Sorority Sisters - Pt 3 By C Send comments to: Chloe and Gena get together for a long lunch and discuss the results of the last Club Meeting. Chloe is worried that Jeff is becoming a subby AND bi-sexual. She thinks Jeff enjoyed his Match with Brent a little too much! Gena laughs and replies," Brent is really good at "outing" other Men." Chloe says," The main way he wants to have sex with me is for me to attach a strap-on and fuck his brains out! Gena says," Brent has no problem with being on top or bottom. He likes to be the "Fucker" or "Fuckee" as long as he is involved in the Fucking!" Chloe laughs! Gena says," Seriously - I suspect that Jeff is working out - in his own mind - his role as a man. Considering the way you handled him in the Ring which I am sure was unexpected; introducing him to a Dildo emphasizing your dominance; followed by Brent making him his Bitch; followed by a week of being beaten up psychologically; he has come out of the pipeline better than expected! Be patient with him!" Chloe listens but worries her Husband has been emasculated. Gena asks, "Would you like to come over day after tomorrow and have a Match with either Brent or Me? It would be good training. "Chloe mulls it over for minute before agreeing. Gena says," Leave Jeff at home. It would probably not help your situation. "Chloe agrees. They complete their Lunch. Chloe heads home. Jeff greets her as soon as she arrives home. He kisses her passionately and gives the signal he wants to have sex. She stops him and says," Maybe later!" She heads to the Den; sits down in a recliner and turns on TV. About 15 minutes later; Jeff comes into the Den dressed in a robe. He wordlessly approaches her and stares at her eyes. Chloe looks at him with a puzzled look when Jeff sends a left cross that catches Chloe on the jaw. Chloe is nearly knocked out from the punch. Jeff drags Chloe by her hair to the hardwood floor. he removes his robe to reveal a black satin "wet look" pouch. Jeff delivers several kicks into Chloe's body; completely strips Chloe of her clothes when the door bell rings. Jeff kicks Chloe one last time before answering the door bell. He remembers how he is dressed only AFTER he opens the door. Gena looks surprised as she stares at the nearly nude man in front of her. She says," Chloe forgot her purse." Jeff takes the purse and begins shutting the door when Gena prevents it. She says," I need to speak with Chloe!" She's taking a nap!" Jeff replies. Gena ignores Jeff; pushes him aside and heads toward the Den. Jeff jumps on Gena's back. Gena flips him into a wall knocking pictures off the wall. He grabs Jeff by the hair and rams his face several times into the wall. She tosses him onto the hardwood floor in Jeff and Chloe's Den. She sees Chloe's naked body on the floor; knocks Jeff unconscious before checking on her friend. She brings Chloe around. Chloe explains what happened thoroughly pissing Gena off. Chloe is befuddled by Jeff's actions but Gena says," Take the bastard to your workout room; I'll be there shortly. Chloe throws Jeff over her shoulder and takes her to their gym. Gena enters the workout room completely nude. She looks in control as she enters. Gena looks Chloe and says," Brent is coming over to reinforce "Jeff's position" in your relationship. I am going to begin the process!" Jeff had regained consciousness and looks with dread at Gena with pure unadulterated "FEAR" descending upon him with the knowledge Brent is on the way. Gena stands over him 'hands on hips; cunt lips engorged, glistening from excitement and anticipation of destroying Jeff. Jeff's eyes are fixated on Gena's cunt like a moth to a flame. Before Jeff can move; Gena delivers a Spin Kick that connects with Jeff's face; spinning him in the air leaving him bleeding; befuddled and facedown on the wood floor. Gena rips his pouch off; leaving him naked and revealing his "secret". Jeff's cock has grown to full extension from the threat of a beating and the kick. Gena straddles Jeff; forces his mouth to her pussy and commands," EAT!" Jeff begins satisfying Gena as Chloe recovers. Gena presses down forcing Jeff's tongue to go deeper. Chloe has regained her senses enough to incredulously look on his her Husband satisfies her friend. Brent burst into the House and Den; stops; looks over the situation; focuses on his Wife and says," Well - it looks like you have him under control!" Gena grins back and replies," Chloe looks like she needs comforting!" Brent strips naked; approaches the already nude Chloe; gropes Chloe's pussy while caressing her