Hard Tina by The Captain "Hard Tina" - a story by The Captain Randy waited outside Tina's bedroom until he heard the water running in her shower. Slowly he opened the door and looked in. There, at the foot of her bed, was her weight bench all set up from her last workout. Finally, he thought to himself, he was going to get some real answers about just how strong she really was. Quickly he counted up the thick black weight plates that were on the barbell. This couldn't be right, there was over two hundred and fifty pounds on that bar. And he was sure the bar itself weighed at least twenty pounds. But Randy was sure that this was the last weight that she had been using, as he hadn't heard her move any plates after she finished working out. He had secretly listened outside her door for weeks since she had moved in, and every day she would work out, jump in the shower, and then put her weights away. Randy looked at the weights again. This couldn't be, Tina was far from an amazon woman. He had learned from sneaking a peak at her driver's license that she was only four foot seven inches tall and weighed ninety- seven pounds. Randy was over a foot taller and nearly twice her weight. But there was only one way to find out if she was really stronger than he was. As silent as he could, Randy laid down on the bench and got ready to bench press the bar. He pushed upwards, his arms trembled as he strained to lift the heavy barbell. Nothing happened, he discovered that he couldn't even raise the bar off the supports. He decided to try one last time and go all out. Randy pushed as hard as he could, so hard that his vision blurred and the room got brighter. Randy stopped pushing when he suddenly realized why the room was brighter. Standing in the doorway with the bathroom light well over her head, Tina looked at him with a puzzled look on her face. He then noticed several things about Tina, for one she was totally naked, the next was that she appeared to be covered with a thick layer of smooth muscle. Randy had never really noticed this before because Tina had always worn long sleeve tops and loose pants. Then, without warning, Tina walked over to the bench and sat on his chest, pinning his arms under her surprisingly hard butt. "Well now, looks like you wanted some kind of private demonstration. It's a good thing for you I like to show off. You're a big strong man, so bench pressing this shouldn't be a problem. But what about arm-curls? I know that this is more weight than you weigh, so we'll start with it. I'll go first. Ready?" Was she mad? He couldn't bench press this, let alone curl it! Randy watched in panic as Tina lifted the bar off the supports and began to do several slow curls. He was crushed under her as the bar added its' weight to hers. Suddenly he had over three hundred and fifty pounds of girl and steel crushing down on his chest. Randy discovered that Tina was one of those rare women whose biceps rose in a sharp peak. And as they were only inches away, he could watch every dangerous looking inch of them swell with the strain. Just as he was about to pass out from the pressure he felt her put the bar back on the supports. "OK, I did sixteen. Not great for me, but I did just get through doing a workout. It's your turn, so show me what you've got." Tina got off of his chest and stood by the bench. For an instant Randy considered making a break for it. However, one look at the muscles on her arms and legs, both just barely smaller than his own, changed his mind. Besides, wasn't this kind of fantasy he had wanted, to be on top of her feeling her muscular strength? As he got up, Tina laid down on the bench. She put her hands on her stomach, both palms up, and smiled sweetly at him. As Randy sat down on her, he was surprised how hard she felt. It was like sitting on warm stone. He could feel not an inch of give, and she seemed to be totally comfortable with his full weight on her. Randy knew that there was no way he could curl the weight on the bar, it was more than double what his personal best was. Tina smiled, "Ready when you are, just don't show off too much. After all, I am a lot smaller than you." The only thing Randy knew he could do was pull up on the bar as much as he could, perhaps the extra weight would crush her like it had him. He began to pull as hard as he could, but instead of crushing Tina down he began to feel her push up. Randy looked down at Tina, her eyes were closed and she was smiling. Her arms were starting to swell as tennis-ball sized biceps rose into view. The pressure from her arms became painful as Tina pulled up and out. Though he tried to fight her arms by squeezing with his legs, Randy found himself in a painful, one-sided, contest. Her arms were fighting the combined strength of both his arm and his legs plus his full weight. Tina kept increasing the pressure, he could already feel that her fist were now lifted at least an inch above her stomach. Randy's entire body began to shake with the stain of fighting her. The pain was incredible, it felt as if her arms were going to rip his legs out of their sockets. Finally he could not pull up on the bar any more. Randy slumped forward onto the bar, panting with near exhaustion. Tina opened her eyes, "Bad move, the weight of that bar was the only thing slowing me down." Randy grabbed the bar in panic as he felt himself be lifted up. Looking down he could see that her arms did not look smaller than his anymore. Each of Tina's arms displayed biceps that were at least as large as baseballs. She stopped raising him and Randy began to think that his ordeal might be over. Suddenly he felt himself fly through the air to land on her bed. "Stay there," he heard her say as she got off the weight bench, "you're going to help me with a little project. But first, let me tell you a story. Though I've been this same size since I was ten, it's a genetic discorder I'll explain in detail later, I haven't always been so strong. One day I was walking home from elementary school when a bum tricked me into going down a dead-end alley. I was so surprised