WEEKEND RUMBLE - Part 3 by C Send comments to: grappler2@mail.com After the previous Two Family Matches; Club Members reconsider their Club Rules. The Club Council has decided that for the time being that there will no longer be "Losing Family Leaves the Club" matches. The Council has also decided to lower the violence level due to the injuries over the last 6 months and return to the basic aims of the League. The original precepts of the League are: 1. Have fun with friends with a common interest 2. Involve in healthy physical competition 3. Sex with other partners 4. Safe and discreet place to live out fantasies. The level of competition and the strong desire of everyone to win at ALL cost have shifted the league along a more vicious and cold blooded stream. The Council has developed a list of rules to return the League to its original course. At 9AM; Club Members begin arriving for the day's activities. Sylvia and Jason greet everyone and direct them to the buffet, bar, pool and game room. Today's contest will pit the Parker Family against the Livingston Family. The winning Family will face the Hooper Family. The Hooper Family is the current Family Champion. The Livingston Family arrives around 9:30 AM and is escorted to their Dressing Room by Jason. The Parker Family arrives around 10 AM - by design to prevent premature action - and is led to their Dressing Room by Sylvia. The Families in Today's Match is separated from the remainder of the Club Members to increase the fighting family's focus. At noon; Jason and Sylvia excuse themselves to change and do a Final Check of the Fight Room. They ensure that their guests have enough to eat and drink before heading for their bedroom. They check on the Parkers and the Livingstons before entering their bedroom. They immediately make love before showering and changing into their refereeing attire. Jason decides on a Black Satin Thong with a Black& White Striped Satin Half-Shirt with Ankle-High Black Athletic Shoes. Sylvia is wearing a White Sheer Silk String Bikini Panty; Black Sheer Silk Half Tank-top; Black Ankle-High Athletic Shoes with Severe Black Makeup and a Black Lace Ribbon securing her hair. They leave their bedroom; walk down the hall and enter the Fight Room. Sylvia inspects the Ring while Jason checks the thick mats around the Ring. After they have completed the check; Jason turns on and adjusts the audio - video equipment while Sylvia stretches in the Ring. Jason rings the bell over the intercom. In the Livingston Dressing Room, The Livingstons have chosen Red & Blue as their colors. The Livingstons get comfortable and unpack. They choose various chairs before deciding what to watch on the HDTV . They have a massive video library to choose from. They all place their orders for food and drink and think room service is cool. They take turns bathing and getting dressed. Larry is wearing a Blue Satin Speedo with a Red "L" in the crotch area; Matching Satin Bomber Jacket and Blue Patent Leather Knee-High Boots. Ann has chosen a Navy Blue Silk High- legged, Low Cut Teddy; Red Satin High-thigh Kimono with Navy Blue Ankle- High Athletic Shoes. Mattie is wearing a Red Silk Bra & String Bikini Panty Set; Full-Length Navy Blue Robe and Red Ankle-High Athletic Shoes. Doug is sitting on a recliner wearing a Sky Blue Silk Sheer Thong ; Sky Blue Satin Ring Jacket with Sky Blue Ankle-high Athletic Shoes. Larry and Ann's mothers have chosen matching outfits. Simone and Belinda are wearing Red Lace Thongs with matching bras; Navy Blue Satin Capes with red "L" in the center of the capes. They complete the look with Red Patent Knee-High Boots. The bell rings over the intercom heralding the coming Match. Before Mattie leaves for the Fight Room; Ann inspects her daughter to make sure her "camel toe" is pronounced so as to act as a distraction and give Mattie an advantage. In the Parker Dressing Room, The Parker Family has chosen Green and Yellow as their colors. George has chosen Green Satin Boxer- Briefs; Green Satin Ring Jacket with Black Knee-High Boots. Dana is wearing a Yellow Silk Bra and Thong Set; Yellow High-Thigh Kimono with Black Ankle- High Athletic Shoes. Carl is wearing a Green Satin Pouch; Green satin Ring Jacket with Black Ankle-high Athletic Shoes. Brittany is wearing a Green Silk Bra & Thong Set; Yellow High-Thigh Kimono with Green Ankle-High Athletic Shoes. George and Dana's Fathers have decided to wear matching outfits for their Bout. Bill & Frank are wearing Yellow Thongs with Green "P" over the crotch area; Full-length, Satin, Green with Yellow trim Robes with Green Patent Knee-High Boots. Everyone partakes of the food and drink and play video games on the HDTV. Brittany "fluffs" her brother for the coming Bout to the amusement of their parents and Grandfathers. Carl heads toward the Fight Room with a full erection ready to make a statement. Club Members and their guests enter the changing Room. Everyone strips down to their underwear to get everyone in the mood before entering the Fight Room. Jason makes a mental observation that many entering the Fight Room are ALREADY aroused. He thinks to himself," This is going to be a good day!" After everyone has taken their seats, Jason greets everyone and reviews the rule changes. Jason says the following regarding the rule changes," As everyone knows after the abuse the losing wrestlers have absorbed over the last six months, we had to make some changes. "Boos break out in the crowd. Jason continues," I know - I know - but take it up with the League Council - which YOU elected! "The "boos" become even louder. Jason lets it go on a while before saying," The Council believes that if things continue along the