breast with his other hand. His aggressive approach takes Chloe's breath away but she quickly adapts and turns the foreplay into lovemaking. Gena drives Jeff's tongue even deeper and "jacks off" Jeff while watching Brent and Chloe. Gena climaxes on Jeff's face; forces him to eat her "sexual honey"; forces him to cum and force-feeds Jeff his own "seed". Brent and Chloe stop for a second to watch Gena's mastery then resume their lovemaking. After Chloe and Brent were finished; Brent stood; approached Gena and Jeff and motioned to Gena. Gena looked at her Husband; smiled; stood; stepped off Jeff and walked over to Chloe. Brent looked down at Jeff and said," Hello Bitch; Remember - ME!" Jeff turned white as he looked into Brent's eyes. Brent straddles Jeff; Brent's cock drips a combination of Chloe and his own sexual fluids onto Jeff's face. As he sits on Jeff's face; he says," My cock is soiled from fucking your wife. Clean it -NOW!" Jeff begins to protest but is met with a backhand that cuts Jeff lip. Jeff immediately begins sucking Brent's cock as Chloe and Gena shout insults and taunts at Jeff. Brent shoots another load of cum that Jeff begins gagging on which only causes Gena and Chloe to laugh louder. Brent pulls Jeff to his feet with cum still dripping from Jeff's mouth; delivers 2 firm Bitch Slaps which opens the cut wider on Jeff's lip; pulls Jeff by his ear to kneel before Chloe and commands him to apologize! Chloe says," I married a MAN. YOU are no longer a man. I am through with you. I will be staying with Brent and Gena for 3 days. Spend that time moving your stuff out!!" Jeff collapses onto her feet crying and begging for mercy. Gena looks down and says," PATHETIC!" Brent looks at Chloe and says," I have a friend that I think you might want to meet." Jeff looks dejectedly at Chloe. Chloe spits into his face before collecting some clothes and leaving with Gena and Brent. Jeff weeps as the front door shuts. Gena and Brent take Chloe to their home; helps Chloe settle in their Guest Room and return to the kitchen to prepare Dinner. Jeff calls Chloe to ask her to reconsider. Chloe is firm in her resolve to NEVER see Jeff again. Brent tells Chloe to stay away or suffer the consequences. Gena calls a friend; sets up a Blind dinner Date in 7 Days. Due to Chloe's emotional state; she keeps it to herself. Jeff honors Chloe's wishes KNOWING he will be made someone's Bitch if he doesn't. A few days pass; Brent and Gena ask Chloe if she would like to stay a while longer. Although Jeff has moved out; Chloe agrees. Gena informs Chloe of a male friend she wants her to meet. Chloe balks at first but finally agrees. Blake arrived for Dinner as 7PM. Chloe and Blake hit it off immediately. Since Blake and Chloe were both friends; Gena and Brent were ecstatic. For the next few weeks; Blake and Chloe became closer and closer. One day Chloe was sharing some coffee and gossip with Gena at Starbucks. Gena was pumping Chloe for details on her blossoming relationship with Blake. Chloe confesses something a bit "unusual "to Gena. She tells Gena that she will NOT make the same mistake as she did with Jeff. She asks Gena to borrow her Fight Ring. Gena -surprised - asks," Why!" Chloe pauses and replies," I will NOT be with a guy who is a pussy. If I can beat him like a Bitch - I don't want him." Gena pauses and asks," Do you think Brent ALWAYS wins when we wrestle?" Chloe says," Yea!! "Gena laughs which surprises Chloe. Gena says," He DOES win about 90% of the time. I win about 10% of the time and give him a REAL go the rest of the time -just ask him!" Chloe says," I am just saying -I want a real man! Would Brent referee a Match between Blake and me?" Gena thinks for a moment and says," I don't see why not but I'll ask him. What if Blake won't fight you! "Chloe looks down and whispers," I guess we're through before we even got started." Gena sadly looks at her friend and ask,' When do you want to do this?" Chloe quickly replies," Next Saturday." Gena just nods her head; stand; hugs Chloe and leaves. Chloe sticks around for another 30 minutes rehearsing Her conversation with Blake. Chloe calls Blake and asks him over for Dinner. Blake arrives around 7PM. They have an excellent meal and sit down in the Den to watch a movie. During the movie; Chloe begins to gradually explain her relationship with Jeff and what went wrong. She eventually reveals her new hobby. She was carefully watching Blake's face. Blake was non-plussed. He said that Brent and Gena had been friends for years and knew of their "Hobby". He said he has witnessed