Goldbrier Academy For Young Ladies By The Captain Ancient Secrets Live In North Carolina Kent slowed down again, the relentless rain making it difficult to follow the two-lane road. The lights from the school bus ahead of him were barely visible through the downpour. Once again he cursed his string of bad luck. His wife had left him and divorced him while he was out of the country on his last Navy deployment. All of the job offers he had gotten while he was being discharged had vanished. And now he was lost, somewhere in North Carolina, down to a half tank of gas and twenty bucks in his wallet. He felt his battered Nissan Sentra slide as the wind picked up. He suddenly noticed that something was different ahead of him. The school bus had stopped in the middle of the road. As he slowed down a flash of lightning showed him was had actually happened. The school bus had crashed into the back of some kind of tanker truck. Kent stopped and got out of his car. From the smell he realized that the bus had crashed into a gasoline tanker. An orange flicker from the front of the bus told him that time was short. Kent climbed onto the back of the bus and forced open the emergency door. As he stepped into the bus he saw rows of uniform-clad girls slowly turn to face him. "Come on!" he shouted, "This is an emergency! You've got to get off the bus!" For a moment the girls simply sat there and looked at him. Kent was about to yell at them again when they all stood up and started to move towards the back exit. He stepped aside as the mass of young girls flowed out of the bus and onto the wet grass at the edge of the row. After the last girl as passed, he moved towards the front of the bus to find the driver. She was a chunky blond who seemed much heavier that she should be, but Kent managed to drag her to the back of the bus. Several of the girl were waiting for him to lower the driver down. They seemed to be able to carry the woman with ease, so Kent figured that hunger was making him weak. He caught an orange and yellow glow build up behind him, but before he could climb down from the bus he found himself flying over his car and into the woods. Darkness consumed him. By the time the Sheriff arrived the scene was under control. Emergency crews had put out what remained of the fire and taken the body of the tanker driver away. Tow trucks were coming to haul away what was left of the three vehicles. It was too bad that the man who had saved all of the children had lost everything. The bus had turned into a giant flame thrower which had totally destroyed the Sentra and all of the contents. The children and the bus driver were being brought to the local girls school, it had a small but modern medical facility. The only loose end was the hero of the story, and that's where things were getting a little odd. "You want to do what? But I thought that Goldbrier Academy had a strict no-male policy?" asked Sheriff Parker. The tall woman who looked like a school teacher all dressed in gray replied, "You are correct, but this situation is unique in our history. Never before has a man saved over sixty of our students at the risk of his own life. Because he stopped to help the children he has lost everything. I have been in direct contact with the Board of Regents. We will tend to his wounds and assist him in restarting his life. For the moment Mr. Larson is a guest of Goldbrier Academy for Young Ladies." Kent woke up to discover pain -everywhere. For several minutes he lay motionless, feeling the waves of pain wash over him. After a while the pain faded slightly and he began to notice details of his surroundings. He was on a bed, between stiff white sheets, listening to the rain slam against a small frosted window. The room looked like a hospital room in a 1950's movie, above the glass and wood door was a old-style shield-and-owl logo engraved with the name Goldbier. On a side table he could see his clothes neatly folded as if they had been washed and pressed. Under the sheets he was totally naked. For the moment he was alone, so he slid out of the bed and onto the cold tile floor. He dressed as quickly as he could, though his arms and legs screamed every time he made contact with any of the furniture. He had just finished wrestling his shoes on when the door opened and a tall woman dressed as a nurse walked in. "Excellent Mr. Larson! I see that you've returned to us at last. We were becoming a little worried about you. Thankfully your injuries were minor considering what you went through on our behalf. My name is Jessica and I'd like to welcome you to Goldbrier!" Kent watched a group of girls walk past the nurse, they carried large stacks of books and wore the same uniforms as the girls on the bus had. "I'm at some kind of girls school, aren't I? Did you have them tow my car here? If you can give me directions I'll be on my way. I'm sure that you're not comfortable having a bum like me around. If you give me an address I promise to repay you for the medical care as soon as I get my next paycheck." The nurse was about to answer when a taller woman walked in. She wore her long blond hair pulled back tight and was dressed in a gray business suit which managed to hide what few curves she had. "Good morning Mr. Larson, or may I call you Kent? My name is Ludmilla Kuntz and I am the director of this facility. You have provided us with a most interesting problem. While we have a strict code of not allowing men to enter the campus grounds, we couldn't leave you bleeding in a pile of mud by the side of the road. Could we? No, you removed that option when you saved the lives of sixty-four of our students along with one of our most popular drivers. The fact that your vehicle and all that you owned were destroyed by the fire only increases the pressure for us to do something. We owe you a great debt, and we pay our debts." The director motioned for the nurse to leave them. Ludmilla closed the door and sat down in one of the narrow wooden chairs. "We have been doing some research into your past and know that you are unqualified for normal civilian employment. For you that has become a bitter disappointment. However, your rather odd skill set and temperament makes you an outstanding candidate for employment here. The ban would not apply to you if you were staff. You are free to walk around and explore Goldbrier today. But I must insist on your answer before nightfall!" Ludmilla stood up and gracefully marched out of the door before Kent could say a word. Kent slowly walked down the hallway, all around him were all of the signs that this was a very exclusive girls school. All of the facilities looked first rate, the classrooms were large and well-equipped, the library was much larger than he had expected, the science labs looked like they belonged in a university, even the gym looked like a combination of health-club and NFL training facility. From one map he noticed that they even had a large indoor shooting range in the basement of the main building. The nearly eight-hundred female students, ranging in age from seven to nineteen, were served by an all-female staff of over a hundred. And they wanted to hire him? He hadn't spent a lot of time around the children of wealthy people, but he figured that a seven-year-old girl would