present course, there will eventually be a League consisting of ONE Family which defeats the purpose of having a League. "Many in the audience laugh. Jason continues, "Today's Match will incorporate these changes: A Match ends at a submission or Knockout. The winner can no longer prolong the Match by not accepting the submission or knockout ; No more "Loser Leaves the Club "Matches; Consequences Sessions are conducted in private only with videos being made for Club Members with the exception being the Final Bout of Today's Match which will be conducted in the Ring ; the losing family will serve the winning family including sexually for one week; Any Hospital time counts toward servitude time and finally Any money changing hands as side bets including the participants or Club Member is limited to $100.00!" The crowd tepidly applauds. Jason continues, "Today's Match will consist of 5 Bouts. They are: Mattie Livingston vs. Carl Parker Doug Livingston vs. Brittany Parker Larry Livingston vs. Dana Parker Ann Livingston vs. George Parker Belinda Livingston & Simone Klyne vs. Frank Parker & Bill Jerome The Single Bouts will have the following stipulations: One Fall; No Time Limit; Win by submission OR knockout with a 60 second count-out; no eye gouging, no foreign objects and no interference. The losing wrestler will submit to a PRIVATE One Hour session in the Consequences Dungeon. In addition, the losing wrestler will submit to one week of servitude and sexual submission to the winning wrestler. All of the above apply to the Final Tag-Team Bout with the additional stipulation allows for all four combatants to be in the Ring at the same time. Tag-team Members may assist one another in "beating down" and sexually assaulting their opponents." Spectators stand and applaud - out of relief - that erotic violence is still a major element of the Bouts. Jason continues, "The Winning Family will face the Hooper Family for the Family Championship in 2 months." Everyone applauds. Jason says," Is everyone ready to get this party started? Everyone screams,"YEAaaaaa! "Jason nods and says," In our 1st Bout, the 1st combatant is: 17 Years Old; 5'6"; weighs 125 lbs with measurements of 34 - 21 - 34. Everyone welcome - Mattie Livingston! Mattie enters the Fight Room wearing a Red Silk Bra & String Bikini Panty Set; Full-Length Navy Blue Robe and Red Ankle-High Athletic Shoes. She struts down the aisle to the delight of the crowd; enters the Ring; waves to the crowd; kisses Sylvia and heads to Her Corner. Jason says," Her opponent is: 16 years old; 5'8; weighs 150 and has a 6" package. Everyone welcome - Carl Parker! "As Carl enters the Fight Room wearing a Green Satin Pouch; Green satin Ring Jacket with Black Ankle-high Athletic Shoes. Carl is fondled and groped as he heads toward the Ring. He enters the Ring; waves to the crowd; hugs Sylvia; blows a kiss to Mattie and heads to His Corner. Sylvia calls them both to the center of the Ring; reviews the rules and consequences and tells them to return to their corners and wait for the bell. Jason bell rings. Mattie has watched several of Carl's Matches on DVD. She has identified several tendencies that Carl has unconsciously demonstrated. Carl - on the other hand - has seen her fight only once. Mattie lost that Match badly which bolstered Carl's confidence. He believes his strength and skill will prevail over ANY possible strategy she might present. He has made several divisive remarks about Mattie which she has silently internalized. Carl approaches Mattie confidently motioning for a lock-up. Mattie backs toward the ropes before she engages Carl in a Collar & Elbow. Carl pushes Mattie against the ropes. Carl sends a forearm that connects with Mattie's breasts. As she bends forward, Carl grabs her ears and shoots a knee into Mattie's face. She drops to her knees from the blow. Carl pulls Mattie to her feet and throws her into the ropes. As she rebounds off the ropes, Carl catches her with a Clothes line that takes Mattie off her feet and lands her on her back. The Clothesline has Mattie writhing on the back struggling to regain her breath. He roughly pulls Mattie to her feet and throws her into the turnbuckle. He charges Mattie and slams into the Corner Post as Mattie quickly spins and traps Carl. She delivers a solid knee that lands with considerable force into Carl's groin area. The pain from the knee permeates Carl's body sending him to the mat clutching his abused balls. Mattie quickly grabs his ears and shoots several knees in a machine gun fashion into Carl's forehead. She releases his ears. Carl falls to the mat and rolls out of the Ring onto the mat placed around the Ring. He lies on the floor; breathing shallow; head ringing; staring at the overhead lights; dazed from the change of fortunes and unaware of an approaching Mattie. She grabs him by his hair; lifts him to his feet and begins slamming his face onto the Ring Apron. After a couple of blows; he slumps to his knees. Mattie picks him up and rolls him into the Ring. Carl lies moaning on his back; blood flowing from his nose and a cut on his forehead. Mattie dips a finger in his blood and sucks her finger with relish. The ferociousness and single- mindedness of Mattie's attack brings a loud cheer from the crowd which only motivates Mattie to continue her deconstruction of Carl. The Bout is less than 5 minutes old and Carl is close to defeat which surprises and worries his friends in the crowd. From the defocused look and the glaze covering his eyes; Mattie decides to continue her attack upon Carl's head. She is determined to send a message to all Parker Family Members. Mattie delivers a knee-drop connecting with Carl's