a few of their Matches. Chloe seemed relieved and said," You understand how I will not be involved with anyone that can be emasculated like Jeff was." Blake looks perplexed and asks," What are you getting at?" Chloe's eyes narrow; smile becomes forced as she says;" I want to have a Match with you!" He looks incredulous and asks, "Why?!" She replies," I will not get serious with anymore pussies!" Blake coldly says," I don't beat up women!" Chloe looks at him with disdain and says," I said fight -not beat up! "Blake asks," What's the difference?" "I will be fighting back!" Chloe retorts. "I expect you to fight 100% - within the rules. If you beat me up then you beat me up!" she continues. Blake says," I haven't had a fight with anyone since college - by design!" Chloe says," If you are going to be involved with me; you will probably have to be involved with my "Hobby"." Blake looks at Chloe for a very long moment and asks," When and where do you want to do this?" Chloe gives a relieved smile and says, "Next Saturday at Brent & Gena's. Get with them regarding rules and attire." She kisses him on the lips; leads him to the door and says." Until next week then!" Brent and Gena go over rules, attire and etiquette. Saturday comes quickly as Blake and Chloe both arrive within 10 minutes of each other around 6PM. It has been decided that Dinner will be after the Match. The gym has been prepared; Ring has been adjusted and mats have been placed around the Ring. Chloe is: 5'9"; weighing 130 lbs. with measurements are: 35 - 25- 34. Chloe has decided to fight in a high-legged, low-cut, satin, lavender," wet look" Speedo. If she losses the Match, she will autograph & date her attire and present it to Blake. Blake is 6'2"; weighs 205 with an 8" package. Blake is wearing a low-rise, beige, satin, Speedo. If he loses; he will do the same. The loser will remain naked the remainder of the night and service Brent, Gena and the Winner. Blake is concerned due to his lack of experience. He knows that he must thoroughly thrash her to keep her. Both hug before entering the gym room. They know that until this is decided they are not friends. Wordlessly - they enter the Ring. Brent is wearing white cotton bikini briefs. Gena is watching from a recliner wearing a pink, cotton bra and bikini panty set. As Blake stares into Chloe's eyes; he sees she IS serious! Brent reviews the rules and consequences. He says," The rules for this match are simple: 1 Hour Time limit; most Falls won by submission or KO with a 30 second count-out. The following is not allowed: closed fist to the head; any kicking; eye gouging; scratching or biting. The loser will present their attire and their body to be used as a "Sex Toy". Brent pauses to let his words sink in; looks at them both; pauses and says," Wrestle!" Chloe quickly grabs Blake's arm before he can react. She applies a Twisting Arm Bar driving him to one knee. Blake yelps from the pain and the surprise of the maneuver. She straddles his right arm; jumps in the air and drives his arm to the mat. Blake lies facedown on the moaning as Chloe pulls back on his shoulder while hyper-extending his elbow. As she intensifies her hold; he kicks the mat and screams from the pain. This gives Chloe a surge of a feeling of power. His screams make her "moist." She adds a wristlock which causes his screams to turn to cries. Blake's lack of fight experience is apparent. He has no idea as to how to escape. He slaps and kicks the mat from the pain and frustration of this beautiful lady immobilizing him. After a few minutes; Blake's right arm is numb. Chloe releases the Wristlock and applies a Claw Hold to Blake's elbow. Blake screams his submission. Chloe releases the Hold; stands with her hand raised high into the air. Blake remains on the mat clutching his numb arm except for the blazing fire emanating from his elbow. He sobs and beats the mat with his feet. Brent says," Chloe leads 1 - 0. There is 57 minutes and 21 seconds left in this Challenge. There will be a 5 minute intermission." Chloe retreats to her corner ; watches as Blake lie on the mat trying to regain his senses ; knowing that she must crush him or be crushed by him. After 4 minutes; Brent calls both wrestlers to the center of the Ring. He counts down the final 10 seconds and says," Wrestle!" Chloe once again get the jump on Blake. She grabs his dangling right arm; applies another Twisting Arm bar dropping Blake to his knees; jumps in the air; wrapping her legs around his injured right arm and applies a Figure-Four Hammerlock. Blake screams and