing upright rows. She was really trying to burn out her shoulders. After twenty, she could really feel them burning and she knew she was etching definition into her delts. Mike stepped in to help her when she locked up at twenty six. After two more mind blowing sets, Kelly took a few minutes to collect herself and she snacked on a power bar. Up next was one of Kelly's favorites, side laterals. although there was some danger in this exercise, by now Kelly was comfortable enough to use heavy weights, in this case 30 pound dumbbells. Again with Mike behind her she struggled through three sets with negatives. Kelly began to rest, when she stood up and said "Mike I'm not burning enough I need to keep going! She grabbed two 50 pound dumbbells and began doing Arnold Presses. Let's go, three set of six at least! She pounded out eight on the first, seven n the second and five on the last all with two negative reps. Afterwards she tried to raise her hands above her shoulder but couldn't- that's how she knew she got the workout she wanted- total fatigue. Kelly knew tat with total fatigue came rebuilding the muscle grew back stronger and bigger!. She put her hand on her shoulder and felt the swelling and bulging definition. There was no way she would be able to do any more upper body work, so she went over to the squat rack. The only way to describe Kelly's thighs would be hard. Hard as steel! They were not going to be her biggest body part, but she wanted them to be her strongest. Kelly was looking for more size on her upper body- she didn't want to look to oafish. Still though her intense leg training had already produced veiny hard legs which had grown That night Kelly ate four chicken breast along with her barrage of supplements. she swore she could feel the nutrients entering her muscles. Today was arms, and Kelly could hardly contain herself. She masturbated when she woke up to the Women's Physique World she kept under her bed. Kelly wasn't a lesbian per say, but she got so excited when she saw a muscular female because she imagined it was her. The straight bar was loaded with twenty five pound plate on each side. She wanted to get eight. She felt strong but Mike kept pulling down on the bar adding to the resistance. Her forearms bulged, her biceps bulged and seemed to grow before her eyes. "Let's go bitch! Right now!" Mike screamed as he pulled Down harder, but Kelly would not yield. Pull harder. then she felt twinge near the insertion of her bicep and forearm, and she dropped the weight. "Oh my God!" cried Mike "You o'kay?" Kelly knew the twinge was serious but she could tell no serious damage had been done. It was her body warning her that she had nearly ripped her bicep. " "I'm okay. We just got a little too excited there. God my arms ache! This is awesome! Let's do some concentration curls." That night Kelly flexed in the mirror and could really see some mass gains. On Friday the scale read 130. Kelly had put on eight pound of muscle in 6 days! "Why stop now?" Kelly asked out loud. "I'm going to train like that every week until my body can't take it any longer."