forehead which causes him to moan and his limbs to spasmodically shoot out. Mattie stands; grabs his trembling legs; stands on his right ankle; holds his left leg by his ankle on her shoulder and begins stomping his exposed crotch. Carl screams from the intense pain as spittle mixed with blood runs down the corner of his mouth. The violence in the Ring acts as an aphrodisiac on Club Members .Many are involved in various sex acts as they scream for Mattie to continue her annihilation of Carl . He lies defenseless; immobilized by the pain absorbed from her attack; looks up into Mattie's merciless eyes and sees only further torment in his future. She stands; looks down and takes inventory of her handiwork. Carl is bleeding from cuts: on his forehead, below his left eye, nose, both lips and right ear. Both eyes are swelling shut from the beating. His balls are purple and swollen from the knees and stomps. Deep bruising is appearing on his ribs, chest and back. Carl's breathing is labored and his thinking processes are misfiring. Mattie pulls a disoriented Carl to his feet by his hair and cock. She leads him to a turnbuckle and begins slamming his bloody head into the top turnbuckle. Spectators cheer with several reaching climax. After his forehead's second impact with the turnbuckle, he drops to his knees. Mattie slams his forehead into the second turnbuckle several times until he loses consciousness. Sylvia pulls Mattie off her unconscious foe. Sylvia begins the count out. As Sylvia reaches 60, she motions for the bell. She grabs Mattie's arm and raises it high in victory. The Ring Doctor - Dr. Braden - enters the Ring and begins treating Carl. Jason Says," The winner of the 1st Bout in 9 minutes and 38 seconds by knock-out is Mattie Livingston! She wins one point for the Livingston Family." Everyone stands and applauds Mattie's domination of Carl. Dr. Braden revives Carl and determines that he is capable of enduring a 1 Hour Consequence Session. He signals Jason. Jason says," Carl Parker - go to the center of the Ring and present yourself! "The crowd shouts insults and mocking remarks as Carl stands and staggers to the center of the Ring. He removes his briefs; drops to his knees; bows his head and presents his blood-stained pouch to his conqueror. She accepts the brief and forces him to kiss her pantied -covered pussy as a sign of submission. Mattie then leads Carl from the Fight Room by his fully erect cock to the Dungeon where she will administer his punishment for losing. After Mattie and her servant have left the Fight Room; Jason says." Our next bout will begin in 1 Hour. Refreshments are in the Den and the Bar is open! "Everyone cheers and leave with high expectations for the next Bout. Doug Livingston vs. Brittany Parker The Parker Family is shaken over the manner that Carl was defeated and humiliated. By the end of the Bout; Mattie controlled Carl physically, emotionally and sexually. Brittany makes a vow to her family that she will avenge her brother's loss. She swears that she will have Doug begging to eat her pussy and stick his tongue deep up her ass. Her Mom and Dad beam and express confidence in their daughter. The Livingstons watch with glee over the Closed -Circuit TV and cheer as their daughter punishes Carl in the Room of Woe. The Parker Family chooses not to watch. As Mattie finishes up, the bell rings heralding an end to the Punishment Hour and for the participants for the next Bout to come to the Fight Room. Jason says," Did the last Bout get you excited? "The crowd screams," YEA!!" Jason continues," The same rules and consequences apply as to the last Bout. Our 1st Wrestler is: 5'10 "; Weighs 155 lbs.; 7.75 " Package. Everyone welcome - Doug Livingston! "Doug enters the Fight Room wearing a Sky Blue Silk Sheer Thong; Sky Blue Satin Ring Jacket with Sky Blue Ankle- high Athletic Shoes. He walks down the aisle waving and shaking hands; enters the Ring; kisses Sylvia and acknowledges the crowd. Jason raises the microphone and continues," His opponent is: 17 years old; 5'4"; weighs 116; 33-22-33. Everyone welcome - Brittany Parker!" Brittany enters wearing a Green Silk Bra & Thong Set; Yellow High-Thigh Kimono with Green Ankle-High Athletic Shoes. She allows herself to be groped as she walks toward the aisle. As she enters the Ring, her excitement is evident by the hardness of her nipples. She hugs Sylvia; bows to Doug; waves to the crowd and retreats to Her Corner. Sylvia calls both wrestlers to the center of the Ring. She reviews the rules and consequences and tells them to return to their corners and wait for the Bell. Jason waits a few seconds before ringing the Bell. Doug comes out confidently after watching his sister destroy Brittany's brother destroyed. He mocks Brittany's brother by calling him "pussy whipped" hoping to get a rise. Brittany does not disappoint and charges him. Doug quickly catches her with a Judo toss driving her into the mat. As soon as she hits the mat; he delivers a knee-drop across her chest. The Judo Toss combined with the Knee Drop leaves Brittany breathless. Doug drives several fists into her abdomen causing further distress. She curls up trying to relieve the pain. He picks Brittany up; positions his hands and executes a Suplex pausing at the top to let more blood run into her head before slamming her to the mat. She bounces off the mat before settling breathless on the mat. Club Members cheer Doug's attack. He picks Brittany to her; positions his hands and executes a DDT. She slams face first into the mat leaving her motionless -facedown - on the mat. Before Sylvia can begin to count her out; Doug pulls Brittany to her feet. She can only stand with his