San Antonio - 1993 By C Send comments to: Ed. Note: The accounts of both accounts are derived from watching the VHS of the matches and speaking with Juan & Kylie to get their recollections. Combining their recollections with ours & the VHS give us an accurate account of what really happened Since Veronica; I lost to 6 women straight. The women in our League are not intimidated by me anymore. They have seen my 2 losses to Veronica; 2 losses to Ann; loss to Sheila and 1 loss to Karla. The problem I have with the losses is that I was STILL in my prime. Many have watched the VHS's of the matches to gain insight on how to defeat me. Carol & I were invited in 1993 to wrestle in a day of matches in San Antonio. My match is the 9th match. Carol is in the 3rd match of the day. We decide to make it a mini-vacation and spend arrive on a Tuesday. San Antonio is a beautiful city. The laid back attitude along with its unique flavor makes it one of our favorite cities. We visit Hector & Maria on Friday. We see where the matches are taking place. There are 14 matches on the card. There will be 125 spectators watching our matches. To enter the barn to watch the matches; the spectators will be in their underwear. Even though the spectators are primarily family & friends of the participants; they are paying $25.00 to watch. There is a party on Friday night where we all mingle. There are five teen matches for our entertainment. The girls won three of the five matches which surprised me a bit due to the size differential. We arrive at noon on Saturday; go to our Dressing Room where a nice lunch is waiting. Carol doesn't eat since her match is around 1:30 pm. Today Carol is: 5'4"; 118 pounds; 34b -23-34. Carol lost a few pounds for the beach. It is summer. Today - she is wearing a navy blue, satin bra & G-string set with matching pads and MMA gloves. Carol is so sexy looking that I can't help myself. I take her in the pussy & ass before her match. She is somewhat spent as the time of her match arrives. Her opponent is Juan. He is: 5'9"; 205 pounds with a thick 8" package. He is wearing satin, "fire engine" red bikini briefs with matching pads & MMA gloves. Both are signaled to the Ring. They enter the Ring and go to their corner. Sara is the Referee. She signals to ring the bell. Juan & Carol approach one another cautiously. As Carol leans in to lock up with a Collar & Elbow; Juan catches Carol with a right cross. Carol drops to the mat. Juan grabs her right leg; pins her left leg to the mat with his foot. Juan stomps her pussy with his free leg. He stomps her several times leaving her writhing on the mat. Juan plays to the crowd as Carol clutches herself and sobs on the mat. Juan sees Carol trying to get up and decides it is time to continue punishing Carol. Juan pulls Carol to her knees. She attempts to strike Juan in the balls. Juan blocks the blow and sends several knees into her face. Carol lays facedown; bleeding from two cuts on her face; clutching her womanhood and dazed from the knees to her forehead. Juan rips her clothes off which Carol cannot prevent. He turns her on her back; grabs her ankles; spreads her legs and delivers a Knee Drop to her pussy. The pain temporarily stuns her. Juan brings her back to lucidity as he drives a Knife Hand into her clit. Carol's screams fill the room. She is in so much pain that she doesn't think to submit. Juan uses the time to slam punch after punch into Carol's face muttering "Gringo Bitch"! Carol is knocked senseless. Juan easily picks up Carol and lifts her over his head. Juan slams her down across his knee. The crowd cheers excitedly watching Juan in complete control of this "White Cunt". He keeps her from sliding off his knee applying an "Over -The -Knee Backbreaker 'which has Carol shouting her submission. Juan slides her to the mat. He stands; hand high in the air and his cock fully erect in his briefs with some cum stains. He smiles as he looks down to see Carol writhing on the mat sobbing. Carol cannot stand and barely can move. Two Ring Attendants load Carol on a stretcher and take my beaten wife to the Infirmary. As they are loading her onto the stretcher; Juan shoots a load of cum into her face. I face a lady named Kylie. She is from the Houston branch of our League. I had won 17 straight with women after I lost 6 to women. I have regained my confidence. In Houston; Ann is still Champion. Kylie is ranked number 2 behind her. Kylie & I couldn't agree on a site. The matches in San Antonio provide a site to have our match. If I win; I am the 1st match that Ann will fight for her Title. If Kylie wins; She will face Bill for the North Texas Champion. Pablo is defending his San Antonio Championship against Lana. Veronica is defending her League Championship against Mary. Ann is defending the Houston Championship against Lisa. These 3 single Championships and 2 Tag-Team Championships. These matches are after mine. Kylie and I watch as friends of ours do battle. The men dominated the 1st 8 matches 7-1. I have seen 2 of Kylie's matches. They were matches she won. I think I understand her style & basic strategy. Kylie & I have agreed to a 2 out of 3 Fall match with knockouts & verbal submission the only ways to win the match. Kylie is: 27; 5'6"; 128 pounds with measurements 34b- 23 -34. She is wearing a silk, sheer lavender bra & G-string set with matching pads & MMA gloves. Her blonde hair & blue eyes are accentuated by the lavender. I am in my late 30's; 5'11"; 173 pounds with a 7" package. I am wearing white, satin bikini briefs with matching pads & MMA gloves. She is wearing a sheer, silk covering as she enters the Ring. Kylie acknowledges the crowd and goes t her corner. I am wearing a white, satin jacket as I enter the Ring. I wave to the crowd and go to my corner. Lee is the Referee. He signals for the bell to be rung. I must admit that I am distracted by her beauty. She looks innocence as she catches me with a crescent kick to the jaw. The kick has enough power to knock me back. The crowd cheers. I realize that this practically naked beauty is dangerous. Many stand by Ringside and shout encouragement to Kylie. As we lean in to lock up in a Collar & Elbow; she slides behind me; applies a Hammerlock; kicks