screams s he feels his shoulder being torn from the socket. Gena looks on aroused by Chloe's control. Chloe becomes lost in her Match. Her only desire is to inflict pain. Blake beats the mat; howls in agony as his shoulder tendons are stretched to their limit. His primal screams only excite her more. Chloe cinches in her hold even tighter. Blake begs for mercy and shouts his submission over and over. Brent taps Chloe on her shoulder; she releases her hold; roughly let him fall to the mat; stands -looks with contempt at Blake and goes to her corner. Blake continues to writhe on the mat clutching his injured arm; sobbing and impotently kicking the mat to relieve the pain. Brent says." Chloe leads 2-0. There is 51 minutes and 8 seconds left in the Challenge. There will be a 5 minute Intermission. "Brent leaves the Ring to speak with Gena while Blake remains curled up in a ball; sobbing and shaking on the mat. Chloe looks at Blake with disgust. Brent expresses shock at Blake's performance. Gena reminds him that Blake has NO experience in ANY form of fighting. She also reminded him that Blake usually talks himself out of situations. Brent nods in recognition and re-enters the Ring. Brent calls Gena and Blake to the center of the Ring. Blake forces himself to his feet; shuffles to face Chloe; refuses to return her gaze and prepares to engage in what is appearing to be a losing proposition. Blake's right arm feels like an inanimate object which he has NO control over. Chloe makes a mental note that Blake is basically "one handed". She determines it is time to destroy his left arm. Brent looks at the both and says," WRESTLE!" Chloe easily grabs Blake's left arm; applies a Twisting Arm Bar sending him again to his knees and begins slamming fist after fist into Blake's bicep. His right arm swings uselessly at his side as he screams. Chloe straddles Blake's left arm and sits down hard. Once again; Blake is lying face-first. He screams and kicks the mat in excruciating pain. Chloe pulls back hard heaping pressure upon pressure upon Blake's left shoulder. Repeating the process; Chloe applies a Claw Hold to Blake's left elbow! Blake holds out for several minutes before succumbing to the enviable. Blake cries out his submission. Brent taps Chloe on the shoulder. Chloe releases the Hold; stands; looks down at Blake and says," pathetic!" Blake now has no use in one arm and very little use in the other. Blake lies on the mat; not looking at the lady who is deconstructing him body part by body part. Brent says," Chloe leads 3-0. There are 47 minutes and 26 seconds left in the Challenge. There will be a 5 minute intermission before the next Fall. Chloe decides that she and Blake probably will not be a "Love Match"; her plans change to completely destroy Blake. Brent calls Chloe and Blake to the center of the Ring to begin again. He sees that Chloe is ready and Blake can barely stand; smiles to himself and says," WRESTLE!" Blake's arms are of very little use. She grabs his left arm again; trips Blake sending him to his ass. She grabs his right leg while standing on his left ankle; savagely begins stomping the back his right thigh. Due to the condition of his arms; Blake can only lie on his back and cry out from the numerous kicks delivered to his thigh. Before he can submit; she drops his leg; stands on his right leg; grabs his left leg and begins delivering kick after kick into Blake's left thigh. Blake begins to beg Chloe for mercy which only intensifies the ferocity of her kicks and triggers a deep "bloodlust"! She releases Blake's beaten legs; straddles him; sits on his chest securing his arms to his side and begins slapping him. Both lips begin to bleed after the 6th slap; a "brain fog "settles descends upon him from the hammer blows; his eyes become defocused and his cock develops a full erection. Blake's eyes flutter and close. Chloe continues to reign down blows until Brent pulls her off. Out of frustration; she spits into Blake's face; stands and goes to her corner. Brent counts Blake out. Gena helps bring Blake around while Brent announces, "Chloe leads 4-0. There are 38 minutes and 22 second left in the Challenge. There will be a 10 minute intermission while Blake regains his senses. Gena enters the Ring and assists Blake return to the world of the living. Brent speaks with Chloe about calling this off. She is adamant about finishing the entire 1Hour. Brent says," I don't think he can make it." She looks into Brent's eyes and coldly replies," That's NOT my problem!" Blake regains consciousness; is helped to