be noisy and uncontrolled no matter how much money daddy had. But the students at Goldbrier were - different - they were as controlled and polite as any adult. The older students seemed more finished, and acted like the teenagers he knew they were. Eventually he found himself on a set of bleachers, watching a large class of students learn how to toss the javelin. He was amazed, most could throw the double-ended spear two to three times farther then he felt he could. He suddenly noticed that two of the older students had come up to him. "What are you doing here? No men are allowed at Goldbrier! We'll have to ask you to leave! Now!" commanded one of the students. Kent saw that she was dressed in an athletic uniform that revealed her arms and legs. From the amount of muscle that rippled along her body, Kent was sure that she could easily overpower him with ease. The other girl moved to block his exit. She was as athletic looking as her friend, though Kent noticed she had much larger breasts. Before Kent could stand up of say anything two younger students walked up to the bleacher. "This is Kent Larson." one of the smaller girl said as they walked by. The attitude of the older girls changed in an instant. "We're so sorry sir! We didn't know! If you wish, we will report for punishment detail. Or you may assign any punishment you deem appropriate!" Kent got off of the bleacher and walked over to the two girls. They stood next to each other, waiting for his commands. "Attention!" he barked. The two girls stood straight with shoulders back. "How old are you girls?" he asked. the student nearest to him answered, "We are both nineteen, sir!" Kent took a good look at the two girls, walking around them as if they were on inspection. The girls were nearly as tall as he was and very healthy. Perhaps too healthy. "Do you two lift weights?" he asked. "Yes sir, a minimum of one hour a day, every day for the last twelve years!" He stepped back in shock, "You've been lifting weights since you were seven? Damm! And I couldn't talk my ex- wife into lifting a couple of ten-pound dumb-bells for five minutes. How much can you lift?" "We're not all that strong! I can only curl fifty pounds, but Kelly here can use a sixty-pound dumb-bell. There are some girls in the sixth-grade class who can curl a lot more than we can. I think that the school record for a dumb-bell curl is one-ninety. Please sir, what is our punishment for showing disrespect?" "Do I have to punish you? Can't I just give you a warning or something?" Kent asked. The shorted girl answered, "No sir! While we wear the Goldbrier uniform we must act with honor at all times!" He glanced at the aluminum bleachers, "Are the two of you strong enough to lift that off the ground?" The two girls smiled, "That would be easy if we both lifted!" "OK, your punishment will be to lift up one end of this set of bleachers one hundred times while I sit on it and watch you. Every time you lift it up you must say to me ‘Goldbrier Girls Are Strong!', do you understand? Let's begin!" It took the girls nearly five minutes to complete the punishment, their arms became pumped and glistened with sweat as they strained at the end. When they had finished he sent them to the showers to clean up. Kent sat on the bleachers as he tried to understand what had just happened. What kind of school was Goldbrier? In some ways it was more like a military training camp than a simple girls school. He heard someone walk up. "Hello, you must be Kent! My name's Amanda, I teach advanced physical training for the higher grades. That was very impressive for an off-the-cuff punishment drill. We could hear the girls screaming clear across the field. But then, I understand that you are ex-military. Perhaps I was wrong, you handled yourself well and operated within our rules. But please try to remember that the Goldbrier staff are much stronger than the students!" With that she lifted up the end of the bleacher that he was sitting on with one hand. She smiled as Kent stared at the hard muscular bicep that exploded from her darkly tanned arm. Two hours later Kent found himself inside of Ludmilla's office. The many rows of thick books muffled the outside sounds, allowing him to hear every creak of wood and rustle of paper as she prepared the paperwork. "I understand that you have been making points with the students and staff. You must understand that your every work and action will be observed while you are on this campus. I hope that this does not make you uncomfortable. Outside of family and contractors, you will be one of the few men our students will interact with. As our only male staff member you will be required to follow a strict code of honor. Do you understand?" "Oh, sure! Don't worry, I'll stay away from the students! I can see where that would cause big problems!" "I'm not sure that I understand you Kent. Our code requires that you treat all of our students with equality. I expect you to act as a close friend to any student that you encounter, we are family here at Goldbrier Academy. Now, I understand that as a healthy male you will have certain - requirements - that we have not had to fulfill before. But we pride ourselves at being adaptable. I would like you to consider the students as being off-limits for certain activities, but you will be pleased to know that several of the staff have expressed interest in social interaction." Kent laughed, "Would one of those women be a instructor named Amanda?" Ludmilla looked up at Kent and replied, "I understand that you met. Yes, she came to my office an hour ago to withdraw her protest. You see, when we first announced that we were thinking of hiring you she was extremely vocal in her arguments against you. There was something that you did, or didn't do that changed her mind. Congratulations. I've know her as a very stubborn woman. No then, on to other business. We will provide you with a small advance on your first pay check tomorrow so that you may go into town and purchase more suitable clothing. Tonight you will sleep in the medical wing but we will provide you private quarters away from the student and staff facilities." "That sounds great, but I'm sorry to ask, what exactly is my job? What do you want me to do?" "Oh, how silly of me!" laughed Ludmilla, "You are our resident hero! Will start your training after you are settled in." Kent was surprised at how green the land was now that the rain had stopped and the sun had broken through the clouds. He sat in the back of the small school van with several of the older students. They were friendly, though their interest in him had an odd intensity to it. The driver was the same husky blond he had rescued from the burning bus. Though Kathy looked a little older than Kent, he was sure that she would gladly break down a door or two if he asked. Though he wasn't in "uniform" he was clearly being treated as part of the Goldbrier family. The turnoff to Pelican Grove was well hidden, Kent was sure he would have passed it. Thankfully Kathy knew exactly where she was going and parked near the center of the small town ten minutes later. The town looked nice and clean, though Kent thought there were so many women with visible muscles that it looked like a training camp for female athletes. Thankfully