DeeDee Delivers By The Captain "DeeDee Delivers" - A Dexter's Lab parody by the Captain. DeeDee bounced down the metal hallway up to the large red button. She tilted her head to one side as she read the "DO NOT TOUCH" sign. Without an instant of hesitation she pushed the button. A heavy metal piston started down from the ceiling above her. Her left hand shot up to stop it. Heavy motors rumbled as they strained to crush her. Faint flickers of muscle flashed along her thin arm as she pushed the button a dozen more times. "Dexter should fix this! I'll go tell him!" She casually shoved the massive piston back into the ceiling, instantly stripping the thick metal gears. As she continued down the hall the walls slammed together, trapping her is a solid metal block. Dexter walked up to the block and said, "Now DeeDee, you will no longer be ruining my experiments! I have developed the perfect plan!" Small cracks began to appear on the side of the block, but before DeeDee could break free Dexter pulled out a one-button remote control and pushed the large red button. An opening appeared under the slab, which instantly vanished into the waiting tunnel. Before the floor closed Dexter thought he heard a faint "I'll tell mom!" During the drop DeeDee found herself falling asleep due to the knockout gas her brother had pumped into the tunnel. Two hours later DeeDee woke up. Dexter had tied her skinny arms and legs to the heavy metal chair with multiple loops of thick chain. Dexter watched from the other side of a three-foot-thick metal door. DeeDee flexed her hard, muscular body as if trying to move it closer to him. She strained against her bonds, her hands raking across the sides of the chair. Her body writhed on the chair, her eyes burned into him. DeeDee laughed, "Ha ha! You never learn! Your toys can't stop me!" She slowly spread her arms, pulling against the constraint of the chains. One of the links of the chain broke with a loud snapping noise. She stuck out her tongue and tensed all the muscles of her upper body. Dexter ducked as shards of metal shot out from the overloaded chains. She held up her powerful arms to look at the chains encircling them. DeeDee took one of the metal links in the fingers of her other hand and twisted. The metal resisted, then gave way. In a moment, she had disposed of the last chain. "Wheee! This is fun!" she said as she slowly pulled the chains apart with her legs, great slabs of rock-hard muscle exploded into view. For a moment the super-strong chains held her, but then she grunted as she broke her bonds. DeeDee bounced up, her blonde pig-tails swinging as she spun around. She clenched her hands around the top of a chair. She wrenched the chair from the floor, twisting and shearing the bolts, and flung it across the room. It crashed against the door, dented the metal, and rebounded halfway to her. Dexter stepped back and watched her tugging at the heavy metal cell door. DeeDee pulled with all the incredible strength of her young muscles. She put all her considerable strength to the task. Finally she braced her feet. She grabbed the door with her hands and pulled hard, great cords of powerful muscle rippling along her thin arms and shoulders. The stupendous strength of her body exerted itself in one furious tug. There was a terrific grind of strained, breaking metal, as the lock cracked apart and she wrenched the cell-door off its hinges. DeeDee's muscles had done a job that might have balked a blast of nitroglycerin. "This can not be!" scrammed Dexter, "No man is strong enough to have escaped from that cell!" DeeDee bounced towards him and laughed, "Well, that's you problem, little brother, I'm a girl!" Dexter's only response was to push a large red button. She felt a sharp sting in the back of her neck and then fell down on the floor asleep. Several hours later she woke up and found herself alone in her bedroom. She bounded out of bed and into Dexter's room. He looked up at her and smiled an evil smile, "Now DeeDee, we shall see who is the genius of the family! While you slept I implanted a neural stimulator into your body that is powered by your every heartbeat. I have eliminated all external controls, there is nothing for you to get you hands on and ruin! My own brain controls the device, a single thought is all that is needed! This is my master plan!" DeeDee looked at herself, "I don't think it's working Dexter, I don't feel any ... ah ... ah ... Dexter!" She had expected him to have made something to cause her pain, perhaps an electric shock, but this seemed to be plugged directly into the pleasure center of her brain. She was amazed that she could think straight. Right then something clicked in her mind, she was her brother's slave and would now do anything he told her to do. Dexter smiled again and ordered her to follow him. Down in his secret lab he showed her a bicycle connected to a large electric generator. "Many of my important experiments utilize vast amounts of electricity. Not wanting our parents to discover this, I have contracted this elegant device. All that I require is some brute of a sister with more muscle than brains. Get on the bicycle DeeDee and show me what you can do!" DeeDee hopped on the bicycle and began to push on the pedals. Because Dexter had used a high gear-ratio this required an incredible effort. As she heard the generator slowly come up to speed Dexter pointed at two gauges. "To make it simple for you I have placed these meters within your view. You will keep the voltage within these two marks and you will continue to generate electricity until that counter returns to zero! I will return in a few hours to check on your progress. Enjoy the exercise DeeDee, this is just the beginning, you shouldn't have bugged me for all of those years! Always showing off with your stupid physical superiority!" With that, Dexter spun around and marched off. Four