his feet; wordlessly - shakily approaches Chloe to start the next Fall. Brent looks at them both; realizes the Match is slightly more than 20 minutes old; doesn't believe it can do 1 Hour but says," Wrestle!" Chloe delivers a thrust punch to Blake's solar plexus. Blake staggers; bent over but stays on his feet gasping for air. Chloe grabs his ears; holds him in place and slams her knee into his forehead. Chloe holds his head in place and repeats the maneuver. Blake sobs; drops to both knees with a glaze encompassing his eyes. She gets behind him and applies a Triangle Strangle Hold that Gena taught her. Blake weakly slaps at her arms while drooling out of both sides of his mouth; his breathing becomes shallow and his eyes shut. Brent taps Chloe's shoulder. Chloe tosses Blake face -first on the mat. She stands; kicks Blake in his ribs and returns to her corner. Gena enters to assists Blake while Brent says," Chloe leads 5- 0. There are 32 minutes and 41 seconds left in the Challenge. There will be a 10 minute intermission before the next Fall. It took the full ten minutes for Gena to bring Blake around. Chloe agreed to give Blake 5 extra minutes. Blake approaches Brent & Chloe. Brent says," Wrestle!" Blake's eyes show little life; body trembling seeks to hook up in a Collar & Elbow. Chloe strikes like a cobra delivering an uppercut to his package before he can react. Blake clutches himself; gasps for air and falls to the mat in the Fetal position. Chloe quickly strips Blake; places both of her knees on his left leg; traps his right leg on her shoulder and howls in anger as she mauls his package! Blake cries his submission and pleads for mercy! Brent pulls Chloe off. Blake screams," NO MORE -NO MORE -OH GOD- I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!" Brent says," Chloe leads 6-0. There are 27 minutes and 50 seconds left in the Challenge! There is 5 minutes before the next Fall!" Chloe stands; straddling her victim when Blake says," PLEASE CHLOE - I WON'T BOTHER YOU ANYMORE! YOU WIN! I WILL DO ANYTHING! " Chloe says," We are about to find out! I know you have NEVER been with a guy. That is about to change. Show Brent how much you appreciate him refereeing this Match!" Brent pulls his erect cock out and waves it in his face. Blake looks defeated and begins giving Brent head. Tears run down Blake's cheeks; Gena laughs; Brent controls Blake's pace by grabbing his ears while Chloe taunts her now EX- boyfriend! Brent shoots his load into Blake's face. Chloe commands Blake to eat every drop. Blake removes the globs off his face and eat Brent's cum. Gena had attached a strap-on; approaches Brent; shoves his face to the mat; kicks his legs out and commands Blake to raise his ass. Blake complies! Gena works the 10" Dildo into Blake's ass eliciting a loud scream from him. To Blake's utter humiliation; Gena works him up to the point he climaxes. Chloe makes him eat his cum too. When Brent and Gena have had their way with Blake; Chloe knees him in the balls; from a kneeling position he looks up and sees Chloe standing nude with her legs shoulder-width. She points to her pussy and says," EAT!!" After a few minutes and a few orgasms; Chloe abruptly slaps his face and commands him to leave and NEVER contact her again. He slowly rises; puts on a borrowed robe; unable to look Chloe in the eyes gets his car keys and leaves. Chloe cries uncontrollably. Gena tries in vain to consoles her. Brent suggests that Chloe spends the night. They invite her into their bed; spend the night comforting her and assuring her they will continue to look for a guy that meets her standards. They have a Tag Team Match next Saturday; invite Chloe to come and watch. Brent says," I MIGHT have someone you MIGHT want to date. He is a Club Member." Chloe's look of depression turns to a look of hope. The week flies by. Brent and Gena pick Chloe up at 5PM; picks Dustin then proceeds to the Meeting Hall. Dustin and Chloe find their seats while Brent and Gena head to the Dressing Room. Their Match is the 3rd Match of the night. Dustin and Chloe enjoy the first two Matches. They comment on the Matches; joke with each other and generally enjoy each other's company. It was time for Brent and Gena's Match. Chloe was - unexplainably - excited. Both teams walk quietly down the aisle followed by the Katy. (Referee) They enter the Ring and go to their pre-arranged corners. The Ring Announcer says," Our next Match is to determine the Number 1 Contending Team for a Title Match. "Everyone in the auditorium cheers. Diane continues," This will be a 