Monthly Family League Meeting By C Tryouts! - part 2 Send comments to An hour passes and The Warning Bell rings out the 10 minute warning. Club Members return to the Fight Room loooking forward to more mayhem. Everyone gets seated.Sylvia says,"The next Match will be a "Pier 6" Match.All combatants will be in the Ring simultaniously;No Time limit. The ONLY way to win the Match is the TOTAL defeat of the losing family. ALL family members of the losing team MUST be NAKED & UNCONSCIOUS IN THE RING.ALL family members will fight barefoot & without Knee &Elbow Pads.No Disqualification except for NO Foreign Objects are allowed.The Consequences to the losing family to re-apply for League Membership are:Surrender of Clothing Ceremony;1 Hour Punishment Session in the Ring for the amusement of Club Membersand 48Hour servitude to the Winning Family.It is time to meet the applicants!" The crowd's noise level reaches College Football Level. The Lincoln's escort their applicant's to the Ring.Bruce & Sienna enter the Fight Room with the Lynk Family.Sienna says, "Club members - we wish to introduce the Lynk Family.They request membership in our league.They request to prove their worth in the Ring."Sylvia says,"Enter !" Gene,Carly,Lisa & Marla Lynk enter the Ring and retreat to their Corner.Gene is dressed in Silver with Forest Green,Satin Mini Boxer-Briefs.Carly is wearing a Forest Green Silk Teddy-Thong.Lisa is wearing a Forest Green Silk Bra & Thong Set.Marla is wearing a Satin Silver Bra & Hot Pant outfit. Lou & Kate Bardin escort Craig,Denise,Brian & Jim Huffman to the Ring.Kate says,"We present the Huffman Family for consideration to enter our League.They wish to prove themselves in the Ring." Sylvia says,"Enter!" They bow and enter the Ring.The Huffman's enter the Ring ; ignore the Lynk's glower and go to their Corner. Craig is wearing Navy Blue Satin Boxer-Briefs.Denise is wearing Navy Blue Silk Bra & String Bikini Panty Set.Brian is wearing a Navy Blue Satin Thong.Jim is wearing a Navy Blue Satin String Bikini Briefs. Sylvia makes the formal introductions. "In the Red Corner :Everyone Welcome the Lynk Family .Gene is :35 years old;5'11.";weighs 205; 8" package.Carly is 31 years old ; 5'4"; weighs 125;35-26-34.Lisa is: 16 years old ; 5'2";weighs 105;33-21-34. Marla is 15 years old ; 5'3" ; weighs 100 pounds;32-20-31."The crowd aplaud.Sylvia continues, "In the Blue Corner,We have the Huffman Family.Craig is: 36 years old; 6'1"; weighs 200;8.5" package.Denise is: 34 years old; 5'5"; weighs 122; 35-23-35.Brian is:17 years old;6'0";weighs 160; 6"package.Jim is:16 years old;5'11"weighs 155; 6" package." Everyone cautiously aplaud.There is sexual tension in the room over the carnage that is about to ensue.Jason calls both Families to the center of the Ring.He reviews the stipulations and the few rules and tells them to return to their Corners and wait for the bell.The bell rings to herald the brawl. Both families cautiously approach one another.They begin to pair off to begin the fight.Gene & Craig begin to mix it up.Carly & Denise pair off. Lisa looks menacingly at Brian. Marla attacks Jim. Gene & Craig circle one another in a Boxer's stance.Craig lands punch after punch driving Gene into a corner. Gene covers up;feigns weakness; catches Craig in the groin with a Front Snap Kick and follows up with an Uppercut that sends him to the mat-daze!Gene picks Craig's limp body up over his head and drops him face first into the mat covered floor. (14 foot drop)Craig's face compresses into the matas he hits.All oxygen is forced from his lungs flows from his nose and cut lip.Gene jumps off the Ring Apron onto Craig's back.Craig's body is filled with pain. Due to no oxygen in his lungs,he can only emit a silent scream.Gene pulls Craig to his feet by his hair and slams his head repeatedly into the Ring Apron until he loses consciousness and slips to the floor. Carly & Denise - They attack one another like Banshees with very little finesse. They fall to the mat grasping each other's hair and rolling across the Ring until they roll off the Ring Apron onto the thickly padded floor. Denise is on the bottom when they hit the padding on the floor.She is winded and unable to defend herself as Carly delivers punch after punch into Denise's attractive face.Carly pulls the stunned Denise to her feet and slams her head into the padded steel corner post. Carly positions Denise and chokes the barely conscious lady to complete darkness. Jason tells her to release the choke hold.Carly rips off Denise's Bra & Panties and tosses them to Sylvia .Denise has a one way ticket on the train to "Dreamland" She will be of no help in achieving League Membership. Brian and Lisa lock up in a Collar & Elbow. Brian gains control with an Overhead Wristlock and forces Lisa to her knees.He quickly switches to a Twisting Arm Bar.Lisa pounds the mat with her free hand to relieve the pain.Her cries increase as he amps up the pressure.He quickly straddles her abused arm and drops his ass on her shoulder.This drives her face down to the mat and dislocates her shoulder.She howls from the pain and pleads for mercy inwardly knowing that no mercy is coming.He works over her damaged shoulder until she passes out.Brian turns her onto her back; positions her arms to her side;spreads her legs and admires his handiwork.Her dislocated arm looks deformed and discolored.He