hours later Dexter allowed he to return to her bedroom and rest. The next day he led her back down into his lab where he had her lie down on a strange machine. "This is my DeeDee toughness testing device. A metal piston is connected to a mechanism which will shoot it out to impact against your unprotected stomach. It can produce a punch up to two-thousand pounds. You have destroyed many important experiments, however, this experiment will break you! But we shall play a little game since you feel that you are so much superior to me with you teenage girl body, that way you will know that I am thinking of my older sister. I will start the machine at a very low setting and you will tell me to increase the power of the impact. We begin now!" Dexter turned a large knob and pushed a red button, "Ten pounds!" DeeDee blinked, "Any time you want to start I'm ready!" Dexter turned to knob and pushed the button, "Twenty pounds!" DeeDee yawned, "I think your machine is broken!" He turned the large knob and pushed the button, "Forty pounds!" DeeDee giggled, "I think I almost felt something." Dexter turned the knob and pushed the red button, "Eighty pounds!" DeeDee stuck out her tongue, "I guess girls are a lot tougher than you thought!" Dexter smiled, "One hundred and sixty pounds!" DeeDee laughed, "Will you get mad if I break this one too?" Dexter pushed the button, "Three hundred and twenty pounds!" DeeDee smiled, "Hey Dexter, a lot of my friends hit harder than that!" Dexter frowned, "Six hundred and forty pounds!" DeeDee blinked, "No, it still doesn't hurt. Are we done yet?" Dexter adjusted the large knob, "One thousand, two hundred and eighty pounds!" DeeDee said, "This is boring, can we do something else?" Dexter flipped a switch, "Now DeeDee, my machine will press against your stomach with the full force of two thousand pounds!" The metal piston slammed down onto DeeDee and built up the maximum pressure it could produce. She laughed and tensed her stomach for the first time. Massive slabs of harder-than-steel muscle pushed against the piston, making the pressure increase over two thousand pounds. Overloaded, the machine crumpled into itself Dexter stood there for a moment watching a small puff of smoke rise from the destroyed machine, "So, my sister is as physically developed as I am mentally developed! Perhaps she needs to discover the limits that her body has. I think she will like to know that. However, it seems that anything I can create she can destroy. I know just who to call. Hours later DeeDee found herself in a large chamber facing a six-foot-tall giant of a man called the Purple Avenger. She was amazed that anyone could move so gracefully with muscles so large. Despite her fear, she could feel herself being attracted to this handsome hulk. In fact, she was beginning to feel a stirring of new emotions within her. DeeDee finally recognized what was happening, she was feeling lust. Her heart pounded, her body twitched, she moved closer to her object of desire. She didn't care if her little brother was watching from some secret camera, she was going to hump this guys brains out! DeeDee launched herself towards the Purple Avenger. He quickly swung her around and slammed her to the ground. Wrapping his twenty-inch arms abound her neck, he pinned her like a bug. DeeDee squirmed under his heavy body, the Purple Avenger was much too strong for her to overcome! She knew that Dexter was somehow making her lust after the handsome wrestler, but she didn't understand why she was powerless to defeat him. The Purple Avenger clearly didn't desire her thin teenage body with her stick-figure arms and legs. Suddenly DeeDee understood! This was Dexter's plan after all! He wanted to show her that she could be defeated by someone stronger than her. That changed everything. Suddenly DeeDee's body began to shake as she struggled to break free of the Purple Avengers grip. Her once skinny limbs began to thicken with accelerated muscular development. For the first time in her life other parts of her anatomy also enlarged and became visible. Dexter stared at his monitor in horror as DeeDee arched her back, lifting the Purple Avenger and revealing breasts that seemed inflate before his eyes. The Purple Avenger strained to hold down the now muscular teenage girl. He began to fear the sexual moans coming from DeeDee as she unleased her long contained passion. Her back was becoming so muscular that it was forcing his legs apart. When a mighty surge of power DeeDee forced the Purple Avenger off of her back and onto the floor. Before he could stand up she had ripped off all of her clothes and jumped on top of him. The Purple Avenger tried to push her off of him but she had grown too strong to resist. The super-tough material of his combat suit was ripped apart like it was tissue paper. He felt the firm weight of DeeDee's double-D breasts on his chest as she wiggled into position. She had become too strong to control. Suddenly they heard Dexter's dart guns fire multiple rounds of sleep-darts into her back. DeeDee just smiled and flexed her back, causing the darts to bounce harmlessly off of her steel-hard muscle. The Purple Avenger began to scream as she gripped him in ways no other woman ever had. Her orgasm hit with such fury that the Purple Avenger was knocked out. Hours later DeeDee returned to her bed room. Dexter's implant still worked, but he was afraid to set up any more tests. They were both surprised when her body did not fully return to it's former shape. DeeDee now had respectable C-cup breasts and the muscle development of a high-school gymnast. With the new school year starting in a month, she was certain that her popularity would rise. Dexter would continue with his grand experiments, but now DeeDee would be a willing assistant. While they never saw the Purple Avenger again, DeeDee would always be willing to give him a rematch.