Monthly Family League Meeting by C "Tryouts!" Part 4 Send comments to The bell rings over the intercom calling people into the Fight Room for the next Bout.Sylvia enters the Ring and stretches to prepare herself to her Refereeing duties. Jason sits at the Timekeeper's Desk. He picks up the microphone to do a volume check. After waiting several minutes, Jason says," The present score is the Mendoza Family has 2 Points and the Parker Family has 0 Points. The next Bout will be a "A" Bout.It will be : no time limit; one fall won by submission,10 Count Pin or a Knock-out with a 60 second count-out. Neither wrestler is allowed to: Gouge eyes, Kneedrop to the head, Stomping, Biting or Using Foreign objects.Our 1st grappler is 5'0" and weighs 100 pounds. Everyone welcome Carlito.He walks to the Ring in a Sea Green Silk Jock Strap. He compliments this with Blood Red Knee High Boots & Pads.Various Club Members hug him and cop a feel as he reaches the Ring.He slides under the bottom rope,acknowledges the crowd looks and hugs Sylvia. After the embrace is over; it is obvious from the 12 year old's physical reaction that he enjoyed the hug. Club members laugh but some are having similar reaction to Sylvia's outfit. Jason continues, " His opponent is a classmate . She is 5'2" and weighs 97 pounds. Everyone welcome - Gena! The girl struts down the aisle wearing BurntOrange Lace String bikini Panty with a matching bra.She completes the look with Lemon Yellow with Burnt Orange Trim Satin Pads& matching Knee-high Boots.Friends hug & grope her in route to the Ring.She enters the Ring,hugs Sylvia and glances at Carlito. She smiles inwardly, realizing she has achieved the desired effect. The look in Carlito's eyes reveal that he is more concerned with groping her than defeating her. Although Gena is slightly aroused, she is determined to further distract Carlito and pay HIM back for what his brother & sister did to her siblings.Sylvia calls both wrestlers to the center of the Ring. She reviews the rules and asks for questions.They stare at each other and shake their heads-No! Sylvia tells them to shake hands. As Carlito sticks out his hand; Gena pulls him close; delivers a long kiss and wraps her leg around his torso.She releases the kiss and reurns to her Corner. Carlito remains in the center of the Ring; staring with a dazed and confused look; with his youthful penis pointing directly at a smiling Gena.The bell rings! Gena casually approaches Carlito. He apprears planted in the center of the Ring as Gena playfully reaches for him. He grins and lets his guard down.She kisses him and wraps her leg a second time around his torso and begins a humping motion. Carlito quickly responds to her advances and loses himself in his boyish lust.Gena slips behind him; kicks his leg out; reaches and grabs his balls; she slightly squeezes to let Carlito who is in control and takes him down to his stomach. As he lies on his stomach under her control; She begins to "milk" him.Gena's strategy of alternating pain and pleasure is keeping him off balance.Gena's mother helped her develop this strategy. As she brings him to climax,he fills his Jock Strap Pouch with his own cum. Gena has demonstrated her sexual control and partial emotional control over her classmate. Gena believes it is time to demonstrate TOTAL control as he lies physically spent with his thought process muddled. The Bout is 5 minutes old and Carlito has not made an aggressive move toward Gena. Gena controls his mind and body. If he doesn't move soon,he will end up in the Parker's Holding Pen. As Carlito lies facedown,Gena affectionately wraps her arm around his throat like an anaconda and squeezes.The Choke hold shakes Carlito out of his "fog" and he struggles frantically to break the hold.Gena increases the pressure while nibbling on and kissing his ear. This tactic further confuses Carlito but he tries to fight through it. Her Choke Hold combined with his frantic ineffectual attempt to escape; slowly robs him of his energy and will. Gena pulls his limp body to his feet.She whispers something in his ear . He shakes his head and yells,"NOoo!" Gena swithches her Hand Positions and applies a Neve Hold.Carlito screams fill the room as his body thrashes aimlessly seeking relief. She decreases pressure on the Nerve Hold,kisses his ear and whispers something. Carlito cries,"NOOoooo, NOooo , Nooo!" Gena kisses his neck and increases pressure on the Nerve Hold. Carlito drops to his knees; eyes beginning to roll back into his head;spittle running down the corners of his mouth; his fingers pry ineffectually at Gena's arms and hands. Gena decreases pressure a third time and repeats her request. He cries and shakes his head -YES! Gena maintains her hold while Carlito removes his boots,pads and cum-filled Jock Strap. He faces the Parker Family Box;drops to his knees and masturbates for the amusement of her Family and the humiliation of his Family. Gena parades her trophy around the Ring before pulling to the center of the Ring and applies the Dragon Sleeper Hold. Carlito is completely defeated. Gena has proven to be his master in every sense.He falls to the mat; loses consciousness and control his bladder. Gena lays him in a puddle of his own piss as Sylvia counts him out.Several school mates of the wrestlers are in the audience and will surely spread the details of the Bout on Monday. Sylvia counts Carlito out as she places her boot on his unconscious face. Carlito's Penis stands at attention showing grudging respect for his conqueror.Sylvia signals Jason to ring the bell as she raises Gena's hand. Jason says," In 22 minutes and 36 seconds; the winner by Knockout is Gena Parker.The score stands as follows: Mendoza Family 2 Points and the Parker Family has 1 Point. Dr. Braden is treating Carlito. After the completion of the treatment;He will be escorted into the Parker Family Holding Pen.The Buffet and the Bar are open . The next Bout will begin in 2 Hours."