1Fall; no time limit; win by submission only Match. Only one person can be in the Ring at a time. There is a 30 second "Double-teaming" period after a tag. The following is NOT allowed: eye gouging; kicks to the head; foreign objects or stomping. The Consequences for losing the Match are: their wrestling attire; no Title Match for 365 days; oral sex in the middle of the Ring and 48 hours of COMPLETE servitude!" The rules and consequences "rev" up the crowd even more. Diane continues," Our first team is currently ranked 2nd in our League -. Brandon and Brie! Brandon is 6'0"; weighs 195 pounds and has a 10" package. Brie is 5'8"; weighs 135 pounds with measurements of 37 - 25 -36. "Brandon and Brie wave to the crowd. Brandon is wearing Deep Purple Satin Low Rise Speedos; Black Pads and Knee- High Black Patent Boots. Brie is wearing a Deep Purple Satin Bra & Bikini "wet look" Panty set; Black Pads and Knee-high Black patent boots. Diane continues," Their opponents are ranked 3rd in the League - Brent & Gena! Brent is: 6'0"; weighs 175 lbs. and has a 7.5" package. Gena is 5' 7"; weighs 130 lbs. with measurements are: 38 "24 "35". Brent and Gena acknowledge the crowd. Brent is wearing a Silver with Black Trim Satin Low Rise Speedos with matching pads and Knee-High Boots. Gena is wearing a Silver Silk Bra and G-string set; Silver Pads with Silver Mid-Calf Boots. Katy calls both Teams to the center of the Ring. She reviews the rules; tells them to return to their corners and wait for bell. Dustin and Chloe watch with anticipation as both teams discuss their strategy. They cheer for Gena as the bell rings. Gena and Brie come out to do battle representing their respective teams. They circle one another; looking for any opening always aware of their position in the Ring and the proximity to their opponents teammate. They finally engage. They hook up in a Collar & Elbow ; push each other around the Ring precariously close to their opponent's partners ; struggle and strain against the equal strength of her foe with neither able to gain the advantage . Brent and Brandon shout encouragement from their respective corners. Gena hears Chloe's voice over the noise. Gena uses her Chloe's exhortations as inspiration to push Brie into Chloe's corner where Brent traps Brie's arms. Chloe begins slamming punch after punch into Brie's breasts; stomach and cunt. Brie's scream fill the air. At the end of the 30 second period; Brent lets Brie fall into a heap against the corner post. Chloe leaves the Ring while Brent enters the Ring to continue the assault upon Brie. He pulls the young woman to her feet by her hair; applies a Front Headlock and executes a DDT. Brie lies face-down; body trembling; moaning; stunned with spittle running down the corners of her mouth. Brandon looks silently on as Brent goes about the task of deconstructing Brie. Brent picks Brie up by her hair; positions her and executes an Atomic Drop. Brent's knee drives into Brie's pussy. Brie lets out a blood curdling scream; her mouth forms an "OHH"; eyes grow wide in shock; clutches her wounded womanhood; falls face first to the mat; unable to process the indescribable pain and refuses to submit. This pleases Brent. He has to control his desire to administer a complete "ass whipping". He looks at Brandon who demands that Brent let Brie tag him. Brent shakes his head -NO ; pulls the dazed girl to her feet and delivers a Forearm Uppercut that lifts Brie off her feet ; sending her to the mat on her back ; staring blankly at the ceiling ; crying softly with blood dripping from her mouth. The crowd looks with surprise at the sequence of events. Most anticipated it to be a very close Match. Unless Brie can tag; it appears over. Gena asks Brent for a tag. She wants in on the fun. Brent tosses Brie into his corner. Gena sticks her knee into the Ring. Brie's back slams into Gena's knee; emits a loud scream and falls to the mat clutching her back. Brandon can only impotently look on as the love of his life is thoroughly beaten. Brent tags Gena. Gena leaps off the top rope; attempting to execute a Frog Splash when Brie instinctively moves out of the way. Gena hits the mat hard; knocking all air from her body dazed from her own momentum. Brie crawls to her corner and tags Brandon. Brandon leaps into the Ring; charges Gena as she is getting her bearings. He grabs Gena's ears; securing her head and slams his knee into her face. Gena cries out as she falls to the mat; her head throbs from the knee; her stomach muscles burn from the Frog Splash; her thought processes are encased