support. Doug places her in a bear hug; positions her left arm behind her back before attempting a Belly to Belly Suplex. In the process of attempting the Suplex; Brittany clamps on a vice -like grip on Doug's package. As Brittany's back slams into the mat, she squeezes and twists Doug's balls. While Brittany lies stunned on the mat; Doug writhes on the mat clutching his balls and stamping his feet desperately trying to dissipate the intense pain. Both wrestlers are caught up in their own private Hell. Brittany lies stunned, disoriented and Doug has pain radiating out from his groin to his complete body. It takes several minutes for both wrestlers to get to their feet. They shakily approach with the fog gradually lifting from their heads with the pain becoming tolerable enough to continue their struggle. Brittany challenges Doug to a slugfest. Doug readily agrees. The crowd cheers as the level of violence increases. They face one another with their arms at their sides. Doug tells Brittany to go first. She slams a fist into Doug's jaw. He drops to a knee with blood dripping from his mouth. Doug shakes his head, stands and drives his fist into Brittany's jaw which spins her around sending her face down on the mat. It takes Brittany several seconds to get to her feet. She faces Doug with pure hate in her eyes and lands a punch into Doug's solar plexus. He drops to both knees desperately trying to regain his breath. Doug stands and delivers another shot to Brittany's jaw. She screams; spins around again and lands face down on the mat. Brittany lies facedown, eyes closed with her right leg twitching. Doug grabs Brittany by her hair; pulls her to her feet and knees her in her pussy. The shock of pain brings Brittany back to reality. Doug picks her up ready to deliver a Power Slam when Brittany delivers an uppercut to Doug's package. This causes Doug to fall on his back with Brittany on top of him. She recognizes her opportunity; grabs his hair and begins slamming his head onto the mat with a vengeance. The crowd - already standing - shouts encouragement to Brittany and offer suggestions on further moves to punish Doug. The "head slamming" leaves Doug dazed as Brittany pulls him to his feet. She whips him into the ropes .As he ricochets off the ropes; she catches him across the throat. Doug flies off his feet and lands on his back clutching his throat and gasping for air. Brittany follows this up with a complete Body Stomping. He screams after each stomp and curls up trying to defend himself. She sends a kick into the middle of his back which opens him up for a second round of Body Stomping. He lies splayed out; staring blankly at the ceiling; moaning loudly; bleeding from the nose and mouth. Brittany looks down with a sense of pride as she reflects on her comeback. She pulls Doug to his feet. He offers very little resistance and is barely able to stand. Brittany gets behind him; lifts him off his feet and executes an Atomic Drop. His scream fills the room as his balls connect with her knee. He falls off Brittany's knee, falling face-first to the mat, clutching his balls with his ass high in the air, moaning loudly and kicking the mat to relieve the pain. Brittany grabs the sides of his thong and rips them off revealing a very abused package. Club Members cheer Brittany egging her on. She kicks his ass causing him to fall flat on his stomach drawing a loud laugh from the audience. She straddles Doug's back and sits down; tenderly she positions her arms around his neck and applies the Sleeper. Doug struggles but is unable to escape. The Fight Room becomes quiet as she sensually knocks Doug out. Brittany kisses his ear and the right side of his face as she tightens the grip. His erect cock moves spasmodically as he tries to escape. Doug's efforts become more and more ineffectual as he loses consciousness. Sylva tells Brittany to release the hold and she counts Doug out. Sylvia completes the count and motions for Jason to ring the bell. Jason rings the bell and says," In 12 minutes and 49 seconds, the winner of the Bout by knockout is Brittany Parker! She equalizes the Match; Parker family = 1, Livingston Family = 1! "Dr. Braden enters the Ring and treats Doug. After he revives Doug, He examines the boy and determines that Doug could participate in a Consequences Session. Dr. Braden signals Jason. Jason says," Brittany has won a 1 Hour Consequences Session which will begin Doug's week of servitude. After they leave the Fight Room; drinks and food will be available in the Den." A naked Doug crawls like a dog to the center of the Ring. Sylvia hands Doug his thong which he presents to a victorious Brittany. She accepts the ripped thong; commands Doug to kiss each foot and her pussy. She places a dog leash around his neck and follows Brittany with head bowed to the Dungeon for further "training. Larry Livingston vs. Dana Parker Larry and Ann weep while they watch the punishment and humiliation that Brittany heaps upon Doug. Larry vows he will get even and payback for Doug by severely tormenting Dana. The Parkers cheer Brittany on as she punishes and humiliates with a vengeful pleasure a semi-conscious and very "fucked up" Carl Parker. After an hour, Jason rings the bell signaling the end of the torment. Brittany leaves the Room of Woe leaving her unconscious, moaning, twitching foe. Jason says, "Our 3rd Bout is ready." the crowd cheer. Jason continues, "Our 1st wrestler is: 6'0"; weighs 195 lbs. and an 8" package. Everyone welcome -Larry Livingston!" Larry enters wearing a Blue Satin Speedo with a Red "L" in the crotch area; Matching Satin Bomber Jacket and Blue Patent Leather Knee-High Boots. He runs to the Ring ready to do