my legs out and slams a knee into my balls. I scream; drop to my knees and clutch my balls. Kylie pulls my head back; slams a Knife Hand and into my throat. I drop to the mat clutching my throat & balls and gasping for air. The crowd cheers her advantage. I am in excruciating pain as she pulls me to my knees and slams a knee into my forehead. The knee scrambles my brain as I moan and lay glassy-eyed on the mat. I stare blankly at the overhead lights. Kylie drops a knee across my throat. I kick the mat; clutch my throat and emit a "silent scream". Many seem to read her mind and shout for a DDT. That is one of her specialties. Kylie pulls me to my feet and executes a DDT. The maneuver knocks me out. Lee counts me out. As I lie stunned on the mat; Lee raises Kylie's hand and says," In 3 minutes and 51 seconds, the winner of the 1st Fall is Kylie. " Lee brings me around and helps me to my corner. Kylie smiles at me and blows me a kiss from across the Ring. I take this as a taunt. As I sit on the stool in my corner; I try to regain my senses for the next Fall. Many at Ringside taunt my ineptitude at avoiding the DDT. Kylie chats with friends at Ringside. I see her talking with Ann. I realize that Ann has been instructing Kylie on "how to beat me." Evidently her instruction worked in the 1st Fall. Lee signals the bell to be rung. I could have used an extra minute for my head to stop spinning. I head for the middle of the Ring to continue the battle. We close and begin throwing punches. None of her punches land but are deflected & blocked. After 3 minutes; neither of us has done any damage. I catch her with a Spin Kick which sends her to the mat. The kick has the speed & power I need. She is dazed from the kick. I administer a full body & head stomp which leaves her spread - eagle on the mat. She is barely conscious from the kick & stomps. The crowd screams and exhorts her over my savage attack. I quickly strip her and drop a knee across her chest. Her limbs shoot out from the knee. I pull her to her feet and execute a DDT which knocks Kylie out. I stand with my foot on her breasts; hand raised high as Lee counts her out. Lee says," In 4 minutes and 27 seconds; the winner of the 2nd Fall is Craig!" Both of us had our bell rung from the same hold. The DDT from the 1st round still bothers me. It was like I was walking on a cloud. I couldn't shake the effects. My only hope is that Kylie is experiencing the same thing. My head is on fire and numb at the same time. It appears from looking at Kylie's sexy body; she is not 100% either. Both of us have a somewhat vacant look. Lee calls for the bell to ring heralding the 3rd fall and Final fall. We close and circle one each other. As I lean to lock up; Kylie surprise me and executes a Russian Sweep sending me to the mat. She dives on top of me; both of her knees landing on my stomach & ribs causing all air to leave my body. Kylie follows up with a left hook and right cross which stun me. The crowd is amazed at Kylie's ferocity -especially the ones that have recently fought me. She pulls me to my feet; walks me to a corner and slams my head into the turnbuckle. After 3 slams of my head into the top turnbuckle; I drop to my knees. My brains are scrambled and I am unable to mount defense much less an offense. She proceeds slamming my head into the middle turnbuckle until I end up leaning out of the Ring with my chest over the rope. Kylie runs at me from across the Ring and lands on my neck. My chest is driven into the rope. I cough and scream trying to regain my breath. I am close to being in "La-La land ". Kylie appears to be recovered from the last round as I drift towards a loss. I am weakened by the pummeling and unable to stop Kylie from dragging me to the center of the Ring. My body is inundated with pain as my erect cock salutes her. Kylie notices this and smiles. Kylie told me after the match she wanted a submission so there would be no doubt who won the match. Kylie spreads my legs; stomps my balls; stomps my inner thighs several times and executes a Figure Four Leglock! She pours on the pressure. I know I am trapped in the middle of the Ring. I scream and slap the mat. She screams for me to give up. Lee asks me over and over. I continue to shake my head -NO! As I lay on the mat consumed by pain; she reaches in; grabs my cock and twist it until I can take no more of the combined holds. I scream my submission. Le lets her punish me for another 30 seconds before making her break her holds. I grab my knee and writhe on the mat. Kylie stands with her foot on my throat; both hands raised high in the air and yelling in triumph. Lee says,' In 7 minutes and 58 seconds; the winner of the Fall & Match is Kylie. She steps heavy on my throat and I cannot breathe. Lee gathers my clothing. I bow before Kylie; present my briefs and jacket to her; lie on the mat as her pussy descends upon my mouth. I eat Kylie for 20 minutes through countless orgasms. I pass out. Ring Attendants carry to the Infirmary for treatment. The Doctor wraps my knee; shoots me full of painkillers and calls my Doctor in Dallas. An appointment is set up for the next day in Dallas. He gives me some crutches. My body feels like I have been run over by a truck. After an hour of treatment; I am helped to our Dressing Room. I shower; put on some black bikini briefs; on crutches I make my way out to where Carol is sitting. and watch the last 3 matches. As we leave; Kylie & Ann laugh at me. They taunt me a bit as we make our way to our car. I sleep on the drive home. Ed. Notes: I went to a specialist the next day and in the Hospital the same day. I had knee surgery the next day. I was in the Hospital for a week. It was 8 months before I wrestled again. Kylie found out about the damage she did. Kylie called to see how I was. She seemed proud of herself. Ann called and said when I beat Kylie; she would wrestle me. Kylie won the North Texas Champion ship from Bill. Three years later; Ann won the League Championship. I won a 64 person Tournament to face Ann in a League Championship Match. I faced her in a 2 out of 3 Fall Match with all three Falls fought. It was a verbal submission only for each Fall. She won 3-0! The Consequences Session was Epic.