RUMBLE IN RIO - PART 9 BY C SEND COMMENTS TO : WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Jintana: 21 yrs.; 4'11"; 101 #; 33 - 21 - 32 Edrea : 24 yrs. ; 5'6" ; 120 # ; 36 - 24 -35 Brenda announces that there will be a 20-minute intermission before the last match of the evening for the World Championship Belt. She and Ted head to the locker room to "freshen up". The record crowd makes final concession and bathroom stops. Jintana quietly meditates and visualizes the carnage she will administer. She patiently waits in her silent, dark dressing room. Edrea has been watching the previous matches on Closed Circuit TV. She is ready to go. In her mind, she has already won the World Championship. She looks in her full- length mirror and likes what she sees. Edrea is wearing White Thong covered by a Sheer White Body Stocking with the "Union Jack" silk screened across the stocking covering her abdomen and middle of her back. Blue Glittery Pastes cover her nipples. She is wearing Elbow High Red Paten Leather Gloves and matching Knee High Boots. Blue Elbow and knee Pads compliment the look. Her robe is a floor length British Union Jack. Silver body glitter completes the look. The 5-minute warning rings in both dressing rooms. Jintana looks in the mirror and tosses her belt over her shoulder before heading to the runway. She is a menacing sight as she waits to be introduced. Jintana is wearing a basic Black Bra and Thong Set covered by a sheer Black Lace Covering. She is fighting barefoot with her ankles and wrists taped with black tape. Her Elbow and Knee Pads are Black. She is wearing Black Gothic Makeup with Black Fingernail and Toenail polish. Her long Black Hair is tied into a ponytail with a Black Satin Ribbon. Edrea arrives at the runway and greets Jintana. Jintana ignores her except for an evil smile, which chills Edrea to the bones. Ted and Brenda have returned to the ring. Ted picks up the microphone and says," HAVE YOU ENJOYED THE MATCHES SO FAR? " The crowd roars their approval. Ted continues," Our final match of the evening is far the CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD!! " The crowd noise is deafening. Ted continues, " THIS MATCH IS A ONE FALL; NO TIME LIMIT; NO D.Q.; WIN MUST OCCUR IN THE RING BY SUBMISSION OR KNOCKOUT ONLY. OUR CHALLENGER IS THE CURRENT CHAMPION OF GREAT BRITAIN. SHE IS: 24 YEARS OLD; 5'6"; WEIGHS 120#; HER MEASUREMENTS ARE 36-24-35. EVERYONE WELCOME - EDREA!! " Her music plays and she walks briskly to the ring acknowledging the accolades of her fans. She slides under the bottom; goes to her corner and stretches. Ted says, " HER OPPONENT IS: 21 YEARS OLD; WEIGHS 101#. SHE IS 33 - 21 - 32. SHE IS YOUR CURRENT WORLD CHAMPION; WELCOME THE "THAI TIGRESS " - JINTANA!! " As her music fills the auditorium, she walks deliberately to the ring ignoring the shouts of adulation. Her eyes are focused on her opponent with an "other worldly" menacing glare. She reaches the ring bows to Brenda and Ted. She goes to her corner never letting her eyes leave Edrea. This causes Edrea to experience something she had never felt in a match - FEAR! Brenda calls both wrestlers to the center of the ring .As both wrestlers attempt to " psyche out " the other, Brenda reviews the stipulations for the match. She asks if either combatant has any questions. Both wrestlers shake their heads - NO!! Brenda tells both wrestlers to return to the corner and await the bell. Brenda signals Ted and he rings the bell. Edrea cautiously approaches Jintana. The " Thai Tigress " comes out fast .She catches Edrea with a Leg Sweep. As Edrea hits the mat, Jintana follows up with a stomp to Edrea's stomach. As Edrea doubles up from the pain in her abdomen and an inability to breathe; Jintana executes a Knee Drop that connects with Edrea's temple. Edrea is momentarily stunned and expels a loud moan. In less than 45 seconds into the match; Edrea is in trouble. Jintana grabs Edrea by her gold locks and begins to pull her to her feet. She slams a knee into her forehead four times before letting her fall back to the mat. Edrea lies on the mat staring blankly at the lights. Jintana connects with a Double Knee Drop into Edrea's stomach knocking all air from her body. Edrea rolls onto her side in the fetal position trying to regain her breathe and relieve the pain. Jintana pulls her to her feet and positions her for a Reverse Pile Driver. Jintana tightens her grip around Edrea's waist and sits down hard driving Edrea's head into the mat with authority. Edrea lies twitching on the mat. Brenda begins her count;"1-2-3- 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 " Jintana picks her head up to break the count and to administer more punishment. The crowd cheers the destruction of Edrea due to her poor showing. Jintana picks her up and delivers a devastating Power Slam. Edrea twitches, as she lays on the mat unable to move. Jintana climbs to the top rope and launches herself intending to land a Flying Elbow. Edrea is able to lift her knees. Several of Jintana's ribs crack upon impact with Edrea's knees. She rolls off Edrea's knees clutching her ribs writhing in pain. Edrea is unable to exploit her advantage due to the beating she has received. She lays looking at the lights overhead completely unaware of Jintara's condition. Jintana forces herself to her knees and quickly assesses the situation. She crawls toward Edrea as she attempts to move. Edrea sits up and is met with a chop to the throat. She is knocked back to the mat clutching her throat struggling to breathe. Jintana delivers a Knife Hand to the throat exacerbating her situation. Jintana crawls behind Edrea and applies a combination Choke - Sleeper Hold. Edrea is too weakened by lack of oxygen and the impact of the blows she has received to escape from Jintana 's Sleeper Hold. Jintana fights through the pain of her cracked ribs and cinches up the Sleeper - Choke Hold tighter. Edrea's arms and legs flay around aimlessly until she is unconscious. Brenda counts her out and motions to Ted to ring the bell. Brenda tells Jintana to release the hold. She lets Edrea fall to the mat and rolls to her side clutching her ribs. Paramedics come to the ring and slide Jintana onto a stretcher to take her to hospital. While Jintana is being taken down the aisle, Ted announces," IN 23 MINUTES AND 19 SECONDS, THE WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION BY K.O. IS THE THAI TIGRESS - JINTANA!! " The sirens blare with Jintana on board as Edrea regains consciousness. Brenda helps her to her feet. Brenda explains what happened and a second helps Edrea to her dressing room. After the beating she endured, she feels fortunate to have survived. In her heart she knows she will never wrestle Jintana again - by her choice.