battle; slides under the bottom rope and heads to His Corner ignoring the cheers. He is focused only on defeating Dana. Jason says," His opponent is: 5'8"; weighs 130; 37-26- 35. Put your hands together for Dana Parker!" Dana enters wearing a Yellow Silk Bra and Thong Set; Yellow High-Thigh Kimono with Black Ankle-High Athletic Shoes. She walks confidently down the aisle kissing and hugging fans; enters the Ring; hugs Sylvia and heads to Her Corner. Both wrestlers signal they already understand the rules and signal Sylvia. She signals Jason. He rings the bell. Dana charges Larry. This approach has worked before. Larry and Dana have fought 4 times with Larry winning 3 of the Matches. The only time she won was when she set the tone. Larry sidesteps Dana and delivers a chop across the back of her neck which drops her to one knee. Larry follows up with a Spin Kick which leaves her face down on the mat. The Bout is less than 1 minute and Larry is in complete control. He grabs the blonde by her hair; positions his hands and executes a Swinging Neck-breaker. Dana writhes on the mat clutching her neck. He forces Dana to her feet; grabs her by her neck and thong and executes a Suplex which sends Dana out of the Ring onto the mats around the Ring. The 16' drop knocks all air from her lungs and creates a white hot pain center that runs up and down her spine . "Oohs" and "ahhhs" fill the Fight Room from the spectacular maneuver. Spectators applaud and encourage Larry to keep it up. Larry stands on the Ring Apron; takes her measure before launching himself and landing a Flying Elbow across her chest. This maneuver draws a standing ovation. Larry rips her bra and thong off and tosses the items into his Corner. Spectators cheer the naked girl flayed out on the floor. Sweat glistens on her bald defenseless pussy. Dana lies dazed and confused with deep bruises developing on her neck, back and breasts. Her body trembles from the cruel treatment. She weeps from the pain and is unable to prevent Larry from roughly getting her to her feet and tossing her into the Ring. Slowly - deliberately - Larry slides under the bottom rope; approaches the naked, defenseless woman; looks down at her with contempt and spits in her face. Club Members cheer loudly their approval of Larry's display of contempt. Larry quickly executes a Knee Drop across her face drawing a howl of pain from Dana's lips and a torrent of blood from her broken nose. He tosses Dana onto her stomach; spreads her legs; raises her ass; reveals his cock and rams his cock quickly and roughly up her ass! She wails from the shock and pain of his size. Everyone in the Fight Room stands and applauds Larry's viciousness. Their cheers grow as Dana's sobs become more pronounced. Sylvia becomes "wet" at the erotic sight. After what seems like hours but in truth merely minutes; Larry shoots a massive load up her ass. Spectators applaud Larry's dominance. Dana has long since had any thought of winning the Bout and is simply trying to survive his attack. Larry looks with satisfaction as his cum runs from her butt and runs down her leg. The broken nose makes it difficult for Dana to breathe. He pulls Dana to her feet by her blood-soaked hair. The dazed look in Dana's tear-stained eyes telegraphs that no one is home. He licks some blood from her face before slamming her face into a turnbuckle. The blow mercifully knocks her out. Sylvia attempts to raise Larry's bloody hand as he drags the unconscious woman to the center of the Ring. Finally Larry releases his prey and allows his arm to be raised in victory. . Jason picks up a microphone and says," In 11 minutes and 38 seconds; the winner by knockout is Larry Livingston! The Livingstons lead the Parkers 2 Bouts to 1 Bout! "Dr. Braden enters the Ring and begins treating a very "fucked up" Dana Parker. She weeps loudly as the Doctor sets her nose. He confers with Sylvia and Jason and the decision is made to allow the Consequences Session to proceed. Jason says," It has been determined that Dana is able to participate in the Consequences Session. "Sylvia assists a naked, weeping, demoralized, aching Dana Parker to the center of the Ring to submit herself to her conqueror. She drops to her knees; bows her head and presents her clothing to Larry. He accepts her clothing as his cum continues to run down her legs from her ass reaming. He motions for Dana to show her submission by worshipping his cock. Dana complies and brings Larry to a 2nd climax. The crowd shouts their approval as Dana swallows all his seed. Dana follows him out of the Ring and Fight Room with her head bowed and her heart filled with fear anticipating the terrors of the Dungeon. Ann Livingston vs. George Parker George is deeply distressed and seethes with anger as he watches his wife being tortured and humiliated by a gleeful and enthusiastic Larry Livingston. Her feeble cries and pleadings are heard in the Fight Room and both Dressing Rooms. Ann looks on with pride as Larry fucks Dana in the ass. This activity along with intense but gentle fondling and finding an unexpected erogenous zone brings Dana to an orgasm against her will. As her last wave of pleasure wanes; she is filled with shame over allowing Larry to control her emotionally. George plans on taking out his vengeance on Ann. Sylvia rings the bell calling an end to the Consequences Session and the wrestlers for the next Bout to the Fight Room. Jason stretches in the Ring. Sylvia and Jason have switched spots for the final two Bouts. Sylvia picks up the microphone and says," Our 1st wrestler in our next Bout is: 57"; weighs 130 lbs. with measurements of 37-26-35. Everyone put your hands together for Ann Livingston!" Ann