half of the population consisted of very happy men. The men's clothing store was a short walk from the van and for some reason two of the students insisted on staying with him. It wasn't until he was in the changing booth that he was finally alone. But that didn't stay true for very long. Without warning a large man in a police uniform walked into the small booth. "Mr. Larson, I'm Sheriff Parker. I'm sorry about the intrusion but I won't have much time. I understand that you've been hired by the Goldbrier Academy as some kind of security expert. Now, we keep our distance from that school, they seem to have a lot of friends in high office. But if I hear that you are running some kind of scam on these ladies there will be hell to pay. Do we understand each other?" From outside the booth came the sound of a door being forced open. The Sheriff turned and walked out of the booth. After a moment Kent heard one of the students say, "Sorry about the door, looks like it got stuck or something! You can send the school the bill, OK?" As he moved back into the front of the store Kent looked down at the broken door lock that lay on the floor. It almost looked like the door knob had been crushed. Thirty minutes later they had returned to the school van. The students insisted of carrying the suits he had bought. When Kent walked up to the van he knew something was wrong. One of the students was missing and Kathy was crying into her cell phone. "I don't know if it was Black Flag, we never saw who attacked her! We contacted the sheriff office, but no body has reported any vehicles leaving town in the last hour! What do you want me to do? OK, he's here." Kathy hung up the phone and brought out a small black case. "You were supposed to get some training, but there's no time!" she opened the case and held it out to Kent. Inside was a small black pistol and two clips of odd-looking ammo, "These are EF rounds, they'll drop a man by stunning him but won't punch holes in walls. They are standard issue for field agents. Your service record says that you earned a marksman ribbon with a forty-five. I think you'll find these a little easier to handle!" Kent took the pistol, loaded one clip and put the other in his pocket. "The girls were with me at the back of the book store when we heard the attack. They were gone by the time we got there. No body reports seeing a vehicle leave the area." "OK," said Kent, "That just means that they didn't use a vehicle. Is there any thing new to the area? Any new stores or construction?" "Hey! They're putting in a pizza place right next to the book store," remarked one of the female students, "The sign says something about volcano style pizza! But there's nothing there now but stacks of bricks and stuff. I think they're putting in a large brick oven!" Moments later Kent was sniffing around several large piles of building material. All were covered with thick plastic tarps to protect them from the rain. But one of the piles seemed a little off, the plastic was flapping more in the wind than the others. He pulled out his short-bladed K-Bar, one of the last remaining objects from his prior life, and sliced open the flapping tarp. Kent was not surprised to see that the pile had been hiding a narrow ramp that led down underground. He pulled out the pistol and started to carefully make his way down the ramp. In the dimly lit basement Kent could make out several large thugs standing around the missing student. Her mouth was gagged and her arms and legs were bound with thick steel cables. Even in the dim light Kent could see the powerful bulges that grew from the students arms and legs as she struggled to be free. The six thugs were armed with small machine guns and were under the command of a tiny oriental woman who was wearing black leather body-suit. The student seemed to freeze in terror as the oriental woman pulled out a large injector. That was Kent's cue. He had always been a pretty fair shot, which was strange because he had never owned a gun as a kid, and the short range more than made up for the poor lighting. Six shots later and all of the thugs were on the ground, the high- powered electrical rounds making them spasm in pain on the basement floor. The oriental woman screamed and leaped towards him. By instinct Kent fired the last four rounds directly at her head. The first two hits didn't seem to effect her, but the third dropped her down in front of him. Moments later Kathy bashed down the thick wooden door, just as he had asked to. Kathy was followed by the three other students, Sheriff Parker and four of his deputies. Sheriff Parker looked at Kent, saw the student bound to the wall, saw the six thugs and their sub-machine guns. he walked over to the oriental woman and kicked the injector away from her hands. "Better put you weapon away Mr. Larson, we don't want the civilians getting confused. I apologize for our earlier encounter. Seems that you may be exactly what the ladies were looking for. We'll clean up here. Oh, and welcome to Pelican Grove!" On the way back to the academy Lana, the student who had been captured by the thugs, made it quite clear that she was more than willing to provide any form of pleasure he desired. And from the shouted remarks from the other students, he could enjoy the others in whatever combination suited him. Even Kathy made it plain that she was available at any time he was ready for her. When they arrived back at Goldbrier Kent was rushed to the director's office. "Well done Kent! Or should I say Mr. Larson out of respect. Even without any special training you managed to defeat seven armed opponents and rescue one of our students. They are, you see, the most vulnerable when their education is incomplete. In many ways they are very powerful, but they lack the focus that adulthood brings. The board has reviewed the action report from today's little adventure. They are very pleased with your actions. Now, go enjoy tonight, for tomorrow you start your training." As Kent walked out of the office he found himself surrounded by an orderly mob of students and staff. Amanda, the physical trainer he had met the day before walked up to him, "Before you make hundred of students break a large number of rules, why don't I take you to dinner in the staff lounge? After all, you're one of us now!" Walking down the hallway next to the slim but muscular instructor, Kent kept wondering what strange life he had fallen into. "You've got to be kidding me! How old are you?" Kent asked the small girl in front of him. Alone in the padded combat room, the young girl allowed herself to giggle, "I'm eight! But I've been training for a year!" "So, of I beat you then I get to work up to students who are more my size, right?" "Well, you couldn't handle any of us who were your size! They would be too strong because of all the weight lifting we do. See?" The young girl held out her arm and flexed her small bicep. Though she was still only eight-years-old, a full year of special diet and exercise had build up her muscles beyond what Kent thought was possible. He was surprised by the hardness. What kind of training did they do here? The little girl, who's name was Malinda, signaled that she was ready to wrestle. Kent had been assigned to train with her for an hour, but