then removes Bra & Thong Set. he rubs his finger in her pussy and taste the ambrosia. He tosses the clothing to Sylvia and looks for his next victim. Marla & Jim advance toward each other.They throw and feign punches and kicks for several minutes. Suddenly ;Jim catches Marla with a Sidekick to Marla's left knee.She yelps and drops to one knee and grabs for her knee.Jim quickly follows up with a Spin Kick to Marla's jaw.Marla spins around and ends up facedown-stunned.Jim quickly delivers a knee drop to the back of Marla's neck.This blow knocks Marla out.Only low groans,shallow breathing and involuntary movements are the only signs of life that register.Jim removes her bra & hot pants.He smells the hot pants and tosses the clothing to the Timekeeper's Desk.Sylvia puts them away.Jim delivers a Final Kneedrop to the back of Marla's neck and looks to see who needs help. He sees that his Mom & Dad are in trouble and makes his decision. Gene is removing Craig's Bober-Briefs as Jim catches Gene is the head with a Baseball Slide.This knocks Gene's head into the Steel Barries separating the 1st Row from the Fight Zone.Gene lies on the floor dazed as Jim begins to stomp Gene with a vengeance.Craig is on the floor, sitting against the Ring Apron staring with little comprehension at the scene of his son destroying Gene.Craig slowly begins to get his bearings and stuggles to his feet.He pulls up his briefs and limps toward Gene to assist Jim.Sylvia blindsides Craig as he approaches Gene& Jim.A weakened Craig inunable to fight off Sylvia's determined assault.She slams the very disoriented middle-aged man into the Ring Post face-first.As he rebounds off the post;She catches him in a Sleeper. He briefly struggles before succumbing to the inevitable.She removes his briefs;milks him to orgasm;wipes his spunk on the briefs and tosses them to Sylvia.She lets Craig fall to the floor.As she walks off, he lies completely oblivious to his surroundings and impotent to effect the outcome of the Match. Carly looks at the stomping her husband is receiving and scans to the Ring.In horror, she notices both daughters lying nude,twitching and unconscious.Her gaze shifts to Brian.The smirk on Brian's face enrages her.She slides into the Ring to SEVERELY punish the little prick! Feeling invincible;Brian taunts Carly and prepares to kick her ass.She charges the insolent teenager. At the last minute,he moves and trips Carly as she passes.Carly's throat falls across the bottom rope. She grabs her throat gasping for air.Brian delivers stomp after stomp into her neck throat and face.He grabs her by her hair;drags her to the bottom rope.Brian rubs Carly's head & face into the turnbuckle drawing cries of protest & blood from a gash on her forehead that opens like a river.He bites down on the gash to further enlarge wound.The increased flow of blood runs down her face.Brian drags the dazed warrior to her feet and executes a DDT that impacts directly on the wide gash.Carly is mercifully knocked out.He looks down at the gruesome scene in frontof him.Carly lay in a puddle of her own blood. He quickly strips off her Teddy, soaks up some of the blood and tosses it to Sylvia.He leave the Ring to assist in the deconstruction of Gene. Carly lies in his wake naked and broken. Jim has continued the stomping for 8 minutes. Gene's face is a mess. His forehead has two deep cuts, both eyes are swollen shut,his nose is broken.Deep bruises cover his body from the beating.He lies unable to defend himself with his chin resting on his chest. His eyes are closed longing for sleep.Brian slides under the bottom rope.He"high-fives" his brother;assists Jim with picking up Gene's limp form and slides him into the Ring.Once in the Ring,they strip the man and toss the Boxer-Briefs to Sylvia.As Jim completes his work by applying the Dragon Sleeper;Brian ensures that his wife and daughters remain unconscious.As Gene drifts off,his fully erect penis ejaculates seemingly out of respect to his conqueror.When Jason is sure that Gene is knocked out;he motions for Sylvia to ring the bell.' As both Doctors and their Nurses enter the Ring to treat the carnage. Sylvia announces,"In 1 hour and 19 minutes;the winner off the Match is the Huffman Family.We welcome them to our League.The Welcoming Ceremony will occur in 1 Hour.This will be followed by the Surrender Ceremony. Refreshments are in the Den.We need Bruce&Sienna Lincoln and Lou& Kate Bardin to assists the Doctors & Nurses with the mayhem." Only Jim&Brian Huffman are conscious and relatively unharmed. Their Mother & father are being treated and are in bad shape.In the Ring, lies the Lynk Family with multiple injuries requiring further medical attention. Dr. Braden-the Lead Ring Doctor- requests 2 ambulances for Craig & Denise Huffman PLUS the entire Lynk Family. Only Brian & Jim Huffman were in condition to be present at the Welcoming Ceremony and the Surrender Ceremony will be postponed until a later date. The Lynk Family has deserved the right by their spirit and abilities to reapply for membership.After an hour;Jim & Brian Huffman accepts membership for their family. Their Official Family Color designated by the League Council is :Salmon.Due to the Lynk Family inabilty to participate in a Surrender Ceremony and a Consequences session . The Matches between the Parker & Mendoza Families will begin in 2 hours.