enters the fight Room to loud applause. She is wearing a Navy Blue Silk High-legged, Low Cut Teddy; Red Satin High- thigh Kimono with Navy Blue Ankle-High Athletic Shoes. She heads toward the Ring receiving pats and kisses from her friends and fans. Ann receives a final arousing grope before entering the Ring. She hugs Jason; waves to the crowd and retreats to her Corner. Sylvia quiets the crowd before saying, "Her opponent is: 6'01"; weighs 190 and has a 7.25 package. Everybody Welcome - George Parker!" The crowd applauds as George enters the Fight Room. He is wearing Green Satin Boxer-Briefs; Green Satin Ring Jacket with Black Knee-High Boots. He enters the Ring; shakes Jason's hand; acknowledges the crowd and heads to His Corner. Jason calls them both to the center of the Ring. The wrestlers ignore one another while Jason reviews the rules and consequences and tells them to return to their corners and wait for the bell. Ann and George cautiously approach one another. George -filled with rage - is barely able to contain his anger over watching his wife being so completely abused. Ann reads George's anger through his eyes and body language. She makes facial expressions and verbally taunts George trying to get him to react. Finally he loses control and lunges at Ann. She is ready and hip tosses him to the mat. George hits the mat hard knocking the breath out of him. Ann quickly applies a Twisting Arm Bar Wrist Lock Combination causing George to stamp the mat hard out of frustration and to relieve the pain shooting throughout him arm. This causes the spectators to cheer as Ann cinches the hold in tighter which only causes George to howl louder. She straddles his body while maintaining her hold and further stabilizing her control over him. Unable to escape the hold; George lies with his cheek against the mat; sobbing out of frustration; his arm is numb except for the lightning bolts of pain shooting up and down his arm with his ass high in the air. Ann quickly changes her position and straddles his arm. Ann jumps into the air and sits down hard on George's shoulder. George screams in pain as his shoulder is dislocated. Spectators shout their approval of Ann's maneuver. George's left arm is rendered useless. Ann decides to work on a different body part to create a new pain center. As he clutches his injured shoulder and sobs uncontrollably from the pain; Ann grabs George's right leg and applies a Step-Over Toe Hold. She adds an Ankle Lock which causes loud wails of agony to fill the room. She adds verbal taunts which only increases her mental control and his agony. Ann focuses on his growing erection which she plants in George's mind is a secret desire on his part to be dominated . He tries to cause his erection to reside which only causes him to become fully erect to the delight of the crowd. Ann decides to "amp up" the pain and applies a Spinning Toe Hold which causes George to scream hysterically from the intense pain. She reaches down ; easily brushes his hands aside ; grabs his erect cock ; pulls it out his Boxer-Briefs ; milks him while applying the Step-Over Toe Hold causing George to climax against his will. Ann aims his cock so that his cum lands on his face. Spectators clap approvingly at Ann's physical and emotional control. With one bad arm and leg; George knows resistance is futile. Ann feeds George his own cum. Ann easily overcomes George's crumbling defenses. She forces George to strip himself with his one good arm ; face the camera ; masturbate to climax and eat his 2nd load of cum. Sylvia asks George if he surrenders . He looks at Ann for permission to surrender before answering by shaking his head -NO! Ann smiles and continues to punish and humiliate George. He is completely under her spell. At Ann's command; George faces the crowd with his fully erect cock; bows his head; accepts the taunts from the crowd and lies down on his back in the middle of the Ring. Ann straddles George; unsnaps her Teddy; positions herself over his mouth and releases a stream of piss. Sylvia motions Jason to ring the bell. Everyone in the Fight Room cheer Ann and the manner in which she won the Bout. The "Golden Shower" acts as an exclamation point and wins not only the Bout but the Match! Sylvia raises Ann's hand high in the air as final drops of piss fall onto George's face. Jason says," In 9 minutes and 17 seconds; the Winner of the Bout and the Match by submission is Ann Livingston. The Livingstons win the Match 3 -1. The Final bout will be for only pride since Ann has cinched the Match for Her family by her win! "Dr. Braden enters the Ring and treats a piss covered George. The doctor pops George's shoulder into the joint which draws a loud scream. A Ring Second gathers George's clothes and takes the stack of clothing into the Livingston's Dressing Room. George gets on his knees; kisses Ann's pussy cleaning the piss off and submits over the microphone to Ann's superiority. George stands and is led from the Ring by his cock from the Fight Room to the Dungeon for further punishment. Jason says," Our Final Bout will begin in 1Hour! The Buffet and Bar are open!" Belinda Livingston & Simone Klyne vs. Frank Parker & Bill Jerome Bill and Frank watch with disgust as George submits to being fucked in the ass by Ann. He appears to be completely under her spell George is bleeding from his nose and lips and both eyes are blackened with his left eye swollen shut from the whip and the studded glove - George IS Ann's Bitch. Ann rewards his submissiveness by driving him to climax. She feeds him his own cum mixed with his blood which he greedily devours. Sylvia rings the bell for the final Bout. Bill and Frank head to the