even with her impressive muscle, he couldn't see her lasting more than five minutes. He smiled as they moved towards each other. Kent side-stepped, tripped her, knocking her face down on the mat. He jumped on top of her for an easy pin but was surprised when she strained to break free. For a moment he felt a burst of power and ten Malinda grunted that she was defeated. The next girl was nine-year-old Caroline. She didn't giggle and had much more impressive muscles than Malinda. Kent tried the same trick, but had to struggle for several minutes as Caroline burnt out her strength. Before she shouted that she had given up she whispered that she was very happy to be his wrestling partner and would be ready for a rematch anytime. The schedule gave time for Kent to recover before he met his next opponent. Ten-year-old Cindy was larger and much more muscular than the other girls. Even her abs looked hard as a rock. For a moment she simply stood there, for face revealing no emotions. Then she smiled, ran over and hugged him. "Oh! Mr. Larson! You don't remember me, but I was one of the girls that you saved from the bus! You saved my entire class and the entire sixth-grade class! And then you rescued another student from those evil agents from Black Flag! You are my hero!" He felt the hidden power of her embrace and knew she wasn't going to be defeated by him today. "Can you tell me who these Black Flag people are Cindy?" he asked. She looked around the room, leaned close, and whispered, "We're not supposed to talk about them outside of the classrooms, but I can't say no to you! I've heard that they are an ancient religious organization that was founded during the dark ages to take over the world. They have secret temples run by female priests. I think you met one yesterday. I've heard that their greatest weapon is a drug or chemical called Black Orchid that is used to give their female assassins incredible strength and power. I think they have other drugs that do things like control your mind, but I don't remember what they're called." "But what does a girls school have to do with this? Are they after your exercise program or something?" "Oh, you don't know the Goldbrier story? Well, that's a really big secret, so don't let anyone know! OK, there have been several Goldbrier Academies through the years. The first one was in ancient Greece, and then they build one in France and another in England. A couple hundred years ago they build one in New York, but that one burned down, so they built this one! Most of our mothers graduated from Goldbrier, so sending us here was natural. and the best thing is that it's free!" Kent suddenly realized that something about the Goldbrier operation seem familiar. Children training hard from age seven to age nineteen. A system that included special physical and combat training which made them legendary warriors. "Tell me Cindy, do you remember which country in ancient Greece was home to the first Goldbrier Academy?" As Cindy leaned close to him he could feel her hard muscles press painfully into his weaker ones. "It was Sparta!" she whispered. As Kent had expected, he was no match for ten-year-old Cindy. The three years of hard training had made her much too powerful for him to even slow down. She had realized this and gone easy on him, making it a game more of a playful game than a wrestling match. eventually, no matter how much she held herself back from using her full strength, he ended up on the floor totally defeated. Cindy then showed Kent that she was well trained in physical therapy. At the end of the hour he was dead tired but nearly pain free. Since he was allowed to wander the entire campus at will he visited the library. Several hours later he found what he was looking for. The only problem was, instead of a large door all that he could find was a nice blank wall. And then his fingers buzzed. Years ago, while in the Navy, Kent had been shocked by several thousand volts. Outside of finding his screwdriver stuck in the ceiling, the only lasting effect was to gain a strange sensitivity to ungrounded metal. Even the slightest difference in ground potential would be enough to make his fingers buzz. What puzzled him now was that a hunk of brick was acting like it was a piece of metal. "Yeah, right! It can't be this easy!" he muttered to himself as he pushed on the buzzing brick. Nothing seemed to happen until he remembered that everything here was built for people much stronger than he was. He lifted a heavy statue and slammed it into the brick. His reward was a soft click and a slowly opening secret door. Putting the statue back he walked through the door and down a series of steps. The chamber at the bottom of the narrow steps was large enough to hold a small group and contained many artifacts inside of glass display cases. It felt as if he had wandered the chamber for hours, reading the many small signs and staring at the weapons and other ancient artifacts. He almost didn't hear Ludmilla as she walked down the stairs. She looked different than she had before when they had talked in her office. her hair was pulled back tight and she wore a thick blue and gold robe. In her hand was a short two-headed spear. he pointed at crude map of ancient Greece. "The ancient Greeks reported that they had discovered a mighty tribe of women warriors who they called Amazons! But it wasn't a separate tribe they had discovered was it? No, they had found a band of Spartan women who had trained their daughters in the same manner as Spartan males trained their sons. The original name got translated into French or German and then English. And when darkness ruled the world a spark of gold remained." Ludmilla remained silent as she dropped the robe to the ground. Her body, normally hidden by her strict business clothes, was a mass of dark cables of muscular power. Kent could see her muscles inflate as she built up her power. Any moment would be his last. Kent sat down on a wooden bench, still tired from his play date with Cindy. "Well, I guess I dug just a little too deep, didn't I? Can't have some random guy wandering around knowing about your secret war with that death cult. It's funny, I really thought for a moment that I was turning my life around! Do you know why my ex-wife left me? It's because I'm obsessed with muscular women! I want to feel muscular women! I want to watch them! I want to - love - them! When she found out her reaction was almost violent. She laughed at me, told me she was going to fine a real man. Guess in the end I'm just another loser. You don't know me. I would take your secret to the grave! But how can you trust any man, not with your history! Wait a second, let me move away from the wall. You'll have less blood to clean up." Kent got off of the bench and sat down on the floor. "I feel so tired. Thank you. For a while it almost felt like home!" Kent leaned his head back, giving Ludmilla a clear shot of his neck. she slowly walked up to him, her muscles rippling with dangerous power. The spear came up and pressed into his neck. Kent felt a slow trickle of blood moving down his chest. He closed his eyes and whispered, "Good-bye, I'll miss you all!" Suddenly a speaker clicked on and a female voice boomed out, "Enough! Bring this man to us! The Council