by what he started to do that I didn't fight back for several minutes. After all, I was only twelve and he was an adult. Oh, eventually I tried to fight back, even then I was stronger than I looked." Tina walked over to a closet and began to pull down a tape-covered cardboard box. "For a few moments it looked like I might even beat him. You should have seen his surprised look when I pushed him off of me. But then he punched me in the stomach and I lost control. I was two hours late coming home, so I told my parents that I had been playing and fell off a fence. They never knew that I had been raped." "But I knew, and I couldn't forget," Tina tore the tape off the box and opened the lid, "these are the same cloths that I wore when I was raped nearly ten years ago. They're clean of course, and I mended the few rips he made. Now, I'm going to see if they still fit me. You stay right there, don't move and don't take anything off. You're going to help me work something out, and from the look of that bulge in your pants I think you're going to enjoy it." Randy was stunned, this was way beyond any thing he could have imagined. He would have run out of the house, but he didn't think he could make it to his car before she caught him. And the last thing he wanted was to have the neighbors seeing him wrestle on the grass with Tina dressed as a twelve-year-old. On top of that, he was sure that she would easily beat him and drag him back into the house. Tina was an amazon woman, but like none he had ever heard about. The door to her bathroom opened and Tina walked out. She now wore one of those timeless elementary- school dresses that were almost an uniform for little girls. Though it was a decade out of style, he thought that no one would have given her a second look on any playground. At least until she moved her arms, as booth sleeves and shoulders looked tight as a drum. Randy could see her muscles ripple as she walked towards him. "This is it, I've trained for ten years for this day. You're going to try everything that he did, but this time I'm ready." Tina looked at her arms, "These sleeves used to be loose on me, but now I've got an extra ten years of muscle. So, we're not going to do this in exact order. First comes the stomach. You've had long enough to rest, get up and come over here." Tina went over to her bedroom door and stood with her back to the hallway. She gripped the door frame with her small hands and smiled at Randy. "You can take as long as you want. All you have to do is punch me in the stomach so hard that I fall down. I want you to really try, show me how tough a man you are." Randy thought to himself, "Good, one solid hit and this will be over, she may be strong, but she can't be so strong that I can't hurt her." He got off of her bed and walked over to Tina. Without warning he hit her as hard as he could in the middle of her stomach. Sharp pain raced down his arm as his fist bounced off of her flat, muscular stomach. It felt as if he had punched a slab of stone. It took all of his will power to keep from gasping in pain. Tina smiled at him, "If that's as hard as you can punch, why don't you try kicking me." Randy glanced down at his steel-toed work shoes. Feeling a brief surge of anger, he pulled his right foot back and kicked her as hard as he could. Again it felt as if he were kicking a flat stone slab. This time Tina was moved back a fraction of an inch from the impact. One look at her smug smile made him kick her again and again. Eventually his foot began to grow numb. Tina continued to smile. "Kneel down," commanded Tina, "I want you to put your hands on my arms." She let go of the door frame and held up her arms in a double biceps pose. The sleeves of her ten-year-old dress were tight, the fabric stretched by the size of her muscles. "These sleeves were loose when I was twelve, now look at them. Now get a good grip and feel what happens when I flex." Through the thin fabric he could feel only rock hard muscle, and then she flexed. Slowly her biceps began to swell in size, straining her sleeves to the breaking point - and beyond. His terror must have shown on his face because she smiled and said, "Now that's what I've been waiting for, a man twice my size kneeling in front of me in fear of my body. " Tina's biceps exploded into view, warm peaks of solid muscle that looked like they should be on a much larger woman. Randy was amazed, they were nearly as large as his own arms, but he was nearly a foot taller! Tina looked at his arms, then her own and smiled, "You don't know how long I've waited for this. How big are your arms, Randy?" Finding his throat suddenly dry, Randy croaked "Fifteen inches, when I'm really pumped." "Randy, when I was in elementary school I had ten inch arms. I added two inches in junior high and two more while I was in high school. A year ago my arms would pump up as big as yours, but now, well, take a look at sixteen inches." Tina's arms tensed even harder, her peaks grew just a little higher. Under her smooth skin, Randy could feel a muscular hardness like none he had ever known. Her arms had flexed larger, and harder than his ever had. She smiled, "Don't worry Randy, when their not pumped up, my arms go down to thirteen and a half. So when we go out on dates you won't look like a wimp standing next to me." "Go out _ I don't understand? I am a wimp compared to you! You're half my size but twice as strong as me. Tina, I don't know how to tell you what that means to me." Tina laughed, looked down, and smiled. "Oh, I don't think you have to tell me much, you're not the only one who peeks. I can't believe you never spotted that hole in your bathroom wall. Let's say that I think we are fully compatible. Now, if you're rested, I'd like to finish with my fantasy. This is where I rape you, please try to resist as hard as you can. Afterwards we can work on some of your fantasies." Randy looked deep into her pale blue eyes, gently ran his hand through her soft curly blond hair, and stroked the massive hardness of her muscles. Yes, this was going to be an interesting time.