Fight Room disgusted that the Livingstons have won the Match. They believe that their opponents might slack up and be under the false impression that Bill and Frank might not put up a fight. The men believe they have an opportunity to win and drop some REAL humiliation on their heads. They plan to DESTROY the Livingston Bitches! Through a courier, they send a message to Belinda and Simone with specific plans of what they have in store for them in the Consequences Session. Belinda and Simone read the message and respond with laughter instead of fear. Sylvia announces, "Our Final Bout of the evening is a Tag-Team Bout!" The crowd cheers. Sylvia continues," It will be a "Pier 6" Brawl!" The crowd cheers louder. Sylvia says, "Our first team has experience with a 4-0 record. Simone Klyne is: 5'6"; weighs 129 lbs. and has measurements of 36-26-35. Belinda Livingston is 5'5"; weighs 129 lbs. and has measurements of 35-26-35. Sow your appreciation! "The crowd cheers loudly as they enter the Fight Room. Ann's mother and mother in-law have chosen matching outfits. They are wearing Red Lace Thongs with matching bras; Navy Blue Satin Capes with red "L" in the center of the capes. They complete the look with Red Patent Knee-High Boots. They walk down the aisle and enter the Ring. Both hug Jason; rub his crotch and head to their corner. Sylvia calms the crowd down and says." Their opponents have a record of 2-1. Bill Jerome is: 6'0"; weighs 170 and has a 7" package. Frank Parker is: 6'1"; weighs 170 pounds and has a 6.5 package. Everyone show your love! "The crowd cheers as they enter the Fight Room. Bill & Frank are wearing Yellow Thongs with Green "P" over the crotch area; Full-length, Satin, Green with Yellow trim Robes with Green Patent Knee-High Boots. They receive cold stares from Simone and Belinda as they approach the Ring. Cautiously - they enter the Ring. They return the stare as they approach Jason in the middle of the Ring. Jason reviews the rules and consequences; moves aside and signals Sylvia to ring the bell. All four combatants attack one another like wild animals. They stand in the middle of the Ring throwing punches and delivering kicks that brings shouts of excitement from the crowd. The intensity of the action is only accentuated by none of the wrestlers backing down. All are absorbing all of the punishment that one can deliver. None of the combatants are able to gain an advantage. Frank tosses Simone out of the Ring where they continue their battle. Frank runs Simone into the padded Corner Post. The impact disorients Simone. Frank slams her head into the Ring Apron eliciting loud squeals from Simone. Belinda has Bill trapped in a Corner delivering devastating kicks to Bill's body and groin. Belinda picks him up by his hair and tosses him across the Ring. She does further damage by catching him in the head with a Baseball slide. Frank delivers an uppercut to Simone's pussy. She drops to her knees clutching her injured womanhood and crying from the intense pain. Frank picks Simone up and rolls her into the Ring. As Frank slides under the bottom rope to follow up; Belinda begins stomping him giving Simone enough time to recover. Bill attacks Belinda from behind slamming her face into the top turnbuckle. Several minutes of back and forth action take their toll on both teams. After 10 minutes of non-stop action; Simone catches Frank with an uppercut that sends him to the mat. He lies stunned staring at the lights while Simone and Belinda double- team Bill. Simone holds him while Belinda delivers punch after punch into his face, body and groin. After a minute of being pummeled, Bill drops to the mat in a semi-conscious state in a fetal position. Frank starts to regain his senses and his roughly pulled to his feet by Simone. She grabs his ears and shoots several knees that connect with Frank's forehead. She releases Frank's ears and he drops back to the mat completely dazed and not sure of where he is at. Frank's moans are as music to Simone's ears. Bill rolls out of the Ring trying to get his bearings. Belinda follows him out of the Ring to continue her barrage. Simone follows Belinda to continue with the "beat-down". Bill fights back feebly as Simone and Belinda overpowers him. Simone secures Bill's arms as Belinda deliver punch after punch and kick after kick opening up a cut under his left eye. Belinda looks with satisfaction as blood flows from his swollen nose ., observes both eyes turning purple and swelling shut and blood trickling out of two cuts on his forehead . Frank staggers to his feet; walks to the Ring Apron and hurls himself at Belinda and Simone in an effort to assist Bill. Belinda moves at the last moment causing Frank to hit Bill. Frank lies on top of a motionless Bill. Simone pulls Frank off Bill by his hair and slams his head several times into the Ring Apron causing blood to fly from a newly developed cut in his head. Belinda pulls a barely conscious Bill to his feet; positions his head between her legs and executes a Piledriver which knocks any remaining consciousness from him. She removes his pouch and tosses it into their corner as a souvenir. Club Members laugh as Bill's penis shoots up. Belinda pulls the limp body of Bill to his feet and rolls him into the Ring. Simone kisses Frank relishing the taste of blood in his mouth; yanks his pouch off -tossing it into her corner; rolling her naked rival into the Ring. Both males lie on the mat; disoriented; pain permeating their body; the humiliation of fully erect cocks; blood flowing freely from cuts on their bodies and eyes swollen shut obstructing their view of the action. Their pre-match planning bitterly crosses their minds. Neither