commands!" Ludmilla pulled the spear away from Kent's neck and tossed it against the wall. Without waning she reached down and picked him up as if he were a small child. From his position he could only see Ludmilla's muscular back and hips, but Kent felt her pass through a second secret door and march down a long series of stone and metal stairs. His near brush with death had left him weak and dizzy as Ludmilla carried him through a maze of underground passages. And then he heard the screams. Kent suddenly realized that he was no longer looking at Ludmilla's muscular back. In fact, he was sitting on a padded bench in the center of a large circular chamber. Seated around him on raised desks were twelve women wearing pure-white robes. He couldn't tell from where he was sitting, but he was certain that the weakest one could crush him like a grape. So, this was the council. But why were they smiling at him? In fact one, who reminded Kent of a tall Hooters girl, was clearly trying to send him signs that she was open for a more - physical - greeting. he looked around and found no sign of Ludmilla. "Greetings Mr. Larson. We rarely have a visitor of your gender in the sanctuary, but you have earned this privilege. Our names are unimportant, we do not act as individuals when we are within this chamber. We are surprised at the ease with which you uncovered the first level of our secrets. Few of our students find the entrance to the museum before they turn nineteen. Please do not share what you have learned with the students when you return to your duties." "When I return? You're not going to kill me? But, Ludmilla had this spear! And then I heard those screams!" "Ah yes. The spear was a simple test to find your true spirit. Ludmilla reports that she had great difficulty in performing her assigned part. She said that when you opened yourself to her she nearly broke down and cried. We were forced to act before shamed herself in your eyes. She is a very proud woman who will require a gentile touch for some time. Please remember that. The screams are from the cult leader that you captured. We have fought them for many generations and have yet to find the secret of their Black Orchid drug. Perhaps, as a special favor to the Council, you would like to try your skills in extracting this information?" The cell was small but well lighted. The oriental woman, now stripped of her black leather body suit, was chained to the back wall. Thick metal bands covered her forehead and waist while thick chains were attached to her wrists and ankles. While it looked like overkill to hold such a small woman, Kent remembered that it had taken three rounds to stun her while only one round was required to drop the thugs who were many times her size. Three women wearing blood-red robes watched him as he entered the cell. "Hi! The - ah - council wanted me to give it a try! I have an idea, but I'm going to need some soap and water, a bunch a clean towels, and the biggest feather you can find!" The three women nodded and gracefully walked out of the room. Kent could see their muscles flex even covered by the hick robes. As she turned to face the dangerous prisoner her could feel the heat of her anger and hatred. "Ha! I can tell that you are a weak man! Your strongest blows won't cause me pain!" Kent nodded, "I know." The three women returned with everything he had asked for, and then left him alone with the oriental woman. The four-inch-thick metal door sealed behind them. Without a word of explanation Kent slowly washed her, cleaning off all of the dirt and blood which covered her. He started at her feet and moved up. She strained and fought her bonds, certain that the pain from this new style of torture would begin any moment. It was difficult for him to hide just how much her flexing muscles were turning him on. By the time he reached her head she understood that he was simply cleaning her and stopped fighting. He realized that she was simply resting and would be ready to explode again at any moment. As she dried in the warm air Kent moved to the table and picked up the large black feather. "This was the only way I could get my ex-wife to show off her muscles. It would take me nearly an hour, but in the end she would flex for me. She didn't have a fraction of the muscle any of you women have, but to me she was an amazon! but then in the morning she would remember what I had tricked her into doing and scream at me that I was sick to lust after strong muscular women. eventually she left me, last I heard she married some guy in a factory with biceps bigger than his brains." "Now the Council wants me to try to get the secret of this Black Orchid from you, but you and I both know that you're not going to tell me a thing. I can't torture a woman, even one that would kill me in an instant. But I can do this! The best I can hope for is that you'll flex for me a little so I can fantasize about you later. In a way, I'm the one being tortured because no matter how much I'll want those sexy muscles, I can have them. Shall we begin my torture session." The oriental woman looked confused and then smiled, "So, that is the way of it! Do your worst, foolish man! In the end you will be screaming for my mercy! I have more muscle control than a thousand of those fake amazon warriors!" Kent walked up to the woman and lifted the feather. It took over an hour, the Korean woman who called herself Kim Ryun Hui was much more thick-headed than his ex- wife had been. But in the end she, after nearly twenty orgasms, had turned into his willing muscle slave. Her muscle control was amazing. The highlight had been when she had crushed a brick between her small breasts by simply flexing her pectoral muscles. Kent knew that she would revert back to her old self in the morning. But then his cell phone had a great camera and plenty of extra memory. He smiled as the three red-robed women had returned. Though Kim Hui had not said a word about Black Orchid, he had learned the secret. Kent was led back to the Council chamber. Again he was the center of attention. "So, Mr. Larson, outside of a large amount of muscle porn, did you actually gain any useful information that would help us discover Black Orchid?" "Well mam, I now know why you have failed to find any samples of Black Orchid. It doesn't exist. Or I should say, it isn't a drug or chemical the cult manufactures. That's a myth that they leaked out to fool you. Black Orchid isn't something you take, it's something you do. These cult leaders are trained to use their minds to trigger powerful surges of muscle strength. It's like the stories of untrained women picking up cars to save their kids from being crushed. Only in this case the women have a little physical training to make them stronger than the average woman and they can trigger this burst whenever they want to. Is that the information you were looking for?" For several minutes the Council was silent. Suddenly one of the somber women began to laugh and pound her desk with her fist. "That's it? We have tracked the cult for generations, raided their temples, tortured their leaders. And everything has been a hoax! Everything you say fits what little we do know. We have been at war with them over a secret drug that does not even exist!" "That's not