in a "Brain Fog" as Brent looks helplessly on. Brandon flashes a malicious smile at Brent before yanking Gena to her feet. He positions his hands and executes a Swinging Neckbreaker. Gena clutches her neck as she writhes on the mat. She screams in agony as "white hot" pain undulates up and down her spine. Brent thinks of entering the Ring to help his wife but catches a knowing glance from Katy and changes his mind. Katy bends down and asks Gena if she submits. Gena cries," NO!" Brent looks on helplessly as Brandon tossed Gena on his shoulder; runs across the Ring and slams her back into the turnbuckles. Gena lets out a scream as Brandon hangs her upside down in his corner. Brie secures Gena's ankles and creates "the Tree of Woe"! Brandon places his knees on Gena's arms; slams punch after punch into Gena's unprotected abdomen and breasts while Brie holds Gena's ankles in place. Gena's breasts and abdomen is on fire; tears flow from her eyes; scream after scream flow her mouth but she refuses to submit. Brent watches helplessly as his wife is being decimated. Gena is barely conscious as Brie releases Gena's ankles fall to the mat. Gena lies sobbing in the fetal position as Brandon tags Brie. Brie enters the Ring; grabs Gena by her hair; yanks Gena to her knees and slams her knee into Gena's face. Gena falls back to the mat with her head slamming into the bottom turnbuckle. She looks through glazed-over eyes at a smirking Brie. She can only watch as Brie pulls Gena to her feet. Brandon secures Gena's arms as Brie delivers "payback" for the drubbing Gena dished out early in the Match. Brandon releases Gena; she slumps to the mat but refuses continued requests by Katy to submit. Brie strips Gena completely naked; hands her trophy to Brandon accompanied by a big kiss; drags Gena to the middle of the Ring; roughly grabs her legs and applies a Figure 4 Leglock! Gena writhes on the mat; screaming from the intense pressure on her right knee; pleading for help from Brent but refusing to submit. Brie is relieved she won't give up so that she can administer more pain. Brent knows he can't interfere or lose to disqualification. Chloe and Dustin are mesmerized at the sight of their friend's nude body thrashing around in complete agony in the middle of the Ring. Both -guiltily - become aroused. Gena howls in pain as she inches her way toward Brent refusing to submit to the intense pain ignoring the possibility of damage to her knee. As she gets within inches of tagging Brent; Brie undulates her legs driving Gena over the edge. Gena screams her submission over and over! Brandon punches the air in victory. Brent rushes into the Ring to check on Gena. Dr Joust enters the Ring and checks Gena's knee. Gena cries and clutches her knee. After checking with Dr. Joust; Diane says," Due to Gena's condition; the Consequences Session will be postponed. Brent will present his own and Gena's attire. He will kiss Brie pussy and Brandon's cock as a sign of respect." Gena is taken from the Ring on a stretcher in route to the Emergency Room. Brent follows as soon as he has completed his duties in the middle of the Ring. Chloe and Dustin give him an extra set of clothes and take him to the Hospital to check on Gena's condition. By the time Brent, Dustin and Chloe arrived at the Hospital; Gena had been admitted and was fast asleep. After a couple of hours; Chloe and Dustin decided to leave. Dustin dropped Chloe by her house and set up a second date. Chloe checked on Gena before going to sleep. The next morning; Chloe speaks with Gena. Gena relives her account of the Match and the drubbing she received. It is good that Gena cannot see Chloe. Chloe's face does not conceal her excitement over the candid retelling of the Match. Chloe tells Gena when she will stop by; hangs up the phone and masturbates. Dustin calls later that day and asks Chloe if she would like a Match with him on Saturday. Chloe pauses and accepts. Dustin suggests that Chloe develop the rules; call him; review the rules together. Dustin says he will set up the Match with the Club. Later in the day; Chloe visits Gena; asks Gena's condition and tells she and Brent about her upcoming Match with Dustin. They are both excited for Chloe. She leaves the Hospital; returns home and begins training. Saturday too comes quickly. Brent and Gena pick up Chloe before heading to the Club. Dustin arrives separately. Dustin and Gena nod at one another before heading to their Dressing Rooms. Dustin and Gena have picked out each other's wrestling attire. Both are surprised and smile at what