can figure out how things went so bad. Spectators cheer, laugh, taunt and offers suggestions for further punishment and humiliation. The Livingston team grabs Frank and attempt to bring him to his feet. Frank catches Simone with an uppercut to her pussy. The blow isn't powerful enough to make her leave her feet. Belinda retaliates for Simone by delivering a Spin Kick that causes Frank to do a 360 degree flip before settling motionless facedown on the mat. They turn their attention to the only conscious member of the Parker Team in the Ring. Simone executes a Reverse Face- Sit ensuring Bill's arms are secured. Belinda secures his legs and applies a Stomach Claw. The pain from the Claw hold draws an immediate response from Bill. Everyone in the Fight Room stands and applauds the Livingston's creativity and viciousness. Bill's muffled cries can barely be heard as Simone creates a solid seal with her pussy preventing any air from relieving his oxygen-deprived lungs from getting relief. After a couple of minutes, all movement ceases. Jason taps Simone and Belinda. They raise their hands in victory. Due to last minute rule changes; the Consequences Session will take place in the Ring as a final treat to Club Members. Sylva says," In 16 minutes and 25 seconds; the winner by submission is the team of Belinda and Simone! The Final score is: Livingston - 4 Parker - 1! "Everyone cheers. Sylvia continues," The Consequences Session will begin in 30 minutes! The bar is open. " Dr. Braden enters the Ring and begins treating the injuries of the Parkers. The Livingstons look on deciding on ways to punish and humiliate Bill & Frank. Ideas from the audience are passed on to the ladies. They add the suggestions to their own ideas to create a very special Consequences Session. They are determines to dominate Frank & Bill physically, emotionally and sexually. Jason signals for various instruments of torture to be brought into the Ring. A Suspended Rack is brought into the Ring. It is assembled and tested. A "Toy Box" is brought into the Ring by a couple of Rind Attendants. Sylvia rings the bell summoning everyone to the Fight Room. As everyone takes their seat, Jason enters the Ring and inspects the Suspended Rack and the "toys" in the "Toy Box". Belinda and Simone return to the Ring in anticipation of executing their Plan. Frank and Bill wait naked, silently, with heads bowed in the middle of the Ring. Sylvia rings the bell indicating the beginning of the Consequences Session. Jason signal Belinda and Simone to begin. They seductively strip for everyone in the Fight Room. The ladies approach the vanquished; grab their ears and thrust the men's mouth to their pussies and hump their mouths to orgasm. The crowd goes wild. They yank the men to their feet ; walk them over to the "suspended Racks "; secure their wrists and ankles ; signals the Rind Attendant to raise them off the ground ; signals for the males' arms and legs positioned to allow tension and maximum vulnerability . They signal the Ring Attendant to slowly turn the Racks to display their "trophies. Simone blindfolds the men to add to their fear. Frank and Bill's fear is manifested by their full erections which only add to their humiliation. Both ladies go to the "Toy Box" and pull "cat-of-nine-tails" with marble dildo-shaped handles out of the box. They approach the men and begin to whip every inch of their bodies. They scream as the whips leave whelps and cuts all over their bodies. After a few minutes of continuous punishment; they are reduced to quivering masses. They beg and plead for mercy which acts as an aphrodisiac. This brings Belinda and Simone to a strong second orgasm. Spectators cheer as Frank and Bill's bodies twitch from the blows. Their cocks flop up and down as their bodies are beat. With blindfolds firmly in place; The ladies ram the dildo-shaped handles roughly up their ass. They work the dildos - to the delight of the crowd - like maestros bring both men to orgasm. They shoot their load onto the mat. Club Members stand and cheer the Livingstons control and the humiliation the Parkers feel. The Livingstons release the Parkers to end the Match with a grand finale. As Frank and Bill lie sobbing in fetal positions; Belinda rips their blindfolds off. Simone gets down on one knee and menacingly pulls both of the men's chins to face her. Simone says," Both of you are our bitches. I command you to put on a show for our fellow Club Members. "They look at her with confused look. Belinda adds, "You will put on the show what you planned for us to perform!" Both men look with horror and wonder how she knew. Simone continues," You will fuck each other OR we will REALLY punish you! The marks will be lasting and we WILL add electricity to our play! "Bill and Frank shudder from the words and tone which mean Belinda and Simone are serious. Reluctantly; Frank & Bill look at one another realizing there is no way out and - embrace. To the delight of everyone in the Fight Room; they suck and fuck each other for 30 minutes. After both men are spent; Simone places a dog collar around a sobbing Frank's neck; attaches a leash and walks him around the Ring. Belinda does the same thing to Bill. After several times around the Ring with the men's cum dripping onto the mat; Belinda and Simone lead their slaves from the Fight Room into a week of servitude. Both women have creative ideas for "tasks" the men will be required to do. Sylvia picks up the microphone and says," The Livingstons have won the right to face the Hoopers. The match will occur in 90 Days! "The crowd cheers. Sylvia continues," The Buffet and Bar are open. Feel free to enjoy the many diversions that are available!"