quite totally true! You see, you have been hounding them for so long about a drug that makes women stronger that they became convinced that they once had such a drug and simply lost the formula. So, for the last hundred years they have been trying to re-discover the lost formula. They weren't trying to brain wash that student I rescued. They wanted a sample of her blood for testing. My guess is that when they couldn't grab one of the Goldbrier girls for a blood sample they moved on to some less guarded women athletes. They won't call the new drug Black Orchid because that's the name of their mind control system." Suddenly an alarm filled the air. One of the council-women looked down at her desk. "The prisoner has escaped somehow and is loose in the complex! It appears that her physical strength has greatly increased and she broke free of her bonds and overcame the three guards. Alert the security force that we need to lock down the sanctuary at once! This is an emergency!" Kent heard a low growl and turned to the side entrance. Kim Ryun Hui stood there, sniffing the air like an animal. As she saw him she leaped across the gap between them, bringing her face close to his. The strongest woman in the room rubbed against him like a cat in heat. He turned to the stunned council and asked, "She followed me home, can I keep her? Kent looked at his watch, nearly six hours had passed since the squad of heavily armed women had led him and Kim Hui to this maximum security holding cell. The sink and metal toilet looked as if they had been carved from a single block of steel. Thankfully the carpet was thickly padded as there were no chairs or bunks. Three hours ago a slit in the wall had opened and a two trays of food had been shoved inside. Kent smiled, at least Kim was no longer acting like an animal in heat. She still acted a little - strange - around him, which he considered a good thing as she was still stronger than he was even without the additional power her muscle surge gave her. "Well, here we are, in a secret underground base locked behind a foot thick steel door. This isn't how I pictured I'd be spending my evening." Kent looked up at Kim as she paced across the carpet, "It was nice of them to give you some clothes!" The white shorts and skin-tight red muscle-shirt did little to hide Kim's supple athletic body. Kim spun around to face him, "YOU! What did you do to my mind? AAARGH! Even now I feel my body desire you! And when I try to push my strength this lust drives me to madness! I - MUST - resist! But - I want you! PLEASE - help me!" Kent sighed and got up. As he walked over to Kim he could se tiny ripples of muscle dance along her arms and legs as she tried to maintain control. "I'm not sure, but I think that I may have accidentally changed how you body responds to your advanced muscle control. Your - people - developed a mental trigger which tapped into one of the most basic and powerful drives. Survival. when I worked on you with the feather, using some tricks I read in an old book, I mixed in another powerful drive." "Sex!" she whispered as she pulled him close to her. without boots or shoes Kim was at least four inches shorter than he was. Her advanced martial arts training gave her the toned, athletic body of a national-rank gymnast. Kent knew from experience that her flexibility and endurance were far beyond his. In her own way Kim Ryun Hui was more than a match for any of the Goldbrier students or staff. Until now only a small number of cult members were able to use the Black Orchid process to trigger a surge of muscle power. But if the secret drug was completed the death cult would have a thousand unstoppable female assassins. "Look Kim," he said as he ran his hands alone her hard muscular back, "Everyone says that we should be enemies, but with your mind the way it is I would feel bad if I abused the - control - I have on you. You're not a animal, you don't have to perform for me!" Kim leaned back and looked into his eyes, "I know a thousand ways to kill you. Few men have gotten this close to me and lived. I have always be considered -desirable - by all of the men I have met. You could command me with a word to do - unspeakable - things for you. And I would do them joyfully. Your ex-wife was a fool! It takes a real man to be able to enjoy a strong woman. Command me!" Without warning, all of the lights and ventilation fans died. even through the thick walls of the cell they could hear explosions. "Kim," Kent commanded, "Open the door!" It had taken Kim nearly three minutes to muscle her way through the heavy cell door. The inert locking system was simply warped by the muscular pressure until the Kim burst through, making the multi-ton slab of metal crash to the floor. The massive impact must have sent a shock wave for hundred of feet, but in the darkness Kent could see nothing. In the distance they could hear the sounds of desperate fighting. They blindly moved down the corridor, searching for either light or an emergency exit. In the darkness Kent tripped over a body and fell to the ground. Kim was instantly at his side as he groaning in pain, "What the hell! It's one of the guards, but she's dead. Wait, I think I've found something! Yes, it's a key chain with - a flashlight!" The small LED flashlight gave out a weak blue-white glow that was not enough to fill the room, but more than enough to tell Kent that the guard's throat had been sliced open. He pulled to machine-pistol from her hand. she hadn't managed to fire a single shot. Another explosion caused dust to rain down from the drop ceiling above them. Kent turned off the flashlight to save the battery and discovered that several emergency lamps had come on, though was a greatly reduced output. suddenly, he realized they were not alone. As Kent tried to stand up he felt Kim push him across the room to the other wall. In the dim light she watched as she spun to attack the three black-clad women who had silently appeared. All of the women acted with the speed and strength of having enhanced muscles. At first it looked as if Kim was in over her head, the three women were hitting her so hard that Kent could feel the vibrations through the floor. Then one of the women smashed Kim in the chest with a punch that made her stagger back three steps. For a moment Kim stood still, her muscles seemed to spasm in pain. Only Kent noticed that her muscles were actually growing larger, more defined, more powerful. In a movement too fast for him to follow, Kim launched herself at the three women, a blur of muscular power. Moments later their crushed and lifeless bodies had joined the dead guard. Kim looked down at Kent and growled, "Only you may tough me there!" Kent caught a flicker of movement as three more assassins moved to attack Kim from behind. He could not miss at such close range. Seconds later each of the new attackers lay on the ground with a small hole in the center of the foreheads. "A silencer? Cool! I always wanted a gun with a silencer. We better check the bodies for gear, that's the first rule of RTS games. Wait a minute! These are your people. How the hell did they get down here? Was there a mass assault on the school? No. I'm betting these ladies came in some kind of secret side-entrance. I'm sure happy that you