attire their opponent wants them to wrestle in. Gena is wearing a "Champagne "Satin G-string only. Dustin is wearing a Black Satin Pouch. Karla is acting as Ring Announcer. She says," Our 1st Match of the night is: One Fall; No Time Limit; Win by submission or knockout with a 60 second count-out; No eye gouging, kicks to the head, stomping, biting and kneedrops. The loser must present their attire and kiss the genitals of their opponent. "The large crowd cheers. Karla continues," Our 1st wrestler is: 5'9"; weighing 135lbs. with measurements are: 35 - 25- 34. Everyone welcome -Chloe!" She walks toward the Ring. Topless - she keeps her eyes on the Ring. Her G-string leaves little to the imagination. Catcalls and laughter follow her to the Ring. She ignores the attention - completely focused on the task at hand. She enters the Ring and goes to her corner. Karla continues," Her opponent is: 6'1"; weighing 190 lbs. with a 7" package. Everyone welcome - Dustin!" He enters the room eliciting a similar reaction to Chloe with his Pouch. He hurries to the Ring and eyes Chloe before stretching in his corner. Jack is refereeing the Match and calls for the ringing of the bell. Chloe and Dustin circle one another; aroused at the sight of the other; knowing the real stakes of the Match focus on the task at hand. They engage; struggle for dominance; with neither able to gain the advantage. After a couple of Minutes; Dustin pushes Chloe against the ropes. He bends her over the rope; delivers knee after knee into her cunt and punch after punch into her chest . Dustin backs away and Chloe falls into a heap onto the mat. Dustin knows he can show no mercy if he wants to make love to her. Chloe told Dustin that she will never - after Jeff - make love to anyone she can conquer. Chloe moans and gasps for air. Dustin grabs Chloe by her hair and delivers fist after fist into her face knocking the lady senseless. Chloe lies on the mat; bleeding from her lip, nose and cut over her eye; moaning and dazed from the ferocity of Dustin's attack. Dustin pulls Chloe to her knees; slams his knee into her forehead knocking her back to the mat. Jack asks Chloe if she submits. Chloe does not respond which triggers Jack to begin his count. Jack reaches 42 before Chloe gets to her feet and says she wants to continue. Jack signals Dustin to continue. He charges Chloe. She suddenly drops to her knees and delivers an uppercut to his package. Dustin is surprised by her sudden move; takes a couple of steps before clutching his package and dropping to his knees. He falls to his side in the fetal position writhing in pain. His cries fill the room further exciting the already aroused crowd. On her knees; a dazed Chloe looks at an incapacitated Dustin. She knows she must strike -NOW! She pounces on him; delivers punch after punch as her rage explodes leaving him barely conscious. Jack pulls her off to begin the count. Dustin struggles to his feet with blood running out of his mouth and nose. The crowd cheers Chloe's attack. Jack reaches 51 before Dustin is able to get to his feet and signal he wants to continue. Jack signals Chloe to continue. Chloe quickly pushes Dustin into the turnbuckle; shoots knee after knee into his abdomen and crotch. Dustin's arms hang limply at his side. To the delight of the crowd; Chloe rips off Dustin's pouch. She tosses his attire at her corner. Jack picks up the Pouch and places it in her corner. Dustin slides down the turnbuckle with his head slumping on his chest. Jack pulls Chloe off him and begins the count. Dustin's eyes are closed; his breathing is shallow with low moans escaping from his lips. Jack reaches 55 as Dustin struggles to get to his feet but falls back to the mat on his side. Jack calls for the ringing of the bell. Karla says," In 11 minutes and 29 seconds; the winner of the Match by knock-out is -CHLOE!" Chloe stands with her hand raised high into the air in victory. She accepts the applause with Jack clasping her hand acknowledge her victory. A Ring Second retrieves Dustin's pouch and returns it to Dustin. Dejectedly; he accepts it. Dustin gets on his knees; looks into Chloe's eyes; sees sadness in them and presents his clothing to her. Chloe points to her crotch and commands," Worship Me!" Dustin begins eating Chloe's pussy. The crowd begins to "play "with each other at the erotic sight in the Ring. Chloe reaches a screaming climax; throws Dustin's head with disdain to the mat; turns her back on her failed potential lover; quietly leaves the Ring; goes up the aisle and returns to her Dressing Room.