decided to change sides!" Kim had found a black-leather body-suit which fit her and had taken it for herself. A katana and several other bladed weapons were added to her uniform. She tore a long strip of cloth form the red shirt and wore it as a head-band. "I had forgotten how well you handled yourself with a firearm. Try not to shoot me! However, you are incorrect in one matter. I did not CHANGE sides as you think that I did. I have joined a NEW side." Kim Ryun Hui stepped close to him and purred, "YOUR side!" In the dim light they quickly searched the storage cabinets that had been tossed about by the first shock wave. Kent found several clips of ammo for his new pistol and a working gun fight that also fit the pistol. Kim found a black shirt which replaced Kent's white tee-shirt and cooler filled with drinks and sandwiches. Kent and Kim found their way to the council chamber, only to find a hidden stairwell had opened up in the center of the chamber. The scene below was one of a desperate defense overcome by numbers. The outer chamber looked like a slaughter house with over fifty bodies piled deep in front of a large metal door. The defenders had tried to stop the assault as they forced the door closed but had been too late. From the other side of the door way they could hear shouted commands. Kim pulled out her katana and whispered, "Figure out how to close this door while I clean house!" In a flash she had leaped through the door way and into combat. As Kent traced the controls he could hear the sound of harsh muscular fighting. After a moment Kim stepped back out, "I've never seen these women before, they are poorly trained and weak! They might have been good enough to deal with Goldbrier girls, but they were no match for a real warrior!" "I've got to remember that pose! OK Kim, back inside, I've repaired the controls." Kent rushed into the inner chamber. The room was much larger than he expected and was centered around a seven-foot-tall statue of a woman carrying a round shield and a spear. In front of her was a strange curved sword sitting on a display stand. Scattered around the room were other ancient weapons on stands and red clay tablets. On the floor were six dead assassins. Kent rerouted power to the door and closed and locked the three-foot-thick metal slab. He started to walk towards the statue when something slammed into the door. Chunks of ceiling and wall fell as the blows continued, each more powerful than the last. Kent looked in horror as the massive door began to deform and buckle. The pounding stopped as something grabbed the edges of the door and began to slowly pull the poor open. From the opening Kent could hear a woman screaming with rage. Moments later the door was open enough for the woman to walk in. She was tall, dark-skinned and supple. She reminded Kent of a Pakistani girl he had once dates many years ago. Only Yasmeen had been much shorter and did not look as if she had the combined muscle mass of ten female body-builders. Kim leaped towards her and slashed out with the katana. The blade shattered into a dozen pieces as it hit the woman. With an almost casual contempt the dark-skinned woman grabbed Kim and tossed her against the back wall. Her crushed body slid to the ground and was still. Kent whipped up the two machine pistols he had recovered and emptied both. The woman ignored the spray of bullets and slowly walked towards him. "You must be is a special position," she said with a evil-sexy laugh, "The only man in the complex. Tell me, are you the guard or the treasure?" For a moment she relaxed, her body shrank down. She now looked an athletic dancer. "Who are you?" Kent screamed. The woman laughed, "Do you not recognize me mortal? I am death incarnate! I am Kali! Prepare to die!" "Kali? But in all of the pictures and statues you have many arms. Or can you change your shape?" Kent gasped. "Those mortals who encountered me were unprepared to accept my true physical strength, so they began to picture me as having many normal arms. Over the centuries that crude description has tormented me." Kali answered. Kent thought for a moment. "I know you don't owe me," he stammered, "But before you kill me would you do one thing for me. You see, I‘m one of those guys who is -cursed - by a lust for strong muscular women. I can't help myself, look where's it's gotten me!" Kali stepped closer, "Yes, I can feel your desire growing within you. A foolish design for - my - muscles? This is a new amusement and I has lived so many years without entertainment. Your fate remains the same. I will kill you! Now, quickly, explain yourself!" "There is a pose, called the Most Muscular Pose, that very few women can pull off. If you do this for me then I will die as the only man to ever see this pose performed properly by a woman with REAL muscular power!" "Yes, I see this pose in your mind! Because it amuses me, I shall grant your request. And then you will die!" Kali closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She pulled her arms back, growled like a hungry lion and flexed every muscle she commanded. Her body instantly doubled - tripled in size, each muscle fought to rise above the other. Each muscle was perfect in shape as it was gigantic in size. The explosion of power and strength from the ancient goddess of destruction cause a wash of heat which, among other things, made Kent break out in a sweat. For a full minuet Kali held the pose, her inhuman strength on display for his eyes only. Without a warning Kent spun around - grabbed the strange sword from the display stand - and cleanly sliced off Kali's head. Before the head had made it half way to the floor there was a massive explosion of darkness and screams which tossed Kent across the chamber and hard against the back wall. He remained motionless for several minutes, passed out from the pain. Slowly Kent realized that someone was standing over him. Forcing his eyes open, Kent could make out the face of a smiling woman. "Kim! I'm glad you're OK. I'm - sorry - but I can feel a bunch of broken stuff inside me. It's a good thing they had a magic sword!" As the woman drew closer he realized that she was much taller than Kim and was wearing what looked like Greek-inspired armor. The woman bent over and placed her hand on his chest. Within moment he felt his head clear and his pains wash away. Her smile was a golden light that filled him with peace, "I have been called many names, but some have called me Athena. You have defended my daughters with both bravery and cunning. Know this mortal, you have both my thanks and my attention." She stood up, turned and pointed at Kim's body, "This one rests on the edge of this world! She has fought for the enemy, perhaps one of their best warriors who has killed hundreds with her bare hands. You have but to speak the word and she will receive her eternal punishment!" "No!" gasped Kent as he struggled to stand, "If it wasn't for me she wouldn't be - dead. I know I messed with her mind, but she didn't have to fight the others. Without her help I wouldn't have lasted five minutes. Please, if there's anything you can do!" Kevin staggered over to Kim's body and the long black hair away from her eyes. "I know what it's like to lose everything." Kent did not see Athena smile or the glow from her spear as she pointed it at Kim. The lights flickered and grew brighter. Kent heard shocks gasps behind him as over a dozen senior-class students rushed into the inner sanctuary. he looked up to see that while they were still in their standard school uniform, all were armed with machine-pistols and shotguns. They stared at Kent and at the headless body of Kali. "Mr. Larson? Are you OK? There are bodies everywhere! Is that one of the cult leaders? We can't find any faculty! What should we do?" Kent looked down at Kim's motionless body, "We need to sweep the area, first priority is getting medical aid to the wounded. If we have prisoners, lock them up but make sure they're drugged into a deep sleep. I'm betting that there's some kind of emergency plans, find them! But don't come running back to me, I'm just a hired hand! I don't even know what to do with these - bodies." Kent broke down, his tears falling onto Kim's unprotected face. He heard most of the girls leave to follow his orders, but four remained to secure the chamber, and provide Kent an honor guard. Over an hour as passed. Kent heard an increasing number of students along with some of the adult staff working to remove all signs of the battle. Even Kali large body had been removed and the sword cleaned and replaced on the stand. Kent looked up as the sound of footsteps neared him, "This is a most dreadful business," said an older woman, her face gray with age, "Mind you, we had no idea that the Black Flag cult was connected to the evil Kali and that she would focus so much of the cult's resources on this attack. They cut down our primary defense force and would have succeeded in their quest except for your remarkable actions. Really, Mr. Larson! Turning their deadliest assassin into your personal sex slave and bodyguard? And then you killed the unkillable monster, Kali!" "Unkillable? Then it's a good thing you guys had that enchanted sword handy!" The gray woman turned and walked up to the sword, "This is the sword? You killed Kali with this sword? Really? This might interest you Mr. Larson. This sword is a replica which was constructed for us in - let me see - 1947. It was a gift given to our New York facility and transferred here after that campus was destroyed. If is far from being magical or enchanted. It is, in fact, from New Jersey!" Kent looked down, "I guess I got really lucky!" Suddenly Kim's body was moved by a powerful convulsion, her head swung forward making her long black hair whip around to sting Kent's face. Before he could react he heard her gasp for air, her powerful arms shot out to pull him towards her. Kim looked up at him and whispered, "Yes! You got very lucky! But not even a death goddess is going to keep me from you!" He could feel her go limp in his arms, alive but very injured. The gray woman called out for a medical team to take Kim for treatment. The gray women turned to face Kent, "I regret to inform you that Miss Ludmilla Kuntz was killed during the attack. The Board of Regents has declared that a temporary director must be appointed at once. Unfortunatly all of our administrative staff and nearly half of our teaching faculty were also lost. All remaining staff members have assigned duties which can not be neglected. Thankfully we have found an individual who has earned our trust and support." She stepped close and thrust out her hand, "Congratulations!" Kent reached out and took her hand and was too stunned to notice the hidden power in her grip. "Now then! You have a great deal to do and very little time." The gray woman released Kent's hand and stepped back. "Normally an assistant would be assigned from school staff, but we are too short-handed. We feel that your recent recruit, Miss Hui, would be acceptable after she completes a brief training period. This means that for the first few weeks she will be unavailable during the morning hours." "How long is the temporary position?" Kent managed to stammer, "And isn't this a position for a woman?" The gray woman walked up to the large gold statue and looked up, "The duration of this assignment depends on several factors which are out of our hands. It took nearly a year to find Miss Kuntz. However, once we have you cleaned up," she turned to face him, "expect to be presented as a positive male role-model to both students and parents. But be warned! Dealing with a seven-foot-tall death goddess is child's play when compared to dealing with nearly a thousand female students! I wish you the best of luck!" After the gray woman had left Kent noticed that the four remaining student guards were straining to look both fearsome and female at the same time. As he started to walk out of the inner chamber he was hit by a flying button. "I'm so sorry Director Larson!" shouted a well-developed red-head, "I didn't know my own - strength! If you want I'll report to Punishment Detail!" Kent simply smiled and waved as he retreated into the upper levels. It took nearly a month for Kent to come up to speed, and he still thought that everyone was picking up the slack. He was glad to have Kim help him in the afternoons, as a former cult leader she was more comfortable with administrative tasks than he was. The only problem was that every time she walked into the office wearing her school uniform it took him over twenty minutes to recapture his focus. She was doing well in her studies and becoming stronger and if possible harder with each passing week. There had been some incidents due to the fact that she was once the sworn enemy of Goldbrier, but once everyone saw how she acted around Kent she was quickly named the Director's Assassin. Normally a Director dealt with all issues within the above-ground campus and was not aware of the existence of the inner sanctuary chamber, but since Kent had defended the chamber he was allowed full access. Without realizing it, he began to keep a regular schedule where he spent time the chamber by himself. "So Athena," he said softly, "Is this what you were talking about? All I can say is thank you for saving Kim! Without her I'd be going mad by now. Oh sure, I'm surrounded by nearly a thousand muscular women all quite happy pump my brains out, but because of my position I feel bad if I watch one walk across the yard. But if this is a test then I'm failing! I can't keep thinking about the TONS of female muscle surrounding me! Sorry, I guess I bitch too much. I'm sorry." "No, do not feel sorrow," came a low husky voice behind him. Kent turned to find Athena was flesh once more and was removing her helm and armor, "I know your every thought dear Kent. My daughters tempt you, but you are strong! In a short time your permanent replacement will be ready and you will be able to return to a position with more - opportunities." Athena continued to remove the rest of her armor until she stood totally naked in front of Kent. "Ah, Athena, what are you doing?" he whispered. "This is a very difficult thing to do and I am told that very few mortal women are able to perform it. As you have earned my favor I will grant your request to see this done properly. Only because I am a goddess can I do this Must Muscular Pose!" Kent dropped to his knees in shock as Athena's golden muscles exploded in front of him like a super nova. Continued?